entsand Programsin the Collegeof ScienceLetter From the ChairBiochemistry &BiophysicsDear Friends,http://physics.oregonstate.edu/BiologyIt has been many years since we havedistributed a newsletter, and as aresult we have quite a few things toshare with you.Botany & encesMathematicsMicrobiologyMolecular &Cellular BiologyPhysicsPre-professionalPrograms in theHealth SciencesProfessionalScience MastersScience &MathematicsEducationStatisticsZoologyVolume 1, Issue 1, January, 2007INSIDE:page 2In Memoriampage 3New Facultypage 42005-06 Bachelors Degreespage 5First Graduates:Computational Physics ProgramProfessional Science Masterspage 6AWIS Workshop PhotosPage 7ContributionsPage 8Janet Tate’s LaboratorySince our last newsletter in 2000, sixnew faculty members have joinedthe department. You will find a shortdescription of these outstanding newprofessors later in this newsletter. TheDepartment has not grown, however,since several faculty members haveretired. These retired faculty membersare John Gardner, David Griffiths, CarlKocher, Ken Krane, Rubin Landau, PhilSiemens, Al Stetz, and Allen Wasserman. Currently, Ken Krane, RubinLandau, and Al Stetz are still active inthe Department on part time teachingand/or research appointments. I canassure you, however, that hiring theseyoung faculty members in the Department resulted in an infusion of newenthusiasm! We are currently advertising for another faculty position.A sad change to report is the passingaway of several emeritus facultymembers. David Griffiths will be trulymissed, and it is too unfortunate thathe was not able to enjoy his retirement very long and to fulfill all planshe had made. Please see the obituarywritten by Rubin Landau in thisnewsletter. Also, Mel Cutler (retired1988) and David Burch (retired 1989)passed away.We report two first occurrences. Weare now awarding BS degrees in Computational Physics; the first graduatewas Jon La Follet. We are also awarding MS degrees in the ProfessionalScience Masters program; the firstgraduate was Lisa Eccles.Physics is newsworthy even to thegeneral public. Viktor Podolskiy wasjust featured on KEZI news, wherehe described his work towards fasteroptical communication. John Gardnerwas on KEZI news a while ago talkingabout his special printers for the visually impaired.A former student, Steve Gass (1986BS Physics) is profiled in Time Magazine, (May 15, 2006 pg A16) for hisinvention of the SawStop.I wish everybody a great 2007, keepthinking physics!Henri Jansen
PhysicsIn MemoriamDavid John Griffiths15 June 1938 –15 January 2005Dave Griffiths passed away on January 15, 2005 at home surrounded by family aftera brief illness. He had just retired from Oregon State University in June 2003 after36 years in the professorial ranks and was looking forward to following many of hisdiverse and passionate interests.David studied physics at undergraduate and graduate levels at the University ofBritish Columbia in Vancouver, the city in which he grew up and whose hockey teamhe cherished. He received his Ph.D. in 1965 after research on radiation from orientednuclei and optical Faraday rotation of parametric resonances in various materials.He then became a research fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering at theUniversity of Southern California, and was made a faculty member there after oneyear. David did original research on type II superconductors at USC until 1967, whenhe came to OSU.While at OSU, David did research on a number of topics in solid state physics including superconductivity, amorphous materials, X ray diffraction, and the hypervelocityimpact of small particles. He undertook research sabbaticals at Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory and at the National Research Laboratory in Saclay, France, and spent anumber of summers working on the Stardust program at Jet Propulsion Laboratory.His research, seminars and work with graduate students displayed the clarity anddepth of a thoughtful, well-organized and caring physicist who was enthusiasticabout his work.David taught classes at all levels, did not complain if the load was heavy or thesubject was one he had not taught before, and was an excellent teacher in all. Insome sense this is to be expected since he had the “gift of the gab”, a keen interestin most every subject, a true caring for people around him, and an infectious laughthat let everyone know that while he took his