Presentation To The MIBOR

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Red Line Phase IPresentation to theMIBORJuly 27, 2015

Why are we looking at transit? People are driving lessBoomers are becoming seniors; their needs will changeSeniors are isolated in Central IndianaMillennials have very different preferences than prior generationsHousing and community preferences have changed to favorwalkable, transit-served patterns of development Central Indiana has grown into one of the most unbalancedtransportation regions in the country, with very poor job access Poor job access breeds economic stagnation Despite significant ridership growth, Central Indiana continuallyunder-invests in transit service

Baby Boomers and the coming Silver Wave140,000Indianapolis Population Turning 65120,000100,00080,000Baby Boomersborn 1946 - 201020152020202520302035US Census Bureau

In Indy, aging in place can mean isolationRankingMetropolitan AreaPopulation 65-79 with PoorAccess to Transit in 2015% of Population 65-79 withPoor Access to Transit in 201549Kansas City, MO-KS230,0238848Oklahoma City, OK136,5718647Ft. Worth-Arlington, TX199,2268646Nashville, TN151,9958545Raleigh-Durham, NC127,9318044Greensboro-WinstonSalem, NC155,9937943Indianapolis, IN181,0737942Charlotte-Gastonia-RockHill, NC-SC170,8157941Grand RapidsMuskegon-Holland, MI111,8827840Jacksonville, FL127,95877Aging in Place, Stuck without Options, Transportation for America

Economic growth means attracting Millennials

Millennials and Boomers attracted to 3rd places 77% prefer living in an urban core Denser neighborhoods and smaller homes;emphasize design over size Diversity, walkability, transit and proximity to jobsRCLCO National Consumer Survey

Households have changed, housing hasn’t kept upToday: 6 million Americans live within ½ mile of fixedtransit2025:14.6 million Americans will want to live within ½mile of fixed transit1950:78% of households were married couples43% were married couples with kidsToday: 48% of households are married couples20% are married couples with kids9 out of 10 new Indy households 2000 to 2010 weresingles, unmarried couples, or roommatesSingle mothers with kids are close to a majority offamily households in some communitiesNeither group really wants the 3,000 sf, 4 bedroom, 3.5bath suburban house on a half acre lot

The New Real Estate Mantra:Location Near Public TransportationThe transit shed outperformed the region as awhole by 41.6 percent.March2013

Central Indiana doesn’t buck the trend

Housing supply and demand are out of balanceSuburban Housing-Only Neighborhood25% of regional Consumer Preference88% of the regional Construction PipelineSuburban Mixed-UseUrban Neighborhood75% of regional Consumer Preference12% of the regional Construction PipelineDowntown

Poor job access breeds economic stagnationThe Equality of Opportunity Project

1. New York2. Los Angeles3. Chicago4. Houston5. Philadelphia6. Phoenix7. San Antonio8. San Diego9.DallasLargestUS Cities2010 US CENSUS BUREAU10. San Jose11. Austin12. Jacksonville13. Indianapolis14. San Francisco15. Columbus, OH61. Halifax Metro62. WCDOT (Mt Vernon, NY)63. NICE (Garden City, NY)64. TARC (Louisville)65. SMCTD (San Mateo)66. LYNX (Orlando)67. SCT (Yaphank, NY)68. GDRTA (Dayton)69. MBA (San Juan)70. JTA (Jacksonville)71. FCDOT (Fairfax)72. Omnitrans (San Bernardino)73. CDTA (Albany)74. Hampton Roads (VA)75. Sound Transit (Seattle)76. NMTA (Nashville)77. KCATA (KC MO)78. STA (Spokane)79.RIPTA(Providence)LargestBusFleets2013 METRO MAGAZINE80. CNYRTA (Syracuse)81. DRT (Whitby, ON)82. Pierce Transit (Tacoma)83. IndyGo (Indianapolis)84. GRTC (Richmond VA)85. Madison Metro (WI)Indianapolis, IN829,718 people 155 busesColumbus, OH787,033 people 306 buses

Peer Comparisons: InvestmentLow investment .

Peer Comparisons: Relevance and correspondingly low relevance.

