Retain This Address ITALERI Scale No 2685 Spitfire Mk. IX .

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AITALERIRetain this address40012 Caiderara di RenoConservare il presenteindirizzo per futurelor futureBologna ItalyreferenzereferenceVia Pradazzo. 6/b1:48made in italyNo 2685scaleSpitfire Mk. IX American AcesEUThe Spitfire is certainly the most famous and best knownfighter aircraft of World War II. Winning many dogfights ofLe Spitfire est certainement I'avion de combat de lathis conflict, the plane was first developed in the 1930s.It underwent a continuous evolution and improvementof its aerodynamic features as well as its engine andII a gagne de nombreux combats de cette periode et futpour la 1 ere fois concu dans les annees 30. On ne cessa2eme Guerre Mondiale le plus repute et le plus connu.d'ameliorer ses caracteristiques aerodynamiques ainsi quesoon moteur et son armement, ce qui le laissait toujoursconcurrentiel par rapport aux nombreuses forces de I'air,armament made it last with numerous airforces untilafter the apperance of the first jets. The Mk. IX versionwas first produced in large numbers at the end of 1942when the release of the German FW-190 pushed Britishengineers to considerably improve the aircraft and speedup production.jusqu'a I'apparition des premiers Jets. La version du Mk.IX a tout d'abord ete produite en grande quantite fin 1942quand la sortie du FW-190 Allemand poussa les ingenieursAnglais a ameliorer considerablement leurs avions et leurscadences de production.Lo Spitfire e sicuramente il caccia della Seconda GuerraEl Spitfire es sin lugar a duda el mas famoso y conocidoMondiale piu famoso e conosciuto. Questo protagonistadi tutti i duelli aerei del conflitto venne progettatode los cazas de la IIGM. Ganador de muchos combates eneste conglicto, el aparato fue inicialmente desarrollado ennegli anni '30 e attraverso una continua evoluzione emiglioramento deU'aerodinamica, apparato motore edcontinuas tanto en sus caracteristicas aerodinamicas,los anos treinta. Siedo objeto de una evolucion y mejoraarmamento rimase in servizio con numerose forze aereecomo en su armamento, permanecio activo en muchassin dopo I'awento dei primi jets. La versione Mk. IX fuquella prodotta nel maggior numero di esemplari dallafuerzas aereas hasta incluso despues de aparecer losprimeros jets. La version Mk. IX fue inicialmente producidaen grandes cantidades de 1942, cuando la aparicion delfine del 1942 quando I'apparizione del FW-190 spinsei progettisti inglesi ad un'ulteriore perfezionamento delFW-190 aleman forzo a los ingenieros britanicos a mejorarvelivolo.considerablemente el aparato y acelerar su produccion.EDFDie Spitfire ist mit Sicherheit das beruhmteste und bekann-De Spitfire, waarvan het ontwerp uit de 30-er jarenteste Jagdflugzeug des Zweiten Weltkieges. Ursprunglichstamt, is zonder twijfel het meest bekende en