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528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 528Page 1 of 8Dictators ThreatenWorld PeaceMAIN IDEAThe rise of rulers with totalpower in Europe and Asia ledto World War ll.WHY IT MATTERS NOWDictators of the 1930s and1940s changed the course ofhistory, making world leadersespecially watchful for theactions of dictators today.Terms & Names Joseph Stalin totalitarian Benito Mussolini fascism Adolf Hitler Nazism Francisco Franco Neutrality ActsOne American's StoryMartha Gellhorn arrived in Madrid in 1937 to cover thebrutal civil war that had broken out in Spain the yearbefore. Hired as a special correspondent for Collier’s Weekly,she had come with very little money and no special protection. On assignment there, she met the writer ErnestHemingway, whom she later married. To Gellhorn, a youngAmerican writer, the Spanish Civil War was a deadly struggle between tyranny and democracy. For the people ofMadrid, it was also a daily struggle for survival.A PERSONAL VOICE MARTHA GELLHORN“ You would be walking down a street, hearing only the city—The Face of WarLess than two decades after the end of World War I—“the war to end allwars”—fighting erupted again in Europe and in Asia. As Americans read about distant battles, they hoped the conflicts would remain on the other side of the world.Nationalism Grips Europe and AsiaThe seeds of new conflicts had been sown in World War I. For many nations,peace had brought not prosperity but revolution fueled by economic depressionand struggle. The postwar years also brought the rise of powerful dictators drivenby the belief in nationalism—loyalty to one’s country above all else—and dreamsof territorial expansion.528CHAPTER 16 noises of streetcars and automobiles and people calling toone another, and suddenly, crushing it all out, would be thehuge stony deep booming of a falling shell, at the corner. There was no place torun, because how did you know that the next shell would not be behind you, orahead, or to the left or right?”Martha Gellhorn,one of the firstwomen warcorrespondents,began her careerduring theSpanish Civil War.

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 529Page 2 of 8 MAIN IDEAIdentifyingProblemsA Why did thenew democraciesset up after WorldWar I fail?A. AnswerA lack of democratic tradition,failure of theTreaty ofVersailles andeconomic devastation.B. AnswerComplete control over citizensand ruthlesssuppression ofopposition.MAIN IDEASummarizingB What are thecharacteristics ofa totalitarianstate?Germany was expected to pay off hugedebts while dealing with widespreadpoverty. By 1923, an inflating economymade a five-million German mark worthless than a penny. Here children buildblocks with stacks of useless Germanmarks.FAILURES OF THE WORLD WAR I PEACE SETTLEMENT Instead of securinga “just and secure peace,” the Treaty of Versailles caused anger and resentment.Germans saw nothing fair in a treaty that blamed them for starting the war. Nordid they find security in a settlement that stripped them of their overseas coloniesand border territories. These problems overwhelmed the Weimar Republic, thedemocratic government set up in Germany after World War I. Similarly, theSoviets resented the carving up of parts of Russia. (See map, Chapter 11, p. 400.)The peace settlement had not fulfilled President Wilson’s hope of a world“safe for democracy.” New democratic governments that emerged in Europe afterthe war floundered. Without a democratic tradition, people turned to authoritarian leaders to solve their economic and social problems. The new democraciescollapsed, and dictators were able to seize power. Some had great ambitions. AJOSEPH STALIN TRANSFORMS THE SOVIET UNION In Russia, hopes fordemocracy gave way to civil war, resulting in the establishment of a communiststate, officially called the Soviet Union, in 1922. After V. I. Lenin died in 1924,Joseph Stalin, whose last name means “man of steel,” took control of the country. Stalin focused on creating a model communist state. In so doing, he madeboth agricultural and industrial growth the prime economic goals of the SovietUnion. Stalin abolished all privately owned farms and replaced them with collectives—large government-owned farms, each worked by hundreds of families.Stalin moved to transform the Soviet Union from a backward rural nation intoa great industrial power. In 1928, the Soviet dictator outlined the first of several“five-year plans,” to direct the industrialization. All economic activity was placedunder state management. By 1937, the Soviet Union had become the world’s second-largest industrial power, surpassed in overall production only by the UnitedStates. The human costs of this transformation, however, were enormous.In his drive to purge, or eliminate, anyone who threatened his power, Stalindid not spare even his most faithful supporters. While the final toll will never beknown, historians estimate that Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 8 millionto 13 million people. Millions more died in famines caused by the restructuringof Soviet society.By 1939, Stalin had firmly established a totalitarian government thatmaintained complete control over its citizens. In a totalitarian state, individualshave no rights, and the government suppresses all opposition. BWorld War Looms529

