115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD, BOGOTA NJ 07603 . - St. Joseph - Bogota

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ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD, BOGOTA NJ 07603 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 14, 2019 Very Rev. Larry Evans II, V.F. Administrator Rev. Fernando Diaz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Kevin Regan The Eucharist Saturday Eve: 5:00pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 1:30 Spanish Misa en español todos los domingos a las 1:30 pm Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays: 8am Adoration Chapel: Mon—Sat 9:00am-7:00pm Consult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation Sacrament information on page two—Información de Sacramento en la página dos Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 mychurch@stjosephbogota.org St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 myschool@stjosephbogota.org Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 faithformation@stjosephbogota.org Parish website: http://www.stjosephbogota.org

Page 2 July 14, 2019 Saint Joseph Church Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Iglesia de San José We have been called together as disciples of the Lord as St. Joseph Parish. We are united with brothers and sisters far and near in the message and mission of Jesus Christ. As a parish family we will witness to God’s love and presence through our celebration of the sacraments, the proclamation of God’s Word , the formation of all into discipleship and our service to others. We are a people who are deeply Eucharistic which strengthens us for the mission that has been entrusted to us. We will use all of the God-given gifts to show that we are eager to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and comfort the bereaved. Hemos sido llamados juntos como discípulos del Señor como Parroquia de San José. Estamos unidos con hermanos y hermanas muy cercanos en el mensaje y la misión de Jesucristo. Como familia parroquial, somos testigos del amor y la presencia de Dios a través de nuestra celebración de los sacramentos, la proclamación de la Palabra de Dios, la formación de todos en el discipulado y nuestro servicio a los demás. Somos un pueblo profundamente Eucarístico que nos fortalece para la misión que nos ha sido encomendada. Todos unidos daremos los dones dados por Dios para demostrar que estamos ansiosos de dar la bienvenida al extraño, alimentar a los hambrientos, refugiar a los desamparados y consolar a los que sufren. New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses: Welcome to our Parish Community! Please register at the Rectory and feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the Parish and its activities. Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad parroquial! Favor de registrarse en la Rectoría y no dude en ponerse en contacto con cualquier persona en nuestro personal con respecto a la parroquia y las actividades CONTACT INFORMATION Administrator Very Rev. Larry Evans II .frlarry@stjosephbogota.org Parochial Vicar Rev. Fernando Diaz . .fdiaz@stjosephbogota.org Deacon Kevin Regan kregan@stjosephbogota.org Principal, Saint Joseph Academy Ms. Stella Scarano .myschool@stjosephbogota.org Administrative Assistant, Saint Joseph Academy Mrs. Sandra Angeli . .myschool@stjosephbogota.org Pastoral Director, Faith Formation Jennifer Zwernemann .faithformation@stjosephbogota.org @stjosephbogota.org Protecting God’s Children Mrs. Diane Maglione dmaglione@stjosephbogota.org Director of Music Mr. Michael Chladil .mchladil@stjosephbogota.org Business Administrator of Finance Mrs. Wanda Uceta .wuceta@stjosephbogota.org Administrative Assistant, Rectory.mychurch@stjosephbogota.org Sr. Elaine Sullivan, FSP .esullivan@stjosephbogota.org Rectory Office — 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 St. Joseph Academy—201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 Faith Formation/REC—201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 Sacrament of Reconciliation El Sacramento de la Reconciliación Every Saturday evening, from 4:00pm to 4:45pm. Todos los sábados por la noche, de 4:00pm a 4:45pm. Sacrament of Baptism El Sacramento de Bautismo Please call the Rectory Office to make arrangements at least one month prior for baptisms which are held on the 2nd & 4th weekends of the month during mass. Segundo domingo de cada mes durante la Misa de las 1:30 de la tarde. Por favor, llame a Rosa Sánchez (201-836-0861) para hacer los preparativos. Sacrament of Matrimony El Sacramento de Matrimonio Arrangements should be made with a member of the clergy at least 12 months in advance. Llame ala rectoria para ponerlo encontacto con un sacerdote para hacer los preparativos. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Uncion de los Enfermos If you or a family member is in the hospital and wish to be visited by a priest, please call the parish office. If you call after hours, please leave a message for Father Fernando (x224) and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Por favor, llame a la rectoría para solicitar la visita del sacerdote. Si se llama en la noche, deje un mensaje para el padre Fernando (x224) Rectory Office Hours: Mon-Thurs .9:00am-7:30pm Friday .9:00am-7:00pm Saturday .9:00am-4:00pm Closed Sundays

