Hydroponic Green House Farming - Entrepreneur India

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IntroductionHydroponics is a system of agriculture that utilizesnutrient-laden water rather than soil for plantnourishment. The re-use of nutrient water suppliesmakes process-induced eutrophication (excessive plantgrowth due to overabundant nutrients) and generalpollution of land and water unlikely, since runoff inweather-independent facilities is not a concern.www.entrepreneurindia.co

Aeroponic and hydroponic systems do not itional agricultural systems, and may be stacked(if outfitted with led lighting) in order to limit spaceuse (vertical farming). This makes them optimal foruse in cities, where space is particularly limited andpopulations are high-self-sustaining city-based foodsystems mean a reduced strain on distant farms, thereduction of habitat intrusions, fewer food miles, andfewer carbon emissions.www.entrepreneurindia.co

Boosted by rising consumer demand owing to betterhealth awareness and purchasing power, productionof fruits and vegetables across India has increasedthis year with their total yield surpassing theproduction of food grains. India is also a prominentexporter of Fresh Vegetables in the world.The country has exported 6,99,600.34 MT of FreshVegetables other than Onion to the world for theworth of Rs. 2119.50 crores during the year 201516.India grows the largest number of vegetables fromtemperate to humid tropics and from sea-level tosnowline. Thus, as an entrepreneur this projectoffers an exciting opportunity to you.www.entrepreneurindia.co

Market OutlookThe global hydroponics market is estimated to grow ata CAGR of 6.7% during the 2017-2022 forecastperiod. The hydroponics market value is anticipatedto grow from USD XX million in 2016 to USD 31436.7million by 2022. A sub-segment of hydro-culture,hydroponics is a method of growing plants usingmineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.Hydroponics method uses two main mediums to growcrops - solution culture and solid medium culture.www.entrepreneurindia.co

This method of farming is a niche segment gainingpopularity in urban, customized agriculture setup.Companies are mainly focusing on launching newproducts and facilities by investing in R&D activities.Partnerships and agreements with regional playersare being carried out to expand the global presenceby companies.www.entrepreneurindia.co

Global Hydroponics Market Revenue, by Crop Type in 2016www.entrepreneurindia.co

The global hydroponics market is projected to reachUSD 395.2 Million by 2020, growing at a CAGR of16.8% from 2015 to 2020.Global hydroponics crop value is anticipated to growfrom USD 18.8 billion in 2014 to USD 27.29 Billionby 2020 at an estimated CAGR of 6.39% from 2015 to2020.www.entrepreneurindia.co

Hydroponics Market Size, by Region (2015-2020)www.entrepreneurindia.co

Project at a GlanceCOST OF PROJECTMEANS OF ing Proposed TotalLand & Site DevelopmentExp.0.0035.0035.00 CapitalBuildings0.00408.00 408.00 Share PremiumOther Type SharePlant & Machineries0.0023.3023.30 CapitalMotor Vehicles0.008.008.00 Reserves & SurplusOffice AutomationEquipments0.006.556.55 Cash SubsidyTechnical KnowhowFees & Exp. Internal Cash AccrualsFranchise & OtherLong/Medium TermDeposits0.000.000.00 BorrowingsPreliminary& Preoperative Exp0.000.500.50 Debentures / BondsProvision forUnsecuredContingencies0.001.301.30 Loans/DepositsMargin Money - WorkingCapital0.004.154.15TOTAL0.00488.80 488.80 TOTAL0.000.00Total122.20 366.600. 488.80www.entrepreneurindia.co

Project at a GlanceYearAnnualisedEPS CEPS Book Debt DividenValuedPer Share PerShare 1-2 -0.413.409.5924.000.002-30.263.679.8518.000.003-4 0.91451.55562.183.9710.77 dEarningsPer Share% 8Payout Probabl P/E Yield Price/eRatio Book ValueMarketPriceNo.ofTimes% dia.co

