Communicative Approach In The Teaching-Learning Process Of English As A .

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Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre 2020ISSN: 2.1Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageCommunicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process ofEnglish as a Foreign LanguageEnfoque Comunicativo en el Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje delInglés como Lengua ExtranjeraRecepción del artículo: 15-11-2020 Aceptación del artículo: 21-12-2020Jairo Vicente Sánchez FreirePontificia Universidad Católica del EcuadorSede -0001-7903-493XOsmany Pérez BarralPontificia Universidad Católica del EcuadorSede 02-4735-483XPara referenciar este artículo:Sánchez, J. V. y Pérez, O. (2020).Communicative approach in the teachinglearning process of english as a foreignlanguage. Revista ConCiencia EPG, 5(2), ummaryhis article aims to propose an Englishlanguage teaching methodology based oneverydaycontexts,throughthecommunicative approach. Additionally, atheoretical review is made on this topic, comparingit to the grammar-translation method, where theeffectiveness of the communicative approach inthe English teaching and learning process isanalyzed. The research is descriptive andexplanatory and determines how teachers developtraditional methods as applied to English teaching.With this, the practical experience observeddemonstrates currently that the application of thecommunicative approach is used minimally,leading to limitations in the development of theprocess for teaching English language. The methodproposed here encourages the use of meaningfulactivities, where students are exposed to realsituations in different contexts within theclassroom. The results are associated with apositive change when the communicative methodis incorporated into the learning process andteaching of English.TKey words: communicative approach; grammartranslation method; teaching and learning process;teaching methods; foreign language.Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.1

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896Resumenl artículo tiene como objetivoproponer una enseñanza delidioma inglés basada en contextosde la vida cotidiana, mediante elenfoque comunicativo. Asimismo, se haceuna revisión teórica sobre este tema,comparado con el método de traduccióngramatical, donde se analiza la efectividaddel enfoque comunicativo en el proceso deenseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés. Lainvestigación es de tipo descriptivaexplicativa, donde se determina que, losdocentesdesarrollanmétodostradicionales aplicados a la enseñanza delinglés. En este sentido, la experienciapráctica demuestra en la actualidad, que, laaplicación del enfoque comunicativo esmínima, limitándose el desarrollo delproceso de enseñanza del idioma inglés.Este método, fomenta el uso de actividadessignificativas, donde, los estudiantes estánexpuestos a situaciones reales en contextosdiferentes del aula. Los resultados, seasocian a un cambio positivo a partir demétodos comunicativos en el aprendizaje yenseñanza del inglésEPalabras clave: enfoque comunicativo;método de traducción gramatical; procesode enseñanza; métodos de enseñanza;lengua extranjera.IntroductionEducation is constantly evolving asteachingmethodologiesandpractices are adapted to constantmodernization,wheretechnological aspects are part of thestructural changes that affect both the life ofhuman beings and the ways of teachingtoday. With this in mind, some teachershave transformed their way of teaching byadopting new methods that involve thestudent as a participatory entity in theacquisition of knowledge.Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez In this regard, the use and effectiveapplication of teaching and learningmethods, allows educational practices tomeet the expected results within teachercapacity, given that, teaching is one of theprofessions that involves a high degree ofpersonal responsibility. Therefore, everyacademic subject requires a methodologythat can be adapted to its reality, and forthis reason, teaching English languagerequires skills and practice so that studentscan acquire and apply knowledge intoeffective practice.In this sense, the authors of thisarticle agree with Bermúdez and González(2011),whocorroborate,thatcommunicative competence plays apredominantly strategicrole,bothindividually and socially, and constitutes arequirement to promote not only adequatebut also productive relationships. In thisway, Likaj (2015); Yurovsky (2018),propose that, without the need of formalgrammatical structure, children learn themeaning of thousands of words throughdaily interaction with their environmentand even while running in the street.Furthermore, these authors point out that,since students are not hindered by theobstructive teaching of lexical orgrammatical structure, they develop a moreEsta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.2

