2022WELCOME SERIESPRIZE LISTTRYON WELCOME 1March 24-27A / Level 3TRYON WELCOME 2March 31-April 3A / Level 3TRYON WELCOME 3April 7-10A / Level 3TRYON WELCOME 4April 13-17AA / Level 3Tryon.com/compete
FOR UPDATED SCHEDULES WITH NUMBER OF ENTRIES GO TO WWW.TRYON.COMTRYON INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIAN CENTERTRYON INTERNATIONALEQUESTRIAN CENTERCOMPETITION COMMITTEECOMPETITIONCOMMITTEEMark Bellissimo, Roger Smith, Jennifer Smith, Lisa Lourie,HowardRogerDvorkin,GwenDvorkin,The MercerFamilyHoward Dvorkin,Mark Bellissimo,Smith,JenniferSmith,Lisa Lourie,Gwen Dvorkin, The Mercer FamilyTryon Equestrian Partners, LLC, PresidentCompetition LicenseeCompetition ManagerDirector of Equestrian OperationsLead Competition SecretaryStabling/Hay/Shavings ManagerHorse Show Office ManagerMedical CoordinatorCompetition VeterinarianCompetition FarrierTryon Resort SecurityHorse Show OfficeStabling OfficeMailroomTryon Resort LodgingSharon DeckerTryon Horse Shows LLCJP GodardMolly OakmanSarah ArpkeLance BennettMichaela OrskyCasey ElliottTryon Equine HospitalTyler ryon.com828.894.6065828.817.9942828.863.1019or 911 for .863.1016T
OFFICIALSOFFICIALS & HIGHLIGHTSTRYON WELCOME 1USEF# 335215March 24-27, 2022USEF National A / Level 3 Jumper 5K Welcome Classic 25K Regional Standard Grand PrixTRYON WELCOME 2USEF# 335216March 31-April 3, 2022USEF National A / Level 3 Jumper 5K Welcome Classic 25K Regional Standard Grand PrixUSHJA National Hunter DerbyTRYON WELCOME 3USEF# 332417April 7-10, 2022USEF National A / Level 3 Jumper 5K Welcome Classic 25K Regional Standard Grand PrixTRYON WELCOME 4USEF# 6420April 13-17, 2022USEF Premier AA / Level 3 Jumper 5K Welcome Classic 25K Regional Standard Grand PrixUSHJA National Hunter DerbyHunter Judges: John Abbott, J.Micheal HableibJumper Judges: David WhiteSteward(s):Robert ObermillerSchooling Supervisor(s):Lindy EsauCourse Designers: Jumper- Skip Bailey, Hunter- Dean RheinheimerHunter Judges: Claire Kelner, Cathy DowJumper Judges: David WhiteSteward(s):Doug CurrySchooling Supervisor: Jimmy KovacsCourse Designers: Jumper- Dean Rheinheimer Hunter- Skip Bailey,Hunter Judges: Missy Rodes, Kevin Lenehan, Kara AustinJumper Judges: David WhiteSteward(s): Robert Obermiller, Lindy EsauSchooling Supervisor: Jimmy KovacsCourse Designers: Jumper- Skip Bailey, JP Godard,Course Designers: Hunter- Dean RheinheimerHunter Judges: Scott Fitton ,Kim Dorfman, Gary YoungJumper Judges: David WhiteStewards:Doug Curry, Lindy EsauSchooling Supervisor:Jimmy KovacsCourse Designers: Jumper- Keith Bollotte, Gerry Briggs,Course Designer: Hunter- Dean RheinheimerAll shows will also be sanctioned by NCHJA, SCHJA, VHSA, MDHSA and GHJA.
