Solomon Builds The Temple - CCQUAKERTOWN

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Lesson 091Solomon Builds The Temple1 Kings 6:1-38

MEMORY VERSE1 KIN GS 6:13“And I w ill dw ell am ong the c hildren of Israel, and w ill notforsake My people Israel.”WHAT YOU WILL NEED:A large sheet of butcher paper, red construction paper, scissors,glue and markers.As many copies of the “I am the Temple of the Spirit” templates asthe number of children in your class, various colors ofconstruction paper, brads or paper fasteners, glue stick andmarkers.Graham crackers, ready made frosting, craft sticks, paper platesand paper towels.ATTENTION GRABBER!Temple “Brick” BannerThe object of this activity is to make a large banner with bricks torepresent each child in your class. Have someone in your class (oryou can) look up Ephesians 2:19-22. Explain to the class that wewill be learning about the time when Solomon built the temple andhow that each one of us is the temple of the Holy Spirit.To help us to see how that we are each a part of “God’s building,”we will make a banner with several bricks. You will need a largepiece of butcher paper. Using half-sheets (cut width-wise) of redconstruction paper make enough bricks for each child in the class.Have the children decorate each brick. Instruct the children toleave enough space for a name to be written on the “brick.”

Next have the children pair up. Instruct the children to writedown the name of their partner (the teacher and aide will need toassist the younger children). Instruct the children to find one goodthing about their partner to write down on their brick. Next gluethe brick onto the banner. See if you have enough bricks to build abuilding, or temple. Your class can also draw on the banner toenhance the picture. On the top of the banner write “We are t h etemple of the Holy Spirit. ”LESSON TIME!King David desired to build a temple for God. He loved God verymuch and felt like God should be built a nice house to dwell in,instead of having to dwell in a tent. But as we studied in a previouslesson, God told David, “no” (see 2 Samuel 7). But instead Hepromised David that his son would build a house for Him. Intoday’s lesson we are going to learn about the time when David’sson, Solomon began to construct the temple of God.We will also learn some very important things about God and Hispresence with His people. In the Old Testament times, God firstdwelt with His people in the tabernacle. Later He dwelt with Hispeople in the temple. Then in the New Testament we are told thatHe dwells in very different temples. His people are the temples inwhich He now lives. Pretty amazing that God would dwell inside ofus. We are going to learn more about that in our lesson today.We find that as King Solomon begins his reign that he is a goodking. He is leading the people of Israel in the ways of God. Becausethe people were being obedient, the Israelites were going through aperiod of peace and prosperity. Times were good. God was richlyblessing them.Solomon himself was very wealthy.He also had a goodrelationship with the countries around Israel. Because of that he

was able to purchase materials that would make the temple a verybeautiful place to honor and worship God.In today’s lesson we are going to learn more about that temple, howbeautiful it was and how it glorified God. Also in today’s lesson, wewill see a picture of how our bodies are the temple of the HolySpirit. He lives inside of us. So we should glorify the Lord with ourbodies. In everything that we do and say we should always giveglory to God. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.1 KIN G S 6:1An d i t c a m e t o p a s s i n t h e f o u r h u n d r e d a n dei gh t i et h y ear af t er t h e c h i l d r en o f Is r ael h ad c o m eo u t o f t h e l an d o f Egy p t , i n t h e f o u r t h y e ar o fS o l o m o n 's r ei gn o v er Is r ael , i n t h e m o n t h o f Z i v ,w h i c h i s t h e s ec o n d m o n t h , t h at h e began t o bu i l dthe hou se of the LOR D .It was in the spring of the fourth year of Solomon’s reign that hebegan to build the temple. This was 480 years after the people lefttheir slavery in Egypt. During this time the nation of Israelworshipped God in the tabernacle, the tent of meeting. This was aportable structure set up to house the Ark of the Covenant as wellas to perform the sacrifices and ceremonies.Now the time had finally come to build a permanent structure thatwould bring glory to God among all of the nations. This desire wasborn in David’s heart and fulfilled in Solomon’s life. David had abig dream, to build a house for God to dwell in. Do you have bigdreams for how you want to serve God? It is important to want todo great things for the Lord. God can use us to do so many things,if we will simply trust in Him. Who knows what God may do withany one of the lives from our classroom today? We are t h etemple of the Holy Spirit.

