Health Requirements Packet - University Of South Carolina Upstate

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Health Requirements Student ChecklistAcceptable documentation includes: Copy of immunization recordCopy of lab reportMust have at least two identifiers such asname and DOBSubmit ONCE1. Academic Regulations Form (pg. 1)2. Acknowledgement of Influenza VaccinationEducation (pg.2)3. SRHS Confidentiality Agreement/Waiver andRelease (pgs. 3-5)4. MBSON Confidentiality Agreement/ Consent toRelease Information/Honor Pledge (pgs. 6-7)5. SR&I Authorization (pg. 8)6. DHEC Confidentiality Agreement (pg. 9-10)7. Consent/Waiver for Hepatitis B Vaccine (pg. 11)8. Authorization to Release Health Information(pg. 12)9. Health History Form: The enclosed forms mustbe filled out and signed. A print out from thedoctor’s office will not replace these forms.(pgs. 13-15)10. Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis)a. Submit Documentation of immunizationin the last 10 years.b. DTaP is not the same thing11. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)a. Series of 2 doses on or after firstbirthday.b. Submit documentation ofimmunizations or titer that includesresults.12. Varicella (Chicken Pox)a. Series of 2 dosesb. Submit documentation ofimmunizations or titer that includesresultsc. Report of having had the disease is NOTproof of immunityPlease return health requirements to:Terri Whitaker, Director, Nursing Student ServicesANDHealth Services DepartmentSubmit NOW and ANNUALLY1. PPD (TST or Tuberculosis Screening)a. Student must complete initial two-stepseries – two tests administered 7-21 daysapart.b. Thereafter, students will submitdocumentation of a single step PPDannually.c. If you have had a positive PPD, please goto Health Services for further testing.2. Flu Vaccine3. Health Insurance (pg. 16)a. Must be current at all timesb. Photocopy of insurance card (front andback) is required with the packet.c. Proof of insurance must be suppliedannuallyWAIT for Instructions to Submit1. CPR Certificationa. Each student must have a CPR card that iscurrent through an entire semester. Thismay require that you re-certify early if thecard will expire in the middle of a term.b. American Heart Association BLS forHealthcare Providers ONLY. “CommunityCPR” or “Heartsaver CPR” is notacceptable.c. Course must include: 1 person/2 person,infant, child, choking and AED.d. No online CPR courses will be acceptedwithoug personal skills certification by alicensed instructor.2. CareLearning: SPARTANBURG students only3. HealthStream/EPIC Training: GREENVILLEstudents only

Section1Signature FormsInstructions:1. Please sign all papers in BLUE ink.2. Make a copy of Section I of the packet for yourself. Many instructors will require to see thesedocuments later in the program. MBSON will NOT make a copy of the documents for you atthat time since you have been advised to make a copy yourself.3. Scan in color and email papers back to Terri Whitaker, Photos takenby a phone are not acceptable for this requirement.4. Bring originals to an Information Session or directly to Terri’s office in Spartanburg, HEC 3095.Originals may also be mailed to:USC UpstateMary Black School of Nursing800 University WaySpartanburg, SC 29303Attn: Terri WhitakerHEC 3095

Academic Regulations Form“The University assumes that students, through the act of registration, accept all published academicregulations appearing in this catalog, online course schedule, the University Web site, or in any otherofficial announcement.”(From The USC Upstate Academic Catalog)o I acknowledge that I have read the entire Mary Black School of Nursing Student Handbook.o I understand that I am responsible for the policies and procedures stipulated in The School ofNursingHandbook, the University Student Handbook, and the University Academic Catalog aswell as any other official publication or announcement.o I understand that only one Nursing course may be repeated to make a C or better. Any coursewith an earned grade of less than a C is considered a course failure. If I have had a previousNursing course failure from USC Upstate or any other school, it will count as the one allowablefailure within the Mary Black School of Nursing program.o I will regularly check my USC Upstate email address and Blackboard for announcementsregarding the Mary Black School of Nursing baccalaureate program including, but not limitedto, changes to the School of Nursing Handbook or the University Student Handbook andAcademic Catalog.o If I have questions, I will contact the appropriate School of Nursing representative.The School of Nursing Student Handbook͕ The University Student Handbook ĂŶĚThe USC Upstate Academic Catalog ĂƌĞ Ăůů located ŽŶ ƚŚĞ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ Ăƚ ǁǁǁ͘ƵƐĐƵƉƐƚĂƚĞ͘ĞĚƵ͘ Student Name (print):Student Signature:Date::ĂŶ͘ ϮϬϭϳ - TW1

