Man In Space. Natgional Historic Landmark Theme Study By Dr . - NASA

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D-1ersF1It- Man in SpaceNationalHisto icLandmark Theme StudyByDt-. Harry A. Buto sky NationalDepartmentParkSer iceof the I teriorMay 1984'B&WScansa. ['J- wa5


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Man in SpaceTable of ContentsEssay--A short historyof the locationsIntroductorywith the theme of Kan in Space prepared in responseA. NationalAdvisoryCCJWI1ittee for Aeronauticsand eveuts associatedto P.L. 96-3449Wind 'I\Jnnelal. Variable Density Tunnel {Langley Research Center)2. Full Scale Tunnel (Langley)High Speed Tunnel (LaTigley)3 Eight-Foot4 Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (Ames Research Center)B. Engine Developllil:ent Facilitiess. Roc et E:ngine Test Facility (Lewis Research Center)6. Zero-GravityResearch Facility(Lewis)7. SpacecraftPropulsionResearch Facility(LeRC Plum Brook OperationsC Rocket Engine Teat-4Division)Stands8. Redstone Teat Stand (George C. Marshall Space Flight Center)9. Propulsionand StructuralTeat Facility(Marshall)10 Kocket PropulsionTest Complex (NationalSpace Technology l.!lboratories}D. Rocket Testll SaturnFacilitiesV Dynamic TestStand (Marshall)E. Rockets12. SaturnV Space Vehicle( Space and ll.ocket Center)F, Launch Pada13 Space Launch Complex 2 (VandenbexgG. ApolloTrainingAFB)Facil1ties14 Lunar Landing Research Facility(Langley)15. Kendezvous Docking Simulator (Langley)16. Lunar Landing Training Vehicle (Alabama Space &nd Kocket Center)17. N utral Buoyancy Space Simulator (Marshall)H. Apollo Hard areTest18 Space n . JohnsonSpace Center)

-1I2I. Unmanned SpacecraftTest Facilities19. Spacecraft Magnetic Iest Facility20. Tventy-Five-FootSpace SimulatorJ. TrackingMission Stations21. PioneerK (Goddard Space Flight Center)(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)Deep Space StationControlCenters22. Space Flight Operations23. Apollo Mission ControlL Other Support(Goldstone Tracld.n.g Station)Facility{JPL)Center (Johnson)Facil ties24. Rogers Dry Lake (Edwards AFB) - -'

Man in SpaceA NationalHistoricLandmark Theme Studylntroducto yEssayThe Man in Space National HistoricLandmark Theme Study has been1 s Advisorythe Congress and the Secretaryof the lnteriorBoardfulfillmentof the requirementsof P.L. 96-344.The purpose ofis to evaluateall resources hich relateto the theme of Kan in ecommend cettainof those resourcesfor designationas NationalLandmat"ks The Han in Space Theme Study con ideredgeneralsubthemes:A.B.C.D.' esourcesrelatingpreparedforin partialthe Theme StudySpace and toHistoricto the followingTechnicalFoundationsbefore 1958The Effortto Land a Man on the HoonThe Explorationof the Planets and Solar SystemThe Role of Scientifi and COlJlJD nications SatellitesTh.e Theme Study con 1deredthe Space Program in an integratedfashion.In anygiven space mission thousands of scientists technicians and other supportpersonnelwere necessaryto insure success.These support personnelperformedvital work in a varie y of ways using support facilitieslo many parts of theNone of these personnelin all likelihood omprehended all aspectscountry.of ea h space mission yet all we e vitalto the success of the program.Sincemissions lastedover many years and involved a wide arietyofindividualresourcesand people only a few managers at the National Ae onauticsand SpaceAdministration(NASA) were able to see all of th facetsof the space was this coordinatio cooperation,and collaborationthat enabled NASA tosuccessfullymanage the American Space Progt"am. The theme study follows thissame approach and attemptsto identifytinasmuch as is possible.the survivingof those were necessa yto accomplishthe goals of landing a manresourceson the moon and exploringthe ear th, planetsand solar s·y.stem,GeneralBackgroundNASAts originscan be traced to World War I and the realizationthat althoughAmerica had inventedthe airplanewe had fallenbehind in the technologyofaerQnauticalresea ch In 1915 President oodrow Wilson signed into law athe NationalAdvisory Collllllittee for Aeronautics(NACA) toBill es ablishingremedy this situation.NACAbegan work in 1920 with the establishmentof itsfirstfieldoffice-theLangley Memorial or y in Hampton,Virginia.'As the years passed and significantwind tunnel researchwas accomplishedatLangley,NACAperceivedthe need for additional esearchfacilities. In 1939Moffett Field l.a.boratory,inNACAescablishedits second field center -theCaliforniatlate calledthe Ames Research Center.Like Langleyt Ames wasneeded to aupport the growing Americanprimarilydevored to wind tunnel testingaircraftindustry.

