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Digitally signed by Marc PosnerReason: I attest to the accuracyand integrity of this documentDate: 2010.03.02 13:51:22 -08'00'

Cypress College 2001-2002CYPRESS COLLEGECatalog2001 - 20029200 Valley View StreetCypress, California 90630(714) Thirty-SixPublished Annually July, 2001CONTENTSAcademic Calendar3Academic Policies9Admission/Registration5Campus Life31Course Descriptions53Graduation/Educational Options39Index317Instructional Support Services23Programs of Study38Student Support Services24Cypress College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the WesternAssociation of Schools and Colleges, (3402 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 569-9177), aninstitutional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation andthe U.S. Department of Education.Cover design by Marc Posner - Public Information Officer.Our most sincere thanks to Donna Landis for all of her hard work, dedication, and assistance in preparing this and all of ourcatalogs and schedules over the past several years.1 / Catalog

Cypress College 2001-2002Welcome to Cypress College!At Cypress College, student learning is our highest priority. We are proudof our reputation for academic excellence in both our general education/transfer courses and our vocational programs. Our award-winning facultyoffer small classes, a variety of teaching approaches, and personalizedattention--all designed to ensure student success.In addition to our fine academic and vocational programs, we offer manysupport services to help students succeed: study skills classes, tutoring,learning centers, counseling, financial aid, child care, and health services,to name a few. Students can also participate in student governmentactivities, special interest clubs, athletic teams, and fine arts productions.Cypress College is a culturally diverse institution that welcomes andcelebrates the rich heritage and varied perspectives of all our students,faculty, and staff.We invite you to become a part of this exciting learning community, locatedon one of the most beautiful campuses in Southern California.Marjorie D. Lewis, Ph.D.PresidentNorth Orange CountyCommunity College District1000 North Lemon StreetFullerton, CA 92832-1351(714) 578-8400Cypress College is a member of the North Orange CountyCommunity College District (NOCCCD). The District alsoincludes Fullerton College, the oldest California communitycollege in continuous operation, and three Adult andContinuing Education Centers located in Cypress, YorbaLinda, and Fullerton.Located in the city of Fullerton, the North Orange CountyCommunity College District, as it is known today, came intoexistence on July 1, 1965, with Fullerton College in operationand plans for a college in the western part of the district.Cypress College opened on September 12, 1966, just 74days after the land was acquired.Encompassing approximately 155 square miles, the NorthOrange County Community College District has a populationof about one-half million. In general, the district includes thefollowing communities: Brea, Buena Park, Cypress, Fullerton,La Habra, La Palma, Los Alamitos, Placentia, Rossmoor,and Yorba Linda. Portions of the following communities areincluded: Anaheim, Garden Grove, La Habra Heights, LaMirada, Orange, Seal Beach, Stanton, Whittier, andunincorporated territory in both Los Angeles and Orangecounties. It serves, in its credit and non-credit programs,about one-sixth of those persons eligible by age to participate.The North Orange County Community College District is partof the California Community College system, one of threesegments of public postsecondary education in the state. Aseven-member Board of Trustees, elected by the citizens ofthe district, governs all programs and activities of theNOCCCD.Board of TrusteesPresident, Donna MillerVice President, Manuel OntiverosSecretary, Leonard LahtinenMember, Otto J. LacayoMember, Molly McClanahanMember, Nancy RiceMember, Barry WishartStudent Trustee, Michael RobbeChancellorJerome Hunter2 / Catalog

*AcademicCalendar 2001-2002Cypress College 2001-20022001 Fall Semester - August 20 - December 21, 2001August 20.First day of instructionSeptember 3 . Legal Holiday - Labor DayNovember 12 . Legal Holiday - Veterans' DayNovember 22, 23, 24 .Legal Holiday - Thanksgiving RecessDecember 13-21 . Final examinationsDecember 21 . End of Fall SemesterDecember 22, 2001 - January 21, 2002 .Academic Recess between semesters2002 Spring Semester - January 22 - May 30, 2002January 22 .First day of instructionFebruary 15.Legal Holiday - Lincoln's BirthdayFebruary 18.Legal Holiday - Presidents' DayMarch 25-29.Spring RecessMay 21 - 30 . Final examinationsMay 31 (Tentative) .CommencementMay 30 .End of Spring Semester2002 Summer Intersession - to be announced*Dates and deadlines are subject to change.July 2001 - June 2002Yearly PlannerCatalog / 3