Project at a GlanceYearD. S. C. R.Debt / Equity Total ReturasNet n onDepos Equity Wort Netitsh WorthDebtIndivid Cumula Overualtiveall(Number of times)(Number oftimes)%Initial120.720.722.502.502.562-3 0.730.731.831.831.893-4 0.750. RatioGPMPBTPAT%%%Assets CurreTurnov nterRatioRatioNet P/VContri 3% -3.46%2.73% 2.21%11.86% 7.76%13.1720.66% %18.4629.17% 9 -15.82www.entrepreneurindia.co

Project at a GlanceBEPBEP - Maximum Utilisation YearCash BEP (% of Installed Capacity)Total BEP (% of Installed Capacity)IRR, PAYBACK and FACRInternal Rate of Return . ( In %age )Payback Period of the Project is ( In Years )Fixed Assets Coverage Ratio ( No. of times )548.53%69.95%-9.45%After 5 Years0.465www.entrepreneurindia.co

Major Queries/Questions Answered in the Report?1. What is Hydroponic Green House Farming ?2. How has the Hydroponic Green House performedso far and how will it perform in the coming years ?3. What is the Project Feasibility of HydroponicGreen House Farm ?4. What are the requirements of Working Capital forsetting up Hydroponic Green House Farm?www.entrepreneurindia.co

5. What is the structure of the Hydroponic GreenHouse Farming Businessand who are thekey/major players ?6. What is the total project cost for setting upHydroponic Green House Farm ?7. What are the operating costs for setting upHydroponic Green House Farm ?8. What are the machinery and equipmentrequirements for setting up Hydroponic GreenHouse Farm?www.entrepreneurindia.co

9. Who are the Suppliers and Manufacturers ofPlant & Machinery for setting up HydroponicGreen House Farming ?10. What are the requirements of raw material forsetting up Hydroponic Green House Farmingplant ?11. Who are the Suppliers and Manufacturers of Rawmaterials for setting up Hydroponic Green HouseFarming?www.entrepreneurindia.co

12. What is the total size of land required for setting upHydroponic Green House Farm?13. What will be the income and expenditures for aHydroponic Green House Farming?14.What are the Projected BalanceHydroponic Green House Farming?Sheetsof15. What are the requirement of utilities and overheadsfor setting up Hydroponic Green House Farm?16. What is the Built up Area Requirement and cost forsetting up Hydroponic Green House FarmingBusiness?www.entepreneurindia.co

17.WhatarethePersonnel(Manpower)Requirements for setting up HydroponicGreen House Farming Business?18.What is the time required to break-even ofHydroponic Green House Farming Business?19. What is the Break-Even Analysis of HydroponicGreen House Farming Business?20. What are the Project financials of HydroponicGreen House Farming Business ?www.entepreneurindia.co

21. What are the Profitability Ratios of HydroponicGreen House Farming Business?22. What is the Sensitivity Analysis-Price/Volume ofHydroponic Green House Farming Business?23.24.What are the Projected Pay-Back Period andIRR of Hydroponic Green House FarmingBusiness?What is the Process Flow Sheet Diagram of aHydroponic Green House Farming project?www.entrepreneurindia.co

25. What are the Market Opportunities for settingup HydroponicGreenHouseFarmingBusiness?26. What is the Market Study and Assessment forsetting up a Hydroponic Green House FarmingBusiness?27. What is the Plant Layout for setting up aHydroponic Green House Farming Business?www.entrepreneurindia.co

Table of Contentsof theProject Reportwww.entrepreneurindia.co

1.PROJECT LOCATION1.1.DISTRICT PROFILE & GEOTECHNICAL nistrative Set UpTransportationAvailability of ia.co






16.2.1.IntroductionClimateSoilPlanting DistancePlanting MaterialVarieties/CultivarsManures and FertilizersCultural PracticesIrrigationInsect and DiseasesHarvestingYieldPost Harvest ManagementTOMATO / CHERRY TOMATOIntroductionwww.entrepreneurindia.co of Tomato in HaryanaClimateSoilPlanting DistancePlanting MaterialVarieties/CultivarsManures and FertilizersCultural PracticesIrrigationPlant preneurindia.co