RULES AND REGULATIONSRULES AND REGULATIONSEvery class offered herein which is covered by the rules andspecifications of the current USEF Rule Book will be conductedand judged in accordance therewith. Life, senior active andjunior active members shall be eligible to participate in allclasses at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at theModified Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions atthe Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and VaultingCompetitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember mayparticipate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent,coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, EventingCompetitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions andCombined Driving Competitions upon payment of a 45 ShowPass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted fromthe Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3)games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot(exception: Friesian performance FR222) and academy classes(academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly ina lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas dedeux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed ReiningCompetitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of othernations who have proof, in English, of current membership ingood standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEAbeginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in DressageSport Horse Breeding classes.FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENTBy entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing thisentry blank as the Owner Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent,Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalfof myself and my principals, representatives, employees andagents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of theUnited States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the "Federation") andthe local rules of the Tryon Horse Shows ('Competition'). I agreeto be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and ofthe competition. I will accept as final the decision of the HearingCommittee on any question arising under the Rules, and agreeto release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation,their officials, directors and employees for any action takenunder the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/orparticipate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering iseligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and inconsideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/orCompetition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios,cable-casts, broadcasts, internet, film new media or otherlikenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of thecompetition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of thecompetition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall notbe used to advertise a product and they may not be used insuch a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expresslyand irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection withsuch use, including any claim to compensation, invasion ofprivacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. Theconstruction and application of Federation rules are governed bythe laws of the State of New York, and any action institutedagainst the Federation must be filed in New York State. SeeGR908.4.WARNING: THE TRYON INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIANCENTER WELCOME SERIES, TRYON INTERNATIONALEQUESTRIAN CENTER, ITS MANAGEMENT, OFFICERS,OWNERS, OFFICIALS, AND EMPLOYEES WILL NOT BERESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENT OR LOSS WHICH MAYOCCUR TO ANY EXHIBITOR SPECTATOR, GUEST, RIDER,GROOM, ATTENDANT OR OTHER EMPLOYEE, ANIMAL,VEHICLE, OR EQUIPMENT AT THE SHOW. THIS SHALL BEA CONDITION OF ENTRY TO THE SHOW OR SHOWGROUNDS.The Horse Show Committee reserves the right to interpret allquestions and conditions in regard to or arising out of, orincident to the show without claims for damages or recourse ofany kind. All questions not covered in these Rules andRegulations shall be decided by the Horse Show Management,its decision to be final.Management reserves the right to limit entries in any class,section or division, to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancelany entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibitexhibition of entries, and cancel award prizes, without any claimfor damages; to change any course, to add a dotted line, tocancel or combine any unfilled classes, or to reschedule classesafter due