beroemdejachtvliegtuig uit de 2e Wereldoorlog. Het toestel werdwahrend der dreiSiger Jahre entwichkelt. bewahrte es sich inunzahligen Luftkampfen. Durch standige Weiterentwicklungund Verbesserung der aerodynamischen Eigenschaften.sowie des Motors und der Bewaffnung. blieb die Spitfire beiconstant verder ontwikkeld en verbeterd en hierdoor konhet lange tijd in dienst blijven bij de luchtmachten vanvele landen, zelfs tot na de ingebruikname van de eerstestraaljagers. De Mk. IX versie werd in grote aantallengebouwd tegen het eind van 1942, toen de verschijningvan de Duitse FW-190 de Britse ingenieurs dwong meerzahlreichen Luftstreitkraften bis zum Auftreten der erstenDusenjager im Einsatz. Die Mk. IX Version wardie am hau-figsten. seit Ende 1942 produzierte Type. Sie wurde entwickelt. um die damals uberlegenen FW-190 zu bekampfen.ATTtNZlONfVPnrn 0 ru*r» »Ta»o \'jj*n ana-ifai-aya I dnaQno S tscca * co* "Xrta c*»a t»TP da**( a-npala. ut*x» * tiqMMu GCOS* ** pao di lo-tan a togMraCO" u"*p«OU Ima O«n ca-a ,*W ft* a.-1 *« «*.*-* U» UUn i paffl C*n * manlAarflan **a -OC rw*%« 3f» v - C " 4 OM« tavQW IMtwi dab SUmpa'a IMntn 3* DWC Kt*r* momaio ucaroog* scsra im one* U tract* run rdtoaro tSezr 01 trco' rt. « ' ici M" * nocwio 10*121 Oi mentara tnvi coU L*Sa*eSOt:en betere vliegtuigen te bouwen.ATTENTION U*sM adwc*1 achtunoto a -j curtagrq tna wodav Buc* an **ndcasa parti to Dagmrt togefpiar w*«i*mrewt n»c«l« en «ncf * ma V* parti "Xtl C* *s**mt»adVITMOUT u*rg camarrt0 aiu aDarOa" latta «*/»«» d IM *a aan » "a 0* ot a lar« ju monta«a 3a" l«w* -B C. W*# HKtrt A3CM en *t ct t m tht parti *4J » Icmx). Cart vna»C«t»&»'0(»(Mtaff««r«3tN»-r.f-r" "-* * B#-iw pa#rt-»* t part«araioWiC»-fwrt ATfHClON Co aiOTj'-*'ElljcMr iai mitn corw* UKtedntafar-a antai oa Htiar.ur « -v ta* Sapa*ar U«T -m »c-Oonp*io-o*«»t* tar««*a« annan*»*fi atnta*! *-- »lai sa*.w« ia poN yimaarB4«« iar 3 «" 'wacawu An *oaxsa "anHa ou« inilo rK OanHaoowianfmvmn fw w W -iuo* oa Talarw tanw-j »o»j-' P »a /a.aanan/B " B»ta rx» PtfltMHOrtOff *«r»arO*" A -B - C. C*aCWcMUO*" n«**n oartNu-rrntrfp Mgtft/ Xeffw Scrt/lng dar ru rnorttamnOa TM rj ft"0a*i i»l Da m*amai- Krauf "ttraairt—t Ta*a a«a n M ni »ar**«»oOMNkgnoMifagO3KC0 O i*c*ss »« artanur las p-jt* Mo-flar las P-K« e« CrOe" umaxo U!*j*i UnamiM. Kc*os osai rwrrara *SO VEVTF peg»-*m:c m*3 DUSWC y e*i DOtl canto*l para n- r qx m 5ane #MSH hyvlrv a n i»wrurnw vr-eo» Las ?*c as r grn nd**i ta» p«7»s cfja » oe»- e*j* w"j»» Us »w ?iaiarwm Maaai m— «r* fn *-a vom BtrtJWnq aenl»r»g af**arnaf liV il.ri-KOa« inrt »k» "iffla to* "a-w" &a* ?aipai-a (MaMigt ar«a*aiii amMe-"**?*!***ix"a zur WVO-: A-B-C *r Marta on Of njrw irocsro U «*- « pve «*ova a cwn 3a mo fc Imzs star** da j-u crxa rcr\ *?i2 Oa utifczzar*oa las C*-oaai COA tn C Cfau a'piaoo Duipadi twas . '* » t - nmncnai n»ii tBrafuHy p-o »s **»*-c*t 1*-v part* *nm Kara arftn a *Na-pw*a c* a pa* ol **«* and t-r» **, iiohpiaatic tfcMi« « pari* Aaaamtas! * Mil r rwi-WK«l MQ rca UM ptSSDC t * « ONLV and uM Ca "ianl »[ anny,M j otat aWartalu v*t*«Ufe.