Superior Court Of California County Of Imperial

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Superior Court of CaliforniaCounty of Imperial“NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED MONIES”I, Maria Rhinehart, Court Executive Officer, Superior Court of California, County ofImperial, certify as follows:Notice is hereby given that due to unclaimed, undeliverable, returned and stale datedchecks, monies presently held in the Superior Court of California, County of Imperial TrustAccounts, will be transferred into the Local or State Funds effective June 4, 2021 in accordancewith Government Code Sections 50050, 50051, 50052, 50052.5, 68084.1; Penal Code 1420,1421, and 1463.006.Claims for refund listed below must be received no later than April 28, 2021.The Claim form and instructions are available at Contactthe Accounting Department at Superior Court of California, County of Imperial, 939 W MainStreet, El Centro, California, 92243, telephone (760)336-3515 for information regarding theclaim process.I certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct.Maria Rhinehart, Court Executive OfficerSuperior Court of California, County of ImperialDepositor – Accounts PayableWebb, Sandra . 467.23Webb, Sandra . 467.23Depositor - Jury AccountAcosta, Santa Marie .Adame, Jaime .Aguinigavillegas, Clemente .Alvarez, Kevin .Amador, Alejandro .Araujo Lam, Carlo .Arispe, Joshua David .Armijo, Tami Kay.Asche, Jean Renee .Avila, Moises .Beltran, Dianna Betzaira.Bibiano, Gustavo .Bustos, Alberto .Carmona, Catherine Mariel .Carrasco Rodriguez, Yadira.Carrillorodriguez, Sarai 821.4247.0496.1264.3246.3246.02

Castro, Ana Esther . 38.84Castro, David . 138.32Castro, J Mickey . 22.14Chavez Frangos, Sharim . 20.10Cooley, Lisa Diane . 20.10Corfman, Linda Kay . 35.44Cota, Destany Michelle . 30.12Coyne, Nolan Randall. 59.28Cuen, Joseph A . 31.36Dale, Austin Jacob . 85.20De La Garza, Oralia . 47.04Deanda, Jessica . 31.36Derma, Felicia Ann. 35.74Diaz, Eugenia . 87.12Dominguez Garcia, Ignacio . 83.50Duran, Beatriz. 31.36Evans, Chloe Jane . 31.20Felixruelas, Myriam Amparo. 32.04Gamboa, Maria Antonia . 20.10Garcia, Arthur Jason . 45.36Garcia, Gerardo Jose. 20.10Garcia, Mayra Fernanda . 46.02Gibson, Thomas James . 20.10Godinez, Luis Antonio . 79.04Gonzalez Pae, Christina . 20.10Guevara Cortez, Alicia . 39.52Gutierrez, Juan Ramon . 136.08Guzman, Jared Christopher . 36.46Huerta, Christopher Glen . 77.68Hurtado Silvas, Robert . 20.44Inzuna, Luz Aydee . 23.80Jantz, Cecelia . 34.08Kallen, Ivan . 31.20Kramer, Ronda Georgene . 39.52Lacuesta Vanbebber, Rosalina. 47.04Larson, Rodney Wayne . 21.46Lazos, Guillermo O . 46.02Leal, Dominic Francisco. 20.78Lealsalas, Bryan. 46.02Loper, Andrew . 73.60Loper, Joe Alan . 21.42Lopez Aguilar, Jose Luis . 37.40Lopez, Adriana L . 20.44Lopez, Daisy Guadalupe . 22.14Lopez, Vanessa Ann . 47.04Luna, Jacqueline . 91.20Magana Flores, Raul . 145.20Magana Hurtado, Jane . 96.48Mallori Lydick, Lauren Rose . 36.12Martinez, Carlos . 65.44Martinez, David . 38.84Mazon, Charles Albert . 128.88Mcbroom, Mallory Breanne . 96.72Mendez, Michael Alan . 25.92Mendoza, Francisco Javier . 20.10Miramontes, Gabriela . 22.10

