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E XA M PLES OF CO M P LETED A N NU A L HA ZA R DOU S WA ST E R EPORT FOR M SThis docum ent contains hypothetical examp les of completed A nnual Haz ardous W aste Report Forms from three sites,the ABC Painting Co., Platers Inc., and Waste Disp osal In c. These ex am ples are not intend ed to cover all po ssiblesituations. The site information is fictitious and does not represent any known company.#Exam ple 1 is for a large quantity generator (LQG) site, ABC Painting C o., that sh ipped all its waste offsite for treatment, disposal, or recycling.#Exam ple 2 is for a large quantity generator, Platers Inc., that treated some w astes on-site in a unit that wasexempt from RCRA permitting requirements and shipped the rem ainder of th e waste off-site for treatm ent,disposal, or recycling.#Examp le 3 is for a commercial treatment, disposal, or recycling (TDR) facility, Waste Disposal Inc.The following information is provided for each example:#a description of the hazardous waste activities at the site;#a schem atic diagram of the hazardous wa ste activities;#an explanation of each relevant report form for the site; and#a completed copy of each report form for the site.

EXAMPLES(Continued)EXAMPLE 1ABC Painting Co.(LQ G w ith no on-site TD R systems)Site DescriptionThe ABC Painting Co. generated hazardous wa ste and shipped it off-site for treatment, disposal, orrecycling. The compan y specializes in painting automobiles and generates spent solvent from line flushingoperations. The company did not treat, disp ose, o r recy cle hazardous waste on-site. In the previous year,the company generated 10,500 gallons of spent solvent, and during the reporting year, 12,500 gallons. Inthe reporting year, the co mp any shipp ed 7,500 gallons of the spent solvent to W aste Disposal Inc. (featuredin Example 3) for incineration; 3,750 gallons were shipped to Organics Recovery Co. for solvent recovery;and the remaining 1,250 gallons were placed in short term accumulation containers to await shipment afterDecember 31 . Figure A -1 show s the schem atic diagram of haza rdou s waste op erations.FIGURE A-1. Schematic diagram of hazardous waste activities at ABC Painting Co.Line FlushingOperationsspent solvent7,500 G (HW)5,000 G (HW)(30 T)spent solvent12,500 G (HW)CleaningOperationsShort TermAccumulationin Containers11,250 G (HW)spent solvent3,750 G (HW)7,500 G (HW)(15 T)HW hazardous waste, G gallons, T tons1shipped toWaste Disposal,Inc.(Example 3)shipped toOrganicsRecovery Co.

EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms Completed by ABC Painting Co.Site Identification FormThe site was a large quantity g enerator (LQ G) sin ce it generated in any one month 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs) ormore of RCRA h azard ous waste. Th erefo re, it was required to file the Annual Hazardous Waste Repo rt.All sites required to submit this report must fill out a RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification (“Site ID”) form.This multi-purpose form allow s sites to upda te the h azard ous waste activity info rmation associated w iththe E PA ID at the sam e time as subm ittal of the Hazardous Waste Repo rt.An example of the first page of the Site ID form begins on the next page and contains the following:Section 1Reason for Submittal. In the examp le, AB C Pa inting has c hos en to update theinformation associated w ith their EPA ID and has therefore checked both “To providesubsequent notification” and “As a component of the Hazardous Waste Report”.Section 2Site EPA ID Num berSection 3Site NameSection 4Site Location InformationSection 5Site Land TypesSection 6No rth American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code(s) that describe theprimary products or services provided by the site. [See the instructions for a list ofWeb sites th at con tain inform ation on N AIC S codes.]Section 7Site Contact Person nam e and address inform ation. Beca use the con tact’s ad dress isthe sam e as the site location, “same as location” is listed for the contact’s streetaddress.Section 8Legal Ow ner and O perator of the Site (nam e, add ress, ow ner/o perator typ e). Theowner and the operator are both the same person and the ad dress is the sam e as the sitelocation.2


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms Completed by ABC Painting Co.Site ID Form (continued), Section 9 - Typ e of Regu lated W aste ActivitySection 9 contains boxes for indicating the types of regulated activities that occur at the site.Box AHazardous W aste Activities has three parts. The normal status fo r AB C Pa inting is LQG,so Item 1.a. is checked. Because the Site ID form submittal is part of the HW Report, Item2.a. is also checked. ABC Painting does not conduct any of the activities in Items 3-7.Box BUniversal Waste Activities. ABC Painting is not a Large Quantity Handler of UniversalWaste and therefore this box is left blank.Box CUsed Oil Activities. ABC Painting d oes no t handle u sed oil and therefore this box hasbeen left blank.4