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896participatory interaction between theteacher and other students.The above mentioned teachingconundrum, has been sustained from thenineteenth century until the present time(XXI century), since the methodologicalpractices of the object of study (here beingEnglish), has varied in accordance with theneeds of the teaching and learning process,it should be noted and appreciated thatteachers have applied different types ofmethods and methodological tools in thedevelopment of this English learningprocess,bearinginmindtheepistemological and social aspects that maybe affecting them.MethodologyThe development of the theoreticalstudy is based on an explanatorydescriptive research, since, it allows todescribe and explain the differenttraditional and communicative methods,with the purpose, of reaching theexplanation of the diverse skills that can beachieved in the teaching-learning process,using for it, the qualitative approach andthe documentary analysis method,proposedbyHenándezSampieri,Fernández Collado and Baptista Lucio(2010).Likewise, the analysis-synthesismethod was used, with the objective ofdeepening the theories exposed by theconsulted authors, leaving explicit, the owncriterion of the authors of this study. In thissense, the study allowed to give anapproach to the proposed topic, from theEcuadorian context in its teaching-learningprocess. At the same time, the assimilationprocess that students could achieve in eachmethod used by teachers was taken intoconsideration.Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez The grammar-translation methodOne of the best known approaches isthe traditional method or also called thegrammar-translation method, which firstcame about in the 19th century, being thefirst method used in the teaching of foreignlanguages. This teaching method is basedon the detailed analysis of grammar rules,including their exceptions, and then appliesthe acquired knowledge to the translationof sentences and texts. Indeed, in thetranslation method, classes are mostlygiven in the learner’s native language withlittle use and practice of the foreignlanguage being learned. Vocabulary is alsotaught in the form of lists, and explanationsby the teacher focused primarily ongrammar rules (Cabrera-Mariscal 2014).In addition, Li and Song (2007);Scrivener (2011); Larsen-Freeman andAnderson (2013); Richards and Rodgers(2014); point out that, the grammartranslation method began in Europe fromabout the 1840s until the 1940s, and itcontinues to be used in some parts of theworld today. They assert that, this methodis characterized by a traditional translationapproach due to the abundant use of thestudent's native language in the teachingand learning process. Additionally, there isevidence of excessive use of reading textsand their translations; where, the exercisesand evaluation are mostly about writingskills, limiting the practice of oral andauditory communication skills.Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.3

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896Regarding the above grammar basedapproach, Cabrera Mariscal (2014), pointsout that, the main characteristics of thegrammar-translation method include:learning the rules of grammar and itsapplication in the translation of words orsentences from one language to another,where, the vocabulary of the foreignlanguage is learned through vocabularylists of isolated words. Similarly, instead ofreading written materials in the foreignlanguage being learned, reading materialsare translated directly and then discussedin class. In addition, little attention is paidto pronunciation, as grammar is taughtthrough long explanations in the student’snative language and classes are based onreading and writing rather than speakingand listening.Furthermore, examples of exercisesused in the grammar-translation method,are: translating texts into the learner’snative language, asking questions in thenative language about a text written inEnglish, exercises of antonyms andsynonyms, and filling in the missing wordsin a series of sentences (fill in the blankactivities, or cloze activities). Thus, the roleof the teacher is to impart knowledge, givethe necessary instructions, and correctmistakes made by the students, who play apassive role in their learning and arelimited to receiving the knowledgetransmitted by the teacher and carrying outthe proposed activities individually.The grammar-translation method inEcuadorIn the literature consulted, it is notedthat, in Ecuador there are curricularreforms aimed at developing Englishlanguagelearningthatincludecharacteristics of the grammar-translationmethod, such as the program called theCurriculum Reform Aiming for theDeveloping of the Language of English(CRADLE), where, in agreement with theBritish Council, the obligatory learning ofEnglish and other foreign languages(French) for secondary education began in1992. The main objective of this project wasto create a solid foundation of the Englishlanguage that could continue to bedeveloped in the future.Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez In addition, the Ministry of Educationof Ecuador, in its official document on thenew English as a Foreign Languagecurriculum in May 2015, states that: theEnglish language policy is to be consideredas an optional language (starting in grade 2)and compulsory in as of grade 8, with theaim of ensuring that secondary schoolgraduates reach a B1 level. Since theimplementation of this most recentcurriculum, English has since beenconsidered a subject with a high degree ofdifficulty for the student.The studies consulted confirm thatEcuador is ranked 81 out of 100 countrieswith an average English knowledge score of46.57/100 (Education First, 2019),demonstrating a very low level of languageuse and acquisition compared to other LatinAmerican countries, many that stand outfor high English scores such as Chile,Argentina, and Uruguay, among others. Thiscorroborates that the curricular-basedprograms in Ecuador do not integratefluency and naturalness as part of thedevelopment of the language. On theEsta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.4

