! NIGHT RIDERS INVADE THE EAST. TutfsPillsand . !. By .

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'".'"»"»W"".W" *** »*» »%»**%»»»»** »%«i»»»«******'*%**%»-k*v '*»**»'*%** Mf ,.Thieve, in Buunes.A Paying Inveitracnt.Mr. John White, of 38 HighlandAve ,,THave leen'Houltoi, M.inu, says: 'Havetroubled with a couch every winterspring, ijibt winte- l tried many advertised remedua, but the cough continued u:-.Ul I bought a 60c bottle ofOr. King's Nev. Discovery; before thatwas half gone, the c ugh was all gone.This winter the same happy result haafollowed; a few ooavs onte more banished the annual cough. I am nowconvinced that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best of all cough andlung remedies." Sold under guaranteeMI .1 mi. L. WwUn'* Drug Store. 60cand tl.CO. Trial bottle free.WINTERVILLE ' EPARTMENTjin Charge of F. C. NYEITHE EASTERN REFLECTOR.So TiredIt would be very much betterIt may be from overwot*. batif all men were honest. Howthe chan.e* are «U from an Ingood it would be if every manactive LIVER.m\would accept the idea thatWith n IMM conducted LIVERone can d» mou.italne of labor"honesty is the best policy," and3,Thc Eastern Rcfcctcr lot VTintcrviUc and Vicinity- Advertising Ratcson Applicationwithout f.i":ue.carry it out by its own example.It adds I hundred per cent toBut all men are not honest and'e.1ones earnlni apaclty.J « - „nn.l an.Mrs. Will Uzzell and children, it is useless to expect such a conIt can bo ke« In healthfulnctloBdition of things in this wickedby, and . "!. byl world, r'ome men will take' " '; ' fsee Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G. jrelative* here this week.conference of advantage of others whenever-lo ' " f Un" Cox Manufacturing Cft before The ministers confer*t'tiazgf busiiu-33 la the FreeVVill church was attend- sn opportunity comes to them. POLITICAL POINTS AND POINTERS"5 theyed by large congregations at each If men will steal in spite of all.W.,.King,Of imiK«v,rushing and \ve wouid advise re v.ui i'; their that you pla your ordeM early. service. Dr. St. Clair preached that can De said and done they Campaifa CMS Into Every TowniSip—Ft. Htrnve':S- . V. T U KingMiss S:.d;.' Little left this Wednesday and Friday nights should go at stealing as a voca- On Prohibitkw "Tke People Ruled."TAKE MO SUaWnTUTE.:.' :. . f Fait, ju-- 'irrii g morning for Coiietoe to visit and Elder Peden on Thursday tion and take the chances �beingcaughtandpunished.t. i i,. bar ii Co.friend*.but there will be services Then the people would find it Speake'.'of national reputation it. I ' ' "' " how that I am. '. F. Chapman c"& - -' - A Ittgo Iwt of best Hour just in FridaySatudayand Sunday.out and be looking for them. have been assigned to North as 800.1 a Democrat .-any man - i; nt I'] m lay Harrington, Barber & Co.I. ',„, i tion. andElder Fred McGlohon left this But this is not the way most Carolina during October, which who v ,.,,R. v. i". H. King left Thursdayi. (hum ".us)xito confinemen steal- Thie\es go into .' :: CioldjaWO, where hi will fill! church to fill bis regular appoint- every trade ar.d piofession. campaign Democracy is waging my rewiitm nt to fusing my .ir.;ipointmantaSunday. nvi.; .The Pitt Co. School Desk am I rrent today and tomorrow.These callings are often used as with every assurance of success prohii:ii"" irund * drink when, 1 going. Letushavey-uro.-i Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barnhill cloaks for their rascality. Some in the State and in the nation as he ,; i,. ,, 0 t.loi g him he. .i utiH Pitireii i* . ii d raat oi you will never re-; left this morning to visit relatives of them are doctors, same den- well. Probably the most promi- hag n, P ,t too hard to get." It:,. .,n j (ends in ! :i. . .