Cypress College 2001-2002Cypress College35 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONCypress College emphasizes education for the individualstudent. Excellence of instruction and individualized learninglaboratories enhance the possibility for students to achievetheir highest potential. In addition, a staff of tutors and fulltime counselors provides instructional support and extensiveguidance information to aid students in their choice ofprograms and classes. For the student who plans to completea Baccalaureate degree, the college provides a smoothtransition from high school to colleges and universities forstudents to earn a Bachelors Degree.Numerous occupational programs are available for thestudent who desires preparation for immediate employment.Each occupational program is planned with the aid of a localadvisory committee to insure relevance to changing careeropportunities in each area of employment.The College is composed of twelve major instructionalbuildings located on a 110-acre site. The campus buildingscontain conventional classrooms as well as laboratoryfacilities for science, art, computer technology, photography,automotive services, dental clinic, mortuary science, physicaleducation and other specialized programs. The EducationalServices and Roosevelt Center provide opportunities forstudents with disabilities to be fully integrated into variouscollege programs.In addition to these instructional facilities, the campus isprovided support services by a bookstore, food servicecenters and a child care center. There are nine parking lotswith an aggregate of 4,000 parking spaces designed toservice students and staff, with an appropriate number ofspaces reserved for the disabled.Cypress College serves the educational needs of its entirecommunity by providing a variety of occupational programs,transfer programs, and special interest classes. The Collegeoffers something for everyone, regardless of the student'sindividual background or educational goals. In this, thebeginning of its 35th year, Cypress' population has grownfrom an original enrollment of 1,200 to a student populationof over 15,000.EducationalPhilosophyThe focus of Cypress College is the student; therefore, thepurpose of the college is to provide students with the meansfor attaining their maximum potential through the developmentof intellectual, social and physical skills in a collegeatmosphere. All instructional divisions and support servicesof the college are coordinated to provide the students withindividualized assistance in the attainment of their educationalgoals and personal growth. Well-educated students will beable to contribute to the betterment of the society by an activeinvolvement in economic, social and democratic processes,based upon an awareness of ethical values, an aestheticappreciation of cultural life and an informed sense of historyand contemporary civilizations.COLLEGE VISION 2000-2004Building a college-wide learning community for studentsuccess.MISSION STATEMENTCypress College offers certificate, degree and transfereducation, as well as developmental and student servicesprograms, in a student-centered learning environment. Ourcollege is committed to student success and contributes tothe economic development and cultural understanding ofthe community.DIRECTIONS TO REACH THE VISIONDirection One:Fostering a positive learning environmentfor student success.Direction Two:Building and refining classroom instructionto promote course, certificate, degree, andtransfer education.Direction Three: Recognizing the challenges of newtechnology and supporting itsimplementation, use and staff.Direction Four:Empowering college students and staff tobuild a campus culture that embracesdiversity.Direction Five:Developing and managing new and existingphysical, financial and human resourcesfor greater efficiency and effectiveness.Direction Six:Forming collaborative alliances within thecollege and the community.AcknowledgmentsThe College Catalog is a publication of theCypress College Office of Instruction.Cypress College has made every reasonable effortto determine that everything stated in this Catalogis accurate. This publication is prepared in advanceof the time period it covers; therefore, changes incourses and programs offered, together with othermatters contained herein, are subject to changewithout notice by the administration of CypressCollege.4 / Catalog

