. An Analysis Of Moral Values In Karate Kid Movie. Movie, Moral Value

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ABSTRACTAnggitasari, Nez Matul Ulak Nur, 2015. An Analysis of Moral Values in KarateKid Movie.A thesis, English Department Faculty of Education State IslamicCollege of Ponorogo (STAIN) Ponorogo. Advisor Mrs.WiwinWidyawati,M. Hum.Key words: movie, moral valueEvery movie has message which is conveyed toward the audience. Thedirector covers it in a unique style, through the conversation and the actions of thecharacters. Movie as one of mass media is also used as media of educationcontaining messagethat is very beneficial for audience.Moral Values are someparts of the messages of a movie.This research aimed at describing moral values on Karate Kid movie. Thiskind of research was library research, and used semiotic as the approach. Theprimary data was taken from Karate Kid movie, where as secondary data wereobtained from some books, encyclopedias, articles, dictionary, journals, andtheses. To obtain the deep analysis about moral values, the researcher usedcontent analysis as research data analysis. Meanwhile the technique datacollection which the researcher used was documentation.The result of this study showed that there were some moral values in the‖Karate Kid‖ movie. The values found are ten for this movie.They are: honesty,courage, peace ability, self-reliance and potential, self-discipline and moderation,loyalty, respect, love, kindness and friendliness, justice and mercy.Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Karate Kid movie is auseful media that can be used to share some moral values which are beneficial foraudience.1

2CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. Background of StudyEtymologically, the Latin word ―litteratura‖ is derived from―littera‖ (letter), which is the smallest element of alphabetical writing. Theword text is related to ―textile‖ and can be translated as ―fabric‖: just assingle threads form a fabric, so words and sentences form a meaningfuland coherent text. The origins of the two central terms are, therefore, notof great help in defining literature or text. It is more enlightening to look atliterature or text as cultural and historical phenomena and to investigatethe conditions of their production and reception.1R.J Rees stated that literature is writing which expresses andcommunicates feelings, thoughts and attitudes towards life.2 Abrams alsodefine literature as the term is applied to a number of works in drama andprose fiction which have in common the sense that the human condition isessentially absurd, and that this condition can be adequately representedonly in works of literature that are themselves absurd.3From definitions above we can conclude that Literature is form ofexpressions from thinking dan feeling. Literature also correlated with life12004),1.2Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Study 2nd Edition (London; Routledge,R. J. Ress, English Literature, An Introduction for Foreign Readers(London: Mac MillanEducation, 1973) 2.3Abrams, Glossary of Literary Terms Seventh Edition (USA; A Harcourt Higher LearningCompany, 1999), 1.

3experience. The words are used in literature is very strong, effective, andattractive. Literatures also provide entertainment and reveal the writer‘sintention.Literature work have many forms; they are poetry, novel, comic,soap opera, electronic literature, graphic novel, film or movie and etcLiterature works influence the human being life. This is because theliterature of a society is the principal element of its culture. It containshuman‗s value, thought, problems and conflicts. In other words, it can beconcluded as their whole way of life.4Movie is one of literature work that is the only new visual art formcreated in the last 300 years. It is a complex, exclusive art, difficult todefine, but the element of the movies is instantaneous and universal.Motion pictures are, in fact both an art form and a medium of massentertainment, and in the latter capacity they have a significant impact in asociological sense. In addition, they have a background rooted in scienceand technology.5Movies are mostly adapted from real story in the world and theother are adapted from books or novel. Most of people use movies inentertainment, critics, advertisement, and education. Movies will give us amessage such as moral, motivation, faith, science, etc. In the developing4Graham Little, Approach to Literature: an Introduction to Critical Study ofContent and Method in writing (Sydney: Science Press, 1970), 1.5Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (USA: Merriam Webster Inc,1981), 305.

