Conventional and Powder MetallurgyHigh Speed Steels forCUTTING TOOLAPPLICATIONSUSER GUIDEERAMET logotypeMONO BLACK 225/07/2018K100%K100%
Dear reader,This guide will hopefully give you all the information to convince you thatHigh Speed Steel (HSS) is the best solution for your cutting tool needs.If you are looking for superior cleanliness, toughness and wear resistance,then the large number of conventional HSS and P owder MetallurgyHSS grades produced and distributed by Erasteel will give you a great opportunity to optimize the manufacturing and performance of your tool.Thanks to its unique properties, ASP Powder Metallurgy HSS is the bestalternative to cemented carbides when brittleness or grindability are impacting your tool performance and total cost of ownership.Conventional HSS enables you to upgrade or leverage the performanceof your tools if you are a tool steel user looking for better hardness or wearresistance.Over and above that, this guide aims at giving you valuable insight intoareas of soft machining, heat treatment, grinding, coating and other aspects relevant for anyone dealing with cutting tool manufacturing.Whatever your requirements are, chances are there is an Erasteel solutionthat will match your needs.Should you need more information than what is included in this manual, please feel free to contact us at:Erasteel-CustomerSupport@eramet.comWishing you a good reading experience,Your dedicated Erasteel team
SUMMARYApplications 4Our grades portfolio 11Recommended grades by applications 12ASP , Bluetap and High Speed Steel Guide 14Comparative properties 16International Standards 17ASP grades 19BlueTap grade 35Conventional grades 39Mechanical properties 51Heat treatment guide 53Tool surfaces 63Company profile 74Process technology 79Cleanliness of ASP 82ASP & BlueTap are registered trademarks of Erasteel
APPLICATION// GEAR CUTTINGGEAR CUTTINGWhat is gear cutting?Gears are essential mechanical componentsused in gear boxes and transmissionsystems to allow the transmission of torque. Many gears are produced byhobbing, shaper cutting or emergingtechnologies such as skiving.Which specific technical requirements?Gear cutting tools have developed to one ofthe most demanding end usages for HSS andare constantly pushing the limits of tool materials in terms of cuttingspeeds, feeds and dry cutting. Gear cutting tools also have complexgeometries and are often re-ground. Because of this the m aterial delivered requires high hot hardness in order to survive the high cuttingspeeds and sufficient toughness to avoid chipping of teeth. At the sametime the material has to feature a good soft machinability and g rindabilityfor tool manufacturing and re-grinding operations.Why would ASP be your solution?The powder metallurgical process route used to produce our ASP products is perfectly in-line with the needs of gear cutting tool manufacturers. ASP grades meant for gear cutting feature high hothardness and high wear resistance, but they are also easier to grind andtougher due to the fine microstructure of the ASP materials.Our new developments, such as ASP 2078 features even higher performance and improvements to machinability and finer surface finishes.ASP 2190 is another new development which features previouslyunreachable hot hardness levels giving excellent resistance to crater wear and other thermally induced damages.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSS HSS conventional metallurgyASP 2030ASP 2052ASP 2060ASP 2078ASP 2190Sulphurized ASP grades are also available.4
What is broaching?Broaching can be both internal or external.Internalbroachesgenerallycreate complex shapes of holes in the centre oftools such as non-circular holes, internalsplines, keyways and flat surfaces.External broaches can be used to produce splines, slots or other surface contours that need high accuracy.Which specific technical requirements?Depending on the material to be cut, the complexity of the shape andthe amount of parts being produced the requirements on a broach canbe somewhat different. Common for all broaches are that the thermal stability of the material needs to be sufficient and that the tool materialmaintains the same properties over the whole tool. As the broaches canbe relatively long tools, they can be prone to distortions during heat treatment and even during use and this can hurt the accuracy of the result.APPLICATION// BROACHESBROACHESWhy would ASP be your solution?Due to the high technical requirements of these tools a large portion oftoday's broach manufacturers have moved away from conventional HSSto ASP in order increase performance and make manufacturing of thetools easier. ASP offers excellent toughness, reliability and high grindability. Typical grades on the market today are ASP 2004, ASP 2030and ASP 2015. Erasteel also offers the innovative grade ASP 2055 withimproved performance and grindability better suiting broach "makers"requirements.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSSHSS conventional metallurgyASP 2004ASP 2015ASP 2023ASP 2030ASP 2052ASP 2055 ASP is a registered trademark of Erasteel.5