Cypress College 2001-2002AdmissionsPOLICIES AND PROCEDURESThe following people are eligible to enroll in Cypress College: Any high school graduate, OR Any person possessing a California high school proficiencycertificate, OR Any person 18 years of age or older who can profit frominstruction, OR Any person under 18 years of age who can profit frominstruction and has a recommendation from his/her parent,high school principal, OR Any person under 18 years of age not enrolled in schoolwho can profit from instruction and has a recommendationfrom his/her parent and/or guardian. (See Bridge Program)NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTSWHO must apply?Everyone who did not complete the enrollment process atCypress College for the previous semester/session.WHERE to apply?At Cypress College Admissions and Records Office, firstfloor of the Administration Building. Office hours: 8 AM - 7PM, Monday through Thursday, and Friday, 8 AM - 1 PM.Applications are accepted by mail. Please fill in the applicationcompletely and sign your name to avoid delay in processing.Mailed-in applications must be received four weeks prior tothe start of classes.WHEN to apply?Application deadlines are listed for each instructional periodin the Academic Calendar. Applications submitted after thedeadline will be accepted for short term classes only.AFTER you apply . . .Assessment may be required for new students who plan toenroll in English and/or mathematics courses or those English/mathematics classes which have prerequisites. If you havetaken prior college work or can submit evidence, it will beaccepted for evaluation by a counselor. Obtain a classschedule. Review the information regarding your classesand other requirements of the college.HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATESGraduates of a high school or equivalent are eligible foradmission and may undertake any program of study forwhich they are prepared.THE BRIDGE PROGRAMThe Bridge Program is intended for high school studentswho wish to enroll part time for advanced, enrichmentclasses.To be eligible for the Bridge Program the student must obtainrecommendation from the principle or designee for attendanceduring the summer session, the primary/secondary school'sgoverning board or authorized representative for attendanceduring the fall or spring semester, have parental or guardianpermission, and approval from a Cypress College Counselor.In certain circumstances the signature of a division dean andthe college president is required.Bridge students are required to have a 2.00 grade pointaverage verified by a transcript and must meet all admissionrequirements, attend assessment/orientation, and meetcourse prerequisites. Special approval is required for fulltime enrollment, students less than 16 years of age, personsunder age 18 who are enrolled in school, and enrollment intospecific courses where content is deemed not appropriatefor minors by the department. Additionally, students on anF-1 visa are not eligible.Enrollment fees are waived only for all high school students(9th-12th) grade. Students are responsible for all other fees,i.e.: lab fees, health fee, non-resident tuition, parking permits,books and materials.Students who complete courses at Cypress College underthe Bridge Program will receive only college credit and arenevertheless required to satisfy all course requirements forhigh school. Bridge students must adhere to all collegepolicies on admission, registration, course prerequisites,attendance, student code of conduct, and all other applicablepolicies and procedures.Student records are protected under the Family EducationalRights and Privacy Act (FERPA). No one (including parentsand high school officials) may access confidentialinformation without the student's written permission.Students wishing to enroll under the Bridge Program mustcontact the Admissions and Records Office for an applicationand a Bridge Recommendation Form. The BridgeRecommendation Form is valid only for the current semesterand a new form must be submitted for enrollment insubsequent semesters.RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTSThis statement is a general summary of the principle rules onresidency and their exceptions. It should not be construed asthe actual expression of the laws used by admissionsofficers for residency determination. Reference should bemade to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 22800) ofDivision 16.5 of the Education Code, and regulations of theBoard of Governors of the California Community Colleges inChapter 1 (commencing with Section 5400) of Division 5 ofPart IV of Title 5 of the California Administrative Code.Resident - Any student who has legal residence in Californiafor one year or more immediately preceding the residencedetermination date and who provides evidence of the intentto make California his/her home for other than a temporarypurpose shall be classified as a resident.Non-resident - Any student who has not had legal residencein California for one year or more immediately preceding theresidence determination date, or who has had legal residencein California for one year or more immediately preceding theresidence determination date but cannot provide evidenceof the intent to make California his/her home for other thana temporary purpose shall be classified as a non-resident.Residence Determination Date - The residencedetermination date is the day immediately preceding the firstAdmissions / 5