4era for example, moral degradation happened because of the influences ofbad culture like free sex, alcohol, crime, ‗marriage by accident‘, suicide,abortion and so on.These matters also can be seen through a movie.Every movie has message conveyed toward the audience. Thedirector covers it in a unique style, through the conversation and theactions of the characters. Moral values are part of the messages statedabove. And by analyzing moral values, it is expected the good characterfor the audience can be built.Morality or moral message that is summarized in literature work isalways dealing with good action.6 In other word, the creator will notalways write the good moral immediately in actor‘s character. Sometimesthey will write implicitly in the story. The creator writes the bad characterin order the reader sees and takes conclusion of the character. It is alsoway of creator to examine the critical thinking of reader.Moral value can define as a term in logic that a principle or actionor character of human is true or false, right or wrong and good or bad viewof the goodness or badness of human action and character. Morality refersto concern with what is good or right in people‗s relationships with eachother. Understanding morality is to be specific about definitions of good(or bad) and right (or wrong), since these terms can be used in severaldifferent ways.76BurhanNurgaha. TeoryPengkajianFiksi(Yogyakarta; GadjahMada University Press,2013),7Robert J Sternberg, Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence (New York: MacmillanPublishing Company, 1994), 938.

5From statements above, definition of moral value is about peoplebelief on good and bad thing. Moral value gives the example of goodattitude and culture, which is inspired from society‘s behavior. Forliterature work, moral value is about the author message to reader aboutgood and bad manner. So, the author hopes the reader can learn themessage. Moral value actually exist in exist in human daily life because inevery action human being, it is actually based on the lesson that can betaken from people‘ experience in daily life.Karate Kids movie is a movie that contains a lot of moral valuethat can be a motivation and moral learning process in behavior. Besidethat Some of moral values in this movie also containing educations.Although education in this movie is about teaching Kung fu, we can seethe good relation between Teacher and students. Based the situation, itconcluded therefore, in this study, the researcher has to analyze the moralvalues in the Karate Kid movie.B. Statement of the ProblemIn this research, the writer intends to focus on the following problem;1. What moral values are seen in the Karate Kid movie?C. The Objective of the StudyThe objectives of the study are as follow:1. To find out the moral value seen in the Karate Kid movie.

6D. Significance of the StudyThe benefits of study are as follow:1.TheoreticallyThe writer hopes the result of this study can contribute tothe development of moral values taken from ―Karate Kid‖ movie.And also the writer hopes this result give information to the readersabout how to study deeper the moral values in movie.2.Practicallya. For the studentsTo inspire the students about the important of moral valuewhich contained in the movie and give the information aboutthe moral values of the movieb. For the readersTo give contribution to the readers, particularly students ofEnglish Education Department of STAIN Ponorogo, inenriching reference concerted with Moral value of the movie.E. Review to Previous ResearchThis research is library research, so the writer concern to analyzethe moral value of Karate Kid movie, through library analysis. Amongother literary of moral values are done by SakhbanPrakosoWibowoentitled ―Moral Values Seen on TaareZameenPaar Movie‖. He finds moralvalues of the movie including responsibility, honesty, Love and Affection,Self-reliance, patience, religiosity, altruism, optimist, bravery, and respect.

7The writer also reads thesis from DewiTitisari entitled TheAnalysis Moral Value in King‘s Speech Movie‖. She found some moralvalues as message from movie likes religiosity, responsibility, optimism,honesty, bravery, altruism, happiness, love and affection, freedom,humbleness. While the moral educations of the movie are believe in godand all his provisions, honest and trustworthy to the leader, parent andothers, no quarrel in daily live to create a harmonious live, humbleness/respecting others, showing respect and love.In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze novel ―KarateKid‖ movie to found of moral values.F. Research Methodology1. Kind and Research ApproachBasically, literature research utilized two types of research; fieldresearch and library research. Library research focused on analyzingtext. In this research, the research applied library research. Libraryresearch is a set of activities include collecting, reading, making notesand analyzing research sources from library. Library research neededas a step in understanding social phenomenon in depth.8Whenconducting a research, the researcher does not depend on field dataalong. Sometime, they need to limit on the library research because theissues of research can be solved only by library research, in anotherway it cannot be solve based on the data of field research.8Mestika Zed, MetodepenelitianKepustakaan( Jakarta; YayasanObor Indonesia, 2004), 2-3.