2In 1940 NA.CA.establishedits third field center;in Cleveland,Ohio theLe isResearch Center.'[b.e purpose of Lewis was also tc support aeronauticalreaearchwith specialE'.lllphasis on the development of newer 1 ore effi ientengines.4liBy the late 19408 NA.CAalso had establishedtwo flightteat centers--theAuxiliaryFlight Reae6rch Center at Wallops Islaud.Virginiaand the NA.CAMurocFlight Test Unit at Edwards California.laterrenamed the Dryden Flight ResearchCente .Also establiaheddllrin.g these early years were the u.s aval Research Laboratotyin aahington D C. and the uggenheim AeronauticalLaboratory at the CaliforniaInstituteof Technology,later called the Jet PropulsionLaboratory.Both ofthese centers were soon concerned with researchinvolvingrocket technology.After the Second World War the in erestof the Army in rockets as battlefieldweapons led to the importationof many scientistswho had. worked on V-2 progra gt"OUPs led by Or. Verner von Brauni was firststationedat Fort BlisstTexas and laterreassignedto the U.S. Army Red&tone Arsenal,inHuntsville Alabama tb.e army gt"oup at the Redstone Arsenal eventuallyevolvedinto the Ceorge c. Ka.rah.all Space Plight Center After th launch of Sputnik landthe much publicizedfailureof the canVanguard Rocket? Congress passed the National Aeronauticsand Space Act of 1958that brought into being the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration(NASA)and the modern American Space Program.theWhen NASAbegan businesson October 1 1958i the procea of consolida ingmany pieces of the American Space Program WB8 initiated.By 1963t when thept"ocess waa completed NASAconsistedof the followingfield centers:Am.escontiuued its erk Research Centert Moffett ng its fine wind tunnel complex,Its rolein the Space Prog am was limitedto the management of the Pigneer ser es ofSpacecraft;apace environ.mentalphysics;simulationtechniques;gas dynamicsat high speeds; configu ation,stability structures,and guidance and controlof aeronauticaland space vehicles;and biomedicaland biophysicalresearch.Hugh L. l r"l denFlightResearch Center, Rdwardst California:Dryden supportedflighttestingof generalaviationand high performanceai craftand Bpacecraft;flightope ationaand flight5ystem.s; and structuralcharacteristicsofae onauticaland apace vehicles.Goddard S ace Flight Center, Greenbelt,Maryland:(;oddard de eloped from theMaval Resea ch Labo atory afte its transferto NASA in 1958.The role ofGoddard ia in the scientificresea ch of space with unmanned aatellites;researchand development of meteorologicaland colIIIE.unications satelli.tes;andtrackingaQd data acquisitionoperations.The Goddard Space Flight Center alsomanages the Goddard Institutefor Space Studies iu Ne York City which conductsin astrophysics planetaryphysics and at oaphericphyaics.research'