1 KIN G S 6:2-6N ow t h e h ou s e w h i c h Ki n g S ol om on bu i l t f or t h eLOR D , i t s l en gt h w as s i xt y c u bi t s , i t s w i d t h t w en t y ,an d i t s h ei gh t t h i r t y c u bi t s .T h e v es t i bu l e i n f r on t of t h e s an c t u ar y of t h e h ou s ew as t w en t y c u bi t s l on g ac r os s t h e w i d t h of t h e h ou s e,an d t h e w i d t h of t h e v es t i bu l e ext en d ed t en c u bi t sfrom the front of the house.An d h e m a d e f o r t h e h o u s e w i n d o w s w i t h b e v e l e df ram es.Ag a i n s t t h e w a l l o f t h e t e m p l e h e b u i l t c h a m b e r s a l lar o u n d , agai n s t t h e w al l s o f t h e t em p l e, al l ar o u n dt he sanc t u ary and t he inner sanc t u ary. Thu s he m ad es i d e c h am ber s al l ar ou n d i t .T h e l ow es t c h am ber w as f i v e c u bi t s w i d e, t h e m i d d l ew as s i x c u bi t s w i d e, an d t h e t h i r d w as s ev en c u bi t sw i d e; f o r h e m ad e n ar r o w l ed ges ar o u n d t h e o u t s i d eof t h e t em p l e, s o t h at t h e s u p p or t beam s w ou l d n otbe f as t en ed i n t o t h e w al l s of t h e t em p l e.The main part of the temple was ninety feet long, thirty feet wide,and forty-five feet high. It had a large porch, the full width of thebuilding, with narrow windows throughout. When you think aboutit, the temple wasn’t a very large building.NOTE TO TEACHER:Perhaps you could compare thesemeasurements to a building or something else your children canrelate to in order to give them an idea of size.On both sides of the temple small rooms where built against theouter walls. These rooms were three stories high. The lower floor

was 7 feet wide. There were ledges around the building so thatthe beams would not be built into the temple walls.1 KIN G S 6:7,8An d t h e t e m p l e , w h e n i t w a s b e i n g b u i l t , w a s b u i l tw i t h s t on e f i n i s h ed at t h e qu arry, s o t h at n o h am m eror c hisel or any iron t ool w as heard in t he t em p lew h i l e i t w as bei n g bu i l t .T h e d o o r w ay f o r t h e m i d d l e s t o r y w as o n t h e r i gh ts i d e of t h e t em p l e. T h ey w en t u p by s t ai r s t o t h em id d le st ory, and f rom t he m id d le t o t he t hird .The blocks used in the construction were pre-finished at the rockquarry so that no building noise was heard at the sight of thetemple. The bottom floor of the side rooms was entered from theright side of the temple. There was a winding flight of stairs fromthe second to the third level.It would appear that there was a certain reverence that was keptduring the building of the temple. The workers respected thethings of the Lord and wanted to do an excellent job and use onlythe best materials. It is an example of how we need to be careful torespect the things of the Lord.If We are the temple of the Holy Spirit then certainly we needto show reverence and respect in our lives. God is awesome andworthy of all of our respect. We can do that through worship andspending time with the Lord in prayer and in His word. We shouldalways give the Lord our best. We are the temple of the H o l ySpirit.1 KIN G S 6:9,10S o h e bu i l t t h e t em p l e an d f i n i s h ed i t , an d h ep an el ed t h e t em p l e w i t h beam s an d boar d s of c ed ar .

