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B2CContent Marketing2014Benchmarks, Budgets,and Trends–North AmericaSponSored byVIEW & SHARE

Overview: The State of B2C Content Marketing IN NORTH AMERICAGreetings Consumer Marketers,In many ways, it’s a good year for B2C content marketers. Adoption rates of content marketing are on the rise and confidencehas grown: 90% of B2C marketers are using content marketing, compared with 86% last year.34% of B2C marketers consider themselves effective at content marketing—up from 32% last year.B2C marketers have rated many tactics higher in effectiveness this year; in-person events and eNewsletters top the listof effective tactics.B2C marketers are using all social platforms more often, with LinkedIn use registering the biggest jump (from 51% to 71%).This confidence in content marketing also shows in terms of investment: 60% of B2C marketers plan to increase the amount theyallocate to content marketing. Perhaps surprisingly, the least effective B2C marketers plan to increase their content marketingbudgets more than the most effective ones (69% vs. 55%): another indication that marketers believe in the principles of contentmarketing, even if they have not quite figured out how to best execute.Read on to discover not only how the B2C content marketing landscape has changed over the last year, but also to learn what themost effective B2C marketers are doing differently than their peers.On with the content marketing revolution!Joe PulizziFounderContent Marketing InstituteAnn HandleyChief Content OfficerMarketingProfsNote: Throughout this report, we refer to companies by size. Large companies are defined as 1,000 employees;midsize as 100-999 employees; small as 10-99 employees; and microsize as 1-9 employees.SponSored by2VIEW & SHARE

USAGE90% of B2C marketers use content marketing.Percentage of B2C MarketersUsing Content Marketing10%do notuse contentmarketing90% Last year, 86% of B2C marketers saidthey used content marketing. While 93% of large B2C companies,94% of midsize companies, and 95% of smallcompanies use content marketing, only 78%of microsize companies do.use contentmarketing2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by3VIEW & SHARE

OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS34% of B2C marketers believe they are effectiveat content marketing.How B2C Marketers Rate theEffectiveness of Their Organization’sUse of Content Marketing7%27%543Very Effective44%20%21Not At All Effective010 20 30 Last year, 32% of B2C marketers saidthey were effective at content marketing. 42% of B2B marketers believe they areeffective at content marketing.1%40 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by4VIEW & SHARE

OVERALL EFFECTIVENESSProfile of a best-in-class B2C content marketer.Comparison of Most Effective B2C Content Marketerswith Least Effective B2C Content MarketersMost EffectiveOverall/AverageLeast EffectiveHas a documented content strategy60%39%12%Has someone who overseescontent marketing strategy85%67%50%14129Average number ofsocial media platforms used765Percent of marketing budgetspent on content marketing32%24%10%Challenged with lack of budget36%48%67%Challenged with lack of knowledgeand training14%33%66%Average number of tactics used “Most Effective” Respondents who rated their organization’s use of content marketing as 4 or 5 in termsof effectiveness (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being “Very Effective”) “Least Effective” Respondents who rated their organization’s use of content marketing as 1 or 2 in termsof effectiveness (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Not At All Effective”)2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by5VIEW & SHARE

STRATEGY39% of B2C marketers have a documentedcontent strategy.Percentage of B2C Marketers WhoHave a Documented Content Strategy9%Unsure52%39%Yes 60% of the most effective B2C marketershave a documented content strategy,compared with 12% of their least effectivepeers. Small B2C companies are more likely thanlarge B2C companies to have a documentedcontent strategy (46% vs. 41%).No2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by6VIEW & SHARE

STRATEGY67% of B2C organizations have someone in placeto oversee content marketing strategy.Percentage of B2C Marketerswith Someone Who OverseesContent Marketing Strategy6% 85% of the most effective B2C marketershave someone who oversees contentmarketing strategy, compared with 50%of their least effective B2C peers. Small B2C companies are more likely thanlarge B2C companies to have someone whooversees content marketing strategy(69% vs. 58%).Unsure26%No67%Yes2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by7VIEW & SHARE

