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HUNTSVILLE U MPR-SAT-FE-66-i J (Supersedes ALABAMA N t MPR-SAT-65-14) July 14, 1966 X69-75421 (ACCE }0 I) N ./BER) ; o . " k/ (THRU) ,ooo , (NASA'CR OR T ) (CATEGORYI AVAILABLE TO U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND CONTRACTORS ONLY RESULTS OFTHETENTH SATURN, LAUNCH VEHICLE [u] .C, BsTfIc o c a Sk " , Sc e t;*; / . , 1 SATURN -: FLIGHT WORKING 1 ,t: 'v- EVALUATION GROUP GROUP-4 / Down r W L3 y rvats; Decl asf ars. %, L \ " ',., ". MSFC - Fo m 774 (Rev Ma 1 66)

C , SECURITY This document NOTE contains irrformation affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Law, Title 18, U.S.C. , Sec- tions 793 and 794 as amended. The revelation ol its contents in any manner an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. to

MPR-SAT-FE-66-11 RESULTS OF TIIE TENTH SATURN By Saturn Flight George Marshall C. I LAUNCII VEIIICLE Evaluation Working Space AI3STIIA Flight Block II series, third C). SA-i0 Apollo the boilerplate with Center of the flight. fifth early Sixth Saturn (BP-9) special This test flightof success for the Saturn Saturn engiof the vehicle to and the payload fourth system onstrate This meteoroid to utilize flight test forboth stages, the closed guidance during guidance system production malfunctions the tenth consecutive and marks the end el was the third technology the iterative utilizing burn. was the flight satellite, guidance ST-f24 The test the mode, guidance test to demof the path performaneeofthe successful and the near the expected value. test of the unpressurized Instrument systemwhiehg411 All missions on andthe fifth flight loop performance S-IV velocity was very also the third flight emphasis SA-10 was I vehicles I program of the Pegasus third flight test the Group in a series to carry a Pegasus payload (Pegasus The performance of each major vehicle system is discussed and deviations. the was FLIGHT CT This report presents the results neering evaluation of the SA-10 test car W an TEST Unit and passive insertion This was prototype thermal control be used on Saturn lJ3 and V vehicles. the flight were successfully accom- of plished. Any questions formation contained be directed to: Director, lfuntsville, Attention: George or comments in this report C. Marshall Alabama Chairman, Working 876-4575) Saturn Group pertaining are invited Space to the inand should Flight Flight R-AERO-F Center Evaluation (Phone SA-IO

GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGIIT MPR- T-FE-66-1 July [Supersedes 14, CENTER l 1966 MPR-SAT-65-14) / CROUP NOTICE THiS DOCT:, NT CONTAINSINFORMATION Afi!- Fl S TtL: ff," TjlC ,L',,L OEFF :: t, THE UN,TED SI;',l ',,e ; ; J '. ,,::., :- TIlE [SP n. E LA"; i r,' JilLIeT .,, :: ' ;'] ., i 79.], IIS V., '. lP" II '-. ' ".' : . .,",,r!;t TS 4 .j /t, inte rva l classifled SATURN FLIGHT WORKING 22 . EVALUATION GROUP - 1 ' -- ' ,,i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Contributions elements of to this report MSFC, dolm were F. made Kennedy by various Space Center, Douglas Aircraft Company, Chrysler Corporation, IBM Corporation, Rocketdyne, and Pratt& Whitney. Without the joint efforts and assistance of these elem 'nts, this integrated report would not have been possible. The Saturn Flight Evaluation Working Group is especiallyindebted to the following 10r their major butions: John F. Kennedy contri- Space Center Douglas Aircraft Company Chrysler Corporation Space Division International Business Machines Corporation Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne George C. Marshall Research Space Flight Center and Development Aero-Astrodynamics Acre-Space Operations Laboratory Environment Aerodynamics Office Division Flight Evaluation and Operations Studles Division A strionics Labor atot ' Electrical Systems Division Integration Flight Dynamics Brmlch Guidance and Control Division Instrumentation and CommUnications Division Computation Laboratory R& D Application Division Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Laboratory Propulsion Structures Vehicle Division Division Systems Division