An d h e b u i l t s i d e c h a m b e r s a g a i n s t t h e e n t i r et em p l e, eac h f i v e c u bi t s h i gh ; t h ey w er e at t ac h ed t ot h e t em p l e w i t h c ed ar beam s .After completing the temple, Solomon paneled it all with cedar.The annex of rooms was connected to the temple with cedarbeams. Each story of the annex was 7 feet high.1 KIN G S 6:11-13T h en t h e w o r d o f t h e LOR D c am e t o S o l o m o n , s ay i n g:"C o n c er n i n g t h i s t em p l e w h i c h y o u ar e bu i l d i n g, i fy o u w al k i n M y s t at u t es , exec u t e M y j u d gm en t s , k eepall M y c om m and m ent s, and w alk in t hem , t hen I w illperform My word with you, which I spoke to yourf at her D av id ." An d I w i l l d w e l l a m o n g t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r a e l , a n dw ill not f orsak e M y p eop le Israel."Then the Lord sent a message to Solomon about the temple. “If youdo what I tell you and follow all of my commandments andinstructions, I will live among the people of Israel and will neverforsake them like I promised your father, David.”God’s promise to us is that He will bless us as we walk in His ways.The promises to us are even better in Jesus. When Jesus comesinto our hearts He promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us. TheHoly Spirit comes inside of our hearts and dwells with us forever.God’s presence is with us in our temple. We are the temple o fthe Holy Spirit.I Am The Temple of the Spirit!Use the enclosed template; make one copy for each child in yourclass. You will need various colors of construction paper for the

heart, arms and legs, brads or paper fasteners, glue stick andmarkers.Have the children cut out the heart, arms and legs. Next, havethem write the phrase “I am the temple of the Holy Spirit” ontotheir heart (for younger children, you may need to help them).Next, have them write their names onto the heart. They can coloror decorate the heart, arms and legs.Glue the arms and legs to construction paper to make the craftstronger. Attach the arms and legs to the heart with brads.Reinforce the theme of today’s lesson by reminding the childrenthat We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.1 KIN G S 6:14-18S o S ol om on bu i l t t h e t em p l e an d f i n i s h ed i t .An d h e b u i l t t h e i n s i d e w a l l s o f t h e t e m p l e w i t hc ed ar boar d s ; f r om t h e f l oor of t h e t em p l e t o t h ec eiling he p aneled t he insid e w it h w ood ; and hec ov ered t he f loor of t he t em p le w it h p lank s ofcypress.Then he built the twenty-cubit room at the rear of t h etemple, from floor to ceiling, with cedar boards; he built i tinside as the inner sanctuary, as the Most Holy Place.And in front of it the temple sanctuary was forty c u b i t slong.The inside of the temple was cedar, carved w i t hornamental buds and open flowers. All was cedar; there w a sno stone to be seen.At last the temple was finished. The entire inside, from floor toceiling, was paneled with cedar and the floors were made of

cypress wood. At the far end of the building was a 30-foot innerroom which was called the Most Holy Place. It also was paneledfrom floor to ceiling with cedar. The rest of the temple was 60 feetlong. Throughout the temple the cedar paneling laid over thestone walls and was carved with designs of rosebuds and openflowers.Something interesting about the wood covering the stone is thatthe workers took so much extra time to cut the stones just right,including the foundation stones. God is not only interested inthose things that are visible. He also wants those things that areeven hidden away, invisible to be done well.Even when we won’t be seen by anyone, how do we work for theLord? Is our work pleasing to Him? What is really happening in ourhearts between us and the Lord? We should desire to do what ispleasing to Him all of the time. We should do everything “as untothe Lord.” We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.1 KIN G S 6:19-22An d h e p r e p a r e d t h e i n n e r s a n c t u a r y i n s i d e t h et em p le, t o set t he ark of t he c ov enant of t he LOR Dthere.T h e i n n er s an c t u ar y w as t w en t y c u bi t s l o n g, t w en t yc u bi t s w i d e, an d t w en t y c u bi t s h i gh . He o v er l ai d i tw i t h p u r e go l d , an d o v er l ai d t h e al t ar o f c ed ar .S o S olom on ov erlaid t he insid e of t he t em p le w it hp u r e go l d . He s t r et c h ed go l d c h ai n s ac r o s s t h e f r o n to f t h e i n n er s an c t u ar y , an d o v er l ai d i t w i t h go l d .T h e w h o l e t em p l e h e o v er l ai d w i t h go l d , u n t i l h e h adf i n i s h ed al l t h e t em p l e; al s o h e o v er l ai d w i t h go l dt h e en t i r e al t ar t h at w as by t h e i n n er s an c t u ar y.