*«U *)'* v»n rnjovium** a saMtava.M ar "OOel r»arwi»*ytt savmcaen HmaMtUWen r ca" l« C*«ai Ou* 9K#n *n»af-eiar»a SIN usar paoaf aWs A B CV*«o»at rwo*f -aai eTta- l-m*a » »'.»A - - C. Natii kn**nal oaonava* rr»u vflt osat ovat " »tJia i-m*v*n» c*a * **i'ra p* " e**i **«««* maauta an—r Las mtrn rOc*" a» a" M"Oata m »-ic-j»- «n tai m:m P'irtarla* [ww paQj**«aTWnamttU MjmU pcxslaa maa* t* wwantaa Oa Mcanna* Oa « Dan)*.* n*-»a u [.«* ** da Kn '-oa*i pc OcnOa *e Oatia*ifnan man bO W tn*M* mooaaac * »! "ta/t noya *ljdna nttangatt *ar« ncqa *c**t»*a«aan alia cWarna tnn* it«0 Alia amaOatar shaH. mala* «a-i» da t*fa ».v . *i- iair Br i Wig a* an del hIn raman. sMr «« ItV»*Tgi maO an nooOy* . tv giaow ariaowiateN.o t mad »amrr» *r«v Wd rwpsafflnrtoan fl«(. rvrrr*»anv«nr gan Sary* aflart nflnun"« pi Mf»i a" irwM' "Wianigan &»ar» pair tiaiyoa' an Oatan saaa Nmma* v ipilar at datan »*" morna'a* ylar *- Ar-rlno nOast ln evs«r;icv pc ysTi ana A-B-C.BoastaWma t«*a pi t«k«" " ian - a- OaW\ Csa-ki*»aJa da * *Aa* m afolnUai*t af iaa p«iasOPCELET - Battng,)*a :»--if*i09an'Bestjoee' zorg jiog ne: i cnaosc*1 *oc '* - to.* - a' " -«»« c oanMian va" e: »*W Mas* I* « i «l e»* k s f«s C «W»ianagaflang '«-wflw 0»»-nB ai h*tc*v.»n»f pmtc e-' pas Oa 0**** utoxnm la Ifnan Gatm afton Ibd wpiasVTOOaM". We** ;:«a-i*-jio » loaanaam. lavaal l*m im um rrcdaJ baschad 9 ZwmmpiUanOjOtn 4a la if-** « " »a« W-Ha fia1*" *w*w* naar bawaonnM * « wattar»*t Ttogar *o" a* 3"' - 1 A B C. . (»a--a mf.m oaw am kaoa» * - -am" o*eoaroaMr Dcti t .--iO»-i Souoa' at Uarw cvMTMMn vec la .an r*l tOa' t* «rt*oanVerw tor Oc vwf »j- 0« le ', * uppwaktanHWAHMC- rfenestaaa coaeiw n « -ftwc* »**ute *M) *.ir* if m« Lwo 0O"jW'»& -anaDI(/**» oriaaui riai ti Mir '.o jii o puau aw t c-*»* aravtwrt iax * (n\»an*—a"*mc"**w ia.iNr- ' oAHl naMaiafjniaiBSWait roaaam , 'W '-.u-wanrpaj » »faa n«0,-iaamn**a— *- 'aiK-t) ifju'xW!. * T—* *'»»-dptawicftwr oCTOMO-axfiwiOwofira [»* *« (* &«**s« *a*fpa «i«ncaaka»an* y«oi CW» aH«Viw* 'W n3***i* iar* bu«M c'p"«» nM*ann «»o ajrraraiccnaaaaorca U3 t** * i-n A f c*aV"«»*-»*-'' '«»1«c' «"P«»*wa*r*a*aaM6*i»*l* fai*ar-f o ii»a»»i»-aotaaao. rn**'V» **»*»* * *t ** *" wit* u « - w- .{iA»***w AnaM a»sai*wri«a »i(-cyaia»om**cB aaxtpyoaa* rpaaa-accauaria i« I« ' bmhauras »inm-»*ti,)»r » !' «t -:i « ).-civ*ta-nn*'*n»Haiii*wai«f« «« » **»'«. . « , « - . a ii -»-.« . p.-i-»ar« » - . « - „ ».» A-O-C l«l.-t-F « l*t*. - nij r,v . »- i.* HMRII IVWBAM i r. -- r.ain* a«9u Y«B 2*-*w af* Vlt**aiH * -miituwniniVini * * « ATTENTION - CCJfr'S AtfAv*m O* co-rr «rK«' » nwir-a " -'.*— i"—-.—' " rt « Dns'i D*Ucf*- «vac t*a-(*Mi:in-lili.eojp 0* bo" l« mycaau« Oae "oim an .na-n u" r-ia»\rx« m t»i-i ia [* - \- «a*«n'iaHasu. wrefcfjt'T.' -*» 7i«*t«Bi Hd ' . * tiii»t»i » f ' f.