work most seriously, he did not takehimself all that seriously. In 1978 he received the OSU Carter Award for excellence ininstruction, in 1986 he received the Alpha Lambda Delta outstanding teacher award,and from 1986-90 he was a guest lecturer as part of the American Institute of Physics’ Visiting Professor Program.As part of David’s strong commitment to community and university service, he wasactive in Corvallis politics, especially those dealing with land-use issues. He gavemany hours to work with the Faculty Senate and other committees at OSU, includingeight years in the Senate, two years on the Senate’s Executive Committee, and fiveyears as chair of the Condon Lecture Committee. He also was a strong supporter of afaculty union at OSU, which he hoped would be a vehicle to obtain more leverage indiscussions with the Administration regarding improved and more equitable salariesfor all faculty, and not just the superstars.On a personal level, David, with his combination of keen intellect and laughter thatechoed down the halls, was a fun and rewarding person to be around. He readvoraciously and diversely, and loved to discuss the latest books he was reading(especially when they revealed the historical proof of some conspiracy). He was asfundamentally good and responsible a person as could be found, and brought out thebest in others. His children carry this spirit as their heritage, while we who knew himgrieve the loss of his treasured friendship. There is a bench dedicated to David in thepark near the historical end of Circle Boulevard, upon which one can sit and enjoythe beautiful view across the valley to the Cascades.RHL2
PhysicsNew FacultyEthan D. Minot will join the department in January 2007 as an AssistantProfessor. He received his Ph.D.from Cornell University in 2004. Hisresearch focus is on the development of nanoscale biosensors usingsemiconducting carbon nanotubes. Inpursuit of single-molecule sensitivity,he investigates interactions betweencharged molecules in aqueous solution and electron transport in singlenanotube transistor devices.David Roundy joined the departmentin September 2006 as an AssistantProfessor. He received his Ph.D. fromUniversity of California at Berkeley in2001. His research concentrates oncomputation of electronic, mechanical and other properties of condensedmatter systems including superconductors, nanotubes and defectsin semiconductors. Currently, he isfocusing on the creation of a classicaldensity functional to describe water,and application of this approach toaqueous interfaces and systems inaqueous solution.Oksana Ostroverkhova joined thedepartment in January 2005 as anAssistant Professor. She received herPh. D. from Case Western ReserveUniversity in 2001. Her researchinvolves the Organic Photonics andElectronics Group which exploreslight-matter interactions in organicoptical materials. Of particular interestare the basic physics of exciton andphotogenerated charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors andinorganic-organic polymer nano-composites, photophysical and electronicproperties of individual molecules instudies of complex environments, andapplications of organic molecules innanoscale electronic and all-opticaldevices.Viktor Podolskiy joined the department in September 2004 as an Assistant Professor. He received his Ph.D.from New Mexico University in 2002.His research includes some fundamental problems of electromagnetism incomposite media, development of newnanostructured materials, photonicdevices, and interplay of optical phenomena on nano- and micro-scales.Yun-Shik Lee joined the departmentin September 2001 as an AssistantProfessor. He received his Ph.D. fromUniversity of Texas in 1997. His research focuses on terahertz spectroscopy and ultrafast carrier dynamics insemiconductors using femtosecondlasers. Major activities are (i) development of new schemes to manipulateteraherz (THz) pulses using optical rectification in nonlinear crystals (LiNbO3, ZnTe, and GaAs), (ii) optical and THzmeasurements at cryogenic temperature to investigate exciton dynamics insemiconductor quantum wells (QWs)under strong THz fields, and (iii) studyof large amplitude motions in proteinsvia THz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS) investigating the feasibilityof using THz spectroscopy for biosensing and analysis. In May 2006, Dr. Leewas awarded tenure and promoted toAssociate Professor.Günter Schneider joined thedepartment in September 2006 asan Assistant Professor. He is anOSU Physics Department Alum; hereceived his Ph.D. in 1999. He studiesproperties of advanced materialsand systems on the nanoscale usinga variety of computational methods.Current research focuses (i) on thethermodynamics of metal clustersusing Monte Carlo simulations withempirical and ab-initio potentials, and(ii) the study of transport in systemswith reduced dimensionality andstrong correlations using a real-timeapproach within the density matrixrenormalization group.3