dalamilmusastradisebabkanolehhakikatkarya, di satupihaksebagaidunia yang otonom, di pihak lainsebagaiaktivitasimajinasi Lokasipenelitian, baikkaitandengan dataprimer maupunsekunderdengandemikianterletak di perpustakaan.9The statement above means that the peculiarity of Library researchin literature is caused by the nature of the work. On the one hand as anautonomous world, on the other hand as the activity of the imagination. Location research, both linked to primary and secondary data is thuslocated in the library.The researcher worked carefully and systematically, to make thislibrary research manageable and productive. Although specificresearch strategies might is vary to fit the need of individual researchtask. Keep track of research process, use library materials to get anoverview of research subject, locate the sources which you need, andread those sources with critical eyes. It is important to remember thatresearch is recursive, repetitive process, and not a linear one.10To support the research finding, the researcher used semiotic as anapproach. The reason used this approach because in analyze the moralvalue of the movie, the researcher identify each word and gesture onthe movie become a sign of literature work specifically in this movie.RacmanDjokoPradono said;9NyomanKuthaRatna, Teori, Metode, danTeknikPenelitianSastra (Yogyakarta;PustakaPelajar, 2004), 39.10Rise B. Axelrod, Charles R. Cooper, The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing (Boston; St.Martin, 2001), 657.

-konvensiyang memungkinkantanda-tandatersebutmemilikiarti.11The definition above showed that everything write in literallywork had meaning but also connotative meaning. So by using semioticway the researcher try to analyze deeply the meaning or the aim ofwhat are the basically the movie wanted to share to audience.Thus, the researcher thought that semiotic is the most appropriateapproach used in this research. Semiotic is a science of sign whichhave important role in analyzing a meaning of literature work.Especially use words that is said by the artist of the movie and also thatwas they do, as a sign to find the meaning inside especially about themessage of the movie which contain moral values.1. Data Sourcea. Primary Data SourceIt is a source of original data and a basis of research. Theprimary data is essential source derived from Karate Kid movie.b. Secondary Data SourceThe secondary source which is used to support andcomplete the primary data usually was ranged into documents11RacmanDjokoPradono. BeerapaTeoriSastra, MetodeKritik, danPenerapannya(Yogyakarta; Pustakapelajar, 2005), 119

10model.12 The data is taken from many kinds of books andrelevant materials such as books of literature theory, moral andvalue. The data also taken from internet website2. Technique of Data Collectiona. DocumentationThis technique of primer data collection which is used isdocumentation. Documentation is considered as the mostappropriate technique of data collection, because the main datathat is needed for this research are taken from writer text.The main data is taken by the documentation of Karate Kidmovie as the main tool to assess the research object. Theresearch is done by analyzing symbols on the movie. Thedocumentation is done by follow;1) Watching the movie for several times is very important2) Collecting references relevant to the analysis of the movie3) Selecting the parts of the movie which are containingmoral value in it.4) Identifying the moral values in the movie.b. Technique of Data AnalysisContent analysis focuses on analyzing and interpretingrecorded the material to learn about human behavior. It is12SumardiSuryabrata, MetodePenelitian (Jakarta: RajaGrafindoPersada, 1983), 39.

11begun by a question which was best answered studyingdocument.13Content analysis is a strategy to apprehend literary workmessage. Basically, content analysis in a literature field is away to comprehend a work from extrinsic aspect. Endraswarastated that;Unsur ekstrinsik sastra yang menarik perhatian analisiskonten cukup banyak, antara lain meliputi (a) pesan moral/etika, (b) nilai pendidikan (diaktis), (c) nilai filosofis, (d) nilaireligious, (e) nilai kesejahteraan dan sebagainya.14The statement above mean; some extrinsic elements ofliterature that can be analyzed by content analysis amongothers, includes; (a) moral value/ ethic, (b) educational value,(c) philosophical value, (d) religious value, (e) welfare valueand so on.Meanwhile, there are three steps in analyzing this research;1. Unitizing; selecting the data which are going tobe analyzed.2. Sampling; determine the sample or movie to beanalyzed.13Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser, and Chris Sorensen. Introduction to Research in EducationEight Edition( USA: WadworthCangange Learning, 2006, 29-30.14SuwardiEndraswara. MetodologiPenelitianSastraEpistimologi, Model,TeoridanAplikasi( Yogyakarta; CAPS, 2013), 160.