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 530Page 3 of 8NThe Rise of Nationalism, 1922–1941WES75 N0 45 EAdolf Hitler offers economic stabilityto unemployed Germans during theGreat Depression and becomeschancellor in 1933.Arctic CircleAT L A N T I COCEANJoseph Stalin grabs control of theSoviet Union in 1924 and squelchesall opposition after V. I. Lenin, founderof the communist regime, dies.Fascist dictatorshipCommunist dictatorshipImperialist military regime0S O V I E TU N I O N07507501,500 miles1,500 kilometers60 NGREATBRITAINLondon45 NMoscowBerlinGERMANYParisFRANCESPAINMadridBenito Mussolini rises to powerin 1922 and attempts to restoreItaly to its former position as aworld power.ITALYRomeM e d i t e r ra n eanSea ofJapanJAPANSeaYellowSeaFrancisco Franco leads the rebelNationalist army to victory inSpain and gains complete control of the country in 1939.Hideki Tojo, the force behind Japanesestrategy, becomes Japan’s primeminister in 1941. Emperor Hirohitobecomes a powerless figurehead.TokyoEastChinaSeaPA C I F I COCEANTropic of CancerGEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER1. Region In which countries did authoritarian leaders come to power?SkillbuilderAnswers1. Germany—Adolph Hitler;Spain—FranciscoFranco; Italy—BenitoMussolini;Soviet Union—Joseph Stalin;Japan—HidekiTojo.2. Its status asisland nation.Who were the leaders?2. Location What geographic features might have led Japan to expand?“530CHINATHE RISE OF FASCISM IN ITALY While Stalin was consolidating his power inthe Soviet Union, Benito Mussolini was establishing a totalitarian regime inItaly, where unemployment and inflation produced bitter strikes, some communist-led. Alarmed by these threats, the middle and upper classes demandedstronger leadership. Mussolini took advantage of this situation. A powerful speaker, Mussolini knew how to appeal to Italy’s wounded national pride. He played onthe fears of economic collapse and communism. In this way, he won the supportof many discontented Italians.By 1921, Mussolini had established the FascistItaly wants peace, Party. Fascism (fBshPGzQEm) stressed nationalism andwork, and calm.placed the interests of the state above those of individI will give theseuals. To strengthen the nation, Fascists argued, powerthings with love if must rest with a single strong leader and a small grouppossible, with force of devoted party members. (The Latin fasces—a bundleof rods tied around an ax handle—had been a symbol ofif necessary.”unity and authority in ancient Rome.)BENITO MUSSOLINIIn October 1922, Mussolini marched on Rome withthousands of his followers, whose black uniforms gave them the name “BlackShirts.” When important government officials, the army, and the police sidedwith the Fascists, the Italian king appointed Mussolini head of the government.Calling himself Il Duce, or “the leader,” Mussolini gradually extended Fascistcontrol to every aspect of Italian life. Tourists marveled that Il Duce had even“made the trains run on time.” Mussolini achieved this efficiency, however, bycrushing all opposition and by making Italy a totalitarian state. CCHAPTER 16C. AnswerItalians pridewas hurt, risinginflation, unemployment, andsocial unrest.MAIN IDEAAnalyzingCausesC What factorsled to the rise ofFascism in Italy?165 E

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 531Page 4 of 8The Faces of TotalitarianismFascist Italy Extreme nationalismMilitaristic expansionismCharismatic leaderPrivate property with stronggovernment controls AnticommunistNazi GermanyCommunist Soviet UnionExtreme nationalism and racismMilitaristic expansionismForceful leaderPrivate property with stronggovernment controls Anticommunist Create a sound communist stateand wait for world revolution Revolution by workers Eventual rule by working class State ownership of property D. AnswerTo reunite allGermans;Germans were amaster race;other “races”were inferior;Germany needed more livingspace.MAIN IDEASummarizingD What were thekey ideas andgoals that Hitlerpresented in MeinKampf ?BackgroundAccording to Hitlerthere were threeGerman empires:the Holy RomanEmpire; TheGerman Empire of1871–1918; andThe Third Reich.THE NAZIS TAKE OVER GERMANY In Germany, Adolf Hitler had followeda path to power similar to Mussolini’s. At the end