Marketing Mix Modelling From Multiple Regression Perspective - KTH

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KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyMaster ThesisMarketing Mix Modelling from multipleregression perspectiveEcaterina Mhitarean-Cuvsinovsupervised byAssoc. Prof. TatjanaDr. DanielExaminer: TatjanaPavlenkoMalmquistPavlenkoMay 18, 2017

AbstractThe optimal allocation of the marketing budget has become a di cult issue that eachcompany is facing. With the appearance of new marketing techniques, such as online advertisingand social media advertising, the complexity of data has increased, making this problem evenmore challenging. Statistical tools for explanatory and predictive modelling have commonlybeen used to tackle the problem of budget allocation. Marketing Mix Modelling involves theuse of a range of statistical methods which are suitable for modelling the variable of interest(in this thesis it is sales) in terms of advertising strategies and external variables, with the aimto construct an optimal combination of marketing strategies that would maximize the pro t.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate a number of regression-based model buildingstrategies, with the focus on advanced regularization methods of linear regression, with theanalysis of advantages and disadvantages of each method. Several crucial problems that modernmarketing mix modelling is facing are discussed in the thesis. These include the choice of themost appropriate functional form that describes the relationship between the set of explanatoryvariables and the response, modelling the dynamical structure of marketing environment bychoosing the optimal decays for each marketing advertising strategy, evaluating the seasonalitye ects and collinearity of marketing instruments.To e ciently tackle two common challenges when dealing with marketing data, which aremulticollinearity and selection of informative variables, regularization methods are exploited.In particular, the performance accuracy of ridge regression, the lasso, the naive elastic netand elastic net is compared using cross-validation approach for the selection of tuning parameters. Speci c practical recommendations for modelling and analyzing Nepa marketing data areprovided.

SammanfattningAtt fördela marknadsföringsbudgeten optimalt är en svår uppgift som alla företag ställs inför. Med uppkomsten av nya marknadsföringstekniker, som reklam på nätet och sociala media,har komplexiteten av data ökat, vilket gör detta problem ännu mer utmanande. Statistiskaverktyg för förklarande och prediktiv modellering har vanligtvis använts för att hantera problemet med budgetallokering. Marknadsföringsmix Modellering är en term som omfattar klassenav statistiska metoder som är lämpliga för modellering av den intressanta variabeln (i dennauppsats är det försäljning) när det gäller reklamstrategier och externa variaber, med målet attmaximera vinsten genom att konstruera en optimal kombination av marknadsstrategier.Syftet med denna uppsats är att konstruera ett antal modellbyggnadsstrategier, som äveninkluderar avancerade regulariseringsmetoder för linjär regression, med en analys av fördelaroch nackdelar för varje metod. Flera stora problem som den moderna marknadsföringsmixmodellering står inför har beaktats, som till exempel: att välja en passande funktionsformelsom bäst beskriver relationen mellan den oberoende variabeln och de beroende variablerna, atthantera marknadsföringens dynamiska omgivningar genom att välja det optimala förfallet hosvarje marknadsföringsstrategi, utvärdera säsongsmässiga e ekten och marknadsföringsverktygens kollinjäritet.För att överkomma de två vanligaste problemen inom marknadsföringsekonometri, som ärmultikollinearitet och val av variabler, har regulariseringsmetoder använts. I synnerhet harprestationsnoggrannheten av ridge regression, lasso, naive elastic net och elastic net jämförts- för att ge speci ka rekommendationer för Nepa data. Parametrarna för de regulariseraderegressionsmetoderna har valts genom korsvalidering. Modellens resultat visar en hög nivå avförutsägelse noggrannhet. Skillnaden mellan nämnda metoder är inte signi kanta för det givnadatasetet.

AcknowledgementsI would like to thank my supervisor Tatjana Pavlenko, Associate Professor at KTH, for her supportand guidance during the master thesis. I would also like to thank my supervisor at Nepa AB, Dr.Daniel Malmquist, for his support and feedback throughout the process.

