The Effect Of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture And Job .

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Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(10):446-458A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacyThe Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture andJob Satisfaction on Employee Performance withOrganizational Commitment as the Intervening VariableBambang Raditya Purnomo1, Anis Eliyana2*, Elvina Dyah Pramesti31UniversitasAirlangga, .id2Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo, ding Author: Anis Eliyana, Universitas Airlangga, IndonesiaEmail: of resources or good employees is one of the determinants ofsuccess in the company. Through well-created resources, it will refer toemployee performance. Employee performance is a component or aspect fora company to be successful. The employee performance needed by thecompany is of course the performance of employees who have achievementsthat can jointly achieve the main goals of the company and achieve companiesthat experience sustainable growth. This study aims to determine the effect ofleadership style, organizational culture, and job satisfaction on employeeperformance, which is one of the determinants of company success withorganizational commitment as an intervening variable. Respondents of thisstudy were all employees of the Regional Revenue Agency of East Java,Surabaya, which amounted to 10% of the total population, namely 87employees. This study uses a quantitative approach, and the data testingtechnique used in this study is to use the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysistechnique which is part of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).INTRODUCTIONHuman resources have a very important role in anorganization, because human resources can be one of thefactors that are directly involved in carrying outorganizational activities and play a role in improving theorganization in achieving its stated goals. In anincreasingly challenging and complex workplace,practitioners and scholars have recognized theimportance of effective human resource management tional success (Cesário & Chambel, 2017). Thisresearch has also suggested that organizations canpromote human resource practices that are orientedtowards commitment to achieving organizational goalsand producing good quality work.Organizations that succeed in achieving their goals willalso depend heavily on their leaders. Leaders who are ableto carry out their duties well, it is very likely that theorganization will achieve its goals. Leaders also really needto pay attention to their leadership style in the process ofdirecting and influencing the activities of theirsubordinates and coordinating subordinate goals andorganizational goals so that both can be achieved.Leadership style is often considered the most importantfactor of organizational success or failure. According toEfendi & Graduate, (2020) leadership style is the ability toprovide constructive influence to others or around tomake collaborative efforts to achieve planned goals. Thus,leadership is an effort to influence employees bymobilizing available resources effectively and efficiently in446Keywords: Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment,Sustainable ce:Anis EliyanaUniversitas Airlangga, IndonesiaEmail: entire management process to achieve the desiredgoals and create good quality work.In addition to an effective leadership style needed in anorganization to be able to improve employee performancein achieving predetermined goals, the leader will also forman organizational culture. Schein (2009) states that aleader shapes culture and in turn is shaped by the resultingculture. Observe that organizational culture andleadership are interrelated and illustrate thisinterconnection by looking at the relationship betweenleadership and culture in the context of the organizationallife cycle. Organizational culture is a symbol and value thatis shared by all members of the organization.Organizational culture is known to bind employeestogether and provide direction for company growth(Pawirosumarto et al., 2017). Organizational culture willdetermine how employees’ complete tasks and interactwith each other in the organization (Narayana, 2017). Thiscultural pattern consists of various values, beliefs, ritualsand symbols that govern the community's operating stylein a company.Inuwa, (2016) emphasized that organizationaleffectiveness and efficiency depend on how effective andefficient employees are in the organization. The ability ofan employer to understand employee satisfaction at workrelated to daily responsibilities will have a major impacton employee productivity and performance. So that the jobsatisfaction of an employee also needs attention. Employeejob satisfaction is known to be very important to enable anemployee to bring out the maximum ability in his job.According to Setiawan et al., (2020) explained that jobSystematic Reviews in PharmacyVol 11, Issue 10, Oct-Nov 2020

Purnomo et al. /The Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on EmployeePerformance with Organizational Commitment as the Intervening Variablesatisfaction reflects the feelings of workers while workingat the company, and job satisfaction itself is highlydependent on the conditions of individual employeesbecause each individual has aspects in assessing the levelof job satisfaction. Thus, individuals with high jobsatisfaction are expected to spend all their abilities andenergy to complete the work, so as to produce optimalperformance for the organization.Every employee in the organization must be highlycommitted to achieving the mission, vision and goals of theorganization. The commitment factor to the company or itsgeneral term is organizational commitment which issuitable for analysis related to improving mmitment is defined as an employee's psychologicalattachment to their organization (Cesário & Chambel,2017). A person who is committed