of World War I, Hitler had beena jobless soldier drifting around Germany. In 1919, he joined a struggling groupcalled the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, better known as the NaziParty. Despite its name, this party had no ties to socialism.Hitler proved to be such a powerful public speaker and organizer that hequickly became the party’s leader. Calling himself Der Führer—“the Leader”—hepromised to bring Germany out of chaos.In his book Mein Kampf [My Struggle], Hitler set forth the basic beliefs ofNazism that became the plan of action for the Nazi Party. Nazism (nätPsGzQEm),the German brand of fascism, was based on extreme nationalism. Hitler, who hadbeen born in Austria, dreamed of uniting all German-speaking people in a greatGerman empire.Hitler also wanted to enforce racial “purification” at home. In his view,Germans—especially blue-eyed, blond-haired “Aryans”—formed a “master race”that was destined to rule the world. “Inferior races,” such as Jews, Slavs, and allnonwhites, were deemed fit only to serve the Aryans.A third element of Nazism was national expansion. Hitler believed that forGermany to thrive, it needed more lebensraum, or living space. One of the Nazis’aims, as Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, was “to secure for the German people theland and soil to which they are entitled on this earth,” even if this could beaccomplished only by “the might of a victorious sword.” DThe Great Depression helped the Nazis come to power. Because of war debtsand dependence on American loans and investments, Germany’s economy washit hard. By 1932, some 6 million Germans were unemployed. Many men whowere out of work joined Hitler’s private army, the storm troopers (or Brown Shirts).The German people were desperate and turned to Hitler as their last hope.By mid 1932, the Nazis had become the strongest political party in Germany.In January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor (prime minister). Once in power,Hitler quickly dismantled Germany’s democratic Weimar Republic. In its place heestablished the Third Reich, or Third German Empire. According to Hitler, the ThirdReich would be a “Thousand-Year Reich”—it would last for a thousand years.Left to right:Benito Mussolini,Adolf Hitler,Joseph StalinWorld War Looms531

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 532Page 5 of 8Japan Invades Manchuria, 1931Italy Invades Ethiopia, 1935–1936SOVIET denRedSeaJAPANSea ofJapan15 NETHIOPIAKOREACHINAAddis AbabaYellowSeaIn 1910, Koreawas brought underJapanese control.Tokyo0 EquatorEast ChinaSeaINDIANOCEAN0 NNWTropic of CancerES0PACIFICOCEAN20015 S400 miles0 200 400 kilometers0800 miles400 800 kilometersGEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER1. Location What countries were aggressorsduring this period?2. Movement Notice the size and location ofItaly and of Japan with respect to the countryeach invaded. What similarities do you see?AGGRESSION IN EUROPE AND AFRICA The failure of the League of Nationsto take action against Japan did not escape the notice of Europe’s dictators. In1933, Hitler pulled Germany out of the League. In 1935, he began a militarybuildup in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. A year later, he sent troops intothe Rhineland, a German region bordering France and Belgium that was demilitarized as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. The League did nothing to stop Hitler.CHAPTER 16400Tropic of CapricornMILITARISTS GAIN CONTROL IN JAPAN Halfway around the world, nationalistic military leaders were trying to take control of the imperial government ofJapan. These leaders shared in common with Hitler a belief in the need for moreliving space for a growing population. Ignoring the protests of more moderateJapanese officials, the militarists launched a surprise attack and seized control ofthe Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931. Within several months, Japanesetroops controlled the entire province, a large region about twice the size of Texas,that was rich in natural resources. EThe watchful League of Nations had been established after World War I to prevent just such aggressive acts. In this greatest test of the League’s power, representatives were sent to Manchuria to investigate the situation. Their report condemnedJapan, who in turn simply quit the League. Meanwhile, the success of theManchurian invasion put the militarists firmly in control of Japan’s government.532ES0135 ESkillbuilder Answers1. Italy, Germany, Japan2. They were both small nationsthat invaded larger countries.WE. Answer Togain “livingspace” andresources forpeople.MAIN IDEAAnalyzingMotivesE Why did Japaninvade Manchuria?BackgroundMilitarygovernment hadcenturies-old rootsin Japan. Theshogun lords ofthe Middle Ageshad been militaryleaders.

