Alberta Custom Rates Survey

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Alberta Custom Rates SurveyCrop and Pastureland Lease and Rental 2019

Alberta Agriculture and ForestryApril 2020Alberta Custom Rates SurveyCrop and Pastureland Lease and RentalAshan ShooshtarianCrop StatisticianStatistics and Data Development SectionEconomics and Competitiveness BranchPhone: (780) 422-2887ashan.shooshtarian@gov.ab.caFor more information regarding this content visit:

IntroductionThis Custom Rate Survey was conducted by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section.The data presented in this report was obtained by contacting producers and custom operators and thus represent actual charges. Please note that some instancesmay be “good neighbour rates” as opposed to commercial rates. The reader should be aware that varying conditions in different areas of the province couldsignificantly affect the rates charged from year to year.The intent of the survey is to provide producers with additional information to help with their farm management decisions. The quality of data is dependent on thecooperation received by producers as well as commercial custom operators. We would like to thank all those who willingly provided information for this report. If youare involved in any custom operations or in the leasing of crop or pastureland, and have not been contacted but wish to contribute, please contact Alberta Agricultureand Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section.This report was prepared by a team comprising of Reynold Jaipaul, Roy Larsen, Ashan Shooshtarian, Guangzhi Liu, Melodie Mynzak, Marian Elson, and MaryNucom for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.For further information, please contact:Alberta Agriculture and ForestryEconomics and Competitiveness BranchStatistics and Data Development SectionSuite 300, 7000 -113 StreetEdmonton, AB T6H 5T6Phone:780-422-2961Fax:780-427-5220To view the custom rates reports on the Agriculture and Forestry website go to: alberta.caNote to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics andCompetitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section. 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 2020i

Table of ContentsIntroduction .iTable of Contents .1Alberta Census Divisions and Municipalities .2Alberta Municipalities Classified by Region .3Cropland Lease and Rental 2019 .4South Region .4Central Region .4North East Region .7North West Region .8Peace Region . 10Pastureland Lease and Rental Survey 2019 . 12South Region . 12Central Region . 12North East Region . 13North West Region . 13Crownland Rental Rates 2019. 15 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20201

2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 2020Source: Alberta Agriculture and ForestryEconomics and Competitiveness BranchStatistics and Data Development SectionAlberta Census Divisions and Municipalities2

Alberta Municipalities Classified by RegionSOUTH REGIONCardston CountyCypress CountyMD of Foothills No. 31County of Forty Mile No. 8Lethbridge CountyCounty of NewellMD of Pincher Creek No. 9MD of Ranchland No. 66MD of TaberVulcan CountyCounty of Warner No. 5Wheatland CountyMD of Willow Creek No. 26NORTH WEST REGIONAthabasca CountyCounty of Barrhead No. 11Brazeau CountyEdmontonLac Ste. Anne CountyLeduc CountyMD of Lesser Slave River No. 124Parkland CountyStrathcona CountySturgeon CountyThorhild CountyWestlock CountyCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Woodlands CountyYellowhead County 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 2020CENTRAL REGIONMD of Acadia No. 34MD of Bighorn No. 8CalgaryClearwater CountyKneehill CountyLacombe CountyMountain View CountyCounty of Paintearth No. 18Ponoka CountyRed Deer CountyRocky View CountySpecial Area No. 2Special Area No. 3Special Area No. 4Starland CountyCounty of Stettler No. 6NORTH WEST REGIONAthabasca CountyCounty of Barrhead No. 11Brazeau CountyEdmontonLac Ste. Anne CountyLeduc CountyMD of Lesser Slave River No. 124Parkland CountyStrathcona CountySturgeon CountyThorhild CountyWestlock CountyCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Woodlands CountyYellowhead County3NORTH EAST REGIONBeaver CountyMD of Bonnyville No. 87Camrose CountyFlagstaff CountyLac La Biche CountyLamont CountyCounty of Minburn No. 27MD of Provost No. 52Smoky Lake CountyCounty of St. Paul No. 19County of Two Hills No. 21County of Vermilion RiverMD of Wainwright No. 61

