71235 Chaff Spreader Pump Kit - Amadas Industries

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71235 Chaff Spreader Pump Kit9970 Self-PropelledPeanut Combine9570 Engine PlatformDecember 2011MAN122 2011Updated July 2012

You can find us on the Web at:www.amadas.comor e-mail us at:amadas@amadas.comYou can also contact us at:P.O. Box 1833 / Suffolk, VA 23439(mailing)1100 Holland Road / Suffolk, VA 23434(shipping)(757) 539-0231 (phone)(757) 934-3264 (FAX)P.O. Box 3687 / Albany, GA 31701(mailing)1701 South Slappey Blvd. / Albany, GA 31706(shipping)(229) 439-2217 (phone)(229) 439-9343 (FAX)

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitIntroductionTable ofContentsWelcome . iiParts List . iv1 Safety . 1Overview . 2Safety Symbols Used . 2Protective Devices . 2Safety Symbols . 3Safety Alert Symbol . 3Safety Instructions . 3Note . 32 Installation and Operation . 5Before Installing . 6Installation . 7Install Pump . 7Install Valves . 10Install Hydraulic Lines . 13Install Harness . 16Install Cover . 17Operation . 18Troubleshooting . 193 Parts Catalog . 21MAN1227/26/2012i

IntroductionWelcomeTo AMADASIndustries71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitWith origins dating back to 1963, AMADASIndustries and its predecessors have a longhistory of providing high quality, reliable,and innovative equipment for the farmingindustry. AMADAS equipment is currentlyat work throughout the United States and inmany other countries.This equipmentranges from the Magnum Fource PeanutCombine, Tree Bark Processing andPackaging Machinery, Hi-Speed CottonStalk Puller/Chopper, Reel Rain TravelerIrrigation Systems, to the 9970 SelfPropelled Peanut Combine.Thank you for choosing AMADASIndustries. We are strongly committed toyour satisfaction and safety. Our goal is foryou to be satisfied with our machinery formany years and it is our hope that you willchoose AMADAS again for your equipmentneeds.One of the most important factors in bothsafety and maximum performance is forevery machine operator to understandthoroughly the safe operation of thisequipment. Please invest in the time toread this manual to ensure that injuries areprevented, and also to receive themaximum productivity from your AMADASmachine.ii7/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitIntroductionChaff SpreaderPump Kit 71235for9970SPPeanut CombineSpecificationsThe chaff spreader pump kit consists of thefollowing: A hydraulic pump, which is mounted onthe sheave A directional control valve assembly withrelief which is mounted on the side ofthe combine All hydraulic hoses needed to add thechaff spreaders Electrical harness to tie wiring into mainharness All fasteners, valves, and connectorsnecessary to install kit.7/26/2012iiiCongratulations on your purchase of a chaffspreader pump kit for your 9970 SelfPropelled Peanut Combine. Kit 71235 isused with the 9570 engine platform and isintended to simplify the installation ofaftermarket chaff spreader products. Notethat this kit does NOT include aftermarketchaff spreaders; these need to bepurchased separately.BenefitsThis kit allows you to add aftermarket chaffspreaders without impacting combineperformance. If installed properly accordingto the directions in this manual, it eliminateshydraulic and electrical installation issuesthat have impacted the combine’sperformance due to improper installation ofaftermarket products.MAN122

Introduction71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitParts List71235 KitPart 16J61H1007Hydraulic fitting, -12 ORB to 12 ORF M adapterHydraulic fitting, 4 ORF to -4 F 90 degree swivelHarness, wiring; vine spreaderSheave, machinedMount, stabilizerHub, mount pumpMount, engineCover, weldmentMount, pumpHydraulic fitting, -8 ORB x 8 ORF M run teeHydraulic fitting, -10 ORB x -8 ORF adapterHydraulic fitting, -16 ORF tee MMF swivelHose, 3/8 x 73Hydraulic fitting, 16 – 10 ORF reducer MFValve, reliefValve, directional; w/din connectorsSubplate, valveKit, boltPump, 1.87Hose, ¾ x 55Hose, ½ x 67Setscrew, 5/16-18 x ½ Allen cupLockwasher, M12Screw, M12 x 80mm Hex CapNut, 3/8-16 Serrated flangeScrew, 3/8-16 x 1 ¼ USS capHydraulic fitting, swivel run tee 12-12-12Hydraulic fitting, -8 ORF to -8 ORB M adapterHydraulic fitting, -8 ORF cap assemblyHydraulic fitting, -12 ORB x -12 ORF M 90 deg. with 661331MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitSafety1 SafetyOverview . 2Safety Symbols Used . 2Protective Devices . 2Safety Symbols . 3Safety Alert Symbol . 3Safety Instructions . 3Notes . 3MAN1227/26/20121