Acknowledgement of Influenza Vaccination EducationSpartanburg Regional Healthcare System has recommended that I receive influenza vaccination toprotect the patients I serve. I acknowledge that I am aware of the following facts. Influenza is a serious respiratory disease that kills an average of 36,000 persons and hospitalizesmore than 200,000 persons in the U. S. each year.Vaccination is recommended for all healthcare workers to protect patients from influenzadisease, its complications, and death.If I contract influenza, I will shed the virus for 24-48 hours before symptoms appear. Myshedding the virus can spread influenza disease to patients in my facility.If I become infected with influenza, even when my symptoms are mild or non-existent, I canspread severe illness to others.The strains of virus that cause influenza infection change almost every year, which Is why adifferent influenza vaccine is recommended each yearI cannot get influenza from the influenza vaccine.The consequences of my refusing to be vaccinated could have life-threatening consequences tomy health and the health of those with whom I have contact, including my patients, mycoworkers, my family and my community.Based on these facts, I can choose to be vaccinated against influenza. I will provide my schoolwith appropriate documentation.Despite these facts, I am choosing to decline influenza vaccination right now for the followingreasons:I have an allergy to eggs (or other vaccine components)I have a history of Guillan Barre or other neurologic disorderVaccines are against my religious beliefs.Other (Please provide a detailed response in writing in order for your concerns to be addressedabout influenza vaccine)If I decline: I agree to wear a mask anytime I am within 6 feet of patients in a medical or treatment area.I understand that I can change my mind at any time and be vaccinated, if vaccine is available. I have readand fully understand the information presented in this session, and if I have questions, I understand thatI may speak with SRHS Employee Health, SRHS Infection Prevention or my healthcare provider.Print Name:Signature:Date:2

CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTSPARTANBURG REGIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEMNAME: SCHOOL:PATIENT INFORMATIONPatients have a right to privacy. They have a right to expect that details of their condition, treatment, andmedical history. Personal and financial affairs will be kept confidential by all hospital employees and agents. Itis not for an employee or agent to decide what information a patient would not object to having disclosed, forwhat one person considers another may consider being unimportant highly sensitive or embarrassing.I understand that all information (written, verbal, electronic, or printed) concerning a patient’s medicalcondition or relating to or referring to a patient’s medical records, regardless of how such information isobtained, is confidential medical information. I agree not to disclose or discuss such information with anyoneother than those individuals directly involved in the care of the patient or others with a legitimate businessreason to know the information.CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATIONI acknowledge that certain business information of SRHS is considered confidential information. Suchconfidential information includes patient or vendor lists, public relations and marketing information, patientaccount information, training and operations material, memoranda and manuals, personnel records and manuals,cost information, and financial information concerning or relating to the business, accounts, patients,employees, agents and affairs of SRHS. I acknowledge and agree that such information is the property of, andconfidential to, SRHS, and further, that I will not publish or disclose, either directly or indirectly, anyconfidential information of SRHS.ELECTRONIC/COMPUTER SYSTEMSElectronic and computer systems include all computer-generated or stored data, voice mail, facsimile, andelectronic mail services. The information transmitted by; received from, or stored in these systems is theproperty of Spartanburg Regional HealthCare System (“SRHS”). I hereby consent to SRHS monitoring my useof its electronic and computer systems at any time. I understand that such monitoring may include the printingand reading of all electronic mail entering, leaving, or stored in these systems.I understand that electronic and computer systems are to be used solely for SRHS purposes and agree not tocopy, modify or otherwise access the software without the appropriate written authorization. I further agree notto circumvent my password or security level. I acknowledge that software is protected by a variety of licensingagreements and laws and that any misuse of the software may subject me to legal liability as well as disciplinaryaction up to and including termination from hospital learning experiences.I understand that any violation of this Confidentiality Agreement may result in disciplinary action, up to andincluding termination from hospital learning experiences. I understand that SRHS may have additional rightsand remedies available to them in law or equity in cases of a disclosure of trade secrets or proprietaryinformation.Signature3Revised 05/2014Date

