Modern Desktop Management Series Session 2

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Modern DesktopManagement SeriesSession 2SYNNEX & MicrosoftJuly 31, 2019 Greenville, SC

Modern Desktop Management Series SessionsModern Desktop Management OverviewThis session will enable you to present Microsoft's Modern Management story. Additionally, we will introduce the next threewebinars in this series we will dive deeper three aspects of this story; Mobile Desktop Management (MDM), Azure Active DirectlyPremium (ADD) and finally Microsoft Windows Autopilot.Modern Device Management (MDM) ToolsThis session will enable you to get your Modern Desktop Deployment off the ground. What preparations should Iundertake to get ready for Windows MDM? How do I get InTune? What do I need to do to enable AutoPilot? What aboutGPOs, CSPs, app deployment and settings of all kinds? We will do a deep dive into InTune to get you ready.Azure Active Directory (AAD) for DevicesThis session will explore the details of configuring your AAD/Hybrid AD for AutoPilot. AAD requirements, licensing andauto-enrollment, among other technical topics to have your team prepared to start enabling AutoPilot.AutoPilot & SYNNEXWe will explore the details of configuring Partner Center for AutoPilot/White Glove as well as resources available to you and yourteam to practice your skills. We will overview the services SYNNEX provides to assist in your deployments. What should you expectfrom SYNNEX? We will answer your questions and set the stage for your organization to launch customers into MDM.

Our Speakers

Flexible device management to securethe modern workplaceMicrosoft Intune product overview

Transformative device management and securityMicrosoft Flexible Device ManagementEnableyour usersProtectyour dataPC desktopmanagementMobile devicemanagementMobile applicationmanagement

System Center ConfigurationManagerandMicrosoft IntuneMost completeMost secureFastest time to value

Transform DeviceManagementMost complete

Microsoft simplifies mobile and PCmanagementModernize device andOS provisioningCompleteManagementPlatformSimplify app lifecyclemanagementConsolidate securitypolicies and settings

Transform IT deliveryanddevice managementZero-touch IT provisioning for alldevices using Windows Autopilot,Apple Business Manager, or AndroidEnterpriseApp lifecycle management forin-house (LOB) apps, public storeapps, and traditional Win32 appsDepth of configuration and securitycontrols across any device

Secure apps and data inthe modern workplaceRespond to internal and externalthreats with real-time risk-analysisbefore access to company dataProtect corporate data before, duringand after they are shared, even outsidethe companyExtensive visibility and intelligentcloud-powered insights to improveend-to-end security posture

Intune Architecture

Modern desktop provisioning with WindowsAutopilotAutopilot profile syncRegister devicesExisting PC estateAutopilot ServiceIT AdminNew PC vendorRegister devices,configure profilesNew DevicesIntune and Azure ADSelf-deployUserDeliver direct to EmployeeProvision new devices directto employees, ready for useUpgrade existing devices,reimaged with AutopilotLower IT effort and cost;user gets productive faster

Modern device provisioning for iOS, macOS, AndroidEMS Apple iOSmacOSmacOSAndroid(with Jamf)Device Enrollment ProgramApple School ManagerApple Business ManagerSupervised ModeDeploying cert and settingsZero-touch (DEP)Conditional accessDevice wipe, encryptionIntune MDM features Extensive inventoryScripting supportDepth of security controlsSelf-service controlsAndroid Enterprise (ZTE)Samsung Knox (KME)Kiosk modeWork ProfilesIntune APP managed

Simplify Windows application lifecycle managementDeploy Win32 apps, line-ofbusiness (LOB) apps, andMicrosoft store apps fromthe cloudApplication compatibilityassurance using desktopanalyticsIntune leverages Windows 10cloud managementcapabilities

Simplify Managed Google Play store integrationIT control over what appsend users can install inwork contextManaged appconfiguration; includingsilent installs for‘required’ appsConsistent end userexperience for LoB (in-house)and Store apps; app badgingin Work Profile

Simplify managed app lifecycle for iOS and macOSDistribute purchased appsfrom the app store (VPP)Revoke assigned VPPlicenses for target app,device, or tokenSimplified setup for EDUwith Apple School Manager

On managed devices, Intune canmanage hundreds of 3rd party apps

Most TrustedWorkplaceMost secure

Protect your data on virtually any device withIntuneMobile DeviceManagement (MDM)Enroll devices formanagementProvision settings,certs, profilesConditional Access:Report & measure devicecomplianceRemove corporatedata from devicesMobile ApplicationManagement (MAM)Publish mobileapps to usersConfigure andupdate appsConditional Access:Report appinventory & usageSecure & removecorporate data withinmobile appsRestrict access to managed andcompliant devicesRestrict which apps can be usedto access email or files

