A Ceer Ar As A ChArtered GlobAl MAnAgement AccountAnt

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BE Th e brainsbe hind th ebusinessA career as a chartered globalmanagement accountant

With CGMA, Ican reach formy ambitions.

1CONTENTS3Why become a Chartered Global Management Accountant with CIMA?3455Accounting and so much moreThe CIMA differenceWho is CIMA?Why choose CIMA?10 Where do I start my journey to become a CGMA?12141617171820202122The journey from student to CGMAThe qualificationsWhat do I need to do to become qualified with CIMA?How long does it take to complete CIMA?How much does it cost?What will I learn?Entry options – Exemptions and gateway routesWhat study options are available for CIMA?What our students, prospective students and employers say about usRegistration and contact details

BE Th e brainsbe hind th ebusinessI am globally recognised for my experience,professionalism and commitment.

Why become a Chartered Global Management Accountant with CIMA?Why become a Chartered GlobalManagement Accountant with CIMA?Accounting and so much moreYou may have come across the letters“CGMA” after someone’s name.These signify the person is a Chartered Global Management AccountantSM (CGMA ) designationholder and a member of world-renowned prestigious professional bodies. Managementaccountants are highly sought after individuals with a wide range of business, financial andanalytical expertise. They are different from financial accountants you may be familiar with.how CHARTERED global management accountants are different.Financial accountantsPrepare reports, generally basedon past performance; in line withreporting requirements.CHARTERED Global Management accountantsVSFinancial accountantsProduce the required financialinformation for use by other functionswithin the business, for exampledepartment managers.VSCollate information such as revenue, cashflow and outstandingdebts to produce timely trend reports and statistics to informimportant, day-to-day management and business decisions.CHARTERED Global Management accountantsCombine financial information with non-financial informationdata to paint a complete picture of the business. They use thisto drive business success.3

4The CIMA differenceThere are a few things you should know about CIMA.Our relationship with the businesscommunityWe revise our syllabus regularly based onbusiness trends and the employment needsof businesses globally. How do we do that?We run extensive, interlocking research withemployers globally to understand the typeof employees they are looking for to drivebusiness forward.The CGMA Competency Framework –foundation of the CIMA syllabusWith the information we have fromemployers globally, we developed aframework which shows the skills andcompetencies that finance professionalsneed to boost employability. The frameworkprovides the foundation for our 2015syllabus and assessment methods aswell as our continuous professionaldevelopment strategy. This ensuresCGMA designation holders are competentand confident management accountingprofessionals who can guide and leadsustainable business success.Our innovation in assessment technologyTo make CGMAs even more employable, wehave pioneered a combination of computerbased assessments that not only test ourstudents’ knowledge but also their abilityto apply this knowledge in the businessenvironment.Simply put, CIMA people are the answer tomany employers’ concern – “They have thequalification but can they do the job?”Chartered Global ManagementAccountant. The CGMA mission is topromote management accounting andthe value that management accountantsadd to an organisation.The CGMA designation signifies that you area trusted business strategist who can applynon-financial qualitative information alongwith financial analysis to understand allaspects of the business. The designationcontinually sharpens business acumen byproviding the tools, reports and researchholders need to help drive sustainablebusiness success.Yes, they can. They have gone through aseries of competency based, integratedCIMA assessments.The CGMA designationOur joint venture with the AICPAbrought us the CGMA designation –THE GOALTHE SOLUTIONHaving a successfulcareer in business.THE CHALLENGEHaving the skills andknowledge employers want.Study the CIMA qualification;become a CGMA and get theskills and designation I need.

Why become a Chartered Global Management Accountant with CIMA?Who is CIMA?CIMA is the Chartered Institute ofManagement AccountantsIt is the world’s largest professional body of chartered global managementaccountants, and offers the most relevant accounting qualification for acareer in business. We have members and students in 178 countries,making our qualification the preferred choice for employers.Why choose CIMA?There are so many benefits to choosingCIMA and here are a few of them:#I employers globally choose CGMAIf you are considering a career in business and finance andwant to develop your future with a world-class employer,CIMA is the professional qualification to have.Thousands of companies around the world, frommultinationals to the newest start-ups in the public andprivate sectors, train their people with us. Chances are thatin any sector you can think of, there will be CIMA membersdriving businesses forward. Some of the employers who traintheir staff with CIMA are BP, Capgemini, Coca-Cola, Deloitte,GlaxoSmithKline, HSBC, Nestle, UK National Health Service,Siemens. Search for more employers:www.cimaglobal.com/ouremployers5

