Fire Protection And Life Safety Requirements For Elevator .

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Don’t Get Caught Up (or Down)”Fire Protection and Life SafetyRequirements for Elevator SystemsBy: André Garabedian, P.E.Fire Protection EngineerTopicsBasic intro to elevator types 2015 International Building Code (IBC) andInternational Fire Code (IFC) oo National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)requirementso General construction requirements, function, etc.Specifics of Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE) andOccupant Evacuation Elevators (OEE)NFPA 13 and NFPA 72Touch upon ASME A17.1-2013 (by reference)

Topics (cont.)Alternate Compliance - Important Exclusions/Additions Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)oo 3-600-01, Section 6-30Breakdown by elevator type, etc.GSA PBS P-100 Facilities Standards for the PublicBuildings Service, Section 7.10Not Included General safety requirementso Convenience requirementso Lights, ladders, safety interlocks for maintenance, etc.Sump pumps, maintenance outlets, etc.Pressurization/VentingoPresentation on its ownConstruction Elevators Full-on Commissioning oLoading requirements, etc.

Elevator TypesTypical Elevator TypesDirect Plunger Hole-less Hydraulic oMachine Room or Machine Room-lessExternal Machine Room Traction Elevator Machine Room-less Traction Elevator oGeared and Non-GearedUnderstanding operational concepts will help youunderstand code requirements.

Elevators are SimpleDirect Plunger Elevator Hydraulically-based–Limited to casingPiston and bore casing below Limited equipment above car Hydraulic machine room – Controller and reservoirLimited Travel ( 60 ft)

Hole-less Hydraulic Elevator Hydraulically-based– Limited equipment above carPistons in shaftHydraulic machine room– Shaft and Mechanical RoomController and reservoirLimited Travel ( 30 ft)–Single Stage, 2-Stage, 3-Stage, etc.for greater travelMachine Room Traction ElevatorStrictly mechanical Direct drive or pulley drivefrom adjacent room – With counterweightMost common for high-rise–Gearless models up to 825 ft

Machine Room-less Traction Elevator Strictly mechanical– In shaft or on carNoncombustiblecomponents–Cable vs. belt?Direct drive Most common formid/high-rise –100-300 ftMachine RoomsVary in size and hazard based on type Typically adjacent to shaft ooIBC expects thisThese days, not many penetrations

Controller (Traction or Hydraulic)Hydraulic Components About 40 gal of hydraulic oil (ISO 46, FP 594 F)

IBC 3005.4 - ChangedElevator machine rooms, control rooms, controlspaces and machinery spaces outside of but attachedto a hoistway that have openings into the hoistwayshall be enclosed with fire barriers constructed inaccordance with Section 707 or horizontal assembliesconstructed in accordance with Section 711, or both.The fire-resistance rating shall be not less than therequired rating of the hoistway enclosure served bythe machinery.Just Askin’ Even when connected to the shaft Is there a distinct hazard?

Code BasesStarts with 2015 IBC/IFC and referenced standardstherein:ASME A17.1, 2013 NFPA 13, 2013 NFPA 72, 2013 Not a whole lot has changed in the sub-standards.Substantial requirements in the IBC/IFC.International Building Code (IBC)and International Fire Code (IFC)“General” Requirements

Hoistway Enclosures Built as “shafts” using fire barrier constructionooo1 hr for 4 stories2 hr for 4 or more storiesAdditional requirements for impact resistance, etc.Maximum of 4 cars per shaft when they all servethe same building area (IBC 3002.2) Elevators shall not be in a common enclosure witha stairway (IBC 3002.7) No plumbing or mechanical systems (IBC 3002.9) Shaft Construction Needs Detail Continuity per IBC 707.5oo Rated openingso Foundation to roof – or –supported on ratedconstructionShaft wall liner and CMUconstruction commonElevator door ratings area givenPressure induced loads

Shaft Wall LinerShaft Wall LinerUSG SA926.pdf

Elevator Cab SizeWhere elevators are provided in buildings four ormore stories above, or four or more stories below,grade plane, not fewer than one elevator shall beprovided for fire department emergency access toall floors. The elevator car shall be of such a size andarrangement to accommodate an ambulancestretcher 24 inches by 84 inches with not less than5-inch radius corners, in the horizontal, openposition. Also required as part of full FSAE and OEECab SizeFreight Elevator

Power and Emergency Operations Standby power is optional, but where provided:oo Phase I Emergency Recall (Automatic)o Automatic transfer (within 60 seconds)Manual transfer means is also requiredNFPA 72, etc.Phase II (Manual) Key Operated in CaboStandardized KeyInternational Building Code (IBC)and International Fire Code (IFC)“Special” Requirements

Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE)Where required by Section 403.6.1,every floor of the building shall beserved by fire service access elevatorscomplying with Sections 3007.1through 3007.9. Occupied floors greaterthan 120 ft FD vehicleaccessAt least 23,500-lb. capacitySized for stretcherFSAE Requirements Fire Service Access LobbyoFormed by 1-hr smoke barriers with smoke/draft doors oo Direct access to stairway 150 sf with a dimension not less than 8 ftStandby power and protection of poweroo Ultra-high-rises get impact resistant constructionPower the equipment, lights, ventilationCables outside the hoistway or machine room needprotection commensurate with the shaft rating (3007.8.1)Monitored in the Fire Command Center

FSAE Requirements (cont.) Protection Against WateroMechanical Rooms are NOT sprinklered o NO Shunt tripAn approved method to prevent water from infiltratinginto the hoistway enclosure from the operation of theautomatic sprinkler system outside the enclosed fireservice access elevator lobby shall be providedStandpipe ConnectionoClass I in stair with common access between the stairand elevator lobbyOccupant Evacuation Elevators (OEE) Concept developed through ASME Hazardanalysis Any building could utilize this concept if incompliance with IBC Section 3008 Primarily as an alternative to 3rd stair requirementin High rise provisions (Building height 420feet) – not mandatory

OEE Initiation Requirements Assign call priority prior to Phase I recallAutomatic detection on floorsooo Smoke/heat, water flowAlso manual initiation from Command Room (not manual pullstations)NOT active if Level of Exit Discharge is in alarmEstablish evacuation zonesoooAlarm floor and 2 floors above/floor belowMultiple alarm floors provision (increased alarm group) withpriority to highest floorTravel between priority floor(s) and discharge level in “express”modeOEE Lobby Requirements1 hr smoke barriers Direct access to co-located egress stair Size oo3 sf per person, at least 25% of occupant load of floorOne wheelchair space (30 x 48 inches) for each 50occupants of floor or portion thereofProtection against water infiltration Standby power and protection of power Two way communication in lobby Occupant notification (minimum 1 device)

Comparison of FeaturesLOBBY REQUIREMENT COMPARISONElement of LobbyLobby SizeLobby EnclosureDoorWallAccessFire Service Access Elevator (3007)Occupant Evacuation Elevators (3008)150-sq ft minimum with 8-footminimum dimension3 square feet per person for 25% ofoccupants and 30-inch by 48-inchwheelchair for each 50 occupantsNot required at street floorNot required at level(s) of exitdischarge3/4-hour door tested withoutbottom sealAutomatic closing 3/4-hour doorwith a vision panel1-hour smoke barrier1-hour smoke barrierDirect access to exit enclosureDirect access to exit enclosureHoistway Venting Deleted requirements in 2015 Conflicts with hoistway pressurization Intent conflicts with need for traditional elevatorlobbies

NFPA RequirementsNFPA 13 (8.15.5) / NFPA 72 (21)Integrated Elevator ControlsRequires a LOT of coordinating between GC, FA,AS, and Elevator contractors Basic NFPA requirements o Functions include recall and shunt, and could includealternate power testing (battery lowering)Often conflicting requirements and interpretationsoASME A17.1 vs. UFC vs. P-100

NFPA 13 Sprinkler Design Questions Elevator Technology (Hydraulic or Traction)oo Sprinkler required at bottom of pit ( 2ft AFF) – not fortraction elevators ( elevators comprised of belts require sprinklerprotection at top and bottom of shaft with exceptionprovided for low flame spread ( Cab MaterialsooIf “limited combustibility” – Omit sprinklers from shaftBeware of existing elevators in retro-active sprinkleredbuildingsNeed to also know base CodeUnsprinklered Machine Rooms“New” in 2013 – Allowed When: Traction elevator machine rooms containingelevator equipment only Protected by smoke detectors, or other automaticfire detection Area is separated from the remainder of thebuilding by fire rated construction No storage Exception is NOT for hydraulic elevatorsoSo important, it looks like a repeat of Condition 1

Key Parameters: Recall Provided by lobby heat or smoke detection whichinitiates a recall to a safe flooroDesignated primary and alternateAlso provided by machine room detection andshaft detection – if present Selection of primary and alternate should bebased on Engineering Judgment and must bedocumented in the I/O matrix oRecall on general alarm – not requiredNFPA 72 Recall Typically smoke or heat depending on lobbyenvironmentoo Lobby smoke within 21 ft of the centerline of eachelevator door in a bankoo Parking Garages, etc.Code allows water flow switch when dedicated (rare)One detector can serve multiple openingsSpacing adjustments of Chapter 17 apply with ceilingsover 15 ft tall21.3.12: With approval, elevator recall detectorscan be supervisory? – Possible