Corporate dataPersonal dataMulti-identitypolicyApp protection policiesfor personal devicesManaged appsEnables bring-your-own (BYOD) andpersonal devices at work where usersmay be reluctant to “enroll” their devicePersonal appsEnsures corporate data cannot becopied and pasted to personal appswithin the deviceIntune App Protection policies areuseful to protect Office 365 apps wheredevices are unmanaged or managed by3rd party

Control what happens after data has poratedataAzure Information Protection(AIP) empowers you tocontrol how data is accessedfrom employee devicesPersonaldataSeparate company managedapps from personal apps, andset policies on how data isaccessed from managed appsCopyPasteSavePaste topersonal appSave topersonal storageIntune APP ensure corporatedata can’t be copied andpasted to personal appswithin the device

Intune-enlightened apps providethe best control, withor without enrollment.Check back frequently we are constantly adding new apps to this list

Microsoft Intelligent Security GraphUnique insights, informed by 6.5 trillion signals a day

Conditional accessto data with realtime risk analysisConditionsDefine contextual policies at theuser, location, device, and app levels10TBEmployee andPartner UsersTrusted andCompliant ls adapt to real timeconditions based on monitoringof perceived risksRisks calculated based on advancedMicrosoft machine learningControlsLimitaccess3RequireMFAReal timeEvaluationEnginePhysical &Virtual LocationClient apps &Auth passwordreset

Intune threat protection for device risk-basedconditional accessThreat protectionpartner detects:Malicious AppsEMS role:Intune evaluates complianceAzure AD enforces Conditional AccessAllowEnforce MFAEnroll deviceDevice manipulationNetwork exploitsData privacy violationsWindows Defender ATP integrationMobile threat defense (MTD)partners on iOS and AndroidBlock accessWipe deviceMicrosoft Azure

Improve security posture with cloud-powered analyticsGet insights fromMicrosoft cloud machinelearningSimplify migration to Intunepolicy settings using securitybaselinesMonitor device complianceand automate remediationtasks

Microsoft device management is for allorganizationsKnowledgeWorkersFirstline WorkersSMBEmployeeTeachers/StudentsMicrosoft 365EnterpriseMicrosoft 365F1Microsoft 365BusinessMicrosoft 365 Education(Intune for Education)

All endpoints managed from a Microsoft 365consoleMicrosoft 365Admin CenterMicrosoft 365Device Management

Microsoft Technology PartnersIntune integrated partners enhance the Microsoft 365user experience and protect your company resourcesMOBILE THREAT DEFENSESECURE RESOURCE ACCESSMANAGEMENT PARTNERS

Migrating GPOs & MDM Migration Analysis ToolMMAT GP ReportAD GroupPolicyObjects

AutoPilot Deployment Profiles - Demo

How Can I Purchase InTune?LicenseIntune versionIntuneIntune DeviceEnterprise Mobility Security E3Enterprise Mobility Security E5Microsoft 365 E3Microsoft 365 E5Microsoft 365 F1Microsoft 365 BusinessMicrosoft 365 Education A3Microsoft 365 Education A5IntuneIntune DeviceIntuneIntuneIntuneIntuneIntuneIntuneIntune for EducationIntune for EducationMSRP 6 2 9 15 34 57 10 20 6 11

ResourcesInTune Documentation Migration Analysis Tool (MMAT) Documentation t/windows-autopilot/AutoPilot Step-by-Step iness/add-autopilot-devices-and-profileMagic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management Tools, July 2018 Assessment of Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Security/Intune as a UEM, December 2018 MarketScape: Worldwide Unified Endpoint Management Software 2018 Vendor Id US43294318The Forrester Wave : Unified Endpoint Management, Q4 2018