Contents1 Introduction1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2 Nepa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Theoretical Background2.1 Methods of selecting functional forms of the model2.1.1 Linear and Multiplicative Models . . . . . .2.1.2 The Box-Cox transformation . . . . . . . .2.2 Marketing Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.3 Modelling trend and seasonality . . . . . . . . . . .3 Estimation3.1 Ordinary Least Squares . . . . . . . . . .3.2 Non-linear Least Squares . . . . . . . . . .3.2.1 The Gradient Descent Method . .3.2.2 The Gauss-Newton Method . . . .3.2.3 The Levenberg-Marquardt Method.11123334578. 8. 9. 9. 9. 104.1 Methods of Model Assessment . . . . . . . .4.2 Speci cation Error Analysis . . . . . . . . .4.2.1 Nonzero expectation of the residuals4.2.2 Heteroscedasticity . . . . . . . . . .4.2.3 Correlated Disturbances . . . . . . .4.2.4 Nonnormal Errors . . . . . . . . . .4.2.5 Multicollinearity . . . . . . . . . . .5.1 Subset selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2 Shrinkage Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2.1 The Bias-Variance Trade-O . . . . . . . .5.2.2 Ridge Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2.3 The Lasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2.4 Comparing Ridge regression and The Lasso5.2.5 Selecting the Tuning Parameter . . . . . . .5.2.6 Naive Elastic Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2.7 Elastic Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Choosing among functional forms for Marketing Mix ModellingMarketing dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Re-estimation and testing the OLS assumptions . . . . . . . . .Variable selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ridge regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Validation and Testing5 Linear Model Selection and Regularization6 18181920222229313740

6.6 The Lasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436.7 Naive elastic net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456.8 Elastic net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Conclusions & Recommendations50

1 IntroductionThis section provides a short introduction into the concept of Marketing Mix Modelling, as well abrief presentation of the company, and the purpose of the study.1.1 BackgroundMarketing Mix Modelling is a term that is used to cover statistical methods which are suitable forexplanatory and predictive statistical modelling of some variable of interest, for example company'ssales or market shares. This thesis is focused on modelling sales as a factor of marketing instrumentsand environmental variables. In this case, the goal of Marketing Mix Modelling is to explain andpredict sales from marketing instruments, while controlling for other factors that in uence sales. Itsmain task is to decompose sales into base volume (which occurs due to such factors as seasonalityand brand awareness) and incremental volume (which captures the weekly variation in sales drivenby marketing activities). One of the most important Marketing Mix instruments is advertising,thus it is crucial to understand the impact of advertising expenditures on sales.Model building in marketing started in the middle of twentieth century. Many studies havebeen conducted since then, which helped managers understand the marketing process. Appropriately constructed market response models helped the managers to determine the instruments thatin uence sales and take actions that would a ect it. Applications show that model bene ts includecost savings resulting from improvements in resource allocations. Many studies discuss and describethe model development process, provide a structure for model building and serve as a starting pointfor this thesis, including: Lee ang (2015), Lee ang (2000), Hanssens (2001), P.M Cain (2010).This thesis attempts to develop a general model building strategy suitable for a high level ofcomplexity of the data, to establish the most appropriate functional relationships and estimationmethods for the Marketing Mix Modelling projects. This strategy will be used by Nepa for systematic analysis of the data collected. All the steps of this model building strategy are implementedin a user-friendly way and will be applied by Nepa for designing a marketing plan for its clients.As an illustration, the thesis analyses the relationship between marketing expenditures and saleson a dataset provided by Nepa. The data comes from a client of Nepa who is one of the largestelectronics retailer in Sweden. This dataset contains model-speci c weekly sales and marketingactivities data, as well as environmental data, for two years. To overcome some of the problemsthat are commonly encountered when working with marketing data, advanced estimation methodssuch as ridge regression, the lasso and elastic net were employed to quantify the sales-marketingrelationship and identify short and long-run e ects of marketing on performance. The thesis describes each method and presents the output for each model introduced. Marketing dynamics werealso considered in the model of sales structure, by optimizing the decays for each media variable.1.2 NepaNepa is an innovative research company founded in 2006 with the ambition to improve the e ciencyof the research industry by moving from analog to digital methodologies. It is a company that wentbeyond phone interviews and mail surveys and pioneered a fully automated and online tracking1

