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Annual Report 2021Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.Collective Investment Funds

Notice to UnitholdersEffective April 1, 2022, Wells Fargo resigned as Trustee and SEI Trust Company assumed trusteeship of the Trust which became Allspring CollectiveInvestment Trust. Each Fund also changed its name as follows:Former Fund nameNew Fund nameWells Fargo Core Bond CITAllspring Core Bond CITWells Fargo Core Bond II CITAllspring Core Bond II CITWells Fargo Discovery CITAllspring Discovery SMID Cap Growth CITWells Fargo Emerging Growth CITAllspring Emerging Growth CITWells Fargo Emerging Markets Equity CITAllspring Emerging Markets Equity CITWells Fargo Enhanced Stock Market CITAllspring Enhanced Stock Market CITWells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Core CITAllspring Factor Enhanced Large Cap Core CITWells Fargo Fundamental Small Cap Growth CITAllspring Discovery Small Cap Growth CITWells Fargo Growth CITAllspring Growth CITWells Fargo Large Cap Intrinsic Value CITAllspring Special Large Cap Value CITWells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT IPrincipal/Multi-Manager Liability Driven Solution CIT IWells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT IIPrincipal/Multi-Manager Liability Driven Solution CIT IIWells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT IIIPrincipal/Multi-Manager Liability Driven Solution CIT IIIWells Fargo Premier Large Company Growth CITAllspring Premier Large Company Growth CITWells Fargo Special Mid Cap Value CITAllspring Special Mid Cap Value CITWells Fargo Special Small Cap Value CITAllspring Special Small Cap Value CIT

Table of ContentsPageIndependent Auditors' ReportFinancial Statements:Statements of Assets and LiabilitiesStatements of OperationsStatements of Changes in Net AssetsFinancial Highlights13111726Schedule of Investments:Wells Fargo Core Bond CITWells Fargo Core Bond II CITWells Fargo Discovery CITWells Fargo Emerging Growth CITWells Fargo Emerging Markets Equity CITWells Fargo Enhanced Stock Market CITWells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Core CIT(formerly, Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Index CIT)Wells Fargo Fundamental Small Cap Growth CITWells Fargo Growth CITWells Fargo Large Cap Intrinsic Value CITWells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT IWells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT IIWells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT IIIWells Fargo Premier Large Company Growth CITWells Fargo Special Mid Cap Value CITWells Fargo Special Small Cap Value CIT107123126129131151178188191194Notes to Financial Statements198Appendix212Regulatory Statement2204266919497101

KPMG LLPTwo Financial Center60 South StreetBoston, MA 02111Independent Auditors’ ReportThe Unitholders of the Funds and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.Wells Fargo Core Bond CIT, Wells Fargo Core Bond II CIT, Wells Fargo Discovery CIT, Wells Fargo EmergingGrowth CIT, Wells Fargo Emerging Markets Equity CIT, Wells Fargo Enhanced Stock Market CIT, Wells FargoFactor Enhanced Large Cap Core CIT (formerly, Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Index CIT), WellsFargo Fundamental Small Cap Growth CIT, Wells Fargo Growth CIT, Wells Fargo Large Cap Intrinsic ValueCIT, Wells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT I, Wells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT II, Wells FargoLiability Driven Solution CIT III, Wells Fargo Premier Large Company Growth CIT, Wells Fargo Special Mid CapValue CIT and Wells Fargo Special Small Cap Value CIT:OpinionWe have audited the financial statements of Wells Fargo Core Bond CIT, Wells Fargo Core Bond II CIT, WellsFargo Discovery CIT, Wells Fargo Emerging Growth CIT, Wells Fargo Emerging Markets Equity CIT, WellsFargo Enhanced Stock Market CIT, Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Core CIT (formerly, Wells FargoFactor Enhanced Large Cap Index CIT), Wells Fargo Fundamental Small Cap Growth CIT, Wells Fargo GrowthCIT, Wells Fargo Large Cap Intrinsic Value CIT, Wells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT I, Wells FargoLiability Driven Solution CIT II, Wells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT III, Wells Fargo Premier LargeCompany Growth CIT, Wells Fargo Special Mid Cap Value CIT and Wells Fargo Special Small Cap Value CIT(collectively, the Funds) , sixteen of the collective investment funds constituting Wells Fargo Bank CollectiveInvestment Funds for Employee Benefit Trusts, which comprise the statements of assets and liabilities,including the schedules of investments, as of December 31, 2021, and the related statements of operations,changes in net assets, and the financial highlights for the year or periods then ended, and the related notes tothe financial statements.In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all materialrespects, the financial position of the Funds as of December 31, 2021, and the results of their operations,changes in their net assets, and the financial highlights for the year or periods then ended in accordance withU.S. generally accepted accounting principles.Basis for OpinionWe conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States ofAmerica (GAAS). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors’Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are required to beindependent of the Funds and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, in accordance with the relevant ethicalrequirements relating to our audits. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient andappropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.Responsibilities of Management for the Financial StatementsManagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and financialhighlights in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and for the design,implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation offinancial statements and financial highlights that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud orerror.KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and a member firm ofthe KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated withKPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.