Modern Desktop Management Series SessionsModern Desktop Management OverviewThis session will enable you to present Microsoft's Modern Management story. Additionally, we will introduce the next three webinars inthis series we will dive deeper three aspects of this story; Mobile Desktop Management (MDM), Azure Active Directly Premium (ADD) andfinally Microsoft Windows Autopilot.Modern Device Management (MDM) ToolsThis session will enable you to get your Modern Desktop Deployment off the ground. What preparations should I undertake to getready for Windows MDM? How do I get InTune? What do I need to do to enable AutoPilot? What about GPOs, CSPs, app deploymentand settings of all kinds? We will do a deep dive into InTune to get you ready.Azure Active Directory (AAD) for DevicesThis session will explore the details of configuring your AAD/Hybrid AD for AutoPilot. AAD requirements, licensing and autoenrollment, among other technical topics to have your team prepared to start enabling AutoPilot.AutoPilot & SYNNEXWe will explore the details of configuring Partner Center for AutoPilot/White Glove as well as resources available to you and your team topractice your skills. We will overview the services SYNNEX provides to assist in your deployments. What should you expect from SYNNEX? Wewill answer your questions and set the stage for your organization to launch customers into MDM.

Plan ComparisonBusiness PlansOffice 365Business PremiumMicrosoft 365BusinessOffice 365Enterprise E3Microsoft 365Enterprise E3Office 365Enterprise E5Microsoft 365Enterprise E5 12.50 20 20 34 35 ssBusinessProPlusProPlusProPlusProPlusExchange, OneDrive, SharePoint, Skype, Microsoft Teams Business Apps – Outlook Customer Manager, Bookings, MileIQ1 Business center2, Listings2,Connections2, Invoicing2 Legal compliance & archiving needs for email – archiving, eDiscovery, mailbox hold Information protection – message encryption, rights management, data loss prevention Estimated retail price per user per month USD (with annual commitment)STANDARDSERVICESMaximum number of usersADVANCED SERVICESEnterprise PlansInstall Office on up to 5 PCs/Macs 5 tablets 5 smartphones per userAdvanced Threat Protection, Advanced Security Management, Threat Intelligence, AdvancedComplianceAdd-onAdd-onAdd-on End User and Organizational Analytics (MyAnalytics), PowerBI ProAdd-onAdd-onAdd-on PSTN ConferencingAdd-onAdd-onAdd-on Add-onAdd-on Cloud PBX, PSTN Calling4Windows: Windows 10 Business (Windows Defender, Store, Cortana Mgmt Controls, Auto-InstallOffice apps, Upgrade rights to Windows 10 Pro for 7/8.1 Pro licenses) Windows: Windows AutoPilot EMS: Microsoft Intune, Azure Active Directory Premium P1 3 Windows: Microsoft Desktop Optimization Package, VDA Windows: Enterprise Data Protection, Windows Hello, Credential Guard, Device Guard, AppLocker EMS: Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics, Azure Information Protection P1 Windows: Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection EMS: Azure Active Directory Premium P2, Microsoft Cloud App Security, Azure InformationProtection P2 [1] Available in US, UK, Canada[2] Currently in public preview in US, UK, Canada[3] Only selected features: App protection for Office mobile apps, MDM for Windows 10 PCs, Selective wipe of company data, AAD Auto-Enroll[4] Cloud PBX Required

Business1BusinessOffice 365 Commercial Plan ComparisonEstimated retail price per user per month USD (with annual commitment)Install Office on up to 5 PCs/Macs 5 tablets 5 smartphones per userAccess to Office apps and documents from all major smartphones and E5 5 4 8 20 35ProPlus4ProPlus4 12.5 12Business3Business3ProPlus4 1 TB1 TB1 TB1 TBOffice Mobile Apps – Create/edit rights for commercial use of Office Mobile apps14 18 18 18 Office Online – Create/edit rights for online versions of core Office apps 11 OneDrive for Business – personal online document storageStandard Services 8.30Enterprise2Sway for Office3655To-Do – Personal task management app PowerApps and Flow1 TB1-5 TB81-5 TB8Team collaboration & internal portals (SharePoint), Internal social networking (Yammer) 15 Email - 50 GB email, contacts, shared calendars (Exchange) GB13 16 16Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams – Conferencing, meetings, IM/presence, chat-centered workspace 10 Shift scheduling, content sharing, and workgroup messaging Microsoft Bookings 2 17Outlook Customer Manager, Invoicing, Business center, Listings, Connections & MileIQMicrosoft Stream 12 Legal compliance & archiving needs for email – archiving, eDiscovery, mailbox hold Information protection – message encryption, rights management, data loss prevention On-premises Active Directory synchronization for single sign onMobile Device Management (MDM) for OfficeAdvanced Services2GB93656Access to equivalent on-premise servers (Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business)only)7 Office 365 Cloud App Security, Advanced Compliance, Advanced Threat Protection, Threat Intelligence Threat Intelligence Data analytics and visualization (Power BI Pro), personal productivity analytics (MyAnalytics) Phone System, Audio Conferencing Enterprise Voice w/Skype for Business (on-premSee speaker notes section for footnotes