July 14, 2019 Page 3 PARISH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday 14 9:00 am Caf: Holy Name Society Meeting 10:00 am CH: Baptisms at 10am Mass (1?) 1:30 pm Ch: Spanish Baptism at 1:30 pm Monday 15 Tuesday 16 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only 7:00 pm Ch: Spanish Prayer Group- Wanda Uceta 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only 5:00 pm Gym: Basketball - Ed Sweeney Wednesday 17 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only 6:30 pm Caf: Girls Scouts -Troop 96683 6:30 pm Gym: School Basketball Thursday 18 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only 7:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal - Carol & Pablo Gabela Friday 19 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only Saturday 20 11:30 am Ch: Private Baptism - Argentina Rojas 2:00 pm Wedding Carol y Pablo Gabela Fr. Fernando 4:00 pm Ch: Reconciliation 4:30 pm CafKit: Equal Exchange Coffee Sunday 21 8:00 am CafKit: Equal Exchange Coffee Saint Joseph’s HNS meets every 2nd Sunday of the month at 8:00 Mass and invites all church members to attend meetings immediately following Mass in the school cafeteria. Refreshments will be served! COME AND JOIN US. ATTENTION There are three offering envelopes for the collection on July 14th. Instead of doing three collections during this weekend. . . we will take up the second collection for Retired Priests and move the collection for Parish Maintenance (the pink envelope) to the following weekend, July 21st. Again, the second collection for July 14th will only be for Retired Priests (the ivory envelope). MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday 5:00pm July 13 Catherine Andrew Sunday July 14 8:00am 10:00am Req Magrogan Family Living & Deceased Req Members of HNS Cormac McAndrews Req Priscilla Johnson 12:00pm Jorge William Arcila Req Sandra Arcila Monday 8:00am Tuesday 8:00am July 15 Albert J. Wacha Req Anne Otiepka July 16 Shirley Bobat Req Albert Bobat Wednesday July 17 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am Saturday Miguel Sanchez Req Rosa Sanchez July 18 Fr. Gregory Battafarano July 19 Req Robert Farrell Betty Brunkhorst Req Lynn Family July 20 8:00am Angela Federico Req Ronald Federico 5:00pm Philip Sheridan Req Sheridan Family Sunday 8:00am July 21 James Higgins Req Kearney Family Arturo Joan Req Deneen Martinez 10:00am 12:00pm Manolo DeGuzman Req Mr. & Mrs. Reynoso Altar Bread for 2nd half of July 2019 In memory of Joe Carnavale Requested by Mary & Jerry Larkin Altar Wine for 1st half of July 2019 In memory of Arturo Joan Requested by Coppock Family Altar Bread for 1st half of July 2019 In memory of Rose Conforti Requested by Mary & Jerry Larkin

