FMCGs in VietnamAll images within this document are examples for illustrative purposes.
KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS : VIETNAM LOOKING GOODFOR GROWTHCPI4.093.532.660.63Retail Sales ofConsumer 1Q1 2017 vs. YASource: GSO Vietnam3
HOWEVER FMCG GROWTH HAS SLOWED MORE RECENTLYUrban4 CitiesValue Growth% 0.5*: To calculate FMCG price paid change, we calculate how much price contributes to the value change for each category, sum upthese contributions and relate to value YA**: To calculate FMCG volume change, we calculate how much volume contributes to the value change for each category, sum upthese contributions and relate to value YA (this results in an average category change in volume)Source: Kantar Worldpanel Households Panel Urban 4 Key Cities & Rural Vietnam Total FMCG excluding Gift4
DESPITE THE POSITIVE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT, CONSUMERS ARE SPENDINGLESS FOR FMCGS, AND MORE FOR A FOR LIFESTYLE UPGRADATIONGROWTH H1’18 vs YASLOW GROWTHAgriculture3.9%FAST CG es*4.8%Big ctronics*14.7%Pharmaceuticals*10.0% FMCG brands need to invest in the right innovations to spurgrowth by addressing better the new changing lifestylesSource: Vietnam GSO Social and Economic Situation in H1’18, Vietnam Association of Motorbike Manufacturers FY 2017 rcycles-up-in-2017-vamm.html#bwI7WEpraq4DLhJC.97), GfK TEMAX results for Vietnam, FY 2017; th.html; Nielsen RA ending Jun’18;
RAPID URBANIZATION AND RISING MIDDLE CLASSVietnam’s urbanization(*) wasfaster than the global rate.50% of population will belong toGlobal middle class by 2035 Premiumization trends Rising demand for Health & Wellness products and services(*) Urbanization: increasing the densities of people and production in cities and townsSource: Vietnam 2035 report – World Bank, Vietnam Ministry of planning Investment6
FURTHER IMPACTING FMCG CONSUMPTION IS INCREASED AWARENESS OFFOOD SAFETY AND HEALTH AND WELLNESSThe Vietnamese government imposition of a special consumption tax (SCT) for sugary drinkswill be placed on carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks andbottled instant coffee and tea. Vietnam's Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced its plans at apress conference in mid-August 2017 to apply a 10% or 20% tax that will take effect from2019. Opportunity to develop better-for-me products Promote good related health functions (i.e. anti pollution)Source: Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition – Non-communicable diseases, food andnutrition in Vietnam from 1975 to 2015: the burden and national response7
DAIRY AND PACKAGED FOODS STAGNANT3.9%6.3%1.2%5.8%2.1%0.7%4.9%URBAN 4 CITIES-1.0%-0.7% -2.6%2018 versus year agoValue change%Volume* change%DAIRYRURAL7.9%6.6%BEVERAGESPACKAGED FOODSPERSONAL CAREHOME CARE9.0%8.1%3.6%3.9%3.7%4.4%2.8%0.8%*: To calculate FMCG volume change, we calculate how much volume contributes to the value change for each category, sum up these contributions and relate to value YA (this results in an average category change in volume)Source: Kantar Worldpanel Households Panel Urban 4 Key Cities & Rural Vietnam Total FMCG excluding Gift8
FOOD SAFETY HAS IMPACT BEVERAGES IN PARTICULARExtensive marketing campaigns employedand to regain consumers' trust.Source: Vietnam Retailer Sentiment Q2’16
AGEING POPULATION WILL IMPACT FMCGS INCREASINGLY TARGETING ANOLDER AGE BAND Vietnam – Total population and % by age group Vietnam – Population CAGR 2000 - 2025Vietnam population (‘000 people)80,2866%7%18%Gen Yand 01535-49202050-642000 - 0-644.365 2.8202565 Source: United Nations, WUP, 201411
1VIETNAM HAS GONE MOBILE, ECOMMERCE WILL THRIVEConnected households% Households with Internet88%Urban 4cities38%RuralOnline shopping evolution% Households with Smartphone95%Urban 4cities69%RuralTriple-digitOnlinehot categoriesgrowth rate% shoppers shop online:Urban4 cities22% 225knew households6%Rural 478.5knew householdsSource: Kantar Worldpanel Family Form & Media Report & Households Panel 2018 vs 2017