EXHIBIT AWAIVER AND RELEASEThis Waiver and Release is entered into and signed as of this day of ,20 , by , a student of 86& 8SVWDWH (“College”), located in6SDUWDQEXUJ 6RXWK &DUROLQD (“Student”), to and in favor of Spartanburg Regional Health ServicesDistrict, Inc., a public hospital corporation and political subdivision of the State of South Carolina(“SRHSD”). In the event that Student is under the age of eighteen (18), then this Waiver and Release ismade with the consent and joinder of 1 as parent or legal guardianof Student (“Parent”).WHEREAS, Student has been accepted for enrollment in an internship through College to take placeon the premises of SRHSD (“Internship”), conditioned upon execution and delivery of this Waiver and Release;andWHEREAS, Student and/or Parent are willing to execute and deliver this Waiver and Release in orderto induce SRHSD to allow Student to participate in the Internship;NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for theopportunity to participate in the Internship, Student and/or Parent hereby agree as follows:1.Medical Condition and Coverage. Student has consulted with a physician as to his personalmedical condition, and represents that he suffers from no health-related issues which preclude orrestrict participation in the Internship. Student is further aware of his medical condition and needs,and has arranged for adequate medical insurance to meet any and all needs for payment of hospitalcosts, and that Student and/or Parent assumes all risk and responsibility therefore. In the event thatStudent’s medical condition or needs change during the course of the Internship in any way thatcould affect his participation in the Internship, then Student and/or Parent agree to notify Collegeand SRHSD of such change.2.Conduct. Student acknowledges that SRHSD may suspend and immediately remove from thepremises and Internship any Student when their performance is unacceptable in reference to theFacility’s standards of behavior or their conduct is disruptive or detrimental to the Facility or itspatients, within the sole judgment of SRHSD.3.Assumption of Risk. Knowing the dangers, hazards and risks associated with participation in theInternship, and in consideration of being allowed to participate, Student and/or Parent, on behalf ofStudent, his heirs, assigns, guardians, personal representative and all other persons claiming by orthrough him, voluntarily agrees to assume all risks and responsibility surrounding participation inthe Internship, including transportation, and releases and forever discharges, holds harmless andagrees to defend and indemnify, SRHSD, its board, officers, agents, insurers, affiliates andemployees from and against any and all damages or liabilities arising in any way out of or related tolosses, damages, or injuries, including death, suffered by Student while participating in, or in transitto or from, the Internship, whether based upon tort (including without limitation premises liability),contract, or otherwise.4.Release of Records. Student understands and acknowledges that, by providing the informationrequested below, he is consenting to College and or SRHSD using such information in order toconduct a criminal records check, drug test health screening, and hereby grants permission for suchchecks, tests and/or screens to be conducted. Student further understands and acknowledges that heis to advise College of any arrests or criminal charges subsequent to completion of this form, and4Revised 05/2014

