THE EQUALIZER Written By Richard Wenk Based On The .

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THE EQUALIZERWritten byRichard WenkBased on the Television Series created by Michael SloanFirst DraftJune 25, 2012

AN ALARM CLOCKHits 5:30 AM and goes off.BEDROOMGrey morning light.empty.Alarm still BUZZING because the room’sBed already made. Tight enough to flip a quarter.Spartan and immaculate.RoomInside the BATHROOM.A HAND WIPES STEAM OFF A FOGGED BATHROOM MIRRORJust enough to see the straight razor gliding across thefinal patch of lather.INT.KITCHEN - MORNINGBlender being loaded: Wheat grass, Almond milk, Wheyprotein, a cup of organic Blueberries.WRIST WATCH - finger hits the stopwatch button on it.HANDS DO THE DISHESDrying the blender and glass.only ONE of everything.Into a cabinet where there’sARMS IRON A SHIRTWith the precision of a surgeon.and cuffs.INT.Spray starch, stiff collarBEDROOM - MORNINGShirt’s buttoned. Leather belt slipped into creased pants.Tie knotted and tightened exactly.Stepping in front of a mirror.

2.ROBERT MCCALLMiddle aged, middle class, middle of the road looks.with his appearance, McCall adds a final touch.An ORANGE VEST.timer.PleasedFinger hits the STOP button on the watchCUT TO:A DOZEN ORANGE VESTSMoving about various aisles inside.HOME DEPOT - MORNINGDollies full of Quickset, painting materials and plumbingsupplies being wheeled through the aisles by CONTRACTORS ANDHANDYMEN.McCall on a ladder tossing down a box of wall switches to aDAY LABORER.MCCALLDidn’t you pick up switches lastweek?LABOREROwner wants touch dimmers now.McCall smiles.Climbs down the ladder.MCCALLWhen they pay.MCCALL/LABORERThey say.LOADING DOCKMcCall PUSHES a dolly LOADED WITH PLYWOOD towards a panelVAN. Huffing and puffing past TWO YOUNG DUDES leaningagainst a fork lift.

3.YOUNG DUDE 1Should make the old guys takefitness tests.YOUNG DUDE 2Like Firemen.McCall sweating.Young Dudes.Removing his gloves as he walks past theYOUNG DUDE 1Betcha didn’t have to push no dollyin your last job, did ya Pops.MCCALL(good natured)Guilty as charged.As he walks off.YOUNG GUY 2Dudes come in here thinkin’ it’sall tape measures, paint cans and“how may I help you”.INT. HOME DEPOT BREAK ROOM - DAYMcCall on his break. A DOZEN EMPLOYEES scattered around theroom on plastic chairs in front of Formica tables.McCall makes his way to the back table where RALPHIE, aheavyset kid in his 20’s sits alone. Takes a seat.Ralphie empties the contents of his bag for McCall to see.McCall looks suspicious.RALPHIEIt’s Tuna.MCCALLWhat kind of bread?RALPHIEWhole grain. o.Veganese Mayo.

4.McCall smiles. Digs into his ground turkey and veggie mix asRalphie bites into his sandwich.CRUNCHRalphie winces. On McCall’s look Ralphie slides his sandwichacross the table. McCall lifts the bread to reveal a layerof potato chips.What?RALPHIE (CONT’D)Potatoes are a vegetable.Prison yard stare from McCall.RALPHIE (CONT’D)I like crunchy things.MCCALLCarrots are crunchy. Dried seaweedis crunchy. You like those?McCall picks off a chip, holds it up.MCCALL (CONT’D)Partially hydrogenated vegetableoil. Corn syrup. Those are theenemy, son.(beat)You wanna make Security Guard? Yougotta lose weight. Test is comingup in a week. You asked me to helpyou.But if you’re not going toapply yourself.Ralphie drops his head in defeat. McCall reaches across thetable and lifts Ralphie’s head back up.MCCALL (CONT’D)Hey. You can do it. Progress, notperfection.INT. SUBWAY - NIGHTRush hour crowded. McCall stands in the packed car.another tired face at the end of a long day.Just