solution. Today Nepa has more than 350 clients from all over the world and o ces in Stockholm,Helsinki, Oslo, Copenhagen, London and Mumbai.1.3 PurposeThe main purpose of the thesis is to elaborate a methodology that Nepa can use in Marketing MixModelling projects. A method is needed to nd the optimal parameters to create a model with asgood predictability and low multi collinearity as possible, with the following main areas of interest:Parameter estimationWhat type of decay should each media variable have? That is, how much e ect does a certainamount invested in a media variable have one week later? This is known as the carryovere ect, and it appears when some of the marketing strategies have impact not only in thecurrent period, but also in the future periods.Variable selectionIt is important to e ciently tackle the problems of selecting the informative variables andevaluating the seasonality e ect. How should be handled season & trend to avoid overor underestimation of the e ects of other variables? Estimating the impact of marketinginstruments on sales becomes di cult when advertising activities coincide with seasonal peaks.Regression modellingIt is often the case that several marketing investments take place at the same time. Thecollinearity caused makes the parameters estimated with ordinary least squares to be unreliable. The question then arises as to what estimation methods should be used to attainpredictability and stability of the models. (Coping with multicollinearity, variable selection,etc.)2

2 Theoretical BackgroundThis section presents the mathematical background of the common challenges that marketing mixmodellers are facing. It begins with the challenge of choosing the appropriate functional form,continues with the dynamic structure of marketing variables, and nally an approach to accountfor the e ects of seasonality is described.2.1 Methods of selecting functional forms of the modelAn important part of the model building process is deciding upon the functional form that wouldre ect the most appropriate relationship between the variables. The most commonly applied functional form in Marketing Mix Modelling is the linear model. However, it is often the case that thenonlinear functional forms are used, since they take into account such properties as diminishing/increasing returns to scale and threshold e ects. In this section the vector of the model parameters βas well as the vector of the disturbance term ε are named in the same way for di erent speci cations,even though the parameters di er, depending on the functional form.2.1.1 Linear and Multiplicative ModelsLinear models assume constant returns to scale and have the following structure:yt β0 β1 x1t β2 x2t · · · βK xKt εt ,(2.1)where, following the notations in [16]:yt value of the dependent variable in period t (t 1, ., T , where T is the number of observations),xkt value of independent variable k in period t, (k 1, ., K , where K is the number of covariates),andβ0 , β1 , ., βK model parameters.εt the (unobserved) value of the disturbance term.A linear model is often tried rst since the estimation of the coe cients and the interpretationof the results are easy. It shows a good predictive performance and a reasonable approximation toan underlying nonlinear function, but only on a limited range.One drawback of the linearity assumption is that it implies constant returns to scale with respectto each of the covariates, meaning that an increase of one unit in xkt leads to an increase of βkunits in yt . However, the assumption of constant returns to scale is unrealistic in most real lifemarketing applications. Usually a sales response curve exhibits a non-constant behavior. One typeof non-constant behavior is diminishing returns to scale, which happens when the response variablealways increase with increases in the covariates, but each additional unit of xkt brings less in ytthan the previous unit did ([15]). One of the functional forms that re ects this phenomenon is themultiplicative power model (again, following the notations in [16]):yt β0 xβ1t1 εt ,x1t 0,0 β1 1(2.2)Model 2.2 can be linearized by taking the logarithms of both sides:ln yt ln β0 β1 ln x1t ln εt ,3x1t 0,0 β1 1(2.3)

