Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist Region One Education Service Center September .

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Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist Region One Education Service Center September 2018 1

Impacts a district’s financial and compliance status – Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Impacts: PBMAS – Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System MOA/Method of Administration PER – Program Effectiveness Report It’s the law! TEC and TAC require accurate data reporting from school districts 2

CTE students are reported on the following different record types: CTE Indicator (101 Record) – Fall and Summer CTE Program (169 Record) – Fall CTE Course Enrolled (170 Record) - Fall CTE Attendance (410 Record) – Summer Course Completions (415 Record) (including ATC or Advanced Technical Credit)– Summer CTE Flex Attendance (510 Record) – Summer and Extended Year 3

Indicator; identifier code for students (FALL and SUMMER Submission) Shows that we, the state and the districts, are adhering with federal law (Perkins), to offer “a coherent sequence of career and technical education courses”. 4

It starts with “The Plan” A 4-year plan of study, developed individually for each student, showing their PLANS or GOALS for their 4 years of high school – some include the first 2 years of college Must be in place by the 9th grade for every student (Note: Every student will have a plan. Some of those plans will meet the definition of a “coherent sequences of courses”) Each student’s plan is based on their personal data – career assessment data student/teacher/counselor interview data Parent/guardian input and approval Post secondary plan Grades Etc 5


* An individualized education plan for every student For the 101 Record, it is a plan that includes: Two or more CTE courses, taken over a 4 year period (grades 9-12) that count for three or more credits toward graduation On the 101 Record - Code the student, not the class! Any one CTE course could have students who are coded a 1or 2 within the7 same class


Since every students 4-6 year plan may be very different, use this chart to help you make accurate decisions regarding student coding for the 101 record 9 15

Summer PEIMS reports any student eligible for state funding in attendance at least one day during the school year. CTE data reported: CTE Indicator on the 101 record updated if applicable CTE Attendance data on the 410 record Course Completion on the 415 record CTE Flex Attendance on the 510 record 10

Summer CTE Decision Chart – 101 Record *Captures those students who: may not have been enrolled in a CTE course in the fall, may have been new to the district during the year, may have changed their 4-year plan. may have enrolled in a semester long CTE course that did not begin until the Spring semester, 11

Summer Data – 410 CTE Attendance: * * Collected only in the summer submission. * Each student enrolled for more than two hours in a valid CTE course must have a 410 record. * “V” Codes: 410 Attendance requires the student has a valid CTE Indicator code on the 101 record. * * * V1 45-89 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course V2 90-149 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course V3 150-180 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course Generates the CTE state-weighted funding. A student’s successful completion of a course is not required to generate contact hours. 12



Have a plan for your district and involve all parties involved? 4 times per year, run your “1’s” and do a spot check of student’s 4-year plans. Early each semester, have your CTE teachers do a career survey with students to confirm what courses they have taken, are taking, and plan to take. Attach survey to student’s 4-year plan Perform an internal PEIMS audit of student records every 2-3 years. Check for career assessment data, 4 year plan, surveys, PEIMS coding, courses history look for discrepancies 15

- The 169 CTE program data record identifies the specialized CTE programs that are provided to CTE students by the LEA. - A 169 record must be reported for each student enrolled in a stateapproved career and technical course. How to identify students for 169-Record Displaced homemaker - means a student who: has worked primarily without pay to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; or has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or is a single parent and has applied for financial assistance and is unemployed 16

Single Parent Pregnant Teen Code * 1) unmarried or legally separated from a spouse; and has a minor child(ren) for which the parent has either custody or joint custody, or * 2) pregnant. Transportation CTE Support Service * Indicates whether the economically disadvantages student enrolled in a CTE course receives special transportation to enable the student to commence or continue CTE training. 17

Once students are coded 1 or 2 . A separate 170 record must be reported for every career and technical course in which a student is enrolled in grades 6-12. Only CTE courses on the CO22 PEIMS Data Standards are reported on 170 record. Although some courses may not be eligible for weighted state career and technical funding, all state-approved CTE courses should be reported on the 170 record. 18