CONTENT VOLUME72% of B2C marketers are producing more contentthan they did one year ago.Change in Amount ofB2C Content Creation(Over Last 12 Months)3%Unsure4%Less21%32%SignificantlyMoreSame Amount40% 77% of the most effective B2C marketersare creating more content than they didone year ago, compared with 64% of theirleast effective peers. 81% of B2C marketers with a documentedcontent marketing strategy are creatingmore content than they did one year ago,compared with 69% of those who do nothave a documented strategy.More2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by8VIEW & SHARE

TACTIC USAGEB2C marketers use an average of 12 contentmarketing tactics.B2C Content Marketing Usage100(by Tactic)88%72% 72%61%VIEW & SHARE18% 17%19%Games/Gamification24% 23%2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs9As with B2B, infographicshas seen the largestincrease in usage (from33% last year to 40%this year).25%Virtual Conferences29% 28%Print NewslettersWebinars/WebcastsDigital MagazinesAnnual ReportsWhite PapersPrint MagazinesBranded Content ToolsOnline PresentationsMobile AppsInfographicsCase StudiesMicrositesMobile ContentArticles on Other WebsitesIn-person EventsVideosBlogseNewsletters031% 30% 30% 30%Articles on Your Website20Social Media – Other than Blogs4043% %41 40% % %39 39 37% 37%Podcasts46%eBooks60 Books65%Licensed/Syndicated Content76%Research Reports78%80 B2C marketers use thesame number of tacticsas they did last year (12);their B2B counterpartsuse 13.SponSored by

TACTIC EFFECTIVENESSB2C content marketers have increasing confidencewith many tactics.Confidence GapEffectiveness Ratings of Tactics Among B2C UsersBelieve It’s EffectiveBelieve It’s Less EffectiveIn-person Events74%eNewsletters73%Videos65%Social Media –63%Other than Blogs58% Articles on Your Website58% Webinars/Webcasts56% Mobile Content56% Online PresentationsBlogs55%54% Case Studies26%27%35%37%42%42%44%44%45%46% B2C confidence in the effectiveness of allthese tactics has risen, with the exception ofblogs, which is down two percentage points. For the second year in a row, B2C marketershave rated in-person events as the mosteffective tactic, with confidence ineffectiveness increasing substantially(from 62% last year to 74% this year). The most effective B2C marketers,however, rate eNewsletters as the mosteffective tactic (91%), followed by in-personevents (81%).100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by10VIEW & SHARE

SOCIAL MEDIA USAGEB2C marketers are using social media more frequentlythan they did last year.B2CFacebookTwitterYouTubeLinkedInGoogle PinterestInstagram32%SlideShare 19%Flickr18%Tumblr 18%16% Foursquare16% Vimeo13% StumbleUpon13% Vine0204055%53%89%80%72%71% B2C and B2B marketers both use an averageof six social media platforms; last year,B2C used four. B2C marketers are using every social mediaplatform listed here more often than they didlast year. LinkedIn had the biggest jump in B2Cusage: from 51% last year to 71% this year.60801002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by11VIEW & SHARE

SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVENESSAlthough adoption rates of social media are high,B2C marketers are unsure of its effectiveness.Confidence GapEffectiveness Ratings of Social Media PlatformsAmong B2C UsersBelieve It’s Effective62%52%50%42%42%Believe It’s Less EffectiveFacebookYouTubeTwitterLinkedInVimeo37% Pinterest34% Instagram27% SlideShare24% Tumblr23%Google 38%48%50%58%58% Overall, B2C marketers rate Facebook asthe most effective social platform; however,large B2C companies rate YouTube as themost effective. B2C marketers have more confidence inFacebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr,and Google than their B2B counterparts do.63%66%73%76%77%100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by12VIEW & SHARE