CUCUMBERIntroductionClimateSoilPlanting DistancePlanting MaterialVarieties/CultivarsManures and FertilizersCultural PracticesIrrigationInsect and dia.co

16.4.14.ROSEIntroductionClimateSoilPlanting DistancePlanting MaterialTypes of Roses and VarietiesManures and FertilizersCultural PracticesIrrigationPest and eneurindia.co

16.5.14.CARNATIONIntroductionClimateSoilPlanting DistancePlanting MaterialVarietiesManures and FertilizersCultural PracticesIrrigationPest and eneurindia.co


Project Financials Project at a GlanceAnnexure Assumptions for Profitability workings .1 Plant Economics .2 Production Schedule 3 Land & Building . 4Factory Land & BuildingSite Development Expenseswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Plant & Machinery . .5Indigenous MachineriesOther Machineries (Miscellaneous, Laboratory etc.) Other Fixed Assets . .6Furniture & FixturesPre-operative and Preliminary ExpensesTechnical KnowhowProvision of Contingencies Working Capital Requirement Per Month . 7Raw MaterialPacking MaterialLab & ETP Chemical CostConsumable Storewww.entrepreneurindia.co

Overheads Required Per Month and Per Annum . . 8Utilities & Overheads (Power, Water and Fuel Expenses etc.)Royalty and Other ChargesSelling and Distribution Expenses Salary and Wages . .9 Turnover Per Annum . 10 Share Capital .11Equity CapitalPreference Share Capitalwww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 1 :: Cost of Project and Means of Finance Annexure 2 :: Profitability and Net Cash Accruals Revenue/Income/RealisationExpenses/Cost of Products/Services/ItemsGross ProfitFinancial ChargesTotal Cost of SalesNet Profit After TaxesNet Cash Accrualswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 3 :: Assessment of Working Capitalrequirements Current AssetsGross Working CapitalCurrent LiabilitiesNet Working CapitalWorking Note for Calculation of Work-inprocess Annexure 4 :: Sources and Disposition of Fundswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 5 ::Projected Balance Sheets ROI (Average of Fixed Assets) RONW (Average of Share Capital) ROI (Average of Total Assets) Annexure 6::Profitability Ratios D.S.C.R Earnings Per Share (EPS) Debt Equity Ratiowww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 7::Break-Even Analysis Variable Cost & Expenses Semi-Variable/Semi-Fixed Expenses Profit Volume Ratio (PVR) Fixed Expenses / Cost B.E.Pwww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 8 to 11 :: Sensitivity Analysis-Price/Volume Resultant N.P.B.T Resultant D.S.C.R Resultant PV Ratio Resultant DER Resultant ROI Resultant BEPwww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 12 :: Shareholding Pattern and Stake Status Equity Capital Preference Share Capital Annexure 13 :: Quantitative Details-Output/Sales/Stocks Determined Capacity P.A of Products/Services Achievable Efficiency/Yield % of Products/Services/Items Net Usable Load/Capacity of Products/Services/Items Expected Sales/ Revenue/ Income of Products/ Services/Itemswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 14::Product wise Domestic SalesRealisation Annexure 15::Total Raw Material Cost Annexure 16::Raw Material Cost per unit Annexure 17::Total Lab & ETP Chemical Cost Annexure 18::Consumables, Store etc. Annexure 19::Packing Material Cost Annexure 20::Packing Material Cost Per Unitwww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 21::Employees Expenses Annexure 22::Fuel Expenses Annexure 23::Power/Electricity Expenses Annexure 24::Royalty & Other Charges Annexure 25::Repairs & MaintenanceExpenses Annexure 26::Other Manufacturing Expenses Annexure 27::Administration Expenses Annexure 28::Selling Expenseswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Annexure 29 :: Depreciation Charges – as per Books(Total) Annexure 30 :: Depreciation Charges – as per Books(P & M) Annexure 31 :: Depreciation Charges - as per IT ActWDV (Total) Annexure 32 :: Depreciation Charges - as per IT ActWDV (P & M) Annexure 33 :: Interest and Repayment - Term Loans Annexure 34 :: Tax on Profits Annexure 35 :: Projected Pay-Back Period and IRRwww.entrepreneurindia.co