123. Coding; symbolize the data which are going beanalyzed.Thus, content analysis is the most appropriate data analysisfor this research. Because the researcher is focuses on analyzingmoral value in Karate Kid movie.c. Organization of The StudyTo make easier for the readers to understand the content ofthis thesis, the writer divides this thesis organization consists offive chapters. They are:Chapter I is introduction that contains background of thestudy, statement of the study, objective of the dorganization of the study.Chapter II is review of related theories of moral valuecontaining the definition of literature, moral value,kinds ofmoral value, movie, movie as the educational media and theSynopsis of Karate Kid movie.Chapter III is present the data analysis moral values of the―Karate Kid‖ movie.Chapter IV is Closing, which consist of conclusion andsuggestion. The last part is Bibliography and appendix.

CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE1. LiteratureThere are so many experts give their definition about literature. AsMoody writes that literature springs from our in born love of telling astory, of arranging words in pleasing patterns, of expressing in wordssome special aspects of our human experience.15Boulton defines literature from a functional perspective as theimaginative work that gives us R‘s: recreation, recognition, revelation andredemption.16Rees after describing what he regarded as literature, summed upthat literature is a permanent expression in words of some thoughts orfeelings in ideas about life and the world.17All the above definitions describe literature from differentperspectives. Still, there are certain things that are common to them. Theyall recognize the fact that:a.Literature is imaginativeb.Literature expresses thoughts and feelingsc.Literature deals with life experiences15Olaofe Isaac Ade and OyeniyiOkunoye, An Introduction to Literature and LiteraryCriticism(Nigeria; National Open University of Nigeria), 2.16Ibid., 2.17Ibid.70

d.Literature uses words in a powerful, effective and yet captivatingmannere.Literature promotes recreation and revelation of hidden facts.Literature is thus summed up as permanent expressions in words(written or spoken), specially arranged in pleasing accepted patterns orforms. Literature expresses thoughts, feelings, ideas or other specialaspects of human experiences.In English we use the word in at least two different ways:Informative literature and imaginative literature. Informative literaturetells us about facts, explanations, history, real ‗great‘ life figure, etc. It tellsus the world, for instance, the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH,Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, The story of Malcolm-X, etc. Its mainpurpose is to offer knowledge.18Hence, there is also imaginative literature that aims to arousethoughts and feelings. Its author expresses his ideas, his feelings, hisattitude, he may talks of things; people, etc. He wants to communicatefeelings, not facts; emotion, not information only. Imaginative literatureaccording to many men of letters and writers has fuller and deeper sensethan informative literature. Now when we use the term of literature in thisbook, we will be talking about written material that deals with thought andfeelings in imaginative or ‗serious‘ literature. This kind of literature thatappeals to the imagination rather than to the intellect; to the emotion rather18MaeedAlmarhabi,”Introduction to Literature,” 2814270-3 (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;Umm Al Qura University,)2.71

than to the reason of the reader. Rees defines this kind of literature iswriting which expresses and communicate thoughts, feelings and attitudestowards life.19Movie concluded in imaginative literature. Because movie moreappear the emotion and the feeling of the actor in which actor taken therole of the character, perform the indicate action and utter the writtendialogue. So the message of the movie can be delivered to audience.Literature is generally divided into three groups, respectivelyprose, drama, and poetry.a.Prose uses language not in verse form, e.g., novels, shortstories, novellas, etc.b.Drama is play with its act(s) and its scenes in dialogues,conversations, comedies, tragedies, tragic-comedies, etc.c.Poetry is the art of poets; poems, in verse form, e.g. ballads,epics, lyrical poetry, etc. There will be further discussions indetails on each group above.20Regarding three groups of literature above. Movies include theform of the results of the development of the drama. That is packaged byaudio-visual technology. As Mario Klarer explains in his book;It is only in drama that the union between the spoken word andvisual expression survives in a traditional literary genre, although thisfeature is not always immediately noticeable. Drama, which is—1920Ibid,. 3.Ibid,. 4.72