I'' 3George C. Marshallfroin theu.S,Space FlightAr,. y ama:underDt.tiarshallWernerdeveloped110n Braun.After the transferof Dt. von Braun and his g "Oup to NASA, Marshall continuedand development of launch vehiclesand systems toto work in the researchdevelopment and integrationof p.ayloadslaunch manned and unmanned spacecraft;and experimentsfor assignedspace flightactivities;and applicationof spacescientificand engineeringresearch.Marshall istechnologyand supportingmost famous for the development of the Saturn family of rockets.Marshall alsoroanaged the Michaud Assembly Facilityin New Orleans,Louisiana where the giantstage was builtand the SlidellComputer Facilityin St,Saturn V rocket firstwhich handled cO!ilputer data processingfor bothTammany Pai:ish, Louisiana,Mid,oud and the NationalSpace Tech.nology Laboratories.Jet PropulsionLaboratory,Pasadena,California:The Jet PropulsionLaboratorywas transferredto NASAfrom the U.S. Army in 1958 and developed into NASA'sprimary center for the explorationof the moon, planets,and solar system.JPLalso wanagea the Goldstone Trar,king Station which is -.-esponsible for the trackingand data acquisitionsystema necessaryto communicate with spacecraftexploringfor NASAunder contractwith the GaliforniaInstitutedeep space,JPL is operatedof Technology. The Kennedy Space Center in cooperationJohn F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida:All moonwith Cape Canaveral Air Force Station supports major J!ll Launch Complex 39 at this aite.The Kennedy SpaceflightsoriginatedCenter al o manages the NASAVestern Test Range OperatiunsOffice at Vandenberg,California,which was responsiblefor the integration,test,checkout,and launchand the 1,/1,ite Sands Test Facilityin Lasof unmanned light and medium vehiclesand operationaltests ofCruces, New M.exico, which supported developmentalspacecraftpropulsionand power generatingsyatems.Langley was the firstNA.CAfieldLangley Reaearch Center, Hampton, Virginia:installationand thus the oldest NASAcenter.Through the use of its finecomplex of wind tunnels and other facilitiesLangley suppottsresearchin aeroand space structuresand materials;advanced concepts and techniqueenauticalfor future aircraft;aerodynamicsof re-entryveh1"les;and space environmentalflightcapabilities.Langley has also providedphysics,and improved supersonicmajor support for most aspects of the Space Pt"og-.-amincludingPt"ojects Mercury,Gemini, Apollo, the Space Shuttle,and the Viking Pt"oject. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland,Ohio:Lewis is "-nother of the originalNACAfield officesthat was transferredto NASAin 1958.Lewis was responsibleforhigh energy propellents;electricpropulsion;power pl,.nts and propulsion;aircraftengine noise reduction;engine pollutionreduction;and data bankresearchinformationin aerospacesafety,The most significantachievementofLewis was in pioneeringresearchthat led to the development of hydrogen as aof new materialsfor-.-ocket engine fuel and in the development and testingspacecraftand aircraft.Lewis also managea the Plum Brook OperationsDivisionat S"-ndusky, Ohio, where many of its largertestingiacilitiesare located.The Johnson Space' Center wasLyndon B, Johnson Sp"-ce Center, Houston, Texa9:created afterthe farm,.tion of NASAto manage the A.lllerican Manned Space Progr,.m.Johnson pioneeredin researchand develol""ent of manned sp,.cecraftsystems;