will also have anorganizational identity, he will work seriously, will beloyal and will have a positive attitude towards hisorganization (Hendri, 2019). These individuals will alsodisplay behaviors that will help the organization achieveits goals and also a willingness to be part of theorganization in the long term. Employees who have highorganizational commitment are employees who are moreproductive and stable so that in the end they are also moreprofitable for the organization (Setiawan et al., 2019). italso refers to improving employee performance. Employeeperformance is very important for organizational growthand profitability, because employees are considered as themain business resource that facilitates the daily activitiesand operations of an organization (Yang & Hwang, 2014).Employee performance is also known to be a factor thatcan significantly affect organizational profitability.Because employee performance is the result achieved orachievements made in the workplace related toperformance features, organizational policies, andorganizational practices (Salman et al., 2016). Thus,achieving and maintaining an increase in employeeperformance is indispensable for organizations to be ableto achieve the main goals of the organization, achieveorganizational competitive advantage, and achievesustainable growth for the organization.The Regional Revenue Agency of East Java Province is anagency in charge of carrying out regional governmentaffairs based on the principle of autonomy. State CivilApparatus within the Regional Revenue Agency of EastJava Province in their work activities are known to alwaysemphasize all apparatus resources to achieve highperformance and achieve organizational goalsappropriately. In achieving high employee performance,there are always many factors that influence it, includingjob satisfaction factors, discipline factors, communicationfactors, experience factors, work environment factors,competency factors, organizational culture factors, andcommitment factors. However, according to observationsmade by researchers, various problems were found in theresearch location, namely the Regional Revenue Agency ofEast Java Province. The existence of a leadership style thatis less assertive, and the absence of firm sanctions. Workdiscipline and work order regulations have been set forthin complete work procedures but are still formalities, havenot been implemented properly, and are far from beingactualized in the form of real actions. Employee dedicationand loyalty are still low, there are even employees who arewrong in applying loyalty only to their superiors, but arenot loyal to the vision, mission and duties of theirinstitution.447In this regard, it is necessary to conduct research todetermine what factors affect the performance ofemployees of the Regional Revenue Agency of East JavaProvince, by examining various factors that affectemployee performance, which are expected to obtain anoverview of matters related to employee performanceimprovement. This study tries to examine the factors,namely leadership style, organizational culture, and jobsatisfaction in improving the performance of employees ofthe Regional Revenue Agency of East Java Province withorganizational commitment as an intervening variable.LITERATURE REVIEWTheoretical BasisLeadership StyleLeadership is to invite and direct followers orsubordinates to achieve common goals by creating a workenvironment that is more authoritative, effective, directed,and controlled (Abadiyah et al., 2020). Leadership is oneof the abilities needed by a leader in a company to lead thecompany (Bastari et al., 2020). Leadership comes from theword "leading" which means guidance, while people whocarry out guidance are called leaders (Bastari et al., 2020).Leader's influence is known to make improvements toemployees in achieving company goals. Meanwhile, theleadership style will be associated with the actions of aleader when leading followers or providing guidance(Rohman et al., 2020). Leadership style is defined byEfendi & Graduate, (2020) as an ability that is used toprovide constructive influence on others or around tomake collaborative efforts in achieving planned goals. Inaddition, according to Pawirosumarto et al., (2017)leadership style is a norm of behavior that a person useswhen that person tries to influence the behavior of others,and it is known that each leader has different patterns tostimulate, foster, and direct the potential of his followers.Thus, through a leadership style an effort can be formed todirect or influence others by mobilizing availableresources effectively and efficiently throughout themanagement process to achieve the desired goals.Organizational CultureOrganizational culture is a symbol and value that is sharedby all members of the organization. Organizational cultureis known to bind employees together and providedirection for company growth (Pawirosumarto et al.,2017). Organizational culture will determine howemployees’ complete tasks and interact with each other inthe organization (Narayana, 2017). This cultural patternconsists of various values, beliefs, rituals and symbols thatgovern the community's operating style in a company. Thisculture will be uniquely owned by certain organizations asa differentiator between organizations and zational culture is also a value system that isbelieved by all members of the organization which isapplied, studied, and developed as an adhesive system asa reference for companies to achieve their goals (Raf et al.,2014). In addition, culture will be at the core of what isimportant in the organization. Because organizationalculture includes the activities of giving orders andprohibitions and describing things that are done and notdone that regulate the behavior of members (Rantesalu etal., 2017). Thus, culture will contain what we can or cannotdo so that it can be considered as a guideline used to carryout activities in the organization. Basically, theorganization within the established corporate culture is atool to unite each individual who carries out joint activitiesin achieving goals.Systematic Reviews in PharmacyVol 11, Issue 10, Oct-Nov 2020