Additional Recall Device LocationsPrimary Recall

Alternate RecallJust Askin’ 2-Story 1st Floor Lobby RecallAlternateAlternatePrimaryPrimaryLobby

Just Askin’ Hi-Rise and Low Rise Elevator Bank RecallAlternate“Express” ZoneAlternatePrimaryPrimaryJust Askin’ For hydraulic elevators where should it go?AlternatePrimaryNFPA 72,

Alternate Recall to Avoid Fires in PitFirefighter Warning Activation of primary recall detectorso Activation of the elevator machine room, elevatormachinery space, elevator control space, orelevator control room initiating devices identifiedin or SOLID HATFLASHING HATAdditional reqmts. for annunciation in CommandRoom (where provided) for FSAE and OEEoTypically handled by elevator control panel

Key Parameters: Shunt Trip In the presence of a sprinkler system, shunt tripkills power to critical equipment before sprinkleroperationoo Top of shaft and elevator machine roomsNote machine room and machine room-lessMechanism to achieve shunt trip is heavilydebated (Temp Ratings, QR vs. SR, etc.)ooIntent of Code (remove power before water)Recognized approachesShunt Trip ApproachesTraditional Heat detection with an activation temperature lessthan the activation temperature of the sprinklerheadsAlternates (Allowed) Zero-Retard (Non-field-settable) Flow SwitchOr just get rid of sprinklers?

NFPA 72 Shunt Trip RequirementsHeat Detectors – Lower Temperature/HigherSensitivity Usually see FA adjusted 135 F instead of SR headsoHeat detector must be within 24 in. of eachsprinkler head Performance-based approach (not typical)o21.14.3 Also Allows flow switch with no time delay Shunt trip relay power must be monitored Transmit supervisory if impairedoExcellent Flow Chart in ASME A17.1, 72 Requirements for FSAESection 21.5, The following conditions shall becontinuously monitored and displayed: Normal and emergency power availability Status of the elevator(s), including location withinthe hoistway, direction of travel, and whetherthey are occupiedo Elevator management system should provideTemperature and presence of smoke in associatedlobbies and machine room (if provided)oTemperature of lobby?

NFPA 72 Requirements for OEEAll the requirements of Section 21.5, Plus: Notify Fire Command when the elevator is calledinto Occupant Evacuation Mode Ability to start total evacuation or selectiveevacuation based on an alarm signal receivedfrom a specific floor or by Fire Commando Pass these signals through relays to elevator controllerSpecial alarm floor evacuation messagesoo“USE” Elevator Safe Zone Messages – by Alarm GroupUnified Facilities Criteria (UFC)3-600-01 “Fire ProtectionEngineering for Facilities

UFC Elevator Requirements Broken-out by Elevator TypeRecall general construction features of each type andfollow alongo Similar requirements for primary and alternaterecall (function only – initiation may be different)Heat/Smoke in Lobbies w/ key-operate Phase IIFire hat illumination and flashoo Similar shunt requirementMachine room and shaftNO shunt in pitooUFC Deviations/Variations Navy and DLA projects get 2 hr rating on all heightsShunt trip function is activated by zero-retard (non-fieldsettable) flow switchoo Potter VS-SPCannot discharge to Janitor closetIndividual control valves are required for top of shaft andmachine roomSpecial protection based on machine room placementSo far No option for unsprinklered machine room

UFC Traction ElevatorsUFC Machine Room-Less (Code is Behind)

UFC Direct Plunger with BaseMachine RoomUFC Direct Plunger with UpperMachine Room

UFC Hole-Less HydraulicGSA PBS P-100 “FacilitiesStandards for the PublicBuildings Service”Section 7.10

P-100 Key Features Sprinklered Machine Rooms – unless GGSARegional FPE allows unsprinkleredoSome are being taken out Region 07 deletes themSeparate control valve/flow switch (similar toUFC), located outside the room Similar shunt trip requirements (sprinklered) Similar lobby construction requirements Similar FSAE and OEE requirements oOEE required (not optional design) for newconstruction 120 ftGSA Elevator Retro-Fit

P-100 Key Features (cont.) For EVACS Systems, provide speaker in cabo Head guards required on all heads in sprinklermachine

ASME A17.1, 2013 NFPA 13, 2013 NFPA 72, 2013 Not a whole lot has changed in the sub-standards. Substantial requirements in the IBC/IFC. International Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Code (IFC) “General” Requirements. Hoistway Enclosures Built as “shafts” using fire barrier construction o 1 hr for 4 stories o 2 hr for 4 or more stories o Additional .

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