APPLICATION// SAWSSAWSWhat is sawing?Sawing can perform precise cuts throughmany materials and is u sually an initialstep in parts production. Saws are toolswith a single row of teeth in a line andcan be of many different types, they canbe used in specific machines such asband saw machines or used in handheldtools such as hand hack saws, jig-saws, sabresaws, etc.Saws are usually provided as either solid, wherethe entire saw blade is made of HSS, or Bi- metalwhere a small edge wire of HSS has been welded to a more flexible to a ato a more flexible backing material. o a more flexible backiWhich specific technical requirements?Like most cutting tools, saws require sufficient toughness in order toavoid chipping and high wear resistance and hot hardness to last longer without wearing down. The specific requirements also depend on thespecific saw application. Hand hack saws and other reciprocating sawsneed to have a high toughness as they move back and forth through thematerial, while band saws only move in the optimal direction, decreasingthe need of toughness.For processing from edge wire to Bi-metal saws the tool material alsoneeds to have excellent weldability, low outgassing and good drawability.Why would ASP be your solution?Erasteel offers many different grades both in conventional ingot castgrades such as E Matrix II, ABC III, E M42 and WKE42, but also the popularASP 2042 and ASP 2051 powder metallurgical grades. The wide s electionof grades offered by Erasteel is a great way to ensure the best option foreach specific situation. Erasteel is unique in the ability to produce powdermetallurgical HSS able to be welded by both laser and electron beamwelding.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSS6HSS conventional metallurgyASP 2004ABCIIIASP 2042E MATRIXIIASP 2051E M42 ASP is a registered trademark of Erasteel.WKE42
What are knives?Knives are made in a wide variety of shapesfor many different applications. They aremainly utilized when you want to cut,slot, granulate or chip materials such aswood, textiles, paper, plastics, rubber andmetals.Which specific technical requirements?The technical requirements on a knife arebased on what type of material is going to be processed. Many materials such as wood and paper canbequitebe quite abrasive giving the need for high hardness and abrasive wearresistance. These sorts of materials are usually sensitive to any c oolingmedia so good hot hardness can also be a requirement.APPLICATION// KNIVESKNIVESTo make clean precise cuts with minimal cutting forces a well-definedsharp edge needs to be formed and retained. Because of this a fine microstructure and good toughness is required.Why would ASP be your solution?Erasteel offers many conventionally manufactured grades in HSS thatare well suited for knifes manufacturing such as E M2 and E T1. For advanced high-performance knives where, grindability, edge retention,edge sharpness and wear resistance are needed the powder metallurgically manufactured ASP grades are excellent upgrades.Grades such as ASP 2011 and ASP 2053 feature high wear resistance.When corrosion resistance is needed the stainless tool steel ASP APZ10can be used for excellent performance in harsh environments not suitable for regular HSS.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSSHSS conventional metallurgyASP 2004E M2 ASP 2011WKE42ASP 2053EMATII ASP APZ10 7
APPLICATION// MILLING CUTTERSMILLING CUTTERSWhat is milling?Milling covers many different machiningoperations and different types of toolsand applications. it is one of the bestways of making intricate custom partswith high precision. Milling uses roundcutting tools with varying number ofcutting edges to remove material by feeding the milling cutter into the workpiece while the cutter is rotating.Which specific technical requirements?End mills and other milling cutters require high hardness, high wearresistance and hot hardness to enable high cutting performance. Depending on the milling operation, work material and machine tooltoughness can also play a large role.Why would ASP be your solution?ASP opens up new possibilities for end mills and milling cutters in eneral as the powder metallurgical steel offers a unique combination ofghardness and wear resistance together with toughness.Tools made from ASP can be used in difficult machining operationswhere other materials would suffer from chipping or fast wear, especiallywhen machining tough aerospace grade materials with low machinability.Difficult machining conditions with machine tools suffering from vibrations can be realized with ASP milling tools without chipping dueto the excellent toughness and resistance to impact.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSSHSS conventional metallurgyASP 2030ASP 2055ASP 2060C8E M42 ASP is a registered trademark of Erasteel.8