PhysicsSUMMER 20052005-06BachelorsDegreesDaniel M. NovalBS, Physics/Engr PhysicsFALL 2005Joshua A. ClementsBS, Engr PhysicsDouglas J. FettigHBS, PhysicsAttending graduate school at University of Rochester.Susan A. E. GuylerBS, PhysicsNathan B. PaulBS, PhysicsWINTER 2006Benjamin F. BurnettBS, PhysicsSPRING 2006Timothy M. AnnaBS, PhysicsKyle C. AugustsonBS, Physics/Computational PhysicsAttending graduate school at University of Colorado, Astrophysics.Connelly S. BarnesHBS, Computational PhysicsAttending Princeton University, Computer Science.Micah J. BriedwellBS, PhysicsWorking as an Electrical Engineer atRockwell Collins.Philip C. CarterBS, Computational PhysicsAttending graduate school at Christopher Newport University, Computational Physics.Joseph W. PetersonBA, PhysicsCoaching a water polo team at a highschool in Beaverton and preparing toapply for graduate studies in physicsor medical physics.Zack PetersonBA, PhysicsWorking for Bredero Shaw Oil, settingup a new quality control lab.James C. SandersHBS, PhysicsChristopher S. SmithHBS, PhysicsChristopher J. SomesBS, PhysicsJoshua P. StagerBS, PhysicsAlison L. StoneklifftBS, PhysicsMatthew W. ChristensenBS, PhysicsBrett A. ValentiBA, PhysicsAttending graduate school at OregonState University, Mechanical Engineering.Micah C. EastmanBS, PhysicsAttending graduate school PortlandState University, Physics.Brent M. ValleBS, PhysicsAttending graduate school at CaseWestern Reserve University.Roger H.C. WongBS, Physics/Engr. Physics4
PhysicsCOMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS PROGRAMFIRST GRADUATEFIRST PROFESSIONAL SCIENCEMASTERS GRADUATEJon La Follet, a computer whiz whowasn’t sure he wanted to attendcollege after graduating from highschool in a small Oregon loggingtown, has received Oregon StateUniversity’s first Bachelor of Sciencedegree in computational physics inJune 2003.In September, Elizabeth (“Lisa”)Eccles passed her final oral exam andbecame the first student to completeour new Professional Science Mastersprogram in Applied Physics. The PSMprogram was designed specifically toprepare graduates for employmentoutside of academia. In addition to acore of graduate-level physics courses, the curriculum includes courses inbusiness, communications and ethics.An off-campus internship replaces thetraditional Masters Thesis or researchproject.La Follet grew up and attended highschool in Molalla, a town with a population of about 3,600 nestled in thefoothills of the Cascade Mountainsabout 60 miles south of Portland.La Follet attended Clackamas Community College in Oregon City for twoyears before transferring to OSU. Hegraduated with a double major inphysics and computational physics.“I don’t really feel like a pioneer,”said La Follet. “I actually didn’t realizethe computational physics curriculumwas so new.”The degree represents a milestonenot only for La Follet, 23, but alsofor the university, its pioneeringphysics professor Rubin Landau, andorganizations such as the NationalScience Foundation and the NationalPartnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI), whichsupported Landau’s efforts to establish the computational physics forundergraduates program at OregonState University.Since September, Lisa has beenemployed as a Product Engineer byWaferTech in Camas, Washington.The Camas semiconductor “foundry”produces silicon chips for use inapplications such as cell phones,computer monitors, and video games.She divides her time between “failureanalysis,” using tools like the electronmicroscope to find the mechanismsof chip failure, and “yield analysis,”studying steps of the manufacturingprocess to identify problems that canlower the yield of marketable chips.She likes to compare her work to thatof a detective on the television program CSI. Lisa reports that her newjob is “certainly challenging whichmakes it very rewarding