Windows 10 gets better withWith enhanced security, more tools for ITandend userproductivity featureseachupdate Mobile Device ManagementAAD JoinWindows Store for BusinessWindows Update for BusinessMail, Calendar, Photos, Maps, Groove, SkypeWindows Defender AntivirusWindows HelloMicrosoft EdgeDevice GuardCredential GuardBitLockerSmartScreenWindows as a serviceIn-place upgradesContinuumCortanaWindows 10 core1511 Windows Information ProtectionWindows Hello for BusinessWindows Analytics Upgrade ReadinessApp-V, UE-VHybrid Azure Active Directory JoinWindows InkMobile Device ManagementAAD JoinWindows Store for BusinessWindows Update for BusinessMail, Calendar, Photos, Maps, Groove, SkypeWindows Defender AntivirusWindows HelloMicrosoft EdgeDevice GuardCredential GuardBitLockerSmartScreenWindows as a serviceIn-place upgradesContinuumCortanaWindows 10 core1607 Windows AutopilotWindows Defender ATPWindows Defender Security CenterExpress update deliveryHyper-VWindows 10 Subscription ActivationWindows Insider Program for BusinessPaint 3DCortana at workNight light, mini viewWindows Information ProtectionWindows Hello for BusinessWindows Analytics Upgrade ReadinessApp-V, UE-VHybrid Azure Active Directory JoinWindows InkMobile Device ManagementAAD JoinWindows Store for BusinessWindows Update for BusinessMail, Calendar, Photos, Maps, Groove, SkypeWindows Defender AntivirusWindows HelloMicrosoft EdgeDevice GuardCredential GuardBitLockerSmartScreenWindows as a serviceIn-place upgradesContinuumCortanaWindows 10 core1703 Windows Defender Exploit Guard, SystemGuard, Application Guard, Application ControlMobile Device ManagementWindows Analytics Update ComplianceWindows Analytics Device HealthCo-managementEnterprise search in WindowsContinue on PCOneDrive Files On-DemandNarratorMixed Reality ViewerWindows AutopilotWindows Defender ATPWindows Defender Security CenterExpress update deliveryHyper-VWindows 10 Subscription ActivationWindows Insider Program for BusinessPaint 3DCortana at workNight light, mini viewWindows Information ProtectionWindows Hello for BusinessWindows Analytics Upgrade ReadinessApp-V, UE-VHybrid Azure Active Directory JoinWindows InkMobile Device ManagementAAD JoinWindows Store for BusinessWindows Update for BusinessMail, Calendar, Photos, Maps, Groove, SkypeWindows Defender AntivirusWindows HelloMicrosoft EdgeDevice GuardCredential GuardBitLockerSmartScreenWindows as a serviceIn-place upgradesContinuumCortanaWindows 10 core1709 Windows Analytics – Spectre & Meltdown,Delivery Optimization, Application ReliabilityLogon HealthWDATP Automated RemediationConditional Access based on WDATP device riskThreat AnalyticsEmergency Outbreak UpdatesAdvanced huntingCloud Credential GuardDiagnostic data viewerWindows Autopilot enrollment status pageWindows 10 Enterprise in S modeShared Windows DevicesNearby SharingDictationTimelineWindows Defender Exploit Guard, System Guard, ApplicationGuard, Application ControlMobile Device ManagementWindows Analytics Update ComplianceWindows Analytics Device HealthCo-managementEnterprise search in WindowsContinue on PCOneDrive Files On-DemandNarratorMixed Reality ViewerWindows AutopilotWindows Defender ATPWindows Defender Security CenterExpress update deliveryHyper-VWindows 10 Subscription ActivationWindows Insider Program for BusinessPaint 3DCortana at workNight light, mini viewWindows Information ProtectionWindows Hello for BusinessWindows Analytics Upgrade ReadinessApp-V, UE-VHybrid Azure Active Directory JoinWindows InkMobile Device ManagementAAD JoinWindows Store for BusinessWindows Update for BusinessMail, Calendar, Photos, Maps, Groove, SkypeWindows Defender AntivirusWindows HelloMicrosoft EdgeDevice GuardCredential GuardBitLockerSmartScreenWindows as a serviceIn-place upgradesContinuumCortanaWindows 10 core1803 Windows Defender ATP new attack surface areareduction controlsInvestigation and remediation across Office 365ATP and Windows Defender ATPWeb Authentication in Microsoft EdgeWindows Hello with FIDO 2.030 months of support for September releasesWindows Autopilot Self-deploying modeWindows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD joinS Mode Block SwitchMicrosoft Edge kiosk modeDesktop Analytics (Preview) – Intelligent PilotSelection and ConfigMgr IntegrationReadyforMicrosoft365.comMicrosoft Edge experience improvementsAccessibility enhancementsAccess the clipboard across devicesYour PhoneWindows Analytics – Spectre & Meltdown, DeliveryOptimization, Application Reliability Logon HealthWDATP Automated RemediationConditional Access based on WDATP device riskThreat AnalyticsEmergency Outbreak UpdatesAdvanced huntingCloud Credential GuardDiagnostic data viewerWindows Autopilot enrollment status pageWindows 10 Enterprise in S modeShared Windows DevicesNearby SharingDictationTimelineWindows Defender Exploit Guard, System Guard, ApplicationGuard, Application ControlMobile Device ManagementWindows Analytics Update ComplianceWindows Analytics Device HealthCo-managementEnterprise search in WindowsContinue on PCOneDrive Files On-DemandNarratorMixed Reality ViewerWindows AutopilotWindows Defender ATPWindows Defender Security CenterExpress update deliveryHyper-VWindows 10 Subscription ActivationWindows Insider Program for BusinessPaint 3DCortana at workNight light, mini viewWindows Information ProtectionWindows Hello for BusinessWindows Analytics Upgrade ReadinessApp-V, UE-VHybrid Azure Active Directory JoinWindows InkMobile Device ManagementAAD JoinWindows Store for BusinessWindows Update for BusinessMail, Calendar, Photos, Maps, Groove, SkypeWindows Defender AntivirusWindows HelloMicrosoft EdgeDevice GuardCredential GuardBitLockerSmartScreenWindows as a serviceIn-place upgradesContinuumCortanaWindows 10 core1809

