God Is Love.

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God islove.Saints Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church218 Ackerman Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011Parish Office: 973-546-4390 / Fax: 973-546-1252 / Church Hall: 973-546-5110 / Website: www.sscmrcchurch.orgServed by: Rev. Misael Jaramillo, Administrator / Deacon Eugenio MoralesSlovak Priests, New York Oratory of St. Philip Neri AssistantsParish Trustees: Mr. Anthony Glodava & Mr. Peter WalentowiczWhoeverlives inlove livesin God,and Godin them.1 John 4:16Weekend Mass ScheduleSaturday 5:00 PM (English)Saturday 7:00 PM (Spanish)Sunday 7:30 AM (Spanish)Sunday 9:00 AM (English)Sunday 10:30 AM (Slovak)Sunday 12:30 PM (Spanish)Weekday Mass ScheduleMonday - Friday 8:00 AM (English)Tuesday - Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish)Monday through Friday9:00 AM – 3:00 PMClosed for Lunch12 PM – 1 PM 2020 Bon Venture Services, LLCSaturday & SundayClosedEnglish: Saturday 4:15 – 4:45 PMSlovak: Sunday After 10:30 AM Slovak MassSpanish: Tuesday-Saturday 6:00 – 6:45 PMFriday (Adoración Eucarística: Viernes)8:30 – 9:30 AM / 6:00 – 6:45 PMDevotions / NovenasSt. Anthony of PaduaTuesday’s after 8:00 AM MassChaplet of Divine Mercy and The Holy RosarySecond Sunday of the Month at 3:00 PM withEucharistic Adoration

SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 13, 2022MASS INTENTIONS FOR THEWEEKSATURDAY, February 125:00 PM7:00 PM†Michal & Stephanie Soltys (By: Anna Krzysik)†Julio Manuel Lazo Caballero – 1 Año (De: Su familia)Salud y bendiciones para Dely PinedoSUNDAY, February 13Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time7:30 AM †Maria Teresa Jaramillo (De: Su familia)9:00 AM †John Glodava (By: Maria Glodava & Family)10:30 AM Health & God’s Blessings for Martina Szotak (By: Mom)†Helen Sowa (By: John & Luba Karlak)12:30 PM †Jorge Humberto Jaramillo (De: Su familia)ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTSThe Sanctuary Lamp Eternal Lightis Offered This Week in Loving Memory ofAntonio SolanaGiven By: Anna & Jozef OrganisciakATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS:If you still haven’t received your church envelopesthrough the mail, please call the parish office. Due tobusy holiday season, they were most likely lost intransit. Thank you for your cooperation!MONDAY, February 14Ss. Cyril, Monk & Methodius, Bishop8:00 AM †Walenty Biziak – Birthday Remembrance (By: Wife)TUESDAY, February 158:00 AM7:00 PM†Helen Sowa (By: Ludwig Kopec)†Jan Koziel (By: Kurnat Family)Por la familia parroquialWEDNESDAY, February 168:00 AM7:00 PM†Helen Sowa (By: Ludwig Kopec)†Efrain Enrique Martinez Romero (De: Sus Hijas)THURSDAY, February 17The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order8:00 AM †Helen Sowa (By: Anna Kosciolek)7:00 PM Por la familia parroquialThank you for your support & generous contributions!Weekend of February 5 - 6, 2022MASS DAY & TIME1ST2NDDONATIONSSATURDAY 5:00PM30571SATURDAY 7:00PM42875SUNDAY 7:30AM492 110SUNDAY 9:00AM339 159SUNDAY 10:30AM618 219SUNDAY 12:30PM904 148WEEKDAY 7:00PM425FRIDAY, February 188:00 AM7:00 PM†Helen Sowa (By: Anna Kosciolek)†Guillermina Navarrate de Carrion – 11 meses(De: Su esposo, hijos, hijos políticos y nietos)SATURDAY, February 195:00 PM7:00 PM†Helen Sowa (By: Koziol Family)Por la familia parroquialSUNDAY, February 20Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time7:30 AM Por la familia parroquial9:00 AM †Maria Timek (By: Daughters)10:30 AM Health & God’s Blessings for Martina Szotak (By: Mom)†Helen Sowa (By: Susan Koziol)12:30 PM Por la familia parroquialOUR PARISH SICK &HOMEBOUND:Alžbeta Fečiková, Slavka Gonda, Anna Krzysik, GloriaLinares, Trudy Lucas, Martina Szotak, MargaretWojtas, Peter Marositz & John PrevetteSIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEFirst Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-8Jeremiah compares a man who seeks strength in flesh butabandons God to a bush in the desert, bereft of nourishmentand unable to grow. Yet a man who trusts in God is like a treebeside a river, fed & strengthened by it even during times ofdrought.Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20Paul addresses those who believe in Christ's teachings, but arenot convinced that he rose from the dead. He calls their faithworthless, because they have not been freed from their sins.Paul then emphatically declares that Jesus did rise up again, aswill all those who truly believe in him.Gospel: Luke 6:17, 20-26Jesus tells his followers that those who are insulted in this lifebecause of him will be rewarded richly in heaven. Yet thosewell received by all will despair in heaven, since people hadoften respected false prophets and mistreated true prophets.Those who hunger, perhaps for spiritual knowledge, shall befilled. Yet those who are full in this life will be hungry.