Safety71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitOverviewSafety is everyone’s responsibility! Althoughsafety features are incorporated into themachine and dangerous areas are marked.Ultimately, careful operation is the best way toprevent an accident. To reduce the risk ofaccidents, please read thoroughly and followthe safety instructions and messages includedin this manual and on the machine.In addition to the information in this manual,please read all safety information in Chapter 1,Safety, of the Model 9970 Self-PropelledPeanut Combine user manual beforebeginning the installation process.CAUTIONNEVER remove, tamper with, or modifyguards or shields!NEVER open or take off the shields whilethe machine is operating!NEVER run the machine if the shields aremissing or removed!CAUTIONSafety Symbols UsedThree safety symbols are used on themachine and in this manual.DANGERWARNINGCAUTIONPlease familiarize yourself with eachsymbol and its meaning. It is crucialto your safety, and the safety ofothers, that you follow the safetyprecautions indicated by thesesymbols. The section beginning onthe next page explains each of thesesymbols in detail.Protective DevicesProtective guards and shields have beeninstalled to protect you from hazards.2Use extreme care when working withhydraulic components.Escaping fluidunder pressure can penetrate the skin,causing serious injury. Avoid the hazardby relieving pressure before disconnectinghydraulic or other lines.Tighten allconnections before applying pressure.Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard.Protect hands and body from highpressure fluids.If an accident occurs, see a doctorimmediately. Any fluid injected into theskin must be surgically removed within afew hours or gangrene may result.Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injurymay call the Deere & Company MedicalDepartment in Moline, Illinois, or otherknowledgeable medical source.7/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitSafetySafety SymbolsSafety Alert SymbolSafety InstructionsThis symbol alerts you to possible hazards.Follow the recommended precautions andsafe operating procedures. If you have anyquestions, please contact your dealer or themanufacturer.Safety features have been designed into themachine with hazardous areas marked.Please read and follow the instructions in thisThis symbol indicates an imminently manual prior to operating, maintaining, orhazardous situation, which if not avoided, will servicing this machine.result in death or serious injury. The use of theword DANGER is limited to the most extremesituations. Extreme care should be taken Noteswhen you are near these areas. DANGER Throughout the manual, information thatdecals are located at, or as near as possible needs to be emphasized is set apart withto, these areas.either a “NOTE!” OR “IMPORTANT!” heading.Please be sure to carefully read thisinformation, as it usually indicates a situationthat could cause machine damage.This symbol identifies areas or practices,which if not avoided, could result in serious Example:personal injury. These injuries could rangefromminorcutstodismemberment.NOTE! Refer to the drawing on page 12WARNING decals are located at, or as near asto help you route hydraulic hoses.possible to, these areas.DANGERWARNINGCAUTIONThis symbol identifies a potentially hazardoussituation, which if not avoided, may result inminor or moderate injury. It may also be usedto alert against unsafe practices that couldcause damage to the machine. CAUTIONdecals are located at, or as near as possible,to these areas.MAN1227/26/20123

Safety71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitNOTES47/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and Operation2 InstallationAnd OperationBefore Installing . 6Installation . 7Install Pump . 7Install Valves . 10Install Hydraulic Lines . 13Install Harness . 16Install Cover . 17Operation . 18Troubleshooting . 19MAN1227/26/20125

