Financial AssistanceInformation225 West Wacker DriveSuite 400Chicago, Illinois 60606800.331.2020PreventBlindness.orgThe American Academyof Ophthalmology EyeCareAmerica ProgramTo be eligible for the Glaucomaprogram, you:P.O. Box 429098San Francisco, CA 94142-9098Phone: (877) 887-6327Fax: (415) Do not belong to an HMO or haveeye care benefits through the VAEyeCare America provides eye careto US citizens and legal residentsthrough volunteer ophthalmologists,often at no out-of-pocket cost tothose who qualify. Visit to find out if you orsomeone you know qualifies for eyecare. More than 90 percent of careprovided is at no out-of-pocket cost toEyeCare America patients.To be eligible for the Seniorsprogram, you: Are a U.S. citizen or legal resident Are age 65 or older Do not belong to an HMO or haveeye care benefits through the VA Have not seen an ophthalmologistin three or more years.If you are not eligible for theSeniors program, you may qualifyfor the Glaucoma Program, whichprovides a glaucoma eye examat no cost to those whoare uninsured. Are a U.S. citizen or legal resident Have not had an eye exam in12 months or more Are at increased risk forglaucoma, determined by yourage, race, and family historyof glaucoma.American GlaucomaSociety CaresAmerican Glaucoma Society655 Beach StreetSan Francisco, CA 94109Phone: (415) 561-8587Fax: (415) 561-8531Email: /patients/ags-caresAGS Cares is a public serviceprogram of the AGS Foundationthat is dedicated to providingsurgical glaucoma care at no costto uninsured patients who qualifyfor such care. The glaucoma care isprovided by members of a nationalnetwork of volunteers comprisingglaucoma sufrgeons who are AGSactive or provisional members.This publication is copyrighted. This sheet may be reproduced—unaltered in hard print (photocopied) for educational purposesonly. The Prevent Blindness name, logo, telephone number and copyright information may not be omitted. Electronic reproduction, other reprint, excerption or use is not permitted without written consent. Because of the time-sensitive nature of theinformation contained in this publication, contact Prevent Blindness for updates.IC03 1/22 2022 Prevent Blindness All rights reserved.
Financial AssistanceInformation (continued)Association of Schoolsand Colleges of Optometry6110 Executive Boulevard,Suite 510Rockville, Maryland 20852Phone: (301) 231-5944Fax: (301) 770-1828www.opted.orgMany optometry schools offerlow-cost care to people willing tobe treated by supervised students.They may also provide free care topeople who join research studies.Eye Want 2 Know part of its commitment to theinherited retinal disease (IRD)community, Spark Therapeuticsoperates Eye Want 2 Know, awebsite aiming to provide thoseliving with an IRD the knowledgeand resources they need to getstarted with genetic testing todetermine the genetic causeof their condition. Eye Want 2Know also includes an enhancedID YOUR IRD gene testinginitiative that tests for variants inapproximately 250 genes known tocause IRDs and includes optionalgenetic counseling, both availableat no charge.Foundation FightingBlindness: My RetinaTracker ramThe My Retina Tracker Programprovides individuals with a clinicaldiagnosis of an inherited retinaldegeneration (IRD) no-cost genetictesting and genetic counseling.This program is sponsored by theFoundation Fighting Blindness.Blueprint Genetics performs thegenetic testing. After testing, youwill receive genetic counseling fromInformedDNA at no cost.Genentech OphthalmologyAccess SolutionsPhone: (866) 422 2377, Mondaythrough Friday, 6am–5pm gy.htmlGenentech OphthalmologyAccess Solutions providesreliable, effective access andreimbursement support for thefollowing medications.Good Days6900 N. Dallas Parkway,Suite 200Plano, TX 75024Toll-free Patient Info:(877) 968-7233Main: (972) 608-7141www.mygooddays.orgGood Days provides financialsupport by covering prohibitivelycostly co-pays for those with lifealtering conditions, allowing them toreceive treatment without destroyingtheir finances.The HealthWell FoundationP.O. Box 489Buckeystown, MD 21717Phone: (800) 675-8416Fax: (800) 282-7692www.healthwellfoundation.orgThe HealthWell Foundation providesfinancial assistance to eligibleindividuals to cover co-insurance, copayments, healthcare premiums anddeductibles for certain treatments. Lucentis (ranibizumab injection) Susvimo (ranibizumab injection) Vabysmo (faricimab-svoa)Prevent Blindness2