Cropland Lease an d Rental 201 9Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - FormTermYearsLeft- - - Acres in Lease - - CropHayPastureOtherTotalAcresPaidOnCash( /acre)CropShareRentdueNotesSCounty ofNewellBRYW54400400 150.00FLL pays land taxes, irrigation equipmentand irrigation levies; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceSLethbridgeCountyBRNW331,1001,100 70.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceSMD ofTaberBRNW33290290 70.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceSWheatlandCountyDBNW33450450 60.00OLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceSWheatlandCountyDBYW33195260 110.00OCCalgaryDBNW1335335 60.001/2:1/2FCCalgaryDBNW1410410 60.001/2:1/2FCClearwaterCountyGWNV3320 50.00CClearwaterCounty36525070S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceOLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsurance. Payment is 4,000.00/seasonOpenGWNVLT6060Legend:LL pays land taxes, irrigation levies andirrigation equipment; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceLL pays land taxes, 50% of weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsurance; T pays other 50% of weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceLL pays land taxes, 50% of weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsurance; T pays other 50% of weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceS – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20204BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - FormTermYearsLeft- - - Acres in Lease - - ureOther100Cash( nd:NotesOLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsurance. Payment is 5,000.00/season10160 16.00bu/acrebarleyFLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurance60160 50.00/acreFLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurance115320 65.00/acreS, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceS, FLL pays land taxes; T pays fertilizer,weed control and seeding. Payment is 9,000.00/season46085Rentdue300 100.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance245 65.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsurance116 75.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance280 75.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsuranceS – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20205BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - -- - - Acres in Lease - - dOnCash( 11285285 75.00FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCMountainViewCountyBLNV11110110 80.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCPonokaCountyGWNV117575 70.00FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding, and cropinsuranceCPonokaCountyGWNW32140140 90.00S, FLL pays land taxes and crop insurance;T pays weed control, fertilizer andseedingCRed DeerCountyBLNV3375160 65.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRed DeerCountyGWNV3315010160 70.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRed DeerCountyBLNV33400445 75.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRed DeerCountyBLNVCRed DeerCountyBLNV558545123123130130Legend: 90.00S, F1/3:2/3FLL pays land taxes, 1/3 of weed control,1/3 of seeding, 1/3 of fertilizer, 1/3 ofcrop insurance; T pays 2/3 of weedcontrol, 2/3 of seed, 2/3 of fertilizer, 2/3of crop insuranceLL pays land taxes, 1/3 of weed control,1/3 of crop insurance and 1/3 ofseeding; T pays 2/3 of weed control, 2/3of seed and 2/3 of crop insuranceS – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20206BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - FormTermYearsLeft- - - Acres in Lease - - CropHayPastureOtherTotalAcresPaidOnCash( 6436 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRockyViewCountyDBNV1525525 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRockyViewCountyDBNV1320320 65.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRockyViewCountyDBNV1310350 65.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceCRockyViewCountyDBNW1293293 70.00FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and ty ofMinburnNo. 27TBNW11LL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance; the rent is 10.00/acre inSpring.LL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance; the rent is 10.00/acre inSpring. 10.001/3profitS, O400 10.001/3profitS, O1,5001,500 100.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance155155 55.00S, FLL pays taxes; T pays weed control,fertilizer, seed and crop insuranceLegend:S – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20207BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - -- - - Acres in Lease - - resPaidOnCash( /acre)300 62.00CropShareRentdueNotesS, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsurance1/3profitS, OLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance; the rent is 10.00/acre inSpring.1/4:3/4OLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceNECounty ofMinburnNo. yTBNVLTOpen300300NEMD ofWainwrightNo. 61TBNW32800800 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceNWCounty ofWetaskiwinNo. 10BLNV11205205 55.00FT pays for land taxes, weed control,seeding, fertilizer and crop insuranceNWCounty ofWetaskiwinNo. 10BLNW537070140 60.00FT pays for land taxes, weed control,seeding, fertilizer and crop insuranceNWCounty ofWetaskiwinNo. 10BLNV116080140 65.00FT pays for land taxes, weed control,seeding, fertilizer and crop insuranceNWCounty ofWetaskiwinNo. 10BLNV116090150 65.00FT pays for land taxes, weed control,seeding, fertilizer and crop insuranceNWCounty ofWetaskiwinNo. 10BLNV257 65.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceTBN257Legend: 10.00S – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20208BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - -- - - Acres in Lease - - PaidOnCash( /acre)150CropShareRentdueNotes 65.00FT pays for land taxes, weed control,seeding, fertilizer and crop insurance150 43.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays fertilizer andseeding75 48.001/5:4/5FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsurance100 48.001/5:4/5SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceNWCounty ofWetaskiwinNo. 