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896contrary, the use of traditionalist methodshas been the basis of English education,payinggreaterattentiontothememorization of grammatic structures andconcepts, which has limited the creativityand spontaneity of students wheninteracting in different contexts.In this sense, it can be seen that amixture of the native language and theforeign language (Spanish) is used, leadingto a complex learning process. This iscompounded by the fact that most studentsare not motivated to learn and use Englishlanguage, which is why the authors of thisarticle agree with Dornyei (2002), when hepoints out that this is a global problembecause English classes have become arequirement in the Ecuadorian educationalsystem.Within the described framework, thelack of application of motivationalmethodological strategies related to theexplanation and application of English in areal context is perceivable. Contrary to theEcuadorian methodology, Dornyei (2014),defends the argument that motivationcomes from personal and social contexts,requiring an analysis that synthesizes itthrough developments achieved in sociocultural aspects. When done so, thecommunicative approach allows theteaching and learning process of the Englishlanguage to be motivational, wherestudents face situations related to thelanguage through real communication. Inthis way, emphasis on grammar structureor memorized formulas is avoided, which isimportant as they do not reflect thepractical use of the language.The communicative approachCommunicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez Regardingthecommunicativeapproach, Akkas & Coker (2016), explainthat it was originally conceived at the end ofthe 1960s, when situational languageteaching started to gain importance in GreatBritain. Within the use of thecommunicative approach, the studentbecomes the main actor in the teaching andlearning process, whereas the teacherbecomes a guide (counselor) whostimulates the active and dynamicparticipation of the student by developingcommunicative competence in an effectiveway, based on the involvement andinteraction of the student in real andeveryday situations.Consequently, Irmawati (2012),endorses that, the fundamental principlesof the communicative approach, include: 1)Effective communication; 2) Learninglanguage by using it to communicate; 3)Emphasis on meaning and appropriate use;4) Emphasis on fluency and accuracy; 5)Use of authentic materials to reflect thereal-life situation; and, 6) Integration of thefour skills (speaking, writing, reading andlistening). Likewise, Didenko & Pichugova(2016), point out that the communicativeapproach employs a communicativeperspective in language pedagogy.In response to the above, thecommunicative approach helps studentsgain the ability to make contact with othersfluently, i.e. they can speak easily andexpress themselves confidently. In addition,they are able to share opinions on socialissues concerning their environment. Thisis in agreement with Chun (2017), whenEsta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.5

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896sheexplainsthatcommunicativecompetence can replace the traditionalapproach within the teaching and learningprocess.Given the aspects addressed, thegeneral objective is to propose an Englishlanguage teaching methodology based oneverydaycontexts,throughthecommunicative approach, which facilitatesthe analysis of efficient, and effectivelearning by students with the application ofmethodologiesthataremorecontextualized to current events, as well astheir use and application in everyday life.Thus, the writings of Candlin (1976);Wilkins (1976); Widdowson (1978);Brumfit (1979); Keith Johnson (1979);among other linguists, such as the work ofthe Council of Europe (2011), havecontributed significantly to the theoreticalbasis for the development of thecommunicative approach in languageteaching; At the same time, the rapidapplication of this knowledge by textbookwriters, and the rapid acceptance of thesenew principles by English entersandevengovernments have added h.that language teaching policies andpractices, curricula, teaching approachesand assessment need to be regularlyreviewed and updated in order to make theteaching and learning process morepractical rather than rote.Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez Regarding what has been said so far,the communicative approach is part of thenew teaching and learning methodologiesapplied in the educational field, since, assome authors stress, this approach differsdidactically from traditional teaching, i.e. indirect learning, for the teacher-studentrelationship. With which it coincides withCanale (1980); Munby (1981); Canales ySwain (1996); Chang (2011); Canale(2014); Casado (2014); Duarte (2014);when they explain, how the communicativeapproach is based on a procedure oractivities for its execution, highlightingsome differences with the grammartranslation method (See table 1).Similarly, Richards and Rodgers(2014), establish that, there is a progressivedemand worldwide for foreign languageteachingprogramsthatdevelopcommunication skills and competency inboth teachers and students. They point outEsta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.6