In preparing the financial statements and financial highlights, management is required to evaluate whetherthere are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the Funds' abilityto continue as a going concern for one year after the date that the financial statements and financial highlightsare issued.Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial StatementsOur objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financialhighlights as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue anauditors’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not absoluteassurance and therefore is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with GAAS will alwaysdetect a material misstatement when it exists. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting fromfraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Misstatements are considered material if there is asubstantial likelihood that, individually or in the aggregate, they would influence the judgment made by areasonable user based on the financial statements and financial highlights.In performing an audit in accordance with GAAS, we: Exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financialhighlights, whether due to fraud or error, and design and perform audit procedures responsive to thoserisks. Such procedures include examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts anddisclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures thatare appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on theeffectiveness of the Funds' internal control. Accordingly, no such opinion is expressed. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significantaccounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall presentation of thefinancial statements and financial highlights. Conclude whether, in our judgment, there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, thatraise substantial doubt about the Funds' ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable periodof time.We are required to communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, theplanned scope and timing of the audit, significant audit findings, and certain internal control related matters thatwe identified during the audit.Other Information Included in the Annual ReportManagement is responsible for the other information included in the annual report. The other informationcomprises the Supplemental Schedule of Monthly Values and Regulatory Statement included in the annualreport but does not include the financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon. Our opinion on thefinancial statements does not cover the other information, and we do not express an opinion or any form ofassurance thereon.In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information andconsider whether a material inconsistency exists between the other information and the financial statements, orthe other information otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work performed, weconclude that an uncorrected material misstatement of the other information exists, we are required to describeit in our report.Boston, MassachusettsApril 13, 20222

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells Fargo CoreBond CITAssets:Unaffiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Affiliated investments, at value (see cost below)CashCash on deposit at brokerReceivable for investments soldReceivable for when-issued transactionsReceivable for Fund units soldReceivable for interest and dividendsTotal assetsLiabilities:Payable for investments purchasedPayable for when-issued transactionsPayable for Fund units repurchasedTrustee fee payableTotal liabilitiesNet assetsUnaffiliated investments, at costAffiliated investments, at costSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 0952,908,368985,059,593 958,025 864,935,43852,002,669Wells Fargo CoreBond II CIT 47,7192,056,593706,622,538Wells FargoDiscovery CIT 794 ,242 2,873,621608,408439,5983,921,627889,259,167 614,878,88045,325,498 758,564,6868,921,5683

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells Fargo CoreBond CITComputation of net asset value per unit:Class ENet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E1Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E2Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E3Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass EF1Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass EF2Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass FNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass NNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass TRNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitSee accompanying notes to financial statements. Wells Fargo CoreBond II CIT- - - - - - 547,988,51641,895,42513.08 121,476,3612,714,99544.74 149,493,1489,078,18316.47 Wells FargoDiscovery CIT50,275,9684,106,15412.24 - - 249,049,45320,185,83512.34 35 - - - .02-4