Equation 2.3 is linear in the parameters β0? , β1 , where β0? ln β0 . This model is known as thedouble-logarithmic or the log-log model. The version of the multiplicative model that retains thehighest-order interaction among the variables for K marketing instruments is:(2.4)Kyt β0 xβ1t1 xβ2t2 · · · xβKtεtor more compactly:yt β0 (KY(2.5)xβktk )εtk 1In this setting, if some of the variables are "dummies", the corresponding variables are used asexponents. Besides re ecting the non-constant behavior of the sales response function, anotheradvantage of the multiplicative model over the linear model is that it allows for a speci c form ofinteraction between the various instruments. Taking the rst-order partial derivative of yt withrespect to any of the independent variables xkt , the impact of a change in xkt on yt is a function ofyt itself, which means that it depends not only on the value of xkt but on all the other variables aswell: ytβK β0 βk xβ1t1 xβ2t2 · · · xktk 1 · · · xβKt(2.6) xktWhen sales response function exhibits increasing returns to scale, the exponential model can beused:yt β0 eβ1 x1t εt(2.7)After taking the logarithms of both sides it becomes the semi-logarithmic also known as the loglinear model:ln yt ln β0 β1 x1t ln εt(2.8)When the nonlinear model is log-log or log-linear, an adjustment to the forecasts of yt is required,so that they remain unbiased ([15]). Considering the typical multiplicative speci cation 2.4, whereln εt is N (0, σ 2 ), it can be shown that:K 1/2σE[yt ] β0 xβ1t1 xβ2t2 · · · xβKte2(2.9)The forecasts should be calculated from the expression:K 1/2σ̂eŷt β̂0 xβ̂1t1 xβ̂2t2 · · · xβ̂Kt2(2.10)where hats denote the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates. A direct re-transformation wouldunder-estimate the forecasts.2.1.2 The Box-Cox transformationOne way to compare between the linear and the multiplicative speci cations is the likelihood ratiotest, using the Box-Cox transformation. It is based on the following transformation of the dependentvariable:ytλ 1 β0 β1 x1t . . . βK xKt εt .(2.11)λTo choose the appropriate functional form, the likelihood ratio test of the model above can be used.The idea behind this method is to compute the likelihood ratio for di erent values of λ and choose4

the value that maximizes the MLE score. The speci cation is then chosen according to the valueof λ reported. If λ 1 then the speci cation is essentially linear. When λ approaches 0, equation2.11 approaches the semi-logarithmic form, since:limλ 0 ytλ 1λ ln yt(2.12)2.2 Marketing DynamicsBecause of the evolving character of markets, the assumption that advertising expenditures have acurrent and immediate impact on sales rarely happens to be realistic. Most often is happens thatparts of the media e ects remain noticeable for several future periods. Thus, sales in some period tare a ected by advertising expenditures in the same period t, but also by expenditures in previousperiods t 1, t 2, . . . . The in uence of current marketing expenditures on sales in future periodsis called the carryover e ect. When the e ect of a marketing variable is distributed over severaltime periods, sales in any period are a function of the current and previous marketing expenditures.In the case of just one explanatory variable the equation for sales is:y t β0 Xβl 1 xt l εt ,(2.13)l 0where xt l , l 0, 1, . . ., are the lagged terms of the independent variable. The model 2.13 is calledthe In nite Distributed Lag (IDL) Model. Assuming that all coe cients of the lagged terms of acovariate have the same sign, equation 2.23 can be rewritten as:y t β0 β Xωl xt l εt .(2.14)l 0Equation 2.14 is called the Geometric Lag Model, whereωl 0 and Xωl 1.(2.15)l 0The omegas can be regarded as probabilities of a discrete-time distribution. As mentioned in [15],the Geometric Distributed Lag (GL) Model is the most commonly used distributed-lag model inmarketing. The maximum impact of marketing expenditures on sales is registered instantaneously,then the in uence declines geometrically to zero. The impact of any past expenditure in subsequentperiods will be a constant fraction of its immediate impact. This constant fraction is called theretention rate. If the retention rate is λ the geometric distribution gives:ωl (1 λ)λll 0, 1, 2 · · ·(2.16)where 0 λ 1. The speci cation of the sales response function becomes:yt β0 β(1 λ) Xλl xt l εt ,(2.17)l 0oryt β0 β1 xt β1 λxt 1 β1 λ2 xt 2 . . . β1 λl xt l . . . εt ,5(2.18)