-, ;. r.i ! , tti ! and i owr the river.tists, and Others druirgist. . nent feature of the State cam- j8 Q\, . ,t.,( , Hon. Cy. Watson. ,teak or the The A. 0. Cox Manufacturing Some ire lawyers \.ho take what paign will be the appearance of hase,. ., .,,.,, much feelinn left,: market Send your order to A. Co. has a full supply of the fa- men have to get them out of a Hon. Jno, W. Ker Democratic w).iW ittl. Walter Murphy is.Uyouwarn MOIup-toV"1 Mu.M,facturin« Co. Win- moua "Pittaburg Welded Fence. little trouble, some stock dealers, nominee for vice president, at entertaining lar.ie (taihtringslnirdate runabout husrgy you had G. GUfluauM; Call to see them.some horse traders, some mill Guilford Battls Ground, near wi'h discussions of (lit; tariffbet* r give him an earlv etD rw d anotfccpRev H. E. Tripp nll( d hi men and some ate politicians Greensboro, Oct. 6th, which is with as much humor as if noSeveral of our young men at, . -f iim, A\V Inge regular appointment at the who sell out the people after to be made a great national oc- drought were in si ht, and withtended the play at Ayden Thur* ear load of lime, A.A g JgJJ " here SundavHe speaks also at Ashe- . uch lioc logic us M senator. hey arc elected. Some are enviileonti:e5th, and on the 7th By ine nomination of a prohibiday night. . hants who take advantageMissNovellaBunting. ofFor hay. corn, oata and feed f Bethel, is spending a shon time( Rev. Bobt Strange, Bishop of customer.-- or w holesale house-. during the Piedmont fair at ts n st at the lead .? the Repuball kinds go to Winterv.lleLWoceaeOJ East Carolina.: Some are laborers who kill time Winston Salem. Mr. Kern is licaji ticket and th. omission ofWinterv.Ua ProPro eaam « « «, .duce Company ne« door to post- wit\"* J SfteacheJ will preach at the Episcopal when they should be at work. measuring up to aii that could be cne question from th irplatform,f» - HS S\nTw1n church' Thursday night. Oc, some are employers who beat hoped for in vice presidential it. i.- .eft where it pre-eminentlytimber, and f no more he is known belongs—outside the pale of"prance menwer. here ahostoif friend, here whoare " I S the employees .:ut of their wattes. the m ire bs grows in public party politic-, and as the sovSome are landlords who takeUwaj and sujua " ; ib.iaaUMj* always f*J«»J;„ con.5a„y invited.ds advantage of their tenants while M.-.r. :!; ! r.ikinga fine cam- ero.gn people of the State have5on the A. D. C »'a St re, it beloj Go " JJS ,,-, Miss Mamie Bryan, of Onslow. 1 others are tenants who steal p.»iv;n th*t will have its affect. settled it."SgTi nice drawn &aUt Jt A gc entered WinterviUeHigh School, from land owners. Net a few Hon. John Sharps Williams,of the minority in congreaaA. large lot of wee orawnTheyMa selling them today.are farmers who steal in dealing leaderand nomin«t d by bis State for Lelier Look For the LcjuUhve Ticket.eypraa8 8hinglesf.ns-.ue. tiai .i.u . ., p Harrington has returned Iwith people of Other trades.rington, Barber & Co,.t0" " *McA,.ti,ur 0f from northern cities where he Sometimes thieves are amonj? the senate, will speak at Newi ie Republican State platforml; i n Oct. :? .;. Hon. Ollie James, ] its that local self-governmenteditors and teachers.who made more fame for himselfgoods. He is one of our iStPClthe thing and this beingThievesinbusinessareintheand sister. Miss , Friday-Irvia Baker—"*.afternoon.„ -Q.,;.,ct UniM c* 1 very best merchants and Knows minority among the people in as an orator In the Democratic''ally translated means thatLillian. Misses Hes.ie and Helen j One ot the prettiestUnee c ;national convention than anyone,Republican party, withoutthe different lines of business. else, will mrJte some speeches inMost people and especially peo- the State. Hon. Henry D. Clay] . ng so, favors local option in' iniiirar.ee man was here Toss- ple with enough intelligence tomatter of the whiskey traffic.homes'an "ton,yi Alau IIIH, .will peaklui.;:,. Cox is an n*dobusiness,wanttodoat.out'" „ .about. u'.woii ft Co are adding R. H. Hanauekeraraiwhat they consider right, though gorth C.J «5J*JJ p. ,.ibit,onist- and therfore theaevfral i»P»vaments to their bugles theMdayn.M,UlMWlMijS8 ' Florence Speight, ofet will rut appeal to the wetstin ,ves in bnalMM act in such a "' bwn M1 , w.' "' .