5.EXT. OCEAN AVENUE, BROOKLYNLower middle class neighborhood of aging apartment buildingsand bodegas.Street lamps flicker on as McCall reaches a five story walkup.BUILDING FOYERMcCall opens the only mailbox with no name on it. Removes aflyer and a credit card offer that go right in the trash.MCCALL’S KITCHENMcCall watching the 6:30 news as he washes his dinnerdishes. Single dish, fork, knife and glass.EXT. CONEY ISLAND BOARDWALK - NIGHTOnly half operational. Ferris Wheel moans and creaks underthe weight of bundled up PATRONS.McCall sits on a bench PEOPLE watching.peace.Comfortable.AtPING! The SHOOTING BOOTH catches his attention.Watches apoor IMMIGRANT FATHER plop down dollar after dollar valiantlytrying to win a giant Sponge Bob for his kid.Only to fail every time.The Father eventually runs out of dollars and walks off withhis heartbroken son.INT. MCCALL’S BEDROOM - NIGHTClock reads 9:40. McCall in bed. Reading a hardcover ofHemingway’s “Old man and the Sea”.CLOCK1:48 AM

6.MCCALLIn the dark.Wide awake.INT. A DINER - NIGHTA punch-drunk, open-all-night dive.behind the chipped Formica counter.block reads the next days paper.A bored COUNTERMANDOORMAN from down theA lone GIRL at a table by the window, ear phones in, iPodplaying, eyes closed. Cheap cocktail dress, stockings andcostume jewelry leave no doubt what she is.Wall clock says 2:11 AM when McCall walks in with his book.Shuffles to a seat at his usual table near the back.Counterman comes over and sets a cup and a small pot of hotwater at McCall’s table without asking.McCall uses anapkin to wipe out the cup. Takes a tea bag from his pocket,drops it in the cup and pours the boiling water over it.Opens his book and reads.TERI (OS)He catch the fish yet?McCall glances up. Teri THE HOOKER pulling her earphonesout. Pretty, late 20s. Few tats peeking out from her dress.MCCALLJust hooked it.TERIAbout time.MCCALLIt’s a big fish. Don’t know if hecan hang on to it though.TERI(playful)Oh no.MCCALLTooth and nail right now.TERIMaybe he’s too old.

7.McCall nods. They’re quiet for a while.of her Apple pie.Teri takes a biteMCCALLThought you were going to stopeating all that refined sugar.TERI(with a mouthful)I am.MCCALLWhen.TERIAny day now.MCCALLBad for the vocal cords.Teri looks away sheepishly.MCCALL (CONT’D)How’s the singing?She shrugs.TERIGot myself a little machine to makedemos. We’ll see.MCCALLBet you’re good.TERIWhat makes you think that?MCCALLIntuition.Teri smiles her first real smile.back into silence.Teri finishes her pie.door.After a beat they descendShoulders her tote and starts for theTERILemme know what happens next.

8.INT. HOME DEPOT, ELECTRICAL AISLE - DAYMcCall rolls another Dolly past the Young Dudes slacking off.INT. HOME DEPOT - HARDWARE AISLE - MORNINGRalphie stocking packages of extension make sure no one is looking.Looks aroundPushes aside some boxes and reaches his arm to the back ofthe shelf. Pulls out.A bag of sunflower seeds?Crunchy.MCCALL (OS)Just how you like ‘em.Ralphie looks up to see McCall walk off holding the SnickersBar he was looking for.INT. HOME DEPOT - LOADING DOCKMcCall on his break. Popping sunflower seeds and watchingthe trucks being loaded.Looks up to see the two Young Dudes standing over him.YOUNG DUDE 1We’re bettin’ on what you did ‘foreyou got here?YOUNG DUDE 2For a living.YOUNG DUDE 2 (CONT’D)I bet Insurance. Claims and shit.YOUNG DUDE 1Wall Street. Stock dude.McCall pockets his seeds.MCCALLI was a Pip.Pip?YOUNG DUDE 1The fuck is a Pip?

9.You know.Pips?MCCALLGladys Knight and theMcCall gets up. Does a little Pip move. Pulling the whistleon the Midnight Train to Georgia. Young Dudes eyes wideningas they slowly get it.YOUNG DUDE 2No shit!MCCALLOne on the right.INT. HOME DEPOT - DUSKMcCall collects his paycheck from the SUPERVISOR.EXT. CHECK CASHING PLACE - DUSKMcCall stands in line with OTHER WORKERS.FACES in line not much different from his.they expected to be at this stage in life.Men not whereINT. MCCALL’S APARTMENTDinner dishes already cleaned and put away.McCall’s at his book case in the back hallway. Watering thefew small plants that live on top of it. Shelves lined withbook titles that seem eclectic.MCCALL’S BEDROOM - LATERWork clothes laid out.Bed empty.Clock reads 2:18 AMINT. DINER - SAME TIMEMcCall at his table reading a new book.his cup.Tea bag floating inDoorman at the counter with the Post as Teri glides in andplops down in her usual spot.