EVEN THOUGH CONSUMERS NOW SPEND AN AVERAGE OF OVER 4 HOURS/DAYON DEVICES IN VIETNAM, THEY ARE GENERALLY LESS RECEPTIVE TO DIGITALADVERTISING, WITH MANY TAKING ACTION TO AVOID ITPeople are less accepting of digitaladvertisingGenZ33Gen XPeople use technology to avoid ads (e.g. ad blockers) aswell as skipping and engaging in other activityGen Y393317137Traditional advertising72% skip or pay 47% use techto avoid adsto block adsDigital advertisingNet Positive attitude to advertising format40% don’t watch/do something else
LESS THAN 1 IN 10 BRANDS GREW SIGNIFICANTLY OVER A 3 YEAR TIMEFRAME6% In many categories no brands grew Growth tends to come in the form of a stepchange, something that disrupts the statusquo Incremental gains are easily countered bythe competition and the status quo remains Budgets, protocols and processes create a“comfort zone” which encourages businessas usualSource: BrandZ , analysis of 2,052 brands between 2014 and 201715
THE NEW WISDOM SUGGESTS THAT SALIENCE IS ALL A BRAND NEEDS TOGROWSo which of our three topline measures of brand equity best anticipates whether brands grow or decline?SALIENCEMEANINGDIFFERENCEDisruptorsBrands that grewBrands that declinedDead and dying-25-5153555-25-5153555-25-515Source: BrandZ , profile scores comparing absolute to expected values foreach brand, brands that grew or declined measured across 3 years355516
THERE ARE NOW 20 NEW LAUNCHES IN FMCG EACH DAYMore focus on brand’s variant portfolioPersonal Care & Packaged Foods:The most innovative environment% of new launches(2018 vs 2014)% of new launches(2018 vs 2014)10739201811Beverages3335Dairy2018Home CarePackaged Foods3233New brandNew variant(flavor, benefit)Changes to existing products(pack size/type, format)Personal CareSuccessful launches remain hard to achieve(2017 – 2018)Urban 4 cities% Households a new launchreached after 1 year4.4%( 5.4 in 2014)% Households repeatpurchase in the 1st year23.9%( 26.9% in 2014)Source: Kantar Worldpanel Households Panel New Launch Tracker
INNOVATIONS THAT ARE DIFFERENT IN SOME WAY HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OFSUCCESS[1] Natural products with clear evidence of natureVinamilk organic milkVinamilk introduced the firstorganic RTD milk in VietnamSunlight NatureSunlight new added value variant(with white tea, mineral salt,lemon) claimed to be safe for kids,gentle to skin and have mildfragranceClear HerbalClear’s new variant with 9 herbalextracts such as Centella,Asiatica, Cinnamomum, Ginseng to help get rid of dandruffand helps to restore thenecessary nutrients for the scalp.Colgate NaturalsColgate Natures reconnecting with nature to reviveour senses, rejuvenate our mindand revitalise our body for ahealthy life with Lemon oil, TeaTree oil, Seaweed and Aloe Veraextract, for a fresh and cleanmouth18
INNOVATIONS THAT ARE DIFFERENT IN SOME WAY HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OFSUCCESS[2] Make Life EasierAjinomoto with diverseOmomatic liquid washing ballrange of culinary productsOmo pioneered in UPGRADING THEPACKAGE WITH A BALL helped to makelaundry easier – containing the liquid foraccurate dosage and supporting washingmachine from within.Ajinomoto with WIDE RANGE OFPRODUCTS facilitates the cooking process,helping Vietnamese cook delicious food inthe convenient and less time-consumingway.19
INNOVATIONS THAT ARE DIFFERENT IN SOME WAY HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OFSUCCESS[3] Mix of traditions and the modernNumber 1 Salted LemonRevive Salted LemonNumber 1 Salted Lemon initiated thesalted lemon segment in isotonic drinkcategory, and Revive Salted Lemonsoon joined the band wagon.Both could grasp significant growth,hurting the long-established hard-coreisotonic segment, by delivering the greattraditional taste via a modern sporty &youthful imageryPush Max Passion fruitPush Max was the first RTDJ brandlaunching passion fruit flavor (apopular fruit flavor in North), gaininggrounds quickly and hurting Twistermarket share in this marketCoboteCobote - a new local brand offers widerange of natural personal careproducts made from naturalingredients coconut, cucumber, ginger,lemon grass, 20