140 80.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceNWParklandCountyTBNW33350350 90.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceNWParklandCountyTBNW33370370 90.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceNWParklandCountyBLNV11220220FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsurance. Payment is 5,500.00/seasonNWThorhildCountyGWNWLTOpen120120OLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurance2015050Legend: 30.00S – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 20209BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - -- - - Acres in Lease - - dOnCash( /acre)73 80.00CropShareRentdueNotesS, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsuranceFLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, seeding, fertilizer and cropinsuranceNWWestlockCountyBLNW3173PClear HillsCountyGWNV1Open9065155PCounty ofNorthernLightsGWNW3331010320 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurancePCounty ofNorthernLightsGWNW32665125790 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurancePCounty ofNorthernLightsGWNW31750190940 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurancePCounty ofNorthernLightsGWNW2220003702370 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurancePCounty ofNorthernLightsGWNW2221005902690 60.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays seeding,weed control, fertilizer and cropinsurancePMD ofSpirit RiverNo. 133GWNVLTOpen148148 40.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsurancePMD ofSpirit RiverNo. 133GWNVLTOpen220220 40.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceLegend:1/3:2/3S – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 202010BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Cropland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilTypeIrrigated(Yes orNo)- - - Lease - - -- - - Acres in Lease - - dOnCash( /acre)CropShareRentdueNotesPMD ofSpirit RiverNo. 133GWNW22145145 47.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsurancePMD ofSpirit RiverNo. 133GWNW22155155 57.00SLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsurancePSaddleHillsCountyGWNVLTOpen700700 35.00S, FLL pays land taxes; T pays weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding and cropinsuranceLegend:S – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 202011BL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Pas tur eland Leas e and R ental Sur vey 2019Pastureland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilType- - - Lease - - YearsForm TermleftNativeCowsNative CultivatedWetGrasswithGrass CountyGWVLTOpen284360CowsOther Total CostYearlings2bulls45 30.00/aumAcresMonthPaidGrazedon5.5 25.00/acre190LandNotesOwnerPRLL pays new fencing, fencingrepairs and land taxesPRLL pays land taxes andfencing; T pays fencing repairsLL pays land taxes; T paysfencing repairs, weed control,fertilizer, seeding, and reseedingLL pays land taxes; T paysfencing repairs, weed control,fertilizer, seeding, and reseeding 165.00/season4PR 2,700.00/season4CR50 30.00/aum4PRLL pays land taxes; T paysnew fencing and weed control14030 30.00/aum5PRLL pays land taxes andmaterials; T pays for labourand fence repairs16540 30.00/aum5PRLL pays land taxes andmaterials; T pays for labourand fence repairs5030 30.00/aum5PR60100 30.00/aum5PR12838503018040Legend:4bullsS – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantNote:No observations were obtained for the Peace RegionPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 202012LL pays land taxes, newfencing, fencing repair, weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding andre-seedingLL pays land taxes, newfencing, fencing repair, weedcontrol, fertilizer, seeding andre-seedingBL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Pastureland Lease and Rental 2019RegionCountySoilType- - - Lease - - YearsForm TermleftNativeCowsWetNative CultivatedGrasswithlandGrass tyGWV1185NECamroseCountyTBVNECounty ofMinburnNo. 27TBWNEFlagstaffCountyTBVNEMD ofWainwrightNo. 3007003008085320CowsOther Total CostYearlings3bullsAcresMonth LandPaidNotesGrazed Owneron 30.00/aum5PR30704010550 30.00/aum5PR50100 30.00/aum4PR 15.00/acre1PR 45.00/aum4PR15150 110.00/pair4.5PR20 12.00/pair4PR5PR4PR275854bulls 25.00/acre80322bulls 25.00/aumLegend:275S – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantNote:No observations were obtained for the Peace RegionPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 202013LL pays land taxes andfertilizer; T pays new fencing,weed control, seeding, reseeding and fencing repairLL pays land taxes, fertilizer,weed control, seeding, reseeding, new fencing, andfencing repairsLL pays new fencing, fencingrepairs, weed control, fertilizer,seeding, re-seeding and landtaxesRotational grazing; LL paysland taxes; T pays seeding, reseeding, weed control,fertilizer, new fencing andfencing repairLL pays land taxes and newfencing; T pays for weedcontrol and fencing repairRotational grazing; LL paysland taxes and new fencing; Tpays seeding, re-seeding,weed control, fertilizer andfencing repairLL pays new fencing; T paysnew fencing, fence repairs,fertilizer, land taxes, seedingand re-seedingLL pays land taxes; T paysnew fencing, fencing repairs,weed control, fertilizer,seeding, and re-seedingLL pays land taxes, seeding,weed control, fertilizer, reseeding, new fencing andfencing repairsBL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Pastureland Lease and Rental 2019RegionNWCountyWestlockCountySoilTypeGW- - - Lease - - YearsForm TermleftNativeCowsWetNative CultivatedGrasswithlandGrass TameWeedCalvesCowsOther Total CostYearlings20Crown landhorserates300Legend:AcresMonth LandPaidNotesGrazed Owneron4CRS – SouthC – CentralNE – North EastNW – North WestP – PeaceSoil Type: BR – BrownDB – Dark Brown TB – Thin BlackLease Form: W – WrittenV – VerbalLT – Long TermRent Due: S – SpringF: FallO- OtherNotes: LL – Land LordT: TenantNote:No observations were obtained for the Peace RegionPrepared By: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 202014T pays new fencing, fencingrepairs and land taxesBL – Black GW – Grey WoodedY – YesN – No