for a first jobout of school!”Information on the ProfessionalScience Masters Program inApplied Physics is available athttp://professionalmasters.science.orst.edu.A graduate of Linfield College, Lisabegan study in the OSU Physics Department in Fall, 2004. After completing her course work, she obtained aninternship this past summer at the JetPropulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. The laboratory isaffiliated with the California Instituteof Technology and NASA. At JPL, Lisaworked with Dr. Charles Hays studyingthe effects of very low temperatureson the transmission of light throughoptical fiber cables. In addition to herwork in the lab, Lisa had a chance toexercise her new business and communication skills when participating ina “real world” program review for JPLadministrators.5
PhysicsGrad student Katrina Hay helps a 7thgrader who is about to discover thatatmospheric pressure can implode asoda can.Association for Women in Science(AWIS) workshop 2003“Discovering the Scientist Within”OSU Department of PhysicsPhotographs courtesy of Dara Easely;Demos set up by Tim Taylor.Grad student Emily Townsend shows the7th and 8th graders the harmonic in themusical tones they’re producing.So this is angular momentum?Grad student Pom Wattanakasiwichreacts with delight as a 7th graderproduces a loud note from a resonatingglass tube.6
PhysicsCONTRIBUTIONSMany thanks to the following donors whose generous contributions during between July 1st 2004 and June 30th 2006helped fund faculty search and graduate student recruitment.Mr. & Mrs. Daniel AllredDr. & Ms. William AndersonMr. Melvin BalsigerDr. & Ms. Lance BautistaMr. & Ms.Curtis BradleyMr. & Ms. Albert BrooksDr. Bert BrownDr. & Ms. Ted CannonDr. & Ms. Lee CaspersonMr. Arthur ChenowethMr. & Mrs. Richard ClarkDr. & Mrs. Lamar ColemanMr. Christopher CornuelleMr. & Ms. L. W. DanilsonDr. & Dr. Charles DrakeDr. Alan FahrenbruchMr. & Mrs. Stephen GassMr. Todd Goldsmith & Ms.Diane DearMs. Elinor GriffithsMr. David Gross &Mrs. Michelle Eckler GrossDr. & Mrs. Greagory HallMr. & Ms. Jack HannahDr. David Hanson &Ms. Elma Lee NoahMr. & Ms. Ronald HeggMr. & Ms. John HockenMr. Ernest LuferMs. Jean JensenMr. & Ms. Nick KezeleMr. & Ms. Todd KjosMr. Roger LangbehnMr. Robert LawrenceMr. & Dr. Chug-Han LinMr. & Ms. Jing-Tsang LinDr. & Ms. Donald LynchMr. & Ms. Glenn MartinMr. & Ms. Scott MasonDr. David McIntyre & Dr. Janet TateMr. & Ms. Benjamin McMorranMr. Donald MiedanerMr. Toby MoleskiMr. Michael MorganMr. George MountMr. & Mrs.Peter MulderDr. Donald NelsonMr. Daniel NeuhauserMr. Benjamin NielsenMr. Kristian OdebjerDr. & Ms. Thomas O’HalloranMr. & Ms.Albert ParrMr. Garry PetrieMr. & Mrs. Martin ReillyDr. & Ms. William RobertsonMr. Michael Fredd &Ms. Karen Sadler-FreddDr. Steven SahyunDr. & Ms. Jeffrey SchnickMr. & Ms. Jack ShorbMr. Neil SpencerMrs. Shirley StekelDr. & Mrs. Frederick SterkMr. & Ms. Steven SternDr. Thomas SwansonDr. & Dr. Jeffrey TonnDr. Allen WassermanDr. & Ms. Georg WeidlichMr. & Mrs. Benjamin WhiteleyMr. Jon WilsonMr. & Mrs. Philip WolfCol. & Ms. Robert YeendCOMPANIESBoeing CompanyHewlett-Packard CompanyIntel FoundationSmith Barney Charitable Trust IncStandard Insurance CompanyTektronix FoundationWorld Reach IncHow can you help?There are several ways you can support the Physics Department Donations: You can make donations of any amount to several different scholarship funds or to thegeneral Physics Department fund.Speakers: The grad students and the SPS are always looking for interesting and fun speakers, preferably OSU Physics graduates. Come and share where you have gone with your degree. It will serve to motivate current students!Contact Anne Ruggiero, Director of DevelopmentCollege of Science, (541) 737-3603 for details on contributionsor contact Paula Rhodaback (541) 737-1681 to donate your time!7
Janet Tate’s laboratory recently acquired a second pulsed laser deposition chamber.The accompanying photograph shows graduate students Robert Kykyneshi andPaul Newhouse working with the deposition systems.
Physics SUMMER 2005 Daniel M. Noval BS, Physics/Engr Physics FALL 2005 Joshua A. Clements BS, Engr Physics WINTER 2006 Benjamin F. Burnett BS, Physics SPRING 2006 Timothy M. Anna BS, Physics Kyle C. Augustson BS, Physics/Computational Physics Attending graduate school at Univer-sity of Colorado, Astrophysics. Connelly S. Barnes HBS .
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