Munguia, Antonio . 20.44Neidiffer, Henry Antonio. 20.10Neri, Daniel . 31.20Ortiz Quijas, Joel . 39.52Pfister, Dawson John . 35.78Pineda, Martin . 22.14Pryor, Justin Joseph . 34.08Quinones, Victor Anthony . 61.32Ramirez, Graciela Patricia . 20.40Ramos Fuchen, Dulce Martha . 20.44Reyes Leal, Robert . 20.78Richards, Ted Allen . 30.68Rodriguez, Eileen Ann . 48.06Rodriguez, Everardo Raul . 31.36Rodriguez, Keyla C . 98.80Rodriguezesquer, Jose . 102.96Romo, Isidro Benjamin. 45.64Romo, Isidro Benjamin Jr . 30.94Salazar, Alejandro Jr. 31.36Salgado, Cynthia G . 28.90Salgado, Leticia Isabel . 31.36Sanchez, Adrian Edward . 135.36Sanchez, David Manuel . 34.08Sanchez, Patsy Jazzlyne . 20.44Schwartz Mendoza, Sondra . 31.36Sigala, Anthony . 31.20Tabarez, Frances . 20.10Toubia, Michel Joseph. 20.10Trinidad, Ana Maria . 65.44Valenzuela, Mikalou Ann . 31.20Van Acker, Chad David. 38.84Vazquez, Edgar Arturo . 68.46Velasco, Cristina Magdalena . 20.10Velasco, George Albino . 37.48Vidriales Carrizalez, Ramona . 34.08Villarreal, Ruben Guillermo . 21.12Waters, Robert Lee . 48.06Zaragoza, Dania . 31.36Zavala, Maria Veronica . 20.10Depositor - Civil AccountAllen, Stacy Foster . 30.00ALSSI Inc . 40.00Chaing, John . 32.50Chicago Title Company . 813.98Chicago Title Insurance Company 5,542.40ESQ Services Inc . 20.50G4 Construction . 65.00Gomes Hirshik & Hummel Attorney225.00Jackson Jenkins Renstrom . 40.00Ontiveros, Guadalupe . 352.00Quality Loan Services . 32,561.94Singleton & Associates . 79.65Sutherland & Gerber, APC . 90.00Trejo, Marco A . 75.00Unigard Insurance Company . 2,133.50

Depositor - Trust Account3C Advisors LLC . 57.00Abina, Andrew Matthew . 69.23Abina, Andrew Matthew . 53.30Abril, Melissa . 50.00Abril, Melissa . 50.00Abril, Melissa . 100.00Abril, Melissa . 50.00Aceves, Raul Lara. 147.81ADD Express . 25.00Adkins, David M . 162.00Aguirre, Ray . 317.00Alegria, Fredy Palma . 187.00Alquallaf, Mohammed A S S H . 162.00Alvarez, Josue Israel . 269.00Alvarez, Jr, Javier Angel . 158.00Anderson, Kathleen Louise . 345.00Anthony, Anthony . 50.00Arreola, Angela . 50.00Asamen, Edward Albert . 198.00Auza, Anthony . 1,427.00Avila, Alythia . 101.44Avila, Heriberto . 60.00Avila, Jay Michael . 28.00Aviles, Gustavo Alexander . 42.67Azua, Anthony Page . 500.00Barce, Mauricio . 25.00Barnes, Shona A . 57.00Barrios, Julio Cesar. 96.67Barrios, Julio Cesar. 96.04Barrios, Julio Cesar. 198.70Barrios, Julio Cesar. 55.59Bartels, John M . 25.00Bautista, Maria Del Rosario . 100.00BeltranVillagrana, Diego Alberto . 25.00Bernal, Ramiro Alvarez . 250.00Bernosen, Shawna . 311.00Black, Mackenzie Paige . 20.78Black, Mackenzie Paige . 26.17Bolanos, Hector A . 810.00Cardenas, Cyclaly . 26.00Carlson, Ronald A . 72.00Carlson, Ronald Albert . 28.00Carmona, Josue Esau . 25.00Carr, Jr, Ronald Randall . 25.00Carrasco, Noel . 225.00Carrero, Maria J Lopez . 400.00Castillo, Elsa Alvarez . 750.00Castillo, Victor Mauricio . 157.56Castillo, Victor Mauricio . 186.36Castillo, Victor Mauricio . 56.08Castro, Antonio Lopez . 25.00Castro, Denny . 31.24CastroArreola, Martin . 30.00Cattolica, Devin Thomas . 134.67