Office 365 ProPlus gets betterwith each releaseShowing only new, customer facing ProPlus (win32) client featuresFaster PivotTablesUpgraded accessibilityHave an idea?Improvements to Get & TransformPublish to Power BIShape recognitionText HighlighterZoomDo more with InkImport latest AutoCAD file formatsThree templates for UMLYour First Draft Just Got EasierFall 2016 Enhanced data import functionalityInsert recent linksKeep control over your attachmentsKnow before you shareLarge Number (bigint) supportNarrate a recordingPersonalize the default PivotTable layoutQuick access to superscript and subscriptQuickly access the groups you use mostUse your pen to select and change objectsA Quick Start to Your ResearchMake diagrams from Excel dataEditor: Enhanced writing assistancePowerPoint DesignerView and restore changes in shared Word, Excel, PPTFaster PivotTablesUpgraded accessibilityHave an idea?Improvements to Get & TransformPublish to Power BIShape recognitionText HighlighterZoomDo more with InkImport latest AutoCAD file formatsThree templates for UMLYour First Draft Just Got EasierSpring 2017 Use SVG images in Excel and PowerPointA new digital writing assistantBetter recordingsCloud attachments just got betterCollaborate on attachments in real timeCreate Precise Ink ShapesEasily select and manipulate objectsEdit with natural pen gesturesImprove Reading with Learning ToolsInk replayInsert 3D Models to See All the AnglesInsert and Edit IconsMapsMini-previews for attached photosShared with MeShow #N/A data as a gap in chartsStay on top of your travel and deliveriesSyllable breakingTap finds the content you need, for easy reuseWhile you were awayWord Saves For YouCollaborative, Real-Time EditingDesigner turns bullets into compelling visualsDesigner transforms more types of slidesEnhanced data import functionalityInsert recent linksKeep control over your attachmentsKnow before you shareLarge Number (bigint) supportNarrate a recordingPersonalize the default PivotTable layoutQuick access to superscript and subscriptQuickly access the groups you use mostUse your pen to select and change objectsA Quick Start to Your ResearchMake diagrams from Excel dataEditor: Enhanced writing assistancePowerPoint DesignerView and restore changes in shared Word, Excel, PPTFaster PivotTablesUpgraded accessibilityHave an idea?Improvements to Get & TransformPublish to Power BIShape recognitionText HighlighterZoomDo more with InkImport latest AutoCAD file formatsThree templates for UMLYour First Draft Just Got EasierFall 2017 Use Read Aloud to listen to your emailTranslator3D animationsAsk your audience with a quiz or surveyChat with co-authors while you editData Visualizer audit templateFind and fix relevant proofing issues.Insights in ExcelKnow who you'll be meeting withSort your email with easeSprint management just got easierType hands-freeA smarter To: lineConvert SVG icons to shapesKeep your Visio diagram and Excel data in syncRemodel your forms and reports with new chartsUse SVG images in Excel and PowerPointA new digital writing assistantBetter recordingsCloud attachments just got betterCollaborate on attachments in real timeCreate Precise Ink ShapesEasily select and manipulate objectsEdit with natural pen gesturesImprove Reading with Learning ToolsInk replayInsert 3D Models to See All the AnglesInsert and Edit IconsMapsMini-previews for attached photosShared with MeShow #N/A data as a gap in chartsStay on top of your travel and deliveriesSyllable breakingTap finds the content you need, for easy reuseWhile