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 533Meanwhile, Mussolini began building his new RomanEmpire. His first target was Ethiopia, one of Africa’s fewremaining independent countries. By the fall of 1935, tensof thousands of Italian soldiers stood ready to advance onEthiopia. The League of Nations reacted with brave talk of“collective resistance to all acts of unprovoked aggression.”When the invasion began, however, the League’sresponse was an ineffective economic boycott—little morethan a slap on Italy’s wrist. By May 1936, Ethiopia had fallen. In desperation, Haile Selassie, the ousted Ethiopianemperor, appealed to the League for assistance. Nothingwas done. “It is us today,” he told them. “It will be youtomorrow.”MAIN IDEAF. AnswerGermany andItaly on the sideof Franco; theSoviet Union insupport of theSpanish government.HISTORICALS P O TLIG H TAFRICAN AMERICANS STANDBY ETHIOPIANSWhen Mussolini invaded Ethiopia,many Europeans and Americans—especially African Americans—were outraged. Almost overnight,African Americans organizedto raise money for medical supplies, and a few went to fight inEthiopia. Years later, the Ethiopianemperor Haile Selassie (shownabove) said of these efforts,“We can never forget the helpEthiopia received from NegroAmericans during the terriblecrisis. . . . It moved me toknow that Americans of Africandescent did not abandon theirembattled brothers, but stoodby us.” SummarizingF What foreigncountries wereinvolved in theSpanish Civil War?CIVIL WAR BREAKS OUT IN SPAIN In 1936, a group ofSpanish army officers led by General Francisco Franco,rebelled against the Spanish republic. Revolts broke out allover Spain, and the Spanish Civil War began. The wararoused passions not only in Spain but throughout theworld. About 3,000 Americans formed the AbrahamLincoln Battalion and traveled to Spain to fight againstFranco. “We knew, we just knew,” recalled MarthaGellhorn, “that Spain was the place to stop fascism.”Among the volunteers were African Americans still bitterabout Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia the year before.Such limited aid was not sufficient to stop the spread offascism, however. The Western democracies remained neutral. Although the Soviet Union sent equipment and advisers, Hitler and Mussolini backed Franco’s forces with troops,weapons, tanks, and fighter planes. The war forged a closerelationship between the German and Italian dictators, whosigned a formal alliance known as the Rome-Berlin Axis.After a loss of almost 500,000 lives, Franco’s victory in 1939established him as Spain’s fascist dictator. Once again atotalitarian government ruled in Europe. FPage 6 of 8A French journalistescapes from Spain toFrance with a child herescued from a streetbattle. Fighting wouldsoon engulf not onlyFrance but the rest ofEurope and parts ofAsia.World War Looms533

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 534Page 7 of 8The United States Responds CautiouslyMost Americans were alarmed by the international conflicts of the mid-1930s butbelieved that the United States should not get involved. In 1928, the UnitedStates had signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact. The treaty was signed by 62 countriesand declared that war would not be used “as an instrument of national policy.”Yet it did not include a plan to deal with countries that broke their pledge. ThePact was, therefore, only a small step toward peace.AMERICANS CLING TO ISOLATIONISM In the early 1930s, a flood of booksargued that the United States had been dragged into World War I by greedybankers and arms dealers. Public outrage led to the creation of a congressionalcommittee, chaired by