Purnomo et al. /The Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on EmployeePerformance with Organizational Commitment as the Intervening VariableJob SatisfactionEmployee job satisfaction is known to be very importantto enable an employee to bring out the maximum ability inhis job. According to Setiawan et al., (2020) explained thatjob satisfaction reflects the feelings of workers whileworking at the company, and job satisfaction itself is highlydependent on the conditions of individual employeesbecause each individual has aspects in assessing the levelof job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is also considered apleasant feeling as a result of the perception that workfulfills the important values of their job, and jobsatisfaction is an attitude or emotional response to variousaspects of the job (Anggarwati & Eliyana, 2015). This issupported by the statement by Siengthai & Pila-Ngarm,(2017) which states that job satisfaction is a measurementof a person's experience or work in terms of positiveemotions or pleasure at work (Locke, 1976) and people'sfeelings (like or dislike) at work (Spector, 1997). Thisdefinition refers to an employee's emotions that tend tolead to being more creative, productive, and committed toa job. Employee satisfaction also refers to job satisfactionthat can be related to the job itself. In addition, accordingto Inuwa (2016) job satisfaction will symbolize theamount of optimism that is in line with real rewards andbenefits.Organizational CommitmentOrganizational commitment can be defined as the extentto which an employee will experience a sense ofcommunity with their organization (Syabarrudin et al.,2020). Organizational commitment is also a condition ofemployees who side with certain organizations and theirgoals, as well as the intention to maintain theirmembership in the company. In other words,organizational commitment will be related to the highdesire of employees to share and sacrifice for the company.A company needs to have employees who have highorganizational commitment to the company. That isbecause it can make them continue to survive and improvethe services and products they produce. Employees whohave high organizational commitment are employees whoare more productive and stable so that in the end they arealso more profitable for the organization (Setiawan et al.,2019). Kawiana, (2018) states that the level ofcommitment, both between employees and the companyand company commitment to employees is neededbecause it will create a professional work climate.Organizational commitment is considered a behavioralperspective where commitment is defined as a consistentpath of activity.Employee PerformancePerformance is a stage of achievement in completingcertain jobs (Eliyana et al., 2019). Anggarwati & Eliyana,(2015) defines performance as the result of workcompletion which represents the level of achievement ofeach job and the fulfillment of expectations, policies, orrequirements for the official role of the organization.Meanwhile, employee performance is the result of anemployee's work during a certain period compared tovarious possibilities, such as criteria, standards, or targetsthat are mutually determined and agreed upon (Muzakkiet al., 2019). Employee performance is also known to be afactor that can significantly affect organizationalprofitability. Because employee performance is the resultachieved or achievements made in the workplace relatedto performance features, organizational policies, andorganizational practices (Salman et al., 2016). So that whatthe organization needs will be in accordance with the goals448that have been set so that it will affect profitability. In thisstudy also describes employee performance as the level ofproductivity of an employee, relative to his peers, on somework-related behaviors and outcomes, and is anindividual's motivation to achieve certain goals orperformance targets that can be obtained in terms of whatresults will be useful. for the individual as a result ofachieving that goal and what value is placed on thatoutcome (Salman et al., 2016). The performance producedby employees can also be interpreted as productivitywhich states the quality, quantity and contribution ofwork, so that when productivity is high, the overallperformance in the organization will also be high.Hypothesis DevelopmentLeadership Style and Employee PerformancePerformance is a measure of the success of an organizationor it can be said that performance is used as a measure ofthe success of the company. Leadership style is a methodused by a leader to influence the behavior of others, andleadership style is a method used by leaders to direct,influence, encourage and control others in achieving thesegoals (Pawirosumarto et al., 2017). When this influencecan achieve the desired goals, it will create the quantityand quality produced or the services provided byemployees who perform the work in the form of employeeperformance (Efendi & Graduate, 2020). It can be said thatif a company has good employee performance it willsupport the company to be successful or not. When aleader can implement a leadership style properly andcorrectly, it will refer to the leader as having strength thatfocuses on how to shape direction by adapting theirstrengths to influence followers by motivating them towork hard in order to support organizational goals(Haslina et al., 2010). Through leadership will form thedesire, belief, and priorities related to achieving influence,not securing an obedience. This is intended by leaders tomake a follower or employee in the company shape theirwork-related behavior. So that the employee's behaviorand actions will represent his contribution to theorganization from the resulting performance. Becauseemployee performance is referred to as results