that failure to do so may result in dismissal from the internship program. Student grants permissionto College and SRHSD to receive and exchange the criminal records check, drug test results andhealth screens if shared for the limited purpose of determining Student’s suitability to participate inthe internship.5.Nonemployment. Student acknowledges that the Internship constitutes a clinical learningexperience for which the student will receive no monetary or other compensation from the Facility,and that the Internship does not create an employer/employee relationship as between the studentand the Facility.6.Miscellaneous Provisions. In signing this Waiver and Release, Student/Parent acknowledge thatthey are fully aware of the content of this waiver, and are executing and delivery this Waiver andRelease freely and voluntarily, only after having fully read and understood the contents hereof.Student states that he is years old, and if over the age of eighteen (18), fullycompetent to sign this Waiver and Release. This Waiver and Release shall be construed inaccordance with the internal, substantive, laws of the State of South Carolina, without effect to anychoice of laws provisions that would result in the application of the laws of any other state. TheCourt of Common Pleas for Spartanburg County, South Carolina, shall be the exclusive forum forany suits filed under or incidental to this Waiver and Release or the Internship, and all partieshereby consent to jurisdiction therein. This Waiver and Release shall be severable, such that in theevent that any court of competent jurisdiction holds any term to be illegal or unenforceable, then thevalidity of the remaining portions of such provision and of this Waiver and Release shall not beaffected thereby.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party (and if under the age of eighteen, parties) has executedthis Waiver and Release as of the date first written above.WitnessStudent3ULQW QDPHStudent Name:6LJQDWXUHStudent Date of BirthStudent Current AddressStudent GenderStudent 9,3 ID5Revised 05/2014

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATEMARY BLACK SCHOOL OF NURSINGBACCALAUREATE NURSING PROGRAMCONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTPATIENT INFORMATIONPatients have a right to privacy. They have a right to expect that details of their condition, treatment, medical history,personal and financial affairs will be kept confidential by all hospital employees and agents. It is not for an employee oragent to decide what information a patient would not object to having disclosed, for what one person considers anothermay consider being unimportant highly sensitive or embarrassing.I understand that all information (written, verbal, electronic, or printed) concerning a patient’s medical condition orrelating to or referring to a patient’s medical records, regardless of how such information is obtained, is confidentialmedical information. I agree not to disclose or discuss such information with anyone other than those individuals directlyinvolved in the care of the patient or others with a legitimate business reason to know the information.CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATIONI acknowledge that certain business information of any health care provider is considered confidential information. Suchconfidential information includes patient or vendor lists, public relations and marketing information, patient accountinformation, training and operations material, memoranda and manuals, personnel records and manuals, cost information,and financial information concerning or relating to the business, accounts, patients, employees, agents and affairs of anyhealth care provider. I acknowledge and agree that such information is the property of, and confidential to, the provider,and further, that I will not publish or disclose, either directly or indirectly, any confidential information of the health careprovider.ELECTRONIC/COMPUTER SYSTEMSElectronic and computer systems include all computer-generated or stored data, voice mail, facsimile, and electronic mailservices. The information transmitted by; received from, or stored in these systems is the property of the health careprovider. I hereby consent to the health care agency monitoring my use of its electronic and computer systems at any time.I understand that such monitoring may include the printing and reading of all electronic mail entering, leaving or stored inthese systems.I understand that electronic and computer systems are to be used solely for the health care agency’s purposes and agreenot to copy, modify or otherwise access the software without the appropriate written authorization. I further agree not tocircumvent my password or security level. I acknowledge that software is protected by a variety of licensing agreementsand laws and that any misuse of the software may subject me to legal liability as well as disciplinary action up to andincluding termination from hospital learning experiences.I understand that any violation of this Confidentiality Agreement may result in disciplinary action, up to and includingtermination from hospital learning experiences. I understand that the health care agency may have additional rights andremedies available to them in law or equity in cases of a disclosure of trade secrets or proprietary information.Print NameSignatureDate6

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATEMARY BLACK SCHOOL OF NURSINGBACCALAUREATE NURSING PROGRAMCONSENT TO RELEASE INFORMATIONI authorize the University of South Carolina Upstate, Mary Black School of Nursing to release such academic and otherinformation from my educational record to furnish statements of reference requested by prospectiveemployers and/or other educational institutions to which I have applied.HONOR PLEDGEI do solemnly pledge on my honor as an USC UPSTATE nursing student to faithfully uphold the standards set forth in theUniversity's Code of Student Conduct. I will abide by all University rules, regulations and policies governing my conduct.I will refrain from any acts of academic dishonesty both in the classroom and clinical settings, and in my work on/out ofclass/clinical assignments.As a USC UPSTATE student, I am always on my honor not to lie, plagiarize, cheat or steal and to report any student whoviolates this pledge.Print NameStudent SignatureDate7