notice to exhibitors; to change rings and rotatejudges; to change specifications in jumper classes ascompetition warrants. Every horse entered herein forcompetition will be under the control of the Horse ShowManagement, but the Show Management will in no case beresponsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shallbe a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the horseshow and the officials, employees, directors, officers, sponsoringentities of the horse show and the facilities at which the horseshow is held blameless for any loss or accident to his horse(s),employee(s), or equipment which may occur from sickness, fireor other cause. While every effort has been made to avoidmistakes in this publication, the USEF, Tryon Horse Shows,Tryon International Equestrian Center, Equus Events, Inc. andits management and/or employees assume no liability to anyonefor errors. Any significant errors or changes will be disclosed tocompetitors whose entries are accepted upon their acceptance,and otherwise in accordance with USEF rules.REMINDER: All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as wellas participants who have regular contact with minor athletes,are required to comply with the US Center for SafeSport trainingrequirement to be eligible to participate in the competition. Allparticipants must adhere to the US Center SafeSport Code,USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse PreventionPolicies. More information about these can be found atwww.usef.org.MICROCHIPS: All horses and ponies must be microchipped inorder to be allowed to show. Exempt from this requirement areWalk-Trot and Opportunity entries and those others listed inUSEF GR 901.SCHEDULES: All Schedules are Tentative and subject tochange. Updated schedules and daily schedules are available atwww.tryon.com.PRIZE LISTS: Prize Lists can be found on www.tryon.comwebsite. Hard copies will be mailed on request.5
Nutrena Athlete and RenownedShow Hunter Rider, John FrenchCreate aForce to bereckonedwith.John knows ProForce isn’t just “any” premium horse feed. It’s formulatedwith proprietary Rebound Technology for faster recovery and Topline Balance to support topline muscle and core strength. It’s a shame our competitors,and John’s, just can’t seem to keep up.Visit nutrenaworld.com/rider/john-frenchto FIND out how John does it. 2022 Cargill, Incorporated. All rights reserved.6
RULES AND REGULATIONSRULES AND REGULATIONSENTRIES: Entries must be made online by the closing dates inorder to avoid a late fee. Faxed, scanned and/or e-mailedentries will not be accepted.CLOSING DATES for entries are as follows:WELCOME 1- MARCH 7, 2022WELCOME 2- MARCH 14, 2022WELCOME 3- MARCH 21, 2022WELCOME 4- MARCH 28, 2022After the closing date stall fees are non-refundable. A 50 LateFee will apply for all entries not made online/postmarked by theclosing dates. Scratches after the closing date will incur a 60Scratch Fee. Entries should be submitted via our online entrysystem at www.tryon.com or www.showgroundslive.com.EMAILED/SCANNED/FAXED ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.Back numbers will not be issued without a signed open checkdrawn on a US bank or credit card information lodged with theHorse Show Secretary. A 50 fee will be charged fornon-negotiable checks or credit cards declined for any reason. A 60 Office Fee will be charged to each horse to coveradds/scratches, office services, etc. All accounts must be closedout by Sunday of each show week unless prior arrangementshave been made with the horse show secretary. The entry formfor each horse must include the following: Horse name and complete description Complete mailing addresses for owner/trainer/riders All mandatory signatures, including legal guardian in thecase of a minor exhibitor All required organization membership numbers,USEF/USHJA horse registration numbers and microchipnumbers and completed safesport training Social Security or Federal ID number of owner oralternate prize money payee. No prize money will beapplied until Tax ID#s and complete payeenames/addresses/W-9’s are on file with the Secretary. Prizemoney will be credited to your show account. Any overageswill be mailed within 30 days of the close of thecompetition. In the event of unauthorized redeeming of acheck, Tryon Horse Shows, LLC will provide check copies toexhibitors and will be held harmless from the collectionprocess. All showing horses/ponies will be assessed a mandatory 15 Ambulance Fee per competition Equine Night Security is included in the stall fee All riders participating in amateur or adult classes mustbe in possession of current amateur status issued by USEF,or apply for same at show