achievedor achievements made in the workplace (Salman et al.,2016). This is also supported by research conducted byTampi, (2014) and Rustilah, (2018) which found thatleadership style has a positive and significant effect onemployee performance.Organizational Culture and Employee PerformanceAccording to Aktaş et al., (2011) culture can representvalues, norms, beliefs, and attitudes that influence ordetermine a person's organizational behavior. Theconcept has also been defined by many others including(Nusari et al., 2018) as "ideology, shared philosophy,values, beliefs, assumptions, expectations, behaviors andnorms that bind organizations together". According toNarayana, (2017) different cultural backgroundsoperating in a company can affect employee performance.A strong corporate culture is known to show thatemployees think the same way and have the same beliefsand ethical values as other employees in the company.When these ethical beliefs and values are in line withbusiness goals, they prove to be effective in building teamsbecause relationships and trust take place quickly. So thatit will affect a better job evaluation, and it refers to anincrease in employee performance. This is also supportedby the statement of Rantesalu et al., (2017) that basicallyorganization in corporate culture is a tool to unite everyindividual who carries out joint activities, andSystematic Reviews in PharmacyVol 11, Issue 10, Oct-Nov 2020

Purnomo et al. /The Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on EmployeePerformance with Organizational Commitment as the Intervening Variableorganizational culture is often described in variousinteractions of habitual characteristics that affect a groupof people the environment. Thus, organizational culture isthe social glue that is given to members of theorganization. In addition, Dhingra & Punia, (2016) alsoargue that organizational culture can improve employeeperformance if what supports it can be understood.Schneider et al., (2013) observed the role of culture inmaintaining, maintaining, and improving employeeperformance in organizations. In this study revealed thatorganizational culture helps coordinate assignments andminimize inefficiencies in resource utilization. Employeeswho need organizational culture can support to achievetheir individual goals, because organizational culture willfunction as coordination and internal integration betweencompany operations and its employees. That way, apositive culture in an organization will support theadaptation and improve employee performance byshaping, motivating, and channeling their behaviortowards achieving company goals.Job Satisfaction and Employee PerformanceEmployee job performance has always been a majorchallenge in organizational management and in adoptingeffective ways to motivate employees to achieve andprovide higher work performance and to increaseorganizational competitiveness which is the main goal ofany business organization (Lee et al., 2011). To achievehigher employee performance, it is best if the employeehas first achieved job satisfaction. According to Setiawanet al., (2020) explained that job satisfaction reflects thefeelings of workers while working at the company, and jobsatisfaction itself is highly dependent on the conditions ofindividual employees because each individual has aspectsin assessing the level of job satisfaction. This is supportedby the results of research conducted by (Bhatti et al., 2014)in studying job satisfaction, they revealed that there is apositive relationship between job satisfaction andincreased employee performance. Job satisfaction willshow the amount of optimism that is in line with realrewards and benefits (Inuwa, 2016). According to (Vermaet al., 1985), most employees today who have a high levelof job dissatisfaction will create unwanted attitudes atwork and in turn reduce their performance abilities andalso their workplace. Therefore, it is important foremployees to feel high in their job satisfaction to get anincrease in their performance results which can also affectthe main goals of the rformanceA committed employee will have an organizationalidentity, and he will work seriously, will be loyal to his job,and will have a positive attitude towards his organization(Hendri, 2019). These employees are also known todisplay behaviors that can help the organization achieveits goals precisely and also their willingness to be part ofthe organization in the long term. So that it can confirm therelationship between organizational commitment andperformance. It is possible that organizationalcommitment contributes to knowledge sharing byincreasing a person's perception of their organization.These employees will show a greater level of commitment449to their organization and will be more likely that they areengaged and can produce higher levels of performance(Cesário & Chambel, 2017). The study also states thatorganizational commitment is a possible critical predictorof organizational effectiveness and as a strong supporterof individual work achievement and high performance.According to Kawiana, (2018) that the level ofcommitment, both company commitment to employeesand between employees and the company is neededbecause it will create a professional work climate.Organizational commitment will provide a behavioralperspective where commitment is defined as a consistentpath of activity, so that the higher the employee'scommitment to the organization can improve employeeperformance (Kawiana, 2018). So that the higher aperson's commitment to their duties, the higher theemployee's performance will be, and leads to a higher levelof assessment.Organizational Commitment to Mediate LeadershipStyle, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction onEmployee PerformanceLeadership style is known to encourage engagement orattachment to employees in the form of commitment thatleads to the employee's performance. An employee who iscommitted to the organization will strive to