PSYCHIC PADAl>SYCHIC - David Ebaugh Bible School

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DAVID EBAUGH BIBLE SCHOOLPSYCHIC PADAl SYCHIC00 00]COMMON USAGE HASMIXED AND CONFUSEDTHE WORDS PSYCHIC,PARAPSYCHIC ANDSPIRITUAL . . -In the last nree montns , I havetaught Bible Lessons in Pa., Tn., Ga.,Az., Nv., Ca., Il., and Ohio. Gcxl said,"My people perish for lack of knowledge."As a result, I have had to rewrite andreedit an a rti cle I sent several yearsago. I think this is very important andvery misunderstood.Most people who have read our book ,"The Thim Salvation" or heard our tape,"Spirit, Soul & Body" can tell when theyare operating in the soul (mind-psyche)or i n the spirit (heart-pneuma.). Thedifferences between spirit, soul & bodvhave been treated with hundreds of scriptures in our tapes and books .20TH!!:PARAPSYCHil;OtTENMASQUERADESAS SPIRITUAL.There are many books on the market.that use the words Psychic, Para.psychic.and Spiritual in an interchangeable way .These authors are using the wolds in .their common vernacular but we are goingto be very technical in our use of them,keeping in perfect hannony with the Bibleand the Greek language. As Bible students we must do this. It is the onlyway we can come to a correct Biblicalunderstanding of these subjects.

GOD DOESN'TWANT US TOQUIT USINGJUR MIND .HE'l'OITINTO THE MINDOF CHRIST.WA TSCHANG Psyche comes from the Greek wordPSUCHE which ls translated "Soul, Lifeard Mind." In the N TESTAMENT, Parapsychic means "along side the soul."Psychic am pa.rapsychic phenomena originate in the mind (soul). God does notwant us to quit using our mind, but He nts to change it into the mind of Christ.WHAT IS PSYCHIC?We constantly operate in the psychicrealm. This realm has to do with ourfive senses - see , hear, taste, smell andfeel. When you drive a car, read a book,cook supper, etc. you are functioning inthe psychic realm. Many writers use theword "psychic" for the mysterious realmsam that usage has become widely accepted.We choose to use it 1n the same sense theBible does.JESUS OFTEN OPERATED I N THE PSYCHIC RF.ALM.There 1s nothi11g mysterious about thepsyche, it is very practical. If you didnot operate in the psychic realm you couldeasily be run over by a truck or be subject to any natural misfortune. Somepeople, trying to be super spiritual,want to reject everything in the sense(psyche) realm. We believe this is amark of immaturity. The Bible is full ofexamples showing that Jesus responded toHis s enses.Psychic forces are already at work a1mong Christians. Many Pentecostal andCharismatic meetings that are believed tobe spiritual in nature are controlledpurely by the psyche.For example - we have noticed thatwhen the Holy Spirit moves supernaturallyand sovereignly i n a meeting - perhaps ina sorig service, or in a worship service;then naturally there are many wonderfulhealings and gifts of the Spirit present,and most people present are blessed andbuilt up. This is a true move of theSpirit.But next week things are different.We have noticed that there is often a concentrated attempt to duplicate the wholething;. The same son leader ls asked tolead the same song in the same way whilethe same organist produces the same tonesand meter. This is nothing but a psychicattempt to duplicate the move of the HolySpirit.Let' s be ve-ry careful at this point.We will not criticize this attempt unlessit is called a "move of the Spirit." Inother words , when psychic powers andphenome masquerade as spiritual. theyshould be unma.s ed anrl Antified.WHEN WE CONCENTRATE AND 'IISUALIZESOMEONE 'SICK AS· BEING WELL WE AREUSUALLY USING PSYCHIC POWER.Another example is the prayer chair.When we put someone in a prayer chair inthe middle of the room and ask all thosepresent to "concentrate" or "visualize"that one person to be whole or healed, weare really using our soul (mind powers psyche) powers - not our spiritual powers.You may want to ask your Christian bookstore for a copy of "The latent Power ofthe Soul" by Watchman Nee to study moreabout this. Remember that "concentration"and "visualization" usuallr take place insoul (psyche or parapsyche) realm, notnecessarily in the spirit.It is possible to finely develpp thepsyche and through its u'se make it appearthat we have extra normal powers or gifts.The fine tuned or SUPER-PSYCHE is reallya well developed mind which operates inthe para.p ic realm. .BIBLICALLY ( l. SEECORRECTUSC: O!i'THE TERMPSYCHEHAS 'ro DOONLYWITH 'I1lEF'I VESENSES02.4.HEAR "J . SMELLTASTE eJ. 5. ·FEEf21

