Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division

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College of PharmacyCollege of OptometryCollege of Allied Health and NursingCollege of Medical SciencesCollege of Dental Medicine3200 South University DriveFort Lauderdale, Florida 33328-2018(954) 262-1101 800-356-0026, ext. 21101www.nova.edu0 2010 HPD CAT Cover.indd 1Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division 2010–2011 CatalogCollege of Osteopathic MedicineNova Southeastern UniversityHealth Professions Division2010–2011 Catalog11/17/10 10:28 AM

Notice: Credits and degrees earned from colleges within the state of Florida that arelicensed by the State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities do not automatically qualify the individual to participate in professional examinations in Florida.The established procedure requires the appropriate state professional board to reviewand recognize the colleges granting the degrees prior to scheduling examinations.Additional information regarding Nova Southeastern University Health ProfessionsDivision and its Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Allied Healthand Nursing, Medical Sciences, and Dental Medicine may be obtained by contactingthe State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities, Department of Education,Tallahassee, Florida. Any student interested in practicing a regulated profession inFlorida should contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 2009Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32301.This brochure is for information purposes only and does not represent a contract.Information contained herein is subject to change at any time by administrativedecision or the direction of the Board of Trustees.AccreditationNova Southeastern University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges ofthe Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur,Georgia 30033-4097, Telephone number: 404-679-4501) to award associate’s,bachelor’s, master’s, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees.Notice of NondiscriminationConsistent with all federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and/or local ordinances(e.g., Title VII, Title VI, Title III, Title II, Rehab Act, ADA, and Title IX), it isthe policy of Nova Southeastern University not to engage in any discriminationor harassment against any individuals because of race, color, religion or creed,sex, pregnancy status, national or ethnic origin, nondisqualifying disability, age,ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, unfavorable discharge from the military,veteran status, or political beliefs or affiliations, and to comply with all federal andstate nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action laws, orders,and regulations.This nondiscrimination policy applies to admissions; enrollment; scholarships;loan programs; athletics; employment; and access to, participation in, and treatment in all university centers, programs, and activities. NSU admits students ofany race, color, religion or creed, sex, pregnancy status, national or ethnic origin,nondisqualifying disability, age, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, unfavorable discharge from the military, veteran status, or political beliefs or affiliations,to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or madeavailable to students at NSU, and does not discriminate in the administration ofits educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, andathletic and other school-administered programs. 07-073-10NOM

Nova Southeastern UniversityHealth Professions DivisionCollege of Osteopathic MedicineCollege of PharmacyCollege of OptometryCollege of Allied Health and NursingCollege of Medical SciencesCollege of Dental Medicine

Table of ContentsLetter from the NSU Chancellor.1Letter from the HPD Chancellor.2Administration.3NSU Board of Trustees.4NSU Mission Statement.5HPD Board of Governors.6HPD Mission Statement.72010–2011 Academic Calendar.8University History.10Campus.10Foreign Coursework.12Admissions Policy.12Background Checks.12Voluntary WithdrawalTuition Refund Policy.13Florida Residency.14Financial Aid.14Certificate of Physical Examination.15Immunization Requirements.15Student Housing.16Dress Code.18Identification Requirementsand Fieldwork Prerequisites.19Student Insurance Requirement.19Veterans’ Benefits.20Service Units Learning Resources.21Health Care Centers.22Core Performance Standardsfor Admission and Progress . .23College of Osteopathic MedicineAn Osteopathic sion to theCollege of Osteopathic Medicine. 30Requirements for Admission.30Application Procedure.31Tuition and Fees.32Schedule of Applicationfor Admission Cycle.33Computer Requirements.33Academics. 33Transfer of Credit.33Advanced Placement.34Course of Study.34Curriculum Outline. 36College of Osteopathic MedicineCourse Descriptions. 42Affiliated Hospitals. 56Special Academic Programs. 57The Interdisciplinary GeneralistCurriculum (IGC) Program.57Osteopathic Principlesand Practice Laboratories.58Area Health EducationCenter (AHEC) Program.58Consortium for Excellencein Medical Education (CEME).59West Palm BeachVeterans Affairs Medical Center.59Rural Medicine Program.60Preventive Medicine.60Geriatric Teaching Program.61M.B.A. Program.62M.P.H. Program.62Master of Health Law.62Master of Science in Education.62D.O. Program for Doctorsof Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M.).63D.O./D.M.D. Dual-Degree Program.63Master of Public Health Program. 63Program Mission . .64Course of Study.64Accreditation.65Admission to theMaster of Public Health Program.65Graduate Certificate Programs.66Nondegree-Seeking Students.67Tuition and Fees.68Financial Aid.68Transfer of Credits.68Graduation Requirements.69Curriculum Outline. 70Master of Public HealthProgram Courses. 72Master of Science inBiomedical Informatics . 77NSU Health Professions Division