DHEC Confidentiality AgreementI understand that:(a) the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has a legal and ethicalresponsibility to protect confidential information given or made available to DHEC in administration ofthe agency’s programs and services;(b) during the course of my employment, volunteer services, contract performance, or other agencyrelationship with DHEC, I may have access to confidential information in many forms, oral, written, andelectronic;(c) my compliance with this confidentiality agreement is an essential condition of my employment,volunteer services, or contractual or other agency relationship with DHEC; and(d) violation of this Agreement may result in termination of my volunteer, contractual, and/or workrelationship with DHEC or my employer and may be grounds for disciplinary action, fines, penalties,imprisonment, or civil suit to be brought against me.Confidential information is information known or maintained in any form, whether oral, written, orelectronic, whether recorded or not, consisting of protected health information, other health information,personal information, personal identifying information, confidential business information, and otherinformation required by law to be treated as confidential, designated as confidential by the Department, orknown or believed by me to be claimed as confidential or entitled to confidential treatment. Examples ofconfidential information include but are not limited to: personal information of job applicants, DHECemployees, DHEC clients, or members of the public, such as an individual's photograph or digitizedimage, social security number, date of birth, driver's identification number, name, home address, hometelephone number, medical or disability information, physical or mental health, health care, payment forhealth care, education level, financial status, bank account numbers, account or identification numbersissued or used by any federal or state governmental agency or private financial institution, employmenthistory, height, weight, race, other physical details, signature, biometric identifiers, credit records orreports, trade secrets, and confidential business information.By signing this agreement, I understand and agree that:(1) I will not disclose confidential information unless the disclosure complies with DHEC policies and isrequired to perform my responsibilities.(2) I will not disclose confidential information without written authorization from affected persons orparties, except as required by law or, if an employee, as required to perform agency responsibilities.(3) I will not access or view any confidential information other than what is required to do my job.(4) If I have any questions about whether I need access to certain information, or whether certaininformation should be disclosed, I will immediately ask my supervisor for clarification.(5) I will immediately report any unauthorized disclosure of confidential information to the DHECPrivacy Officer and my supervisor or to the DHEC Procurement Officer, if I am an employee of acontractor.(6) I will immediately report any request I receive for confidential information, including a subpoena,litigation discovery request, court order, or Freedom of Information Act request, to my supervisor, or theDHEC 321 Rev 4//20139Page 1 of 2

DHEC Confidentiality AgreementDHEC Procurement Officer, if I am an employee of a contractor, and the DHEC Office of GeneralCounsel.(7) I will not discuss any confidential information obtained in the course of my relationship with DHECwith any person or in any location outside of my area of responsibility in DHEC, except as otherwiserequired or permitted by law.(8) I will not make any unauthorized copy or disclosure of confidential information, or remove or transferthis information to any unauthorized location.(9) My obligations under this Agreement regarding confidential information will continue aftertermination of my employment/volunteer assignment/contract affiliation with DHEC.THIS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT DOES NOT CREATE AN EMPLOYMENTCONTRACT BETWEEN ME AND THE DEPARTMENT.I have read the above Agreement and agree to comply with all its terms.Print name:Signature: Date:Witness: Date:Work Location: 1 DHEC 321 Rev 4//201310Page 2 of 2

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATEMARY BLACK SCHOOL OF NURSINGBACCALAUREATE NURSING PROGRAMCONSENT/WAIVER FOR HEPATITIS B VACCINEPlease sign the appropriate area (one section only):(Print Name) have been immunized against Hepatitis B.1. I,Dates of Immunizations:(All three HepB shot dates)1.2.3.TITER Date:ORTiter Results: Immune Not ImmunePrint Name:Signature:Date:OR2. I, (Print Name), have begun the Hep B vaccine series. Iwill complete the series of injections in the time frame required.Dates of Immunizations:1.2.3.Print Name:Signature:Da

Nursing course failure from USC Upstate . or any other school, it will count as the one allowable failure within the Mary Black School of Nursing program. o I will regularly check my USC Upstate email address and Blackboard for announcements regarding the Mary Black School of Nursing baccalaureate program including, but not limited to

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