6#2 Greater earning potentialA CIMA qualification can increase your earning potential, even while you are still studying. Our globalsalary surveys show what you can expect to earn as a fully qualified or part-qualified professional.Average salary by country for CIMA students and members:Poland2Students: PLN10,968Members: N/ARussia2Students: RUB171,764Members: N/AUK1Students: 36,146Members: 66,710Pakistan2Students: PKR63,067Members: N/AIndia1Students: Rs.10.86 lakhsMembers: Rs.30.02 lakhsIreland1Students: 44,221Members: 89,132Sri Lanka2Students: Rs.64,814Members: Rs.240,123Canada1Students: N/AMembers: CAN 132,697China1Students: RMB313,9533Members: RMB868,8253USA1Students: N/AMembers: US 193,465Hong Kong2Students: HK 42,3923Members: HK 97,452Singapore2Students: SGD6,076Members: SGD16,792Zambia2Students: ZMW7,207Members: ZMW19,5463Botswana1Students: P212,333Members: P557,0003South Africa1Students: R414,996Members: R906,943Source: 2013 CIMA Salary SurveyMalaysia1Students: RM65,675Members: RM199,240New Zealand1Students: N/AMembers: NZ 138,683Australia1Students: AUS 100,946Members: AUS 145,9711: Total annual salary2: Total monthly salary3: Caution: low base, under 30

Why become a Chartered Global Management Accountant with CIMA?#3 Develop skills and gaincompetence as you progressOne of the most exciting aspects of embarking upon a CIMAqualification is the way it will enhance your career if you’re alreadyworking. As you progress through each level, you’ll find yourselfacquiring and gaining business and financial skills that are directlyrelevant to the work you are in. This, in turn, will prepare you forlarger, more interesting roles and greater responsibility within yourorganisation. As you progress through the qualification you’ll alsogain individual awards after each level.#4 A higher levelof professionalismEverything we teach and practise at CIMAis underpinned by the very highest levelsof professionalism and a clear set of ethics.7

8#5 Opening doors around theworld WITH the CGMA designationOnce you complete the CIMA Professional Qualificationand obtain your membership, you’ll be eligible to use thedesignation letters CGMA (Chartered Global ManagementAccountant).CGMA is the global designation for managementaccountants, powered by AICPA (American Institute ofCertified Public Accountants) and CIMA, two of the world’smost prestigious accounting organisations. Having the lettersCGMA after your name brings huge career benefits, including: G lobal recognition of your experience, commitment andskills by key employers C onnection to a community of like-minded peers withwhom you can share best practice A ccess to CGMA tools, webinars, reports and researchthat will keep you at the forefront of your professionand give you a competitive edge.CGMA , CHARTERED GLOBALMANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTand the CGMA logo aretrademarks of the Associationof International CertifiedProfessional Accountants.These trademarks areregistered in the UnitedStates and in other countries.With the CGMAdesignation myskills will berecognised allover the world.

Why become a Chartered Global Management Accountant with CIMA?9MY JOBSStraight toyour inLet us doboxthe hardfree service an work. Signup ford get groureatyou automatic jobs sent toally.Uploadyour CVDon’t memploy iss out. Uploaders canmatch your CV so ouyour debest avtails to railablethejobs.Graduate CareersCheckoutprogram the latest gradmuatee,inapprenteticeship rnship andopportunities.#6 Global jobopportunitiesQualifying as a chartered global management accountant withCIMA will open up global job opportunities in whatever sectoryou choose to work.As a CIMA student you will have the skills and knowledgeto move between roles, taking on new business and financialchallenges. This process will open your eyes to the huge number ofopportunities that are open to someone with a CIMA qualification.Many job opportunities can be found on CIMA MY JOBS. Thisis our official jobsite, where major global employers regularlyadvertise sought after positions.myjobs.cimaglobal.comBE Thebrainsbehind thebusiness

BE Th e brainsbe hind th ebusinessI’m equipped with All the SKILLS I need as a newlyqualified chartered GLOBAL management accountant.