North Dakota Senator Gerald Nye, that held hearings onthese charges. The Nye committee fueled the controversy by documenting thelarge profits that banks and manufacturers made during the war. As the furor grewover these “merchants of death,” Americans became more determined than ever toavoid war. Antiwar feeling was so strong that the Girl Scouts of America changedthe color of its uniforms from khaki to green to appear less militaristic. GAmericans’ growing isolationism eventually had an impact on PresidentRoosevelt’s foreign policy. When he had first taken office in 1933, Roosevelt feltcomfortable reaching out to the world in several ways. He officially recognizedthe Soviet Union in 1933 and agreed to exchange ambassadors with Moscow. Hecontinued the policy of nonintervention in Latin America—begun by PresidentsCoolidge and Hoover—with his Good Neighbor Policy and withdrew armedforces stationed there. In 1934, Roosevelt pushed the Reciprocal Trade AgreementAct through Congress. This act lowered trade barriers by giving the president thepower to make trade agreements with other nations and was aimed at reducingAnalyzing“IT AIN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE”During the late 1930s, Americans were divided aboutbecoming involved in “Europe's quarrels.” Some people felt that the United States should be moreinvolved in the economic and political problemsoccurring across the Atlantic. Isolationists—peoplewho believed the United States should stay completely out of other nations’ affairs except in thedefense of the United States—strictly opposed intervening. The idea that America and Europe were twoseparate worlds divided by an ocean that couldguarantee safety was quickly eroding.SKILLBUILDERAnalyzing Political Cartoons1. What does Uncle Sam’s turning his back onEurope show about American attitudes in thelate 1930s?2. What U.S. policy does the cartoon imply?3. Why might the Atlantic Ocean have appeared toshrink in the late 1930s?SEE SKILLBUILDER HANDBOOK, PAGE R24.534CHAPTER 16G. AnswerEvidence thatlarge profits hadbeen made bybanks and armsindustries during World War I;regret over having beeninvolved in thatwar; hatred ofmilitarism.MAIN IDEAAnalyzingCausesG What factorscontributed toAmericans’growingisolationism?

528-535-Chapter 1610/21/025:31 PMPage 535Page 8 of 8tariffs by as much as 50 percent. In an effort to keep the United States out offuture wars, beginning in 1935, Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts. Thefirst two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war. The third act waspassed in response to the fighting in Spain. This act extended the ban on armssales and loans to nations engaged in civil wars.NEUTRALITY BREAKS DOWN Despite congressional efforts to legislate neutrality, Roosevelt found it impossible to remain neutral. When Japan launched anew attack on China in July 1937, Roosevelt found a way around the NeutralityActs. Because Japan had not formally declared war against China, the presidentclaimed there was no need to enforce the Neutrality Acts. The United States continued sending arms and supplies to China. A few months later, Roosevelt spokeout strongly against isolationism in a speech delivered in Chicago. He called onpeace-loving nations to “quarantine,” or isolate, aggressor nations in order to stopthe spread of war.A PERSONAL VOICE FRANLKIN DELANO ROOSEVELT“ The peace, the freedom, and the security of 90 percent of the population of theworld is being jeopardized by the remaining 10 percent who are threatening abreakdown of all international order and law. Surely the 90 percent who want tolive in peace under law and in accordance with moral standards that have receivedalmost universal acceptance through the centuries, can and must find some way . . to preserve peace.”