The inner room at the far end, the Most Holy Place, was where theArk of the Covenant of the Lord was placed. This inner sanctuarywas thirty feet wide by thirty feet long and thirty feet high. Itswalls and ceiling were overlaid with pure gold. He built a cedaraltar for this room and covered it with pure gold. Then he coveredthe rest of the temple with pure gold. He made gold chains toprotect the entrance to the Most Holy Place.Even as beautiful as that room must have been, its real beauty camefrom the Lord’s presence. We can try to make ourselves asbeautiful as possible, but we can never be a beautiful as when wehave the presence of the Lord in our hearts. We are the t e m p l eof the Holy Spirit.1 KIN G S 6:23-28In s i d e t h e i n n er s an c t u ar y h e m ad e t w o c h er u bi m ofo l i v e w o o d , eac h t en c u bi t s h i gh .On e w i n g of t h e c h er u b w as f i v e c u bi t s , an d t h e ot h erw i n g of t h e c h er u b f i v e c u bi t s : t en c u bi t s f r om t h etip of one wing to the tip of the other.An d t h e o t h e r c h e r u b w a s t e n c u b i t s ; b o t h c h e r u b i mw ere of t he sam e siz e and shap e.T h e h ei gh t o f o n e c h er u b w as t en c u bi t s , an d s o w ast h e ot h er c h er u b.T h en h e s et t h e c h er u bi m i n s i d e t h e i n n er r oom ; an dt h ey s t r et c h ed o u t t h e w i n gs o f t h e c h er u bi m s o t h att he w ing of t he one t ou c hed one w all, and t he w ingo f t h e o t h e r c h e r u b t o u c h e d t h e o t h e r w a l l . An dt h ei r w i n gs t o u c h ed eac h o t h er i n t h e m i d d l e o f t h eroom .Al s o h e o v e r l a i d t h e c h e r u b i m w i t h g o l d .

In the inner sanctuary he built two identical cherubim, or angelsfrom olive wood. They were fifteen feet long and fifteen feet high.They were placed so that their wings spread out from wall to wallwith their inner wings touching each other in the center of theroom. They were both covered with gold.Imagine how wonderful that must have looked. The priest wouldonly come into this room once per year on the Day of Atonementwhen he would sprinkle blood on the altar for the forgiveness ofthe people’s sins. So again we see God’s attention to detail, evenwhen people won’t be seeing it very much.Sometimes God may want to do something in our life that othersmay not see. He may want to correct a wrong attitude or teach usto rely on Him more. Maybe He will have us serve somewhere thatno one ever sees except Him and us. That is OK, because He knowsthe kind of temple that He wants to fill up with His presence. He isdoing His work to make us that temple. So we need to just trustHim to make us the temple that He wants us to be.1 KIN G S 6:29,30Then he c arv ed all t he w alls of t he t em p le allar ou n d , bot h t h e i n n er an d ou t er s an c t u ar i es , w i t hc ar v ed f i gu r es o f c h er u bi m , p al m t r ees , an d o p enflowers.An d t h e f l o o r o f t h e t e m p l e h e o v e r l a i d w i t h g o l d ,bot h t h e i n n er an d ou t er s an c t u ar i es .Figures of angels, palm trees and open flowers were carved on allthe walls of both rooms and were covered with gold. He evencovered the floor with gold. No expense was spared in order makethe most beautiful place possible for the Lord’s glory.