Financial AssistanceInformation (continued)The Hill Burton ProgramLions Clubs InternationalHealth Resources andServices Administration5600 Fishers Lane,Room 10C-16Rockville, Maryland 20857Phone: (800) 492-0359(Maryland residents)(800) ll-burton/index.html300 22nd StreetOak Brook, Illinois 60523Phone: (630) 571-5466(800) 747-4448www.lionsclubs.orgParticipating hospitals and otherhealthcare facilities provide medicalcare for free, or at reduced cost,to those who meet eligibilityrequirements based on family sizeand income. Procedures coveredvary from hospital to hospital. A list ofassisting sites available in your stateis located online.InfantSEEOptometry CaresThe Foundation of the AmericanOptometric Association243 N. Lindbergh Blvd., Floor 1St. Louis, MO 63141Phone: (888) 396-EYES (3937)www.infantsee.orgInfantSEE optometrists provide ano-cost comprehensive eye andvision assessment for infants withinthe first year of life regardless ofa family’s income or access toinsurance coverage.Provides financial assistance toindividuals for eye care throughlocal clubs. On their website, goto “Club Locator” to locate yourlocal club.MedicaidCenters for Medicare& Medicaid Services7500 Security BoulevardBaltimore, MD 21244Phone: (877) 267-2323www.medicaid.govInformation and assistance can befound at the websiteand the individual state Medicaidwebsites (Go to the menu and select“State Resources”). Generally, thebest place to start is the Medicaidoffice of your particular state —most of the numbers listed hereare for program issues and generalquestions and information.MedicareMedicare ContactCenter OperationsPO Box 1270Lawrence, KS 66044Phone: (800) MEDICARE(633-4227), the Official U.S.Government Site for People withMedicare, for the latest informationon Medicare enrollment, benefits,and other helpful tools.MEDICARE: Extra Help withMedicare Prescription DrugPlan ptionhelp/Medicare beneficiaries can qualifyfor Extra Help with their Medicareprescription drug plan costs. TheExtra Help is estimated to be worthabout 5,000 per year. To qualifyfor the Extra Help, a person mustbe receiving Medicare, have limitedresources and income, and reside inone of the 50 States or the Districtof Columbia. For further assistancewith the program, visit the PANFoundation website: Cataract USA6716 N. Cedar Avenue, Suite 212Fresno, California 93710Phone: (559)797-1629www.missioncataractusa.orgCoordinated by the VolunteerEye Surgeon’s Association, it is aprogram providing free cataractsurgery to people of all ages whohave no Medicare, Medicaid,third party insurance or anyother means to pay for neededcataract surgery.Medicare beneficiaries, familymembers, and caregivers can visitPrevent Blindness3
Financial AssistanceInformation (continued)National Federationof the Blind200 East Wells Street atJernigan PlaceBaltimore, Maryland 21230Phone: (410) 659-9314www.nfb.orgNew Eyes for the Needy549 Millburn AvenuePost Office Box 332Short Hills, NJ 07078Phone: (973) 376-4903Fax: (973) works to improve social andeconomic conditions of blindpersons by providing evaluations ofpresent programs and assistancein establishing new ones; awardsscholarships to blind persons;has a public education programincluding speakers’ bureau;and has several special interestdivisions, including those fordiabetics, educators, lawyers,parents of blind children, studentsand public employees. TheNational Federation of the Blindhas affiliates in all fifty statesplus Washington D.C. and PuertoRico, and over seven hundredlocal chapters.New Eyes provides a basic pair ofsingle or lined bifocal lenses. A NewEyes voucher is for individuals whohave no other resources with whichto obtain a basic pair eyeglasses.Applicants must have an eye examincluding their pupillary distance(PD) measurement before applying.NeedyMeds1. Have their financial needverified by a 501(c)(3) non-profitorganization (such as a school,church, Lions Club, PreventBlindness, Red Cross, or UnitedWay).Post Office Box 219Gloucester, MA 01930Phone: (800) 503-6897Fax: (206) ds provides informationobtained directly from the drugmanufacturers regarding specialprograms to assist people whocannot afford to buy the drugsthey need.OneSight’s EyeglassReferral ProgramPhone: (888) 935-4589www.onesight.orgThrough OneSight’s EyeglassReferral Program, eligible patientscan receive glasses free of charge.The patient should:2. Obtain a referral letter from thenonprofit (letter should be oncompany letterhead and includethe Tax ID# for the nonprofit).3. Take the referral letter andreferral card issued by thenonprofit as well as a validprescription to a participatingLuxottica Retail LocationPrevent Blindness(LensCrafters or Target Opticalstore) to receive a pair of glassesat no charge.4. If the patient does not alreadyhave a valid prescription (onethat is less than 1 year old) he orshe can be referred to PreventBlindness for assistance.Patient AccessNetwork FoundationPO Box 221858Charlotte, NC 28222Phone: (866) 316-PANF ation.orgThe Patient Access Network (PANFoundation) is dedicated to helpingpeople living with life-threatening,chronic and rare diseases withthe out-of-pocket costs fortheir prescribed medications.PAN provides the underinsuredpopulation access to the healthcaretreatments they need to bestmanage their conditions and focuson improving their quality of life.Created by the PAN Foundation,FundFinder is a web-based appdesigned to help patients withlife-threatening, chronic or rarediseases quickly find financialassistance. To learn moreabout FundFinder, visit: n AssistanceIn addition, the PAN FoundationTransportation Assistance programprovides financial support topatients with life-threatening,chronic, or rare conditions so4