ORGANIZATIONAL GOALSBrand awareness is the top organizational goal forB2C content marketing.Organizational Goals forB2C Content Marketing79%Customer Acquistion71%Customer Retention/Loyalty 65%Engagement64%Website Traffic62%Sales51%Lead Generation 50%Thought Leadership 33%Lead Management/Nurturing 28%Brand Awareness010 20 30 Brand awareness has replaced customerretention/loyalty (which was 77% last year)as the top goal for B2C content marketing. 74% of the most effective B2C marketers citeengagement as a goal, compared with 43%of their least effective B2C peers.40 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by13VIEW & SHARE

MEASUREMENTB2C marketers cite Web traffic as their top contentmarketing metric.Metrics for B2CContent Marketing Success66%Social Media Sharing 52%Time Spent on Website 46%Direct Sales44%Web TrafficQualitative Feedback from CustomersSEO Ranking41%Increased Customer LoyaltySubscriber Growth 35%43%40% For the second year in a row, B2C marketershave cited Web traffic and social media sharingas their top two content marketing metrics.29%Benchmark Lift of Product/Service Awareness 27%Inbound Links 27%Sales Lead Quality 27%Sales Lead Quantity 23%Cross-selling 14%Cost Savings 11%Benchmark Lift of Company Awareness010 20 3040 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs14VIEW & SHARESponSored by

BUDGET60% of B2C marketers plan to increase their contentmarketing budget over the next 12 months.B2C Content Marketing Spending(Over Next 12 Months) A higher percentage of B2C marketers planto increase their content marketing budgetcompared with last year (60% vs. 55%).15% B2C marketers will increase contentmarketing spend more so than theirB2B counterparts (60% vs. Unsure28%Remain the 69% of the least effective B2C marketersplan to increase their spend, comparedwith 55% of the most effective.Same2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by15VIEW & SHARE

BUDGETOn average, 24% of B2C marketing budgets areallocated to content marketing.Percent of Total Marketing BudgetSpent on B2C Content Marketing The most effective B2C marketersallocate 32% of their total budget tocontent marketing, while the least effectiveallocate %-4%4%0%20%14%17%23%Unsure010 Large B2C companies allocate 19% of theirmarketing budget to content marketing,while small B2C companies allocate 24%.2030Average Spent: 24%2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by16VIEW & SHARE

INSOURCING VS. OUTSOURCINGLarge B2C companies outsource content creation morefrequently than small B2C companies.Insourcing vs. Outsourcingof B2C Content CreationOverall/AverageLarge Companies(1,000 Employees)Small Companies(10-99 Employees)In-house Only51%35%54%Outsourced Only2%4%1%Both47%61%44%2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs B2C marketers overall are outsourcingslightly more than they did last year(49% vs. 47%). There are no substantial differences betweenhow much content the most effective andleast effective B2C marketers outsource. B2C marketers outsource content moreoften than their B2B counterparts do(49% vs. 44%).SponSored by17VIEW & SHARE

INSOURCING VS. OUTSOURCINGWriting and design are the functions most likely to beoutsourced.Functions thatB2C Marketers OutsourceWriting41%Design63%Content Distribution/Syndication 27%Editing24%Content Planning & Strategy 16% The most effective B2C marketers are lesslikely to outsource most aspects of contentmarketing with one notable exception: 19%are more likely to outsource measurementand analytics, compared with 14% of theirleast effective peers.Measurement/Analytics 15%Buyer Persona Creation 5%010 20 3040 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by18VIEW & SHARE

SEGMENTATIONB2C marketers most often tailor content based onprofiles of individual decision makers.How B2C Organizations Tailor Content56%Profile of Individual Decision Makers44%Industry TrendsStage in the Buying CyclePersonalized Content PreferencesCompany CharacteristicsCompetitors’ ContentNone08%1020 40%38%33%12%30 91% of B2C marketers segment theircontent in at least one way.40506070B2B marketers tailor content moreoften than B2C marketers in every categorylisted here, with one exception: B2Cmarketers are more likely than their B2Bcounterparts to tailor content based onpersonalized content preferences(38% vs. 21%).802014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by19VIEW & SHARE

