TheNationalDog ShowA Thanksgiving TraditionHosted byN OV E M B E R 1 4 & 1 5 , 2 0 2 0Broadcast at NoonThanksgiving DayNovember 26
WELCOMEWelcome to the National Dog Show hosted by the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. On behalf of themembers of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia, I thank you for joining us today as we once againcelebrate showing purebred dogs in the Philadelphia area. The show was founded in 1879 andbecame an annual event in 1933. The Kennel Club of Philadelphia proudly supports a number ofcanine related organizations and has donated over 500,000 to these groups in the past 5 years.The National Dog Show, airing annually on Thanksgiving Day at noon on NBC, has been thrillingdog lovers ever since it began in 2002, and we estimate that since then, one quarter of a billionpeople have watched!Enjoy the dog show, and let us know about your experience at Thanksgiving!WATCH THENATIONAL DOG SHOWTHANKSGIVING DAYAT NOON, NOVEMBER 26,ON NBC.Wayne Ferguson, PresidentKennel Club of PhiladelphiaHOSTED BY1
WHAT’S DIFFERENT THIS YEAR?EXPECT ANOTHER GRAND CELEBRATIONOF THE CANINE, MAN’S BEST FRIEND2When NBC airs the “National Dog Show” onThanksgiving Day, millions of viewers will beinterested to discern how the global pandemic hasimpacted the popular, annual family TV’s inception in 2002. Mary Carillo will providecolor and interviews from backstage once again.The truth is, home viewers should see littledifference other than the fact that there will beno spectators gathered around the usually packedstadium show ring. John O’Hurley and DavidFrei will still serve as host and expert analyst,respectively, as they have every year since theThat’s because this year’s show in suburbanPhiladelphia is being conducted under theapproving guidance of the Montgomery CountyBoard of Commissioners and the MontgomeryCounty Department of Health. Thus, spectators,vendors, sponsors and other non-essentialCertainly, social distancing and mask-wearing willprevail as safety protocols are followed.personnel will not have access to the premises ofthe Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pa.Still, dog shows have been organized around thecountry throughout the summer and many of thebest dogs in America live with their owners andhandlers in the northeast and mid-Atlantic states.Or, they have traveled to Philadelphia for theNational Dog Show because of the show’s prestigeand the national TV coverage that comes for groupwinners and the seven Best in Show competitors.Most of the 200-plus breeds are expected to berepresented at the show.The can’t-miss celebration of man’s best friend airson Thanksgiving Day (noon-2 p.m. in all time zones),Nov. 26, following the telecast of NBC’s “Macy’sThanksgiving Day Parade.”Last year, the telecast reached nearly 25 millionviewers over Thanksgiving weekend, deliveringits third-best score in total viewers since the firstbroadcast in 2002. The show is part of a five-hourblock of family programming on NBC, offeringthe country’s 65 million pet-owning households aspecial offering of fun entertainment while raisingmoney for canine-related causes.Watch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.Program 2020 NBC and Carson International, Inc.Photography: See Spot Run Photography.Cover and all black and white photography by Simon Bruty. 2020 NBC/Carson International, Inc.All photos in this program are from previous years.3
THREE NEW BREEDS IN 2020BARBETSporting GroupBarbetThe fiercely loyal Barbet is a strong, sturdily built dogwith the agility to be a hunter and swimmer. Thismedium-sized dog is covered in a dense, curly coatfrom its head to its long, sweeping tail. A water dog,the Barbet has been used to find, flush, and collectbirds. The breed nearly became extinct after the WorldWars, but today the Barbet, although rare, continuesto delight and amaze people around the world with itsversatile abilities.PHOTO CREDIT: AMERICAN BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATIONBELGIAN LAEKENOISHerding GroupBelgian LaekenoisThe Belgian Laekenois is known for being strong, sturdy,and often protective of his or her master and property.The breed is the rarest member of four closely relatedBelgian herders- the Belgian Sheepdog, Malinois,Tervuren, and Laekenois. The Belgian Laekenois is distinguished from its brethren by a rough, tousled coat thatcomes in shades of red or fawn or grayish tones. Theyare considered quick learners and they were often calledon as messenger dogs during World War I and II.DOGO ARGENTINOWorking GroupWATCH THENATIONAL DOG SHOWTHANKSGIVING DAYAT NOON, NOVEMBER 26,ON NBC.HOSTED BYDogo ArgentinoThe Dogo Argentino gives off the impression of explosivepower and energy through its athletic build, but is alsoextremely agile. The breed was originally developed inthe Cordoba region of Argentina in 1928 as a fighting dog.However, it was quickly discovered that the Dogo Argentino was adept at hunting wild boar and other big game,an activity that requires fearlessness and stamina. Thelarge, pure-white Dogo Argentino might look imposing,but despite being a natural hunter and watchful guardian,this is a cheerful, friendly breed that is an excellent familycompanion.5