Clara, Alejandra . 370.00Clemencia, Andre Lateef . 57.00Coath, Michael Thomas . 27.00Color, Miguel . 225.00Conner, Theron Constantine . 225.00Corral, Rick . 100.00CotzaJayRamirez, Max . 47.00Cox, Jacqueline Anne . 30.00Darin Ray Davey . 50.00Dedes, Mark Hughes . 150.00Dehans, Lance A. 225.00DeLaMora, Carmen . 51.66DeLaTorre, Jr, Bernardo . 40.00Diaz, Albert . 22.32Diaz, Albert . 59.97Diaz, Maribel . 79.00Dilger, Nathaniel . 100.00Dole Fresh Fruit . 569.00Dorantes, Benjamin Roy. 540.00Dozal, Nicolas . 50.00Dozal, Nicolas . 50.00Duenas, Mario Armenta . 87.00EAN Services Llc . 197.00Edmund Stanley, Jr . 500.00Edwards, Isaac . 25.00Edwards, Kirk . 50.00ElizondoTeran, Jr, Jesus Alberto . 35.00Espinoza, Ruth . 25.00Estrada, Concepcion Martinez . 25.00EuyoquiRivera, Jennifer . 57.00FerrerGaya, Gustavo . 374.00Figueroa, Ariel Amparan . 155.00First Advantage Corporation . 543.00Fletes, Antonio G . 50.00Flores, Richard James . 50.00Foot Hill Packing Inc . 487.00Fortanel, Danaly . 85.00Freud, Todd R . 155.00FuentesAndrade, Juan . 524.00GA Public Record Services Inc . 542.00Galo, Alejandra . 50.00Garcia, Deyanira Alvarado . 55.00Garcia, Diana Elizabeth . 195.36Garcia, Gina M . 30.00Garcia, Lourdes Maria . 187.00Garcia, Marco Antonio Oliver . 25.00Gard, Harry Preston . 25.00Gardner Trucking Inc . 25.00GastelumMedina, Jorge Humberto . 108.88GastelumMedina, Jorge Humberto . 231.94GastelumMedina, Jorge Humberto . 146.18Gentry, Karen Gail . 155.00Gibson & Shaefer Inc . 108.00Gill, Marvin Dale . 225.00Giordano, Nicholas . 573.00Gomez, Daniel . 46.00

Gomez, Jesus . 45.00Gong, Tao . 146.00Gonzalez, Alejandro . 431.00Gonzalez, Ezequiel Seba . 25.00Gonzalez, Ivan . 50.00Gonzalez, Victor AlonsoCastellan. 50.00GonzalezSanchez, Berenice . 50.00Guilin, Alicia . 47.00Guillory, Gene Willard . 30.00Guo, Shengyao . 225.00Guzman, Johnny Mark . 40.00Hall, Michael Allen . 50.00Hamilton, Ashley Elizabeth . 225.00Hansen, John . 50.00Hernandez, Eduardo . 175.59Hernandez, Monique G. 50.00Houston, Nicole A . 22.82Hurtado, Sandra . 50.00IbarraGonzalez, Maritza . 90.20Imla . 240.00Inzunza, Efrain . 525.00Isela DSalvador DBADelacruz FramLab57.00Joe Eric Martinez . 91.90Johns, Tashena Lavelle . 50.00JohnsonMcGough, Kimberly Marie . 25.25JY Harvesting Inc . 902.00Keaton, Trevor Michael . 50.00Kennedy, Dylan Frederick . 221.00Kennedy, Dylan Fredrick. 117.00Kim, Bong Shig . 53.31Kumar, Nitin . 225.00Lambertus, Richard . 57.00Law Offices of Julia E. Burt . 25.50Lawley, Jordan Blake . 60.00Learned, Kenneth Warren. 225.00Lebron, Christopher Jesus . 187.00Ledesma, Felipe De Jesus . 64.31Ledesma, Felipe De Jesus . 116.37Lewis, David Brian . 240.00Loop, Andrew Stephen . 345.00Lopez, Abel . 50.00Lopez, Sari Eva . 30.00Lopez, Ubaldo M . 30.00LopezEspejo, Mariana Alexia . 50.00Lowell, Lowell, Adam L . 89.00Lowery, Serena Patricia . 25.00Lozoya, Carlos Andres Lizarrag . 44.00Lua, Andrea . 29.08MacDonald, David A . 47.00Macias, Susana . 100.00Macias, Susana . 50.00Maez, Andrew Leonardo . 150.00Majestic Freight . 487.00Mancilla, Jazia Giselle . 750.00Manzanos Hrv Inc . 902.00Marco, Julio . 25.00

