Season Of Creation Year C - Green Anglicans

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Season ofCreation Year C

FRIDAYS FOR FUTUREGreta Thunberg is a Swedish teenaged activist who, at age 15, began protestingoutside the Swedish parliament in August 2018 about the need for immediate actionto combat climate change. Her “school strike for the climate” began attracting mediaattention and she has since become an outspoken climate activist. In response to thepublicity, the school strike for climate movement began in November 2018 and spreadglobally after the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24) in December thesame year.On 15 March 2019 an estimated 1.4 million students in 112 countries around the worldjoined her call in striking and protesting. A similar event involving students from 125countries took place on 24 May 2019. In July 2019, on behalf of the Organization of thePetroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), secretary-general Mohammed Barkindo declaredThunberg, and other young climate activists as the “greatest threat” to the fossil fuelindustry.Thunberg has received various prizes and awards for her activism. In March 2019, shewas nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In May 2019, at the age of 16, she wasfeatured on the cover of Time magazine. Some media have described her impact on theworld stage as the“Greta Thunberg effect”.School strikes for the future are now taking place all over Africa.Mash, R.Season of Creation Year CAnglican Church of Southern AfricaEnvironmental Network2019

FOREWORDThe Web of Life“I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every livingcreature on Earth.” (Genesis 9:9-10)We are part of a single, wondrously complex web of life that is woven by God. Each year from September1 to October 4, the Christian family celebrates the good gift of creation. This global celebration is nowembraced by the wide ecumenical community. We share one common home.During the Season of Creation, we unite as one family in Christ, celebrating the bonds we share witheach other and with “every living creature on Earth” (Genesis 9:10). The Christian family celebrates theSeason by spending time in prayer, considering ways to inhabit our common home more sustainably,and lifting our voices in the public sphere. We must speak up for those who have no voice” (Prov 31:8)The devastation of the web of life is, in itself, a tragic loss. We contemplate this loss and pray that itends. We also pray for justice, as the most vulnerable among us suffer most deeply as the web of lifebegins to unravel. Our faith calls us to respond to this crisis with the urgency born of moral clarity. Wewere called to be stewards of Creation, and we have failed. The younger generation are rising up nowand calling for the Earth to be healed. Let us join them and work together to protect the web of lifewhich sustains us all. .This Season of Creation rather than using separate themes we are using the readings from the RevisedCommon Lectionary . Each section contains sermon notes and liturgical resources.Week One :World day of prayer for creationWeek Two:The consequences of lifestyleWeek Three:The community of all creationWeek Four:The cry of the earth and the cry of the poorWeek Five:The Curse of AffluenceWeek Six:St Francis DayACKN OW LED G EM EN TSWorld Day of Prayer for Creation - Rev Dr Andrew WarmbackSt Francis Day sermon - Rev Shaun CozettOther sermons - Rev Dr Rachel MashCollects - Rev Tim GrayFront Cover Illustration - Bob MashLayout - John Paul RobertsSeason of Creation3

C ON TEN TSThemeWeek OneFirst ReadingSecondPsalmGospelReadingWorld dayJeremiah 2:Psalm 81:Hebrews 13:Luke 14:of prayer for4-131, 10-161-8, 15-161, 7-14Jeremiah 18:Psalm 139:Philemon 1-21Luke 14: 25-creationWeek TwoTheConsequences 1-111-6, 12-1833of lifestyleWeek ThreeTheJeremiah 4;11- Psalm141 Timothy 1:Community of12, 22-2812-17Luke 15;1-10all creationWeek FourThe Cry of theJeremiah 8:earth and the18-9:1Psalm 79:1-9I Timothy 2:Luke 16; 1-131-7cry of the poorWeek FiveWeek SixThe Curse ofJeremiah 32:Psalm 91:1-6,I Timothy 6:6-Luke 16: 19-Affluence1-3a, 6-1514-161931St Francis DayLamentationsPsalm 1372 Timothy 1Luke 17: 5-101 : 1-6:1-14Five Move m ent s of Th e Li t urg yThe following five movements form the order of the liturgy: God gathers us, Service of the Word,Responding to the Word, Service of the Table and Commissioning. The Gathering: The congregation is welcomed, and the theme of the service is introduced. Thepenitence can be positioned here, or it may follow the sermon. The Proclamation of God’s word: Here the word of God is read and preached. The affirmation of our Faith can be an important part of the Proclamation Responding to God’s word: Prayers of the People are included here. Creative responses suchas drama, liturgical dance or short video clips can be used. The penitence may follow the word. The peace may be shared according to custom Celebrating at the Table: Natural elements can be used, either a whole loaf or small rolls. Thiscould be baked by a family. Local wine can be used. Sending out: Post Communion prayers, prayers of commitment on the theme of the day and ablessing.4Season of Creation

