ISRO-UoP SPACE TECHNOLOGY CELLSAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITYM C UTTAMHon. DirectorSavitribai Phule Pune UniversityGaneshkhind, Pune - 411 007.Ref. No.: PU/ISRO-STC/1575Date: 12/09/2014Sub: Invitation for New Research Proposals under UoP-ISRO Joint ResearchProgramme for the year 2014-15Under ISRO-UoP Joint Research Programme, financial support is provided by ISRO for researchproposals having relevance to ISRO’s activities. Proposals may be made by the faculty ofUniversity of Pune and its affiliated colleges (Recognized Research Centers). Thrust areas currentlyidentified under the above programme are given below: Origin of lifeSpace RadiationWind measurements and modelingOptical coatings and sensorsRural development and developmental communicationGeo-informaticsRemote sensing applicationsMaterial SciencesBiodiversityInstrumentationImage processingIn addition, research proposals related to launch vehicle technology, satellite technology, groundbased systems and space sciences are also supported. Annexure-1 gives a list of broad topics ofinterest to ISRO in these areas. Innovative research proposals are invited from the academic circle ofUniversity of Pune and its affiliated colleges (Recognized Research Centers). Process for finalselection of the research proposals involves evaluation at 2-3 stages and Investigators are expected toprovide necessary clarifications. As a first step, research proposals received in response to thisinvitation will be scrutinized by Preliminary Evaluation Committee (PEC) and Investigators of theshortlisted proposals will be called for presentation. Suggestions to modify the proposals, if required,will be made to the Investigators of the shortlisted proposals. While assessing the new proposals, PECtakes into account the past performance of the Investigators who have under this scheme either
completed or are having an on-going project with them. Timely submission of the progress reports,expenditure status, minimum unspent funds, completion of the research project as per the scheduleand submission of a comprehensive final technical report are the factors for appraisal of the pastperformance. PEC’s recommendation then goes to Joint Policy Committee (JPC) chaired by Hon’bleVice Chancellor, University of Pune, where final acceptance/non-acceptance of the research proposalis given. Once the Project starts, Investigator is expected to submit six monthly progress reportshighlighting the technical achievements and difficulties if any. Expenditure statement is to besubmitted at the end of the financial year and unspent funds are to be returned. Release of funds forthe subsequent period will depend upon the expenditure status and submission of progress reports.You may kindly bring the above information to the notice of your colleagues in the Department andmotivate them to submit the research proposals in the prescribed format (Annexure-2) along with asoft copy to reach this Office on or before 31st October 2014. For any clarification, they may contactthe undersigned. Your cooperation and support is solicited to make the ISRO-UoP Joint ResearchProgramme a success.(M.C. Uttam)Encl: aaTo: Heads of Departments/ Principals of CollegesSavitribai Phule Pune UniversityCc: Chairman, JPC/Vice ChancellorSavitribai Phule Pune UniversityFor kind informationCc: Scientific Secretary & Dy Director RESPONDISRO HQsCc: Director, BCUD,Savitribai Phule Pune UniversityPhone: (020) 25695664, 25601407 Telefax : (020) 25695664E-mail : &
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SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY M C UTTAM Savitribai Phule Pune University Hon. Director Ganeshkhind, Pune - 411 007. . (Annexure-2) along with a soft copy to reach this Office on or before 31st October 2014. For any clarification, they may contact
ISRO -UoP Space Technology Cell . SUMMARY. This document presents the details of the activities of ISRO-UoP Space Technology Cell (STC) at Savitribai Phule Pune University during the year 2014-15. A brief report on c ompleted projects, giving summary of findings, is included in the document. Current status of ongoing projects is also presented.
UOP Advanced MTO produces the highest total ethylene and propylene yield at the lowest cost. UOP Advanced MTO is commercially proven technology with 9 units licensed 2 of which are operating successfully with 1 currently in start-up. UOP Advanced MTO operating units have demonstrated stable operation that exceed guaranteed performance.
UOP R&D conducted analysis of the UOP 4A DG adsorbent which showed high levels of coke formation consistent with reduced adsorption capacity Plant existing flow scheme was reviewed before recommending a treatment scheme. UOP Support UOP provided a charge of UOP MOLSIVTM UI-94 Adsorbent, for dehydration with partial oxygenate removal
Dr. Mehul Pandya Dr. Abha Chhabra Dr. Arun Bhardwaj (a) Room No. 4372, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad-380015. Email: Phone: 91 79 2691 4372 Simulated Circular polarimetric data C/o Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, 4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun - 248 001, India. Fax: 91 135 2741 987 Web:
of the cell and eventually divides into two daughter cells is termed cell cycle. Cell cycle includes three processes cell division, DNA replication and cell growth in coordinated way. Duration of cell cycle can vary from organism to organism and also from cell type to cell type. (e.g., in Yeast cell cycle is of 90 minutes, in human 24 hrs.)
UNIT-V:CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: 9. Cell- The Unit of Life: Cell- Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life- overview of the cell. Prokaryotic and Eukoryotic cells, Ultra Structure of Plant cell (structure in detail and functions in brief), Cell membrane, Cell wall, Cell organelles: Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria, Plastids,
Chevron Lummus Global RDS/VRDS Hydrotreating – Transportation Fuels from the Bottom of the Barrel 0930 – 0945 Break 0945 – 1100 Hydrotreating (cont’d) Selective Hydrogen Processes 1100 – 1230 Hydrotreating (cont’d) UOP Unionfining Technology UOP RCD Unionfining Pro
locked AutoCAD .DWG format electronically with a relevant index/issue sheet. Estates and Facilities currently use AutoCAD 2016. Drawings supplied on CD should be clearly labelled with the Project details, date and version of AutoCAD used. Drawings produced using BIM software (such as Revit) must be exported into AutoCAD DWG format before issue. The University will also require any original BIM .