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells FargoEmergingMarkets EquityCITWells FargoEmerging GrowthCITAssets:Unaffiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Affiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Foreign currency, at value (see cost below)CashCash on deposit at brokerReceivable for investments soldReceivable for Fund units soldReceivable for dividendsTotal assetsLiabilities:Payable for investments purchasedPayable for Fund units repurchasedVariation margin payable on futures contractsTrustee fee payableTotal liabilitiesNet assetsUnaffiliated investments, at costAffiliated investments, at costForeign currency, at costSee accompanying notes to financial statements. ,410 86,365195,957282,322406,602,088 375,312,5111,626,028- 313,439913,518,583Wells FargoEnhanced StockMarket CIT 7 8,151,91319,234376,1468,547,293904,971,290 6,19028,14161,15295,483430,145,944 793,572,10442,575,02323,312,635 229,083,6289,974,567-5

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells FargoEmergingMarkets EquityCITWells FargoEmerging GrowthCITComputation of net asset value per unit:Class ENet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E1Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E2Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E4Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass G1Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass MDNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass NNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitSee accompanying notes to financial statements. - - 75,004,0903,392,90422.11 331,597,99834,969,0249.48 - - - Wells FargoEnhanced StockMarket 75,144,1716,160,61212.20 - 282,484,17722,438,33412.59 467,563,31237,462,55012.489,779,579924,65510.58 ------430,145,944937,127459.006

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells FargoFundamentalSmall CapGrowth CITWells FargoFactorEnhanced LargeCap Core CITAssets:Unaffiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Affiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Foreign currency, at value (see cost below)CashCash on deposit at brokerReceivable for investments soldReceivable for Fund units soldReceivable for dividendsTotal assetsLiabilities:Payable for investments purchasedPayable for Fund units repurchasedVariation margin payable on futures contractsTrustee fee payableTotal liabilitiesNet assetsUnaffiliated investments, at costAffiliated investments, at costForeign currency, at costComputation of net asset value per unit:Class ENet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E1Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E2Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass FNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass NNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 147,073,4164,200,770689445,50087,689151,808,064 12,42413,43625,860151,782,204 Wells FargoGrowth CIT59,474,133755,25192,824178,8863,53960,504,633 126,834,2201,751,944175,59365,6334,462128,831,852 434,4996,975441,47460,063,159 200,770- 56,743,515755,25192,647 74,734,8301,751,944-- - 17,901,7511,017,09617.60151,782,20410,000,00015.18 - - 60,063,1595,743,77610.46 - - - - 44,520301,14510.447

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells Fargo LargeCap IntrinsicValue CITAssets:Unaffiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Affiliated investments, at value (see cost below)CashCash on deposit at brokerReceivable for investments soldReceivable for interest and dividendsVariation margin receivable on futures contractsTotal assetsLiabilities:Payable for investments purchasedDue to custodianVariation margin payable on futures contractsTrustee fee payableTotal liabilitiesNet assetsUnaffiliated investments, at costAffiliated investments, at costComputation of net asset value per unit:Class E2Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass FNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 13,276,712579,2992,63781,42413,940,072 311,7334,832316,56513,623,507 Wells FargoLiability DrivenSolution CIT I Wells FargoLiability DrivenSolution CIT 921,239,293,665 3519,5481,840,369,646 ,351 579,299 1,195,025,2119,997,500 1,717,362,12925,375,62213,623,507148,92091.48 - -- 1,222,261,35167,431,54918.13 1,830,012,11174,467,02124.578