APPLICATION// DRILLSDRILLSWhat is drilling?Drilling is a well-known machining operation in which the tool, often a multi cuttingedge tool, is fed into the work piece whilerotating in order to make a hole. As thecutting action happens along the entirecutting edge of a drill, the cutting speedswill vary from the rotational speed of thetool at the edge to zero at the centre. Thismakes it impossible to have optimized cutting parameters along all points of contactand the centre of the drill will push the metalinstead of cutting it.Which specific technical requirements?The technical requirements of drills are very dependent on the market.The Do It Yourself segment catering to drills usually utilises conventionallymanufactured HSS with standard performance requirement. However,there are also many applications that require high performance drills inmanufacturing.These drills require good wear resistance and toughness as the machining conditions alter along the cutting edge of the drill, causingunfavourable conditions close to the centre of the drill.Why would ASP be your solution?Erasteel offers all the common grades for drill manufacturers such asE M2, E M35 and E M42. For drills that require higher p erformance theproperties of powder metallurgically manufactured ASP is more suitable. ASP can be used to increase tool life, allowing for machiningin otherwise too unstable conditions or to machine difficult materials.ASP can outperform solid carbide drills in some conditions and offers abetter resistance to chipping.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSSHSS conventional metallurgyASP 2015ASP 2030ASP 2052ASP 2060E M2 9
APPLICATION// TAPSTAPSWhat is Tapping?Tapping, thread cutting or thread formingoperations are common machiningoperations, which produce internal threads in drilled holes, mostly to allowthe usage of fasteners. Dies are toolsused to cut or form outer threads onround shaped products.Which specific technical requirements?Tapping is often one of the last machining operations on a part and if thetap breaks in a hole a high value part might have to be scrapped. Due tothis, taps need to be reliable and have a predictable tool life.Another concern for tap manufacturers is grindability as grinding operations makes up a large part of the cost involved in producing taps.Why would ASP be your solution?The powder metallurgical route used to produce ASP andhas brought many improvements to both tap manufacturers and endusers. The fine microstructure and cleanliness of powder metallurgy HSSdo not only improve the r eliability and performance of the tap, but alsomakes it easier to grind, significantly decreasing tap manufacturers costof ownership.BlueTap has been specifically designed to bring the benefits of the powder metallurgical route to tap manufacturers and end users.Erasteel also supplies high performance conventional grades for tapping,like GrindamaxTMV3. This grade has a unique formulation that allows it tobe easy to grind and still provide excellent wear resistance.RECOMMENDED ERASTEEL GRADESASP powder metallurgy HSSHSS conventional metallurgyBlueTap CoASP 2015ASP 2030ASP 2055E M35GrindamaxV3 10ASP , BlueTap are registered trademarks of Erasteel.
OUR GRADES PORTFOLIOThe following datasheets are for information only and do not create any binding contractual obligations.Minimum hardness reachable depending on austenization temperature.
RECOMMENDED GRADES BY APPLICATIONRECOMMENDED GRADESCutting ToolsErasteelgradesASP 2004GearCuttingBroachesSawsKnives ASP 2011 ASP 2015ASP 2023 ASP 2030ASP 2042ASP 2051ASP 2052 ASP 2048 ASP 2053 ASP 2055 ASP 2060ASP 2078ASP 2190MillingCutters ASP APZ10BlueTap Co E M2ABCIII E M3:2Grindamax V3E M35C8E MAT IIE M42WKE42 WKE45This ranking is provided for information purposes.Please contact our sales and technical network to select the mostaccurate grades fitting your application needs12ASP , BlueTap are registered trademarks of Erasteel.