-,,trongly as it would have apway as ,r.to tkvAtnthrow oiicnmi nsuspicion f n"n I-,,the SH,WState .""for "TOct. ""'' 5th to J10th.tnt""n,I p led to them had the head ofM,sXan Lou Waldrop went h«e on her way home ho.,. others no matter how hard tb y « "StodorightItshouldbehejroppovntrnentohaven. , n favof of reRU.beeto Greenvdle Friday evening.«"!nvi"91 aBn Wo iire aiv,iiys day evening for her work nearSA2 fbat some SSSJ TSS -g theevd of .hiskey.We always have a nice line of 1 of W. H. a. «« , ,should be m&ds by pecplpeople in nothing., and. Hare e i" utthe questionquestion is,is, willwill notnotut theforgranted,fresh .roceries on hand. to M 2 a uX A. McGlohon one of ourevery kind of business if we are prosecuting a fine campaign Republican orators take that"K! B"- fc H. Hun- LPVtf AS: cS 'an stboys le gday morning co have thrift, but no man should thourhout every township lepta*tta ***«*"*sucker took in the carnival Fri-1 examine our Une ot men's andjfoejta JJ g take advantage of hisfellowmanTheyarenot trying to run H *2 2 lL?5just because h.- c in do it.year's campaign on past years' U" wet voters? We think so.day night.I»» c " Bnrbrr A Co.' have betn attending court atRemember the Hunsucker bug-! Harringto BarWr«w. Thieves in business dealings Jotes. Even upon the settled »nd therein lies the danger ofgies are still going. Call to see! The seals in the bap UtC uchtreat some people right because Jueston of prohibiton, dis-enJ-luting a Republican legidatureour nice stock of runabouts be-, have been covered #«Jthey know no ether course will sion* are vaniihing. The Northh«J " « » thenf gg?A RAID IN GEORGIA.fore you buy. Prices are inter cloth which adds greatly to theirdo. They treat others right Carolina s,n-, of fair plav is W the many dream, of Demo„,:,„lanpearar.ee and comfort. Kev.sometimes to ; -:. » chance to evi'lenc(!d. as it is explained, for! cracy.e9 ng - , ta T' H Kir a will oreuch Surda: OalUws Made Trail of Black AtMt steal later.instance, by Hon. W. A. Self, I We want to see Senator OverWhat shall we io with the that it has been settled in adman sent back-would rather .L.I1 ,. .i,i,n'nm,'nlAL LillM111.Albany,Ga., Sept 28. -There theif m business? The correct cr-rder.ee w*th the over-shad.iw- ?.'« him returned than any otherChickens and eggs a specialty. his regular appoinment. At th«conclusionofthemorningserviceisareign of terror among the] answer is very easy. Let bun ing istu of the times. "Shall man we know my thing about,Come and get the best prices.thc ordianee of babtiam will be negro inhabitants of a consider- alone. Don't u: to him t«. try (be people rule?" "On this and therefore those who areELarrington, Barber & Co.able portion of aCalhoun. Baker to get even with him or beat question tbe people have rub d," shouting about what KitchmMrs. W. H. Rouse and children administered.returned to Greenville Friday The "Durham", "Atlas ar.d and Miller counties, as thc result him in making a trade but let says Mr. Self, who opposed pro- can do had better look well to"Jack"cook stoves are among of a raid by "night riders" Sat- him entirely alone.till UK»* - ——aione. We»ve snuuiushould [ -ition. "and although I wasito their fences and see to it thatBurning.Bay and HUM at A. W. Angel the best We have them at prices urday night, the trail of the out- enquire carefully as to the men defeatefj by the properly ex- the legislative ticket is all rightj that will interest you. We also laws being marked by ihe black- we expect to deal with and if preFsed will of the people of the in some of tne counties.