#(lia-j ' . i ,9 i I . %m.-.: *.»»,.'" I I J 1 . I I t J 1 i X«l*»«« l » ' iOa cisauiat CCMP*" *: u»a pfla -*-na * **: Oa cap** Oa v«a *n Miarbaga* rrt -'n«» JawioeiA iB «rK »JtartC»rwni krV*tfrt»nhAr iC'0't»i«"ir*alic c - 3a la -ro« la urr*yo 0* « p*ca Oi» v«"! 0 »M morWa. » ta M!«Nav«c ii cn las '*cha* ncwes mcla*jo"l «* pt«CM a c *. «s '*;' ** ! **'« »**inatQuao)US P*C«s "Wt x sans cc«a E-rpioYa' wW"wii Oa IS cetfa i-.-. .AB - C. Les MMS aioi c!'* 0« i-it m ifO *"' la i tt*s «i »a « /» ia p-ta«a no"i»r. Les pieces ma/ciuees pat i/»e toi te sc t pas a uwserj p « l t t :tta--i *'. t «*li:AnThi't f.Oi .r.jpita**'*/,!- Af.n»ll A-D-C J ' 'v t riff)** ?*-;'*i i rft.j . r /» at ,?« r-.*jiu'»«;i jit' ir#Br*«B'#HTtnujitt'- :'.,-k»',s«aii* t-i:tM'T e*x-

*% s52 51 « ?V0 Pale Gaeem (Flat) I'enscono dH'asso'limcnio colon ITALERI Model Master / Acr iRami SystemThe indicated colour numbers ruler to the ITALERI Model Master / Acryl Paint Systom0»oangofobenon FarWummcrn bcwrvn sicn ,kj( die ITAIERI Model Master / Acryl p 'Les references mdiquecs corxemeni les pemlures IIALERi Model Master / Acryl Paint System Black (Flat)F.S. 34227F.S. 37038ITAMM-1716ITA MM-1749ITA MM Acryl - 4739ITA MM torn- 4768oAluminium (Metalizea)Leather (Fiat)White (Flat)Yellow (Fiat)Gun Metal (Metailter)F.S. 37875ITA MM-1401ITA MM- 1736ITA MM - 1768ITA MM-1569ITA MM-1405ITA MM Acim. - 4677ITA MM Acryl - 4674ITA MM Acryl - 4769ITA MM Acryl - 4721ITA MM Acryl - 4681 Red (Gloss)RustSilverRAF Medium Sea Grey (Flat)ITA MM-1503ITA MM-1785ITA MM-1546ITAMMAcwl-4630ITA MM Acryl - 4675ITA MM Acryl - 4678 oOGrien (Gloss)Olive Dbab (Flat)ITA MM II - 2058ITA MM-1524ITA MM-1711ITA MM Acrvl - 4746ITA MM Acryl - 4669ITA MM Aciiyl - 4728F.S. 35237F.S. 37087

32Blj 3 ?r3lA 3lA\\DECAL15,31aVersions A-B-D c39b (jonly*-WVersions C-EonlyFor n perfect application o' the decon. w suggest using Model Master products 2145 or 2146Pel un., pertiMta appl.c.viono delle Oecals. sicons«lia I'uso dei B-odotti Model Master 2145 oppuro 2146Fur cine porfekto anbnngung do. oocMs -rdae vwvwndung von Model Master no. 2M5 ooer 2146 emotohlen or ZSZZT? T "**'"* "OUS *0U4 "*om ' * K» »f«n oes p-odu.ts . decals Model Ma«eT,ef. 2!45 ou 2!46Para -acuta, la colocacion de las calca, , conseeu,, un resultado „,„.ec,o. suficimos «uso de ,o, productos 2145 o2146 do Model MasterUlruiMn p* I«* .,.„,. ,«. rja -w iMaulw I. a-akflma-ta (-ccar-wala. f-wu. „.—o-i. „ un l.d— *acou p»«* par «* 10\ iwiaa r, poamon* *yl mod**, a tanaacnota-, data cau f— t.i. .y»,», J«a-ui (o« -v., , lo„t«a pauuola poHa.Brwon iwappv»gin.» *. M c -« w mcm oj, «#a,Mac Oor««0.»*-,oi -«.-a*-*»l0lM,(r. po ,t* eaoaaj oa at* ** *-m» * *m***-, e. w«„ . , WaWuna*" U Ali/»AnMnji«o (h. hanMi'fi—t-i. knit l , I-,. „!, ,.» a*M.„! ,, ,,», M ,,*! /-.H,(H. vim liati ulihlaxlen. r » CI** r*V4*Wjlut arwa 10* amta.xnan, autda*Moda* Man wnd )*«*apt*n.oBar. amN-*, u- am. «»„, KaVif .,—,AbivrXiacw-,. Kwale« out! IN*! Iianar*.W *n hat ! * )« wi aonuf npaouepiinpUal* Mataan atfeon OsaU*u » j,j-" Tbcpi ardrxKtan " »** * m. 'anAca v, oM oacaKananM Caaaar fcaITelll'**""* "*modm« *-*«fA— oaw —.* " »«: ». oa tfa**n pwo a*,——«. uj a fmr" " — *.*Htn-.« -. i-„, u apeiKMn a, *, («„,.„,, KtKUf MW HT!!?! " "" *-Bta* »#- " J-* tl .,„dura*.1 "en-was«W*la******,***.- - .-.-.,,