you were awayWord Saves For YouCollaborative, Real-Time EditingDesigner turns bullets into compelling visualsDesigner transforms more types of slidesEnhanced data import functionalityInsert recent linksKeep control over your attachmentsKnow before you shareLarge Number (bigint) supportNarrate a recordingPersonalize the default PivotTable layoutQuick access to superscript and subscriptQuickly access the groups you use mostUse your pen to select and change objectsA Quick Start to Your ResearchMake diagrams from Excel dataEditor: Enhanced writing assistancePowerPoint DesignerView and restore changes in shared Word, Excel, PPTFaster PivotTablesUpgraded accessibilityHave an idea?Improvements to Get & TransformPublish to Power BIShape recognitionText HighlighterZoomDo more with InkImport latest AutoCAD file formatsThree templates for UMLYour First Draft Just Got EasierSpring 2018 Easy editing in the formula barLearn with the new Office Training CenterExport to 4K videoExport process diagrams to WordInfo about people and groups—at a glanceNew Ink EffectsQuickly access your sites and groupsRefresh, relink, or remove linked tablesRun a slide show with your digital penStay organized with Recent save locationsStock quotes at your fingertipsTask Board viewUse Read Aloud to listen to your emailTranslator3D animationsAsk your audience with a quiz or surveyChat with co-authors while you editData Visualizer audit templateFind and fix relevant proofing issues.Insights in ExcelKnow who you'll be meeting withSort your email with easeSprint management just got easierType hands-freeA smarter To: lineConvert SVG icons to shapesKeep your Visio diagram and Excel data in syncRemodel your forms and reports with new chartsUse SVG images in Excel and PowerPointA new digital writing assistantBetter recordingsCloud attachments just got betterCollaborate on attachments in real timeCreate Precise Ink ShapesEasily select and manipulate objectsEdit with natural pen gesturesImprove Reading with Learning ToolsInk replayInsert 3D Models to See All the AnglesInsert and Edit IconsMapsMini-previews for attached photosShared with MeShow #N/A data as a gap in chartsStay on top of your travel and deliveriesSyllable breakingTap finds the content you need, for easy reuseWhile you were awayWord Saves For YouCollaborative, Real-Time EditingDesigner turns bullets into compelling visualsDesigner transforms more types of slidesEnhanced data import functionalityInsert recent linksKeep control over your attachmentsKnow before you shareLarge Number (bigint) supportNarrate a recordingPersonalize the default PivotTable layoutQuick access to superscript and subscriptQuickly access the groups you use mostUse your pen to select and change objectsA Quick Start to Your ResearchMake diagrams from Excel dataEditor: Enhanced writing assistancePowerPoint DesignerView and restore changes in shared Word, Excel, PPTFaster PivotTablesUpgraded accessibilityHave an idea?Improvements to Get & TransformPublish to Power BIShape recognitionText HighlighterZoomDo more with InkImport latest AutoCAD file formatsThree templates for UMLYour First Draft Just Got EasierFall 2018

Intune Device Intune Device 2 Enterprise Mobility Security E3 Intune 9 Enterprise Mobility Security E5 Intune 15 Microsoft 365 E3 Intune 34 Microsoft 365 E5 Intune 57 Microsoft 365 F1 Intune 10 Microsoft 365 Business Intune 20 Microsoft 365 Education A3 Intune for Education 6 Microsoft 365 Education A5 Intune for Education 11

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