traditionally and without hesitation—viewed as literature, combines theacoustic and the visual elements, which are usually classified as nonliterary. Even more obviously than in drama, the symbiosis of word andimage culminates in film. This young medium is particularly interestingfor textual studies, since word and picture are recorded and, as in a book,can be looked up at any time. Methods of literary and textual criticism are,therefore, frequently applied to the cinema and acoustic media.21In summary literature are expressions in words (written or spoken).That is expressed thoughts, feelings, ideas or other special aspects ofhuman experiences. Literature makes the words be fantastic and make thereader more enthusiasts, pleasure and excited. Literature is divided intotwo kinds; there are informative literature and imaginative literature. Andliterature is generally divided into three groups, respectively prose, drama,and poetry. The role of literature in educational side is good to encouragestudents read more.2. Definition of Moral valuea.MoralEtymologically, Moral derives from Latin word Mores. The pluralMos ‗ethic and custom‘, (a) all the ethics norm and social groupcustom (b) ethic doctrine is about ethic principle and norm. Morality21Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Study 2nd Edition (London; Routledge, 2004),2-3.73

is the norm of human behavior, and human‘s talk that is considered asgood and glorious in a group of society.22There are some definitions about moral. The original descriptivedefinition of moral or morality refers to the most important code ofconduct put forward by a society and accepted by the members of thatsociety. According to Bernard Gert in Encyclopedia of Philosophysaid that, ―morality‖ refers to a code of conduct that applies to all whocan understand it and can govern their behavior by it.23From definitions above, moral are said to be personalcharacteristic, and morality therefore concerns both behavior andcharacter. Everyone can such determine other person to have good orbad moral from their behavior in daily or even the character that theyhave show to others.The term moral implies an ability they are (1) to distinguish rightfrom wrong, (2) to act on this distinction, and (3) to experience pridewhen one does the right thing and guilt or shame when one does not.Carol K.Sigelman, also stated that here are three basic components ofmorality. They are:22MochtarEffendy, Ensiklopedia Agama danFilsafat(Palembang: UniversitasSriwijaya,2001) 465.23Paul Edward, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 7 (Great Britain: Macmillan, INC,1967), 529.74

a. affective or emotional componentAn affective or emotional component contains the feelingsof guilt concern for other feelings that surround right or wrongactions and that motivate thoughts and actions.b. A cognitive componentAcognitivecomponentfocusesontheway weconceptualize right and wrong and make decisions about how tobehave.c. A behavioral componentA behavioral component reflects how we actually behavewhen for example we do or have something that we know is bador wrong, or help a needy person.24b.ValueValues are our standards and principles for judging worth. They arethe criteria by which we judge ‗things‘ (people, objects, ideas, actionsand situations) to be good, worthwhile, desirable; or, on the otherhand, bad, worthless, despicable.25There are some definitions of values from experts. Raths, Harminand Simon (1966, 28) describe values as ‗beliefs, attitudes or feelingsthat an individual is proud of, is willing to publicly affirm, has [sic]been chosen thoughtfully from alternatives without persuasion, and is24K Carol Shaffer Sigelman and R David, Life-Span Human Development Second Edition(Calivornia: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1991), 381.25Monica J Taylor and J. Mark Halstead, Values in Educational and Educational inValues (London: The Falmer Press, 1996), 5.75

[sic] acted on repeatedly‘. Fraenkel (1977, 11) considers values asbeing ‗both emotional commitments and ideas about worth‘. Beck(1990, 2) defines values as ‗those things (objects, activities,experiences, etc.) which on balance promote human wellbeing‘. Andbased on Taylor statement, the term values is used to refer toprinciples, fundamental convictions, ideals, standards or life stanceswhich act as general guides to behavior or as points of reference indecision-making or the evaluation of beliefs or action and which areclosely connected to personal integrity and personal identity.26In conclusion, we could say values are ideals that guide or qualifypersonal conduct and interaction with others. Values help todistinguish what is right from what is wrong and inform on how canconduct life in a meaningful way. Values are those things that arereally important to us. The ideas and beliefs we hold as specialc.Moral valueMoral values derives from two words, there are ‗moral‘ and‗value‘. Moral refers to the most important code of conduct putforward by a society and accepted by the members of that society.27Values are our standards and principles for judging worth. They arethe criteria by which we judge ‗things‘ (people, objects, ideas, actions26Ibid, 4.Paul Edward, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 7 (Great Britain: Macmillan, INC,1967), 529.2776