Entries/post entries accepted based on stall availability; 50 Late FeeSCRATCHES: Horses may be scratched without a veterinarian'scertificate by notifying the horse show secretary in writing. Priorto the closing date, all charges will be refunded. After theclosing date, stalls are non-refundable and horses will becharged a 60 scratch fee. No refunds to horses entered inclasses not shown.We encourage you to close out your account each week inperson or online. If you do not, you automatically agree toauthorize Tryon Horse Shows to charge your credit card or opencheck for all entry fees, stabling fees, association fees, etc.associated with your horse(s). If you dispute a charge made byTryon Horse Shows, you may not be able to show until thedispute has been resolved.PLEASE READ OUR COVID ACTION PLAN ONLINE ATWWW.TRYON.COM/ COMPETEOFFICE HOURS:DAY BEFORE FIRST DAY OF SHOW - 8:00AM-4:30PMSHOW DAYS - ONE HOUR BEFORE FIRST CLASS - 4:30PMCLASS ENTRIES DUE BY 4:00PM FOR NEXT DAY. SCRATCHESMAY BE MADE IN OFFICE OR ONLINE BEFORE CLASS STARTS.HUNTER CLASSIC ENTRIES DUE BEFORE 1ST ROUND!!PHOTO RELEASE: By signing the entry form I agree to waivethe right to the use of my photos/videos at the competition andgrant Tryon Horse Shows, LLC, and its agents full use of anyand all competition photos and videos.PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR: Protective headgear, properlysecured, must be worn BY ALL RIDERS AT ALL TIMES WHENMOUNTED, anywhere, anytime on the horse show grounds.Headgear for all riders must meet or exceed ASTM Standards:must carry the SEI tag; and be properly secured by a harnessper USEF rules.NON-SHOWING HORSES: All non-showing horses must havean entry blank on file in the office and will be assigned anumber. A 50 Non-Showing Fee will be assessed to any horsenot entered in any classes.STALLS: All stalls are non-transferable and remain under theownership and control of Tryon International Equestrian Center.Permanent 10x12 stalls of wood/metal construction andtemporary 10x10 stall of canvas/metal construction with doors.Flooring is rubber mats over stone dust. Stalls are available for 300. Locking tack stalls are also available at the regular stallprice. Stalls are not refundable after the closing date. To ensurestabling as well as your initial bedding/feed orders, pleasecomplete an online entry at Tryon.com. Any horse showing inclasses that fall under the ‘24 Hour Rule' must have anunshared, assigned stall and will be assessed a stall fee.Non-stabled horses will pay a 50 Grounds Fee.STABLING: Will be available starting at 1:00 pm the day beforeSchooling Day. Check schedules for Schooling Day. Any and allrequests for early arrival/late departure must be approved bythe Stabling Manager. Early arrivals/late departures will incur acharge of 50 per stall per day (or any portion thereof).FEI STALLS: Permanent 10x12 stalls of wood/metalconstruction. One stall per each FEI horse is included in the FEIEvent Fee. Additional FEI stalls, if available, are 350. FEISTABLING: Will be available as per FEI draft schedule. Any andall requests for early arrival/late departure must be approved bythe Stabling Manager. Early arrivals/late departures will incur acharge of 50 per stall per day (or any portion thereof). FEI please refer to FEI page herein.REQUIRED HEALTH DOCUMENTS: Upon arrival at the maingate, horses must be presented with a negative coggins withinone year, proof of EHV1 and EHV4 vaccinations within 6 months,and out-of-state horses must have a 30-day interstate HealthCertificate.SHARPS CONTAINERS: Sharps Containers are available in thebarnsTRAINER SPLITS: Trainer Splits are done as a courtesy andmust be turned into the Horse Show Office by 12:00 noon onFriday. Any trainer accounts which have not been split, for any1
RULES AND REGULATIONSRULES AND REGULATIONSreason, will be evenly split on all horses entered into the horseshow.TICKETED SCHOOLING: If time and weather permits,management may make ticketed schooling available for 30 perround. Back number and a signed entry blank are required.Time limits may apply. Switching riders or horses leaving andreturning to the ring are susceptible to being billed for a secondround.LODGING: Please contact our Lodging Department at828-863-1015 to inquire about available onsite/offsite lodgingoptions, reserve a room, cabin or camper/ RV site or golf cart.All reservations and payment for all reservations must be madedirectly to the Lodging Department. Campers/RVs/cabins, etc.may NOT be put on show bills, nor split on Trainer Accounts.MINORS/MINOR EXHIBITORS: Parent(s) or guardian(s) ofminors/minor exhibitors shall hold the Horse Show Managementand the Facility harmless for any injury to such minor. No child’sentry will be accepted or number issued unless entry is signedby a parent or LEGAL guardian. The signature of unrelatedpersons WILL NOT be accepted. Minors who do not have a validdriver’s license which allows them to operate a motorizedvehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted tooperate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but notlimited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utilityvehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions.Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate theabove described motorized vehicles as long as they areaccompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. Theparent/legal guardian, or individual who signs the entry blank asa parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle inviolation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages,claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation.Violations of this rule will be cause for penalties against thoseresponsible for the child committing the offense. Wheelchairsand other mobility assistance devices for individuals withdisabilities are exempt from this rule. The unsafe use ofpersonal electronic transport devices, as determined by thecompetition officials and management in their sole discretion,that do not require a driver's license to operate, including butnot limited to segways, hoverboards, and single wheeledscooters is prohibited on competition grounds. Operating suchdevices in areas where people gather may be deemed “unsafeuse” if there is a risk of harm to others. If the operator of thedevice is a minor, the parent/legal guardian or individual whosigns the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minoroperating the device in violation of this rule is accountable andmay be subject to penalties. Wheelchairs and other mobilityassistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exemptfrom this rule.RINGS: All competition/riding rings have all-weather footingthat consists of sand and synthetic material mixture anddraining system. Rings 1-4 178'x390' each; Tryon Stadium310'x250'; Ring 6/7 370'x420', Ring 8 150'x691'; InternationalArena 260'x325'; Longeing Area 420'x115'.COURSES: Management reserves the right to restrict the areaof the courtesy circle, if deemed necessary, by a mandatory line(“dotted line") as per HU110.2.DOGS: Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competitiongrounds and must be held on a leash or otherwise contained at2all times. Individuals must not lead dogs on a leash whilemounted. Dog owners are solely responsible for any damages,claims, losses or actions resulting from their dogs’ behaviors.Dog owners failing to comply with this rule may be subject topenalty under Chapters 6 and 7, as well as issuance of warningcards pursuant to rule GR1301.6. Failure to maintain your dogunder control, as defined here, will result in a 100 fineassessed to the owner. In addition, pursuant to facilityregulations, loose dogs will be removed from the show groundsby Animal Control, at the owner’s expense and impounded.PARKING: Fire regulations prohibit all vehicles, includingtrailers, vans and passenger vehicles from being parked in thestable areas. Vans and trailers will be allowed in the stable areaonly to load or off-load. PARKING AREAS WILL BE DESIGNATEDAND VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED AWAY AT OWNER’S EXPENSE.ANIMAL WELFARE: We require that all horses be treated withkindness, respect and compassion and should never be subjectto mistreatment. Owners, trainers, riders and grooms, or theiragents must use reasonable care in the handling and treatmentof their horses whether owned or placed in their care forcompetition or for any other purpose. At all times, while thehorse is on the show grounds,, we will provide for thecontinuous well-being of the horse by vigorously enforcing therules of the USEF which pertain to the welfare of the horse.USEF rules defining policy regarding abuse and use of whips willbe strictly enforced. No poling, use of bamboo off-set orexcessive use of the whip will be tolerated. The well-being of thehorse must be considered above the demands of the breeders,trainers, riders, owners, dealers, organizers, sponsors orofficials. Violators may be subject to penalties pursuant to USEFrules. IN THE EVENT OF AN ACUTE AND SERIOUS INJURY TOOR ILLNESS OF A HORSE ON COMPETITION GROUNDS WHENTHE OWNER OR TRAINER OF THE HORSE OR AGENT OF THEOWNER IS NOT PRESENT, AFTER REASONABLE EFFORT TOCONTACT THAT INDIVIDUAL HAS BEEN MADE, COMPETITIONMANAGEMENT, IN CONSULTATION WITH A LICENSED EQUINEVETERINARIAN, MAY AUTHORIZE THE PROVISION OFEMERGENCE