-Fair&CoMrs, Ernest Manning came in bnvegfuU line of heaters and ened ruins of thirteen negro any of them are reputed on good-" * State, and with me that settles:Irothtr's Everything.Friday night to visit relatives. ] piping. Harrington. Barber churches and school hiuses.authority to be tricky cr disThe night riders fir?t midej honest we should avoid any andOur large line of men's pants Co.REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THEMrs.M.G.Byranhasreturnedtheirappearanc" ht a point three; all dealings with them. Such ahas just been ooened and pric;*ahome from a visit near Stokes. miles east of Kestler. wh re the! course would do great good as itare right too.AT WINTERVILLE.MUs Louise Satterthwaite The A. G. Cox Manufacturing first church was fired. The? would have a tendency to purifywent to Greenvi'lo this morning. Co. are now in position to sup galloped away toward the East, the business world and wouldIn the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 10th. 19e8.Your children are accustomed; ply you with their Tar Heel anu before the glare of the fi-sti give patronage to men who deI.1AHI1.ITIKS.to having good comfortable chairs Carts, box bodies and Tumbling fire had reached its height, «n* serve it. There are plenty ofRBSonaoss.at home and certainly they; bodies. Prices made right Call other was being kindled a few honest men in every town and [Loans and diseountt * l-.Mj- tv.pital stock 5,000.00miles away, Fire followed hVe, i communitv with whom you can [Overdrafts,f2'nn Surplus funk400.00ought to have a comfortable desk i and see th. m.proliin the school room So much Harrington. Barber St (,o. and the destruction of everyI deal. We do rot advis, any one'Funiu,n; and fixtures UW-gjIUndivided profitcerrent expen* iniidepends upon the comfort of our, Rev. J. B. Jackson of Fair- building to which the torch was j to be suspicious but Wo hope that,.170.M. .,:.,!;«i.;:.staxes paidappliedwascomplete.achoolrooms. Many a boy and'mount, came in Wedn1,178.80 Bills payable»,50J.0Oall thieves in business will be,Hankers80.00 Time rertilicate*found out.-Smithfield Herald. ' cgirl has had his health injured evening to spend a short while835.00 dapuvit1.787.18permanently by neglect along with relatives.Found His Mule.— nil , .I, ill . !3,793.70You builders will do well toDep. siilije.' to ! this line. Let us give our childQuarterlyCooftrence.183.80Saturday night Dink Boyd,.; .'ii i-urri iiryI'usliiiv- .-In hi m:trtn ouftiOfUuie ar. uoeutiful s«e A W. Ansre&t'o. for win- white, a stock feeder on Uw The fourth quarterly eon N. ,,;u iiai.i. notes amdowsanddoorsbeforebuying.trending680.00school rooms and they will naili('.s.notesAvon firm, which belongs to ference of the Methodist churchKev.tuueneSt.Claire,D.U.with delight the time ior the -.rMr. J. ! Ltughlnghouse, stol" a was held Sunday night afterTotal« 10,688.41ening of school. Give our desks will preach tbe dedicatory sermon mills from the farm, bwrowed a services by Rev. A. McCullen niboardolattheFreeWillBaptistchurcla trial and be convinced.by and drove to Grin.- . . Stewards waselected:Chester Harriss left this mom- Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.; Promthere he cameon ne»e arc,J. L. Little, A. h. Ellington,Ing to tpend Sunday at nil home At three o'clock Sunday he will it U Buopo«ed, took the train at .J. R. Moye, A, C. Uollaman, tl ut th. aU,v, S.atcment is true to .he best of »*JX] K80rl!cttalsr.over the river.also preach a sermon to the this point for mr'.; unknown.r. A. Person, J. W. Higga, G. E.and sworn to before me, iCoireot AttestDuringthemeantimeMr. Ilan is, b. T. Hooker, J. K. SahscribtdFor Sale: A house and lot con- Masons at the academy,I/UIIU*www.1 F Harrir.Rton,th;n 2S.dajl of July. 1»«.1aughingbouseandhisoverawrG E LineberryHartandChtis.Cobb.veniently located to business i 1 am now in northern marketsJames R. Johnson,W B fragtts. Directors.LH.i'nler,Supt.S.la.INoUry Public.section of town, with good barn purchasing our fall stock. They were wonderi: :' where the mi nand mul- had gone. Yesbr- R. L. liumher, Assistant Supt.and stalls. G. A. Kittrell, Win-! will be in soon. Give us a call day Mr. Hester, who l:ves aboutterville, N. C.'and be convinced thnt we have a mile south of town. t lephonedMi. and Mrs. R. Crocm went lone of the piettiest lines of goods th»m thnt he thomh' hi h:.din town.J. F. Harrington. found