produce betteroutput for the company and is also a key role indetermining employee performance (Salman et al., 2016).In addition, according to Kawiana, (2018) the factors thataffect employee performance, in theory and previousresearch conclude that the variables of organizationalculture and job satisfaction also affect organizationalcommitment. Thus, the variable organizationalcommitment in this study acts as an intermediary variableor mediating the influence between organizational cultureand job satisfaction on employee performance. Leadershipstyle is defined by Efendi & Graduate, (2020) as an abilitythat is used to provide constructive influence on others oraround to make collaborative efforts in achieving plannedgoals. Organizational culture is known to bind employeestogether and provide direction for company growth(Pawirosumarto et al., 2017). Job satisfaction is alsoconsidered a pleasant feeling as a result of the perceptionthat work fulfills the important values of their job, and jobsatisfaction is an attitude or emotional response to variousaspects of the job (Anggarwati & Eliyana, 2015). Thus, it isknown that these three variables are a form of positiveaspects that shape an employee to be better at his job. Thisis also supported by their commitment to theirorganization, which will create a better and higherperformance improvement. Because commitment to theorganization is a condition of employees who side with theorganization and its goals, as well as the intention tomaintain their membership in the company (Syabarrudinet al., 2020). In other words, organizational commitmentwill be related to the high desire of employees to share andsacrifice for the company. Furthermore, the component ofcommitment to work and results will affect employeeswith better performance and who are more focused onbusiness is very important for organizational success(Cesário & Chambel, 2017).Systematic Reviews in PharmacyVol 11, Issue 10, Oct-Nov 2020

Purnomo et al. /The Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on EmployeePerformance with Organizational Commitment as the Intervening ganizationalCommitmentEmployeePerformance (Y2)Job Satisfaction(X3)Figure 1. Conceptual FrameworkRESEARCH METHODSResearch ApproachThis research is known to use a quantitative approach. Theindependent variables used in this study are leadershipstyle (X1), organizational culture (X2), and job satisfaction(X3). The dependent variable used in this study isemployee performance (Y), and the intervening variable inthis study is organizational commitment (Z). In making thequestionnaire in this study, the Likert scale technique wasused to measure a person's opinions, attitudes, andperceptions about social phenomena that occur. Theanswer to each question given will be given a scorestarting from the largest, namely 5 to 1. The following is aLikert scale; with the score criteria, namely Strongly Agree(SS) with a score of 5, Agree (S) with a score of 4, SimplyAgree (CS) with a score of 3, Disagree (TS) with a score of2, and Strongly Disagree (STS) with a score of 1.Operational DefinitionLeadership StyleThe leadership style in this study determines in givinginfluence to all employees of the Regional Revenue Agencyof East Java Surabaya to make collaborative efforts inachieving planned goals. The leadership style variable ismeasured through five variable dimensions, namely:participatory style, caregiver style, authoritarian style,bureaucratic style, and task-oriented style. The variable ofleadership style is measured based on by Robert House, inKreitner and Kinicki (2008).Organizational CultureThe organizational culture in this study is a sharedmeaning system that is shared by all employees of theRegional Revenue Agency of East Java, Surabaya, whichdistinguishes the organization from other organizations.The organizational culture variable is measured based onRobbin (2008).Job SatisfactionJob satisfaction in this study is a broad aspect and can notonly be understood from the physical aspect of the jobitself, but from the non-physical side felt by all employeesof the Regional Revenue Agency of East Java, Surabaya. Jobsatisfaction variable is measured based on MotivatorHygiene (Kreitner & Kinichi, 2008).Organizational CommitmentOrganizational commitment in this study plays animportant role in improving good performance for allemployees of the Regional Revenue Agency of East Java,Surabaya, and neglect of commitment to the organizationwill cause a loss. The variable of organizationalcommitment is measured by Steers and Porter (inSoeprihanto, 2007).Employee PerformanceEmployee performance in this study is the result of theachievements of the efforts that have been made by allemployees of the Regional Revenue Agency of East Java,Surabaya, which can be measured by certain indicators.Employee performance variables are measured based onMas'ud (2004).Data and Sample Collection TechniquesIn the data collection process in this study, data collectiontechniques were carried out through literature studies anddirect data collection in the field (questionnaire). In thisstudy, the total population is all employees of the RegionalRevenue Agency of East Java, Surabaya, totaling 876employees. As for the number of samples used in this studywas 10% of the total population, namely 87 employees andthe sampling technique was carried out by StratifiedRandom Sampling (taking samples from members of thepopulation randomly and stratified proportionally).Data Analysis TechniquesThe analysis technique is used with the help of the PartialLeast Square (PLS) application which is part of StructuralEqua

/The Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance with Organizational Commitment as the Intervening Variable 448 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 10, Oct-Nov 2020 Job Satisfaction Employee job satisfaction is known to be very important to enable an employee to bring out the maximum .

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