10.Counterman already over with her coffee and donut.takes a quick bite and a sip. Turns to McCall.TERIHe catch the fish?MCCALLHe did.TERIHappy ending. Yay.MCCALLNot exactly.McCall closes his book.MCCALL (CONT’D)Old Man tied the dead fish to theboat and had to row back.Teri’s elbows on the table now.MCCALL (CONT’D)On the way in the fish bled outinto the water. Blood drew sharks.The old man tried to fight themoff.(beat)Ate the fish before he could get ithome.TERISo the whole thing was a waste.MCCALLDepends on how you look at it.(beat)Old Man spent his life fightingfish. Then, when he figured thatpart of his life was over, he methis greatest adversary.(beat)It was as if both of them had beenwaiting for this moment.(beat)During the struggle the Old Mansort of formed a bond - a respect for the fish. A kind of love.Teri

11.TERIWhy didn’t he let it go then?MCCALLThe Old Man had to be the old manand the Fish had to be the fish.That’s life. You gotta be who youare.A long pause.Two people who understand loss.Well.TERIHe lost.MCCALLOld man went out too far.than he should have.FartherA long silence. Teri breathes into her cup so the soft steamtouches her face. Counterman rhythmically wipes the counter.McCall picks up his new book.Outside, it begins to rain.INT. BREAK ROOM - DAYMcCall sitting with Ralphie going over his food plan whenSEVERAL EMPLOYEES singing “Happy Birthday” enter the room.SUPERVISOR GEORGIE holds a donut sporting a lit candle.McCall reacts with confusion as Georgie puts the donut infront of him.Georgie laughs at McCall’s blank look.GEORGIEYou forget?McCall realizes it’s for HIS birthday.Shaking his head.MCCALLTalk about a senior moment.INT. A DINER - NIGHTTeri at her table. Ear phones in. Lost in some song when adonut is placed in front of her.Looks up to see McCall.

12.MCCALLLoaded with like it.Just the wayA beat, she looks up at him. Ugly bruise on her face.McCall pretends not to notice.MCCALL (CONT’D)Someone’s birthday at work.want to waste it.Didn’tGoes to his table and sits. Counterman brings the pot andcup. McCall takes out his tea bag.Teri walks over with the donut and sits.over to him.Slides a burned CDTERILet me know if I’m any good.Catches McCall sneaking a look at her bruise.TERI (CONT’D)You should see the other guy.okay. Comes with the job.It’sPicks up the donut.TERI (CONT’D)Whose birthday?MCCALLSome guy.TERIHappy birthday, some guy.(a beat)I’m breaking protocol. Should I goback to my table?No.MCCALLIt’s fine.TERII just needed company tonight.(beat)Teri.MCCALLBob.

13.Teri studies McCall.TERIYou don’t look like a Bob. Morelike a Robert. Robert reads books.Bob watches TV.McCall smiles.Picks up the CD.MCCALLTeri the singer.TERIYou and I both know what I reallyam.Takes a bite of the donut.TERI (CONT’D)I mean I WANT to be a singer. ITHINK I can be a singer. Doesn’tmake me one.MCCALLI believe anybody can be who theywant to be.Teri laughs.TERIMaybe where you come world.Not inMCCALLThen change your world.TERINot that easy.Comfortable silence.TERI (CONT’D)No ring.(off McCall’s look)On your finger. No Mrs. Robert athome?MCCALLNo.

14.TERIEver?Once.MCCALLA ways back.TERIBreak her heart?MCCALLShe broke mine.(beat)She died.Teri looks at McCall with a mixture of sadness and curiosity.TERIThought that might be it. I see alot of widowed guys. It’s theeyes.MCCALLThe eyes.TERIYeah. Not sad.It’s sweet.McCall doesn’t blink.Just. lost.Smart girl.TERI (CONT’D)You always read?MCCALLNo. My wife did. I was away alot. For work. So she read. Wasmaking her way through the 100Books everyone should read. Got to97.(beat)Figured it would give us somethingto talk about someday. Something wecould share.TERIA hundred books. Holy moly.many have you read?MCCALL91.How

