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the first strand of an IES initiative aimed at understanding the underlying causes of low ethnic diversity and making recommendations to increase access to the sector, improving the experiences of people from all ethnicities. Methodology The report seeks to understand the lack of ethnic diversity from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.

regardless of teacher gender across studies. Similar findings have emerged for teachers' racial/ethnic bias. For example, students in New Zealand performed substantially better in math when their teacher implicitly favored their ethnic group [13] and Dutch teachers' implicit bias predicted the size of ethnic achievement gaps in their .

8 Interventions to Improve Minority Health Care and Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities Evidence-based Synthesis Program EVIDENCE REPORT INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Racial and ethnic disparities are widespread in the US health care system.

140 different ethnicities residing in Kazakhstan, whilst promoting Kazakh ethnic nationalism. Internationally, Nazarbayev believed that integration in the region and world, would be Kazakhstan's best chance to preserve its territorial integrity. Nazarbayev has developed Neo-Eurasianism as a platform that has enabled to prevent ethnic

Table A2.11. Relative Rate Index, 2014, court experience of mixed ethnic men relative to white men (aged 18 and over) 47 Table A2.12. Relative Rate Index, 2014, court experience of Chinese and other ethnic

New York City has an extraordinarily diverse population. It is one of the few cities in the coun-try in which four different racial/ethnic groups each make up at least 10 percent of the popula-tion. While the overall shares of each racial or ethnic group in the population are interesting

how our results depend on the political power distribution across ethnic groups. We show that the relationship between inequality and conflict is driven by changes in the distribution of rainfall between the politically most powerful ethnic group and the other groups. To zoom in even further, we complement the analysis at the country level with an

Received in revised form 13 January 2016 Accepted 21 January 2016 Available online xxx Keywords: Happiness Wellbeing Life satisfaction Immigration Ethnic group Neighbourhood effect UKHLS Ethnic diversity Quality of life abstract Immigrants and ethnic minorities tend to have lower life satisfaction than majority pop-ulations.

The research questions about the English vocabulary learning strategies adopted by the ethnic minority students in Leshan Normal University are listed as follows: 1. What are the current vocabulary levels of Han students and ethnic minority students respectively? 2. What are the most difficult problems in English vocabulary study, in Han .

the Indian ethnic clothes. Atlas [16] contains in total 186k clothing images focusing on product taxonomy classifica-tion, consisting of images corresponding to western wear, inner-wears, and ethnic wears. However, the dataset is very imbalanced in the case of some cloth categories. In Gener-ative Indian Fashion [14], the authors focus on .

color" or "communities of color" (or a name of the specific racial and/or ethnic group) and "white." We also understand that racial and ethnic categories differ internationally, and that many of local communities are international communities. In some societies, ethnic, religious and caste groups are oppressed and racialized.

It is good anthropology to think of ballet as a form of ethnic dance. Currently, that idea is unacceptable to most Western dance scholars. This lack of agreement shows clearly that something is amiss in the communi-cation of ideas between the scholars of dance and those of anthropology, and this paper is an attempt to bridge that communication gap. The faults and errors of anthropologists in .