VERSION ALt. Vic Cabas.4th FS/52nd FG. Le SersTunisia, April 1943-h. nf tha RCAF Lt Vic Cabas achieved his first victory iriSSSsKa aSr

CtKSluN BMaj. Gart Jared 309th Fighter Squadron.Pomigliano, Italy. November 1943The personal aircraft ot the 309 Fighter Squadron's Commanding Officer, Ma). GarJared. Spitfire Mk.lX WZ-GJ carried his initials and two kill markings. The 309squadron emblem of afighting Donald Duck and the name "Eleanor" also personalhis aircraft. Maj. Jared assumed command of the 309th FS in November 1943 aretained command through the squadron's transition to P-51 Mustangs. During At.1944 while escorting a bomber mission to Sofia, Bulgaria his aircraft was hit by fland he was lost.

VERSION CCapt. F.S. "Gabby" Gabreski.No. 315"Deblinski" Sqn.Northolt, February. 1943While the majority of Gabby Gabreskis victories were achieved flying P-47 Thunderbolhe made his operational debut In an RAF Spitfire. Due to his family being from Poland,was attached to the veteran No. 315 Squadron based atNortholt. Starting In Decern!of 1942 he gained valuable experience under the command of Sqn Ldr Tadcusz SawiBy the end of tho war, Capt. "Gabby" Gabreski was the leading American ace in Iskies over Europe.

SIONDawcettth Fighter Squadron. 31st Fighter Group. 15thAir Forcetel Volturno. Italy,March 1944RAF MioiuM Sca OatY (Flat)F.S. 35237ITA MM 11 - 2058ITA MM AcR.i - 4746Spitfire Mk.lXc MH894/WZJJ was called "Lady Ellen III" and was flown by Lt. JohnFawcett of the 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, 15th Air Force, flying outof Castcl Volturno, Italy. Shown as flown in February 1944, the double "JJ" code wasunusual and indicated another aircraft carrying a "WZ-J" code was available. The redinsignia surround was still In use by the squadron during this time in contradiction ofregulations. The small yellow patch behind the cockpit was gas-sensing paint whichwould changecolors Inthe presence of poison gas.

VERSION ELt F Ohr, 2nd FS/52nd FG.Palermo, Sicily, August 1943Lt. FredOhrholds the uniquedistinction of being the onlyUSAAF ace of Koreanancestryduring World War II. From Oregon, he joined the 52nd Fighter Group in Tunisia flyingSpitfires. Itwasn't longbefore Lt.Ohr and hisgroup happened upon a flight of Ju88s andhe claimed his first victory. While he wenton to shot down many more enemy aircraft,this was his only victory in a Spitfire. Hisgreatest success was overthe skies ofSicilyin a P-51 Mustang.