4development of astronautall(! crew life oupport syotemo; development and integrario of expinimentsfor space flightactivities;and applicationof space technology,and supportingscientific,engineeringtand medical research.Johnson wasrece tlydesignatedas the lead NASA centerin the development of the mannedspace station Wallops FlightCenter,Wallops Island 1 Virginia:Wallops was anotherof theoriginalNAC.Afield installationsthat transferredto NASAin 19589 Wal1opswas responsiblefor launch facilitiesand serv ceato other NASA installationswhich conduct suborbital,orbital and space p obe experimentswith vehicle ranging from st11a.ll ro keta to the Scout four-a agesolid fuel rocket.NationalSpace Technology LaboratoriesThe National2 Bay St Louis. Missisaippi:Space Technology Laboratories{MississippiTest Facility)was responsiblefotstatictest firingof large space and launch vehiclessuch as the Saturn V rocket.Former NASAInstallationsIn additionto the abovethat no longer exist existingtiASA installationfitherewere two facilitiesElectronicsResearch Centert Cambridge. Na6sachusett&:The ElectronicsResearchCen er was resvons!blefor conductingresearchand developingadvanced technologyin the area of apace and ae onauticalelectronicc was closed in 1970.Nuclear Rocket Developw.ent Station,JackassFlats,Nevada:Tha Nuclear RncketDevelopment Station aa responsiblefor conductingfull-scaleground testsofnuclear reactors.enginestand flightBtages for the nuclear rocket p ogram. It as closedUnitedin 1974 StatesAir FotceFacilities:Cape CanaveralAir Forc:e Station L Brevat' d Coontz, Flor ide.:Cape Can.aver al AirForce Stationcontain& some of the earliestfacilitiesas&ociatedwith rocketexperi entationand space explorationas well a& activespace-age1nstallationsfor currentm litaryand NASA pcogrsme.Cape canaveralis beat kno1rn for itsassociationwith ojectsMercury Geminit and Apollo as well a& the launcn &itefo most satellitesand deep apace probes during the early years of the Amerlcanspacein-ogram .Edwards Air Force Baae Edwards 2 California .Edwards Air Force 3ase is the siteof the Air Force Fl1ght Test Center which conducts new and follow-ontestingofair raftand relatedavionicsand weapons systems.Edwards is al o the home ofthe Ai Force Rocket P opulsionLaboratoryand the Air Force Test PilotSchool.the primary l.anding site for the Space Shuttle.Edwards is presentlyAir Force Basep Lompoc, california;Vandenberg Alr Force Base Lssite of the 1st StrategicAerospace Divis1on Weste n Spac and MissileCenter Space and MissileTest Organization and the ShuttleAct1vationForce.Vandenberg conducts missilecrew trainLngtand operatestestinglaunch facilitiesfor the StrategicAic Command.v ndenbergtheTestTaskand

'ContractorSites:In additionfacilitiesto the above NASAand USAF installationstnat were importantin the space ere were many contractorThese facilitieswere notisnotknown wnatcont-.-actorfacilitiesassociatedwith the early years of the American Space Program survive,Additionalfacilitiesassociatedwith Robert Goddard, the U,S Army White SandsTest Sites,and space hardware now in the collectionof the SmithsonianInstitutionwill be visitedand assessedduring Phase II of the Man in SpaceTheme Study.11.ecommendations:A, National1.2.3.4, utics(LangleyVind Tunnels11.eseatchFull Scale Tunnel (Langley)Eight-FootHigh Speed Tunnel (Langley)Unitary Flan I/ind Tunnel (Amea ResearchCenter)Center)Th.ese sitesare reco!Dlllended for desiguationas Nattoual HistoricLandmad1.sbecause they representthe fine technologicalbase of aeronauticalresearchfacilitiescreated by the NationalAdvisory Conmittee for Aeronautics.It wason this base that th.e NationalAeronauticsand Space Administrationwould buildThe VariableDensityto createthe success of the American Space Program.Tunnel wag the first11ind tunnel in the world to ll6S the principleof varbt l,;,densityair pressureto test scale model aircraft.The Full Scale Tunnel wasthe firstfull scale tunnel in NACA's inventoryand contributedmightilyto thedesign of an entirenew generationof aircraftin the 1930s and 1940s.Theversatilityof the Full Scale Tunnel is demonstratedby the fact that tods.y, 53its construction,it is stilla major research. tool in NASA'syears afterinventoryand is being used to design a new generationof aircraft.The EightFoot High Speed Tunnel is importantbecause it was the firsttunnel to employ aslottedthroatdesign which gave aircraftdesignersaccuratedB.ta on airframerange.The Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel is significantperformancein th.e transonicbecause it representsthe continuingeffortof NACAto update its wind tunnelinventoryto P "ovide the American aircraftand aerospaceindustrywith the iuostadvanced testingfacilitiesin existencein the world.Th.e Unitary Plan I/indTunnel was extensivelyused in designingnew generationsof aircraftthateventuallyled to the Space Shuttleof today.These wind tunoela representonly a small fractionof the more than 65 wind tunnelscurrentlyin NASA'sinventory.B. RocketEngineDevelopmentFacilities5. Rocket Engine Test Facility(Lewis Research Center)6. Zero-GravityResearch Facility(Lewis)7. SpacecraftPropulsionResearch Facility{LeRC Plum Brook Operations Division)These sHes are recommended for designationas NationalllistoricIfndmark.sbecause they representthe importantrole of th.e Lewis Research Center inThe Rock.etdevelopinghydrogen as s fuel for the Centaur and Saturo v rockets.Engine Teat Facilitypioneeredin the technologynecessaryto handle hydrogen