Course of Study.78Admission to the Master of Sciencein Biomedical Informatics.79Application Procedures.80Nondegree-Seeking Students.80Tuition and Fees.80Transfer of Credits.80Graduation Requirements.81Curriculum Requirements.81Biomedical Informatics ProgramCurriculum Outline. 82Biomedical Informatics Core Courses.83Elective Courses.85College of OsteopathicMedicine Departments. 89College of PharmacyMission Statement.95Vision ccreditation.96Facilities.96Financial Aid.97Transfer Credits.97Class Cancellation Policy .98Entry-Level ProgramDoctor of Pharmacy Degree. 98Requirements for Admission.98Foreign Coursework.99Application Procedure.99Program Requirements.101Tuition and Fees.101Undergraduate/Pharm.D.Dual Admission Program.102Internship.102Course of Study.103Study Abroad.104Graduation Requirements.104Entry-Level Curriculum Outline. 105International Pharmacy GraduatesDoctor of Pharmacy Degree. 107Admissions Requirements.107Application Procedures.108Requirements.110Tuition and Fees .110Graduation Requirements . ational Curriculum Outline. 111College of PharmacyCourse Descriptions. 113Basic Medical Sciences.113Pharmacy—Required Courses.113Elective Courses.123Student Organizations. 131Student Council.131Other Organizations.131College of Pharmacy Faculty. harmaceutical Sciences.131Sociobehavioral andAdministrative Pharmacy.131Pharmacy Practice.132Experiential Sites. 132College of OptometryMission itation.144Requirements for Admission.144The Application Process . .145Tuition and Fees.146Financial Aid.147Undergraduate /O.D.Dual Admission Program.147Transfer Students.147Promotion, Suspension,Dismissal, and Readmission.148Requirements for Graduation.148Course of Study.148Extended (Five-Year)Doctor of Optometry Degree.149Student Organizations.149Master of Science in Clinical VisionResearch Graduate Program.150Traditional Four-Year ProgramCurriculum Outline. 151NSU Health Professions Division

Extended ProgramCurriculum Outline. 154Curriculum Outline for Master ofOccupational Therapy Program. 189College of OptometryCourse Descriptions. 158Medical Sciences.158Optometric Basic Sciences.159Optometry Clinical Education.164Doctoral Programs inOccupational Therapy. 191Doctor of OccupationalTherapy (Dr.OT).191Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).193Computer Requirements.195Nonmatriculating Students.195College of Allied Healthand NursingMission Statement.169Administration.169College of Allied Health and Nursing.170Expenses and Financial Aid.171Transfer Credits.171Promotion, Suspension, Dismissal,and Readmission.171Audiology DepartmentProgram Overview.172Accreditation.172Requirements for Admissions.172Computer Requirements.173Application Procedures.174Personal Interviews.174Tuition and Fees.174Requirements for Graduation.175Course of Study:Postbachelor’s Program.175Curriculum Outline:Postbachelor’s Program. 176Curriculum Outline: UK Program. 178Audiology Course Descriptions. 178Occupational Therapy DepartmentAccreditation.183Master of Occupational TherapyAdmissions Requirements.184Master of Occupational TherapyApplication Procedures.185Undergraduate/Occupational TherapyDepartment Dual Admission Program.186Tuition and Fees.187Computer Requirements.187Master of Occupational TherapyCourse of Study.188Requirements for Graduation.188Occupational TherapyCourse Descriptions. 196Physical Therapy DepartmentPhysical TherapyStudent Organizations .205Entry-Level Doctor ofPhysical Therapy (D.P.T.). 206Application Procedures.207Undergraduate/Entry-LevelDoctor of Physical TherapyDual Admission Program .209Requirements for Graduation.210Full-Time Entry-LevelDoctor of Physical TherapyCurriculum Outline. 211Tampa Hybrid Entry-LevelDoctor of Physical TherapyCurriculum Outline. 213Entry-Level Doctor of PhysicalTherapy Course Descriptions. 215Postprofessional DoctoralPrograms in Physical Therapy. 228Transition Doctor of PhysicalTherapy Program (T-D.P.T.).228Application Procedures.230Curriculum Overview.230Transition D.P.T.Course Descriptions. 233Doctor of Philosophy inPhysical Therapy (Ph.D.).237Curriculum Overview.237Application Procedures.238Doctor of Philosophy in PhysicalTherapy Course Descriptions. 240Physician Assistant Department—Fort LauderdaleAccreditation.246NSU Health Professions Division