Page 4 July 14, 2019

July 14, 2019 GOD WANTS TO BE KNOWN The Old Testament reading from Deuteronomy praises God for inscribing the commandments in our very bodies. God’s law is not distant or foreign, but a natural part of us. In his letter to the Colossians, Saint Paul echoes Moses, praising God for becoming one of us. The truly human, flesh-and-blood Jesus reminds us that God always wants to be recognizable and familiar to us. Jesus, who is also truly God, wants to be on intimate terms with each of us. God’s passionate desire to be known by us is almost too wonderful to take in. Luke’s Gospel helps us understand how to respond. The Good Samaritan parable provides practical advice for those who believe in God’s intimate love for them and want to share that love with others. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The word of the LORD is very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts (Deuteronomy 30:10-14). Psalm — Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live (Psalm 69) or Psalm 19. Second Reading — Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15-20). Gospel — The Samaritan traveler was moved with compassion at the sight of the man stripped and beaten by robbers (Luke 10:25-37). Monday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9; 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Gn 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Saturday: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bonaventure Our Lady of Mount Carmel St. Camillus de Lellis St. Apollinaris; Blessed Virgin Mary Page 5 EL DESEO DE DIOS PARA SER CONOCIDO La lectura del Antiguo Testamento del libro del Deuteronomio alaba a Dios por escribir los mandamientos en nuestros cuerpos. La ley de Dios no es extraña o distante, sino una parte natural de nosotros. En su carta a los colosenses, san Pablo hace eco de Moisés, alabando a Dios por ser uno de nosotros. Él, verdaderamente humano, de carne y hueso, Jesús nos recuerda que Dios siempre quiere ser para nosotros alguien familiar al quien podemos reconocer, el que es verdadero Dios, quiere estar en buenos términos con cada uno de nosotros. El deseo apasionado de Dios para ser conocido por nosotros es tan maravilloso para disfrutarse. El Evangelio de Lucas nos ayuda a entender cómo responder. La parábola del Buen Samaritano nos provee de consejos prácticos para quienes creen en la intimidad del amor de Dios para ellos y quiere compartir ese amor con otros. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Escuchen la voz del Señor. Es algo muy cerca de ti, y está en tu corazón; sólo necesitas observarla (Deuteronomio 30:10-14). Salmo — Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno (Salmo 69 [68]) o Salmo 19 (18). Segunda lectura — Todas las cosas fueron creadas mediante y para Cristo Jesús (Colosenses 1:15-20). Evangelio — Ser un vecino, mostrar amor tratando a otros con misericordia (Lucas 10:25-37). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Ex 1:8-14, 22; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Martes: Ex 2:1-15a; Sal 69 (68):3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Miércoles: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Sal 103 (102):1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Jueves: Ex 3:13-20; Sal 105 (104):1, 5, 8-9; 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Viernes: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Sábado: Ex 12:37-42; Sal 136 (135):1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Domingo: Gn 18:1-10a; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lc 10:38-42 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Buenaventura Martes: Nuestra Señora del Carmen Jueves: San Camilo de Lelis Sábado: San Apolinario; Santa María Virgen Lunes:

Page 6 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION On a summer day, with the windows open, we may hear the sound of church bells. Bells seem to have come into church life in Irish monasteries around the seventh century, and spread around the Christian world by Irish monks on missionary journeys. By the eighth century, bells were standard equipment in even small parish churches. An ancient ceremony, once called the “baptism of the bells,” recognizes that the church bell has a voice to call people to awareness and summon them to worship, and even bestows a name on the bell. In a world without clocks or watches, the bell had an indispensable role. For calling monks in from the fields for prayer, or alerting far‑flung visitors, the bell’s voice was enhanced by hoisting it high into a tower. Soon it was learned that the sound of several bells clanging together in harmony imparted a sense of joy to great celebrations, and bell towers prospered, some chock full of bells. Different combinations of rings could indicate a death, a Mass, a wedding, a fast day, the curfew at the end of day, and the Angelus. Before electricity, bell-ringing was hard work indeed: the biggest bell in the Catholic world, in Cologne, Germany, weighs twenty‑seven tons! There’s no substitute for the resonant roar of a mighty bell; electric chimes are not eligible for blessing! July 14, 2019 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Desde 1913, en la ciudad de Puntarenas, Costa Rica, la Virgen del Carmen es reconocida como la Virgen del Mar. En aquel año un barco llamado el Galileo naufraga en una tempestad y el pueblo angustiado por sus seres queridos recurrió al templo de la Virgen para pedir auxilio. Algunos días después todos los tripulantes fueron rescatados y llevados a Puntarenas. Según los tripulantes, mientras las lluvias y vientos amenazaban al Galileo una mujer los animó a que se echasen al agua y nadaran a tierra firme. Allí ella los alimentó y los acompañó hasta que fueron rescatados. Llenos de alegría, el pueblo llevó a los rescatados a la iglesia para dar gracias. Estos reconocieron a la Virgen del Carmen como la mujer que los había ayudado. Desde entonces el sábado más cercano al 16 de julio, el pueblo celebra en grande la fiesta del Carmen con grandes desfiles de barcos y yates. Entre música y fuegos artificiales los costarricenses vienen en embarcaciones adornadas desde toda la nación a celebrar con la Virgen del Mar que también se encuentra en una embarcación. July 14, 2019 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’” (Luke 10:37) This was Jesus’ command at the end of the Good Samaritan story. Did you know that the Samaritans and Jews despised each other. The moral of the story is to love our neighbor. That means loving someone you may not know or someone that looks different than you or someone that you don’t like. All without expecting anything in return.