-------········6as a rocket fuel,the Zero-GravityResearch F cilityinvestigatedthe phyaicB of handling liquids1n a ero-gravityenvironment,and the Spa ecraftPropulsionResearch Facility nabled engineersat Lewiij to hot fite full scale Centaurengines in simulatedspace conditions.The development of the Centaur and Saturnto both the manned and umaanned epsce programs of the UnitedRockets was crucialStat.ea C. RocketEngine TestStands8. Redstone Test Stand {George c. Marshall Space Flight Cent r)9. Propulsionand St ucturalTest Facility(Na.rah.all)10. Rocket PtopulaionTest Complex (NationalSpa e Technology Laboratories)These facilitiesare recommended for designationas National HistoricLandmarksthe role f the Marshall Space Flight Ce ter in thebecause they representbuildingand testingof actual space lighttockets.Before any rocket iaallowed to fly and be used on a manned miesion it ia firsttested by firinginits flightstatus.The R.edstone Test Stand asa statictest stand to verifythe firstfacilityof this typ,e builtat MB.rshall by Dr . Werner .von 1.1.caun. Themissilesused to launch Alan B.Redstone test stand tested the Hercury/B.edatcneShepa d and Gus Grissom on theirfirstspace launches.The PropulsionandStn1ctw:alTest Facilitywas importantin t:he. testingof the Saturn lB vehicleand epresentsth evolutionof test stand technolgyfrQlll the daya of the ArmyRedstone Missileto the Sol d Rocket Boosters used on the Space Shuttletoday.Tne Ro ket Pt"opulaion Teat Complex was used by Karsh.all to test and man-rateall Saturn V rockets used in the Apollo Progra .D. Rocket Test Facility11. Satu n V Dynamic Teat Stand {Karshall)This facilityillust atesanother fa et of t:he buildingand testingand man-ratingof the Saturn V Rocket,Afte every Satutn V as tested on the firingstand it as brought to the Dynamic Test Stand fo mechanical and vib ationalteststodetermine its structuralintegrity Th s process r.i-as part (lf the extenaiveground testill@ program for the Sa.turn V Rocket and it ia a p ima y reason forthe success of the American manned space program.Tests conducted heJ"e gave ASA and industryenginee s their last chance to detect and corre tany flawsin the fully assembled Saturn v.E. Rockets12. SaturnV Space VehicleAt this time the only rocket recommended for designationas a National HistoricLaadmark is the Satu n Vat the Alabama Space and Rocket Museuro. Thia vehicleis one of only three remainingSa u.:rn Vs in the country.It was selectedto epresentthe class of Saturn V tocketsbecause of its integrityand association ith its site- theGeorge C. Marsh.all Space Flight Center.All three stages ofthe vehicle and the inst Ulllent ring re intact,The vehicleis well maintainedand in a good state of preservation.This Saturn V was the originaltest vehiclof the Saturn suppcrrt facilitie at the Marshall Spaceused in dynamic testing9