15.No shit.TERI91. Almost done.MCCALLAlmost.Beat.TERIThen what?MCCALLI don’t know.EXT. DINER - NIGHTMcCall and Teri walk out together.TERII’m gonna grab a cab.Both head for the corner.TERI (CONT’D)What’s 92 about?McCall holds up DON QUIXOTE.MCCALLGuy who thinks he’s a Knight. Onlyhe lives in a world where knightsdon’t exist any more.TERISounds like my world.Teri steps to the curb to hail a cab.WHITE VAN rolls up.A Few FLY BY.Then aTALL MAN with LONG HAIR gets out of the passenger side.colored leather jacket, tanning-bed complexion.McCall watches Teri stiffen.The two ARGUE in Russian.Finally Teri looks back at him.TERI (CONT’D)I have to go with them. It’s okay.See you. when I see you.Bone-

16.Forces a smile and gets in the van.McCall. Hands him a card.Tall Guy walks over toSLAVI(Russian accent)You call number. they send youanother one. Just as good. Tellthem Slavi said.Gets back in the Van and drives off.over in his hand.McCall turns the cardAn escort service.INT. MCCALL’S APARTMENT - NIGHTBathed in SHADOWS. Everything still.Teri’s CD wafting through the rooms.Just the SOUND ofMcCall at the kitchen table with a glass of Grapefruit juice.Listening.Rough, edgy, passionate, unpolished.McCall’s eyes twinkle just a tad.A diamond in the rough.Not bad.INT. HOME DEPOT - DAYPEARL, 300 pounds of attitude, walking towards the BACKOFFICE. The Two Young Dudes sidle up on either side of her.YOUNG DUDE 2Pearly. Which one of us you gonnaask out.YOUNG DUDE 1Seen you eyeing us for a week now.But you can only have one of usso. Whose it gonna be?PEARLBeen eyein’ you two, alright.Young Dudes primping now.

17.PEARL (CONT’D)Trying to figure out what eitherone of you lazy mutherfuckers doall day and why I shouldn’t fireyour worthless, bony asses.Dudes stopping, letting Pearl continue on.YOUNG DUDE 2Seems more like your type.Dude 1 SEES McCall handing a DRIVER a receipt at the LOADINGDOCK. Stepping into his path.Yo.YOUNG DUDE 1You weren’t no Pip, Old Man.Shoves his iPhone under his nose. You Tube Video of GladysKnight and the Pips. McCall smiles.MCCALLSoul Train. ‘82.the end.That’s me.OnYOUNG DUDE 2Ain’t you.MCCALLFew pounds lighter and a lot morehair. But damn. I was goodlooking.McCall perfectly mirrors the dance moves then walks offleaving the Young Dudes staring at the screen.INT. A DINER - NIGHTMcCall at his table. Tea poured. DON QUIXOTE open in frontof him. Keeps glancing at the door.No Teri tonight.EXT. HOME DEPOT PARKING LOT - LUNCH BREAKSeveral LUNCH TRUCKS parked out front. Orange Vestssprinkled out, eating under trees or on the grass.Not McCall or Ralphie.

18.They’re at the far edge of the lot, McCall putting Ralphiethrough an exercise routine. Urging him to do one more pullup, one more push up.MCCALLWho’s gonna be the best SecurityGuard?RALPHIEI am, SIR!INT. A DINER - NIGHTMcCall walks in. Again, no Teri. The Counterman brings overhis cup and pot of hot water.Notices McCall eyeing thedoor.COUNTERMANShe’s up at Kings County. Heardsomeone beat her up pretty bad.INT. KINGS COUNTY HOSPITAL, IC WARD - NIGHTMcCall is standing on one side of a chicken wire and glasswindow staring into the Intensive Care room.INT. ICUEight beds. All filled. Teri’s in the far corner.Attached to wires and IV’s.Face bandaged, neck in a brace.Almost unrecognizable.A YOUNG WOMAN dozes in a chair next to the bed.INT. HOSPITAL CAFETERIA - NIGHTThe same Young Woman pays for a cup of coffee.Takes it toa condiment station and loads it with an ungodly amount ofsugar.MCCALL (OS)How’s she doing?Her head snaps.Teri.Finds McCall sitting at a far table.MCCALL (CONT’D)How’s she doing?