results were nonnal. Then one twin wastaken to another room and while lights· flashed in her eyes and bells weresounded in her ears - the other twin inthe labo:ratorv rrave off the expectedelectrical signals from he own brain.These senses can be sharply developedto produce some startling effects. lemust remember though, that these thingsare not spiritual, they are purely a product of the mind (soul-psyche).WHAT IS PARAPSYCHIC?Parapsychlc means along side of thepsychic. Para.psychic ability incorporates the use of a sixth sense. It hasto do with the psyche (soul) but it dealswith senses that are not so easily definedas see, hear, taste, smell and feel.At this time there is much research going on in this field all over the world.Men are studying people who have the ability to move physical objects with thepower of thought or people who can bendmetal objects by concentrating upon them.The powers they are exploring are not yetdefined. The words "thought" and"concentration" have to do with psyche (mind)not spirit.PARAPSYCHICFORCECRIGINATESIN THE MINDfr IS NOT, SPIRITUAL.This proved the girls brains were connected by an unknown power of force thatwas able to penetrate walls and doors amwas not affected by d.1 sta.nce. This forcewas NOT SPIRITUAL. It was PARAPSYCHIC.That ls to say it was along side thepsychic because the brain was respondingto some sixth sense.We have heard pf people who could readminds (by some means other than acutehearing) and that is the .same sic forceconnecting the sender and the receiver We are not finding fault with mind readers - but when they ma.squexade as spiritual, we want to remove the mask.A further example of para.psychicphenomena ls the ability to feel sympa.thet c people with healingministries use this ability . You canactually learn to feel in sympathywith another person. I clearly demonstrated this at the November retreat. IfPSYCHICMF.ANS ALONG SIDE THEPSYCHEPARAPSYCHIC - PARALIELPARA·!'he following examples are given todemonstrate how para.psychic ability worksand to explain what pa.:raphychic force is.A doctor of psychology at the Univerwsity of Miami told me a startling storyabout sychic phenomenon. A set ofidentical twin girls were tested. TheW() [)J\SS()CIATl()NST() l' LP 'VOVPS\'CHEPARN SY(HEMl NDPARA\.\. L TO YC E.VIS\JALIZ A.\.CNCi': tbl PSV, EC()NC.l. ,l' A"tE t lttC'11 11 REMlMSl . ,C R \.fi.MSf.-,MlQ.\C.'1L( CJ "'OT22St:N\EPlqcEl\'ES SlNSlS' ' ') DE T,\NO'aff '1'l Al.110)11 PIRIT 1lRM l. \.lt NC Wl. ,(sl.C VlLIGMTUP FRO t\fAQ"I' l ERJ C)M HE.41 v

