Stealth Antennas The Columbia Amateur Radio Club Presents

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The Columbia Amateur Radio ClubPresentsStealth AntennasBy Marty Allred

What is a Stealth Antenna?A Stealth Antenna is one which is designed togo unnoticed.This can be accomplished by any of the following:1. Making it difficult to see.Use thin wire. Run on fence, up tree or on roofline2. Disguising its appearance.Flagpole, roof vent, weather vane, satellite dish3. Put it indoors.In attic, spirals, wire loops, magnetic loop antennas

Why Use a Stealth Antenna?Most people that choose to use a stealthantenna do so to avoid the wrath of one ormore of these:1. Home Owners Association2. Spouse3. Neighbors4. Gestapo/SS/KGB/FBI/CIA/etc.Some people just don’t have the room for atraditional antenna.

What About the Ham RadioParity Act?Even if the Ham Radio Parity Act were topass (no guarantee that it will), a stealthantenna may still be desirable or required.Remember, it’s not just the HOA you mayneed to worry about and it will be sometime before we know what “reasonableaccommodations” means.

Important Safety ConsiderationsIn the process of hiding an antenna, it willoften be operating in close proximity topeople or conductive surfaces. Alwaysperform an RF Exposure Evaluation andtake the necessary steps to prevent anyexcessive RF exposure.Consider QRP or at least lower power use.

What Are Your Options?In order to know what your options are, you needto know what you have to work with. Size of yard,trees, type of siding and insulation, desired bandsand modes, and your budget all factor into yourdecision.Many multiband designs require a tuner, often aremote tuner, at the antenna to compensate for aless than optimal design.Realize that many stealth antennas are not asefficient or have as good of a pattern as visibleantennas do. Just remember that any antenna isbetter than no antenna.Consider CW and digital modes when using areduced efficiency antenna.

VHF/UHF vs HFIt’s much easier to hide a VHF or UHFantenna than one designed for HF. Thelower the frequency, the longer theantenna. The longer the antenna, themore difficult it is to keep it out of view.A 2m/70cm antenna can be made to looklike a roof vent pipe or a weather vane ormade by cutting a slot in a satellite dish.

Some VHF/UHF AntennasVentenna ( Slot Antenna fromMarch 2016 QST

Indoor Stealth AntennasIndoor antennas may work very poorly if yourhome has aluminum siding, a metal roof, steelconstruction, or foil-lined insulation.If you have a big attic (preferably withoutducts running all over it) you have many moreoptions.Magnetic loop antennas are compact and canbe moved around as needed. You may needmore than one. The more power they canhandle, the more expensive they get.

With a remote tuner, you can put all kindsof wire loops, long wires, and OCF dipolesup for multiband operation.Even without a tuner, you can put in trapor fan dipoles or band specific antennas.Thin wire or adhesive foil tape can be putaround a room and painted over. Or, get abunch of points at home by putting upcrown molding with an antenna wirerunning behind it.Spiral wire on a door and swing the dooropen or closed for directivity.

Some Outdoor Stealth AntennasFlagpole vertical- hide in plain sight.Tree vertical- can be very tall, but willinteract with the tree if up against it.Long wire or dipole along fence top.Loop or dipole along roof line.Very thin wire can be virtually invisibleand can be used in many configurations.At night, use a tilt-up or extendablevertical antenna or use a portable antenna.Balcony or deck mounted antennas.Paint is almost like magic at hiding antennas. Matchthe background to make antennas disappear.

More Outdoor Stealth AntennasGood results on 40, 20, 15, 10and 6 meters, lesser output butvery usable on 30, 17 and 12metersMagnetic Loops typicallycover 3-4 bands and areabout 3’ in diameterIsotron 40 and 80meters32" x 16" x 30"

Mobile Antenna as a Stealth AntennaIf you have a mobile ham radio (and if not,why not?) you can simply run a cable outto the antenna and use it from the airconditioned comfort of your chair.You might want to use a pull-apartconnector in case you forget and drive offwith the cable still attached.

Does Your HOA Have any Limitationson Mobile Antennas?

Where to go to Learn More1. “stealth antenna” and you’ll haveplenty to read for a long time.Search QST archives.The Villages Amateur Radio Club AntennaGuide ( Flagpole Antenna Guide (some of it isspecific to The Villages)ARRL page of articles on limited space andindoor antennasSmall Transmitting Loop Antennas

Books and Articles About Stealth Antennas1. Antennas for Small Spaces (ARRL)Stealth Antennas (RSGB)Smartuners for Stealth Antennas (SGC)Stealth Kit (SGC)Stealth Amateur Radio: Operate From AnywhereThe ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Communications(ARRL)HF Antennas for Limited SpaceThe Clothesline Antenna (July 1998 QST)Portable Wire AntennasHF Antennas for All LocationsMagnetic Loop Antenna

Rated A-F, for best toworst

Online ResourcesThe Villages Amateur Radio Club QST Archives Tuners Tuners Dipole p:// Fong Antennas Enterpriseshttp://mfjenterprises.comIsotron

Books and Articles About Stealth Antennas 1. Small Antennas for Small Spaces (ARRL) 2. Stealth Antennas (RSGB) 3. Smartuners for Stealth Antennas (SGC) 4. Stealth Kit (SGC) 5. Stealth Amateur Radio: Operate From Anywhere 6. The ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Communications (ARRL) 7. HF Antennas for Limited Sp

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