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8I.Unmanned Spacecraft19.20 TestFacilitiesSpacecraftMagnetic Test FecilityTwenty-Five-FootSpace Simulator (Goddard Space Flight Center)(Jet opulsionLllboratory)These facilitiesare rec endedfor designationas NatioaalHistoricLandtnaTksbecause they illustratethe ektenijiveground support t eting- facilitiesneededto accomplieh the Am.erican u t\\. 1.nnedapace program--theexploration of the nearand deep apace environment,the Spacecraft Magnetic Test F&cility !epre&entsthe role of the Goddard Space Flight Center in the i'lme.r;-ican space program.Thisfacility,the only one of its type in NASA's inventory enables NASA to determineand minimize the magnetic movewent of even the largestun.rn.a.nned epacecraft andthereby eliminateunwanted torques due to the interactionof the spacecraftwiththe Earth 1 6 magnetic field The T\ienty-Five-FootSpace S1uulator ia the OQlyNASA facilitycapable of producingthe true int planetaryconditionsof cold high vacuumt and intensesolar radiatloncoupled with a large test chamber thatcao accOUilllOdate large space vehicles.Both of these facilitieg·havecontributedto the success of the American unmanned space program and representthe technologicalsophisticationof the supportfacilitiesnece saryto accomplishthatprogram J.'l'l:ackingStations21. PioneerDeep Space TrackingStation(GoldstoneTrackingStation)The Pioneer Deep Space Tracking Station s recommended for designationas aNationalHistoricLandmark because it was the firstantenna to support NASA'sunmanned explorationof deep spa e The technologicalachievementsnecessarytotrack deep space vehicleswere firstde on5tr tedaod pu into use at thls site, The PioneerStaticmwas later joined by dozens of additionaltrackingstationsaround the orld.This site illustrate,the role of Goldstone and the NASAtrackingsystem in the American Space Program K. Mis ionCont olCenters22 Space FlightOperations23 Apollo Mission ControlFacility(Johnson)(JPL)These sitesare recommended for designationaa NationalHistoricLandmarksbecause they a e the very heart and soul of both ttie American Manned and UnmannedSpace Programs,The Space Flight OperationsFacilityat the Jet Prcpulsionthe role and achievementof JPL in the .American efforttoLaboratoryrepresentse plo e the moon planetstand solar system;ProjectsViking Voyager, Pioneer and human understanding.Ranger, and Mariner opened new worlds for explorationThe Space Flight Operationsfacilityis the symbol of this effortand thefacilityat the Jet PropulsionLllboratoryis the one ost closelyassociatedwith thl6 effo t.Apollo M1as1on Control at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space FlightCenter representsthe role and achievementof Johnson in the Am.eri.can mannedIt was to Apollo Mission Controlthat Neil AtmstLongspaceflightprogram. eportedhis famous words that "lllAnhad firstlanded on the moon in July 1969 '

9 L. Other24.SupportRogersAlthoughFacilitiesDry Lak.e (Edwardsa naturalresourcetlteAirForcel!Dgersll,ase)Ory Lake isrecommendedfordesignationas a NationalHistoricr.ndmark because of its associationwith flighttestingof advanced aircraftthat opened the way to space.The naturalattributesofclean air,isolatedlocation,ideal weather,proximityto variableterrain,laboratoryin whichand the large surfaceof the dry lakebed provided a naturalto flighttest aircraftthat were on the cuttingedge in aviationand aerospacetechnology.As a resourceAmerican aircratttheRogersand aerospaceeffortOry Lake hascontributedas any manmade much to theStartingin1947 . 1th the fl1gl1t of the Bell X-1, the flr&t plan" to break. the sound barrier,to the landingof the Space ShuttleColumbia in 1981, the Rogers Dry Lslte hasdeveloplilentsin the historyofheen the scene of soine of tloe most importantaviatiun.PreviouslyDesignatedSitesc .pe CenaveralAir force Stationwas designateda NationalHistoricLandmark. onApril 16, 19B4,Launcb. Complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center was listedonRegisterof HistoricPlaceson Ma.y 24, 1973.the NationalSummaryThe 24 recommended resourcesconteinedin this phase of the Man in Space ThemeStudy representonly a sll!allfractiond the technologirnlresourcesthat werenecessaryto SuDport the American space program.They are recomlllended fordesignationas Nat tonal HisLoricLandmarks becausethey representthe best andmost import rnt survivingexamples of thh, technology,Due to the rapidchangeof the space program and evolvingtechnologies,supportfacilitiessimply donot surviveot· survivein a greatlyalteredatue.The effortsto land a manon the moon, investigatethe near Earth environment,and explorethe planetsand solarsystem were supportedfrom a technologicalbase that reflectedadepth and varietyof supportfacilitiesthat were unprecedentedin Americanhistory,Many of these reaource.sha'1e long since been destroyed,abandonedoralteredto meet the changingdemands of the space progi:am,The 24 facilitiesreflectedin this theme study are but a fractionof this resourcebase.Theyare the best,most intact,and mo t importantresourcesthat have survived.Their varietyand r"nge refl ctlhe llluch largertedmologicalbase that providedthe foundationof the spactprogram.H is hoped that thisselectionwillSllrviveto interprHfor luturegenerationsthe earlyyears of the Americanspace program


