Convolutional Neural Nets II Hands On - GitHub Pages

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Convolutional Neural Nets IIHands OnOliver DürrDatalab-Lunch Seminar SeriesWinterthur, April 22nd, 20151

Outline Motivation for CNN Focus here on image classificationFrameworks Caffe / Lasagne Recap MLP / Demo MLP Recap CNN / Demo CNN Some Tricks DropoutTraining and Test augmentation (Learning Symmetries)Demo CNN with AugmentationCode for demos: tutorial

History, milestones of CNN 1980 Kunihiko Fukushima introduction 1998 Le Cun (Backpropagation) Many Contests won 2011& 2014 MINST Handwritten Dataset201X Chinese Handwritten Character 2011 German Traffic SignsImageNet Success Story Alex Net (2012) winning solution of ImageNet

Imagenet 2012,2013,2014Some ExamplesWith Alexnet results1000 Classes20122010-2014SuperVisionAlexNet 7 layers deep fergus/presentations/nips2013 b519Oxfordnet up to 19 layersGoogLeNet 6.7%

A really convincing factKaggle Plankton Competition (2015)There is another bold one


Overview of frameworksDisclaimer: „This is a fast changing field. The list is not exclusive“.Survey from the partcipiants of the Kaggle Challenge (Feb 2015)Most Mentioned lasagne / nolearn Python based on Theano, very flexible (winning team „Deep See“ used it)caffe C based library, python bindings, convenience functions, many existing / pretrainedmodelsAlso used Theano (plain vanilla) Symbolic computation of gradients and construction of numerical C-codeTorch, lua (used by e-your-toolkit

CaffeLasagne / nolearn C library with python bindings Settings (network layout and others) viafiles Documentation: poor Feels like a Blindflug Up to data components Alexnet,GoogLeNet Lasage: python using theano (librarydefine, optimize, and evaluatemathematical expressions on GPU) Nolearn is a wrapper around lasagne toprovide a similar interface then scikit-learn Documentation: poor, but use the sourceluke Feels like you understand /control bellsand whistles Custom components possible (providedTheano has functionallity) Input: Images or strange DBs Input: Any numpy arrays Data Augmentation: Not possible frompython Data Augmentation: Easy No predefined models (yet) Predefined models availableWe will focus on lasagne

Links for CaffeWe will focuss on Lasagne but some links to Caffe for reference (thanks toGabriel) r/python/FaceCaffe slides/Caffe/caffe tutorial.pdf caffe tutorial.pdf

Recap Neural Nets

Recap Neural Networks: Basic UnitN-D log RegressionActivation Function a.k.a.Nonlinearityf(z) exp(z) f (z) 1 exp(z) max(0,z) z x1W1 x2W2 W3 θ T xMotivation:Green:logistic regression.Red:ReLU fasterconvergenceSource:AlexnetKrizhevsky etal 2012For a more detail explanation see: dueo/bbs/files/ConvNets 17 Dec 1.pdf

Recap Neural Networks: Stacking things togetherOutput (Softmax)f (zi ) eziNzie i 1Contains many weights W(l )ijThis is just a complex functions of the manyweights θ W l ij and the input predicting theprob. of a class.For a more detail explanation see: dueo/bbs/files/ConvNets 17 Dec 1.pdfFigure taken from: iLayerNeuralNetworks/Propability of a classgiven the input image X

Recap Neural Networks: Training the NN Use the training data j 1,.,Ntrain to optimize a costfunction J sensitive tomisclassication Usual a subset n (minibatch) of the training data is taken for optimization in onego. nJ(θ ) n (Mini Batch Size) Cost of Training example X ii 1 Motivation of cost function from MaxLikelihhod Optimal weights are found in many iterations using gradient descent (α learning rate)θi θi α J(θ ) θ i Backpropagation a.k.a chainrule is used to calculate the gradient

Illustration of Gradient Descentθ2 J(θ )θi θi α θ iθ1,θ2 just two from millionsθ1

Demo MLP

Definition Data/Network (MLP)Images 28x28 784In reality much more nodes5005010Now for the Demo

To many weightsBut we want many layers.Remedy: Weight sharing à Convolution Sparse connectivity à Pooling

The convolutional layerIngredient I: ConvolutionWhat is convolution?The 9 weightsWij are calledKernel.The weights are not fixed they arelearned!Gimp documentation:

The convolutional layerIngredient I: ConvolutionThe same weights are slid over the imageIllustration:

Example of a KernelEdge enhanceFilterBut again!The weights are not fixed. They are learned!Gimp documentation:

The convolutional layerIngredient II: Max-PoolingAlso sliding windowversions.Simply join e.g. 2x2 adjacent pixels in one.Hinton: „The pooling operation used in convolutional neural networks is abig mistake and the fact that it works so well is a disaster“

A simple version of the CNN (LeNet5 Architecture)20 Kernels a 5x5weights to go fromone to the nextConvMax PoolConvMax Pool Full Con 1MultinomialLog. Reg

A typical recent architecture (AlexNet, 2012)Senimal paper. introduced 26.2% error à 16.5% Dropout (see below) ReLU instead of sigmoid Parallelisation on many GPUs Local Response Normalization (not used widelynowadays)A bit of a simplification, since Alex Net is build for 2 GPUs and normalization. Caffe code from here

Figure 3: GoogLeNet network with all the bells and whistlesWinning architecture (GoogLeNet, 2014)The inception module (convolutions and maxpooling)Few parameters, quite hardto train.Comments see hereGoing deeper with convolution

A typical very recent architecture („Oxford Net“(s), 2014) Small pooling More than 1 conv beforemaxpooling. No strides (stride 1) ReLU after conv and FC More traditional, easier tomore weights thanGoogLeNet Caffe et Challenge 2014, 2nd classification

A typical very recent architecture („Oxford Net“(s), 2014)Definition (16 Layer) taken 7b538e2d8#file-readme-md

Demo Lasagne II(Convolutional)

Demo: Nolearn/Lasagne (LeNet Architecture)layers [('input', layers.InputLayer),Have ReLu non-linearity by default('conv1', layers.Conv2DLayer),('pool1', layers.MaxPool2DLayer),('conv2', layers.Conv2DLayer),('pool2', layers.MaxPool2DLayer),('hidden4', layers.DenseLayer),('output', layers.DenseLayer),],input shape (None, 1, PIXELS, PIXELS),conv1 num filters 32, conv1 filter size (3, 3), pool1 ds (2, 2),conv2 num filters 64, conv2 filter size (2, 2), pool2 ds (2, 2),hidden4 num units 500,output num units 10, output nonlinearity den4Image taken from: Master Thesis Christopher Mitchell .pdfoutput

(Some) tricks of the trade

Data Augmentation Create „new training“ data by „lable preserving transformation“ Force invariances under translational symetrie (translation, rotation, )OriginalAugmentedTaken from the winning solution of the plankton challenge.

DropoutOriginalTrainingAt each mini-batchremove randomnodes “dropout”Training timeTest TimeIdea: Averaging over many different configuration (exact in case of linear).Typically 10% performance invcreaseSrivastava et al., Journal of Machine Learning Research 15 (2014) 1929-1958

Demo Lasagne III(Convolutional with TrainingData Augmentation)


Taking a closer look: ConvolutionDocumentation: The convolutional layer is finished with a nonlinearity: Possible: identity (nothing, linear), rectify (default), tanh, softmax (good for last layer),sigmoidDifferent sizes no padding / padding via conv1 border mode ‘valid‘ #(None, 1, 28, 28) à (None, 32, 26, 26) conv1 border mode 'same‘ #(None, 1, 28, 28) à (None, 32, 28, 28) conv1 border mode ‘full‘ #(None, 1, 28, 28) à (None, 32, 30, 30) #? stride schrittweite default (1,1) conv1 strides (2,2) #(None, 1, 28, 28) à (None, 32, 13, 13)Observation:Seems to take quite a while for compiling

Cost Functions: ReLUSource: Krizhevsky et al 2012Six Times faster Convergence, than traditional approach.Intuition: Backpropagation

Generell Notes on Optimization Gradient Descent (only first order) Newton Taylor Expansion 2nd Order using Hessian

Taking a closer look: Learning Rate & Momentum Nice Description Caffe Tutorial Nice Visualization: torial/Problem with (stochastic) Gradient Descent are Valleys. You bounce up anddown the walls and don‘t descent the slope. Solutions Momentum, Nesterov Momentum (NAG) Put mu 0 and we have (S)GD

Taking a closer look: Learning Rate & Momentum AdaGrad use all historic information Hessian Free Optimizer

The convolutional layer Ingredient II: Max-Pooling Simply join e.g. 2x2 adjacent pixels in one. Hinton: „The pooling operation used in convolutional neural networks is a big mistake and the fact that it works so well is a disaster“ Also sliding window versions.

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