Cypress College 2001-2002day of instruction of the fall, or spring, or summer term as setby the Board of Trustees, during which the student proposesto attend Cypress College.Each person enrolled in, or applying for admission to, aCalifornia Community College is, for purposes of admissionand/or tuition, classified as a "resident," or a " non-resident."If a student is classified as a resident, admission to thecollege will be accomplished without non-resident tuition.Students classified as non-residents will be required to paytuition in an amount set by the governing board of the districtof enrollment.Generally, residency requires actual physical presence inCalifornia, coupled with an intent to become a resident.One's state of mind is subjective; hence, it is necessary tolook at objective indications of the student's intent. Someexamples of evidence that aid the college admissions officerin identifying that intent, but which are not individually decisive,are possession of a document of California origin such as adriver's license, a receipt for registration to vote, a currentlease, rental agreement, or rent receipt showing the student'sname and address and place of residence; a library card,state or federal income tax information, property ownership,or an active bank account. Any two or a combination of suchexamples gives some indication to the admissions officer ofthe student's intent. Possession of the necessary intent,coupled with the durational requirement of one year, willsatisfy the residency requirements, and the student may beclassified as a resident student.Unmarried minors (those under 18 years of age) are by lawincapable of establishing their own residence notwithstandingtheir physical presence within California. An admissionsofficer will use the following guidelines for the determinationof a minor applicant's residence:If both of the minor's parents are living, the residence of theminor will be the residence of the parent with whom the minoris living or with whom the minor was last living. In caseswhere one parent is deceased, the minor's residence will bethat of the living parent. In cases of adoption or guardianshipwhere either natural parent is not living, the residence of theadopting parent or the guardian is the residence of the minor.A minor whose parents are not living and who does not havea legal guardian may establish an independent residence.However, a student who is a minor and has a parent livingmay not, by independent action, establish residence, nor willthe appointment of guardian or the relinquishment of theparent's right of control give that minor the ability to establishan independent residence.ExceptionsIf the student would otherwise be classified as a nonresident,but fits within one of the following exceptions, a residentclassification may be granted until such classification isobtained.The exceptions are: Minors who remain in California after their parents, whohad previously resided within California, moved from thestate prior to the resident determination date, and the minors6 / Admissionscontinue full-time attendance at a tax-supported college inCalifornia, will retain resident classification. A student who is a minor and who has been self-supportingand in California for one year preceding the day before theterm, will be granted resident classification if said selfsupport can be proven. A student who has not been an adult for more than one yearprior to the resident determination date may add parentalpre-18-years-of-age residence, if any, to the post-18-yearresidence to obtain durational requirement. A child or a spouse of a member of the armed forcesstationed in California may be granted resident classification.A student who is a member of the armed forces not assignedto California for purposes of education will be entitled toresident classification until the one year necessary to establishresidency has been spent in California. Adult aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence andresidents of California for one year after being grantedpermanent residency will be given resident classification.Minor aliens may use their parent's durational presence tosatisfy the one year requirement. A student holding a valid credential authorizing service ina public school and employed in a certificated position by acommunity college district will be given resident classification. A student who is an apprentice within the meaning ofSection 3077 of the Labor Code is entitled to residentclassification.OUT-OF-STATE STUDENTSOut-of-state applicants may be admitted to the college on thesame basis as California residents except that they will berequired to pay non-resident tuition prescribed by the Boardof Trustees to partially cover the costs of instruction.INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSA limited number of international students may be admittedto Cypress College. An alien student must possess an F-1student visa. The goal of the program for F-1 students is toprovide educational opportunities so the International studentwill, upon completion of education and training, return tobetter serve the fellow citizens and country from which thestudent came. The following regulations govern the admissionof visa students to Cypress College: The number of F-1 students admitted is limited to threepercent of the day enrollment. F-1 students are required to pay a non-resident tuition andenrollment fee. This fee is determined by the Board ofTrustees each year and is due at the time of registration. Only persons who qualify for F-1 student visas are eligiblefor admission. Deadlines for the acceptance of applications frominternational students are April 15 for the fall semester andOctober 1 for the spring semester. The fee for the necessary special handling and processingof the application package of non-resident F-1 students is 25.00. The F-1 visa student is required to complete a full-timeprogram (12 units or more) each semester of attendance.Failure to do so is reported to the Immigration Service andthe student may not be permitted to enroll for the nextsemester. Enrollment of F-1 students is limited to a maximum of sixsemesters.