VETERINARY TREATMENT OF THE HORSE. IFCOMPETITION MANAGEMENT SO AUTHORIZES TREATMENTUNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RULE, COMPETITIONMANAGEMENT AND VETERINARIAN ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANYRESULTING COSTS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, CLAIM OR ACTIONSARISING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM THE TREATMENT OFTHE HORSE.ELECTRICAL/FIRE REGULATIONS: All electrical installationand connections must meet all state and county codes. Aisleswill be maintained clear for a minimum of six (6) feet wide byeight (8) feet high. No obstructions or projections shall beallowed in the aisles. No Class 1 Flammable liquids such asgasoline are allowed inside the buildings. Cooking is notpermitted within the stable area. Anyone found in violation shallbe subject to dismissal from further participation in the horseshow without recourse.MEASUREMENTS: Measurements will be conducted at 10am onFriday of each show. If an alternate measure time is needed,the exhibitor should schedule this in the show office.MOTORIZED VEHICLES/GOLF CARTS: Under North CarolinaState Laws and USEF rules, unlicensed drivers are not permittedto operate any motorized vehicles - ATV’s, motorcycles, golfcarts, etc., on the show grounds. Failure to abide by these
RULES AND REGULATIONSRULES AND REGULATIONSregulations will subject the exhibitor to suspension from thehorse show. See USEF GR 1301.7.LIABILITY: Tryon Horse Shows, LLC, Tryon InternationalEquestrian Center, Equestrian Sports Productions, their officials,and employees will not be responsible for any accident or losswhich may occur to any exhibitor, spectators, guest, rider,groom, attendant, other employees, animals, or equipment atthe events. All owners and competitors are personallyresponsible for damages to third persons caused by themselves,their employees, their agents, their horses, or their dogs. Theyare therefore strongly advised to take out third party insuranceproviding full coverage for participation in equestrian events,and to keep that policy up to date.WARNING: UNDER NORTH CAROLINA LAWS, AN EQUINEACTIVITY SPONSOR OR EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLEFOR AN INJURY TO, OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT INEQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING EXCLUSIVELY FROM THEINHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES3
Stabling ReservationsHow to order1. log into tryon.com or ow-to-create-an-online-entry/) - for instructions on how tocreate an entry2. Submit an entry with a stall fee added and paid for3. If you are shipping your horse in for the weekend, add the “Ship In Fee” when entering4. Tack stalls can be ordered directly onto horses or onto the barn account (which is automaticallycreated) and can be split when you check in for the showCost1. 300 per stall, tack room, or grooming stall2. This fee includes Equine Night Security3. Full payment is required for a stall to be considered reservedDeadline1. Stalls are non-refundable after the closing date of each show2. Stalls are on a first come first served basis. Some weeks will be limited on number of stallsavailable3. If permanent stalls are filled, temporary stalls will be usedCancellations1. Stalls cancelled after the closing date are non-refundable2. To cancel a stall/entry, please email lbennett@tryon.com and sarpke@tryon.com (Stall fee andscratch fee may apply)Shavings/Hay1. Shavings and hay can be ordered on each entry, or on the trainer's barn account, which isautomatically created after the first horse is entered.2. Shavings and hay can be split when you check in for the horse showMove-In1. Stalls are available at 1pm two days prior to the show (ex. if the show starts on Wednesday,stalls are available Monday).2. Early arrival fee will apply to anyone that arrives prior to the designated arrival timeRequired Health Documents1. The following health documents must be presented with the horse(s) at the gate upon arrival,and also presented to the horse show office in order to pick up numbers:- Negative Coggins test within one year- Proof of EHV1 and EHV4 vaccinations within 6 months as per USEF rule GR844- Out-of-state horses must have a 30-day interstate Health Certificate5