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms Completed by ABC Painting Co.Site ID Form (continued), Sections 10-12Section 10Wa ste Codes for the federally regulated hazardous wastes generated and/or managedat this site.Section 11Comm ents box for user-supplied comments or information that doesn’t fit in the spaceallowed, such as an add itional owner.Section 12Certification signed by an au thorized representative of the site after all the reportforms have been filled out and are ready for submission to Ohio EPA.6


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms Completed by ABC Painting Co.Form GMA separate and indepen dent Form GM is filled out for each hazardous waste generated at the site. Since only onehazardous waste (spent solvent) was generated at ABC Painting Co., only one Form GM is completed.Section 1Waste characteristics. Box A contains a narrative description of the waste, and the E PA waste code(F003) for the spent solvent is entered in Box B. The Source code for painting, G06, is entered inBox C. The M anagem ent M ethod Code in Box C was left blank since the waste was not a residualfrom on-site managem ent of a hazardous waste. Box D, Form code, is W203 , for non-halogenatedsolvent. "No" is checked in Box E, as the waste is no t mixed with radioactive m aterials.Section 2On-site generation and m anagem ent. In the exam ple, the previous year (Box A) and reporting year(Box B) quantities w ere reported in gallons, indicated by a “G” for the Unit of Measure in Box C.Since gallons is a volumetric measure, density is recorded in Box C with lbs/gal checked as theden sity unit of measure. Th ere w as no on-site treatm ent, d isposal, or recycling of the waste;therefore, Box D is checked "No". The on-site system process type boxes are left blank accordingto the instructions on the form.Section 3Off-site shipm ent of hazardo us w aste. Box A is answered "Ye s", indicating that the waste wasshipped off-site for management during the reporting year. The EPA IDs of the two facilities thatreceived the wastes are recorded in Box B, Site 1 and Site 2. The off-site systems in which thehazardous waste was m anaged , incine ration (H0 40) and solvent recove ry (H 020 ), are reported inBox C. The quantities shipped in the reporting year are entered in Box D. (The balance of thesolve nt no t yet shipped w as plac ed in short term accu mu lation.)8


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms Completed by ABC Painting Co.Form GM (Continued), Section 4Section 4Th is section of Form G M requ ests info rmation from sites wh ich have a storage perm it orinactive disposal units/surface impoundments. Although ABC Painting Co. is a largequa ntity generator, it does not have a permit to store waste for longer than 90 days, nor doesit have an on-site disposal unit or surface impoun dment. Therefore Boxes A and B are leftblank.10


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms Completed by ABC Painting Co.Form OIAll sites which have shipp ed w aste to o ff-site rec eiving facilities mu st com plete F orm OI, w hich requ eststhe nam es and addresses fo r these receiving facilities and the transporters used. ABC Painting Co. listedtwo off-site receiving facilities in Section 3 of Form GM and therefore m ust complete Form OI.Sites 1-5There are five identical sections on Form OI which allow the reporting of up to five transporters orreceiving facilities per page. Note that Site 1, Waste Disposal Inc., was both a receiving facility and atransporter, since they have their own fleet of trucks based at the treatment facility. Organics Recovery Co.is Site 2, and was a receiving facility only. Site 3, Alternative Transp ortation Services, is a transp orter o nlyand is not listed on Form GM as the other two sites are. Note that the transporter’s address is not requiredand it is not listed on the form.12


EXAMPLES(Continued)EXAMPLE 2Platers Inc.(Large Q uantity G enerator tha t has a storage perm it)Site DescriptionThis example illustrates a LQG that has a greater than 90 day storage area for which they have a RCRA p erm it.During the rep orting year, Platers In c. shipp ed m ost, but n ot all, of its h azard ous waste off-site for treatment,disposal, or recycling.Platers Inc. performed cadmium plating of fasteners. The plant's NAICS code is 332813, for plating and polishing.After the steel fasteners entered the plant, they were lowered into a degreaser to remove packing oil and grease.Tetrachloroethylene was used as a solvent in the degreaser. The fasteners were then electroplated in a cadmiumcyanide plating bath. The hazardous waste activities at this site are shown in Figure A-2.14