Where do I start my journey to become a CGMA?Where do I startmy journey tobecome a CGMA?Our flexible entry policy gives anyonewith a passion for business the chanceto study towards CIMA regardless ofeducational background.We recognise that people come to CIMA at different stages in theirlife. It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to business and accountingor an experienced professional.For this reason we have created a framework that allows you totake advantage of existing qualifications and skills you may havealready gained, but ensures you still acquire all the skills, knowledgeand experience you need to become a qualified chartered globalmanagement accountant. Ambitious school leavers, graduates andprofessionals have all chosen CIMA as the most relevant accountingqualification for a career in business. All you need is a good grasp ofmaths and English.11

The Journey From Student to CGMAs you can see from the CIMA journey, where you embark upon the process will depend upon your specific qualifications.designation holderAWARD / Membership of the Chartered Institute ofManagement Accountants and the CGMA designationAWARD / CIMA Diploma in Management AccountingOperational Case Study ExamE1OrganisationalManagementENTERPRISE PILLARCERTIFICATELEVELF1FinancialReporting andTaxationPre-requisite entry requirements(e.g. CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting, degrees in business or accounting or AAT Technician/Diploma level).Paper C03Fundamentalsof BusinessMathematicsPaper C04Fundamentalsof BusinessEconomicsPaper C05Fundamentals ofEthics, CorporateGovernance andBusiness ialReportingAWARD / CIMA Diploma in Management AccountingOperational Case Study ExamE1OrganisationalManagementENTERPRISE MANCE PILLARF1FinancialReporting andTaxationFINANCIAL PILLARAWARD / CIMA Certificate in Business AccountingPre-requisite entry requirements(e.g. CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting, degrees in business or accounting or AAT Technician/Diploma level).Paper C01Fundamentalsof ManagementAccountingStStOPERATIONALLEVELPassed the Certificatein Business Accountingor evidenced otherqualifications(exemptions gained).udyBu MAsin Ces erts A ificc catou ent iningStu tud(C itio y oIM n ptAs pro iontu vi s;dy de.co rsEXm , seAMS, C lfIM stuA dyCepu5 rtiblxfiishex o cam bje atinegs o cti inten ve Bxtde te us).m st inan s ( esQUd) co s A. m cALIFYpu cote unr b tias ngedCIPaper C02Fundamentalsof FinancialAccountingManagement Case Study ExamE2Project andRelationshipManagementEntry requirementsFINANCIAL PILLARAWARD / CIMA Certificate in Business AccountingPaper C01Fundamentalsof ManagementAccountingYou don’t need any formalqualifications to start the Certificatein Business Accounting. You will needa good understanding of both Englishand maths and a passionto succeed in business.P1ManagementAccountingPERFORMANCE PILLARF3Financial StrategyPractical experience / lifelong learningCIMA ProfessionalQualificationP3Risk ManagementAWARD / CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management AccountingStu tud(C itio y oIM n ptAs pro iontu vi s;dy deEX.co rsm , seAMS, C lfIM stuA dyPrpuo9 fbl3 x o essishx i bj ioinnt ec nageg tiv l Qtera e uxtte te al).d st ifica s ( caQUse co tist mp onALIFYud uie tes( rbfo asur edCIex aQ MAam ndua Plifi row onin dca fedo emtio ssiw ann onsa dalye ementMANAGEMENTLEVELPaper C02Fundamentalsof FinancialAccountingPaper C03Fundamentalsof BusinessMathematicsPaper C04Fundamentalsof BusinessEconomicsPaper C05Fundamentals ofEthics, CorporateGovernance andBusiness Strategic Case Study ExamudF3Financial StrategyManagement Case Study ExamE2Project andRelationshipManagementEntry requirements1P3Risk ManagementAWARD / CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management AccountingPractical experience / lifelong learningE3StrategicManagementCIMA Certificatein Business AccountingAssessment of practical experienceSTRATEGICLEVELStrategic Case Study ExamMANAGEMENTLEVEL12/13AWARD / Membership of the Chartered Institute ofManagement Accountants and the CGMA designationAssessment of practical experienceSTRATEGICLEVELWhere do I start my journey to become a CGMA?CONGRATULATIONS!Start here if youdo not have anyqualificationsin business oraccounting.Start here ifyou have Anyqualificationsin business oraccounting.You may qualifyfor exemptions andfast track yourprogress.fast track routeYou may be eligible for the Gateway Route ifyou have any of the below qualifications: MBA Master’s in Accounting Selected professional qualification(find out more www.cimaglobal.com/cimagatewayroutes).Gateway routes students will take the CIMAGateway Exam and proceed to the Strategic levelobjective tests and integrated case studyYou have become aCGMA designationholder!fast track routeGateway routeEarn as you learnCompetence and confidence increase as youpass each level. Salary level and promotionopportunity increase as you add value tothe business with the skills and knowledgeacquired through the CIMA qualification.Assessmentof practicalexperience(applies toall routes)