HOW TO WATCH THE DOG SHOWBy Julia ShelleyNBC will celebrate man’s best friend in the19th anniversary edition of the family-favoriteholiday special “The National Dog Show,” airingThanksgiving Day (noon-2 p.m. in all time zones)and here are a few tips on how to enjoy thebroadcast from America’s top expert, David Frei.Dubbed by New York Magazine as “probably themost famous human in the world of canines, ” Freihas been the co-host/analyst of “The National DogShow” since its inception in 2002. After 27 yearswith the famed Westminster Kennel Club DogShow, he now works for NBC and helped create andis the co-host of the Beverly Hills Dog Show, NBC’sspringtime broadcast of the celebrity-studdedcompetition on the left coast.“Think of it as a tournament, like an advancingbracket in sports, where a dog wins at one level ofthe competition and advances to the next,” offersFrei. “The competition this year will begin withhundreds of dogs and will be narrowed down ateach round. The dogs first compete within theirbreeds, the Best of Breed winners advance to thenext level and compete in each of seven groups,and then the seven group winners compete forBest in Show.”WATCH THENATIONAL DOG SHOWTHANKSGIVING DAYAT NOON, NOVEMBER 26,ON NBC.HOSTED BYAt each stage, all dogs are judged to their breed’s“standard,” an American Kennel Club (AKC)approved written description of the ideal specimenof that breed. The standard usually describes thedog’s form as based on its function, what it wasoriginally bred to do. Depending on what thestandard asks for, those attributes evaluated by thejudge can include size, color, coat and other factors.The first step is for the dogs to compete at thebreeds and varieties level. There are currently208 breeds and varieties recognized by the AKC.Whatever the number is, from each breed, thejudge’s ultimate award is Best of Breed or Best ofVariety, and those winners move on to the nextround, the group.So, it is like college basketball’s March Madness -winning the breed can be likened to winning on theopening weekend and advancing to one of sevengroups: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy,Non-Sporting and Herding. If a dog in the SportingGroup wins Best of Breed, it then moves forward tocompete against the other Sporting breed winners.Who to root for? “What we’ve learned from alifetime in the dog show world is that the ‘AlmaMater factor’ usually prevails,” Frei continued.“Dog owners root for their breed, even if they’re notexactly sure what breed that is because the pup onthe couch at home can be a combination of many,all special.””After all,” Frei concluded, “the real Best In Showdog is the one sitting on the couch next to youat home.”To learn more, visit: and www.akc.org7
THE TALENTJOHN O’HURLEYOne of the entertainment industry’s most versatileplayers, John O’Hurley is an award-winning actor,show host, advertising spokesperson, featurefilm star and one of People Magazine’s “SexiestMen Alive.”Serving as host of The National Dog Show on NBCsince its inception in 2002, O’Hurley is best knownas J. Peterman on Seinfeld, the #1 syndicatedtelevision show in the world. With a career thatbegan on a number of soap operas, O’Hurley wenton to star on Broadway in Chicago and hosted thesyndicated game show, Family Feud. He is also thehost of The Beverly Hills Dog Show, also airing onNBC every spring since its 2017 debut.In 2005, he was crowned the ultimate championof ABC’s hit Dancing with the Stars and has addedto his success with other ventures, including authoring three books—Before The Dog Can Eat YourHomework First You Have To Do It: Life Lessons FromA Wise Old Dog To A Young Boy, It’s Okay To Miss The8Bed On The First Jump and a book for children,The Perfect Dog.The Perfect Dog inspired a children’s theatricalproduction, The Perfect Dog in which Sam, atwelve-year old perfectionist, searches for aflawless dog to enter in the town dog contest.The musical has become a staple of the Philadelphia-area community theater scene, selling outperformances during November each year.O’Hurley tours the country with his own one-manshow, A Man With Standards, which includessongs, nostalgic stories, and comedic momentsfrom his time on programs like Seinfeld and otherpoignant musings about life. He is also a spokesperson for The Epilepsy Foundation.An avid golfer, O’Hurley enjoys spending his freetime with his wife, Lisa, and son, Will, playingwith his dogs and cheering for his beloved BostonRed Sox.Watch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.