Mission Statement.246Admissions Requirements.246Computer Requirements.247Application Procedures.248Tuition and Fees.249Requirements for Graduation.249Academic Dismissal in thePhysician Assistant Program.249Readmission Policy in thePhysician Assistant Program.250Course of Study.250Curriculum Outline for the Master ofMedical Science (M.M.S.) PhysicianAssistant Program—Fort Lauderdale . 251Physician Assistant—FortLauderdale Course Descriptions. 254Physician Assistant Department—Southwest FloridaAccreditation.260Mission Statement.261Admissions Requirements.261Computer Requirements.262Application Procedures.263Undergraduate/Physician AssistantDual Admission Program withHodges University.264Tuition and Fees.265Requirements for Graduation.265Academic Dismissal in thePhysician Assistant Program.265Readmission Policy in thePhysician Assistant Program.266Course of Study.266Curriculum Outline for the Master ofMedical Science (M.M.S.) in PhysicianAssistant Program—Southwest Florida.267Physician Assistant—Southwest FloridaCourse Descriptions. 269Physician Assistant Department—OrlandoAccreditation.275Mission Statement.275Admissions Requirements.275Computer Requirements.277Application Procedures.277Tuition and Fees.279Requirements for Graduation.279Academic Dismissal in thePhysician Assistant Program.279Readmission Policy in thePhysician Assistant Program.279Remediation Policy.279Course of Study.280Curriculum Outline for the Master ofMedical Science (M.M.S.) in PhysicianAssistant Program—Orlando. 282Physician Assistant—Orlando CourseDescriptions. 285Physician Assistant Department—JacksonvilleAccreditation.291Mission Statement.292Admissions Requirements.292Computer Requirements.293Application Procedures.293Undergraduate/Physician Assistant DualAdmission Program—Jacksonville.295Tuition and Fees.295Requirements for Graduation.296Academic Dismissal in thePhysician Assistant Program.296Readmission Policy in thePhysician Assistant Program.296Course of Study.296Curriculum Outline for the Master ofMedical Science (M.M.S.) in PhysicianAssistant Program—Jacksonville. 298Physician Assistant—Jacksonville CourseDescriptions. 300Sources of Additional Information.306Department of Health ScienceComputer Requirements.307Bachelor of Health Science OnlineDegree Completion Program. 308Description of Curriculum.308General Education .309Admissions Requirements . .311Transfer Credit Policy.312Distance Education Support.313NSU Health Professions Division

Technical Help.314Testing Services.314Application Procedures . .314Tuition and Fees.315Requirements for Graduation.316Graduation with Honors.316Commencement.316Nondegree-Seeking Students .316Computer Skills.317Address and Name Changes.317Bachelor of Health Science—Vascular Sonography(On-Campus, Entry-Level). 318Curriculum Overview.318Admissions Requirements . .319Application Procedures . .320Distance Education Support.321Tuition and Fees.321Requirements for Graduation.322Graduation with Honors.322Computer Skills.322Accreditation, National Examinations, andRegistry.322Curriculum Outline Bachelor ofHealth Science—Vascular Sonography.323Bachelor of Health ScienceCourse Descriptions. 324Master of Health Science Programfor Health Professionals. 332Admissions Requirements . .332Tuition and Fees.334Application Procedures.334Requirements for Graduation.335Course of Study.336Curriculum Outline—Master of Health Science Program. 337Specialty Tracks in theMaster of Health Science Program.338Master of Health ScienceCourse Descriptions. 342Didactic Core Component Courses.342Elective Courses.342Practical Components.347M.H.Sc.—Anesthesiologist Assistant,Fort Lauderdale. s Requirements.349Computer Requirements.350Personal Interviews.350Tuition and Fees.350Application Procedures.351Requirements for Graduation.352Anesthesiologist Assistant Curriculum—Fort Lauderdale. 353Anesthesiologist Assistant—FortLauderdale Course Descriptions. 356M.H.Sc.—Anesthesiologist Assistant,Tampa. s Requirements.364Computer Requirements.365Personal Interviews.365Tuition and Fees.366Application Procedures.366Requirements for Graduation.367Anesthesiologist Assistant Curriculum—Tampa. 368Anesthesiologist Assistant—Tampa CourseDescriptions. 370Sources of Additional Information.377Master of Health Science—VascularSonography (On-Campus, Entry-Level).377Program Objectives.377Curriculum Overview.378Accreditation, National Examinations,and Registry.379Prerequisites.379Admissions Requirements.379Personal Interviews.379Application Procedures.380Distance Education Support.381Tuition and Fees.381Requirements for Graduation.382Graduation with Honors.382Computer Skills.382Curriculum Outline Master of HealthScience—Vascular Sonography. 383Master of Health Science—VascularSonography Course Descriptions. 384Accelerated Dual-DegreeM.H.Sc./D.H.Sc. Program. 387NSU Health Professions Division