Cypress College 2001-2002 Criteria for acceptance of International Students:1. The applicant must possess knowledge of the Englishlanguage sufficient to result in a Test of English as a ForeignLanguage (TOEFL) score of 500 or higher.2. The applicant must offer evidence of a degree of academicachievement the equivalent of an American high schooleducation. The student must submit a transcript of an officialschool record accompanied by a notarized English translation.Evaluations of International transcripts and other admissiondocuments will be based upon the recommendations of TheCountry Index, The World Education Series of the AmericanAssociation of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers,or other sources.3. Applicant must offer evidence of financial responsibility.4. F-1 visa applicants who have attended other Americanschools or colleges may be considered for admission providedthe applicant meets Cypress College admission requirementsand is in status with the Immigration and NaturalizationService. F-1 visa applicants who have completed two ormore years of college will be advised to seek admission to aninstitution offering upper division courses.5. After the completion of the above requirements, theapplicant will be considered for admission and will be notifiedof his/her acceptance or non-acceptance. If accepted, theapplicant will also be sent an Immigration I-20 form andregistration information. The F-1 visa student shall be held to the same scholasticrequirements and to the same college rules and regulationsas other students. F-1 visa students are required to purchase health insurancein the United States. Such insurance should include majormedical coverage to protect the student against financialcatastrophe. Students are required to provide proof of healthinsurance covering the full semester of current enrollment.Monthly or quarterly premiums are not acceptable. F-1 visa students will be recommended for a work permitonly in accordance with the rules and regulations establishedby the United States Immigration and Naturalization Services. F-1 visa students will not be accepted for admission intoany program when applications by qualified U.S. citizensexceed space available.Exceptions to the international student regulations may begranted for extenuating circumstances by petition to theDean of Admissions and Records.B-2 Visitor's VisaCypress College admits anyone who is in the United Stateson a visitor's visa. Enrollment is limited to a maximum of sixunits, and the student is required to pay a non-resident tuitionfee.Permanent VisaAdmissions requirements are the same as for United Statescitizens. Applicants must present their permanent visa cardsat the time of application. Residency is based on one yearfrom the date on the application for the visa or the permanentvisa card, provided the individual has been residing inCalifornia for one year prior to instruction and can proveintent to make California his/her permanent residence.Other VisasContact the Admissions and Records Office for furtherinformation.OPEN ENROLLMENTIt is the policy of this district that every course, course sectionor class, wherever offered and conducted throughout thedistrict, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation byany person who is eligible for admission to the college(s) andwho meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuantto Chapter II, Division 2, Part IV, Title 5 of the CaliforniaAdministrative Code, commencing with Section 51900.RegistrationProceduresRegistration is the process of becoming officially enrolled incollege. At Cypress College, regular registration for new andreturning students consists of the following steps:1. Filing an application in the Admissions and RecordsOffice - File a completed and signed application. Registrationappointments are distributed on a first-come, first-servedbasis according to when an application is filed. All new and/or returning students must file an application for admissionbefore they may register or add and drop classes. Deadlinefor applications for regular classes will be the 5th day ofinstruction after the start of the semester.2. Assessment - Bring Basic Skills placement results fromother college,or new students take the placement test listedin the Schedule of Classes.3. Attending Counseling/Orientation - Attend the groupcounseling/orientation session for which an appointment isgiven after assessment. At this session students will receivehelp in preparing a class program for the semester.4. Registration - Register by permit only. Permits toRegister which indicate the earliest date and time a studentmay register are mailed approximately three weeks beforethe first day of registration.Continuing StudentsThose students enrolled after the third week during theprevious semester receive priority for registration. NewStudents or Returning Students (those who previouslyattended Cypress College, but have been absent one ormore semesters) are assigned priority based on when theapplication is received. Those who apply first, will receivethe earliest registration appointments.Priority registration is completed through STAR (StudentTechnologically Assisted Registration). It is the simplest andmost convenient method for registering into classes. Specificregistration information is available in the current Scheduleof Classes.Admissions/ Registration Procedures / 7

Cypress College 2001-2002Late RegistrationStudents who did not enroll or obtain all their classes duringregular registration may obtain classes during late registration.During the first five days of instruction, (excluding summersession) students may add open classes without instructorpermission. However, closed classes must be petitionedwith the instructor.During the sixth day to the tenth day of instruction, all classes(except late start) must be petitioned.Throughout the registration process (including classpetitioning) certain deadlines must be established. Thesedeadlines are necessary in order to comply with stateattendance laws and must be followed by all students.Failure to comply with these deadlines may mean that thestudent will not be registered and will not receive credit for,or be allowed to attend classes.Students must fulfill prerequisites as listed in the catalog andthe schedule of classes. It is a student's responsibility tomeet class prerequisites, corequisites, and advisories.Verification of prerequisites completion will be checked atthe first class meeting.Admission to Cypress College is governed by the laws of theState and such supplementary regulations as have beenprescribed by the Board of Trustees.FeesWhile all efforts have been made to present complete andaccurate fee information, uncertainties in state funding mayresult in fee changes for the 2001-2002 academic year.ASSOCIATED STUDENT BENEFITS CARDThere are many reasons for students to join the AdvantageServices Card Program at Cypress College. For a cost ofonly 7, the card can be used at many businesses. Studentswho are Associated Student members are encouraged toutilize all the benefits, privileges and services to which theyare entitled. Associated Student cardholders are entitled toa limited 10% discount at the Cypress College Bookstore. Aporti

Cypress College 2001-2002 CYPRESS COLLEGE Catalog 2001 - 2002 9200 Valley View Street Cypress, California 90630 (714) 484-7000 . art, computer technology, photography, automotive services, dental clinic, mortuary science, physical education and other specialized programs. The Educational Services and Roosevelt Center .

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