i! oxTm

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I. FLIGItT "rEST SUMMAHY l. 1 Flight Test I. 2 1.3 Test Objectives Times of Events SECTION II. INTRODUCTION SFCTION III. LAUNCH . . . . , . . OPERATIONS , , . 2 ' 4 . 5 Atmospheric Countdown Conditions . . 5 5 3.5 Propellant Loading 5 i S-I Stage S IV Stage . . 5 . LOX . 7 7 LIt2 . Cold Helium . Holddown . 8 8 9 Ground 3.7.1 9 9 Support Equipment Mechanical Ground . Support Equipment 3, 7.2 Electrical Support Blockhouse Redline Values . Equipment . . 9 9 MASS CHARACTERISTICS . 4. 1 Vehicle Mass . 4.2 VI. , . 3.3 3.4 3.8 SECTION . 5 5 3.7 V. l . . Milestones . 3.6 SECTION l . Summary Prelauneh 3.5.2 IV. . 3. 1 3.2 3.5. SECTION Results Vehicle Center of Gravity and Moment 10 l0 of Inertia . 10 TRAJECTORY . 14 5. 1 5.2 5.3 . Comparison with Nominal . Conditions (S-IV Cutoff 10 Seconds) . 14 14 17 Summary Trajectory Insertion PROPULSION . 6. I Summary 6.2 S-I Stage Performance 6.2.1 Overall Stage 6.3 18 . 18 . Propulsion Performance . 18 18 6.2.2 Flight Simulation of Cluster Performance . 6.2.3 Individual Engine Performance . S-I Pressurization Systems . 20 21 21 6.3. I 6.3.2 Fuel Pressurization System . LOX Tank Pressurization System . 21 22 6.3.3 6.3.4 Control Pressure LOX-SOX Disposal 22 22 6.3.5 Hydrogen Vent System . System . Duct Purge . 6.4 6.5 6.6 S-I Stage Propellant Utilization . S-I Stage Hydraulic Systems . Retro Rocket Performance . 6.7 S-IV Stage Propulsion 6.7. t Overall S-IV . Stage Propulsion Performance iii 23 23 24 25 . 25 25

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cent'd) Page 6.7.2 Stage Performance 6.7.2. 6.7.2, 6.7.3 6.8 6.9 SECTION VII. . Engine Flight Analysis Simulation Individual Engine 6.7.3. I 6.7, 3.2 Engine Cooldown Start Transients Steady State Cutoff Transients 25 . . Performance S-IV Pressurization 6.8. I LH 2 Tank . Operation LH2 Pump Inlet Pressurization 30 31 6.8.3 6.8.2. t Helium bleater Operation LOX Pump Inlet Conditions Cold Helium Supply . 6.8.4 Control Helium Propellant Utilization Conditions . . . . 32 32 33 System . . Propellant Mass System Response 33 33 History . . 34 34 6, 9.3 PU System Command . S-IV Hydraulic System . U11age Rockets . AND CONTROL 34 35 35 . 36 System Description 7.3 Control 7.3. I Analysis . S-I Stage Flight Control . 7.3. i. i Pitch Plane . . 36 . Plane 36 7.3. 1.2 Yau' 7.3. 7.3. I. 3 I. 4 Control Design Parameters Roll Plane . 38 38 38 . 38 . 40 40 7.3.2 S-IV Stage Flight Control . Functional Analysis . 7.4. l Control Sensors . 7.4. 7.8 29 29 29 7, 2 7.7 28 System . PressurJ, zation . Summary 7.6 28 28 . 6.8. I. t LOX Tank GUIDANCE 7.5 28 . 7. I 7.4 25 26 . . 6.8.2 6.9. I 6.9.2 6.10 6. Ii I 2 i. i Control . 42 7.4. I. 2 7.4. i. 3 Angle-of-Attack Sensors . Rate Gyros . Control Acceleration Switch . 7.4. I. 5 Resolver 7.4. 1.6 Sloshing Propellant S-I Powered S-IV Powered Guidance 7.6. I System Guidance 7.6.2 Guidance System Chain Error Comparison Flight Control Computer . 7.5.1 7.5.2 Guidance Accelerometers 41 42 42 Flight Sloshing Flight Sloshing Performance Intelligence System Hardware 7.7. t 7.7.2 Guidance Signal ST-124 Stabilized ST-t24 Gas Bearing and Actuator 42 43 43 . Analysis 43 . 43 44 . . 44 44 . Errors . 45 45 Performance Comparisons . . Processor Platform GN2 Supply and Digital Computer Analysis . System Hardware Analysis . System iv . 48 50 50 50 51