Page 7 July 14, 2019 In memoriam of our beloved brothers and sisters whose funerals took place here at Saint Joseph Church, we remember and honor them and their families on the anniversary of their passing. En memoria de nuestros hermanos y hermanas cuyos funerales fueron en Saint Joseph Church, recordamos y honramos a ellos y su familia en el aniversario de su muerte. “Gerry” Gennaro M. Ferrara July 16, 2000 Matthew Gradziel John Thomas Granquist, Jr. Loretta Hughes Pauline DuBay Dorothy Lorenzo Emilia E. McNally Carmela D. Duffy Louis Moore Reynolds Vincent A. Sabatini Anna B. Courtney Mae M. DeVincentes Helen Emmer Jennifer A. Napolitano Victor J. Portalatin Charles M. Manning John F.K. Martin Carol Govoni Joan E. Lauber Mary Walles Rosario Pacheco July 19, 2001 July 21, 2001 July 21, 2002 July 15, 2003 July 15, 2003 July 15, 2004 July 20, 2004 July 20, 2004 July 21, 2006 July 21, 2008 July 21, 2008 July 17, 2009 July 21, 2010 July 20, 2011 July 21, 2011 July 21, 2011 July 20, 2012 July 17, 2012 July 19, 2014 July 17, 2014 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Subvención descanso eterno a ellos, oh Señor, y deja que la luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Que las almas de los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz Amén. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jesus calls us to love the Lord and to love one another. Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in North Jersey to be held on September 27-29, 2019. Go to www.wwme.org to find other weekend dates and locations. For more information contact Mike and Janet Turco at 973-427-7016 or 609-335-6880 or email: mikeandjanetwwme@gmail.com In your charity please remember in prayer all our families and friends who are sick or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially for: Recuerden en sus oraciones a nuestros familiares y amigos que estan enfermos o en hospitals o silos de ancianos, en especial por: Madeline Banks Brian Groff Pat Gallagher John Hughes Louise Kreutzer Allen Lim Andrew Lauto Lili Mani Margo Sprague Raleigh Senatore Fran Vicente Diane Zimmerman John Paul Zimmerman McKenna Rita Murray Nick Zampetti If you, or someone in your family, would benefit from the prayers of the parishioners at Saint Joseph during times of sickness, please call the rectory at 201-342-6300 and speak to a staff member. Names will stay on the announced and/or the printed bulletin list for two months. If you still need prayers, please call the rectory for another month of prayers. Necesitas una oración por su familia o amigos? Visita la oficina de la rectoría o llame al (En Inglés) 201-342-6300. Los nombres se mantendrán en tanto la anunciada y la lista de anuncios para dos (2) meses. Si usted todavía necesita oraciones, por favor llame a la rectoría o dejar una nota en la mesa. Esta es la regla también si usted llama para solicitar la visita de un sacerdote. Pray for the Men and Women in Service to Our Country Please remember all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Chris Allen Joseph Andrade Timothy Brown Edel Castillo Yelson Cortez Rafael Cruz Kevin Cunanan Andrew Gilbert Alan Hale Aimee Kominiak Larry Kominiak Brian Mitchell Edward Quinn J.T. Rinke John Rode Yury Rodriguez Michael Sloginski, Jr Jake Smith Matt Smith Max Smith Reynaldo A. Targuino Jeff Vanak Gavin White ADORATION CHAPEL Adoration Chapel is open with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday—Saturday 9am-7 pm. For more info please call 201-342-6300 COME AND ADORE THE LORD We can all learn a lesson from the weather. It ignores criticism.

The Filipino Apostolate The Filipino Apostolate is inviting everyone to the Sto. Nino (Infant Jesus) Novena held every 3rd Friday of the month at 6 pm. Everyone is welcome. This month is sponsored by Mr & Mrs Bayani Gatchalian.

ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD, BOGOTA NJ 07603 Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 mychurch@stjosephbogota.org St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 myschool@stjosephbogota.org Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 faithformation@stjosephbogota.org Very Rev. Larry Evans II, V.F. Administrator

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ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD, BOGOTA NJ 07603 Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 mychurch@stjosephbogota.org St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 myschool@stjosephbogota.org Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 faithformation@stjosephbogota.org Rev. Timothy Graff

ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD, BOGOTA NJ 07603 Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 mychurch@stjosephbogota.org St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 myschool@stjosephbogota.org Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 faithformation@stjosephbogota.org Rev. John Galeano, Pastor

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