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms C ompleted by Platers Inc.Site ID FormThe site was a LQ G, since it gen erated m ore than 2,200 lbs. of RCR A hazard ous waste during the repo rting year.Therefore, it was required to file the Annual Hazardous Waste Report. All sites required to subm it this report mu stfill out a Site ID Form.Just Section 9 is shown of Platers Inc.’s Site ID form because the regulated waste activities are different fromAB C Pa inting Co.’s sam ple fo rm in Ex am ple 1. Section 9 contains the follow ing R egu lated W aste A ctivityinformation for Platers Inc.:Box AHazardous W aste Activities has three parts. The normal generator status for Platers Inc. is LQG, soItem 1.a. is chec ked . Becau se the Site ID fo rm subm ittal is part of the H W Rep ort, Item 2.a. is alsochecked to show that the site’s normal status and report filing status are the same.Platers Inc. has a storage permit so they can store waste for longer than 90 days, so Item 4, “Treater,Store r or D isposer of H azard ous Waste (at y our site)” is chec ked . The spent solvent from the vapordegreaser is recycled on-site so Item 5, “Recycler of Hazardou s W aste (at your site)” is checked aswell.Box BUniversal Waste Activities. Platers Inc. is not a L arge Qu antity H and ler of U niversal W aste andtherefore this box is left blank.Box CUsed Oil Activities. Platers Inc. does not handle used o il and therefore this box has been left blank.16


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms C ompleted by Platers Inc.Form GMA site required to submit the Annual Hazardous Waste Report must fill out Form GM if the site generated andaccumulated on site and subsequently managed on site or shipped any quantity of RCRA hazardous waste duringthe reporting year. Platers Inc. filled out three Forms GM for the following waste streams: 1) spent solvent that wasrecycled on site; 2) still bottoms, a residual from the recycling, which was shipped off-site; and 3) wastewatertreatmen t sludge from electroplating o perations.Form G M Pa ge 4 of 10: A spent solvent from the vapor degreaser, which is recycled on site in a batchdistillation unit and reused.Section 1Waste characteristics. A narrative description of the waste is entered in Box A: Spenttetrachloroethylene from a vapor degreaser. The F001 waste code is listed in Box B. TheSource code in Box C is G01, dip , flush o r spray rinsing sin ce it is a co ntinu ous cleaning p rocess.Because the Source code is not G25, the Management Method Code is left blank. In Box D theForm code is W202, a halogenated solvent. The waste is not RCRA-radioactive mixed so Box Eis No.Section 2On-site generation and management of hazardous waste. In the previous year, Platers Inc.generated 3,200 gallons of spent solvent, which is the quantity reported in Box A. In the reportingyear, 2,880 gallons were generated (Box B). A “G ” for g allons is listed as the Unit of M easure inBox C, and since gallons is a volumetric unit, the density of 7.6 is recorded as well as checkinglbs/gal to indicate the density unit of measure.Because this waste was recycled on site, the answer to Box D is Yes. In the On-site System 1box , the m anagem ent m ethod code H 020 for solvent recycling is listed. Since the entire q uan titywas recycled, the amount is 2,880, the same as Box B. The recycling unit is exempt from RCRApermitting requirements so the answer to the RCRA -exempt unit question is Yes. On-site System2 is left blank because th e waste w as not m anaged in an y other sy stems.Section 3Off-site shipment of hazardous waste. In Box A, “W as any of this waste shipped off-site” ischecked as No since all of it was managed on-site. Section 3 is complete.Because none of the waste remained in a greater than 90 day storage unit as of December 31, Section 4 of Form GMcontained negative respon ses and is not shown he re. (See the Form G M ex amp le for ABC P ainting Co.) This formis complete.18


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms C ompleted by Platers Inc.Form GM , page 6 of 10 : Still bottom s from the on -site recycling of spent solvent.Section 1Waste characteristics. The Box A description is “Still bottoms from the on-site recycling oftetrachloroethylene”. The EPA w aste code (Box B) for this waste is F001. The Source code (Box C)is G25, indicating that it is a residual from on-site recycling of a previously existing hazardous waste.A M anagement M ethod Cod e mu st also be listed (H0 20) in Box C since the waste is a residual fromhazardous waste management. This code corresponds with the On-site System information reportedon Form GM page 4. The Form code in Box D is W200 for “still bottoms in liquid form”. "No" ischecked in Box E, RCRA-radioactive mixed.Section 2On-site generation and m anagement of ha zardous wa ste. Quan tities generated in the previou s (Box A)and reporting (Box B) years are reported in gallons indicated by a “G” for the Un it of Measure in BoxC. Since gallons is a volumetric measure, density is reco rded and "lb/ga l" is checked to indicatepounds per gallon as the density unit in Box C. Box D is answered "No ", since the still bottoms w erenot treated, recycled, or disposed of on-site. The On -site System Box es are left blank.Section 3Off-site ship me nt of h azard ous waste. Box A is answered "Yes", since the waste was shipped off-siteduring the reporting year. Box B show s the E PA ID o f the facility to which the w aste w as ship ped ; BoxC show s the co de fo r the m anagem ent m ethod w hich the rec eiving facility used to manage the waste;and Box D shows the qua ntity shipped to the facility during the reporting year.Section 4Not shown; all responses are negative. See Example 1, ABC Painting Co., Form GM page 4 of 6. Thisform is complete.20