TRYON WELCOME 1-3 * USEF A Level 3last updated 12/30/21WEDNESDAYSTADIUMFLATWORK10AM - 1PMRING 2Back numberwarm ups9:00AM-4:30PMBACK NUMBERREQUIREDRING 3Back numberwarm ups9:00AM-4:30PMBACK NUMBERREQUIREDRING 4Back numberwarm ups9:00AM-4:00PMBACK NUMBERREQUIREDTHURSDAYSTADIUM8:30AM770 DJS 5yr Old II773 DJS 6yr Old II2b776 DJS 7yr Old II2b809 1.20m Jumper II2b813 1.30m Jumper II2bSTADIUM8:30 AM771 DJS 5yr Old II774 DJS 6yr Old II2b777 DJS 7yr Old II2b712 1.10m Jumper II2b810 1.20m Jumper II21814 1.30m Jumper II21767 1.40m Jr/Am Jumper II2b763 1.30m Jr/Am Jumper II2b751 1.20m Jr Am Jumper II2b1:00PM901 5,000 Welcome StakesTable II2b (Regional Standard)JARRET SCHMID RING 29:00 AM290 Open Hunter 2' *BR248,249 USHJA Hunter 2'250 USHJA Hunter 2' u/s291 Open Hunter 2'3" *BR251,252 USHJA Hunter 2'3253 USHJA Hunter 2'3 u/s292 Open Hunter 2'6" *BR254,255 USHJA Hunter 2'6256 USHJA Hunter 2'6 u/s301,302 Baby Green Hunter305 Baby Green u/s293 Open Hunter 2'9" *BR257,258 USHJA Hunter 2'9259 USHJA Hunter 2'9 u/s294 Open Hunter 3' *BR260,261 USHJA Hunter 3'262 USHJA Hunter 3'u/sJARRET SCHMID RING 28:30AMGORDON WRIGHT RING 39:00AM711 1.10m Jumper II2b714 1.15m Jumper II2b700 .80m Jumper II704 .90m Jumper II708 1.0m Jumper II717 Take 2 T-bred 1.0m II2bGORDON WRIGHT RING 39:00AM715 1.15m Jumper II21701 .80m Jumper II705 .90m Jumper II709 1.0m Jumper II718 Take 2 T-bred 1.0m II2b734 1.10 Ch/Adult Jumper II2b746 1.15 Non Pro II2bRENYOLDS GRAND HUNTER RING48:30 AM98 Conformation Model280 Open Hunter 3'6" *BR131,132 Green Hunter 3'6135 Green Hunter 3'6 u/s281 Open Hunter 3'9" *BR126,127 Green Hunter 3'9130 Green Hunter 3'9 u/s99,100 Conformation Hunter103 Conf Hunter u/s282 Open Hunter 3'3" *BR136,137 Green Hunter 3'3140 Green Hunter 3'3 u/s283 Open Hunter 3' *BR141,142 Green Hunter 3'145 Green Hunter 3' u/s284 Open Hunter 4' *BR111,112 High Perform. Hunter**115 High Performance u/s116,117 Perf Hunter 3'6120 Performance 3'6 u/s121,122 Perf Hunter 3'3125 Performance 3'3 u/s370,371 Take 2 Tbred Hunter372 Take 2 u/s271,272 Young Hunter 3'273 Young Htr 3' U/S274,275 Young Hunter 3'3"276 Young Htr 3'3 U/S277,278 Young Hunter 3'6279 Young Htr 3'6" U/S6FRIDAY(10am start Wel 2&4 after Derby)295 Open Hunter 2'6*BR306,307 Foothills Hunter 2'6303,304 Baby Green Hunter308 Foothills 2'6 u/s296 Open Hunter 2'9 *BR309,310 Foothills Hunter 2'9311 Foothills Hunter 2'9 u/s528 Adult Eq Flat526,527 Adult Equitation 3'533 NHS THIS Adult Medal483,484 Modified Adult 2'9" *BR485,486 School Pony 2'9" *BR487,488 School Pony 2'6 *BR489,490 School Pony 2' *BR520 11-under Eq521 11-under Eq FlatRENYOLDS GRAND HUNTER RING 48:00 AM26 2,500 USHJA NationalHunter Derby **Welcome 2 only285 Open Hunter 3'6*BR133,134(H) Green Hunter 3'6286 Open Hunter 3'9*BR128,129(H) Green Hunter 3'931 3'6/3'9 Green Hunter Incentive101,102(H) Conformation Hunter 3'9287 Open Hunter 3'3*BR138,139(H) Green Hunter 3'3288 Open Hunter 3' *BR143,144(H) Green Hunter 3'30 3'/3'3 Green Hunter Incentive289 Open Hunter 4' *BR113,114(H) High Perf. Hunter118,119(H) Performance Hunter 3'6123,124(H) Performance 3'3:312,313 Foothills Hunter 3'314 Foothills Hunter 3' u/s481,482 Modified Am 3'3 *BR493,494 Modified Jr 3'3" *BR491,492 Modified ChIld 2'9 *BR501 THIS Children's Medal502 Ariat Adult Medal523 12-14 Eq Flat522 12-14 Equitation 2'9525 15-17 Eq Flat524 15-17 Equitation 3'6SATURDAYSTADIUM8:00 AM772 DJS 5yr Old II775 DJS 6yr Old II2b778 DJS 7yr Old II2b811 1.20m Jumper II2b Stake752 1.20m Jr/Am Jumper II21815 1.30m Jumper II2b Stake764 1.30m Jr/Am Jumper II21768 1.40m Jr/Am Jumper II21713 1.10m Jumper II21735 1.10 Ch/Adult Jumper II2b736 1.10 Ch/Adult Jumper II21JARRET SCHMID RING 28:30 AM297 Open Hunter 3'*BR231,232 Adult Am 50 226,227 Adult Am 36-49221,222 Adult Am 18-35510 Bryan Jones Medal514 WIHS Pony (l-m-s) open card206(C),207 Large Pony Hunter210Large Pony Hunter u/s201(C),202 Medium Pony Hunter205Medium Pony Hunter u/s196(C),197 Small Pony Hunter200Small Pony Hunter u/s508 NCHJA Pony Medal211(C),212 Sm/Med Green Pony215Sm/Med Green u/s216(C),217 Large Green Pony220Large Green u/s266,267 Childs Pony Hunter270 Child Pony u/s326,327 Low Adult Hunter330 Low Adult Hunter u/s321,322 Low Child Hunter325 Low Child Hunter u/s316,317 Foothills Ch/Adult 2'320 Foothills Ch/Adult 2' u/s331,332 Short Stirrup336,337 Long Stirrup335 Short Stirrup u/s340 Long Stirrup u/sGORDON WRIGHT RING 38:30AM716 1.15m Jumper II2b747 1.15m Non Pro II2b710 1.0m Jumper II726 1.0M Child Adult Jumper II2b727 1.0M Ch/Adult Jumper II2b719 Take 2 T-bred 1.0m II2b706 .90m Jumper II720 .90m Jumper non-pro II2b702 .80m Jumper II723 Pony Jumper II2b724 Pony Jumper II2bSUNDAYSTADIUM8:30 AM737 2000 1.10 Ch/Adult Classic II2b753 2000 1.20m Jr/Am Classic 112a-b765 2000 1.30m Jr/Am Classic 112a-b769 2000
WELCOME 1- MARCH 7, 2022 WELCOME 2- MARCH 14, 2022 WELCOME 3- MARCH 21, 2022 WELCOME 4- MARCH 28, 2022 After the closing date stall fees are non-refundable. A 50 Late Fee will apply for all entries not made online/postmarked by the closing dates. Scratches after the closing date will incur a 60 Scratch Fee. Entries should be submitted via our .