INATIONALADVISORYCOMMITTEEFOR AERONAUTICSWINDTUNNELS 1.Variable2.Full3 Eight-Foot4.UnitaryDensityScaleTunnel (LangleyResearchCenter)Tunnel (Langley)High Speed Tunnel (Langley)Plan Wind Tunnel (Aines ResearcnCenter)

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-i,rn inFeder ll:nited States Departmentatlonal Park Service paceThemeAgencyStudy ominationof the InteriorNational Register of Historic PlacesInventory-NominationFormSee instructions in How to Compl&te Natio11alRegJ5ter FormsType an entrle.complete appUcable sections1. NameVa :ci ableh-lstorlc::!.lenGi. t y Tt.:.nne lvariabloand/or c:ommcn ensity unne!2. Locationiltreet & numbiilr-2:'.ang lcyRC!searc :iC nt.erc;;ty, town:s.h1teClassificationVi rg.i,1!.3.codeCalegoryOwra r hlpdistrictbundln9'sJ2L pu I,;Ji. SUUCtL.11"8eUe objeotcongreasklnal dla1r1c,-51AJIIZiiT'e c1vicinity ofcountyH"ar:'lotonPrs nt U agrlcunureStawa occupiedunoceupledwork In prognillpriva1ebothPubHc AcqulaitlanIn processbeing c::on ldered-COfnntBTt:l Ieducatklnalenwrtalnment-2:. yH:--governmentlndustrllilAcc lbl r strictadyea; unrestrlc1edname1tfft'l atiomilmunum park-prlvahl , . ld&nc.e,e1 a1ou1,c::lentlUctran-aponatlonlL oHwr:,.:l.mlmaryno4. Ownernot for publJcatlonof Propertyl\.en:me-1:c:t.i.cs andAdr.\ir.istrationSpace( ASA}& numberc. .townWils.hirigtnn5. LocationR ,)l.c' ?"nperty tionall\. ronauticsand -i ncLge ent Off ice: Cocie N"XGSpaceAd.ministration20S466. meD. C.of Legal DescriptionccurttiOuF;.e, reg stry o, deeds, etc.imeet & numbsrit.atevicinity afin ExistinghHTl. C.2 }5- l Surveysthi.s propenv been deU!rmlned eligible?.noyee date-- --------C111pos1toryTot':suniiryc ty. 10111nfadet"alslaterecords--------- ---------------- -- -- -statecountylocal

7. DescriptionCondition- oneJ goodfa\r- unexpo1edD acribedlltlltlor tedndn unaltered.,x. aHeredan CMQk.L.orlglnal altemoWiddate -------------the pN1Nnt and ortglnal (H known phpEc I appearanceThe Va iable Density Tunnel (VDT) is in Building 582 in the East Area of theLangley e.esearch Center.IThe VDT was constructedduring the period from1921 to 1923 at the directionaf the National Advisory ComD11ttee for Aeronautics'(NACA) The tank. of the VDT wa.8 built by the Newport News Shipbuilding& Dry Dock Co of New-po t Newst Virginia.It iB capable of withstandinga working pressureof 21 at ospheres.It is built of ateel plates lapped and rivetedaccordingtoin steam boil r construction.although.because of the sizethe practiceof the ank. and the high orking pressuretthe constructionls unusually heavy.door 36 inches wide and 42Entrance to the tank ia gained through an ellipticalinches high.The tank and its contentsweigh 100 tons and

I ' ' 3 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama: tiarshall developed froin the u.S, Ar,._y Redstone Arsenal rocket program under Dt. Werner 110n Braun. After the transfer of Dt. von Braun and his g "Oup to NASA, Marshall continued to work in the research and development of launch vehicles and systems to

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