Crownland Rental Rates 2019Southern(Zone A) 2.79/aum2,900,000 acresCentral(Zone B) 2.32/aum800,000 acresNorthern(Zone C) 1.39/aum2,400,000 acresTOTAL ACRES(Rounded to nearest one hundred thousand)6,100,000 acresNote: Public land grazing rental rates shown are charged based on the carrying capacity of the land, which is determined by thenumber of Animal Unit Months (AUM) that a specific parcel provides and is set by Alberta Environment and Parks. They are notcharged based on actual use; as a result the prescribed stocking rates may differ from the carrying capacity. The minimum rental ratefor a grazing lease is 50. In addition to the rental, the leaseholder is responsible for many legislated and required costs such as: thepayment of municipal taxes; weed control; managing public and industrial users; and, investments in and subsequent maintenance offencing, water developments, etc.Legend: aum – animal unit month – one cow and calf pair for one monthSource: Alberta Environment and Parks, Policy and Planning Division, Land Policy Branch, Rangeland Policy Section 2020 Government of Alberta Published: April 202015

LL pays land taxes, 50% of weed control, fertilizer, seeding, and crop insurance; T pays other 50% of weed control, seeding, fertilizer and crop insurance C : Calgary . DB : N . W : 1 . 410 . 410 . 60.00 : 1/2:1/2 . F : LL pays land taxes, 50% of weed control, fertilizer, seeding, and crop insurance; T pays other 50% of weed control, seeding .

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