—“Quarantine Speech,” October 5, 1937At last Roosevelt seemed ready to take a stand against aggression—that is, untilisolationist newspapers exploded in protest, accusing the president of leading thenation into war. Roosevelt backed off in the face of criticism, but his speech didbegin to shift the debate. For the moment the conflicts remained “over there.”1. TERMS & NAMES For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. Joseph Stalin totalitarian Benito Mussolini fascism Adolf Hitler NazismMAIN IDEACRITICAL THINKING2. TAKING NOTESUsing a web diagram like the onebelow, fill it in with the mainambition of each dictator.3. ANALYZING CAUSESHow did the Treaty of Versailles sowthe seeds of instability in Europe?Think About: effects of the treaty on Germanyand the Soviet Union effects of the treaty on nationalpride the economic legacy of the warStalin:Hitler:Dictator’sAmbitionsMussolini: Francisco Franco Neutrality Acts4. DRAWING CONCLUSIONSWhy do you think Hitler foundwidespread support among theGerman people? Support youranswer with details from the text.5. FORMING GENERALIZATIONSWould powerful nations or weaknations be more likely to follow anisolationist policy? Explain.Franco:What ambitions did the dictatorshave in common?World War Looms535

536-541-Chapter 1610/21/025:32 PMPage 536Page 1 of 6War in EuropeMAIN IDEAUsing the sudden massattack called blitzkrieg,Germany invaded and quicklyconquered many Europeancountries.Terms & NamesWHY IT MATTERS NOWHitler’s actions started WorldWar II and still serve as awarning to be vigilant abouttotalitarian government. Neville nonaggressionChamberlainpact Winston Churchill blitzkrieg appeasement Charles de GaulleOne American's StoryIn 1940, CBS correspondent William Shirer stood in the forest near Compiègne, where 22 years earlier defeated Germangenerals had signed the armistice ending World War I. Shirerwas now waiting for Adolf Hitler to deliver his armisticeterms to a defeated France. He watched as Hitler walked upto the monument and slowly read the inscription: “Here onthe eleventh of November 1918 succumbed the criminalpride of the German empire . . . vanquished by the free peoples which it tried to enslave.” Later that day, Shirer wrote adiary entry describing the führer’s reaction.today! It is afire with scorn, anger, hate, revenge, triumph. He steps off the monument and contrives to make even this gesture a masterpiece of contempt. . . . Heglances slowly around the clearing, and now, as his eyes meet ours, you grasp thedepth of his hatred. But there is triumph there too—revengeful, triumphant hate.”—Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934–1941Again and again Shirer had heard Hitler proclaim that “Germany needspeace. . . . Germany wants peace.” The hatred and vengefulness that drove thedictator’s every action, however, drew Germany ever closer to war.Austria and Czechoslovakia FallOn November 5, 1937, Hitler met secretly with his top military advisers. He boldly declared that to grow and prosper Germany needed the land of its neighbors.His plan was to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich. Whenone of his advisors protested that annexing those countries could provoke war,Hitler replied, “ ‘The German Question’ can be solved only by means of force, andthis is never without risk.”536CHAPTER 16 A PERSONAL VOICE WILLIAM SHIRER“ I have seen that face many times at the great moments of his life. ButWilliam Shirer,a journalist andhistorian, becamewell known for hisradio broadcastsfrom Berlin atthe beginning ofWorld War II.