DAVID FREIDavid Frei, expert analyst for The NationalDog Show since 2002, is arguably the mostauthoritative voice in the dog show world. He is anAKC-licensed judge who has officiated dog showsall over the world and he hosted USA Network’scoverage of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Showfrom Madison Square Garden for 27 years.New York Magazine calls Frei “probably the mostfamous human in the world of canines.” He is alsodeveloper and co-host of The Beverly Hills DogShow , along with John O’Hurley. The programdebuted in 2017, also on NBC, and airs annuallyaround the Easter holiday in the spring.Frei has enjoyed much competitive success as abreeder, handler, and owner of Afghan Houndsand Brittanys. Over the past 30 years his dogshave been used as therapy dogs at places such asthe Ronald McDonald House and Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in Manhattan and at NewYork’s VA Medical Center.He is the prime mover in establishing thenewly-minted National Dog Show Therapy DogSymposium, which debuted successfully in 2019at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ. The 2020National Dog Show Therapy Dog Symposiumis a virtual event – now national in scope –taking place on Tuesday, November 17, again inpartnership with Rowan University.His first book, The Angel by My Side, publishedin 2002 with Mike Lingenfelter, earned two DogWriters Association of America (DWAA) awards. In2011, Frei also published Angel on a Leash, whichtells of his years of experience and work withtherapy dogs.A native of Eugene, Oregon, Frei has held publicrelations positions with the Denver Broncos,San Francisco 49ers, ABC Sports, the AmericanKennel Club and the Westminster Kennel Club. Hecurrently resides in Cannon Beach, Oregon and is aconsultant for NBC Sports.Watch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.11
MARY CARILLOMary Carillo, longtime NBC Sports analyst andlifelong lover of man’s (and woman’s!) bestfriend, brings a wealth of experience to theNational Dog Show as she returns for her tenthyear as part of the commentary team.Best known for her work as a host andcorrespondent for the Olympic Games on NBC,she also serves as an analyst for major-eventtennis coverage on Tennis Channel and as acorrespondent for HBO’s Real Sports with BryantGumbel. Carillo was the only female inductedinto the 2018 Class of the Sports BroadcastingHall of Fame that also included Bob Costas, JimNantz and Dick Vitale.In addition to the National Dog Show, Carillohosted USA Network’s presentation of theWestminster Kennel Club Dog Show for severalyears alongside longtime host and now NBCcolleague David Frei.Her distinguished career in broadcast journalismhas earned her two Peabody Awards, one of thehighest honors in the field. She received her firstPeabody for her work on the HBO documentaryBillie Jean King: Portrait of a Pioneer and hersecond for co-writing the HBO documentaryDare to Compete: The Struggle of Women in Sportwith Frank Deford. In 2010, she became the firstfemale recipient of the Dick Schaap Award forOutstanding Journalism.Carillo was named “Best Commentator” by TennisMagazine from 1988-91 and “Broadcaster of theYear” by the Women’s Tennis Association in 1981and 1985. She has co-written two books: TennisMy Way with Martina Navratilova and TennisKinetics with Rick Elstein.Carillo played on the WTA tour from 1977-80.Teaming with childhood friend John McEnroe,Carillo won the 1977 French Open mixed doublestitle. She was a doubles runner-up at theU.S. Clay Court Championships and a doublesquarterfinalist at the U.S. Open in 1977.Watch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.12