(p) (NEORHACAO IMPORTANTTi SOBRE ESIE KITA05Naae rccomendado a cnanjascom idade Inferior a 3 arcsCDPresengj darjorrlas agucadas gjeservem para amorrtagemdo iroJelo(J)RKomendamos muilocuidaco nouso de feriamentas e ooieciosHracka nerW vhodn pro oeti do3let, protole bymohly spolknoirt neboU modelu se nacnalt tpicalA okraie nutne k tnta vm umotnCnovdechnout male tastiATENCAO. A\ti«i.«reconendaoas para raleKit saosomentB para uso s)i.,ii.Poulrv le h k sestrojeni ostrfl n ctir e a epele, dojto poror. abyste seneporanaConserveestc mdpteco paraijiuras referencias. Baivy.Merfftjpcniciflerrierxotentosajto §)UcftoveTtetUDsdn kp ipadrwbudDvOmmodel aimITAURI SPAVU Pradawo. 6/B - 40012 CAIDERARADIRENO(BO)Gtxatwo nm ocattoit muwi a j ami if pirate p«ti potnoo«p '.itj;deaduRos.(T) IMPORTANTI IfiTORUAIIOHl SU OUfSTO KITivj-t ! .; (T)(?;ODTjntaipen podemcausar and*nun pessoais.*)ITALERI(t;(CZ) CTETEAUSCHQVEJTEITAURI S (' AITAIY , -Via Pradauo.6B- 4001?CAIDERARA DIRENO (BO)CDPieserua d. estremitt appunffletunnm* » i4iemaiaco« dd nwjato Fare artennom *uuieaWem e bmeper i rrontagga at) evttareITAIY(g TAWETA TTfTOJA KOSKCN TATA RAra#WSSARJAA!lente@ATTENZrONE: I eoW raccornandali per gueilo kitsgno. nlO per Cowvare e presmiendmwo patMm rnferenn Tufcatutartt)«irafceaTBsar)«ratora oMMadnlCDTtrtvll ryOMMan vtrtstt arnttaessa on noudatctiavi ervtsti(PL) PR2ECYTAC12ACH0WAC0ITALERI SPA:j)VUPradauo. 6/B - 40012CALOERARA DIMHO(80)C&Z*oa*ka mo:e umerac cjeici ; oilrymi krawedrumi( )Natezy T*at uwagt n» mutmM o* i»en«a twajwwe«7yparjQjpaanet owt vortaan Bicmaa AM mm tasJeo mnsian ovsUrtetssa*; l/NAGA farby pnecaneda makmvrw Wgomodaajrag powvvrr byeWeWuatntaU fmtafl vcxtekjof* ym mMfttarjatsa mukana}. n taai )no4j-!taeua mconow vahjrarigorsta saanaa lotkaiSLjicrTiuT jaaoitkrax Nam* on ccRstettava vatana a hBrnaratpenBa fw »-'et3tJt AJgfXi nama ciotohou a*iufatacttfTnain»iB ft»jiAjijesl taurywana oaffycr rorJedn podem mentaruurywane prie; d.**o dot W 6 7acfw*ainnepvy aox* dU prryVvcn rtf«rtnc i *4e*jr asaaritirapeawnpAi vJ xru.w.- iJ IMPORTANT INFORMATION TWSKITToynot sutaea* fcr cNdranITALERI SPASMyt* tknA cttaliiianan maMoOsti Urvetta sflmtfia ta«n,s itiVU Pradauo, 6/B - 40012 CALOERARA 01 RENO(80se usatta ECC-vntvman rwnen )aoscAeenjda onnstaavatBedotn Smai pans may beITALYmea*er* a»stasoaflnwetf cr ruledJ)M may CCntM paYtt H«l Sharp fdon which V* niCHMT, 10 bu*J . . ma nod;Care should be taken when gang bob and rncdeltog km« as thewon cause persona!injuryVAROITUS: Ohjeeasa tounieiiut maa'il ovat vain aikusiiie,.,,,.-.,ITALERI SPAVia Pradauo. 