Reasons for buying our report: This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investingor diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industrysize, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in theproduct This report provides vital information on the product like it’scharacteristics and segmentation This report helps you market and place the product correctly byidentifying the target customer group of the productwww.entrepreneurindia.co

This report helps you understand the viability of the project bydisclosing details like machinery required, project costs andsnapshot of other project financials The report provides a glimpseof government regulationsapplicable on the industry The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps toanticipate the industry performance and make sound businessdecisionswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Our Approach: Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis,outlook and forecast for a period of five years. The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondaryresearch and are cross-validated through interactions with theindustry players nformation from such sources is processed by us and included in thereportwww.entrepreneurindia.co

Scope of the ReportThe report titled “Market Survey cum Detailed Techno EconomicFeasibility Report on Hydroponic Green House Farming” provides aninsight into the Hydroponic Green House Farming market in Indiawith focus on uses and applications, Manufacturing Process,Process Flow Sheets, Plant Layout and Project Financials ofHydroponic Green House Farming project. The report assesses themarket sizing and growth of the Indian Hydroponic Green HouseFarming Industry. While expanding a current business or whileventuring into new business, entrepreneurs are often faced withthe dilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And beforediversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study thefollowing aspects of the identified product:www.entrepreneurindia.co

Good Present/Future Demand Export-Import Market Potential Raw Material & Manpower Availability Project Costs and Payback jectconsultancy and market research field, have demystified thesituation by putting forward the emerging business opportunity inthe Hydroponic Green House Farming sector in India along with fiedHydroponic Green House Farming project as a lucrative investmentavenue.www.entrepreneurindia.co

TagsHydroponics Industry, Hydroponic Farming Business Plan, Hydroponics FarmBusiness Plan, Hydroponic Farming, Hydroponic Greenhouse Farm Business Plan,How to Start Small Business in Hydroponics, Hydroponics Business Plan, HydroponicFarming Business Plan in India, Commercial Greenhouse Plan, Starting HydroponicsBusiness, Planning For Commercial Hydroponics, Guide to Starting HydroponicFarming, Planning for Profitable Hydroponic Greenhouse Business, Business Plan forCommercial Hydroponic Farms, Hydroponic Farming Business, Hydroponics FarmingProject, Starting Greenhouse Business, Starting Commercial Greenhouse Business,How to Start Greenhouse Project In India, Starting Hydroponics Business,Hydroponics Farming Guide, Commercial Hydroponics Business Plan, FreeHydroponics Business Plan, Business Plan for Hydroponic Farm, Hydroponic Farmingfor Profit, Hydroponic Greenhouse Process, Hydroponic Commercial Greenhouse, Howto Build Hydroponic Greenhouse, Hydroponic Greenhouse Business Plan, HydroponicGreenhouse Gardening, Profile of Hydroponic Green House Farming, GreenhouseFarming and Hydroponics, Hydroponics Method of Farming, Beginner's Guide toHydroponic Greenhouses Business, Plants for Hydroponic Greenhouse, GrowingHydroponic Greenhouse, Commercial Hydroponic Systems & Greenhouse,Hydroponic Greenhouse Farm Business Plan, Greenhouse for Soilless Farming,Commercial Greenhouse Projects, Hydroponic Cultivation in Greenhouse, HydroponicGardening, Hydroponic Green House Farming Business Plan, Hydroponic GreenHouse Farming Project, Business Plan for Hydroponic Green House Farming, Reporton Hydroponic Green House Farming,www.entrepreneurindia.co