19.The Young Woman eyes McCall, hard as rock.John.Just anotherYOUNG WOMANWell she’s not god.The Young Woman reaches for her coffee and tries to bring thecup to her lips. Hands begin shaking and the coffee spills.McCall steps over and takes the cup from her hands. Sets itdown then gets some napkins and sops up the spillage.THE CAFETERIA - LATERUnder the green glow of Fluorescents,Young Woman’s table listening.McCall sits at theYOUNG WOMAN. guy hit her. Some Johns thinkthey can do that.(beat)She hit him back and the guy calledSlavi.WHAM!TERI’S FACE (FLASHBACK)Hit with a massive fist.Cheek bone shattering.YOUNG WOMAN (OS)He set her straight.UPSTAIRS OFFICE - WIDERTeri face up on the carpet. A RING OF MEN standing over her.On the couch THREE OTHER ESCORTS (including the Young Woman)sit silently in horror.YOUNG WOMAN (OS)They like making examples oftrouble makers.Slavi rubs his fist.her up.Offers Teri his hand and gently helpsTeri tries to speak but Slavi flicks open a knife and pressesit to her throat.

20.SLAVINo talking.Talking is notproblem. Listening is problem.Presses harder.GROANS.Opens a small cut in her throat.TeriUses the knife to push Teri to her knees in.Other handunzips his pants and forces himself into her mouth.Slavi uses the knife to control Teri’s head.Boris moves behind Teri. Rips her pants open and violentlyenters her from behind. The rest stare glassy-eyed as Slaviand Boris rape Teri.HOSPITAL CAFETERIAThe Young Woman stares out into the empty room.brutality.Numb to theYOUNG WOMANSaid they’d cut her throat nexttime.(beat)Said a whore who fucks and can’ttalk is worth twice as much.INT. SUBWAY - NIGHTMcCall rides home on an almost empty car.rhythm of the train.Rocks with theEXT. BRIGHTON BEACH CLUB - NIGHTThat White VAN pulls up to the Valet outside an AFTER HOURSCLUB. The Driver, BORIS, steps out and enters a street leveldoor.MAIN DINING ROOM - AFTER HOURS CLUBBoris moves through the packed DINING ROOM to a.BACK STAIRWELLWhere he jogs up to an second floor door.

21.INT. UPSTAIRS OFFICETHREE prison-hard THUGS sprawled on the couch watching theTV.Boris waddles in and plops down in front of Slavi who sitsbehind a large desk. Tosses an envelope onto the desk.Slavi drops the envelope on an antique scale - sees it’scorrect - and slides it into the top drawer. Pours a shotfor Boris.When the DOOR OPENS and Robert McCall steps inside.OFFICE - WIDERHeads turn.Antelope.Russians eyeballing up McCall like lions doSLAVIYou lost, dedushka?McCall hesitates. Makes his way to the desk.card Slavi gave him in front of him.Places theMCCALLYou gave me this the other night.SLAVII give out lots of cards.Youwant pussy, dedushka?You stillget it up?Chuckles from everybody.McCall waits for it to stop.MCCALLI’m here about a certain girl.Slavi waits.MCCALL (CONT’D)Name’s Teri.She was beat uppretty bad.The room gets quiet.SLAVII think you have the wrong address,dedushka.

22.MCCALLI’m not a cop or anything.want to help her.I justSlavi studies the man in front of him.MCCALL (CONT’D)These girls. They represent aninvestment to you. I understandthat.McCall glances around at the other guys.MCCALL (CONT’D)I can give you four thousand eighthundred dollars. It’s all I have.SLAVIYou want to give me four thousanddollars. For what?MCCALLHer freedom.Slavi looks at McCall.Another heartsick John.SLAVIThis whore. What’s her name again?MCCALLTeri.SLAVI(pretending to think)Doesn’t ring a bell.Whoever sheis she must really know how to suckcock.The muscle LAUGH.SLAVI (CONT’D)Believe this guy? Gonna give mefour thousand for one pussy. Mustbe Ferrari pussy.(to McCall)How many fucks you got left, man?Enough you pay four thousand Iguess.Slavi turns cancer serious.

23.SLAVI (CONT’D)The fuck you think you are? Comein here and offer money for mygirl. Four thousand. Why notforty thousand? Four hundredthousand? You fucking Americansthink you can come into my place ofbusiness and buy whatever youwant!? You think you set theprice? Fucking beautiful Russiangirl. You fucking insult me.All eyes boring in on McCall.Slavi bursts out laughing.An eternity of SILENCE.SLAVI (CONT’D)Look. he almost wet his pants!I’m fucking with you, man. You gotbig balls coming here. I likethat. Okay. Be Mr. White Knight.The fuck do I care.Slavi holds out his hand.SLAVI (CONT’D)Four thousand eight hundred for thepussy.McCall takes it.SLAVI (CONT’D)A month.McCall goes to pull away but Slavi tightens his grip.SLAVI (CONT’D)You think one-time payment?pussy like that?ForLets go of McCall’s hand.SLAVI (CONT’D)Go home and jerk of

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