The region has had several transit studies prior toIndy Connect.Blue Ribbon Commission

Regional Transportation PlanMulti-Modal (new roads, tolledexpress lanes, bikes, trails, HOVlanes, local busses, express busses,and both light and commuter rail)Financing PossibilitiesGovernance Structure

Five Rapid Transit LinesCarmel Downtown Indy GreenwoodAirport Downtown CumberlandDowntown Fishers Noblesville38th Street LawrenceKeystone Crosstown Carmel Beech Grove

Five Rapid Transit LinesCarmel Downtown Indy GreenwoodAirport Downtown CumberlandDowntown Fishers Noblesville38th Street LawrenceKeystone Crosstown Carmel Beech Grove

2014 SB176Authorizes public referenda for .1 - .25% LOITAllows public referenda by county, township opt-inNo regional governance structure10% of OpEx from “contributions”25% farebox recovery mandateNo light rail

Indy Connect Next Steps Full, updated Indy Connect plan released this Fall Re-launch of this Fall City County Council discussion about ridership-coverage (January toMarch) City County Council & Hamilton County COIT Council referendumcertification (January to May) Indy Chamber / Hamilton County Statehouse revisions (Jan-March) Private sector advocacy – Indy Chamber Partners


BRT is FAST½ Mile Stop Spacing

First Battery-Electric BRT Red Line proposed to be nation’s first battery-electric BRT Quiet and Zero Emissions

Red Line Phase I Map Route Station Locations Phasing Entirely within existing ROW Dedicated lanes DT to B. Ripple

College Avenue

Meridian Street

Proposed Configuration

Proposed Configuration

2- Way Capitol Avenue Option

Proposed Configuration

Project Timeline

What do you think? Q&A Post comments on plan sheets Questions?Red LineTOD Strategic PlanJustin ad Beaubienbrad.beaubien@indy.gov317-327-5133Review @


The TOD STRATEGIC PLAN supportscommunity development that includes amixture of housing, office, retail and cityliving amenities integrated into awalkable neighborhood and locatedwithin a half-mile of quality publictransportation.Produced by the MPO for most of theIndyConnect Rapid Transit Network.

PASSING THE BATONTo support the Fall2015 Red Line Phase 1(Broad Ripple toUindy), we will adoptportions of the MPOPlan that relate to thefinal slate of Red Linestations.

PASSING THE BATONTo support the Fall 2015 RedLine Phase 1 (Broad Ripple toUindy), we will adopt portionsof the MPO Plan that relate tothe final slate of Red Linestations.MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTSENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITSCONGESTION RELIEFCOST EFFECTIVENESSThis is intended todemonstrate policymovement on two of thefunding criteria we don’tscore as competitively on.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTLAND USEEach of these criteria are weightedequally, and together comprise 50%of our score. The remaining half isrelated to local funding.





INVESTMENT FRAMEWORKTYPOLOGY MATRIXSTRATEGYINFILL ENHANCE TOD ReadyFocus of Private SectorHigher Residential Employment DensitiesCity Living AmenitiesWorkforce HousingCATALYZE CONNECT Focus of Public Sector Catalyst InvestmentsProjects that Add Density and ActivityConnectivity InfrastructurePlacemaking and Public SpacesPLAN PARTNER Focus of Non-Profit and Philanthropic SectorStation Area Planning and Visioning



AFFORDABILITY STRATEGY This piece is new and not inherited from theMPO. It’s under development. Collaboration between DMD Planning and CEDDivisions. It confirms internal DMD prioritization ofcommunity development investments alongtransit corridors. It sets the stage for planned 2016 HousingStrategy Element of Comprehensive Plan. It conveys to the Feds a different type ofaffordability challenge than what they typicallydeal with on the coasts. We’re a soft market thatis very affordable our challenge is income.

ENGAGEMENT Tag-teaming on IndyGo Stakeholder Meetingsalong corridor and with targeted groups. Focus is really on the Station AreaTypologies, as that sets up next year’s work.It’s also the piece that is used by the primaryway we use the comp plan - zoning. Educational TOD Exhibit at 8 libraries andother public locations along corridor.



MIBOR pinfo/transit/

Jul 27, 2015 · Households have changed, housing hasn’t kept up Today: 6 million Americans live within ½ mile of fixed transit 2025: 14.6 million Americans will want to live within ½ mile of fixed transit 1950: 78% of households were married couples 43% were married couples with kids Today: 48% of households are married couples 20% are married couples with kids

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Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.

Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.