TagsHydroponic Green House Farming Project Ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries,Small Scale Industries Projects Ideas, Hydroponic Green House Farming Based SmallScale Industries Projects, Project Profile on Small Scale Industries, How to StartHydroponic Green House Farming in India, New Project Profile on Hydroponic GreenHouse Farming, Project Report on Hydroponic Green House Farming, DetailedProject Report on Hydroponic Green House Farming, Project Report on HydroponicGreen House Farming, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Hydroponic Green HouseFarming, Techno-Economic Feasibility Study on Hydroponic Green House Farming,Feasibility Report on Hydroponic Green House Farming, Free Project Profile onHydroponic Green House Farming, Project Profile on Hydroponic Green HouseFarming, Download Free Project Profile on Hydroponic Green House Farming,Industrial Project Report, Project Consultant, Project Consultancy, Npcs, Niir,Process Technology Books, Business Consultancy, Business Consultant, ProjectIdentification and Selection, Preparation of Project Profiles, Startup, BusinessGuidance, Business Guidance to Clients, Startup Project for Hydroponic GreenHouse Farming, Startup Project, Startup Ideas, Project For Startups, Startup ProjectPlan, Business Start-Up, Business Plan for Startup Business, Great Opportunity forStartup, Small Start-Up Business Project, Project Report for Bank Loan, ProjectReport for Bank Finance, Project Report Format for Bank Loan in Excel, ExcelFormat of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel, DetailedProject Plan Reportswww.entrepreneurindia.co

Niir Project Consultancy Services (NPCS)can provide Detailed Project Report onHydroponic Green House FarmingDetailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, MarketResearch, Survey, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, InvestmentOpportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics, Working CapitalRequirement, Plant Layout, Cost of Project, Projected Balance Sheets,Profitability Ratios, Break Even AnalysisSee entrepreneurindia.co

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5. What is the structure of the Hydroponic Green House Farming Business and who are the key/major players ? 6. What is the total project cost for setting up Hydroponic Green House Farm ? 7. What are the operating costs for setting up Hydroponic Green House Farm ? 8. What are the machinery and equipment requirements for setting up Hydroponic .

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Hydroponic Green House Farming Business? 23. What are the Projected Pay-Back Period and IRR of Hydroponic Green House Farming Business? 24. What is the Process Flow Sheet Diagram of a Hydroponic Green House Farming project? www.entrepreneurindia.co. 25. What are the Market Opportunities for setting

Hydroponic Farming in Mahasarakham: . Another plan is the 10th National Economic and Social Development Plan, which aims to create or adapt a self-sufficient economy, so as to increase the profits of various businesses . are the hydroponic vegetable business fair, the hydroponic vegetable stock market, and owner

Today a range of commercial hydroponic systems are marketed in Australia for sprouting cereal grains for livestock production (Table 1). Table 1 Some commercial hydroponic fodder systems in Australia States in which the businesses are based NSW QLD VIC WA 1. Fodder Factory 2. Green Feed Solutions 3. Hydroponic Greenfeed 4. Rotating Fodder .

The proposed algorithm for Hydroponic control and monitoring system is described as follows: 1 : select the hydroponic nutrient environment parameters control modes either manual or automatic, 2 : turn on the water pump, 3 : read the hydroponic nutrient environment parameters, 4 : display the actual Hydroponic nutrient

centrations close to levels found in hydroponic nutrient solutions (Rakocy et al., 2006). In hydroponic growing systems plants are cultivated in small containers, gutters or mats with a majority of the nutrients supplied by a liquid medium (Savvas, 2003). Closed hydroponic systems waste very little water and fertilizer. Despite the ad-

[2]. The advantage of the hydroponic system is that growers have complete control over the environment, which includes its climate and its nutrient needs [3][4]. The hydroponic planting process can be done in 2 ways, namely outdoor hydroponics, and indoor hydroponics [5]. Sunlight is one of the factors that affect hydroponic growth [6].

Keywords with the- Agile software development, Scrum I. INTRODUCTION Scrum [16, 29] is the most often used [6, 30, 31] agile [10] software development methodology among teams that utilize an agile methodology. A large-scale survey [31] deployed in the software engineering industry from June/July 2008 received 3061 respondents from 80 different countries. For the question “Which Agile .