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitBefore InstallingCAUTIONBefore you install the chaff spreader kit,please read the following: Carefully read over the installationinstructions and familiarize yourself withthe installation procedure. Remove all packing materials. Carefully inspect the chaff spreader kit andall associated parts and equipment. If there is any evidence of damage fromshipping or handling, report it immediatelyto your AMADAS representative.Use extreme care when working withhydraulic components.Escaping fluidunder pressure can penetrate the skin,causing serious injury. Avoid the hazardby relieving pressure before disconnectinghydraulic or other lines.Tighten allconnections before applying pressure.Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard.Protect hands and body from highpressure fluids.If an accident occurs, see a doctorimmediately. Any fluid injected into theskin must be surgically removed within afew hours or gangrene may result.Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injurymay call the Deere & Company MedicalDepartment in Moline, Illinois, or otherknowledgeable medical source.67/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and OperationInstallationInstall Pump2. Remove the outer sheave shown in photo.DANGERBefore beginning installation:1. Shut off the combine and remove theignition key.2. Set parking brake.NOTE! The cover and sheave removedwill not be re-used. Retain the fastenersfor the cover, as they will be used to installthe new cover included in the kit. Alsoretain the nut and key for the sheave asthey will be needed when the new sheaveis installed.3. Turn off battery disconnect (located inthe engine bay).1. Remove sheave cover from right side(facing front of combine).Sheave coverRemove outermost sheave (note that thisview is from standing beneath the sheaveand looking up and that the cover has notbeen removed)3. Install the machined sheave on the shaft,using the original nut and key. This sheavereplaces the sheave removed in Step 2.Part #DescriptionG11500794M51856 Machined 7

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstall Pump4. Install the pump mount hub listed below onthe shaft using the fasteners indicated.Make sure the key (supplied with the pump)is correctly inserted in the shaft as youinstall the pump mount hub and that the setscrews are installed.Part #129688G11500744G11500193G102582DescriptionPump mount hubM12 bolts x 80mmLockwasher, M12metric5/16 Set screwsMountpump hubinstalledPumpmount andpumpinstalledSet screw5. Install the pump mount and gear pump withthe fasteners indicated. Refer to photos forproper installation.Part #G180149297241410878Description7/16 x 1½” boltsPump mountGear pump (Honor)7/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and OperationInstall Pump6. Install the stabilizer mount as shown in thephotos. Use the fasteners indicated.Part #G180124129688129691Description3 3/8 x 1 ¼” boltsStabilizer mountEngine mountAttach stabilizerusing fastenersto engine gearcase flange.Note thatpictures aretaken from thetop lookingdown at theengine.Make surestabilizeris insertedin cutoutMAN1227/26/20129

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstall Valves1. Locate the area shown in the photos toinstall the valve subplate. It is under therear shield as shown in the photo.3. After marking the location for the holes,drill two 13/32” holes. Before drilling, makesure the area behind the combine frame isclear of any hoses or wiring.4. Install the aluminum valve subplate in theindicated area, using the fasteners belowand the holes drilled in Step 3.Lift this shieldPart #141086141085DescriptionBolt kitAluminumvalvesubplateRelief-valve installedValve subplateinstalled incorrect locationHydraulic directionalcontrol valve installed5. Install the hydraulic direct-control-valve asshown in the photo above.Use thefasteners indicated below.Part #Installvalvesubplate inthislocation141084DescriptionFasteners from boltkitHydraulicdirectional controlvalve6. Install the relief valve as shown in thephoto above.2. After the area shown has been located,use the subplate as a template to markholes for drilling.107/26/2012Part #141083DescriptionRelief valveMAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and OperationInstall Valves7. Install the following fittings in the “T” and “P”ports as shown:Part #J38H1161DescriptionHydraulic fitting, 8Orf x 8 Orb Madapter (2)8. Install the following fittings in the “A” and“B” ports as in the photo. Note that part#140488 is installed in the “A” port andpart #J38H1161 in the “B” port. (Alsorefer to drawing on page 15.)Fittings installed; note the T and Pmarkings on valve subplatePart #140488J38H1161DescriptionHydraulic fitting, -8ORB x 8 ORF Mrun teeHydraulic fitting, 8Orf x 8 Orb Madapter (2)T - returnto tankPort APort BP - pressurefrom pumpMAN1227/26/201211