where β1 β(1 λ). The direct short-term e ect of marketing e ort is β1 β(1 λ), while theretention rate λ measures how much of the advertising e ect in one period is retained in the next.The implied long-term e ect is β β1 /(1 λ). This model is also approximately equivalent to theSimple Decay-E ect Model (Broadbent (1979)):yt β0 β1 at εt ,(2.19)where at f (xt ) is the adstock function at time t, xt is the value of the advertising variable attime t and λ is the decay or lag weight parameter:at f (xt ) xt λat 1 ,t 2, . . . , n(2.20)Recursively substituting and expanding the equation for the adstock function becomes:at xt λxt 1 λ2 xt 2 . . . λn xt n ,(2.21)Since 0 λ 1, λ 0 as n . Moving on to the case with K explanatory variables x1 , . . . , xK ,each with di erent retention rates λ1 , . . . , λK , the model becomes:yt β0 β1 a1t β2 a2t · · · βK aKt εt(2.22)ait f (xit ) xit λi ait 1 ,(2.23)wherei 1, . . . , KTo estimate the marketing variables coe cients, as well as retention rate values, non-linear leastsquares can be used. The algorithm is described more detailed in section 3.2. First the adstock attime t is de ned for each marketing instrument, as in equation 2.23. The estimated sales are then:ŷt β̂0 β̂1 a1t β̂2 a2t . . . β̂K aKt(2.24)Finally, the optimization problem is:minimizeTX(yt ŷt )2t 1subject to 0 λi 1, i 1, . . . , K.For the semi-logarithmic and double-logarithmic models the equation for the predicted sales becomes2.25 and 2.26 respectively:andln ŷt β̂0? β̂1 a1t β̂2 a2t . . . β̂K aKt(2.25)ln ŷt β̂0? β̂1 ln a1t β̂2 ln a2t . . . β̂K ln aKt(2.26)And the optimization problem is:minimizeTX(ln yt ln ŷt )2t 1subject to 0 λi 1, i 1, . . . , K.6

2.3 Modelling trend and seasonalityIn this section the "classical decomposition" is considered:yt mt δit εt ,(2.27)where: mt is a slowly changing function (the "trend component");δit is a function with known period d (the "seasonal component");εt is a stationary time series.In trying to explain sales behavior, a linear trend variable (mt 1, 2, · · · , T for t 1, 2, · · · , T )could be introduced into the sales response function to capture the time-dependent nature of salesgrowth.If a variable follows a systematic pattern within the year, it is said to exhibit seasonality. Todeal with seasonality, s dummy variables could be introduced in the model to express s seasons inthe following way:(1,δit 0,if t is the i'th periodotherwisei 1, · · · , s t 1, · · · , T(2.28)These "dummy" variables for seasons and "time" variable mt for trend could be incorporated intothe linear model 2.1:yt β0 mt δ1t . . . δst β1 x1t β2 x2t . . . βK xKt εt ,(2.29)and also into the multiplicative models, for example into the log-log model 2.4:Kyt β0 e(mt δ1t . δst ) xβ1t1 xβ2t2 . . . xβKtεt(2.30)Equation 2.30 is non-linear. For the purposes of estimation, the model is converted into an additiveform by taking natural logarithms thus:ln yt ln β0 mt δ1t . . . δst β1 ln x1t . . . βK ln xKt ln εt(2.31)Taking into account the dynamic structure, equation 2.31 becomes:ln yt ln β0 mt δ1t . . . δst β1 ln a1t . . . βK ln aKt ln εt(2.32)where a1t , . . . , aKt are the adstock variables de ned in section 2.2. Equation 2.32 is no longerlinear, and was estimated with non-linear least squares, using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm,described in section 3.2.7

3 EstimationOnce the appropriate functional form is decided, the parameters of the marketing model must beestimated. A description of the estimation methods for the model parameters is provided in thisChapter.3.1 Ordinary Least SquaresLet us consider the linear model 2.1:yt β0 β1 x1t β2 x2t · · · βK xKt εt ,t 1, . . . , T(3.1)where the notations are de ned in section 2.1.1. Equation 2.1 can be rewritten in the matrix form: 1y1 y2 1 . . . .1yT x11x12.x1T······x21x22.···x2T βε1xK1 0 β1 ε 2 xK2 β2 . . . . . . εTxKTβK(3.2)or:(3.3)y Xβ ε.The OLS estimates of the parameters β̂ β̂0 β̂1 · · · β̂Kthe Residual Sum of Squares (RSS):RSS TX(yt ŷt )2 TX(yt β̂0 t 1t 1 in 3.1 are the values which minimizeKX(3.4)β̂k xkt )2k 1Following the notations in [8], the total sum of squares is de ned as: SStot Tt 1 (yt ȳt )2 . WithRSS and SStot de ned above, the following relationship holds: SStot SSreg RSS , where SSregPis the regression sum of squares : SSreg Tt 1 (ŷt ȳt )2 . It is easy to show that the coe cientestimates β̂ obtained by minimizing the quantity above are:Pβ̂ (X X) 1 X y.(3.5)Assuming that Cov(ε) σ 2 I, the covariance matrix of β̂ is then Cov(β̂) σ 2 (X X) 1 , estimatedas:d β̂) Cov(RSS(X X) 1T K 1An Fα (1, T K 1)-statistic for the hypothesis βk 0 is calculated as:F β̂kSE(β̂k )!2.where the standard error SE(β̂k ) for any k 1, . . . , K is the square root of the correspondingd β̂).diagonal element of Cov(8