someone is having stomach cramps you cantrain your senses to pick up those painsin your own stomach. Many of us haveseen this art used in healing services.USE OF THEREALM ISNO!' WRONGAgain, IT IS NO!' WRONG!! What isWrong is to say it is spiritual. Thenwe make it a NEHUSH'l'AN.When we develop the ability to be in"hannony" with another person - feeltheir "vibes" be in "sympathy" - "flowwith0 - then we are developing our psychic powers.Before going into any definition ofthe spiritual realm, we want to.say a fewthings about the psychic and the para.psychic together.PSYCHIC FORCES ARETOOLS THAT CAN BEUSED FOR BE SIDETRACK ]) Y CREALMSPSYCHIC ANDPARAPSYCHIC /-1'- IL.First, they are tools that. can be usedfor good or evil. Many pastors and laymen operating in these areas are honestlydoing all they know to do to help otherpeople. Their motive is not wrong andtheir prayers are successful - there aremiracles and hea.lings present in theirmeetings and people are genuinely helped.It's very easy to be sidetracked. bythese realms and get engrossed in them andforget the spirit. .This is what we wantto prevent. We are not teying to put apremium on being smart, on being able tolabel psychic, para.psychic am spiritualforces. The Bible tells us to get wisdomand with our wisdom get understanding(Prov. 4i7) . The psychic and para.psychicrealms are not our goal. The Spirit fsour. goal. IT'S EASY TO 2 '(' . \\/ Next, if you're sick, get healingwherever possible. We would suuest thatyou first pray and seek God and a splri tual healing. But , as we said earlier,God has endowed us with psychic and parapsychic powers that are valid and can beused for good. Healing is healingwhether it come§ ·"1 pills . para.psychicpowers, or the Holy Ghost. Take yourhealing and thank God for it, Your trusti s still in Him.ELOHIM (COD)A SPIRIT .THE ONLYWAY TO PINI HIM I STHROUGHTHE SPIRIT.ELOHIM (God) is a spirit. He hadgiven us all the powers of the mind thatwe have. He meant for us to use thempositively and creatively. The mistakeof Oriental or Eastern Religions is tomake the soul powers into gods. Orientalgods are soul, mlnd, intellect - greatcreative thought. This is like worshipingthe creature and not the Creator. OurGod ls a Spirit and the only way to trulyfind Him is through the Spirit.Jesus said , "God is a spirit and theythat worship Him must worship Him inspl'Tit and in truth" (John 124}.WHAT IS SPIRITUAL?The human spirit resides in the heart(or other torso orp,a.ns). But the HolySpirit works on the brain, by teaching youand by bringing things to your remembrance.The eternal part of man is spirit .(Ecc. 12:7). The spirit was with God inthe very beginning. Little by little,you'll understand it? The Holy Spiritworks on the, not the heart. Thispoint is hard but we must master it.Let's try it again. I AM A SPIRIT. YOUARE A SPIRIT (Ecc. 1217). The eternalman is spirit.2J

YOU 3EREWl'I'H CODWH THE SPIRITHEC'.ANFLUNG THESTARS INTOSPACR.When opera.ting in the spirit your mind{soul) does not know where it is headed.(You really should read "The Third Sal vation" for more on this subject.) Thereason for this is that the part of youthat has preexisted w1 th God is yourspirit. Your soul and body are a partof this life. You were with God i ns pirit when He spoke and flung the starsinto space. You were there (in spirit)when the morning stars shouted for j oy(Job )8: 4-11).THE MDIDHAS TO BEQUim'EDSO THE HEART CANBE HF.ARD.I WI SH,.HE'D BE QUIET so lCOULDSAYSc:J-1i llINGIn the mind {soul) you do not rememberit but every once in a while you do haverecall in the spirit. The spirit knowseverything. You just cannot remember itin your mind. Once in a while almosteveryone has known something and he didnot know how he knew it. The French callit deja vu .- it is simply when the spirit(heart) knows something the soul (head)does not know. It always occurs when ourhead - mind (psyche) goes i nto a daze(altered state of consciousness) when weare doing something highly repetitive (orboring) and the effect i s that our mindgoes to sleep for a little while so thenthe spirit (heart) has a cha nce to comeup and communicate what it knows .24R IEALTHmr.s WEHAVE NO WAYOF KNO\HNGOTHERWISEOur memory operates in the soul realmnot the spirit. That is - our memory ofdatly occurrances. J.'.ost of us havenoticed that .lo&hen I have spiritual vis .i ons for people, I do not rem mber a dayor two later what I saw. The doesnot operate during spiritual activityand therefore the memory does notfunction.The spirit can reveal things to youthat you simply have no way of knowingin the natural m nd (soul). It roay bethrough a vision, an utterance or animpression. Y.ou enter into the spiritby quieting your mind and directing yourheart toward God, not a specific person,problem or subject. We have fouiidthrough experience that the spirit neverdiscloses 1nfonna.t1on that embarrassesor harms.We have written this not so you couldjudge other's mlnisteries, but so youmight be able to check yourself andunderstand when you are functioning inthe spirit. Only by being led by thespirit can we become mature sons of God.

psychic powers. Before going into any definition of the spiritual realm, we want to.say a few things about the psychic and the para. psychic together. PSYCHIC FORCES ARE TOOLS THAT CAN BE USED FOR / -1'- IL. First, they are tools that. can be used for good or evil. Many pastors and lay men operating in these areas are honestly

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