Cutting ToolsErasteelgradesDrillsTaps ReamersDeburringTool BitsToolsASP 2004ASP 2011ASP 2015ASP 2023 ASP 2030 ASP 2042 ASP 2048ASP 2051ASP 2052 ASP 2053 ASP 2055ASP 2060 ASP 2078 ASP 2190ASP APZ10BlueTap CoE M2 ABCIIIE M3:2Grindamax V3E M35 RECOMMENDED GRADES BY APPLICATIONBY APPLICATIONS C8E MAT IIE M42WKE42WKE45 13
ASP , BlueTap ANDCrMoWCoV1.404.25.05.8-4.1ASP 20112.455.251.3--9.75 ASP 20231. ASP 20532.484.23.14.2-8.0ASP 20151.554.0- 2030* 20421. 2048*1.503.755.259.758.53.1ASP 20511. 2052*1.604. 20551.694. 20602.304.27.06.510.56.5 ASP 20782.304.27.06.510.56.5ASP 21900.784.22.92.9291.1ASP APZ101.2519.02.1--0.8BlueTap Co0.934. M20.904.25.06.4-1.8ASP ,Cobalt-gradesASP ,non CobaltgradesCASP 2004*MartensiticStainlessSteelGrades HSS,Cobalt-gradesHSS,non Cobaltgrades 14Analysis %BlueTap ERASTEELABCIII0.994.12.72.8-2.4E M3: M350.934. MATII0.724. 451.414.23.68.811.03.4* also available with sulfur, ** Si 1.0%; Mn 0.3% ASP 2078 with S: 0.23ASP , BlueTap are registered trademarks of Erasteel
ERASTEELCharacteristics and ApplicationsGood wear resistance and hardnessASP 2011V-alloyed with high abrasion resistanceASP 2023Non-Co-grade with overall good propertiesASP 2053V-alloyed grade for abrasive wear resistanceASP 2015High W-alloyed grade for high performance cuttingASP 2030*Co-grade with good combination of hardness and toughnessASP 2042For bimetal saws with high attainable hardness and good weldabilityASP 2048*High alloyed for high performance cutting toolsASP 2051For bimetal saws, with excellent wear resistance and toughnessASP 2052High W-alloyed grade for high performance cutting.Good wear resistanceASP 20552.1% Nb. High alloyed Co-grade with good grindabilityASP 2060For both hot hardness and wear resistanceASP 2078*High performance grade with improved machinabilityASP 2190High performance high Co grade for PVD coated gear cutting toolsMartensiticStainlessSteelASP APZ10Good corrosion and wear resistanceBlueTap CoFor tap manufac turing: excellent grindability, and a good combination of hardness, wear resistance and toughness.E M2Grade for general applicationsABCIIIGrade for metal saws and wear partsE M3:2M2 upgraded for higher wear resistanceGrindamaxV3Grade with excellent grindability, ideal for tapsE M35Grade for taps and general applicationsC88% Co-grade with improved hot hardness for end milllsE MATIIGrade for bimetal saws with good toughnessE M42Co-grade for cutting tools and bimetal bandsawsWKE42Grade similar to M42 with more wear resistanceWKE45High alloyed grade for special tools.ASP ,Cobalt-gradesASP , nonCobalt-gradesASP 2004*BlueTap Grades HSS,Cobalt-gradesHSS,non Cobaltgrades * also available with sulfur,** Si 1.0%; Mn 0.3%ASP 2078* S:0,23ASP , BLUETAP AND HIGH SPEED STEEL GUIDEHIGH SPEED STEEL GUIDE15
ASP without cobaltMachinability,WearannealedresistanceASP 2004ASP 2011ASP 2023ASP 2053ASP 2015ASP 2030ASP with cobaltCOMPARATIVE PROPERTIESCOMPARATIVE PROPERTIESASP 2042ASP 2048ASP 2051ASP 2052ASP 2055ASP 2060ASP 2078MartensiticStainlessSteelBlueTap CoHSS,without cobaltASP APZ10Bluetap ASP 2190E M2ABCIIIE M3:2GrindamaxV3HSS,with cobaltE M35C8E MATIIE M42WKE42WKE4516ToughnessHothardnessGrindability
ErasteelASP 2004EN 100027-1EN 100027-2ASTM(AISI)JIS(W.Nr.)HS 6-5-41.3361M4SKH54 ASP 2011--A11- ASP 2015HS 12-0-5-51.3251T15SKH10ASP 2023HS 6-5-31.3395M3:2SKH53ASP 2030HS 6-5-3-81.3294--ASP 2042HS 2-9-1-8 1.3247M42SKH59ASP 2048--M48-ASP 2051HS 10-4-3-101.3207M51SKH57ASP 2052HS 10-2-5-8---ASP 2053HS 4-3-81.3352--ASP 2055----ASP 2060-1.3292--ASP 2078HS 6-7-6-101.3241--HS 6-5-2-51.3243M35SKH55E M2HS 6-5-21.3343M2SKH51ABCIIIHS 3-3-21.3333--E M3:2HS 6-5-31.3344M3:2SKH53GrindamaxV3HS 7-5-31.3347--E M35HS 6-5-2-51.3243M35SKH55C8HS 5-6-2-81.3209--E MATIIHS 1-5-1-81.3270--E M42HS 2-9-1-81.3247M42SKH59WKE42HS 10-4-3-101.3207M51SKH57WKE45HS 9-4-4-111.3208-- INTERNATIONAL STANDARDSINTERNATIONAL STANDARDSASP 2190 ASP APZ10BlueTap CoASP , BlueTap are registered trademarks of Erasteel17
ASP GRADES DATA SHEETSThe following datasheets are for information only and do not create any binding contractual obligations.Minimum hardness reachable depending on austenization temperature.