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896Tabla 1Approaches To Teaching EnglishTraditional approachTeacher's expository speech, withverbalistic procedures, the learning islimited to repetition and memorization.The teacher is merely a provider ofready-to-use knowledge.He or she focuses on the results oflearning rather than on the processitself.The student is a recipient in the learningprocess.The authority of the teacher, who is thecenter of the teaching process,predominates.Limited participation in the classroom.Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez Communicative approachMakes real communication the focus oflanguage learning.Provides opportunities for students toexperience and apply their knowledgeTolerant of students' mistakes, as theyindicate that the student is developinghis or her communicative competence.Allows students to induce or discovergrammatical rules in language practiceLinks the different skills, among them:speaking, reading and listening, sincethey are the ones that are most presentin the real world.Provides opportunities for students todevelop accuracy and fluencySource: Approaches and Methods in Languages Teaching. Richard and Rodgers (2014)On the basis of the ideas set outabove, Casado (2014), points out that, inorder to have real interaction in theclassroom, there must be a constantexchange of information between theteacher and the students, or among thestudents themselves; in other words, theremust be practical communication. Theauthor emphasizes that it is necessary tocontribute to the creation of situations andparticipatorycontextsthroughcommunicative activities, where studentscan interact and achieve real exchange ofinformation, since the objective of goodcommunication is that the receiverunderstands what is being expressed.Similarly, language can serve as abasis for developing curricula withcommunicative characteristics for languageteaching. In this sense there is agreementwith Wilkins (1976), when he states that, alanguage learner needs to understand andexpress communicative meanings, ratherthan memorize the structure of a languagethroughtraditionalgrammarandvocabulary formulas.Thus, González (2009), states that,teachers should focus more on studentsEsta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.7

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896developing listening and speaking skills, sothat, they are not afraid to express theirideas and can communicate in a fluent andunderstandable way, mastering their owndiscourse. Likewise, Bruner (1977),confirms that in order to expressthemselves enthusiastically and withoutfear, it is necessary for students to interactwith their surroundings, stimulating oraland written language through thedescription of images, creation of texts, andinterpretation of ideas.The above is also in agreement withDuarte (2014) and Wan (2017) when theystate that the teacher can play anoverbearing role in the teaching andlearning process, in which case, studentparticipationbecomespassive.Furthermore, they consider that, if there isnot adequate guidance in the use ofstrategies that favor oral communication,students do not speak fluently. Thus,teachers who advocate the communicativeapproach, are expected to promoteactivities that develop group interaction inauthenticsituations,aswellascommunication amongst peers.In this regard, with the emergenceof the communicative approach as aninnovative methodology, communicationstrategies have become the most importanttopic of research on language teaching,where emblematic figures such as Hymes(1972), Halliday (1975), and Chomsky(2012) stand out; among other recognizedlinguists, who point out that, thedevelopment of communicative knowledgeis more important than the languagestructures themselves.In turn, Arnold, Dornyei, & Pugliese(2015), indicate that most schools andteachers prefer to apply the communicativemethod rather than the grammartranslation or audio-lingual method. Withrare exceptions, most people who decide tolearn another language expect to be able tocommunicate with others, so adopting thismethodology makes more sense withstudent goals in mind.Communicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez Therefore, in the communicativeapproach, it is fundamental to transmit tothe student the contents and functions ofthe English language. That is, the realsituations and places in which this languageneeds to be applied, for example: banks,airports, supermarkets, cinemas, andlaundromats, among other places. That iswhy, the content that are given and taught,should correspond with the purpose ofdaily English use like buying clothes, foodand other needs. This being said, it allowsfor the development of specific vocabularyto ask for and give information according tothe context in which the student findsthemselves.On the other hand, Piscoya (2017),points out that at Universidad César Vallejo,the teaching of English has beenproblematic in certain ways, among whichthe following are of concern: lack ofspecialization of foreign language teachers,little training in English teachingmethodology, and a lack of interest inknowing the learning styles of the studentpopulation. Considering these factors, it isnecessary to create a proposal of a modelthat contains a didactic program based onthecommunicativeapproachthatdemonstrates that achievements in theEsta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.8