536-541-Chapter 1610/21/025:32 PMPage 537Page 2 of 6KEY PLAYERUNION WITH AUSTRIA Austria was Hitler’s first target.The Paris Peace Conference following World War I had created the relatively small nation of Austria out of what was leftof the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The majority of Austria’s 6million people were Germans who favored unification withGermany. On March 12, 1938, German troops marched intoAustria unopposed. A day later, Germany announced that itsAnschluss, or “union,” with Austria was complete. The UnitedStates and the rest of the world did nothing.A. AnswerAnnexation ofAustria and theSudetenland.MAIN IDEASummarizingA What movesdid Germany makein its quest forlebensraum?ADOLF HITLER1889–1945“All great world-shaking eventshave been brought about not bywritten matter, but by the spokenword!” declared Adolf Hitler. A shyand awkward speaker at first,Hitler rehearsed carefully. Heeven had photographs (shownabove) taken of his favoritegestures so he could study themand make changes to produceexactly the desired effect.Hitler’s extraordinary power as aspeaker, wrote Otto Strasser,stemmed from an intuitive abilityto sense “the vibration of thehuman heart . . . telling it what itmost wants to hear.”BARGAINING FOR THE SUDETENLAND Hitler thenturned to Czechoslovakia. About 3 million German-speaking people lived in the western border regions ofCzechoslovakia called the Sudetenland. The mountainousregion formed Czechoslovakia’s main defense againstGerman attack. (See map, p. 538.) Hitler wanted to annexCzechoslovakia in order to provide more living space forGermany as well as to control its important naturalresources.Hitler charged that the Czechs were abusing theSudeten Germans, and he began massing troops on theCzech border. The U.S. correspondent William Shirer, then stationed in Berlin,wrote in his diary: “The Nazi press [is] full of hysterical headlines. All lies. Someexamples: ‘Women and Children Mowed Down by Czech Armored Cars,’ or‘Bloody Regime—New Czech Murders of Germans.’”Early in the crisis, both France and Great Britain promised to protectCzechoslovakia. Then, just when war seemed inevitable, Hitler invited Frenchpremier Édouard Daladier and British prime minister Neville Chamberlain tomeet with him in Munich. When they arrived, the führer declared that theannexation of the Sudetenland would be his “last territorial demand.” In theireagerness to avoid war, Daladier and Chamberlain chose to believe him. OnSeptember 30, 1938, they signed the Munich Agreement, which turned theSudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired. AChamberlain returned home and proclaimed: “My friends, there has comeback from Germany peace with honor. I believe it is peace in our time.”World War Looms537

536-541-Chapter 1610/21/025:32 PMPage 538Page 3 of 6Arctic CircleGerman Advances, 1938–19414119FINLANDAxis powersNORWAYSeaAllied territory, Dec. 1941ESTONIAlticNeutral countriesDENMARKLondonDunkirkBerlin1939GERMANY CEAUSTRIA19AT L A N T I COCEANPORTUGALVICHY FRENCHGOVERNMENT(unoccupied zone)0SOVIET0400 TALYRomeAdYUGOSLAVIAriaticS eaBlack SeaBULGARIAALBANIAGREECEM e d i t e r raALGERIAnTUNISIAe an15 ES e aTURKEYSYRIAIRAQIRAN30 EGEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER1. Region Which European countries did Germany invade?2. Location How was Germany’s geographic location anadvantage?Chamberlain’s satisfaction was not shared by Winston Churchill,Chamberlain’s political rival in Great Britain. In Churchill’s view, by signing theMunich Agreement, Daladier and Chamberlain had adopted a shameful policy ofappeasement—or giving up principles to pacify an aggressor. As Churchill bluntlyput it, “Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chosedishonor. They will have war.” Nonetheless, the House of Commons approvedChamberlain’s policy toward Germany and Churchill responded with a warning.A PERSONAL VOICE WINSTON CHURCHILL“ [W]e have passed an awful milestone in our history. . . . And do not supposethat this is the end. . . . This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cupwhich will be proffered to us year by year unless, by a supreme recovery of moralhealth and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in theolden time.” B—speech to the House of Commons, quoted in The Gathering StormThe German Offensive BeginsAs Churchill had warned, Hitler was not finished expanding the Third Reich. Asdawn broke on March 15, 1939, German troops poured into what remained ofCzechoslovakia. At nightfall Hitler gloated, “Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist.”After that, the German dictator turned his land-hungry gaze toward Germany’seastern neighbor, Poland.538200200 400 kilometers1941LOVAKIASPAINSkillbuilderAnswers1

Dictators Threaten World Peace Martha Gellhorn, one of the first women war correspondents, began her career during the Spanish Civil War. 528-535-Chapter 16 10/21/02 5:31 PM Page 528 Page 1 of 8. FAILURES OF THE WORLD WAR I PEACE SETTLEMENT Instead of securing . Answers 1. Germany— Adolph Hitler; .

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