6967ASP GRADES DATA // ASP 200465ASP 2004 POWDER METALLURGY HSS63118059ASTM: AISI M4 / EN 10027-1: HS 6-5-4 / EN 10027-2:1.3361 / JIS SKH5411505711005553DESCRIPTIONASP 2004 is the reference non-Cobalt gradesuitable for most cutting tool applications.CHEMICALCOMPOSITION51105049 C520DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 265 HB.Cold drawn material is typically 10-40 HBharder.FORM TIESIMPACT TOUGHNESSMachiNmHRC90738071HEAT TREATMENT lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to roomtemperature 25 C between temperings.HRC68 mpact energy67506540633061Hardness2059571001000 1040 1080 1120 1160 120055Hardening Temperature in C4-POINT BEND 6105013100001000 1040 1080 1120 1160 12000 C600Tempering Temperature in CHardness after hardening, quenching and tempering3 x 1 hour1000620Round barsFlat & square barsForged blanksCoilsAvailable surface conditions: drawn, ground,peeled, rough machined, hot worked, hot rolled.GUIDELINES FOR HARDENING20122061Hardening Temperature in CFor more information on mechanical testsand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.All test carried out on samples tempered 3x1hour at 560 CE M2E M35E M42C8E M3:2E M7E T1WKE 42WKE 45ASP 2004ASP 2005ASP 2015ASP 2017ASP 2023ASP 2030ASP 2052ASP 2053ASP 2060
ASP 2011 POWDER METALLURGY HSS6560ASTM: AISI A11 / SP 2011 is a high Carbon and high anadium alloyed grade with excellent wearVresistance for knifes.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 280 HB.Cold drawn material is typically 10-40 HBharder.FORM 09.75PROPERTIESIMPACT TOUGHNESSNmHRC806770CoilsFlat & square barsSheetsCoarse round barsDiscsPieces cut from sheetsAvailable surface conditions: peeled, cold rolled, hot rolled, rough machined.-1050V110065Impact energy60635061405930575520HEAT TREATMENT lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to roomtemperature 25 C between temperings.GUIDELINES FOR rdening Temperature in C4-POINT BEND STRENGTHNm2kN/mm6 ing Temperature in C0 C600Tempering Temperature in CHardness after hardening, quenching and tempering3 x 1 hourRc 0.2kN/mm25ASP GRADES DATA // ASP 2011HRC70For more information on mechanical testsand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.All test carried out on samples tempered3x1 hour at 560 C21
ASP GRADES DATA // ASP 201548480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620ASP 2015 POWDER METALLURGY HSSASTM: AISI T15 / EN: HS 12-0-5-5 / EN: 1.3202 / JIS SKH10CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONDESCRIPTIONASP 2015 is a high tungsten alloyed gradefor high performance cutting tools.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 280 HB.Cold drawn material is typically 10-40 HBharder.CCrMoWCoV1.64.0-125.05.0PROPERTIESIMPACT TOUGHNESSNm70FORM SUPPLIEDRound barsFlat & square barsForged blanksCoilsAvailable surface conditions: drawn, p eeled,centerless ground, rough machined, hotworked, cold rolled, hot rolled.60HEAT TREATMENT20 lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to roomtemperature 25 C between temperings.Impact energyHRC6850644030Hardness601001000 1050 1100 1150 1200 125056Hardening Temperature in CGUIDELINES FOR HARDENINGHRC 00Tempering Temperature in CHardness after hardening, quenching and tempering3 x 1 hour22For more information on mechanical testsand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.All test carried out on samples tempered3x1 hour at 560 C
