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MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICSDEPARTMENT OFMARKETINGDEGREE CONFERREDBachelor of Business Administration (Marketing)B.B.A. (Marketing)GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSAssumption University confers the degree of Bachelorof Business Administration in Marketing Managementupon students who meet all requirements specified inthe Graduate Program Standard Criteria B.E. 2548 andAssumption University Bylaw B.E. 2548 as follows: Complete the total number of credits of thecurriculum Obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least2.00 Participate in 16 sessions of the Business ProfessionalEthics Seminar Have library and financial clearance with theUniversity Have demonstrated good behavior and disciplineOBJECTIVESTo provide the graduates with the following desirablecharacteristics: Morally sound, committed to acting justly and opento further growth Knowledgeable of marketing principles, possessanalytical tools and practical knowledge to makesound marketing decision Flexible competent and well-rounded in confrontingand solving business problems Able to work as a team and motivate others to work Have positive attitude, interpersonal, communicationand presentation skills, IT skills and entrepreneurialskills36

MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICSCOURSESA. General Education Courses40 ------------------------------------Language Courses15 ------------------------------------BG 1001English I3BG 1002English II3BG 2000English III3BG 2001English IV3GE 1403Communication in Thai(for Thai students)3Humanities Courses7 ------------------------------------GE 1204Physical Education1GE 2101World Civilization3MGT 2404Managerial Psychology3Science and Mathematics Courses6 ------------------------------------MA 1200Mathematics for Business3GE 1301Environmental Science3Social Science Courses12 ------------------------------------ECO 2201Microeconomics3ECO 2202Macroeconomics3GE 2202Ethics3MGT 1101Introduction to Business337

MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICSB. Specialized Courses93 ------------------------------------Business Core Courses48 ------------------------------------ACT 1600Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 3ACT 2620Fundamentals of ManagerialAccounting3SA 1201Statistics I3BG 1400Business Law I3BG 1401Business Law II3SA 2200Statistics II3MIS 1221Computer Literacy0MIS 2111Introduction to ManagementInformation Systems3MIS 2221Quantitative Analysis Tools0FIN 2700Money, Banking and Financial Markets 3FIN 3701Corporate Finance3IBM 2702International Business Environment3MGT 2900Principles of Management3MGT 3905Operations Management3MGT 3907Business Communication3MGT 3940Business Research Methodology3MGT 4914Entrepreneurship3MKT 2280Principles of Marketing3Concentration ------------------------------------Students must choose one of the three following plansas their concentration courses.Plan AMajor Concentration Courses15 CreditsOrPlan B:Business Concentration Courses15 CreditsOrPlan CMajor Elective Courses15 CreditsPLAN A – Major Concentration Courses15 ------------------------------------Students pursuing PLAN A must select a concentrationin the major area and study the five specified courses.Digital --------------------------------------MKT 3867Social Media and Online Marketing3MKT 3868Content Marketing3MKT 3869Digital Consumer Insights3MKT 4777Communications and Digital MediaStrategy3MKT 4887Online Entrepreneurship3Major Required Courses30 ------------------------------------MIS 3122Principles of Electronic Commerce3MKT 3102Integrated Marketing Communications 3MKT 3515Purchasing and Supply ChainManagement3MKT 3525Sales Management3MKT 3530Consumer Behavior3MKT 3620Global Marketing3MKT 4725Competitive Analysis and Strategy3MKT 4730Marketing Management3MKT 4829Marketing Decision Making3MKT 4855Research in Marketing3Integrated Marketing -------------------------------------------MKT 3627Sales Promotion3MKT 3839Event Marketing and Public Relations 3MKT 4726Advertising and Creative Strategy3MKT 4727Integrated Media Planning3MKT 4849IMC Campaign Planning3Strategic --------------------------------------MKT 3629Pricing Strategy and Decisions3MKT 3823Marketing Channel Strategyand Decisions3MKT 4806Product and Brand Management3MKT 4811Seminar in Marketing3MKT 4848Contemporary Issues in Marketing338

MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICSPLAN B – Business Concentration Courses15 ------------------------------------Students pursuing PLAN B must select a concentrationin other business areas and study the five specifiedcourses.Hospitality and Tourism --------------------------------------HTM 3101Introduction to HospitalityManagement3HTM 3102Introduction to Tourism Management 3HTM 3205Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism3HTM 4111Food and Beverage Service3HTM 4402Tourism Destination -AD 3106Art Direction3AD 3112Brand Communication3AD 3114Interactive Advertising and MarketingCommunication3AD 4108Basic Copywriting (English)3CA 2013Utilization of Multimedia Tools3International Business --------------------------------------IBM 3711Comparative Management3IBM 3713International Management3IBM 3714Export-Import Policy and Strategy3IBM 4840Global Supply Chain Management3IBM 4811International Strategic Management 3Management Information ------------------------------------MIS 3111Business Process Management3MIS 3121Database Systems3MIS 4111Information Systems ProjectManagement3MIS 4122Business Intelligence3MIS 4211Information Systems Strategy,Management, and Acquisition3Industrial --------------------------------------IDM 3203Logistics and Supply ChainManagement3IDM 3204Industrial Safety and Risk Management 3IDM 4201Manufacturing Planning and Control 3IDM 4203Quality Management3IDM 4206Industrial Environmental Management ------------------------------------FIN 3711Investment3FIN 3724Financial Feasibility Planning3FIN 3821Valuation3FIN 3822Bank Management3FIN 3823Financial Management3Insurance ---------------------------------------INS 3101Principles of Risk Management andInsurance3INS 3201Property Insurance3INS 3202Casualty Insurance3INS 3301Principles of Life Assurance3INS 4302Accident, Group and Health Insurance 339

MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND T 3915Project Management3MGT 3917Innovation and Change Management 3MGT 3922Introduction to New Ventures3MGT 4910Productivity and Quality Management 3MGT 4916Negotiation Strategy3MKT 3839MKT 3867MKT 3868MKT 3869MKT 4726MKT 4727MKT 4777Real -----------------------------------REM 3111Principles of Real Estate3REM 3112Real Estate Law3REM 3113Real Estate Economics3REM 3114Building Design and ConstructionTechniques3REM 3211Principles of Real Estate Development 3MKT 4805MKT 4806MKT 4808MKT 4809MKT 4810MKT 4811MKT 4812MKT 4826MKT 4848MKT 4849MKT 4856MKT 4857MKT 4887MKT 4897MKT 4899FIN 3724HTM 3205PLAN C – Major Elective Courses15 ------------------------------------Students pursuing PLAN C must select any five majorelective courses.MKT 3627MKT 3629MKT 3803MKT 3804MKT 3805MKT 3806MKT 2807MKT 3817MKT 3823MKT 3826MKT 3837Sales PromotionPricing Strategy and DecisionsRetail ManagementFashion MarketingHealthcare MarketingMarketing in AsiaSport MarketingSustainability MarketingMarketing Channel Strategyand DecisionsMerchandising and Display StrategiesService and Customer RelationshipManagement33333333Event Marketing and Public RelationsSocial Media and Online MarketingContent MarketingDigital Consumer InsightsAdvertising and Creative StrategyIntegrated Media PlanningCommunications and Digital MediaStrategyBusiness-to-Business MarketingProduct and Brand ManagementAdvanced Marketing PresentationMarketing for ServicesExport-Import ManagementSeminar in MarketingIndividual ResearchContemporary LogisticsContemporary Issues in MarketingIMC Campaign PlanningBrand Building StrategyQualitative Research in MarketingOnline EntrepreneurshipMarketing InternshipIMC InternshipFinancial Feasibility PlanningMarketing for Hospitality and Tourism333333333333333333333333C. Free Elective Course9 ------------------------------------Students can select courses of 9 credits which areprovided by their faculty or by the different facultiesupon completion of the prerequisite.33340

MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICSSTUDY PLANFirst and Second Years (Freshmen and Sophomore)During the freshmen year, all students in Martin deTours School of Management and Economics pursuethe same study plan consisting of general educationcourses and business core courses, which providethem with the basic knowledge on all the disciplines inbusiness. The study plan also prepares the students withadequate knowledge to select a concentration thatsuits his/her ability, background, and preferences.Second ------------------------------------BG 1403Business Ethics Seminar0BG 2001English IV3ECO 2202Macroeconomics3FIN 2700Money, Banking and Financial Markets 3GE 2202Ethics3IBM 2702International Business Environment3MKT 2280Principles of Marketing3Total18Third and Fourth Years (Junior and Senior)During the junior and senior years, students who selectthe Marketing Major follow the Marketing program ofstudies:1. Ten Major Required Courses2. Five Concentration CoursesPlan A: Major Concentration CoursesOr Plan B: Business Concentration CoursesOr Plan C: Major Elective Courses3. Three Free Elective CoursesTHIRD YEARFirst -------------------------------------MIS 2221Quantitative Analysis Tools0FIN 3701Corporate Finance3MIS 3122Principles of Electronic Commerce3MKT 3102Integrated Marketing Communications 3MKT 3515Purchasing and Supply ChainManagement3MKT 3530Consumer Behavior3One Plan A or Plan B or Plan C Course 3Total18FIRST YEARFirst ---------------------------------BG 1403Business Ethics Seminar0BG 1001English I3BG 1400Business Law I3GE 1204Physical Education1GE 1301Environmental Science3GE 1403Communication in Thai(for Thai students)3MA 1200Mathematics for Business3SA 1201Statistics I3Total19Second -------------------------------------MGT 3905Operations Management3MGT 3907Business Communication3MGT 3940Business Research Methodology3MKT 3525Sales Management3MKT 3620Global Marketing3One Plan A or Plan B or Plan C Course 3Total18FOURTH YEARFirst ------------------------------------MKT 4725Competitive Analysis and Strategy3MKT 4855Research in Marketing3One Plan A or Plan B or Plan C Course 3One Plan A or Plan B or Plan C Course 3One Free Elective Course3One Free Elective Course3Total18Second ------------------------------------BG 1403Business Ethics Seminar0ACT 1600Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 3BG 1002English II3BG 1401Business Law II3MIS 1221Computer Literacy0MIS 2111Introduction to ManagementInformation Systems3MGT 1101Introduction to Business3SA 2200Statistics II3Total18Second ------------------------------------MGT 4914Entrepreneurship3MKT 4730Marketing Management3MKT 4829Marketing Decision Making3One Plan A or Plan B or Plan C Course 3One Free Elective Course3Total15SECOND YEARFirst ------------------------------------BG 1403Business Ethics Seminar0ACT 2620Fundamentals of ManagerialAccounting3BG 2000English III3ECO 2201Microeconomics3GE 2101World Civilization3MGT 2404Managerial Psychology3MGT 2900Principles of Management3Total1841

PLAN A – Major Concentration Courses 15 credits-----Students pursuing PLAN A must select a concentration in the major area and study the five specified courses. Digital Marketing-----MKT 3867 Social Media and Online Marketing 3 MKT 3868 Content Marketing 3 MKT 3869 Digital Consumer Insights 3 MKT 4777 Communications and Digital Media Strategy 3

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