Admissions Requirements.388Tuition and Fees.388Application Procedures.389Computer Requirements.389Requirements for Graduation.389Specific Requirements for Graduation.390Course of Study.392Course Descriptions. 394Master of Health Science.394Doctor of Health Science.395Doctor of Health Science(D.H.Sc.) Program . 399Admissions Requirements.399Application Procedures.400Tuition and Fees.401Requirements for Graduation.401Curriculum Outline. 402Doctor of Health ScienceCourse Descriptions. 404Capstone Course (all).409Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in HealthScience Program. 410Admissions Requirements.410Application Procedures.411Transfer of Credits.412Tuition and Fees.412Requirements for Graduation.412Computer Requirements.413Curriculum Outline. 414Doctor of Philosophy in Health ScienceCourse Descriptions. 416Nursing DepartmentDepartment Mission Statement.422Accreditation.422Undergraduate Courses of Study.422B.S.N. Program Goals .423Entry-Level B.S.N. TrackAdmissions Requirements.423Entry-Level B.S.N.Application Procedures.424Entry-Level Track Tuition and Fees.425Curriculum Outline—Nursing Entry-Level Track. 426Entry-Level Course Descriptions. 427R.N. to B.S.N. TrackAdmissions Requirements.433R.N. to B.S.N. Application Procedures.433R.N. to B.S.N. Tuition and Fees.434Curriculum Outline—R.N. to B.S.N. Track. 435R.N. to B.S.N. Course Descriptions. 437R.N. to M.S.N. Track AdmissionsRequirements.439R.N. to M.S.N. Application Procedures.440R.N. to M.S.N. Tuition and Fees.440Curriculum Outline— M.S.N. Track. 441Graduate Nursing Program. 443Master of Science inNursing (M.S.N.). 443Admissions Requirements.443Application Procedures.444Tuition and Fees.444Academic Policies.444Courses of Study.445Curriculum Outline—M.S.N. Program. 446Post-Master of Science in NursingCertificate (Post-M.S.N. Certificate). 447Admissions Requirements.447Application Procedures.447Tuition and Fees.447Academic Policies.447Transfer Credits.447Progression Requirements.447Certificate Completion Requirements.448Course of Study.449M.S.N. Course Descriptions. 449Doctor of Philosophy inNursing Education (Ph.D.). 452Admissions Requirements.452Application Procedures.453Tuition and Fees.453Curriculum Outline—P.h.D. Program. 454Ph.D. ProgramCourse Descriptions. 455College of Medical SciencesMission Statement.463Administration.463Degree Programs.463Accreditation.463Admissions Requirements.463Application Procedures.464NSU Health Professions Division

Schedule of Applicationfor Admission Cycle.464Tuition and Fees.464Transfer Credits.465Dismissal and Suspension.465Policy on Readmission.465Graduation Requirements.466Course of Study.466Student Organization.466College of Medical SciencesCourse Descriptions.467College of Dental MedicineMission Statement.

College of Pharmacy College of Optometry College of Allied Health and Nursing College of Medical Sciences College of Dental Medicine Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division 2010-2011 Catalog 3200 South University Drive Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33328-2018 (954) 262-1101 800-356-0026, ext. 21101

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