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page SECTION VIII. SEPARATION . 8. i Summary . 8, 2 S-I/S-IV Separation Dynamics . 8, 2. l Translational Motion . 8.2.2 Angular Motion . 8.3 Apollo Shroud Separation . 53 53 53 53 53 55 SECTION IX. STRUCTURES . 9.1 Summary . 9.2 Results During S-I Powered Flight . 9.2.1 Moments and Normal Load Factors . 9.2.2 Longitudinal Loads . 9.2.3 Bending Oscillations . 9.2.4 S-I Vibrations . Structural Measurements . Engine Measurements . Component Measurements . 9.2.5 S-IV Vibrations . Structural Measurements . 9, 2.5.2 Engine Measurements . Component Measurements . 9.2.6 Instrument Unit Vibrations . Structural Measurements . Component Measurements . 9.2.7 Apollo (Pegasus) Vibrations . 9.2.8 Structural Acoustics . S-I Stage . S-IV Stage . Instrument Unit . Apollo . 9.3 Observed Structural Deviations . 9.4 S-I/S-IV Interstage . 9.5 Results During S-IV Powered Flight . 9.5.1 Bending . 9.5.2 S-IV Vibrations During S-IV Powered Flight . 9.5.2. 1 Structural Measurements . Engine Measurements . Component Measurements . 9.5.3 Instrument Unit Vibrations . 9.5.4 Apollo (Pegasus ) Vibration . 9.5.5 Apollo (Pegasus} Acoustics . 56 56 56 56 56 57 58 58 58 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 SECTION X ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURES AND PRESSURES . 10. I Summary . 10.2 S-I Stage Environment . 10.2. I Surface Pressures . 10.2. 2 S-I Stage Skin Temperatures ,and Heating Rates . 10.2.3 Base Pressures and Tail Compartment Pressures . 66 66 66 66 66 66

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page 10.2,4 t0.3 i0.4 Base Thermal Environment . I0.2.4.1 Base Temperatures . 10.2, 4, 2 Base Heating Rates . Engine Compartment Temperatures . t0.2.5 S-I/S-IV Interstage Environment . S-I/S-IV Interstage Temperatures and Pcessures t0.2.5.2 Detonation Pressures . S IV Stage Environment . 10.3. I Environmental Pressures . Common Bulkhead Pressure . 10.3. 1.2 Base Heat Shield Pressure . 10.3.2 Surface Temperatures and Heat Fluxes . Hydrogen Tank Temperatures . .4At Skirt Temperatures . Hydrogen Vent Line Temperature . 10. 3.2.4 Aft Skirt tleat Flux . .Aft Interstage Heat Flux . 10.3.3 Base Temperatures and Heat Fluxes . 10.3.3, 1 Base Thrust Structure Temperature . Base Heat Shield Temperatures . 10.3. 3, 3 Base Heat Flux . Equipment Temperature and Pressure Environment . t0, 4. I S-I Stage Instrument Compartment Environment . 10.4.2 Instrument Unit Environment . . 66 67 67 67 6 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 7i SECTION XI. VEHICLE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS . 11. I Summary . 1i, 2 S-I Stage Electrical System . l i. 3 S-IV Stage Electrical System . 11.4 IU Stage Electrical System . 75 75 75 75 76 SECTION XII. AERODYNAMICS . 12.1 Surnmaw . i2.2 Drag . 77 77 77 SECTION XIII. INSTRUMENTATION . 13. i Summary . 13.2 S-I Stage Measuring Analysis . 13.2.1 S-I Measurement Malfunctions . 13.2.2 S-I Measuring Reliability . 13.3 S-IV Measuring Analysis . 13.3.1 S-IV Measurement Malfunction . 13.3.2 S-IV Measuring Reliability . 13.4 IU Stage Measuring Anaiysis . 13.4. 1 IU Measurement Malfunctions . 13.4.2 IU Measuring Reliability . 13.5 Airborne Telemetry Systems . 13.5.1 Telemetry Links . i3.5.2 Data Acquisition . ia. 5.3 Calibration . 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 7S 78 80 80 80 80 vi