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms C ompleted by Platers Inc.Form GM , page 8 of 10: Wastewater treatment sludge from electroplating operations, shipped off-site.Section 1W aste characteristics. The Box A description is “Wastewater treatment sludge fromelectroplating”. The EPA waste code (Box B) for this waste is F006. The Source code in BoxC is G23, a residu al from wastewater treatment. A M anagement M ethod code is not reportedbecause the source code is not G25. The Form C ode (Box D) is W501for lime and/or metalhydroxide sludg es and solid s with no cyan ides. Box E is “No” since the waste is not RCRARadioactive mixed.Section 2On -site generation and m anagem ent of hazardo us w aste. Boxes A and B show quantitiesgenerated in the previous and reporting years, respectively. The unit of measure is tons, codedas a “T ” in Box C. Den sity is left blank sin ce the unit of measure is not v olum etric. Box Dis answered "No", since the waste was not treated, recycled, or disposed of on-site. The Onsite System Box es are left blank.Section 3Off-site shipm ent of hazardo us w aste. Box A is chec ked "Ye s" to indicate that the waste wasshipped off-site in the reporting year. The EPA ID of the facility that received the w astes isrecorded in Box B. The off-site system type in Box C is M132 (landfill) and not M111(stabilization) because the ultimate disposition of the waste at the receiving facility was landfilldispo sal. The total quantity shipped to the facility is entered in Box D. Since more waste wasgenerated than was sent off-site for treatment and eventual dispo sal, the q uan tities repo rted inSection 2, Bo x B (gen erated in the rep orting year) and in Sec tion 3 , Box D (sh ipped off-sitein the rep orting year) are differen t. Lines for Sites 2 through 5 are left blank since waste wasshipped to only one site.22


EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms C ompleted by Platers Inc.Form GM (continued), Page 9 of 10Section 4requ ests information from sites which have a storage permit or inactive disposal units/surface impo undments.Platers Inc. has a storage permit and had one container of F006 sludg e located in the greater than 90 daystorage area as of December 31. The waste was generated in the reporting year but hadn't been shipped offsite yet. Therefore, Box A , Items 1 and 1.a., are both checked "Y es" but Item 2 is "No". In Box B, theHandling code for container sto rage (S01 ) is listed, as w ell as the amo unt, unit of measure, and density. N otethat the amount is 1 ton, which is equal to Section 2 Box B minus Section 3 Box E. This form is complete.Form OI, Page 10 of 10Not shown. See Example 1, ABC Painting Co, Form OI page 6 of 6. Identical exceptthat Platers Inc. shipped only to Waste Disposal Inc.24


EXAMPLES(Continued)EXAMPLE 3Wa ste Disposal Inc.(Commercial TSDR facility)Site DescriptionWaste Disposal Inc. is a comm ercial treatment and disposal facility of hazardou s wastes. The company receivescom bustible hazardous waste for incineration in three incinerators, all designed for incinerating both liquids and slud ges.The com pan y also receiv es hazardous waste which is stabilized in a cement-based system . The resulting stabilized w asteis disposed of in an on-site landfill. The schematic diagram of the hazardous waste operations is shown in Figure A-3.Wa ste Managem ent ActivitiesDuring the reporting year, Waste Disposal Inc. received 30 tons of spent solvent (EPA waste code F003) from ABC Painting Co.(Ex am ple 1) and 1 ton of still bottoms (EPA waste code F001) from Platers Inc. (Exam ple 2) for incineration. However, 35 tonswere actually incinerated during the year, 4 tons of which came from hazardous waste still in storage at the end of the previousyear. The incineration process produced 760 pounds of ash which w as disposed in the on-site landfill. Due to a temporarycessation o f operations, som e custom er waste w as stored and then tran sferred off-site withou t treatm ent.The company also received waste which was stabilized and then disposed of in the on-site landfill. The cumulative amount ofhazardous waste entering the stabilization system during the reporting year was 80 tons, and the amount exiting the system was100 to ns. T he 60 0,0 00 gallo ns o f leachate fro m the la ndfill w as shippe d to a POTW .26

EXAMPLES(Continued)Forms C ompleted by W aste Disposal Inc.Site ID FormWaste Disposal Inc. is required to file a Annual H azardo us W aste Report since the site treated, st

forms have been filled out and are ready for submission to Ohio EPA. Forms Completed by ABC Painti ng Co. EXAMPLES (Conti nued) 7. EXAMPLES (Conti nued) 8 Form GM A sepa rate and indepen dent Form GM is fi lled out f or each hazardous waste generat ed at the s ite. Si nce onl y one

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