Financial AssistanceInformation (continued)they can access affordable andreliable transportation to andfrom their medical treatments andpharmacy. To learn more about theTransportation Assistance program,visit: .ScriptHeroPhone: 1-866-747-4276Email: ntblindnessScriptHero works by enablingindividuals to shop theirprescription for the lowest cashprice and the most convenientpharmacy location within ournationwide network, all from theconvenience of a phone, tabletor computer.Translation and TelephonicInterpreting Services Programfor Spanish-Speaking Patientswith Graves and/or ThyroidEye DiseaseBromberg & Associates3141 Caniff StreetHamtramck, MI 48212Phone: (331) 871-0080Fax: (888) anguage should never be abarrier to seeking healthcare,education or important dailyservices. In an effort to eliminatelanguage barriers, Bromberg &Associates has created a no-costprogram, sponsored by HorizonTherapeutics, to offer translationand telephonic interpretation forSpanish-speaking individuals andfamilies impacted by specific healthconditions, including Graves and/or Thyroid Eye Disease. If youor your family member has beendiagnosed with either, you qualifyfor document translation andinterpreting services by telephoneby the Bromberg & Associatesteam at no-cost. This program willoffer Spanish speaking familiesthe ability to get connected withtranslation &/or interpretationservices for whatever their needsare (healthcare related or other),at no cost. The one-pager found atthe above link lays out the basics ofthe program: Program will be available to anyfamilies impacted by Horizonsupported disease communitiesand beyond.VSP Eyes of Hope , Sight forStudents , and Eyes of Hope Materials OnlyPhone: (800) VSP Eyes of Hope and Sight forStudents gift certificates provideadults and children in need (families’income is at or below 200% of thefederal poverty level) with accessto eye care and new glasses (ifneeded) at no cost through a VSPnetwork doctor in their community.VSP Eyes of Hope Materials Only giftcertificates provide individuals whohave coverage for an eye exam butnot eyewear with no-cost prescriptionglasses. Contact your local PreventBlindness affiliate or PreventBlindness for more details. Bromberg will require HIPPA tobe signed before services areoffered. No proof of medical or financialneed to qualify. Horizon has no say in who willget services and receives NOpatient identifying data on whoparticipates. Spanish is the only availablelanguage right now. Otherlanguages may be considered inthe future.Prevent Blindness5
Medicare Medicare Contact Center Operations PO Box 1270 Lawrence, KS 66044 Phone: (800) MEDICARE (633-4227) Medicare beneficiaries, family members, and caregivers can visit, the Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare, for the latest information on Medicare enrollment, benefits, and other helpful tools.
On his Blindness John Milton (1608-1674) On his blindness The poet is blind. This is a very religious poem. On his blindness - John Milton 1. When I consider how my light is spent, 2. Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, 3. And that one Talent which is dear to hide, 4. Lodged with me useless, though my Soul more bentFile Size: 462KB
ASSESSMENT REPORT Color Blindness 3 Research on Color Blindness In order to understand color blindness, the national researchers acknowledged at the
Increase awareness and provide managers and supervisors . Blindness, partial/low vision, color blindness, cataracts, glaucoma Color blindness/low vision - may not see information on a computer if it is presented using color, small text, or images .
complexes could be responsible for the distinct distribution and severity of onchocercal blindness [25]. DNA-based methods confi rmed an association between savannah and forest parasite types with, respectively, severe and mild ocular onchocerciasis [26]. In West African savannah, blindness
Past District Governor and is very inte r-ested in avoidable blindness. He will be a great asset to our team. Also, I wanted to let you know about an exciting Avoidable Blindness program that a team from Dist. 7390 and Dist. 6380 from Michigan carried out. I was actively involved as the Coordinator for this project. “ . . . giving sight to
blindness where one is unwilling to see race by engaging in power and color evasion (Ferber, 2012; Neville et al, 2014; Johnson, 2006). Research has proposed that adoption of racial color-blindness may evolve from a lack of privilege awareness (Kleinman, Spanierman, &
blindness can be cured by surgery or vision restored by psychic recovery. But in all cases of legal or partial blindness it is viewed not so much as an illness than as a handicap, an infirmity, a deprivation. As Paul de Man writes in one of his most brilliant essays, “Autobiography as
depigmentation and blindness. It is the world’s second-leading infectious cause of blindness. Impact: The WHO estimates that about half a million people have lost their eyesight due to river blindness. Treatment: In some countries, onchocerciasis has been controlled through spraying of blackfly breeding sites with insecticide.