TABLE OF CONTEWFS (Concluded) Page 13.6 Airborne 13.6.1 13.6.2 Tape Recorders . S-I Recorder . . S-IV Recorder . 80 S0 S0 13.6.3 13.7 13.8 IU Recorder . 81 RF S ,stems Analysis 13.7.1 Telemetry . . 81 8l 13.7.2 13.7.3 . . 82 83 Tracking Television Optical 13.8. i Instrumentation Engineering i3.8.2 13.9 Tracking Orbital 13.9.1 Tracking Tracking 13.9.2 SECTIONXIV. PEGASUS APPENDIX. INDEX XV. Summary 14.2 14.3 Pegasus Orbital . Summals" . 85 85 C Performance . Attitude . Nonpropulsive Vent System Vehicle Attitude in Orbit Pegasus Operation DESCRIPTION 84 84 84 . 85 85 Performance . . . MALFUNCTIONS 83 83 84 and Telemetry Summars, . Summary . 14.3. I 14.3.2 SUMIVb ,RY OF VEHICLE Cameras . . 14.1 14.4 SECTION C Telemetry . Sequential Cameras AND DEVLATIONS . 85 8(; 87 . 88 89 A. i Summary . 89 A. 2 A. 3 A. 4 S-I Stage S-IV Stage Instrument . . Unit . 89 89 93 A. 5 A.6 Payload Pegasus . C Satellite . 93 93 . 96 vii

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Speed 3-1 Effect of Wind 4-1 Vehicle Mass Cet ter of Gravity and Mass Moment of Inertia for S-I Stage 4-2 Vehicle Mass Center of Gravity and Mass Moment of Inertia fur S-IV 5-1 S-I 5-2 S-IV Trajectory 5 3 Earth Fixed 5-4 Total Inertial Acceleration . t5 5-5 Math Number and Dynamic Pressure 16 5-(5 Booster 6-1 S-I 6-2 Vehicle Longitudinal 6-3 Vehicle Mixture 6-4 Inboard and 6-5 Flight 6--6 Deviation 6-7 Gas 6-8 Prelaunch and 6-9 LOX-SOX System 6-10 Hydraulic Oil 6-11 Total 6-12 Propulsion 6-t3 Best 6-t4 Individual 6-15 S-IV Engine 6-16 S-IV Stage Fuel Tank 6-t7 LH 2 Pump Inlet Conditions Trajectory on LOX . 7 Stage . Velocity Individual Engine and Stage Thrust Ratio Outboard Simulation Results Pressure Engine Tank Flight Center and . 19 19 . 20 20 Parameters Pressure Sphere Pressure (S-I) . . . . (Engine Ignition and Transients Transients Ullage Analysis) Comparison Cutoff . 26 (S-IV Weight . viii 22 25 . . 22 . . Pressure 21 23 and Temperature Performance Start Cutoff High Level, of S-IV-10 Engine Decay LOX Tank Performance Systems 18 . Performance Operation Pressure, Estimate Thrust . Impulse Flowrate 17 . in Fuel Stage Buildup. and Specific Engine in Individual . Thrust and Total 10 14 . Track . I0 14 . Ground . 14 . . Trajectory S-IV Load Page Stage) . . 27 28 28 29 29 30