OZNAMY A PODUJATIA SLOVENSKEJ KOMUNITY6. nedeľa v Cezročnom obdobíPRVÉ ČÍTANIEČítanie z Knihy proroka JeremiášaJer 17, 5-8Zlorečený človek, ktorý sa spolieha na človeka;požehnaný človek, čo dúfa v PánaToto hovorí Pán: „Zlorečený človek, ktorý saspolieha na človeka; telo urobil svojou oporou ajeho srdce sa vzďaľuje od Pána. Bude ako tamariškana púšti, neuzrie prichádzať blaho, svoj domovbude mať v suchopárnej pustatine, v zemi soľnatej,kde sa nedá bývať.Požehnaný človek, čo dúfa v Pána, Pán bude jehooporou.Bude ako strom zasadený pri vode, ktorý k potokuvystiera korene; nebude sa báť, keď príde horúčosť,jeho lístie zostane zelené; ani v suchom rokunebude mať starosti a neprestane rodiť ovocie.“DRUHÉ ČÍTANIEČítanie z Prvého listu svätého apoštola PavlaKorinťanom1 Kor 15, 12. 16-20Keď Kristus nevstal, vaša viera je márnaBratia, ak sa hlása, že Kristus bol vzkriesený zmŕtvych, akože niektorí z vás hovoria, žezmŕtvychvstania niet?Lebo ak mŕtvi nevstávajú, nevstal ani Kristus. A keďKristus nevstal, vaša viera je márna a ešte stále stevo svojich hriechoch. Potom aj tí, čo zosnuli vKristovi, sú stratení. Ak len v tomto živote mámenádej v Kristovi, sme najúbohejší zo všetkých ľudí.Ale Kristus vstal z mŕtvych, prvotina zosnulých.Počuli sme Božie slovo.Počuli sme Božie slovo.RESPONZÓRIOVÝ ŽALM –Ž 1, 1-2. 3. 4 6R.: Blažený človek, čo v Pána skladá dôveru.Blažený človek, čo nekráča podľa rady bezbožnýcha nechodí cestou hriešnikov, *ani nevysedáva v kruhu rúhačov,ale v zákone Pánovom má záľubu *a o jeho zákone rozjíma dňom i nocou. R.Je ako strom zasadený pri vode, *čo prináša ovocie v pravý čas,a jeho lístie nikdy nevädne; *darí sa mu všetko, čo podniká. R.No nie tak bezbožní, veru nie; *tí sú ako plevy, čo vietor ženie pred sebou.Nad cestou spravodlivých bedlí Pán, *ale cesta bezbožných vedie do záhuby. R.Slovenský ples bude v sobotu, 26. februára The RoyalManor, Garfield, NJ. O 7.00 hodine bude koktail, poktorom bude nasledovať večera a zábava. Vstupné je 170.00 za osobu. Bližšie informácie sú uvedené nawebovej stránke: SlovakAmericanCC.orgAk vám doteraz neboli poštoudoručené obálky, prosím zavolajtena faru.Slovak Prayer GroupEvery Thursday at 8 PM

ANUNCIOS Y EVENTOS DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANASEXTO DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIOMISA DEL DIVINO NIÑOPrimera Lectura: Jeremías 17:5-8Invitamos a toda la comunidad a participarJeremías compara a un hombre que busca fuerza física pero quetodos los cuartos miércoles del mes, a laabandona a Dios como a una zarza en el desierto, sin ningúnNovena al Divino Niño empezando con la misa acuidado e incapaz de crecer. Pero un hombre que confía en Dios eslas 7:00 pm.como un árbol a la orilla del río que lo alimenta y fortalece, aún ensequía.Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 15:12, 16-20Pablo se dirige a aquellos que creen en las enseñanzas de Jesús,pero que no creen en que se haya levantado de entre los muertos.Dice que su fé no tiene valor, porque no han sido liberados de suspecados. Pablo luego emfatiza que Jesús se levantó, así como loSe les invita al grupo de oración los miércoles despuésharán todos los que creen en El.de la misa de las 7:00pm. ¡Ven compartir la Palabra deEvangelio: San Lucas 6:17, 20-26Jesús les dice a sus seguidores que todos aquellos que sean Dios, Cantos, Alabanzas y Oración!insultados en esta vida por causa de El serán recompenzados en elcielo. Pero aquellos que son bien recibidos por todos sufrirán,Jueves, despues de misaporque la gente a menudo respeta falsos profetas y maltrata a losde las 7:00 PMverdaderos. Aquellos que tienen hambre de conocimiento espiritualContactar a:serán satisfechos. Pero aquellos que estén satisfechos en esta vidaAdriana Dominguezpasarán hambre.ATENCION FAMILIA PARROQUIAL(201) 566 – 7091Si aún no ha recibido los sobres de la parroquiapor correo, por favor llamen a la rectoría.Debido a la ajetreada temporada navideña, lomás probable es que se hayan perdido entránsito. ¡Gracias por sucooperación!GRAN PERENIGRACION A TURKIA, INSTAMBUL YDUBAI21 de agosto – 1º de septiembreIncluye los pasajes, hotel 4 estrellas, desayuno y cena,sitios turísticos y el transporte a los sitios turísticosNo incluye propinas, seguro, transporte al aeropuerto deida y venida y bebidas.Cupos limitadosCosto: 3,250.00Para más información, llame a Concord Travel(973) 473-9626RETIRO ESPIRITUAL DE CUARESMAviernes 4 y sábado 5 de marzoviernes 5:30 PM – 10:00 PM, Acto Penitencialsábado 7:00 AM – 2:00 PMDonación: 15.00¡Una escuela de la nueva evangelización para el discipuladoMisionero!SABADOS DURANTE LA CUARESMA Y LA PASCUA5 de marzo 2022 - 5 de junio 2022HORARIO PARA LOS SABADOS9:30 a.m. - Café y bienvenida 10:00 a.m. -Taller/Charla10:45 a.m. - Preguntas y RespuestasDonación: 10.00 por taller o 75.00 por todo el curso¡Inscribite ya!RETIRO DE CLAUSURA:3, 4 y 5 de junio 2022con Monseñor Jose Ruiz ArenasSecretario-emerito del Pontificio Consejopara la Nueva Evangelización*El formulario de inscripción se puedeencontrar en las entradas de la catedral oen la oficina parroquial o en nuestra páginaweb: www.patersoncathedral.org387 - 389 Grand Street - Paterson, NJFor more information, please contact Fr. Cesar Jaramillo orDeacon Guido Pedraza PatersonCathedral.org - 973.345.4070- Siguenos en Facebook: Facebook.com/CathedralPaterson

jijijSIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 13, 2022A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGSHIS WORD TODAYby Rev. William J. ReillyMost Holy Name Catholic Church, Garfield, NJSixth Sunday in Ordinary TimeFebruary 13, 2022“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is theLord. He is like a tree planted beside the water that stretches outits roots in the stream. It fears not the heat when it comes, itsleaves stay green; in the year of drought it shows no distress, butstill bears fruit.”May we listen as Jeremiah speaks and using the image from theenvironment, reflect upon his teaching. Where do I place mytrust, in whom is my hope?As we experience climate change, reflect upon Francis’ LaudatoSi’, as we watch millions of acres burn, floods wipe out entirevillages, and crops spoil because of lack of rain, Jeremiah’s wordsshould touch us deeply. The earth and what it contains is a giftand we are to take care of it for present and future generations.The mantra, ‘Jesus I trust in you’, asks us to manifest concern forall creation and others.PILGRIMAGE TO TURKEY, INSTANBUL ANDDUBAIAugust 21 – September 1Includes airplane tickets, 4-star hotel, breakfast anddinner, tourist sites and transportation to tourist sitesDoes not include tips, insurance, round trip airporttransportation and drinks.Spots are limitedCost: 3,250.00For more information, contact Concord Travel(973) 473-9626RAFFLE1st Prize .SAMSUNG 50’’ TV2nd Prize HUFFY PANAMA JACK BIKE FOR WOMEN3rd Prize .HISENSE WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERDate of Drawing: May 8, 2022 at 1:30 PMA school of the New evangelization for missionary Discipleship!Donation: 10SATURDAYS DURING LENT AND EASTERMarch 5, 2022 - June 5, 2022SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAYS9:30 a.m. - Coffee and welcome10:00 a.m. - Talk10:45 a.m. - Questions and AnswersDonation: 10.00 per talk or 75.00 for the entire courseRegister now!Congratulations to “The Annunciation” Prayer Group’s21st Anniversary!*The registration form can be found at the entrances of theCathedral or at the parish office or on our website:www.patersoncathedral.org387 - 389 Grand Street - Paterson, NJFor more information, please see Fr. Cesar Jaramillo or DeaconGuido Pedraza PatersonCathedral.org - 973.345.4070 - Followus on Facebook: Facebook.com/PatersonCathedral

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16 Saints Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church 218 Ackerman Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011 Parish Office: 973-546-4390 / Fax: 973-546-1252 / Church Hall: 973-546-5110 / Website: www.sscmrcchurch.org Served by: Rev.

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from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we have loved

God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:16-19 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 17 In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the

Savior draw us into even greater love in word and deed. For God is love. Advent peace, God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16 † Advent Peace

obey God because we are afraid of punishment by God —this is living under the law of God and not the love of God. It is not burdensome to obey God when we know God loves us and we love God and love to obey God because we truly love God and want to bring G

very young age that the greatest love isn’t what she sang about in that song. She knew that the greatest love greatest love of all is God’s love for us. Let’s read about the Greatest Love in 1 John 4:7-16: Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

the Lord your God [and] love your neighbor as yourself." We are able to love God, because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). We are secure in Him and His love is in us (1 John 4:15-16). Yet, we often love other things, more than God. We turn away from the love of God, because we aren't satisfied with what we have, and turn toward something .

of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have condence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear