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Since 1989.FREE!w w ww. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o mTOLEDO: TINTA CON SABORDETROITCLEVELAND LORAINCOLUMBUS: 419-870-2797TOLEDO/DETROIT SALES: 419-870-2797 216-688-9045Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino WeeklyClassified? Email classifiedlaprensa1@gmail.com6 de agosto, 2021Weekly/Semanal16 páginasVol. 69, No. 20FOLLOW CDC GUIDELINES ON COVID-19Welcome to the World!Aviana Rae EncaladoToledo Jeep Fest begins Friday, August 6, 2021with ProMedica's PromenadeConcert. Country singer Josh Turner, the headliner; tickets for the concert startat 15. The annual All Jeep Parade in downtown Toledo, is Saturday, August 7,2021, starting at 8:00AM. Celebrate with Jeep and its 80-year anniversary!La Prensa photo taken in August of 2016. See page 5.Born July 29, 2021, @ 11:59AMOregon, Ohio8 lb. 4 oz, or 3.7421 kilos21 inches, or 53.34 centimeters

w w ww. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o mSince 1989!FREE!TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABORDETROITCLEVELAND LORAINCOLUMBUSCLEVELAND/LORAIN SALES: 419-870-2797 216-688-9045Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino WeeklyClassified? Email classifiedlaprensa1@gmail.com6 de agosto, 2021Weekly/Semanal16 páginasVol. 69, No. 20FOLLOW CDC GUIDELINES ON COVID-19Cleveland’s baseball team goes from Indians to GuardiansBy TOM WITHERS, AP Sports WriterCLEVELAND, July 23,2021 (AP), Known as theIndians since 1915,Cleveland’s Major LeagueBaseball team will be calledGuardians.The ballclub announcedthe name change Fridayeffective at the end of the2021 season with a videoon Twitter narrated by actor and team fan TomHanks. The decision endsmonths of internal discussions triggered by a nationalreckoning by institutionsand teams to drop logos andnames considered racist.The choice of Guardianswill undoubtedly be criticized by many of the club’sdie-hard fans, some ofwhom quickly went on social media to vent.The organization spentmost of the past year whittling down a list of potentialnames that was at nearly1,200 just over a monthago. But the process, whichthe club said included 140hours of interviews withfans, community leaders,front office personnel and asurvey of 40,000 fans.Owner Paul Dolan saidlast summer’s social unrest,touched off by the killing ofGeorge Floyd in Minneapolis, spurred his intentionto change the name.Dolan is expected to provide more details on thechoice and background onthe change at a news con-ference at Progressive Fieldbefore the Indians host theTampa Bay Rays.Dolan said the new namemirrors the city and itspeople.“Cleveland has and always will be the most important part of our identity,”he said in a statement.“Therefore, we wanted aname that strongly represents the pride, resiliencyand loyalty of Clevelanders.‘Guardians’ reflects thoseattributes that define us.”“It brings to life the prideClevelanders take in our cityand the way we fight together for all who choose tobe part of the Cleveland baseball family. While ‘Indians’will always be a part of ourhistory, our new name willhelp unify our fans and cityas we are all ClevelandGuardians.”The change comes as theWashington Football Teamcontinues to work toward asimilar makeover. The franchise dropped its Redskinsname before the 2020 season. Washington recentlysaid it will reveal a newname and logo in 2022.Cleveland’s new namewas inspired by two largelandmark stone edifices nearthe downtown ballparkreferred to as traffic guardians on the Hope Memorial Bridge over theCuyahoga River.The team’s colors willremain the same, and thenew Guardians’ new logoswill incorporate some of thearchitectural features of thebridge.In 2018, the Indiansstopped wearing the contentious Chief Wahoo logo ontheir jerseys and caps. However, the team continues tosell merchandise bearing thesmiling, red-faced caricaturethat was protested for decades by Native Americangroups.Numerous Native American groups have protestedCleveland’s use of the Wahoo logo and Indians namefor years, so the latest development brought some comfort.“It is a major step towardsrighting the wrongs committed against Nativepeoples, and is one step towards justice,” said CrystalEcho Hawk, executive director and founder ofIllumiNative, a group dedicated to fighting misrepresentations of Native Americans.The name change hassparked lively debate amongthe city’s passionate sportsfans. Other names, includ-ing the Spiders, which iswhat the team was calledbefore 1900, were pushedby supporters on social media platforms.But Guardians does seemto fit the team’s objective tofind a name that embodiesCleveland’s hard-working,loyal, Midwestern-valuedethos while preserving theteam’s history and unitingthe community.The rebranding comes asthe Indians, who have one ofbaseball’s lowest payrolls,try to stay in contention despite a slew of injuries as theJuly 30 trading deadline approaches.“This is a historic moment for our franchise, andwe are excited for our players and staff to debut ournew team name and look in2022,” said Chris Antonetti,the club’s president of baseball operations. “We lookforward to our team proudlyrepresenting the city ofCleveland as the Guardians.”Guardians is the fifthname in franchise historyjoining the Blues (1901),Bronchos (1902), Naps(1903-1914) and Indians(1915-2021).

w w ww. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o mSince 1989!FREE!TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABORDETROITCLEVELAND LORAINCLEVELAND 216-688-9045DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES: 419-870-2797 313-729-4435Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino WeeklyClassified? Email classifiedlaprensa1@gmail.com6 de agosto, 2021Weekly/Semanal16 páginasVol. 69, No. 20¡FIESTA TIGRES! AUGUST 14Financial help is still availableto renters experiencingpandemic-related hardship¡Fiesta Tigres! The Tigers will celebrate the contributions of Latinos to the game of baseballwith a special pregame on-field ceremony, along with live bands and deejays representing musicfrom Latin America and the Caribbean performing on the Comerica Park concourse. Fiesta Tigreswill be held on August 14th against the Cleveland Guardians.For tenantsimpacted financially bythe pandemicand struggling to payrent, the end of the CDCEviction Moratoriumlast month was a bigblow to their housingstability. However,even though the moratorium has expired,there is still assistanceavailable through theCOVID EmergencyRentalAssistance(CERA) program.In addition to helping renters get currenton owed rent and making landlords whole, financialassistancethrough CERA canalso help pay for utilities and internet.If you have lost yourhousing, CERA canalso provide motel assistance on a weeklybasis for up to threemonths.If you need helpwith any of these, youmust apply to CERAbefore September 30,2021.The Michigan StateHousing DevelopmentAuthority (MSHDA)launched CERA inMarch to help rentersimpacted by the pandemic get current onowed rent and makelandlords whole. With 622 million in program funds available,CERA can pay up to12 months in back rentand three months going forward.The CERA programhas already disbursedover 110 million topreserve housing stability for more than17,000 households.Renters making 80% orless of the area medianTo have realized your dream makes you feel lost — Oriana Fallaceincome are eligibleand must be able toshow proof of COVIDrelated hardships —including losing a job,reduced work hours,or even having to buyPPE.To learn more abouteligibility criteria and/or to apply, you canuse the secure onlineapplication site tenants and landlords can initiate theapplication process.CERA will guaranteelandlords get quickand substantial payments of rent owed, aswell as future monthsof rent.You can also accessthis program by applying through yourlocal Housing Assessment and ResourceAgency(HARA),listed by county here,or directly at the CERAwebsite.The online application is the quickest,most efficient way toapply. It only takesabout 15 minutes tocomplete. If you donot have a computeror smartphone, youcan apply for assistance through yourlocal Housing AssessmentResourceAgency (HARA).Renters may alsobenefit from free legalhelp available with theCERA program. to get connected to a Legal Services agency in theirarea.

Página 2La PrensaAugust 6, 2021

LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN 216-688-9045 TOLEDO 419-870-2797 DETROIT 313-729-4435La Prensa6 de agosto de 2021Page 3Dpto. de Justicia pide a Texas retirar ordende inmigraciónEEUU analiza internet para cubanos eimponer más sancionesPor PAUL J. WEBER, Associated PressPor E. EDUARDO CASTILLO, Associated PressAUSTIN, Texas, 29VII 21 (AP): Una nuevaorden del gobernadorGreg Abbott que permiteque los policías de Texasdetengan a vehículosque lleven inmigrantespor considerar quepodrían aumentar lapropagacióndelCOVID-19 rápidamentefue blanco de críticas eljuevesyelDepartamentodeJusticia amenazó conimpugnarla.El secretario deJusticia Merrick Garland pidió a Abbott queretirelaordeninmediatamente, un díadespués de que laemitiera el gobernadorrepublicano,quienintentará ser reelegidoen 2022 y lleva mesestratando de reivindicarla línea dura delexpresidente DonaldTrump en materia deinmigración.La carta de Garlandestá entre las reaccionesmás fuertes hasta ahoraen el gobierno delpresidente Joe Bidenrespecto a las accionesemprendidas por Abbotten la frontera de EstadosUnidos con México, quetambién han incluidoencarcelaralosinmigrantes por cargosde delitos estatales yconstruir nuevas vallasa lo largo del río Bravo.Grupos defensores delos derechos civiles yactivistas por losinmigranteshancriticado la orden másreciente de Abbott parareducir los crucesfronterizos, señalandoque podría alentar ladiscriminación racial yrestringir la capacidadde los albergues pararecibir a familias reciénllegadas a territorioestadounidense.“La orden es peligrosae ilegal”, escribió Garland.El secretario dijo queTexas “no tiene autoridadpara interferir” con losamplios poderes delgobierno en materia deinmigración, y planteó laposibilidad de demandarsi la orden no es retirada.Al anunciar la medidael miércoles, Abbott dijoque “debemos hacer máspara proteger a los texanosde este virus y reducir lacargaennuestrascomunidades”. La ordenpermitequeelDepartamentodeSeguridad Pública deTexas “detenga cualquiervehículo ante la sospecharazonable” de que estáproporcionandotransporte terrestre a ungrupo de inmigrantes.Entonces los policíaspodrían obligar a losvehículos a devolverse pordondeveníanoincautarlos.Abbot minimizó la cartade Garland en uncomunicado en el queculpó al gobierno de Bidenpor los elevados nivelesde arribo de inmigrantes ala frontera sur.“El gobierno de Bidenestá poniendo en riesgo lasalud y la seguridad de lostexanos a diario al negarsea cumplir la ley”,manifestó.No es la primera ocasióndurante la pandemia enque Abbott se enfoca enlos inmigrantes y en lapropagacióndelcoronavirus en una épocade fuertes inquietudes porla enfermedad. En marzoplanteó preocupacionessimilares sobre losinmigrantes,sinproporcionar evidencia deque estuvieran causandounrepuntedeinfecciones de COVID19, y en un momento enel que enfrentaba críticaspor parte de funcionariosde salud pública porretirar una orden parausar mascarillas en todoel estado.Ahora Abbott vuelvea enfrentarse a peticionespara que imponganuevas medidas paracombatir al coronavirus,cuya variante delta estáagudizandolasinfecciones. Pero diceque no ordenará nuevosconfinamientosnivolverá a imponer el usode mascarillas.“Atribuir el repunteactual del coronavirus alos inmigrantes en suorden ejecutiva es unintento flagrante de absolver su liderazgoineficaz, que a fin decuentas condujo a lapérdida innecesaria devidas de e estataldemócrataRafaelAnchia.Grandes cantidadesde inmigrantes hanestado llegando a lafrontera entre EstadosUnidos y México, ymuchos de ellos se estánentregando a los agentesde la Patrulla Fronterizacon la intención desolicitar asilo. Lasa u t o r i d a d e sestadounidensesreportaron este mes quehabían detenido a55.805 miembros defamilias con niños enjunio, un aumento del25% respecto al mespasado. Esa cifra siguesiendo mucho menor alpunto máximo de88.587 registrado enmayo de 2019.La Prensa Weekly NewspaperAztlán Communications, Inc.PublisherADVERTISING:Adrianne Chasteen I 216-688-9045Raena al Sales ManagerMarketing RepresentativeSales, Graphics, Editing; Photography,Cacography, & Hispanic MarketingEditorial:Isabel FloresAdrianne Chasteen IILatin America CorrespondentJunior CorrespondentJennifer RetholtzGraphics & Web ManagerHospiceArt/Graphics/WebSite:Ohio and Michigan’s Oldest Latino WeeklyMember of NAHP (National Association of Hispanic Publications)Affiliated with AP via Newsfinder.One Year Subscription (51 issues) 150.00.Aztlán Communications Inc.SALES:PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176419.870-2797 or 313-729-4435E-mail: rico@laprensa1.comSince ht 1989 - 2021 by La Prensa Publications, Inc.CIUDADDEMÉXICO, 29 VII 21(AP): El presidente deEstados Unidos, JoeBiden, sostendrá elviernes una reunión conlíderescubanoestadounidenses paradiscutir las recientesprotestas en Cuba,analizar la eventualimposición de nuevassancionesylaposibilidad de ofrecerinternet a la poblaciónde la isla.El encuentro serealizará el viernes porla tarde en la CasaBlanca,segúninformaciónqueadelantó el gobierno deBiden el jueves a TheAssociated Press.La reunión ocurrirácasi tres semanasdespués de las inusualesprotestas del 11 de julio,en las que por primeravez desde la década de1990, miles de cubanossalieron a las calles enLa Habana y otrasciudades cubanas paraprotestar por la escasezde productos y los cortesde energía que hansufrido por meses. Enlas manifestacionestambién se lanzaron contra el gobierno y elmodelo político.Entre las personasque se reunirán con elp r e s i d e n t eestadounidenseseencuentraYotuelRomero, uno de losautores de la canción“íPatria y vida!”, quese ha convertido en unaespecie de himno de lasrecientes protestas,refirió la Casa Blanca ala AP. También estaránpresentes L. FeliceGorordo, CEO de laempresaeMergeAmericas; Ana SofíaPeláez, fundadora delMiamiFreedomProject, y el exalcaldede Miami, Manny Díaz,entre otros.Además de posiblessanciones contra elgobierno y eventualservicio de internet para lapoblación, la Casa Blancano dio detalles sobre otrasmedidas que podríantomarse.El tema del acceso ainternet es un tema sensible en Cuba. Incluso díasantes de las protestas,desde las redes socialeshubollamadosamanifestarse contra elgobierno, mientras queéste culpó a gruposanticastristas en EstadosUnidos de utilizarlas, enparticular Twitter, parapromover una campañaen su contra, y a esacompañía de no hacernada para detenerla. Enun momento de la tardedel 11 de julio, el serviciofue cortado, aunque lasautoridades no hanr e c o n o c i d oexplícitamente que elloslo hayan hecho.Algunoslíderesestadounidenses, incluidoel gobernador de Florida,Ron DeSantis, han dichoque la Casa Blanca deberíahacer algo para mantenerel servicio de internet enCuba, incluso mediante eluso de globos que sirvancomo puntos de accesode Wi-Fi para la población.La semana pasada, elgobierno estadounidenseanunció sanciones contrael ministro de las FuerzasArmadas de Cuba, ÁlvaroLópez Miera, y la BrigadaEspecial del Ministerio deInterior conocidos como“boinas negras” , porhaber participado en losarrestosdelosmanifestantes tras lasprotestas.José Miguel Vivanco,director para las Américasde la organización HumanRights Watch, consideróque la protección delacceso a internet en Cuba“debe ser una de lasmáximas prioridades”del gobierno de Biden.“El creciente accesoa internet en la isla hasido una verdaderarevolución que hapermitidoquelapoblaciónsecomunique, organiceprotestas y denuncieabusos de forma casiinmediata, algo quehabría sido imposiblehace algunos años”,comentó el mismojueves a la AP.Sobre las sanciones,Vivanco dijo que suvalor es “mayormentesimbólico”, porque noes realista pensar queéstas por sí solascambiarán la situaciónen la nación caribeña yconsideró que unamanera de frenar lasviolaciones a derechoshumanos ahí es una“condena multilateral ycoordinada”, ademásdel avance hacia unapolítica que ponga fin alactual embargo.Organizacionesinternacionales hancriticado duramente algobierno cubano, el cualha dicho que si bienparticipó gente afectadapor la crisis, tambiénhubo “delincuentes” queaprovecharonlasituación para generardisturbios. En algunospuntos las protestas setornaron vandálicas consaqueos, robos yenfrentamiento con lapolicía.Simpatizantes delgobiernosalierontambién a las calles adefenderalasautoridadesylarevolución.Hasta ahora no hayclaridad de cuántas personas fueron detenidasen total, aunque el Tribunal Supremo ha dichoque ha realizado 19juicios que involucran a59 personas.

La Prensa—MichiganPágina 4August 6, 2021Signature Gathering Restrictions Challenge Filed with MI Court of AppealsOp Ed by Progress MichiganMICHIGAN, August2, 2021: On Friday,groupsincludingProgress Michigan,Michiganders for Fairand Transparent Elections and the League ofWomen Voters filed anappeal with the Michigan Court of Appealsover part of a law thatwould restrict Michiganders’ ability to signcitizen-initiated ballotinitiatives.PA 608 was adoptedby the Republican legislature in late 2018 after progressive causeshad success at the ballot through Proposals1, 2 and 3. ProgressMichigan and othersfiled suit in the Court ofClaims earlier this yearto remove the restrictions on the process thatthe legislature adoptedat that time.The Court struckdown PA 608’s cap onpetition signatures of 15percent per congressional district and therequirement that paidcirculators disclosetheir status on petitions.The Court upheld requiring paid circulatorsto file an affidavit before circulating petitions. Progress Michigan and the other plaintiffs will defend theCourt’s decision on thefirst two provisions andseek to overturn the latter decision.“With the passage ofPA 608, Republicanssought to trample on therights of Michigandersto have their voicesheard through the ballot initiative process.This law hurts the rightof people to circulatepetitions and was onlyenacted to stop progressive policies from making it to the ballot,” saidSam Inglot, deputy director of ProgressMichigan. “Right now,Republicans are waginga war against the voicesof the people on twofronts, at the ballot boxand through the petitionprocess, and we plan tofight them on both.”“We look forward tomaking our case in courtand hope to get a decisive ruling that protectsthe ability of all Michiganders to use the ballot initiative processwithout barriers,” saidHank Mayers withMichiganders for FairandTransparentElections. “The ballotinitiative process is away for all Michiganders to have their voicesheard and enact policies that deserves to beprotected from partisanroadblocks.” New Poll: Michiganders Weigh In OnAnti-VoterBills,COVIDNewsletter examinespublic opinion about issues affecting the stateOnMonday,Progress Michigan re-leasedthe latestedition of Lake Effect,a monthly researchnewsletter that tracksMichigan voters’ opinions about policy issuesaffecting the state.“Despite the GOP’sbest efforts, the majority of Michigandersaren’t buying the election lies and conspiracytheories Republicanlawmakers have used asan excuse to push antivoter bills,” said SamInglot, deputy directorof Progress Michigan.“They also understandthe need to continue toadapt as the COVIDpandemic progressesand are willing andready to do what’s necessary to contain thespread of the Delta variant. President JoeBiden’s infrastructureplan remains popularamong Michiganders, amajority of whom support raising taxes on thewealthytofundchanges that will benefit our communities.It’s past time for Michigan Republicans to ditchtheir attacks on our freedom to vote and get towork on the prioritiesMichiganders actuallycare about.”Some key takeawaysinclude: Only 41 percent ofrespondents strongly orsomewhatsupportMichigan Republicans’anti-voter bill package,while50percentstrongly or somewhatoppose their efforts. 56 percent of respondents plan to wearmasks in accordancewith the latest CDCguidance, 62 percentknow that the COVIDvaccines are safe, and65 percent are fully vaccinated. 56 percent of thosepolled strongly or somewhat disapprove of theRepublican-ledlegislature’s handling ofCOVID. Just 37 percentstrongly or somewhatapprove. 73 percent of respondents know someone who has had thecoronavirus and 45 percent have had someonethey know die of thecoronavirus. 68 percent of thosepolled think the wealthydon’t pay enough taxes,compared to only 23percent who believethey’re paying their fairshare. 51 percent of respondents said they’revery or somewhat unlikely to support formerDetroit police chiefJames Craig in his bidfor governor, while only27 percent are very orsomewhat likely to support him.

La Prensa—Ohio6 de agosto de 2021Selected Events at downtownToledo’s Science CenterSummer is far fromover at Imagination Station. There are stillplenty of sciencestuffed activities underway that will spark yourcuriosity, harness yourcreativity and encourage exploration.Jeep Fest Kid’sZone - August 6-7Rev your engines forJeep Fest! Toledo’s celebration of Jeep cultureis going to be biggerthan ever and Imagination Station is thrilled toonce again host the JeepFest Kid’s Zone in Festival Park. Join the science center and ourwonderful partners fortwo days of fun. Meetwith Toledo first responders, explore theart of storytelling, putyour construction andengineering skills to thetest and so much more!WHEN: Saturday10am-5pm,Sunday 10am-2pmScience center openfrom 11am-5pmWHERE:FestivalPark-next to Imagination Station1 Discovery Way, Toledo,OH 43604Shark Week - August 10-15Sharks can stir up feelings of fear and awe morethan any other animal inthe sea. These spectacular creatures have outliveddinosaurs and many otherforms of life on earth andare essential to marine ecosystems. Imagination Station will celebrate thesepredators for a full week.Enhance your experience with an ImaginationStation SharkPass*. This special offerincludes a ticket tosee Great White Shark in3D - playing only duringShark Week - and a spotin a shark dissectionThink Tank workshop.It’s a great opportunityfor budding biologists togain a better understanding of various body systems and how they worktogether as they identifyand examine the tissues,structures and organs ofa shark.The Shark Pass is 15for members and 20 fornon-members. ScienceCenter admission is notincluded.You can find more information at vents/shark-week/Page 5Late Summer features Latino music, festivals in NW Ohio—also, the popular Jeep FestBy La Prensa StaffAugust 3, 22021:There are plenty ofLatino sounds acrossNorthwest Ohio for families to enjoy through Labor Day weekend andbeyond. But La Prensaurges visitors to followthe pandemic/COVIDguidelines of the CDC asit relates to the use ofmasks and vaccinationsif attending any publicevent. The Ss. Peter andPaul parish festival features the return of thepopular Houston, Texasbased, all-sister band, LasFénix Friday, Aug. 6through Sunday, Aug. 8,2021. There will be DJmusic, food vendors, andkids games all three days.Admission is 5 on Friday, 5 p.m. to midnight.The featured band willbe Los Aztecas. The festival runs 2 p.m. to midnight Saturday with admission at 10 and LosHermanos Villegas andLas Fénix as the mainstage performers, alongwith El Corazón deMexico Ballet Folklorico.Sunday runs 2 to 11 p.m.,with a 5 admission andperformancesfrom Los Fabüeloand Grupo Illusion. Toledo JeepFest begins Friday,August 6, withProMedica’sPromenade Concert.Countrysinger Josh Turner,the headliner; tickets for the concertstart at 15. Theannual All JeepParade in downtownToledo, is Saturday, August 7, 2021, starting at8:00AM. Celebrate withJeep and its 80-year anniversary! As a new feature atthe Stranahan Theater –Outdoor,4645Heatherdowns Blvd.,Toledo, the MidwestTejano y Mexicano Festival Friday, Aug. 27 to29 displays a lineup ofartists,includingToledo’s own Yvonne yFuego, Los Sementalesde Nuevo León, GrupoObzesión, DJ Kane y SuGrupo, Reto NorteñoBand, Grupo Motivo,Tejano Sound Band, LosAztecas, Grupo Dezeo,Tropical Del Bravo,Jacob Estrada, MichaelSalgado, Los Tiranos delNorte, Los HermanosVillegas, Bad Boys,Eliseo Robles y Su Vozde Oro, and Joe López.Gates open at 5 p.m.Friday with an 18 general admission. Gatesopen at 2 p.m. Saturdayand 1 p.m. Sunday. General admission passes are 58 each day. A threeday pass is 99. Ticketscan be purchased onlinein advance at Grito Fest is alsoback at Latins United,706 S. St. Clair St., 3 to11 p.m., Saturday, Sept.4. The street festival willfeature music, dancing,food, beverages, con-Visit us on Facebook at:, and a performanceby El Corazón de MexicoBallet Folklorico. Theannual festival benefitsthe dance troupe andhelps individual members defray costs for costumes, travel, and otherexpenses. La Familia ManchaEntertainment has linedup three tejano/norteñobands at Stacy’s Place,625 Plaza Dr., Fostoria,Ohio on Saturday, Sept.25, 2021: The SouthTexas Homies, Toledobased Grupo Dezeo, andLos Hermanos VillegasA block of speciallypriced hotel rooms alsohas been reserved forconcert patrons at theBest Western in Fostoria.

LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO/CLEVELAND 419-870-2797 DETROIT 313-729-4435La PrensaPage 6August 6, 2021COVID-19 TESTING LOCATIONSToledo HealthDepartment: RITE AID:Drive-thru testingavailable at the 7225Airport Highway;Time: Starting 6/4testing hours will be 108 M-F and 10-5 on theWeekend;Appointment: Musthave an appointment.Pre-screening andappointments can be setup at www.riteaid.comFor Questions: (419)866-8943;Cost: Free WALMART ONCENTRAL:Drive-thru testingavailable at the WalmartSupercenter at 5821Central Ave, Toledo;Time: Testing is available M-W-F from 7 am– 9 am;Appointment: Musthave an appointment.Pre-screening andappointments can be setup at www.MyQuestCOVIDTest.comFor Questions: (866)697-8378;Cost: Free LABCORP:Anti-body testingavailable at 1565 S.Byrne Rd Suite 105,Toledo;Time: Testing availableMonday-Friday from7:30 am – 4 pmAppointment: OrderRequired, No Appointment Needed.How Lapcorp Works(419-381-1300);Individuals without anorder may have onecreated at LabcorpCOVID-19 AntibodyTesting;Cost: 10 if order ispurchased fromLabcorp website. NHA: NEXUSHEALTHCARECENTER:Drive-thru and walk-uptesting available at theNexus HealthcareCenter at 1415 JeffersonAve;Time: Beginning 4/27;Appointment: Musthave an appointment.Pre-screening andappointments can be setup by calling 419-2145700;Cost: Free NHA: NAVARREPARK FAMILYCARE CENTER:Drive-thru and walk-uptesting available at theNavarre Park FamilyCare Center at 1020Varland Ave (SpanishSpeakers Available);Appointment: Musthave an appointment.Pre-screening andappointments can be setup by calling 419-2145700;Cost: Free CVS: Drive-thru testingavailable at the CVS Pharmacy at 2104 S. ByrneRoad, Toledo;Time: Testing is availableM-F from 9 am – 6 pm, onSat 9 am – 5 pm, and onSun 10 am – 5 pm;Appointment: Must havean appointment.Pre-screening and appointments can be set upat www.CVS.comFor Questions: 419-3899112 Cost: Free Health Partners ofWestern Ohio:Drive-thru and walk-upDrive-thru testing available at the Old West EndSite (former Girl ScoutBuilding) at 2244Collingwood BlvdToledo;Time: Testing is availableM-F from 8:15 am – 4pm (All Ages);Appointment: Musthave an appointment.Pre-screening andappointments can be setup by calling 567-3183900;Cost: Free NEW LOCATIONToledo Family Pharmacy: Drive-thru testingavailable at 324 MainStreet, Toledo;Time: Testing is availableM/TR: 10am -1 pm, W/F:1 pm-6 pm, Sat : 11 am-3pm;Appointment: Musthave an appointment;Visit or call 800635-8611 to schedule anappointment;Cost: FreeWayne County Community College; Drivethru 1001 W Fort St,Detroit, MI 48226;(313) 412-2160;Appointment RequiredFeatures No-cost No doctor’s orderneeded Tests uninsuredindividualsGuidelines Insurance accepted. Call to make anappointment for a selfswab test. Testingavailable to individualsmeeting CDC, state, andage guidelines. Tests some asymptomatic depending on riskand occupation. Health CentersDetroit Medical GroupFQHC, 7633 E.Jefferson Ave., Suite340, Detroit, MI 48214;(313) 822-9801Appointment RequiredHours:Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr –08:30AM-05:00PMFeatures Tests people withoutsymptoms (asymptomatic) No doctor’s orderneeded Tests uninsuredindividualsGuidelines Insurance accepted. Please call the site toschedule a testingappointment.Testing locations forCleveland:Grand Rapids, MI AFC Urgent CareGrand Rapids TeleCare: Cleveland Clinic - Main In an effort to minimizethe spread of infection, wecampus, 9500 Euclidare now able to provideAve., Cleveland. Drivethru. Walgreens, 4281 you with an opportunity tohold a telemedicine videoW. 130th St., Cleveland;visit with one of our prodrive-thru, 9am to 5pm.viders. This will allow ourClevelandproviders to facilitatehealth care virtually withOhio Dept of Health: Ifout an in-person have questionsTeleCare will be availableregarding Coronavirus/COVID-19 call 1-833-4- from 8:00am to 8:00pm,7 days a week. Patients reASK-ODH (1-833-427quiring further care will be5634).directed to our clinic orother appropriate health reMichigan Dept ofsources, as needed. MostHuman and Healthinsurance companies haveServicesagreed to cover thetelemedicine visits for theQuestions Aboutcost of your typical copay.COVID-19? Call theFor those patients who doCOVID-19 Hotline atnot have insurance cover888-535-6136.age, we are offering telemedicine visit for 65.Don’t Bring COVID-19 AFC URGENTHome.Get Tested Today At No CARE GRAND RAPIDSCost.Appointment is ReAre you or is someonequired for COVID Testclose to you sick oring. PHONE: 616-288has symptoms? Do you2980; 1740 28th Streetwork outside the home?You should get tested for SE Grand Rapids, MI49508coronavirus. There are CVS: Drug store

Toledo Jeep Fest begins Friday, August 6, 2021with ProMedica's Promenade Concert. Country singer Josh Turner, the headliner; tickets for the concert start at 15. The annual All Jeep Parade in downtown Toledo, is Saturday, August 7, 2021, starting at 8:00AM. Celebrate with Jeep and its 80-y

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