1 KIN G S 6:31-35For t he ent ranc e of t he inner sanc t u ary he m ad ed oors of oliv e w ood ; t he lint el and d oorp ost s w ereon e-f i f t h of t h e w al l .The t w o d oors w ere of oliv e w ood ; and he c arv ed ont h em f i gu r es o f c h er u bi m , p al m t r ees , an d o p enf l o w er s , an d o v er l ai d t h em w i t h go l d ; an d h e s p r eadgo l d o n t h e c h er u bi m an d o n t h e p al m t r ees .S o f or t he d oor of t he sanc t u ary he also m ad ed oorp os t s of ol i v e w ood , on e-f ou rt h of t h e w al l .An d t h e t w o d o o r s w e r e o f c y p r e s s w o o d ; t w o p a n e l scom prisedonefoldingdoor,andtwop anelscom prised the other folding door.T h en h e c ar v ed c h er u bi m , p al m t r ees , an df low ers on t hem , and ov erlaid t hem w it hap p lied ev enly on t he c arv ed w ork .opengo l dThe doorway to the inner sanctuary was made from olive wood. Hethen made square door-posts of olive wood for the entrance to theTemple. There were two folding doors of cypress wood and eachdoor was hinged to fold back upon itself. All the doors were carvedwith angels, palm trees, open flowers and were covered withhammered gold.Notice all of the detail that was taken to build the temple.Sometimes we may read this list real fast and not stop to considerwhat this may have been like. There was an incredible amount ofdetail taken to carve the palm trees, the flowers and the angels.The workers with the gold used the greatest amount of detailpossible to make beautiful works. It must have taken a great dealof time. God is concerned about the details of our lives. We a r ethe temple of the Holy Spirit.

1 KIN G S 6:36-38An d h e b u i l t t h e i n n e r c o u r t w i t h t h r e e r o w s o f h e w ns t on e an d a r ow of c ed ar beam s .In t he f ou rt h year t he f ou nd at ion of t he hou se of t heLOR D w as laid , in t he m ont h of Z iv .An d i n t h e e l e v e n t h y e a 13, i n t h e m o n t h o f B u l ,w h i c h i s t h e ei gh t h m o n t h , t h e h o u s e w as f i n i s h ed i nall it s d et ails and ac c ord ing t o all it s p lans. S o hew as s ev en year s i n bu i l d i n g i t .The wall of the inner courtyard had three layers of hewn stone andone layer of cedar beams. The foundation was started in themonth of May in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign. The entirebuilding was completed in November of the eleventh year. It tookseven years to complete from beginning to end.Solomon’s temple was built with the best and the most expensivematerials available. No cost was spared. The gold covering madethe temple a place of wonderful beauty. It shined to represent theglory of God.The Bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit of God.Nothing has been spared to redeem us, not even the life of Hisprecious Son, Jesus which is more valuable than all the goldcovering the temple walls. His blood cleansed and removed oursins so that our lives can become a life of beauty to glorify God.The temple was built out of love and obedience. The result wasGod’s blessings. God promised the Israelites that if they wouldobey His commands and follow Him, then He would live amongthem and never leave them.God wants to bless us. If we obey God by asking Jesus into ourheart, He will make something beautiful out of our lives. He will

live within our hearts, and will never leave us. We can depend onHim and can trust Him always. In everything we do let usremember that we are the temple of God’s Holy Spirit. We are t h etemple of the Holy Spirit.Cracker TempleThis is a craft and a snack all in one! You will need either grahamcrackers or saltine crackers, ready made frosting, craft sticks,p

After completing the temple, Solomon paneled it all with cedar. The annex of rooms was connected to the temple with cedar beams. Each story of the annex was 7 _ feet high. 1 KINGS 6:11-13 Then the word of the LORD came to Solomon, saying: "Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, keep

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