FIRST EUCHARISTIC PRAYER FOR THESEASON OF CREATIONThe Lord be with youAnd also with youLift up your hearts.We lift them to GodLet us give thanks to the Lord,our God of all of CreationIt is right to give God thanks andpraiseYou spoke the Word and all that is inheaven and on the earth, all things,came to be. Your Spirit hovered overthe primal elements, and you broughtforth life in forms innumerable,including this our fragile earth, and weamongst its of the breaking of his body uponthe cross. He gave it to his friendsand said: Take and eat, for this is mybody which is given for you. Do this inremembrance of me.He took the wine, work of humanhands, gift of our earth, and gavethanks to God, Creator. He pouredout the wine to speak to us of thepouring out of his blood. He gave itto his friends saying:This is my blood of the new covenant,shed for you and for all creation forthe forgiveness of sins. Every timeyou drink of the wine, do this inremembrance of me.As our past is in you, so our hope forthe future rests with you. As we haveturned from your way, so we turn againto the warmth of your love. Throughyou all things are brought to new life.So we proclaim the mystery of faith:Christ has diedChrist is risenChrist will come again.And now we give you thanks for theglories of your creation given into ourcare, and for the opportunities wehave to share that richness with allyour people.Therefore God, we who seekyour reconciliation; we who needreconciliation one with another; wewho hope for reconciliation with allcreation, draw close to this mystery.And so with the wonders of creationand the songs of praise of all yourcreatures both in heaven and on earthwe praise you now and forever saying:Holy, holy.In being broken, poured out andburied, life sprang forth again. In thebreaking, there is an opening up; inthe pouring out, there are the roots ofsharing; in death and burial, there isthe seed of the new life to come.In the night that Jesus was betrayed,he took bread, work of human hands,gift of our earth, and gave thanks toGod. He broke the bread to speak toAs we look in our world, in our lives,and in our hearts, for his secondcoming, keep us close to this visionSeason of Creation5

that we have seen. Through the givingin the bread and wine, reconcile us toour world. Send upon us, and uponall your creation, the life-giving Spiritwho first moved upon the waters ofthe deep. Stir in us the creative andredeem the destructive. Unite us withyou through the body and blood ofyour Son, your Word made flesh.By whom, and with whom and inwhom, in the unity of your CreativeSpirit, with all that has been, is, andwill be in your universe, we standbefore you and worship you, God ofall, in songs of everlasting praise,The Lord’s Prayer etcFinal blessingGo out into the world rejoicing,and encounter the Creator who waitsto meet you there;Rejoice in its richness and diversityand live as those who praise God forits bounty;and the blessing of the Creator God,the Eternal Father, the Risen Son andthe Promised Holy Spiritbless you that you might be a blessingto others today and always.AmenBlessing and honour and glory andpower be yours for ever and ever.Amen.SECOND EUCHARISTIC PRAYER FOR THESEASON OF CREATIONThe Lord be with you.And also with you.Lift up your heartsWe lift them up unto the Lord.Let us give thanks to the Lord ourGod.It is right to give God thanks andpraise.We thank and praise you almightyFather. In wisdom you guide thecourse of the world and cherish uswith all tender care.We thank you that we can cometogether around this table in the nameof Jesus your Son, the first born ofall creation. In him all things were6Season of Creationcreated, visible and invisible, and allthings hold together in him.We thank you that you have sentyour Holy Spirit to make of us a newcommunity of faith to serve you withinyour creation.And now we give you thanks becauseyou have given the earth into our care,and call us to praise you day by dayfor the marvels of your creation.And so with the wonders of creationand the songs of praise of all yourcreatures both in heaven and on earthwe join in one great act of awe andadoration:

Holy, holy, holy LordGod of power and mightHeaven and earth are full of yourglory:Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in thename of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.God of all creation, send your Spiritupon the goodness of the earth, andupon these gifts of bread and wine,that in them we may recognize andreceive the fullness of the Risen Christ:bread broken and wine poured, Bodygiven, and Blood shed.On the night he sat at table with hisdisciples and with them recalledthe wonder of your creation and thewonder of your covenant with yourchosen people, He took bread, gaveyou thanks, blessed it and broke it,saying: Take this all of you and eat it.This is my Body, which will be givenup for you.In the same way he took the cup andgiving you thanks and praise, He gavethe cup to his disciples and said: Takethis all of you and drink from it, this isthe cup of my Blood, the Blood of thenew and everlasting covenant. It willbe shed for you and for all so that sinsmay be forgiven.Do this in memory of me.So we proclaim the mystery of faith:Christ has diedChrist is risenChrist will come againwe celebrate the goodness of theearth, our companionship in this worldand the sharing of all skills and artsthat enrich our lives. We share thecup of our humanity matured overthe unnumbered centuries of the longstruggle that has gone into making ofthis world; our living and dying, ourfears and our hopes.Together with those who have drawnsustenance from this soil, those withwhom we share it, and those to whomwe pass it on, we share this bread andraise this cup in fulfilment of the Lord’scommand: through him, with him, inhim in the unity of the Holy Spirit, allglory and honour is yours, AlmightyFather, forever and everAmen.The Lord’s Prayer etcFinal blessingGo forth confident in the hope in whichyou have been saved:Praise God in all creation:follow Christ through whom all thingsare made:in the power of the Spirit become abeacon of hope to the world:and the blessing of the Creator God,the Eternal Father, the Risen Son andthe promised Holy Spirit bless youthat you might be a blessing to otherstoday and always.AmenAuthorised for use in the Anglican Church ofSouthern Africa by the Synod of Bishops.As we remember the death andresurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,Season of Creation7

Week OneWorld Day of Prayer forCreationJeremiah 2: 4-13We have defiled God’s wonderful CreationPsalm 81: 1, 10-16God wants to bless us with good things but we have turned awayHebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16The love of money contrasts with a generous heartLuke 14:1, 7-14God calls us to be humble and not to seek status.COLLECTCreator GodYour eternal power is seen in the whole web of lifeYour voice is heard in the beauty of CreationRooted in your love may we worship you will all your creaturesAnd work to protect our common homeThrough Jesus Christ our LordAmen8Season of Creation

SERMONa powerful indictment “But when you enteredyou defiled my land and made my heritage anIntroductionabomination.” (Jeremiah 2:7b).The World Day of Prayer for Creation has beenHarsh words indeed, and yet the same complaintgrowing in significance over the few years andcan be levelled at us, God gave us this beautifulneeds to be supported.In 1989 the Orthodoxplanet to care for. Already one million of the 5Church declared 1 September as a Day ofmillion species on this planet is under threatPrayer for Creation. In what has been regardedof extinction due to human activity. Rivers areas an ecumenical gesture of global significance,polluted, by 2050 there may be more plasticPope Francis announced that the Romanthan fish in the oceans. Our children will inheritCatholic Church will also recognize Septembera bleak and barren planet.1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care ofCreation. Other church leaders, including theThroughouttheHebrewScripturesandinternational heads of various denominationsparticularly in the prophetic writings it ishave added their support. A number of Churchevident that there is a connection betweenorganisations, including the World Council ofthe people’s relationship to God and the earthChurches, the Lutheran World Federation anditself. Faithfulness to God and justice in thethe Anglican Communion, have joined in thiscommunity results in the fertility of the land –call for prayer. See www.seasonofcreation.orgthe blossoming of the desert. The opposite isalso true. In considering major environmentalJeremiah 2: 4-13problems like climate change, fracking, acidmine drainage and plastic pollution, let usAn important part of Jeremiah’s ministry tookexplore the link between unjust and exploitativeplace after the death of King Josiah, from 609political and social systems and the destructionBCE to Israel’s exile to Babylon in 587/6 BCE.of the planet.His message was addressed to Judah and heenvironmental justice – justice and fairness incomplains that the leaders, the priests, thethe way both human beings, the land, the seasteachers and the prophets have abandonedand the atmosphere are treated? How can weGod, have neglected their duty and turned tohear both the cry of the poor and the cry of theother things. They have forgotten their roots, theearth?What can we do to work forGod who had been faithful to them in deliveringthem from slavery in Egypt, protecting them inThe complaint in Jeremiah is that people havethe wilderness and who had brought them toforgotten and turned from God. they “havea land of plenty. They had defiled the land; thecommitted two evils: they have abandonedprophets had turned to Baal. He challengesme, the fountain of living water, and have dugboth spiritual sin and ecological sin.cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns thatcan hold no water” (Jer. 2:12-13)God, as he promised had brought them into aland flowing with milk and honey. It is God whoThey no longer listen to God. Our society has“bought you into a plentiful land to eat its fruitalso turned to other gods – gods of materialismand its good things.” (Jeremiah 2:7a). But whatand wealth. The earth is no longer regarded asSeason of Creation9