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstall Valves10. Connect the hoses for the chaff spreader9. If the chaff spreaders are not beingas shown in Diagram 2.connected at this time, use the cap andNOTE! Hoses shown in Diagram 2hose below to close off the system asfor the chaff spreader are NOTshown in Diagram 1.included in this pump kit.Theyshould be included with whateverIf the chaff spreaders are being connectedchaff spreader kit you purchase.at this time, then the cap and hose beloware not needed.Part #J38H141616504DescriptionHydraulic fitting, 8ORFCapassemblyHydraulic hose,½ x 20Diagram 1Cap offright sideDiagram 2127/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and OperationInstall Hydraulic LinesTo aid in installation of the hydraulic hoses,one of two methods should be used: Hose,#140937Connect a vacuum pump to the hydraulictank.ORDrain hydraulic tank.NOTE! Refer to the drawing on page 15 tohelp you route hydraulic hoses.1. Attach the following hoses and fittings asshown in the photo to the gear pump.Part #140937141097Description3/8 x 73 hose3/4 x 55 hosefittingsHose,#1410983. Attach the ½ x 67 hose (part # 141098) tothe bottom fitting of the valve block asshown in the photo above.4. Route hose #141098 through the guideshown in the photo.Hose,#141097Hose,#1409375. Attach hose #141098 from the valve blockto the hydraulic tank as shown in the photo2. Attach the 3/8x73 hose (part #140937) toon the next page. Use the fittingsthe valve block as shown in the photo.described below.Use the following fittings.Part #J38H1161MAN122DescriptionHydraulic fitting, -8Orf x 8 Orb MAdapter7/26/2012Part #140867141008DescriptionHydraulic fitting, 16orf sw run tee mmfHydraulic fitting,16-12 reducer mforf13

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstall Hydraulic Lines6. Attach hose #141097 from the pump tothe hydraulic tank as shown in the photoand drawing on page 15. Use the fittingsdescribed below.Part #J38H1033Attach hose#141097Fitting#J38H1033DescriptionHydraulic fitting, 12orf swivel run teemmf7. Once all connections have been made,disconnect the vacuum pump (if used)from the tank. If the tank was drained,then refill the tank. Regardless of themethod, ensure the hydraulic tank is full tothe top of the sight glass.Attach hose#141098Fitting#140867Fitting#1410088. Upon completion of the installation, runthe combine for a few minutes.9. Stop combine andCorrect as needed.checkforleaks.10. Top off hydraulic tank with oil.147/26/2012MAN122


Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstall Harness1. Plug the electrical harness (part #16446)into the front of the hydraulic directionalcontrol valve.3. In the engine bay, disconnect the combineharness connection indicated in the photo.DisconnectPlug inharness2. Route the harness up, attaching with ties 4. Connect the main plug of the chaff kitharness into the left side of the connectionas shown in the photo.you just separated.5. Plug the pigtail portion of the chaff kitharness into the right side of theconnection.Attach mainportion ofchaff kitharness tothis endTie hereAttachpigtail tothis end167/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and OperationInstall CoverInstall the cover (part #129703) over the gearpump. Use the fasteners removed with theoriginal cover.MAN1227/26/201217

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitOperation When properly installed with this kit,aftermarket chaff spreaders run automatically with the separator engage function.Theseparator engage switch turns on the separatorand functions as follows: Push up to turn ON; pull down to turn OFF.Separator engageThis switch must be off to start the engine.The separator should only be engaged atlow idle speed.When the combine is run at high idle, theseparator should be disengaged after theengine is brought down to mid idle. When the separator engage switch isturned off, the chaff spreaders also stop. The only way to shut off the chaffspreaders and still engage the separatorsis to disconnect the wiring.OnOff The road transport disconnect switch mustbe in field position to turn the separatorengage switch to ON (the indicator lightmust be 012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and OperationTroubleshooting5. If everything is correctly installed and thechaff spreader still does not run with theseparator engage switch, turn the combineignition switch to the RUN position. Theaccessories should be turned on but the1. Start up the combine according toengine not running.instructions in your combine user manual.6. Turn the separator engage switch to the2. Turn on the separator engage switch, asON position.described on the previous page.7. Check to make sure there are 12 volts of3. Check to make sure the chaff spreaderspower to the chaff relief valve assembly.are functioning.If the chaff spreaders do not functionautomatically when the separators areengaged:4. Ifyes,everythingplumbed/installed. If no:iscorrectlya. Turn off the combine.b. Make sure all plumbing is installed asindicated in this manual.c. Make sure the electrical harness iscorrectly installed.CAUTIONMake sure engine is turned off and keyremoved from ignition before checkingplumbing, connections, etc.MAN1227/26/201219

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitNOTES207/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitInstallation and Operation3 PartsCatalogMAN1227/26/201221

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitKit 71235227/26/2012MAN122

71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitMAN122Installation and Operation7/26/201223

Installation and Operation71235 Chaff Spreader Pump KitNOTES247/26/2012MAN122

Chaff Spreader Pump Kit 71235 for 9970 SP Peanut Combine Congratulations on your purchase of a chaff spreader pump kit for your 9970 Self-Propelled Peanut Combine. Kit 71235 is used with the 9570 engine platform and is intended to simplify the installation of aftermarket chaff spreader

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