3.2 Non-linear Least SquaresTo model the dynamic structure with several explanatory variables, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LMA) was used. As described in [7], the LMA interpolates between the Gauss-Newtonalgorithm (GNA) and the method of gradient descent. In the current setting, following the notations de ned in the previous sections, the problem is de ned in the following way: given a numberT of observations of independent and dependent variables, (xt , yt ), where xt is a vector of lengthK , containing the K variable measurements corresponding to the observation of the dependentvariable yt , the objective is to optimize K parameters β β0 β1 . . . βK of the model curvef (X, β) such that the sum of the squares of the deviationsS(β) TX[yt f (xt , β)]2(3.6)t 1is minimized.3.2.1 The Gradient Descent MethodThe idea behind the steepest descent method is that it updates parameter estimates in the directionopposite to the gradient of the objective function. The gradient of S with respect to β is f (X, β) S(β) 2(y f (X, β)) (y f (X, β)) 2(y f (X, β)) 2(y f (X, β)) J β β β(3.7)where the Jacobian matrixJ f (X, β) βrepresents the the change of f (X, β) to variation in the parameters β. In each iteration step, theparameter increment δ that moves the parameters β in the direction of steepest descent is given byδgd αJ (y f (X, β))(3.8)The positive scalar α determines the length of the step in the steepest-descent direction.3.2.2 The Gauss-Newton MethodThe Gauss-Newton method assumes that the objective function is approximately quadratic in theparameters near the optimal solution ([7]). The parameter increment δ is found by approximatingthe functions f (xt , β δ) by their linearizationsf (xt , β δ) f (xt , β) Jt δ(3.9)where f (xt , β) βThe above rst-order approximation of f (xt , β δ) givesJt S(β δ) (y f (X, β)) (y f (X, β)) 2(y f (X, β)) Jδ δ J Jδ(3.10)Taking the derivative of S(β δ) with respect to δ and setting the result to zero gives:(J J)δgn J [y f (X, β)]9(3.11)

3.2.3 The Levenberg-Marquardt MethodThe Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm interpolates between the Gauss-Newton method and themethod of gradient descent.(J J λI)δlm J [y f (X, β)](3.12)Small values of the damping parameter λ result in a Gauss-Newton update and large values of λresult in a gradient descent update. In each step the parameter λ is iteratively adjusted, that is λ isincreased S(β δ) S(β), and is decreased otherwise. To avoid slow convergence in the directionof small gradient, Marquardt provided the insight that the values of λ should be scaled to the valuesof J J ([7]):[J J λ diag((J J)]δlm J [y f (X, β)].(3.13)10

4 Validation and TestingThe process of validation and testing of the model begins with testing model's statistical assumptions. This part is called speci cation error analysis (section 4.2). The next step is to test theregression results. This involves tests of signi cance described in section Methods of Model AssessmentIn this section it is assumed that there are no speci cation errors. Linear regression assumes thatthe disturbances are normally distributed: ε N (0, σ 2 I), thus β̂ N (β, σ 2 (X X) 1 ). A teststatistic for the hypothesis that all of the β 's are all equal to zero:H0 : β1 β2 . . . βK 0 vs H1 : at least one βi 6 0is:F SSreg /KRSS/(T K 1)which has an approximate F (K, T K 1) distribution under the null. To determine the amount ofvariation "explained" by the covariates, one looks at a descriptive statistic R2 , called the coe cientof determination or goodness of t.R2 SSregRSS 1 SStotSStot(4.1)There is also an adjusted R2 that considers an adjustment for degrees of freedom:R̄2 1 T 1 RSST K 1 SStot(4.2)To determine which covariates are contributing to the t, one has to examine each covariate separately. The test statistic for the null hypothesis that a coe cient is zero must be calculated asexplained in section 3.1. A common test to determine which covariate should enter the regressionis the Akaike Information Criterion test:AIC T ln(RSS) 2K.(4.3)The model with the lowest AIC is prefered, since it minimizes the information loss ([13]).4.2 Speci cation Error AnalysisTo obtain point estimates of the coe cients and perform statistical inferences based on those pointestimates (for example: tests of signi cance, con dence intervals) the following assumptions mustbe satis ed: E[εt ] 0 for all t; Var[εt ] σ 2 for all t; Cov[εt , εt0 ] 0 for t 6 t0 ;11