14The QualificationsThe CIMA qualification consists of two parts,the Certificate in Business Accounting (Cert BA)and the Professional Qualification.The Certificate in Business Accounting (Cert BA)The Cert BA is CIMA’s entry level accounting qualificationfor those with little or no accounting background. It canbe a knowledge refresher course or a foundation to acareer in business and finance. The Cert BA forms thebasis of the CIMA Professional Qualification and is avaluable qualification in its own right. With it you’llachieve a solid understanding of basic accounting,management accounting and business principles.Skills include preparing financial reports, forecastingperformance and data analysis.The CIMA Professional QualificationThe professional qualification comprises nine separatesubjects that are organised in three pillars and three levels. T hree pillars – represent specific areas of knowledge,The pillars are enterprise, performance and financial. T hree levels – represents levels of achievement. Thelevels are operational, management and strategic.When combined with the required practical experience,the CIMA Professional Qualification becomes a powerfultool for a career in business.www.cimaglobal.com/CIMA2015The syllabus trains students in not onlyaccounting and finance, but also thesoft skills you need to navigate throughdifficult business scenarios and manageprofessional relationships.

Where do I start my journey to become a CGMA?AWARD / Membership of the Chartered Institute ofManagement Accountants and the CGMA designationSTRATEGICLEVELStrategic Case Study ExamE3StrategicManagementMANAGEMENTLEVELP3Risk ManagementF3Financial StrategyAWARD / CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management AccountingManagement Case Study ExamE2Project WARD / CIMA Diploma in Management AccountingOperational Case Study ExamE1OrganisationalManagementENTERPRISE MANCE PILLARF1FinancialReporting andTaxationFINANCIAL PILLARAWARD / CIMA Certificate in Business AccountingPre-requisite entry requirements(e.g. CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting, degrees in business or accounting or AAT Technician/Diploma level).Paper C01Fundamentalsof ManagementAccountingPaper C02Fundamentalsof FinancialAccountingPaper C03Fundamentalsof BusinessMathematicsPaper C04Fundamentalsof BusinessEconomicsPaper C05Fundamentals ofEthics, CorporateGovernance andBusiness LawPractical experience / lifelong learningThe CIMAsyllabusframeworkAssessment of practical experience15

16What do I need to do tobecome qualified with CIMA?To qualify as a CGMA, you must: P ass five examinations for the Certificate inBusiness Accounting (you may qualify for someexemptions) P ass nine objective tests and three integratedcase studies for the Professional Qualification(you may qualify for exemptions) C omplete a period of at least three years ofwork experience, which can be gained before,during and/or after studies.From 2015 I cantake on-demandobjective tests,which fit aroundmy busy schedule.From 2015 you will be able to take your on-demandobjective test exams and attend four integratedcase study exam sittings a year at over 5,000 CBAcentres in 178 countries. CIMA’s move away frompaper-based examinations reflects the wider use oftechnology in education and in the workplace. CIMAis the first global accountancy body to develop acombination of computerised assessments. Andwe’re proud to be leading the way.

Where do I start my journey to become a CGMA?How long does it take to complete CIMA?Certificate in Business Accounting (Cert BA)People approach CIMA from all walks of life.Many begin their journey with the Cert BA.This involves studying and registering for fiveexams at your own pace. On average, studentstake about a year to complete this level.Exams can be taken in any order you choose.You can sit them throughout the year at over5,000 Computer Based Assessment (CBA)centres around the world. To find out whereyour nearest CBA centre is please go to:www.cimaglobal.com/certbaProfessional QualificationThe three levels within the ProfessionalQualification must be completed by level, oneat a time. The examinations are designed togive a great deal of flexibility so that studentscan fit their exam sitting around their lifestyle.However, you should set yourself a target oftaking no more than four years to completethe Professional Qualification.The three subjects within each level areassessed by on-demand objective tests.You must pass all three objective tests(or have been granted an exemption) beforesitting an integrated case study exam tocomplete the level. These are set once everythree months.Typically you might expect to spend betweenthree and four months studying for each ofthe objective test subjects followed by anothersix to eight weeks preparing for the integratedcase study exam.How much does itcost to study CIMA?CIMA students pay a one-time registration fee,an annual subscription fee, and a fee for eachexam or exemption. All fees are charged inP

A ceer Ar As A chArtered globAl mAnAgement AccountAnt er t h A i ss. With cgmA, i cAn reAch for my Ambitions. 3 hy become a Chartered Global Management Accountant with CIMA? W 3ccounting and so much more A 4 The CIMA difference 5 Who is CIMA? 5 Why choose CIMA?

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