the mule in hit field.to Greenville this morning.Mr. Laughlnghoute went «ntRemember the Tar Heel Miss Bettie Warren and her.Z t U *»-* »oo onttS TO KATIONSL POSE FOOD AND KM.LAW.Sundayschoolclass.pentHX WwH Swagons and carts made by theA. G. Cox Manuufacturing Co. day here Wednesday on a pic;.o- hVritvSon, a* ' hp h"1 leendriV.ti th.'re and turned IWinterviUe, N. C. For durabil- ing tour.No one knows where the wagon.iO. .1. WOOTSN. A.,.'iity and service they cannot beSubscribe fox The R* fleet r.W I ! excelled.One Dollar er YearTruth in Preference to Fiction.D. J. WHICHAW), Editor and OwnerNUMBER 40GREEKV1UE, PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. OCT. 9, 1908VOL. No. XXVHART-HELLEN.mam FATHER MURDERS SON.TutfsPillsJONAS WARREN SrlOOIS HIS SON,OLLIE;; SSJSJS1 SSSSSSP SSL'Al x vffi. u 1t. ?Bank of WinterviUe.VM MtMTIWE COUGH SYRUPAEASTERN TRAlNlMt,TRAINING buiuuL.SCHOOL. tftMrftiunCAMPAIGN OPENINGAT »——AYDEN.nruWM a.W„l.SM.».«U,., PUl;I,E»OC«*TSH»VEB,CDA,T„E»E»- C»f ! NIGHT RIDERS INVADE THE EAST. How TbeyREF&RTPittFind Matter.Conn'y.His Honor. 0. H. Allen, Judge*D. :JI.ii—To T'IRH*"ON SiTIIRDAY.SATURDAY.ProgrfssingRapidly.At seven o'clock this morning,Presiding at the SeptemberWi„ u Def.royd Unies,iay nouKi »» —»State Superintendent J. Y. County Candidate, and Hon. J. W. in the Baptist church at.Beaufort .tion.Term »f Pitt County SuperiorOperation. Ce.«C*».e andand CottonCotton i.i. HeldHeldCoroner Hold, loquest and Jury Hold. Joyner has just returned from Bsiley and B. F. Aycoek Make ,K large lumber of friends Court:for Hither Price.aS* G-ilty of the Crime Aad I Greenville. In company withWe, the grand jury for taeSpeecbe.-Large Crowd Present,[gathered to witness the marnWe bad hoped that the eeofMr.JN.Hart,ofGreen» .,,ISeptemberterm of Pitt countyne,tImittee he has been inspecting The Democratic campaign toFg« j „ E. Hcllen,About supper time Friday e\ e-. work Eastern Carolina Pitt county had airing oPer, J JS"fully submit the following reingatAydrnon Saturday. Thening Jonas Warren, a white nun Trainins gchool bufldimrs.Just before the bridal party mak its appearance in Eastern port:living near ParmviHe, Biot '' "The work there is progress, county candidates were there to entered th" church a beautiful Nortn Carolina, but the realiza- We visited the county jau akilled his 13 year old son. OllieLiing very rapidly," said the sup- make th?ir initial speeches of the and apprnpiated solo was sung tion has come that even this sec- a body and found it k pi licely.erintendent."Evcrythintr is campaign, and with them were by Mr. M. Leslie Davis. The tion is not free from such outWarron.Dr. Charles LaMRhinghouse, 'perfectly satisfactory and the Hon. J. W. Bailey, one of the wedding march was play d by rages. We learn that much The sanitary condition id ur jailmust be above the averaare. ourcounty cumner, went -n.f. today school promises to be one ot the electors-at-large and Hon- B. F. Miss Bessie Taylor as the bridal excitement prevails among theIcoantycommissioners havingto hold »n inquest, and the ver- best-equipped and most behUtifnl Aycock, candidate for corpora- party entered. farmersof Martin county beeau I installed a complete' m - ragedict of the jury v as 'That 0,i:c of the educational institutions of tion commissioner.Thethe fact that on Monday". Centre,„.,„ TheThe Othersushers werewere Messrr.Messrs. H.n- ofoiu«««»'«». 7* mghl' 'system for which they d/.erveWarren came to his death from a the Stato, and in thj South, for Brick toiacco warehouse wasgin in thatCOU uy, Icredit'df Norfolk, and!evercv.jy vcotton-oWe think th-* "fflcersia. was placardedplacarded withwith noticesnotices warnw«gun shot wound in thr hands o

MiS8 - — , _ "*. .„ _-Q.,;.,ct UniM c* 1 very best merchants and Knows Lillian.SSJSJS1 Misses Hes.ie andSSSSSSP SSL'AlHelen j One ot the prettiest Unee c; x vffi. u homes 'an " . u'.woii ft Co are adding R. H. Hanaueker aevfral i»P»va

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