0 /B - 40012 CALDERARA 01 RENO (BO)(TR) TR-OWaallWLGlER-LOTnNSAXlAyiNi; 03 rasmdan kucuk ocuktar *,m uygun dedadH VutabMceMeri kucukC )KUSursuz btr model ofusairabilmek «;in geftkabtarctk irvti kenaruQ)Yaptm Jirumda makel b«(agi »e lOrpu gibl aletlenn klITALYWARNING: Parts facommentJeO IvuMwimifMttartlorioUlmooeiersonryPlease retain t»w address for future reteierce(t ) AOVARSa -VKTIG KfORMASJON OM BYGGESETTETITAURI SPAVU Pradauo,6/B - 40QT2 CALDERARADI RENO (BO)ITALY(t)Mi*hegoMbamunder3af Smi deterhjntettaseqfastinatseneiier(2)COSe epp foripiaaekanter, son brufces vedmontenng av nxidfllen.WvisaMsomhet narvertiByeg spesiaiWiivtr brukes,da Cekan paiere ADVARSEl: Mairng scmanbelaies brukl meddettcsetterteregnel bareperionskader(S)i ,. .,„ ,.-,.par(aiy icermenledirparcatar tcerebuvsirasindahen ang«» yaratamwnayi mo*p olmamak ;in cok dtkkaiit) eTfnaMiOikkat: Model icm koiiamimaii lavny- »dil»n boyalar sadeceenskinlwn kulUnmalan ln uygunflu Ba5vumlanrh2 niutfenasagidawadfe*kay(k»dlniiITALERI S.PA. .-.-VU Pradauo. 6/B - 40012 CALDERARA 01 RENO(BO)SpardermeadressenH fretntwia bn*.( F) INfOHMAIIONS IMPORIANIES C0NCERNANT CE KITITALYItAURISPA i Jouctne convenant pas am enfants de mans de 3 ans le pelitwpiecespuoriatent ttie av»ie*& uu InhnMes(i)Presence d'extrefrdUsen pant servantau montage du modelo.I PYCCKtfl(1)L'assembtage de ce kit requiereot de I'outlllage. en parttculier des Via Pradarjo. 6/B - 40012 CALDERARA DIRENO(BO)ITALYcoteaux de modeTismn M.ini« cos domier avoc precaution pour evKer .: : 4) (DK) VIKIIO INFORMATION FOR SAMIES*TMr-Mill"ATTtNTIOH: Ios remhires ii-commandee*pource Wt aont umqurroenl AnbHalwikkc 1*1 Invnunder3 b, mdoholder sm4 deledostmftes aux aduiles(J)Sattrt kan mdeboldedele med ttuvpa kantw hvilkcter nodvendigloratQ)4)( )Va*for&igtig ved brugaf vxtKn ska e knlveogt nenfleFortlgilg: Maling doranbefates er beregnet tilvoksnenbrugSpan deme adrosso forevt henvendelseGardeicelloadreu pourreference Minei,i' nm';ITAURI SPA.Via Pradauo, 6/B - 40012 CALDERARA DIRENO(BO)ITAIY nPCWTHTEH 3AF10UMHTELlotci »»«rxina «tMe»«Mx o joarau flOTdM Mfuvuuo !» not0)Cj)HaOpo mowot C0A0D*fltb floinrw c octopi.iiM Koropi.noiiwo6*Ofli4Mi.iRim noctOMKH MarinirtDMot*mo/i/kimMe «w rJo xOf-t yiti«;ioix) icrcnrwp.T /»3yTiiuwrtaripyw i»»Mti,rK)CKoru* v«iMMC*vr nuaivin,iimt«-.i j ! -- n -::.I(J) EsHMIAAHME5 4ll iltx*Jft*»vti»»-«*VVVT x * a* MCnonb30BHTbCf TOHbKO 03pOCni.SUH MOflOnciflMH CoKpaiwto ajipoc npOM3PO/,*ro/i.» ryin OyflymtixoGpau(OMH ITALERI SPAITALERI SP.A.Via Pradauo, 6/B - 40012 CALDERARA DIRENO(BO)VU Pradauo,6/0 - 40012 CALOERARA DIRENO(BO)ITALYITALYW1CHTIGE INFORMATIONIV DIESEM BAUSAT2fjirfit peeignet fur Kinder untp 3 Jifiren wegen Vcrtundcnsein von .':':l(T) VTKTIG INFORMATION OM DENNA BYGGSATSBausaU kann sp -jeKantenaiityrenen, die fur erne n

ITALERI Via Pradazzo. 6/b 40012 Caiderara di Reno Bologna Italy Conservare il presente indirizzo per future referenze Retain this address lor future reference made in italy 1:48 scale No 2685 Spitfire Mk. IX American Aces EU The Spitfire is certainly the mostfamous and best known f

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