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure (Cont'd) Title 6-18 S-IV Stage LOX Tank 6-19 S-IV Helium 6-20 LOX Pump Inlet Conditions 6-21 LOX Pump Inlet Temperatures 6-22 Typic 6-23 Ullage 7-1 Guidance and Control 7-2 S-I Stage Command 7-3 Pitch Attitude 7-4 Pitch Plane 7-5 Yaw Attitude 7-6 Yaw Plane 7-7 Comparison 7-8 Roll Attitude 7-9 S-IV Stage 7-10 Vehicle 7-11 Pitch 7-12 Calculated 7-13 Slosh 7-14 ST-t24 Stabilized Platform 7-15 Inertial Velocity Component 7-16 Residual Inertial Velocity Component Heater and and Free Stream Rate, and Actuator Angle with Guidance Accelerometers . Position of Attack Design . . Pitch Axis Flight Criteria Actuator . Position . Initiation Resolver Error Difference . -t0 Chain Error 42 . 44 Sources 44 . (Aceelerometer-Tracking) 45 . 47 Differences (Trajectory 7-18 ST-t24 8-1 Separation Sequence . 8-2 Separation Distance and Incremental System Guidance 40 41 . Plane Delta-Minimum 39 41 . System 39 40 . Yaw Bearing Position 39 Average 7-17 Gas Actuator Average Parameters Plane Powered Analysis-Tracking) 39 . to Pitch and Predicted 35 37 and Average Rate, Control and Yaw Control 34 . Errors Response S-I Rate, Angular Attitude . . Angular Error, Position 33 . Velocity, Velocity 32 . Angular of Vehicle During Valve System Error, 32 . Pressure Error, 31 . Angles Wind . . Utilization Chamber Wind Pressure Performance Propellant Rocket Ullage Page Parameters . . Velocities ix 48 50 51 53 . 53

LIST OF ILLUSTI . .TIONS Figure Title 8-3 SA-10 8-4 S-IV 8-5 ])egllsus 9-1 Pitch Bending Moment and Normal 9-2 SA-I0 Thrust Pafildup Characteristics 9-3 Upper Pegasus 9-1 Vehicle 9-5 S-I 9-6 Component Vii)ration 9-7 Instrument Unit 9-8 Pegasus 9 9 Apollo 9-i0 S-IV 9-11 S I/S-IV 9-12 Engine Flight Angular Velocities AttiVade Error Support Heat Fluxes for 10-4 Total tteat Fluxes 10-5 Heat Shield 10-6 S-1%r Aft Interstage 10-7 S-W Stage Surface 10-8 S-IV Stage Base 10-9 IU Ambient o5 Factor to S-I S-I ,qtage S-I View Acoustics Looking . 56 . 57 Ignition 57 . Yaw . . 57 58 Pc, wered Flight . 60 Powered Flight . 61 Strain History Heat to Forward Chute with Vibrations 62 Interstage Folded Flat . and Inner Engine 64 During S-IV Stage Powered Bell Lower Tail Shrouds Temperatures Region Engine Shroud . and Access and Aspirator Structural and Chute . Temperature Temperature 68 . 68 69 Environment Environment Temperatures . 70 . and Pressures 72 During Powered . IU Ambient and Component Temperatures 66 68 . Temperatures . 67 . and Component 63 65 Gas Shield Face . . of Upper and Access 62 Outboard and Structural Component . 10-3 Flight Load During Unit htierstage Shield 54 . Aft Interstage Heat . and Amplitudes, During Instrument 10-2 5.t . Response Vibrations Temperatnre . . Vibrations and Separation Separation Frequencies Vibrations Page Booster Colnp il'istlus B mding Stage During During ,p lr;ltit)ll 10-1 i0-10 (ConUd) 73 and Pressures During Orbit . 7,t

