French Vocabulary Book

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GCSE 09French Vocabulary bookVersion- Draft 1GCSE FrenchEdexcel GCSE in French

Edexcel GCSE 2009 French Vocabulary BookEdexcel are pleased to provide this free vocabulary book freely to support learnersfollowing the Edexcel GCSE 2009 Specification in French.Please note: the most up to date version of this document is available on theEdexcel website and a definitive list of core vocabulary is available in the EdexcelSpecification.

IntroductionThis bilingual glossary has been produced to support you in your language learningand to help you prepare for the Edexcel GCSE. It features a revised minimum corevocabulary foundation level vocabulary (this has been expanded from the original onein the specification) as well as higher level vocabulary. English meanings, gendersand irregular word endings are given and the vocabulary is listed both alphabeticallyand under the following Edexcel headings:High Frequency tiesConnecting WordsTime ExpressionsTimesDays of the WeekMonths of the YearQuestion ns/Cities/RiversAcronyms and AbbreviationsSocial ConventionsPrepositionsListening and Reading TopicsOut and About- Visitor Information, Basic Weather, Local Amenities,Accommodation, Public Transport, DirectionsCustomer Services and Transactions- Cafes and Restaurants, Shops, Dealing with ProblemsPersonal Information- General Interest, Leisure Activities, Family and Friends, Lifestyle(healthy eating and exercise)Future Plans, Education and Work- Basic Language of the Internet, Simple Job Advertisements, SimpleJob Applications and CV, School and College, Work and WorkExperience

Speaking and Writing TopicsMedia and Culture- Music/Film/Reading, Fashion/Celebrities/Religion, Blogs/InternetSports and Leisure- Hobbies/interests, Sporting Events, Lifestyle ChoicesTravel and Tourism- Holidays, Accommodation, Eating (food and drink)Business, Work and Employment- Work Experience/Part-time Jobs, Product or service InformationAlthough words are listed under specific topic headings, they are not always exclusiveto these. Many words can also relate to other topic areas, but may only be listed inone.At the end of each section you will find some blank pages, these enable you to notedown other words that you encounter during the GCSE course and which may proveuseful.Please note that this is not a complete list of all vocabulary for the Edexcel GCSE,and should be used as a reference guide that students can refer to and add to ratherthan a definitive list of vocabulary needed to achieve a specific grade.This vocabulary book is currently a first draft; if centres notice any errors in thevocabulary lists contained in this document please let us know and we will ensurethey are updated appropriately.

Section 1High Frequency LanguageThis has been taken from the appendix in the specificationVerbsto acceptto accompanyto addto adviseto allowto answerto apply toto argueto arriveto askto ask a questionto avoid, to prevent, to warnto beto be able toto be boredto be calledto be interested into be locatedto be quietto be rightto be wrongto beginto believe/thinkto borrowto buyto callto cancelto changeto chatto checkto chooseto clickto climb, get onto répondres’adresser àse disputerarriverdemanderposer une rs’intéresser àse trouverse taireavoir raisonavoir hangerbavardervérifierchoisircliquermonterfermer

to cometo contactto costto count, intendto cryto deal with things on your ownto decideto describeto deserveto discussto drinkto driveto eatto endto enjoy oneselfto enter/go into escapeto fallto fillto findto finish, endto followto forgeto forgiveto get angryto giveto give (presents)to go along (in a car)to go downto go for a walkto go upto go wrong/to fail, to missto hateto haveto have toto hearto helpto holdto hopeto hurryto improveto informvenircontactercoûtercompterpleurerse onduiremangerse trouverfinirsuivreoublierpardonnerse fâcherdonneroffrirroulerdescendrese ertenirespérerse dépêcheraméliorerinformer

to introduceto inviteto jumpto knock, hitto know (a fact)to know (be familiar with)to landto lastto laughto learnto leaveto leaveto leave (an object)to lendto lift the receiverto light, turn onto liketo listento liveto liveto load, to chargeto look afterto look like, to resembleto loseto loveto manageto meetto missto noteto opento orderto organiseto parkto parkto pass by/to goto phoneto place, ask (a question)to pleaseto preferto presentto preventto argers’occuper deressembler àperdreadorerse rganisergarerstationnerpassertéléphonerposer (une re

to pullto pushto putto put backto receive, be host toto recommendto refundto regret, be sorryto rememberto rent/to hireto repairto repeatto replaceto replyto researchto reserveto returnto returnto reviseto ringto saveto sayto seeto seemto sellto sendto serveto showto signto sit downto sleepto smileto snowto speakto spendto stayto steal/flyto stickto stopto studyto succeedto surf the derrembourserregretterse rappeler/se rvolercollers’arrêterétudierréussirsurfer sur internet

to switch offto switch offto switch onto taketo tellto thankto thinkto think, believeto throwto touchto tryto typeto understandto useto useto visitto visitto wait forto walkto wantto want, desireto win, earnto wishto workto ndrese servir deutiliserrendre visite à (person)visiter oyingannoyingaverageawfulbadbad (naughtybeautifulbig, tallboringbossytoutseulen euseautoritaire

cheapcheapclean, tfavouritefavouritefirstflexibleformer/ on/necharmantpas cher/chèrede bon queconfiantsûr (de moi assionnantjustefaux/faussefantastiqueà la ier/premièreflexibleancien/negratuit

eatgreatgreatgreat, hhotin a good moodin a vellousmaturemodernnecessarynegativenew (brand ureux/heureusedûr durtravailleur/travailleusesainlourdhautchaudde bonne légerfermé à nouvelleprochainbruyantnombreux/eusevieux/vieille

old, formerolderold fashionedold yrealrecentrecognised/well ilentsmallsorrysought �solérecherchédeboutsévèrestrictfort

riableweakworriedwise, well �sagréableutileinutilevalabled’une grande t/cadette (m/f)Coloursblackbluebrownchestnut rronchâtaincouleur (f)foncévertgrisclairroserouge

violetwhiteyellowvioletblanc/hejauneAdverbs(for a) long immediatelymoreoftenover imesstraight awayusuallyusuallytheretoounfortunatelyup out de là-hauttrèsNumbers1-100Quantitiesaaaabottle ofdozenjar oflittle of/fewune bouteille deune douzaine deun pot deun peu de

a liter ofa lot ofa lot ofa kilo oflessmoremorea packet ofa piece ofa slice ofa third ofa tin, box ofenoughhalfhalfmanyquite a fewseveralsometoo manyun litre debeaucoup deplein deun kilo demoins deplus deencore deun paquet deun morceau deune tranche deun tiers deune boîte deassez dedemimoitié(f)beaucoup depas mal deplusieursquelquestrop deConnecting Wordsalsoandbecausebecausebuteven iffinallyfirst of alliforsincesothenthenthenaussietparce quecarmaismême sienfin, finalement(tout) d’abordsioupuisquedoncalorsensuitepuisTime Expressionsa fortnighta fortnightquinzaine (f)quinze jours

afterafternoonalreadyalwaysat the startat the same y dayfromfrom time to timejust now, in a little whilelaterlast nightmidnightminutemorningnextnightnowonceon timeon time, earlysincesoonthe day after tomorrowthe day before yesterdaythe next daythe night prèsaprès-midi (m)déjàtoujoursau débuten même tempsavantjour (m)journée (f)pendantsoir (m)soirée (f)tous les joursà partir dede temps en tempstout à l’heureplus tardhier soirminuitminute (f)matin (m)prochainnuit (f)maintenantune foisà l’heurede bonne n (m)veille (f)aujourd’huidemaindeux foissemaine (f)week-end (m)hier

Awareness of times (analogue and digital)Days of the onths of the mbreQuestion wordsHowHow much, how man?What?what?What? (as subject)What? (divided obj)what colour?(at) what en de?que?quoi?qu’est-ce qui?qu’est-ce que?de quelle couleur?à quelle heure?quel/quelle?quand?où?qui?qù?pourquoi?

Other expressionsall the betterdon’t care!good luckhere you areHow do you spell that?I don’t mindI’m fineI’ve had enoughI like itin my opinionit annoys meit dependstant mieuxbofbonne chancevoiciça s’écrit comment?ça m’est égalça vaj’en ai assez/marreça me plaîtà mon avisça m’énerveça dépendit doesn’t matterit’s all the same to meit makes me laughyou are not allowed toyou are not allowed toyou mustminepersonallyof courseokayonce againthat doesn’t interest methat’s enoughthere is/arethere you areto be about toto be in the process oftoo badusuallywhat a shamewith pleasureça ne fait riença m’est égalça me fait rireil est interdit dedéfense deil fautà moipersonnellementbien sûrd’accordencore une foisça ne me dit riença suffitil y avoilàêtre sur le point deêtre en train detant pisd’habitudequel dommageavec plaisirOther high frequency wordsas, likebecausecommeparce que

endeverybodyfigurefor somethingthatthingtimetypewayyesfin (f)tout le mondechiffrepar exemplesimilieu (m)mademoisellemonsieurmadamenonnombre (m)numéroforme (f)quelqu’unquelque choseça/ celachose (f)fois (f)genre (m)façon ermanyGreat cotlandSpainSwitzerlandUnited KingdomUnited StatesAutriche (f)Belgique (f)Danemark (m)Angleterre (f)France (f)Allemagne (f)Grande-Bretagne (f)Grèce (f)Hollande (f)Irlande (f)Italie (f)Pays-Bas (m/pl)Russie (f)Écosse (f)Espagne (f)Suisse (f)Royaume-Uni (m)États-Unis (m/pl)

WalesPays de Galles (m)ContinentsAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAfrique (f)Asie (f)Australie (f)Europe (f)Amérique du Nord (f)Amérique du Sud Areas/Mountains/Cities/RiversBrittanyMassif Centralthe Alpsthe Channel Tunnelthe English Channelthe Pyreneesthe south of FranceUseful acronyms and abbreviationsBretagne (f)Massif Central (m)Alpes (f/pl)Tunnel (sous la Manche) (m)Manche (f)Pyrénées (f/pl)Midi (m)

baccalauréat, school leaving examBanque Nationale de ParisCDsecondary schoolcurriculum vitaeFrench electricity companyphysical and sports educationFrench TV channelFrench gas companyFrench TV channelyouth club and arts centreFrench post office andtelecommunications servicefast commuter train service (Paris)AIDSFrench national railway companyplease (s’il vous plaît)high speed trainevery dayvalue added tax (VAT)European UnionBACBNPCD ROMCESCVEDFEPSFR3GDFM6MJCP et TRERSIDASNCFSVPTGVTIJTVAUESocial conventionsbest wishesbon séjourgood eveninggoodbyegoodnighthave a good journeyhello (on the telephone)hello, good dayhelphiplease (request)please, please (polite)see you latersee you soonsee you tomorrowthank youamitiésenjoy your staybonsoirau revoirbonne nuitbon voyageallôbonjourau secourssalutprière des’il te plaît/s’il vous plaità tout à l’heureà bientôtà demainmerciPrepositionsaboutaboveenvironen haut

according toafteragainstamongaroundat (someone’s house)at the end ofat, tobecause ofbeforebehindbetweenduringeverywhereexceptfar fromfor, in orderfrominin front ofin, bynearnext tono untilwithwithoutselonaprèscontreparmiautour dechezau bout deàà cause deavantderrièreentrependantpartoutsaufloin depourdedansdevantenprès deà côté denulle partsuren face dedehorsquelque partparverssousjusqu’àavecsansLanguage used in dialogues and messagesarea codecall me (informal/formal)dial the numberfor the attention offor the momentindicatif (m)appelle-moi/appelez-moicomposer le numéroà l’attention depour l’instant

further to/followingI will put you throughI’ll be right backI’m listeningin communication within factmomenton the lineon the line/speakingpagingreceiver (telephone)see you later (to soca conventions.)see you soonsent bystay on the linetelephonetelephone booktexttext messageto be at (checking correctnumber/address)tonevoice mailwaitwrong numbersuite àje vous le passeje reviens tout de suiteje vous écouteen communication avecen faitinstant (m)en ligneà l’appareilradiomessagerie (f)combiné (m)à plus tardà bientôtenvoi de (m)ne quittez pastéléphone (m)annuaire (m)texte (m)textoêtre bien chezbip sonore (m)messagerie vocale (f)patientezfaux numéro (m)

This page has been left blank for you to add any additional words you may find useful.

Section 2Listening and Reading2.1 Out and aboutVisitor Information- foundation(front) door(taxi) driver1st/2nd floor etc.abroadaccommodationadministrative districtagriculturalairportappointment/meeting placearea/regionarea (in town)arrivalas soon as (to thbicyclebikeboatbook (of tickets)borderbowling dingbusbus stopporte (d’entrée) (f)chauffeur (de taxi) (m)1er/2me étage etc.see belowà l’étrangerlogement (m)département (m)agricoleaéroport (m)rendez-vous (m)région (f)quartier (m)arrivée (f)dès quemauvaisboulangerie (f)balcon (m)banque (f)bar(m0sous-sol (m)bain (m)plage (f)couchette (f)bicyclette (f)vélo (m)bateau (m)carnet (m)frontière (f)bowling (m)marque (f)panne (f)pont (m)brochure (f)bâtiment (m)autobus (m)arrêt (d’autobus) (m)

ulcampsitecarcarcaravancar gcloudcoachcoach sion, detourdriverdriving licenceeastcommerce (m)boucherie (f)cafécalmetranquillecamping (m)auto (f)voiture (f)caravane (f)parking (m)château (m)cathédrale (f)église (f)cinéma (m)climat (m)ferméfermeture (f)nuage (m)car (m)gare routière (f)côte (f)froidconfortablecommercialcompartiment (m)concert (m)correspondance (f)coin (m)pays (m)campagne (f)carrefour (m)mortdegré (m)retard (m)départ (m)destination (f)gasoildiscothèque/disco (f)déviation (f)conducteur (m) conductrice (f)permis de conduire (m)est (m)

engine/motorenjoy your stayentertainment, things to doentranceexhibitionfactoryfar(away)farefarmfeast, holiday, fair, fêteflight/theftfloor (1st, 2nd)fogfollowingforbidden to forbidden toforestforeignerformfullfurnishedgames roomgendarmeground floorguided tourhave a good journeyheathillhire of/hiring/rentinghistorichospitalhotel listhotel, town hallhypermarketI’m sorry/excuse meice rinkidentity cardidentificationin advancein autumnin springin summermoteur (m)bon séjourdistractions (f/pl)entrée (f)exposition (f)usine (f)lointarif (m)ferme (f)fête (f)vol (m)étage (1er/2me etc)brouillard (m)suivantdéfense de interdit deforêt (f)0tranger (m)/ étrangère (f)fiche (f)completmeublésalle de jeux (f)gendarme (m)rez-de-chausséevisite guidée(f)bon voyagechaleur (f)colline (f)location (f)historiquehôpital (m)liste des hôtels (f)hôtel (de ville) (m)hypermarché (m)excusez-moipatinoire (f)carte d’identité (f)pièce d’identité (f)en avanceen automneau printempsen été

in winterincludedindustryindustrialit is raininginsidejourneyjourney (short)keylakeleft luggageleisure centrelibraryliftline/routelivelylocal inhabitantlorrylost property officeluggageluxuriousmap (of the town)marketmetremetro/underground earnewspaper stallnorthoccupiedofficeopenon footon the lefton the rightone way systemoutingen hiverinclusindustrie (f)industriel/leil pleutà l’intérieurvoyage (m)trajet (m)clef/clé (f)lac (m)consigne (f)centre de loisirs (m)bibliothèque (f)ascenseur (m)ligne (f)animéhabitant/ecamion (m)bureau des objets trouvés (m)bagages (m/pl)de luxeplan (de la ville) (m)marché (m)mètre (m)métro (m)modernemonument (m)autoroute (f)montagne (f)mosquée (f)musée (m)prèskiosque à journaux (m)nord (m)occupébureau (m)ouvertà piedà gaucheà droitesens interdit/unique (m)excursion (f)

ort controlpedestrianpedestrianised areapetrolpicturesqueplaceplaceplaneplatformpolice stationportstation at portportpostcardposter/noticepressure/draught (beer)price listpriority to the rightproblempublic holidaypublic holidaypublic receptionistregionrented holiday cottagerestaurant carreturn ticketriverroadroad maproad/streetà l’extérieuren plein aircouvertpalais (m)jardin public (m)parc (m)passager (m) / passagère (f)contrôle de passeports (m)piéton (m)zone piétonne (f)essence (f)pittoresqueendroit (m)lieu (m)avion (m)quai (m)commissariat (m)gare maritime (f)port (m)carte postale (f)affiche (f)pression (f)liste des prix (f)/tarif (m)priorité à droite (f)problème (m)jour férié (m)jour de fête (m)transports en commun (m/pl)municipaltranquillechemin de fer (m)pluie (f)réception (f)hôtesse d’accueil (f)/réceptionnisterégion (f)gîte (m)wagon-restaurant (m)aller-retour (m)rivière (f)route (f)carte routière (f)rue (f)

roomroundaboutseaseasideseasonservice stationshopshopping centreshowsignsingle ticketsituatedski resortskysleeping carsnack bar, buffetsnowsouthsports nstormstraight onsuburbsuitable for drinkingsuitcasesummer campsunsunnysunny intervalsupplementsupermarketswimming pooltaxitelevisiontelevision settheatrechambre (f)rond-point (m)mer (f)au bord de la mersaison (f)station-service (f)magasin (m)centre commercial (m)spectacle (m)panneau (m)aller-simple (m)situéstation de ski (f)ciel (m)wagon-lit (m)buffet (m)neige (f)sud (m)centre sportifspacieux/spacieuseplace (f)stade (m)escalier (m)étoile (f)séjour (m)gare (f)orage (m)tout droitbanlieue (f)potablevalise (f)colonie de vacances (f)soleil (m)ensoleillééclaircie (f)supplément (m)supermarché (m)piscine (f)taxi (m)télévision (f)téléviseur (m)/poste de télévisionthéâtre (m)

ticketticket inspectorticket officetimetableto book/reserveto crossto function, to workto recommendto rentto spend timebillet (m)contrôleur (m)guichet (m)horaire (m)réservertraverserfonctionner/ marcherrecommanderlouerpasser du tempsto stayto turnto validate a tickettoiletstourtouristtourist attractiontourist attractiontourist information officetourist information officetowertowntown centretown halltraffictraffic jamtraffic lightstravel agent’sunderground stationunleadedvariableviewvillagewaiting period/time limitwaiting roomway out/exitWCweatherweather forecastwelcomewestrestertournercompostertoilettes (f/pl)tour (m)touristiqueattraction touristique (f)site touristique (m)bureau d’accueil/de renseignements (m)office de tourisme (m)tour (f)ville (f)centre-ville (m)mairie (f)/ hôtel de ville (m)circulation (f)embouteillage (m)feux (m/pl)agence de voyage (f)station de métro (f)sans plombvariable/incertainvue (f)village (m)délai (m)salle d’attente (f)sortie (f)W-C (m/pl)temps (m)météo (f)accueil (m)ouest (m)

windwinter holidayswith showerwith bathroomyouth hostelzoovent (m)vacances d’hiver (f/pl)avec doucheavec salle de bain(s)auberge de jeunesse (f)jardin zoologique (m) zoo (m)Visitor Information - Higherair conditioningareaATM cash pointbike hirecanalcustomsemergency rial, monumentmemorymountainspackage holidaypark, green spaceprocessionrush hourseaside resortsouvenirsound and lightstaysurrounding area, vicinityto take placeto staytolltown centrewinter/skiing holidayzooBasic weather - Foundationclimatisation (f)région (f) foundationdistributeur d’argent (m)location de vélos (f)canal (m)douanes (f/pl)sortie de secours (f)événement (m)expérience (f)feu d’artifice (m)fontaine (f)grande surface (f)monument (m)souvenir (m)montagnes (f)voyage organisé (m)espace vert (m)défilé (m)heures de pointe (f/pl)station balnéaire (f)souvenir (m)son et lumièreséjour (m)environs (m/pl)avoir lieuséjournerpéage (m)centre-ville (m)vacances de neige (f/pl)zoo (m)jardin zoologique (m)

badbrightclimatecloudcloudyCloudy (overcast)colddegree (temperature)dryfogheathighest temperaturehotin autumnin springin summerin the eastin the northin the southin the westin winterit is freezingit is lightningit is rainingit is snowingit is thunderinglowest temperaturenice (weather)overcastrainseasonskysnowstormsunsunnythe sun is shiningthunder stormto changeto rainto shineto snowmauvaisclairclimat (m)nuage (m)nuageuxcouvertfroiddegré (m)secbrouillard (m)chaleur (f)température maximale (f)chauden automne (m)au printemps (m)en été (m)dans l’est/ à l’est dedans le nord/au nord dedans le sud/au sud dedans l’ouest/ à l’ouest deen hiveril gèleil y a des éclairsil pleutil neigeil y a du tonnerre/il fait du tonnerretempérature minimale (f)beaucouvertpluie (f)saison (f)ciel (m)neige (f)orage (m)soleil (m)ensoleilléIl fait du soleil/ il y a du soleilIl fait de l’oragechangerpleuvoirbrillerneiger

weatherweather reportwetwindtemps (m)météo (f)mouillévent (m)Basic Weather - Higheraverage temperaturebright spellchangeablechangeablehailhigh temperaturelow (temperature)showersstormyto brighten upto hailweather forecasttempérature moyenne (f)éclaircie (f)variableincertaingrêle (f)température élévée (f)température basseaverses (f/pl)orageuxs’éclaircirgrêler(prévisions) météo (f)Local Amenities - Foundationairportart gallerybankbowling alley (10-pin)bridgebuildingbus tment storediscofactoryfarmhospitalice rinkindoor swimming poolindustryaéroport (m)galérie d’art (f)banque (f)bowling (m)pont (m)bâtiment (m)gare routière (f)café (m)château (m)cathédrale (f)église (f)cinéma (m)fermégrand magasin (m)discothèque(f)usine (f)ferme (f)hôpital (m)patinoire (f)piscine (f)(couverte)industrie (f)

leisure centrelibrarymain railway stationmarketmosquemuseumnewspaper stallnightclubopenoutdoor swimming poolpalaceparkparkpedestrian area/precinctpetrol stationplaygroundpolice stationpolice stationpolicemanpolicemanpolicemanportpost officepubpubpublic/municipalrailway stationrubbish binshopshop, business,shopping centresnack barsnack barsports centresquarestadiumswimming pooltheatretoiletstourist officetowertower blockcentre de loisirs (m)bibliothèque (f)gare principale (f)marché (m)mosquée (f)musée (m)kiosque à journaux (m)boîte de nuit (f)ouvertpiscine en plein air (f)palais (m)parc (m)jardin public (m)zone piétonne (f)station-service (f)aire de jeux (f)commissariat (m)gendarmerie (f)policier (m)agent de police (m)gendarme (m)port (m)poste (f)café (m)bar (m)public/publiquegare (f)poubelle (f)magasin (m)commerce (m)centre commercial (m)quick (m)snack (m)centre sportif (m)place (f)stade (m)piscine (f)théâtre (m)toilettes (f/pl)office de tourisme (m)tour (f)immeuble (m)

town halltown hallWCzoozoomairie (f)hôtel de ville (m)W-C (m/pl)zoo (m)jardin zoologique (m)Local amenities - HigherATM, cashpointpost officetourist information officedistributeur d’argent (m)poste (f)syndicat d’initiative (m)Accommodation - ath towelbath tubbathroombedbedlinenbedroombunk bedcamp sitecaravancar parkcurtaindining roomdoor (front)double roomdouble roomdrinking waterexitfarmfarm housefloorfloor (1st, 2nd)floor (e.g. 1st, 2nd)formfree, available, vacantlogement (m)arrivée (f)balcon (m)sous-sol (m)bain(m)serviette de bain (f)baignoire (f) bath tubsalle de bain(s) (f)lit (m)linge de lit (m)chambre (f)lit superposé (m)camping (m)caravane (f)parking (m)rideaux (m/pl)salle à manger (f)porte (d’entrée) (f)chambre double (f)chambre pour deux personneseau potable (f)sortie (f)ferme (f)would be la fermeplancher (m)étage (m)premier/ deuxième étage (m)formulaire (m)libre

free (no cost)full boardfurnishedgames roomgardenground floorguesthalf boardheatinghotelin advancein the countryincludedinclusive of, includedkeykitchenliftluggageoccupiedon the 1st floor etcovernight stayplay areapillowpitch/place on ionroomsheetshowershower block (campsite)single roomsingle roomsitting room/loungesitting room/loungesleeping bagsoapstaircasestarsuitcasegratuitpension complète (f)meublésalle de jeux (f)jardin (m)rez-de-chaussée (m)hôte (m/f)demi-pension (f)chauffage (m)hôtel (m)en avanceà la campagneincluscomprisclé/clef (f)cuisine (f)ascenseur (m)bagages (m/pl)occupéau premier étageséjour (m)aire de jeux (f)oreiller (m)emplacement (m)réception (f)accueil (m)réceptionniste (m/f)loyer (m)réservation (f)chambre (f)drap (m)douche (f)bloc sanitaire (m)chambre simple (f)chambre pour une personne (f)salle de séjour (f)salon (m)sac de couchage (m)savon (m)escalier (m)étoile (f)valise (f)

televisiontelevision settelevision settenttennis courtsto arriveto book/reserveto camp (in a tent)to camp (in a tent)to function, to workto function /workto hire, to rentto reserveto unpacktoilettoilet papertoothbrushtoothpastetwin roomviewvillagewardrobewash basinWCwindowwith a view of, overlookingyouth hosteltélévision (f)poste de télévisiontéléviseur (m)tente (f)courts det ennis (m/pl)arriverréservercamperfaire du campingmarcherfonctionnerlouerréserverdéfaire (sa valise)toilettes (f/pl)papier hygiénique (m)brosse à dents (f)dentrifrice (m)chambre à deux lits (f)vue (f)village (m)garde-robe (f)lavabo (m)W-C (m/pl)fenêtre (f)vue sur (f)auberge de jeunesse (f)Accommodation - Higherair conditioningboard and lodgingscheap, value for moneycheap, value for moneyemergency exitguest room, bed-and-breakfast placehospitalitynoiseregistrationrented flatrules of the housestayclimatisation (f)logé et nourripas cherde bon marchésortie de secours (f)chambre d’hôte (f)hospitalité (f)bruit (m)enregistrement (m)appartement loué (m)règles (f/pl)séjour 9m)

totototototoconfirmput someone up, to accommodateput someone up, to accommodateswitch offswitch offswitch lic transport- Foundationairportarrivalbicycleboatbreakdownbusbus stationbus stopby buscarcarcar parkcar, carriage (train)class (2nd class on a g (ferry)cycle pathdelaydeparturedeparture (of plane)dieseldining car, restaurant car (train)directdiversion (road), detourdoor (of train etc )driverdriving licenceengineentrance (vehicles)exhaust fumes/emissionsaéroport (m)arrivée (f)vélo (m)/ bicyclette (f)bateau (m)panne (f)(auto)bus (m)gare routière (f)arrêt d’aut

Edexcel GCSE 2009 French Vocabulary Book Edexcel are pleased to provide this free vocabulary book freely to support learners following the Edexcel GCSE 2009 Specification in French.

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