ABOUT JUDGINGThe judges examine the dogs and place them according to how closelyeach dog compares with the judge’s mental image of the perfect dog asdescribed in the breed’s official standard. The main consideration is thedog’s conformation or overall appearance, temperament, structure andmovement. The judges are looking for characteristics that allow the dogto perform the function for which his or her breed was bred.EARNING POINTSA dog will begin his show career by competing to become a“champion.” To earn an AKC Championship title (and to be able toplace Ch. in front of his/her name) the dog needs to win 15 points atAKC shows. Points are earned by defeating other dogs of the same sexand breed in classes held specifically for non-champions. Points used todetermine national rankings are recorded by the AKC and based on thenumber of dogs defeated. For each dog defeated at a dog show, theother dog gets one all-breed point. The top dogs in the country easilyhave more than 50,000 points in a given year.BEST OF BREEDIn order to win Best In Show a dog must first be judged the best ofmany dogs of its same breed competing in the show. Some breeds havemore than 100 dogs entered. The winner of the breed moves on to theGroup judging.FIRST IN GROUPWatch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.14Each of the 208 AKC registered breeds and varieties are assigned to oneof seven groups (Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sportingand Herding) representing characteristics and functions for which thebreeds were originally bred. By winning the Group competition, thatdog joins an elite group of winners of the seven group competitionsthat go on to compete for the ultimate Best In Show award, the covetedgold and blue ribbon, and to become winner of National Dog Show.15
THE KENNEL CLUBOF PHILADELPHIALETTER FROM THE PRESIDENTWAYNE FERGUSON, today’s show announcer,is President of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia.Wayne has been immersed in the dog worldfor over 50 years and has bred and showntop Saint Bernards. Through the years he hasserved as President of the AKC Canine HealthFoundation and Director of the University ofPennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicineand is President and Show Chairman of thetime honored Morris & Essex Kennel Club.Welcome to the 19th annual edition of The National Dog Showhosted by The Kennel Club of Philadelphia.We continue to build upon our efforts to make our show experience entertaining and educational forall. Our tradition-rich shows are a regional treasure as well as a national phenomenon and a win atPhiladelphia is considered one of Dogdom’s greatest achievements.The Kennel Club of Philadelphia is no newcomer to the dog show world. Since hosting a major dog eventin 1876 at the Centennial Exposition, we’ve been at the forefront of the purebred dog world. The KCP andits predecessors have been presenting shows since 1879. Our club predates the American Kennel Club(AKC), which was organized at a meeting of the then Philadelphia Dog Club on September 17th 1884.We are not only one of America’s oldest continuing sporting events but our annual National Dog ShowTV special is the most widely watched canine eventin the world, capturing 20 million plus viewersa year with its broadcast on NBC at noonon Thanksgiving Day and an NBC primetime encore presentation the followingSaturday.We hope you enjoy your visit to our showsand return many years to come.Sincerely,Wayne Ferguson, President16FRANK DEPAULOSHOW CHAIRMANFrank is a longtime KCP memberand has beenShow Chairmansince the 2014KCP shows. Assuch, he actsas the overallcoordinator of thevarious aspectsof the physicalFrank DePaulo, Show Chairstaging of thedog shows, including venue and judging ring setup arrangements, the competition schedule and the smoothrunning of the judging process. Frank is a lifelong doglover who founded Tahari Kennels in 1979. Since thattime, he has bred many Best in Show champions inthe Ridgeback, Pointer and Whippet breeds that havecarried the Tahari prefix. Frank continues to show andcampaign dogs and is an AKC licensed judge. In addition to his role with the KCP, he is a lifetime member ofthe Lehigh Valley Kennel Club and a long time memberof both the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of The UnitedStates and The American Pointer Club in which hehas held various positions, including Show Chairman,Board of Directors, Vice President and President. Franklives in Pennsylvania with his wife Judy and his twodaughters.The American Kennel Club: The KennelClub of Philadelphia’s National DogShows are sanctioned by the AKC, theprincipal registry for purebred dogs inthe United States and the largest registryin the world. Every year, owners register approximatelyone million dogs with