Mrs. Susie Kocher Mrs. Lisa Otto Mrs. Nancy Z. Wilson Mrs. Peggy Zimmerman Tryon Riding & Hunt Club Charity Horse Shows I & II Tryon Riding & Hunt Club MaILING aDDRESS: 289 South Trade Street Tryon, North Carolina 28782 SHOW aDDRESS: 3381 Hunting Country Road Tryon, North Carolina 28782 828-859-6109 email: office@trhcevents.org www .
Driver's Receipt of FMCSR Pocketbook I have received the issue of the FMCSR Pocketbook that includes all revisions issued on or before February 1, 2018. . (FMCSR) of the US Department of Transportation, Parts 40, 380, 382, 383, 387, 390-397, 399 Subchapter B, Chapter 3, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Driver Name Tryon .
Class- VI-CBSE-Mathematics Knowing Our Numbers Practice more on Knowing Our Numbers Page - 4 www.embibe.com Total tickets sold ̅ ̅ ̅̅̅7̅̅,707̅̅̅̅̅ ̅ Therefore, 7,707 tickets were sold on all the four days. 2. Shekhar is a famous cricket player. He has so far scored 6980 runs in test matches.
April 3rd Raise the Flag for Autism SOM Assemblies April 6th and 20th Sundaes for Kids April 10th Carousel Players (1-4) April 13th Spirit Day – Patterns! April 14th Good Friday April 17th – Easter Monday April 18th HepB/HPV shots – Gr. 8 April 25-28th Scholastic Book Fair April 25th Gr. 3-6 to Wizard o
Course Calendar. This is a tentative outline, and the instructor reserves the right to make changes as she deems necessary. Week Date (Mon – Sun) Activity 1 April 5 – April 11 April 11, Sunday: Lecture. 2 April 12 – April 18 3 April 19 – April 25 4 April 26 –
EMPLOYMENT/UNEMPLOYMENT DATA. . . 36 . Bill Galvin Alderperson April 2024 Craig Stevens Alderperson April 2024 Steven Campbell Alderperson April 2024 Randy Scannell Alderperson April 2024 Chris Wery Alderperson April 2024 Brian Johnson Alderperson April 2024 Mark Steuer Alderperson April 2024 Melinda Eck Alderperson April 2024
BeeLines April 2017 3 State Apiarist's schedule April 3: Washington County. April 6: Wild Ones. April 8: Queen Production Workshop, Somerset. April 13-14: Williams Queen Production Workshop. to do a quick inspection before money changes hands. April 18: Breckinridge County. April 24-25: Honey Bee Health Coalition. April 28: Campbellsville University Earth Day
The classical approach to public administration, derived from Weber, Wilson and Taylor, largely . Classical and Modern Approaches to Public Administration * Polya Katsamunska is a Ph.D., associate professor at the Public Administration and Regional Development of UNWE, e-mail: polya_katsamunska@yahoo.com. 75 Articles is really impressive and yet "almost no national government would argue .