Marcus Family Law Center . 350.00Marquez, Mauro . 50.00Marquez, Pearl . 38.91Marquez, Pearl Elizabeth . 47.25Marquez, Robert Duran . 67.65Marquez, Robert Duran . 39.06Martinez, Amaris Karina . 361.63Martinez, Christian Humberto . 75.00Martinez, Silvia Uribe . 21.00Matteson, Benjamin . 225.00Mayfield, Victoria Ann. 66.43Mayo, Gianni Batista . 25.00Medina, Humberto Cruz . 114.00Medina, Raul R . 37.00Mendez, Aron . 25.00Mendoza, Francisco Lopez . 57.00Meza, Jonathan Alfredo Alvarez . 525.00Middleton, Brendon David . 50.00Millan, Eugenio . 50.00Miller, Lee Warren . 225.00Mohamed Eltamas . 58.00Molina, Omar Francisco . 23.00Mora, Guillermo Agustine . 50.00Morales, Gabriel Ortiz . 25.92Morales, Gabriel Ortiz . 74.37Morales, Marilinn K . 25.00Moran, Ignacio Rodriguez . 63.00Moreno, Cory Joseph . 150.00Moreno, Jose Amparo Martinez . 50.00Moreno, Jose Amparo Martinez . 50.00Morgan, Leonard Dale . 25.00Moser, Jonathan Joseph . 300.00Navejar, Gloria Hilda . 25.00Ng, Stephanie R . 27.00Nice, Nick Dwayne. 50.00Orozco Espinoza, Maria Jesus . 25.00Osbaldo Contreras Trucking . 57.00Palacios, Jose Luis . 26.00Pannel, Dwight Ray . 669.00Pearson, Julia E Defalla . 57.00Perez, Josue Luna . 162.00Perez, Sergio A Gamino . 155.00Perez, Sergio A Gamino . 165.00Peterson, Derick C . 393.00Pilgrim, Donna Irene . 50.00Poupeau, Franck . 40.00Purewal, Baldev . 225.00Quezada, Andres Jonathan. 208.99Quezada, Andres Jonathan. 177.78R Flores Trucking LLC . 50.00Ramirez, Elvira . 100.00Ramirez, Irene . 57.00Randall, Gilley L . 50.00Red D Arc . 569.00Reyes Bros II . 507.00Rivas, Michael Paul . 471.22

Rivera, Jesus . 1,500.00Rivera, Manuel Baltazar Guerre . 69.00Rodriguez, Jacob D. 30.00Rodriguez, Jr, Arturo . 100.00Rosalba Bendon . 1,500.00Rowe, Katherine A . 107.00Russell, Douglas . 50.00Salazar, Jesus Humberto . 60.00Salvatierra, Stephanie . 455.00Saname, Andre Jermaine . 281.98Savedra, Maria . 140.00Schmidt, Clifford John . 1,330.00Sellinger, Stephanie E. 345.00Sherman, Michael Tyrone . 460.00Shoemaker, Nicholas Jonathan . 20.38Short, Tracy Lynn . 57.00Sidip, Kahllil . 489.00Singh, Guirmeet . 459.00Smith, Todd Edward . 273.00Smith, Vetesha Lynn . 25.00Sogomonian, Ella . 57.00Solarez, Ryan Alan . 51.97Solarez, Ryan Alan . 44.17Soto, Jose Candelario . 38.00Spounias, Chris . 50.00Sprinz, Robert Elliot . 282.00State

Superior Court of California County of Imperial “NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED MONIES” I, Maria Rhinehart, Court Executive Officer, Superior Court of California, County of

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