the AKC. The AKC’s Canine HealthFoundation is the world’s largest funder of exclusivelycanine research, with a mission to develop significantresources for basic and applied health programs withemphasis on canine genetics to improve the quality oflife for dogs and their owners. The AKC and its affiliate,AKC Companion Animal Recovery, have been crucial inproviding long-term care to displaced animals.WHO’S WHOIN THE KENNEL CLUBOF PHILADELPHIAOFFICERSWayne Ferguson – PresidentStanley Broadbent – Vice President andPermanent Ring StewardDr. Duane Butherus – Secretary andChief Ring StewardMilan D. Lint - Treasurer and Judges CommitteeBOARD OF DIRECTORSHarry Booker – AKC Delegate andHospitality ChairWilliam BurlandFrank DePaulo – Show ChairDavid Frei – Publicity ChairPeter Green – Judges CommitteeMichael Halstead – Marketing ChairDavid HelmingGregory KaneSteven Sansone – Vendor ChairRon L. Scott – Judges CommitteeEric TweerAnn ViklundAlan Welch – Vendor CommitteeMEMBERSLisa Burland – HospitalityConnie Butherus – Trophy ChairCarol Commerford – HospitalityJudy DePaulo – HospitalitySally Halstead – HospitalityPeggy Helming – HospitalityMari-Beth O’NeillCynthia Sansone – Vendor and HospitalityDebbie Scott – Group Ring Asst. and HospitalityBeth Sweigart – Group Ring Asst. and Hospitality17
PREVIOUSBEST 2003200220152014Best in Show Winner 2019 - GCHG Diamond Gold Majesu Pisko Bulls a.k.a. Thor2019 BIS WINNERThor, the Bodacious BulldogPREVIOUS BEST IN SHOWThe energetic Bulldog “Thor” joined the hall of Best In Showchampions at The National Dog Show in 2019, becoming animmediate celebrity as a result of his winning performancebefore a total audience of over 20,000 canine loverswatching the NBC broadcast on Thanksgiving Day.2018 - GCHP Pinnacle Tennessee Whiskey (a.k.a. Whiskey)2017 - Ch. Somerset Wynzall Hashtag (a.k.a. Newton)2016 - GCH GrandCru Giaconda CGC (a.k.a. Gia)2015 - GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie (a.k.a. Charlie)2014 - GCH Flessner’s International S’cess, MT (a.k.a. Nathan)2013 - GCH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box (a.k.a. Jewel)2012 - GCH Afterall Painting the Sky (a.k.a. Sky)2011 - Ch. Steele Your Heart (a.k.a. Eira)2010 - GCH Windntide Mr. Sandman (a.k.a. Clooney)2009 - Ch. Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot(a.k.a. Sadie)2008 - Ch. Cookieland Seasyde Hollyberry (a.k.a Holly)2007 - Ch. Buff Cap Creslane Arctic Mist (a.k.a. Swizzle)2006 - Ch. Smash JP Win A Victory (a.k.a. Vikki)2005 - Ch. Rocky Top’s Sundance Kid (a.k.a. Rufus)2004 - Ch. Aimhi Avalon Renaissance2003 - Ch. Blue Chip Purple Reign2002 - Ch. Ale Kai Mikimoto on FifthThe two-year-old, 60-pound male captivated everyonein Philadelphia and around the world with his distinctive,muscular look, topping six other group-winning canines,advancing out of the 2,080-entry, 196-breed competition.“Thor is an active and sweet dog and very athletic,” offeredhandler Eduardo Paris, a native of Peru. “You should see howhigh he can jump. He loves to play with his kennel-mateChihuahuas, and he has beautiful construction,I think that’s why he won.”182011201019
Watch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.THE SEVEN GROUPSEach of the 208registered breeds andvarieties are assignedto one of the sevengroups representingcharacteristics andfunctions for which thebreeds were originallybred. The seven groupwinners compete forBest In Show.To learn more, visit:www.NationalDogShow.comwww.akc.org20Golden RetrieverSporting GroupSPORTING GROUPThe invention of the gun ledto the development of thesporting, or gun dogs, to aidin hunting upland game birdsand waterfowl, performingat the direction of the hunter.While a number of these breedsperform more than one task, itis generally the duty of pointersand setters to point and markgame, for spanielsto flush game, and for retrieversto recover deadand wounded game.HOUND GROUPOriginally classified as sportingdogs because of their functionGreyhoundHound Groupas hunters, breeds in the HoundGroup vary greatly in size,shape and coat. Most of thesebreeds were developed to huntsomewhat independently of theirhumans, who usually followedon foot or on horseback as thehounds chased down the prey.This group informally consistsof