a gift from God to be used and enjoyed by allmay look after us.for the common good. We privatise nature andattach a market value to it.Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16The symbol of the cracked cisterns is a powerfulThe words are practical words of advice on howone. We are reminded of the precious gift ofto live well, in the service of God and others.water, where it comes from, where it is storedCompassion and empathy with those who sufferand how it is distributed. How much does ouris important. “Let mutual love continue.water cost? Why do so many people die fromnot neglect to show hospitality to strangers .water-borne diseases and lack of adequateRemember those in prison . .Keep your livessanitation? Should access to drinkable waterfree from the love of money.” (v 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).not be a basic human right?What can ourThe love of money or consumerist society ischurch do to ensure the water supply in ourcontrasted with a generosity of spirit to thosecommunity is clean and affordable? How canin need.Dothe voice of the church be used in advocacyto amplify the voice of the voiceless? How doWe are urged to “keep our lives free from thewe: “Speak up for those who cannot speaklove of money”. (Hebrews 13:5a). How do wefor themselves, for the rights of all who aredo this? What is the impact of materialism anddestitute.” (Proverbs 31:8.) Who can we partnerconsumerism on God’s creation? In what wayswith to address crucial issues of water anddo our economic systems promote greed andsanitation justice?hoarding and ultimately the destruction of thenatural environment?Psalm 81:1, 10-16How can we work attransforming our economic systems to be onesthat promote sharing and the preservation ofThis Psalm addresses similar themes to thethe integrity of creation? What can we as amessage from Jeremiah. The appeal to Israelchurch do to model a community of generosity,is for them to “sing aloud to God our strength;caring, and sharing what we have? How can weshout for joy to the God of Jacob.” (v1)become a church that is marked by simplicity?Israelhas turned away and does not listen to God.They have forgotten that it was God who hadOur faith in Jesus is to be expressed in practicalbrought them out of slavery in Egypt (v 10a);ways: “Do not neglect to do good and to shareand it is God who wants to satisfy them withwhat you have”. (v 15, 16) The words from thegood things – the finest wheat and honey frombook of Hebrews which speak about qualitiesthe rock (v 10b and 16). We need to emphasizelike love and hospitality are usually taken tothe goodness of creation, the blessing of itsrefer only to human beings. But what about theabundance and fruitfulness.This should berest of creation? Should our “doing good” andour motivation to appreciate it and to enjoy it.“sharing what we have” not also extend to allWe usually tend to frighten people into actionGod’s creatures, to the whole earth communityby emphasising the damage that is being doneof which human are an integral part? If the goodto the earth. Let us see creation as somethingnews of the reign of God is for the whole earthof lasting value that is to be preserved andthen surely all of life should be our concern?protected. Let us look after the earth so that itHow can our church become a loving community10Season of Creation

that embraces all of creation?will be inverted,those who put themselvesforward as important will be “humbled”, andIn this section wonderful words of the assurancevice versa (v 11). It is often a desire for statusof God’s presence and comfort are quoted: “Isymbols that promotes a materialistic lifestyle –will never leave you or forsake you.”(v 5b) And,we judge people by the car they drive or the cell“God is my helper; I will not be afraid. Whatphone they use. God’s invitation is extended tocan anyone do to me?” (v 6) .If our hands areall, irrespective of wealth or any other quality.clenched tightly to hold onto what we have,Jesus’ “table fellowship” was a means hethen we cannot receive blessing from God. Itused to challenge the systems that accordedis as we open our hands to the needs of othersstatus and honour to some and shame andthat God can pour blessings into our lives.discrimination to others.Luke 14:1, 7-14All the readings refer to food/eating in someway. Where does our food come from? Is itThis parable is told by Jesus at the house of thehealthy? Is it produced in a sustainable way,leader of the Pharisees, on the sabbath. Havingin ways in which the land is not exploited sohealed the person “who suffered with swelling.”that the fertility of the soil i

earth and the cry of the poor Jeremiah 8: 18-9:1 Psalm 79:1-9 I Timothy 2: 1-7 Luke 16; 1-13 Week Five The Curse of Affluence Jeremiah 32: 1-3a, 6-15 Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16 I Timothy 6:6-19 Luke 16: 19-31 Week Six St Francis Day Lamentations 1 : 1-6 Psalm 137 2 Timothy 1 :1-14 Luk

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In 2015, Pope Francis added the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation to the Catholic liturgical calendar to be celebrated on September 1st each year. In 2019, the Vatican asked Catholic communities and pastors everywhere to join ecumenical communities around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation from September 1st to October 4th.