About S & H The Uniform - USTA

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About S & HS&H Uniform Corporation is a leading uniform supplier for over 1 million people annually and locatedclose to the USTA office in White Plains, NY. The USTA and S&H have had a successful relationship overthe past few years and have chosen to expand it with the Officiating Uniform Program. All embroidery isdone in house and is monitored to ensure quality. Click here for the USTA Officiating Clothing ProgramWebsite.The UniformRequired Uniform Components USTA Uniform Polo Shirt (Short or Long Sleeve) Khaki Pants/Shorts Non-Marking Sports/Athletic Shoes (not predominately bright or neon colored) Brown/Tan Leather or Cloth Belt White SocksAdditional Uniform Components USTA Uniform Red Hat USTA Uniform Navy Unisex Lightweight Jacket USTA Uniform Navy Soft Shell Jacket (Heavyweight) USTA Uniform Navy Techno Vest USTA Court BagUniform Components that are available to order through S&H USTA Uniform Polo Short Sleeve Shirt USTA Uniform Polo Long Sleeve Shirt USTA Uniform Red Hat USTA Uniform Navy Unisex Lightweight Jacket USTA Uniform Navy Soft Shell Jacket (Heavyweight) USTA Uniform Techno Navy Vest USTA Court Bag Khaki Pants (non-logoed) White Socks (non-logoed) Brown Belt (non-logoed)1

About the Uniform ComponentsUSTA Uniform Polo Shirt All officials must be outfitted with either the Long or Short Sleeve Polo. We have selected a Polo that is designed to keep you cool and comfortable while being active. Thisshirt features material that: Can be Machine Washed and Dried Resists Wrinkles Offers UV Protection Wicks Moisture Is Performance Tested Has a Tagless neck labels Short Sleeve Price:o 24 for XS-XLo 26 for 2XL-4XL Long Sleeve Price:o 28 for S-XLo 30 for 2XL-4XL Size Chart:Men’s Size 9.520.5Chest30-32 34-36 38-40 42-44 46-48 50-52 54-56 s Size i Pants/Shorts All officials must wear either Khaki (non-cargo) Pants or Shorts as part of the uniform. For the first time, Khaki pants are available for officials to purchase as part of the Clothing Program;however, officials can continue to purchase Khakis on their own. Shorts must comply to the fingertip rule – When you are standing and your arms are hanging at yoursides, the shorts must hit below the fingertips. Skirts, Capris, and Skorts are not permitted. Pants and Shorts must be washed and appear neat for every assignment. Price:o 30 for 28-40 (men) and 2-16 (women)o 34 for 42-52 (men) and 18-26 (women)2

Non-Marking Sports/Athletic Shoes All officials must wear non-marking sports/athletic shoes as part of the uniform. As a result of changes to styles available, shoes are no longer required to be predominately white.o Shoes cannot be predominately bright or neon colored.o Not sure if your shoe is acceptable? Click here for examples acceptable and unacceptablecolor schemes.Soft Shell Jacket (Heavyweight) Reliable soft shell jacket that will keep you warm and protect you from the wind and rain. If you do not choose to purchase this item, officials can wear navy non-logoed outerwear. Price:o 43 for S-XLo 45 for 2XL-4XL Size ChartMen’s Size ChartXSSMLXL2XL3XLChest32-3435-3738-40 41-4344-4647-4950-534XL54-57Women’s Size ChartBustSleeveLengthBody Lengthat BackXS18 ½S19 ½M20 ½L22XL23 ½2XL2531 ¾32 ¼32 ¾33 ½34 14352525 ½26272829Unisex Lightweight Jacket Go-to lightweight jacket that shields you from breezes and drizzle. If you do not choose to purchase this item, officials can wear navy non-logoed outerwear. Price:o 27 for XS-XLo 29 for 2XL-4XL Size ChartXSSMLXL2XLChest20 ½2223 ½2526 ½28Sleeve35 1/835 3/436 3/83737 3/438 1/2LengthBodyLength262728293031at Back3

Techno Vest Full Zip, lightweight and noiseless active vest. High count polyester material with a water resistant finish. Vented back yoke for greater breathability. If you do not choose to purchase this item, officials can wear navy non-logoed vest. Price:o 35 for XS-2XL (women)o 36 for S-3XL (men) Size Chart:Men’s Size Women’s Size Cap If you do not choose to purchase this item, officials can wear red non-logoed baseball styled caps orvisors. Price: approximately 17* Size: One-size fits all(Adjustable)* This item will be finalized and available in about 2 weeks.Court Bag 1,680 denier ballistic polyester adjustable shoulder strapped bag allows you to carry all our courtessentials. Features a padded tablet sleeve and zippered pockets. Dimensions: 10.25”h x 8’w x 2.5”d; Approx. 205 cubic inches Price: 18Belt Belts must be tan or brown. Leather or cloth belts are acceptable.4

Uniform SizingHow do I determine my size?Ordering the correct size the first time will save you both time and money.Men Neck: Measure around the base of the neck. Chest: Measure at the fullest part of the chest, under the armpits and over the shoulder blades,keeping the tape measure firm and level. Sleeve: Bend elbow slightly. Measure from center back of neck across shoulder, over the lightlybent elbow, and down to the wrist.Women Bust/Chest: Measure around the chest at the fullest point of the bust. Waist: Measure around the waist at the height you wear your pants or skirt. Hip/Seat: Measure around the fullest point of your seat while standing.Questions? If you have questions about the Uniform Guide, please email us at officiating@usta.com.If you have questions about the specific items or ordering, please contact our S&H AccountManager, Mary Sedano.o Email: marys@sandhuniforms.como Phone: 914.937.6800 ext: 82235

Non-Marking Sports/Athletic Shoes All officials must wear non-marking sports/athletic shoes as part of the uniform. As a result of changes to styles available, shoes are no longer required to be predominately white. o Shoes cannot be predominately brigh

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