scent hounds, dogs that huntby tracking a scent, and sighthounds, who spot their gameand run it down.WORKING GROUPWhile the uses and appearancesof the dogs in the Working Groupvary, most are powerfully builtand intelligent, performingSiberian HuskyWorking Groupvarious tasks for their handlers.These dogs are working farm anddraft animals. They guard homesand livestock, serve heroically aspolice and military dogs, securitydogs, guide and service dogs andhunters.TERRIER GROUPAll but two of the terriersevolved in the British Isles. Thegeography of the specific area(water, rocky terrain) helpedto determine the exact dutiesof each breed but it usuallyinvolved hunting verminand varmints ranging fromrats to badgers to otters andmore. These are dogs of greatdetermination, courage andWire Fox TerrierTerrier Groupself-confidence, with a greatwillingness to go to ground insearch of their quarry.TOY GROUPToy dogs have been around forcenturies, and are bred for onepurpose: to be companionsfor their humans. Many havebeen bred down from and stillresemble their larger cousins.Their small size and portabilitymake them ideal for citydwellers and those withlimited space.NON-SPORTING GROUPThe AKC originally registereddogs as either Sporting or NonSporting. Eventually, houndsHavaneseToy GroupStandard PoodleNon-Sporting Groupand terriers were split from theSporting Group and the Toys andWorking dogs were split off fromNon-Sporting, with the HerdingGroup eventually splitting fromWorking. Today, the NonSporting Group is literally everybreed that is left, resulting ina wide variety of sizes, shapes,coat, function and history.HERDING GROUPHerding is a natural instinct indogs that is seen in the wild.Humans have used that instinctto their advantage on farmsand ranches with herding dogswho have the sole purpose ofgathering and moving livestockfrom one place to another.Shetland SheepdogHerding Group21
TERRIERTHE BREEDS / GROUP ORDERSPORTINGEnglish SetterGordon SetterIrish SetterIrish Red & White SetterPointerGerman Shorthaired PointerWeimaranerVizslaWirehaired VizslaBrittanyGerman Wirehaired PointerWirehaired Pointing GriffonBarbetLagotto RomagnoloSpinone ItalianoFlat-Coated RetrieverCurly-Coated RetrieverGolden RetrieverLabrador RetrieverChesapeake Bay RetrieverNova Scotia Duck Tolling RetrieverNederlandse KooikerhondjeIrish Water SpanielAmerican Water SpanielBoykin SpanielEnglish Springer SpanielWelsh Springer SpanielField SpanielClumber SpanielSussex SpanielEnglish Cocker SpanielCocker Spaniel (ASCOB)Cocker Spaniel (Parti-Color)Cocker Spaniel (Black)22HOUNDAfghan HoundSalukiAzawakhSloughiIbizan HoundPharaoh HoundCirneco dell’EtnaGreyhoundWhippetBorzoiScottish DeerhoundIrish WolfhoundAmerican FoxhoundEnglish FoxhoundHarrierBeagle (15 inch)Beagle (13 inch)Rhodesian RidgebackNorwegian ElkhoundBasenjiPortuguese Podengo PequenoAmerican English CoonhoundBlack and Tan CoonhoundBluetick CoonhoundRedbone CoonhoundTreeing Walker CoonhoundPlottBloodhoundOtterhoundPetit Basset Griffon VendéenGrand Basset Griffon VendéenBasset HoundDachshund (Smooth)Dachshund (Longhaired)Dachshund (Wirehaired)WORKINGDoberman PinscherGerman PinscherBlack Russian TerrierGiant SchnauzerStandard SchnauzerRottweilerBernese Mountain DogGreater Swiss Mountain DogAlaskan MalamuteSiberian HuskyChinookSamoyedAkitaBoxerGreat DaneBullmastiffMastiffTibetan MastiffNeapolitan MastiffDogo ArgentinoCane CorsoDogue de BordeauxBoerboelPortuguese Water DogNewfoundlandLeonbergerSaint BernardGreat PyreneesKuvaszKomondorAnatolian Shepherd DogAiredale TerrierIrish TerrierWelsh TerrierLakeland TerrierWire Fox TerrierSmooth Fox TerrierParson Russell TerrierRussell TerrierBorder TerrierKerry Blue TerrierSoft Coated WheatenTerrierBedlington TerrierManchester Terrier(Standard)Rat TerrierAmerican Hairless TerrierMiniature SchnauzerAustralian TerrierCairn TerrierScottish TerrierSealyham TerrierCesky TerrierWest Highland WhiteTerrierSkye TerrierDandie Dinmont TerrierGlen of Imaal TerrierAmerican StaffordshireTerrierWhite Bull TerrierColored Bull TerrierStaffordshire Bull TerrierMiniature Bull TerrierNorfolk TerrierNorwich TerrierTOYItalian GreyhoundChinese CrestedToy PoodlePomeranianSmooth Coat ChihuahuaLong Coat ChihuahuaToy Fox TerrierMiniature PinscherToy Manchester TerrierHavaneseMalteseShih TzuCavalier King CharlesSpanielEnglish Toy Spaniel(B&PC)English Toy Spaniel(KC&R)Japanese ChinPapillonSilky TerrierYorkshire TerrierAffenpinscherBrussels GriffonPugPekingeseNON-SPORTINGPoodle (Standard)Poodle (Miniature)Bichon FriseCoton de TulearLöwchenDalmatianXoloitzcuintliFinnish SpitzKeeshondAmerican Eskimo DogNorwegian LundehundShiba InuSchipperkeLhasa ApsoTibetan SpanielTibetan TerrierBoston TerrierFrench BulldogBulldogChinese Shar-PeiChow ChowBerger PicardPyrenean ShepherdCollie (Rough)Collie (Smooth)Shetland SheepdogAustralian ShepherdMiniature AmericanShepherdBorder CollieBearded CollieOld English SheepdogPolish Lowland SheepdogPuliPumiCanaan DogAustralian Cattle DogBouvier des FlandresBeauceronBergamascoEntlebucher Mountain DogNorwegian BuhundFinnish LapphundIcelandic SheepdogSpanish Water DogSwedish VallhundCardigan Welsh CorgiPembroke Welsh CorgiTo learn more, man Shepherd DogBelgian LaekenoisBelgian MalinoisBelgian SheepdogBelgian TervurenBriardWatch the National Dog ShowThanksgiving Day at noon,November 26, on NBC.23
By Julia ShelleyThe National Dog Show Therapy Dog Symposiumis back in 2020 after an amazing debut last year.Because of the pandemic, November’s event will befully virtual (via Cisco Webex), making it possible forparticipants from across the country to participate.The unique forum for therapy dog practitioners,advocates, and aspirants drew over 130 people toRowan University last November to hear a diversegroup of expert presenters share information and bestpractices. The event drew registrants from nine states,18 animal and therapy animal-related groups, andover 30 career occupations.The 2020 virtual event is set for Tuesday, Nov.17, from 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., ET. The event isopen to the public and participants can registerat the cost of 20 per person at The symposiumis scheduled in conjunction with the annualKennel Club of Philadelphia’s (KCP) National DogShow Nov. 14-15 at the Greater Philadelphia ExpoCenter in Oaks, Pa. This year, the National DogShow is being conducted without spectators,vendors and sponsors in conjunction with regionalauthorities.“With the concerns of COVID-19, the second NationalDog Show Therapy Dog Symposium made thelogistical decision to transform to a virtual event for2020,” said David Frei, the symposium co-founder and242019 keynote speaker. “The exciting upside is that wecan now engage a national audience via technology.”The symposium was started in tandem with thelaunch of The Shreiber Family Pet Therapy Program,which was funded in 2019 through a 3 million giftfrom Gerry Shreiber, president and CEO of J&J SnackFoods of Pennsauken, N.J.“This symposium has been a wonderful addition tothe Shreiber Family Pet Therapy Program at Rowan,and going virtual allows us to offer continuity,safety, and increased accessibility this time around.Post-COVID-19 we look forward to expanding theprogram by hosting an in-person conference as wellas a simultaneous virtual conference for participantsaround the country in the future,” said Michele Pich,the symposium co-founder. “The Rowan Universityadministration has been so supportive as we’veadjusted our format for this
BELGIAN LAEKENOIS Herding Group The Belgian Laekenois is known for being strong, sturdy, and often protective of his or her master and property. The breed is the rarest member of four closely related Belgian herders- the Belgian Sheepdog, Malinois, Tervuren, and Laekenois. The Belgian Laekenois is distin-
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
If the dog is barking at people it can see passing by, try blocking the dog's view. An anti-barking collar may be useful for some, but not all. Teach the dog to stop barking on command. When the dog is barking give a firm command such as 'cease' and call the dog to you. Praise the dog when it stops barking. If the dog will not .
the dog barking, try some of these simple tips - every dog is different! Do not reward the dog when it barks. Don't let the dog inside or give it attention - instead, reward the dog when it is quiet. Teach the dog to stop barking on command - give the dog a command when it is barking and reward the dog