ASTM: AISI M3:2 / EN: HS 6-5-3 / EN: 1.3395 / JIS SKH53CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONDESCRIPTIONASP 2023 is an excellent non-Cobalt grade suitable for most cutting tool application.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 260 HB.FORM SUPPLIEDRound barsFlat & square barsStripsSheetsDiscsCoilsAvailable surface conditions: drawn, ground,peeled, rough machined, cold rolled, hot rolled.HEAT TREATMENT lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to roomtemperature 25 C between ACT TOUGHNESSNmHRC1206765100Impact energy8063606140572009501000GUIDELINES FOR HARDENINGHRC C68105011001150551200Hardening Temperature in C4-POINT BEND 00050520540560580600Tempering Temperature in CHardness after hardening, quenching and tempering3 x 1 hourMachinabilityE M2E M35E M42C8E M3:2254201100564859HardnessASP GRADES DATA // ASP 2023ASP 2023 POWDER METALLURGY HSSReb315Tot.work210150950100010501100115001200 CHardening Temperature in CFor more information on mechanical testsand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.samples temperedWear All test carried out on HotToughnessGrindabilityresistancehardness3x1 hourat 560 C23
ASP GRADES DATA // ASP 2030ASP 2030 POWDER METALLURGY HSSASTM: AISI A11 / EN: HS 6-5-3 -8 / EN: 1.3294DESCRIPTIONCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONASP 2030 is an excellent Cobalt alloyedgrade suitable for most cutting tool applications when hot hardness is required.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 290 HB.Cold drawn material is typically 10-40 HBharder.HEAT TREATMENTWCoV1. TOUGHNESSNmHRC68 lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to roomtemperature 25 C between temperings.HRC70406630642062Hardness10GUIDELINES FOR 560580600Tempering Temperature in CMachinabilityHardness after hardening, quenching EandM2tempering3 x 1 hourE M35E M42C8E M3:2E M7WKE 42WKE 45605810001050110011501200Hardening Temperature in C4-POINT BEND STRENGTH2NmkN/mm618 C6824MoImpact energyCoilsFlat & square barsSheetsRound barsForged blanksAvailable surface conditions: drawn, ground,hot worked, peeled, rough machined.520Cr50FORM 110011501200 CHardening Temperature in CWearmore information onHotmechanical testsForToughnessGrindabilityresistancehardnessand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.All test carried out on samples tempered3x1 hour at 560 C
ASTM AISI M42 / EN: HS 2-9-1-8 / EN: 1.3247 / JIS SKH59CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONDESCRIPTIONASP 2042 is the reference grade for high performance bi-metal band saws. Availableas laser or EB weldable version.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 280 HB.Cold drawn material is typically 10-40 HBharder.HRC64626058561.2PROPERTIESIMPACT TOUGHNESSHRCNmHRC1180115018110069163146769Impact energy600Tempering Temperature in CHardness10after hardening, quenching and tempering653 x 1 hour109011201150118016511201150118001030 CNmkN/mm264 CMachinabilityReb210103030Rmb5675802Impact energy12314R44-POINT BEND STRENGTH7116560kN/mm26Hardening Temperature in CHardness119054071Hardness101090 C2212520V8.05GUIDELINES FOR HARDENING66Co1.518 lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to room temperature 25 C between temperings.20W9.420HEAT TREATMENT68Mo22Round barsFlat barsBimetal edge wire70Cr3.8NmFORM SUPPLIED72C1.08ASP GRADES DATA // ASP 2042ASP 2042 POWDER METALLURGY HSS1080E MAT IIE M2E M3:1E M3:2E M42ASP 2042Tot workASP 2030ASP 20601130118025Wearresistance20151050 CHardening Temperature in CMachinabilityE MAT IIE M2For more information on mechanical testsand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.All test carried out on samples tempered3x1 hour at 560 CWearHotToughnessGrindabilityresistancehardness25
ASP GRADES DATA // ASP 2048ASP 2048 POWDER METALLURGY HSSASTM: AISI M48DESCRIPTIONCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONASP 2048 is a highly alloyed grade for highperformance cutting tools.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 300 HB.FORM IMPACT TOUGHNESSCoilsRound barsFlat & square barsAvailable surface conditions: drawn, groundhot worked, peeled, rough machined, hotrolled.HEAT TREATMENTNm35HRC703069Impact energy682567206615 lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recommendation. Tempering at 560 C three times for atleast 1 hour each time. Cooling to roomtemperature 25 C between temperings.GUIDELINES FOR HARDENINGHRC70ºC651064Hardness5095063621000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 CHardening Temperature in C4-POINT BEND 05610005452CRmb515412Reb39Total work261520540560580600Tempering Temperature in CHardness after hardening, quenching and tempering3 x 1 hour0390010001100120001300Hardening Temperature in CFor more information on mechanical testsand how to read the graphs see page 50-51.All test carried out on samples tempered3x1 hour at 560 C26