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells FargoPremier LargeCompany GrowthCITWells FargoLiability DrivenSolution CIT IIIAssets:Unaffiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Affiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Cash on deposit at brokerReceivable for investments soldReceivable for Fund units soldReceivable for interest and dividendsVariation margin receivable on futures contractsTotal assetsLiabilities:Payable for investments purchasedPayable for Fund units repurchasedTrustee fee payableTotal liabilitiesNet assetsUnaffiliated investments, at costAffiliated investments, at costComputation of net asset value per unit:Class E1Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass E2Net assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass FNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 84,864 220,91720,411241,328138,343,536 58,287,5732,120,8959,88060,418,348Wells FargoSpecial Mid CapValue CIT 272,364,9047,770,14051,083283,873280,470,000 21,70221,70260,396,646 77,101 40,123,2902,120,895 216,187,8307,770,140- - 73,948,0565,677,65413.02- 60,396,6463,729,09616.20 138,343,5366,810,11520.31 - 206,074,03014,526,89714.19-9

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Assets and LiabilitiesDecember 31, 2021Wells FargoSpecial Small CapValue CITAssets:Unaffiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Affiliated investments, at value (see cost below)Receivable for Fund units soldReceivable for dividendsTotal assets es:Payable for Fund units repurchasedTrustee fee payableTotal liabilitiesNet assets 309,14432,402341,54658,275,346Unaffiliated investments, at costAffiliated investments, at cost 51,439,3131,052,995 55,884,8964,164,04613.42Computation of net asset value per unit:Class ENet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitClass NNet assetsUnits outstandingNet asset value per unitSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 2,390,450173,31313.7910

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of OperationsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells Fargo CoreBond CITInvestment income:Interest incomeDividend incomeDividend income from affiliated short-term investmentTotal income Expenses:Trustee feeTMR Program feesTotal expensesNet investment income (loss)Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments:Net realized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsNet realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operationsSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 11,492,84342,77811,535,621Wells Fargo CoreBond II CIT 3(23,504,556)(21,367,110)(11,550,250) (16,627,930)(16,163,917)(9,426,402)Wells FargoDiscovery CIT 7,218,781 (86,836,510)(29,617,729)(33,686,337)11

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of OperationsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells FargoEmergingMarkets EquityCITWells FargoEmerging GrowthCITInvestment income:Dividend income (net of foreign taxes withheld, see below)Dividend income from affiliated short-term investmentTotal income Expenses:Trustee feeNet investment income (loss)Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments:Net realized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investments (net of foreign capital gains taxeswithheld, see below)Futures contractsForeign currency transactionsNet realized gain (loss) on investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsForeign currency translation of other assets and liabilitiesNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operationsForeign taxes withheld on dividend incomeForeign capital gains taxes withheld on realized investmentsSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 130,0221,563131,585 11,619,97849,58111,669,559Wells FargoEnhanced StockMarket CIT ,904,069- 1,475,285134,018 422-12

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of OperationsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells FargoFundamentalSmall CapGrowth CIT(1)Wells FargoFactorEnhanced LargeCap Core CITInvestment income:Dividend incomeDividend income from affiliated short-term investmentTotal income Expenses:Trustee feeTMR Program feesTotal expensesNet investment income (loss)Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments:Net realized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsForeign currency transactionsRedemption in-kindNet realized gain (loss) on investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsForeign currency translation of other assets and liabilitiesNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations(1)(2) 5,591,03717,2045,608,241 983,227)129,139,389134,609,288 2,730,618(350)2,730,2682,667,8202,664,384Wells FargoGrowth CIT 22,164,471 (10,756,642)(10,756,642)11,407,82911,049,497For the period from December 14, 2021 (commencement of operations) to December 31, 2021.Includes a futures transaction loss of ( 3,394,889) related to an in-kind redemption which was subsequently offset by an equivalent amountfrom an affiliated fund resulting in no net impact to the Fund. See Note 8 in the Notes to Financial Statements for additional information.See accompanying notes to financial statements.13