and situations) to be good, worthwhile, desirable; or, on the otherhand, bad, worthless, despicable.28Moral value is a term in logic that a principle or action or characterof human is true or false, right or wrong and good or bad. 29 Moralvalue concerns with the view of the goodness or badness of humanaction and character. Morality refers to concern with what is good orright in people‗s relationships with each other. Understandingmorality is to be specific about definitions of good (or bad) and right(or wrong), since these terms can be used in several different ways.30So we can use moral value as the doctrine of good and bad about theperson‘s behavior in every daily life as being individual or societalcreation.Kenny said Moral in literature work viewed as simple theme, butnot all themes are moral. By the moral of the story we usually meanpiece of rather practical moral advice that can be derived from thestory. The moral must be rather simple. For it must be pretty readilyapplicable to readers own conduct.31Moral value in the literature work is usually meant as a suggestionrelating to certain moral teachings of a practical nature, which can be28Monica J Taylor and J. Mark Halstead, Values in Educational and Educational inValues (London: The Falmer Press, 1996), 5.29Webster‘s Third New International Dictionary (USA: Merriam Webster Inc, 1981),1468.30Robert J Sternberg, Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence (New York: MacmillanPublishing Company, 1994), 938.31William Kenney, the analysis of fiction (USA: Monarch Press, 1966), 89.77

taken (and interpreted), through the story in question. It is anindication that had been given by the author about the various thingsassociated with life issues such as attitude, behavior, and manners inintercommunication. It be particle because constitute as ‗real clue‘. Asa model which is showed in story through the attitudes and behaviorof the characters. 32Moral value in literature work can be seen as mandate, message.Even, actually message unsure is constitute as an idea that underliesthe creation of literature work as a supporting message. It based on theconsideration that the moral value which was delivered by fiction hasdifferent effects than by nonfiction.33Literature as life product contains social, philosophy, religious,moral values and soon. To look for the glorious value in literaturework is by determining the creativity toward the life relation.Literature work saves value or massage containing trusteeship oradvice. From the literature, the creator tries to influence the reader‘smindset and inspect the false and true, the true to take knowledge, thegood example proper to be followed and on the contrary to bedisapproved if bad. Literary work is created not only for enjoymentbut also to understand and take a benefit. Literary work is notinvaluable dead matter, but there is a lot of knowledge such living32BurhanNurgaha. TeoryPengkajianFiksi(Yogyakarta; GadjahMada University Press,2013), 430.33Ibid 430.78

value and glorious messages to increase human perception onunderstanding life.Movie is one of literary works that gives value‘s system clearlybecause the creator reflect good message to the audience by scenesthat is taken by the actors as the characters in the movie. The valuethat is found is morality. Morality is social fact that the entire contextcannot be separated from social surrounding. While, moral has 3elements those are discipline, social commitment and human wish.34There are two sides of morality in the society, good and badmorality. People should control their morality, so that, people couldlive in peace together in the world.Moral value is value that must be separated with other values.Every value will get quality if it has relation with other values. Forexample, Honesty is example of moral values; this value has nomeaning if it does not be applied with other values. Loyalty is moralvalue, but it must be applied with other, humanity value for general,for example, love of husband and wife.35Then, there are four characteristic of moral value. There are asfollowing:34Druretna A. Imam Muhni. Moral &ReligiMenurut Emile Durkheim & HenriBergson(Yogyakarta; KANISIUS , 1994), 126.35Bertens K, Etika (Jakarta: PT GramediaPustaka Utama,1997), 142.79

a.Moral value is related with responsibilityMoral value is related with human personality, but besidemoral value we also automatically can say other values. Moralvalue makes people wrong or not, because he/she hasresponsibility. Especially moral value is related with humanpersonality of responsibility. Moral value just can be real inaction wholly if it became responsibility of the involved person.b.Moral value is relate

Karate Kid‖ movie. The values found are ten for this movie.They are: honesty, courage, peace ability, self-reliance and potential, self-discipline and moderation, loyalty, respect, love, kindness and friendliness, justice and mercy. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Karate Kid movie is a

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