CHALLENGESLack of budget, while still an issue, is no longer thetop challenge for B2C content marketers.Challenges thatB2C Content Marketers FaceLack of Time57%Producing the Kind of Content that Engages48%Producing Enough Content 45%51%Lack of BudgetInability to Measure Content Effectiveness 36%36%Lack of Knowledge and Training 33%Lack of Integration Across Marketing 31%Lack of Buy-in/Vision 23%Lack of Integration Across HR 14%Inability to Collect Information from SMEs 13%Producing a Variety of ContentFinding Trained Content Marketing Professionals010 20 30 The top three challenges last year were lackof budget (52%), producing enough content(51%), and producing the kind of contentthat engages (49%). B2C marketers are less challenged in allareas listed here than they were last year,except for lack of time (new this year),producing the kind of content that engages,and lack of buy-in/vision.10%40 50 60 70 80 90 1002014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by20VIEW & SHARE

CHALLENGESMarketers at large companies face different challengesthan marketers at small companies.Biggest B2C Content Marketing Challenge(by Company Size)Large CompaniesSmall CompaniesProducing the Kind ofContent that Engages16%13%Lack of Buy-in/Vision15%7%Lack of IntegrationAcross Marketing14%0%Lack of Time14%24%Lack of Budget7%16%Lack of Knowledge and Training5%7%Producing Enough Content5%10%Inability to MeasureContent Effectiveness4%9%Producing a Variety of Content3%0%Lack of Integration Across HR3%0%Finding TrainedContent Marketing Professionals0%4%(1,000 Employees)(10-99 Employees)2014 B2B Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsSponSored by21VIEW & SHARE

B2C Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America was produced by ContentMarketing Institute and MarketingProfs and sponsored by Imagination.The fourth annual Content Marketing Survey, from which the results of this report were generated, was mailedelectronically to a sample of marketers using lists from Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, Brightcove,Blackbaud, King Content, The Association for Data-driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA), the Direct Marketing AssociationUK (DMA), Industry Week, and New Equipment Digest. A total of 4,397 recipients from around the globe—representing a fullrange of industries, functional areas, and company sizes—responded throughout July and August 2013.B2C Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America reports on the findings from 307(out of the total 4,397) respondents who identified themselves as B2C marketers in North America.B2C Industry ClassificationSize of B2C Company(by Employees)B2C Job tribution11% 10% Education7% Healthcare/Medical/7% PharmaceuticalOther43%6% Publishing/Media6% RealEstate5%Insurance5%ManufacturingLarge(1,000 er than10 hnology4%ContentCreation/Management8%Small(10-99 lSales/Business ManagementManagement5%8%7%SponSored by22VIEW & SHARE

About Content Marketing Institute:Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization. CMIteaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel storytelling.CMI’s Content Marketing World, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September, and ContentMarketing World Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief Content Officer, and providesstrategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands in the world. CMI is a 2012 and2013 Inc. 500 company. View all original CMI research at www.contentmarketinginstitute.com/research.About MarketingProfs:MarketingProfs (www.marketingprofs.com) is a marketing education and training company that offers actionableknow-how designed to make you a smarter marketer. More than 600,000 MarketingProfs members rely on our free dailypublications, virtual conferences, and more to stay up-to-date on the most important trends in marketing—and how toapply them to their businesses.About Imagination:Imagination creates original custom content that’s guided by thoughtful strategy, powered by big ideas, andexecuted flawlessly. Founded 19 years ago by James E. Meyers, president and CEO, Imagination delivers strategic,integrated content marketing programs for more than 20 blue-chip clients and associations. Today, Imaginationemploys nearly 100 full-time content marketing professionals, including editors, strategists, community managers,analysts, developers, and designers. Company capabilities include content strategy and planning, custom magazinepublishing, digital content and design, social media strategy, video, community management, and marketingautomation. We listen to you. We connect with your audience. We create content marketing programs that willachieve your business objectives.SponSored by23VIEW & SHARE

2014 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs 90% of B2C marketers use content marketing. USAGE Last year, 86% of b2C marketers said they used content marketing. While 93% of large b2C companies, 94% of midsize companies, and 95% of small

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