εt is normally distributed. The matrix X has full rank, thus X X is non-singular.Table 1 based on [16] is a part of model building strategy from the perspective of violation of assumptions. It presents a short summary of reasons, remedies, and ways to detect possible violationsof each assumption. The Table is adapted to the given problem, and the methods applied in thisthesis.4.2.1 Nonzero expectation of the residualsThe violation of the assumption that the residuals are normally distributed could be a sign ofincorrect functional form, or omitted variables. If the assumed functional form is incorrect, a plotof the residuals et yt ŷt , t 1, . . . , T against each predictor should show a systematic patt

Marketing Mix Modelling is a term that is used to cover statistical methods which are suitable for explanatory and predictive statistical modelling of some ariablev of interest, for example company's sales or market shares. This thesis is focused on modelling sales as a factor of marketing instruments

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Figure 1. Model of the Customer Market offering dimensions of the Marketing Mix (Lipson, et al.) Marketing mix development for target market process involves four important steps: 1. Division of the marketing mix into four component-mixes: the product mix, the terms of sale mix, distribution mix and communications mix. 2.

Apr 20, 2021 · Marketing: The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. (Marketing Management 15e, Kotler and Keller, 2016) Marketing Management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable .File Size: 720KBPage Count: 30Explore further(PDF) Marketing Mix of 4P'S for Competitive Advantage .www.academia.eduMarketing Mix of 4P’S for Competitive The Evaluation of Marketing Mix Elements: A Case Studywww.researchgate.netMARKETING MIX THEORETICAL ASPECTSgranthaalayah.comTHE 4 P’S OF MARKETING MIXwww.angle180.comRecommended to you b

Marketing Mix Modeling . A brand's volume sales constantly changes & it changes for a reason Marketing Mix Modelling is a mathematical approach that explains how each factor drivers sales & share Year 2007 Year 2010 What is Marketing Mix Modelling? Sales (Brand metrics) Print, OOH

3. Marketing mix helps the organization in achieving their goals. 4. Marketing mix has to be reviewed constantly in order to meet the changing requirements 5. Marketing mix is applicable to only non-business organization 6. Four P's of marketing mix are independent of each other. 7. The customer is the focal point of all marketing activity. 8.

marketing as a unique and distinct type of marketing. The services marketing mix differs chiefly from the 4Ps by the addition of three new decision responsibilities that must be integrated to form a coherent and effective services marketing mix. By adding people, physical assets, and process to the marketing mix forming the 7Ps, services

A., R., Irena, A. (2017) considered that marketing mix is a set of marketing tools to help marketers in translating its marketing strategies into practices (Bennett, 1997). Marketing mix is claimed to be firstly suggested by Borden (1964). Borden's marketing mix includes twelve elements. McCarthy

Marketing mix is about understanding the customers and working around the four P's to target the customer. There are various aspects to customer targeting. However in this session, we will limit ourselves to the introduction of the marketing mix - a brief about the four P's of the mix. Product - The heart of the marketing mix. Without .

Tulang Penyusun Sendi Siku .41 2. Tulang Penyusun Sendi Pergelangan Tangan .47 DAFTAR PUSTAKA . Anatomi dan Biomekanika Sendi dan Pergelangan Tangan 6 Al-Muqsith Ligamentum annularis membentuk cincin yang mengelilingi caput radii, melekat pada bagian tepi anterior dan posterior insicura radialis pada ulna. Bagian dari kondensasi annular pada caput radii disebut dengan “annular band .