The TEA Service ID found in the C022 Table of the data standards is an 8 digit number assigned to courses taught in the state. Code Translation Eligible for High School Credit Course Abbrev-iation Course Units CTE Course (H High School, M Middle School) 12700300 Exploring Careers N M 12700400 Career Portals (First Time Taken) N M 12701300 Career Preparation I Y CAREERP1 2-3 H 13000200 Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Y PRINAFNR .5-1 H 13020600 Anatomy and Physiology Y ANATPHYS 1 H 13036700 Engineering Mathematics Y 19 ENGMATH 1 H

* The numbers for CTE courses are grouped in clusters 20

PDM1-120-009 – Disaggregation of PEIMS Student Data PDM1-122-001 – CTE Students by Sex, Ethnicity & Courses PDM1-122-002 – CTE Courses PDM1- 122-003 - Students by CTE Indicator Code and Grade PDM1-122-001- CTE Roster by CTE Indicator code 21


* All students eligible for CTE Contact Hours will report 415 record(s) * District personnel must report a student on the PEIMS 415 record for each semester of a CTE course for any length of time enrolled in a CTE course. * 415’s will be reported for CTE courses even if a student does not complete the semester. * A student who did not complete the CTE course will still receive contact hours for the time spent in the course. * 23

* * CTE data is an on going process! * Ensure data integrity by verifying data. * Each course must be taught by a CTE certified teacher. * Must report a teacher of record for each CTE course, except for a dual credit course taught in a non-campus-based setting. * Must maintain a course calendar/master schedule showing the average minutes per day for each CTE course. * Must ensure that appropriate resources, laboratories, equipment, and technology are provided to teach the TEKS for courses offered. * To be eligible for CTE contact hour funding, your district must offer at least one coherent sequence of courses in at least three different career clusters. 24

TSDS 819A/TED S Section 2 - Data Submission Requirements by Category/ STUDENT ATTENDANCE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id 7739&menu id 645&menu id2 789 CTE TEKS www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id 25769807883 TEA CTE WEBSITE www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id 4881&menu id 720 CARL PERKINS INFORMATION www2.ed.gov/policy/sectech/leg/perkins/index.html ACHIEVETEXAS www.achievetexas.org TEA CTE –University of North Texas www.cte.unt.edu Ed Garcia, CTE Specialisit, Region I ESC, edgarcia@esc1.net 26

12 Summer Data -410 CTE Attendance: * Collected only in the summer submission. * 410 Attendance requires the student has a valid CTE Indicator code on the 101 record. * Each student enrolled for more than two hours in a valid CTE course must have a 410 record. * "V" Codes: * V1 45-89 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course * V2 90-149 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course

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CTE Overview 3 CTE Department Contacts 4 Career Pathways 2015-2016 5 CTE Course List 2015-2016 6 CTE Curriculum & Resources 8 Professional Development Requirements 9 CTE Advisory Board 14 Career Cluster Coordinator Guidelines 15 Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) & Sponsorship 18 Certification Reporting 23

Virginia includes CTE courses within 16 career clusters, each with multiple pathways designed by the school divisions. For example, the Health Science career cluster may include pathways for therapeutic services, biotechnology, or diagnostic services. CTE credential. A CTE credential certifies that a student has mastered specific CTE content.

CASAS DE SORIA 59 Edita: Federación de Casas Regionales de Soria Coordinación: Javier Muñoz Royo Adjunta coordinación: María García Sánchez Diseño y maquetación: María García Sánchez Redacción: María García Sánchez Difusión digital: Ángel García Casado, Mariano García Álvarez, Víctor Uriel Edeso, Ce

1. CTE certification or Annual Career Authorization is required for all state approved CTE programs. 2. If teacher is endorsed in CTE only, they cannot be placed in any classroom other than one that is state approved CTE. 3.

I teacher is endorsed in CTE o nly, they cannot be placed in any classroom other than one that is state approved CTE. 3.f I instruction of a CTE program is provided by a local business or post-secondary institution, on school property, a n Annual Career Authorization is required for that instructor.

collaborate and share resources on the Oregon Open Learning website. CTE Guidance Continuing CTE courses in Distance Learning for All. For many students, their CTE program is a motivator for engaging in school. These courses are a pathway to building the skills and know

Grade 2 Home Learning Packet The contents of this packet contains 10 days of activities in paper copy. Students should be completing this packet, along with completing lessons on their math/reading online programs daily. If we surpass the 10 days without school, students should continue using their online math and reading programs for 45 minutes per day per program unless otherwise specified .