ASTM: AISI M51 / EN: HS 10-4-3-10 / EN: 1.3207 / JIS SKH57CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONDESCRIPTIONASP 2051 has a composition equivalent toM51, but with upgraded toughness for bimetal band saws.DELIVERY HARDNESSTypical soft annealed hardness is 280 HB.Cold drawn material is typically 10-40 HBharder.FORM SUPPLIEDBimetal edgeAvailable surface conditions: colled rolledHEAT TREATMENT lease refer to page 60 for general heatPtreatment recomm
ASP powder metallurgy HSS HSSconventional metallurgy ASP 2004 ASP 2015 ASP 2023 ASP 2030 ASP 2052 ASP 2055 What is broaching? Broaching can be both internal or external. Internal broaches generally create complex shapes of holes in the centre of tools such as non-circular holes, internal splines, keyways and flat surfaces.
Unit 6: Powder Metallurgy Powder metallurgy The process of preparation and processing the powdered iron and non-ferrous metals is called as powder metallurgy Powder metallurgy is the process whereby metallic shapes are manufactured from metallic powders. This process involves a series of steps as follows 1. Manufacturing of the powder .
Powder metallurgy – basics & applications Powder metallurgy – science of producing metal powders and making finished /semifinished objects from mixed or alloyed powders with or without the addition of nonmetallic constituents Steps in powder metallurgy:Powder production, Compaction,
What is Powder Metallurgy Powder Metallurgy is a fabrication technique that uses metal powder to manufacture complex industrial parts. It involves blending ultra-fine powdered materials, pressing them into a desired shape and then heating the compressed material to bond. The powder metallurgy process generally consists of four basic steps: 1.
secondary finishing or sizing the powder metallurgy product. 1. Metal Powder 2. Mixing and Blending 3. Compaction 4. Sintering Fig.1: Basic Steps in the PM process 1.2 Production of Metal Powder: A Powder can be defined as a finely divided particulate solid. It is characterized by size and shape, density, flow, compressibility etc.
Powder metallurgy - science of producing metal powders and making finished /semifinished objects from mixed or alloyed powders with or without the addition of nonmetallic constituents Steps in powder metallurgy: Powder production, Compaction, Sintering, & Secondary operations Powder production: Raw materials Powder; Powders can be pure .
MCE 313: Manufacturing Process I Powder Metallurgy Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 1 7.1 Powder Metallurgy Powder metallurgy (PM) is a metal processing technology in which parts are produced from metallic powders. In the usual PM production sequence, the p
range of fields, as well as powder metallurgy. This Special Issue on Iron and Steel Powders pres-ents a summary of technical trends in the respective fields of use, including powder metallurgy applications, and an outline of JFE Steel's "JIP " iron powder prod-ucts. 2. Industrial Fields of Application for Iron Powders and
CONTENTS 1 Additive Manufacturing and Powder Metallurgy at SMS Group - Providing 1-2 . 6 Nitriding Processes of Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Components 25-29 Zhi-dong Chen, Chong-xi Bao, Yang Cao 7 MicroMIM - Powder Injection Molding in the Micro World 30-33 Volker Piotter, Alexander Klein and Klaus Plewa 8 Two Materials Powder Injection .