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of OperationsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells Fargo LargeCap IntrinsicValue CITInvestment income:Interest income (net of foreign taxes withheld, see below)Dividend income (net of foreign taxes withheld, see below)Dividend income from affiliated short-term investmentTotal income Expenses:Trustee feeNet investment income (loss)Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments:Net realized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsNet realized gain (loss) on investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operationsForeign taxes withheld on interest incomeForeign taxes withheld on dividend incomeSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 2,472,5873,8562,476,443Wells FargoLiability DrivenSolution CIT I 26,129,20847,32127,89026,204,419Wells FargoLiability DrivenSolution CIT II 32,035)(8,422,357)58 611- ,434,792)363-14

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of OperationsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells FargoPremier LargeCompany GrowthCITWells FargoLiability DrivenSolution CIT IIIInvestment income:Interest incomeDividend income (net of foreign taxes withheld, see below)Dividend income from affiliated short-term investmentTotal income Expenses:Trustee feeForeign taxes withheld on dividend incomeSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 236,8084,043,284Net investment income (loss)Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments:Net realized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsNet realized gain (loss) on investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsFutures contractsForeign currency translation of other assets and liabilitiesNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations4,256,81122,2421,0394,280,092 191,0171,076192,093Wells FargoSpecial Mid CapValue CIT )8,718,2028,649,392 30,456,49930,456,49951,536,71853,377,995 2,910- 1,00715

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of OperationsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells FargoSpecial Small CapValue CITInvestment income:Dividend income (net of foreign taxes withheld, see below)Dividend income from affiliated short-term investmentTotal income Expenses:Trustee fee345,590393,547Net investment income (loss)Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments:Net realized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on:Unaffiliated investmentsNet realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operationsForeign taxes withheld on dividend incomeSee accompanying notes to financial statements.737,6421,495739,13712,825,659 (1,346,949)11,478,71011,872,25760616

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Changes in Net AssetsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells Fargo CoreBond CITIncrease (decrease) in net assets from operations:Net investment income (loss)Net realized gain (loss) on investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations Participating unitholders transactions:Proceeds for issuance of unitsClass EClass E1Class E2Class E3Class EF1Class EF2Class FClass NClass TRPayments for redemption of unitsClass EClass E1Class E2Class E3Class EF1Class EF2Class FClass NClass TRChange in net assets derived from unit transactionsTotal increase (decrease) in net assetsNet assets:Beginning of yearEnd of yearParticipating unitholders transactions:Issuance of unitsClass EClass E1Class E2Class E3Class EF1Class EF2Class FClass NClass TRSee accompanying notes to financial statements. 9,816,8602,137,446(23,504,556)(11,550,250)Wells Fargo CoreBond II CIT 6,737,515464,013(16,627,930)(9,426,402)Wells FargoDiscovery CIT ,895 48,315- 991,231-17

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Changes in Net AssetsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells Fargo CoreBond CITWells Fargo CoreBond II CITWells FargoDiscovery CITParticipating unitholders transactions: (continued)Redemption of unitsClass EClass E1Class E2Class E3Class EF1Class EF2Class FClass NClass TRSee accompanying notes to financial 648,268)(9,600,927)(1,588,592)-18

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Collective Investment FundsStatements of Changes in Net AssetsYear ended December 31, 2021Wells FargoEmergingMarkets EquityCITWells FargoEmerging GrowthCITIncrease (decrease) in net assets from operations:Net investment income (loss)Net realized gain (loss) on investmentsNet change in unrealized gain (loss) on investmentsNet increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations Participating unitholders transactions:Proceeds for issuance of unitsClass EClass E1Class E2Class E4Class FClass G1Class MDCl

Wells Fargo Enhanced Stock Market CIT 101 Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Core CIT (formerly, Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap Index CIT) 107 Wells Fargo Fundamental Small Cap Growth CIT 123 Wells Fargo Growth CIT 126 Wells Fargo Large Cap Intrinsic Value CIT 129 Wells Fargo Liability Driven Solution CIT I 131

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