INNOVATIONS THAT ARE DIFFERENT IN SOME WAY HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OFSUCCESS[4] New mixes of ingredientsCoke CoffeeCoke Coffee offers a different experienceof Coke, which can also help themrefreshed and wake them up.FuzeteaThe combination of Chia seed andpeach/ passion fruit flavourADM ChuốiVinamilk launched ADM Banana – thefirst-ever combination of milk andbanana in Vietnam21
INNOVATIONS THAT ARE DIFFERENT IN SOME WAY HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OFSUCCESS[5] Packaging innovations that excitePepsiCoke and PepsiMiloCocoximMiloPepsi Next Generationpackaging collectionPepsi is reintroducing itsiconic vintage design onregular Pepsi products fora limited time.Coke and Pepsi launchedlimited editions of packaging tocelebrate World Cup 2018Milo launched can,making it the first-everdairy drink in CanformatCocoxim excitesVietnamese consumerswith packed coconut juice22
FMCGs in VietnamAll images within this document are examples for illustrative purposes.
Traditional advertising Digital advertising Gen Z Gen X Gen Y People are less accepting of digital advertising People use technology to avoid ads (e.g. ad blockers) as well as skipping and engaging in other activity 72% skip or pay to avoid ads 47% use tech to block ads 40% don't watch/ do something else Net Positive attitude to advertising .
1.U.S. to remove all troops 2.North Vietnam could leave troops already in S.V. 3.North Vietnam would resume war 4.No provision for POWs or MIAs Last American troops left South Vietnam on March 29, 1973 1975: North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam Saigon renamed Ho Chi Minh City The Fall of Saigon America Abandons Its Embassy April 30, 1975
(Why “Forrest Gump” in a course about the Vietnam War?) One film segment isabout Forrest as a soldier in Vietnam (2/47 Inf. Reg., 9th Div.) Other film segments depict stateside life context during Vietnam era Vietnam is central experience for Forrest, even after return home (e.g.,Lt. Dan) Rain (and the rainy season) in Vietnam
Vietnam aims to support and develop Vietnam-UK business links while raising the profile of Vietnam in the British business community and vice versa. As an accredited British Chamber, BritCham Vietnam in association with the Department for International Trade (DIT), is committed to promote strong business links between Vietnam and the UK.
Oct 10, 2009 · benefit from preferential tariff rates yThe average tariff rate applied for Japan’s products exported to Vietnam will gradually be reduced to 7% by 2018 yWithin the next 10 years, Vietnam and Japan will realize a tariff reduction toward a bilateral free trade area, allowing over 94.5% of Vietnam’s export revenues and over 87.6%
The Khmer Krom are found in the delta of the Mekong River, in the South of Vietnam, which was the part of Cambodia that Vietnam conquered in the 17th and 18th . common due to Vietnam’s history), Chinese, and mountain area languages. Vietnam has a youthful and well-educated labour force. The median age in Vietnam is 29.
2 Investing in Vietnam 2020 KPMG was established in Vietnam in 1994, at a time when Vietnam was reopening its doors to investment. KPMG is one of largest professional services firms in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. KPMG also has an office in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.
Grab Go-Jek Vietnam be FastGo MyGO Vato Foody Vietnammm Now In March 2018, Uber stopped its operation in several South-East Asian countries and sold its Vietnam business to Singapore based competitor Grab. Grab accounted for 73% of ride-share trips in Vietnam in first half of 2019. In September 2018, Go-Jek announces full launch in Vietnam with .
the EU is Vietnam's third largest trading partner, Vietnam is the EU's 20th largest partner in the world, and the second largest in South East Asia after Singapore. The EU is not only a key trading partner for Vietnam but it is also Vietnam's largest non-Asian investor, investing a total of US 1.5 billion in Vietnam in 2016.