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896learning of English language can be reachedwhen activities pertaining to thepreferences and needs of the students arecreated to facilitate the learning of Englishlanguage in a communicative context.Communicative approach in writingskillWith regard to writing, Leiva, Pellónand Ferrer (2014), express that writingcorrectly includes a significant message andgood use of language, that is, when writing,one communicates content and generatesnew ideas. In addition, the text should beorganized, the audience is targeted, and it isvery clear what effect the writer wants toachieve and manage with the languagebeing used. Therefore, if the writtenmessage can be understood and theirwriting has the above mentionedcharacteristics, students will be deemedsuccessful in written communication,which will have been achieved as part of aneffective communicative approach.In this regard, the communicativeapproach according to Bachman (1990),unlike the traditional approach, emphasizesthe final product, where students are ableto learn and apply the knowledge acquiredby texts and teachers. Similarly, Likaj(2015), points out that the communicativeapproach enables students to develop theirwriting and then the ability to correct theirwriting appropriately, i.e. this approachallows the development of studentknowledge and, at the same time, refineswriting skills in a communicative way,focusing on the student as the creator,writer and transmitter of the message tothe reader.Communicative approach in oral skillCommunicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez One of the problems in the teachingand learning process of English as a foreignlanguage, is the ability to express thoughtsthrough speech. In this sense, Rico,Montoya & Montiel (2016), consider itnecessary to develop confidence in thestudent so that he or she is encouraged toactively participate in oral interactions. Inthis regard, González (2009), supports thisfact by elaborating on how an infant beginsto produce his native language without theintervention of specific grammatical orstructural factors; on the contrary, the childmust face the world around him, whichgenerates the need to make himselfunderstood and express his needs.Moreover, the authors of the articleagree with Roldán (2016), when he discursivecompetence or oral expression in students,is a matter that involves all those, who, inone way or another, are committed to theteaching of the language as a means ofexpressing feelings and ideas, that is,communication.Additionally, Silva (2017), pointsout that, language is a tool forcommunication, since people communicatewith each other to express their ideas andto understand the ideas of others as well. Ingeneral terms, communicative competenceconsists of general knowledge and skillsunderlying the use of the language, whichenables native and non-native speakers toknow when to speak and when to be silent,about what to speak, with whom, where,when and what to talk about.Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.9

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896The communicative approach in readingskillIn the communicative approach inreading, Piña (2019), states that in theteaching and learning of foreign languages,readingconstitutesafundamentalinstrument in the acquisition of knowledge,since it not only allows access to diversesources of information, but also providesthe opportunity to practice structures in areal context as well as enabling one to learnand expand one's own vocabulary.Similarly, through reading, students canreinforce the learning of other languageskills, such as listening and writing.In this regard, Brown (2012), statesthatthecommunicativeapproachemphasizes interaction as the means andpurpose for learning a second or foreignlanguage. This approach seeks to promoteinteractions between students in authenticcommunicative contexts, in order tomotivate them to take part in their ownlearning process through the interaction ofreading.The communicativelistening skillapproachinSimilarly, Gilakjani & Ahmadi(2011), quoting Mendelsohn (1994), assertthat, listening plays a significant role incommunication, since, of the total timededicated to communication, listening skillsoccupy 40-50%; speaking, 25-30%;reading, 11-16%; and writing, around 9%.In other words, the teaching of listeningskills has been a neglected and poorlytaught aspect of English in various teachingprograms. Also, Tendiami (2017), explainsthat, listening is generally shown as anindividual activity where students work ontheir exercise themselves which can causethat students feel bored and decreasingrheir motivation in learning. In this sense,these authors emphasize that thecommunicative approach should beincreasingly used in the teaching of English,highlighting the importance of developingstudents' communicative competencieswithin the teaching and learning process.The communicativeEcuadorapproachCommunicative Approach in the Teaching-Learning Process of English as a Foreign LanguageJairo Vicente Sánchez Freire - Osmany Pérez inThe pedagogical practice ofteaching English language in Ecuador, isinfluenced by the traditional methods ofteaching and learning, such as the methodof grammar-translation, which has limitedthe achievement of positive results in theacquisition of this foreign language instudents. Therefore, as Soriano (2013)explains: the educational policies to beimplemented, must be based on applicablemethodologies that are in line with socialreality and related to the global world.What has been said so far, is inagreement with the analysis carried out bythe Ministry of Education of Ecuador in2012, when, within the national curriculumguidelines regarding the teaching ofEnglish, it created objectives organized intoskills that established components ofcommunicative competence to be masteredby the end of each school year inelementary and secondary education. Thisanalysis considers the communicativeapproach for the teaching of English as aforeign language to be the only and officialone.Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.10

Revista ConCiencia EPG–Vol. 5– N 2 Julio – Diciembre2020 ISSN: 2517-9896Subsequently,Murga,Niama,Quinde, Tixi (2018), point out that, teachingEnglish in Ecuador is an activity that

his article aims to propose an English language teaching methodology based on everyday contexts, through the communicative approach. Additionally, a theoretical review is made on this topic, comparing it to the grammar-translation method, where the effectiveness of the communicative approach in the English teaching and learning process is .

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