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure ll-I S-I Stage Current 11-2 S-IV 11-3 IU age 12-1 Axial Force 14-1 SA-10 Roll 14-2 SA-10 Orbital Roll A-I SA-IO Vehicle Configuration A-2 S-I A-3 S-IV A-4 Instrument A-5 Payload Stage and Voltage Current Battery Stage Stage and Title Page . 75 Voltage . Temperature, Coefficient Rate and Analysis l tes (Concluded) Voltage, Base Drag Current, 76 and . inverter Voltage . 76 77 . 87 . 87 . . 90 91 . 92 Unit 94 . . 95 xi

LIST Table TABLES Title 1-I Times 3-I SA 3-II S-I-10 4-I Vehicle 4-II SA-10 4-III Mass 5-I Cutoff 5-II Significant 5-III Booster 5-IV Insertion 6-I Average 6-II S-IV 6-III S-IV-10 6-IV Propellant 7-I C idance 7-II Comparison 7-III Comparison of Events 10 Prelannch Propellant Flight 3 Milestones 6 Sequence L\'ents Impact Seconds Mass Analysis . ttistoD' Summary 19 . 26 27 Fixed 34 . Guidance Velocities Velocities 46 (V i, Xi' at S-IV Yi' Guidaoce Zi ) Cutoff . {630. . Parameters at Orbital Insertion . . Performance . xii 47 252 48 . Malfunctions Vent . . of Guidance Time) 17 . Errors Time) SA-10 Performance System of Space Nonpropulsive 13 17 Parameters, of Inertial 14-I . 16 Intelligence Measurement 12 . Propulsion Mass 13-I . . 15 Propulsion Vibration 8 11 Summary Comparison Engine 9-I . . Stage Range Command . Elements Comparison at Ignition Comparison Conditions Range . . Cha 'aeteristies Stage Page . \Veights Masses Seconds 7-IV OF (640,252 49 59 79 86

ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation AND Definition ACK2 Automatic Gain CDll CM CO Command Command Cutoff Destruct Module CSM Combustion Stability DDAS Digital Acquisition DOD Department E.F. EMI:" Earth Fixed Electro Motive ESE Electrical E MR Engine Mixture ETR GLOTRAC Eastern Global Test Range Tracking System GSE Ground Support Equipment IECO IETD Inboard Inboard Engine Engine Cutoff Thrust 1GM Iterative iP LCC Impact Launch LES LOS Launch Eseape Loss of Signal MILA MISTRA MMC MOTS SYMBOLS Data Receiver Monitor System of Defense Force Support Equipment Ratio Guidance Position Control Merritt M Control Decay Mode Center System Island Launch Area Missile Trajectory Measurement System Mierometeoroid Capsule Minitrack Optical Tracking Station ms tilliseconds MSFN NORAD Manned Space North American NPSP Net Positive NPV OECO Nonpropulsive Vent Outboard Engine Cutoff OETD PAFB Outboard Patrick PAM PCM Pulse Pulse PDM PRA Pulse Duration Modulated Patrick Air Force Base, PU RCS Propellant Reaction RSS SAO Range Safety Signal Smithsonian Astrophysical SCM SM Staadard Service SOX Solid STADAN U.T. Space Tracking Universal Time VCO Voltage Flight Air Network Defense Suction Command Pressure Engine Thrust Air Force Base Decay Amplitude Modulated Code Modulated 1963 Reference Atmosphere Utilization Control System Cubic Module Observatory Meter Oxygen Controlled and Data Acquisition Oscillator xiii Network

CONVERSION INTERNATIONAL Parameter FACTORS SYSTEM OF TO UNITS OI" 1960 Multiply -1 (exact) m/s 2 ft/s area in2 6. 4516xi0 -4 (exact) m 2 robs 1.00x10 -2 (exact) N/cm 2 density slugs/ft3 5. 153788185xi02 kg/m 3 ener , Bin I.0543503xi03 watt-s Ib s/f( 4 5359237xi0 -I (exact) k /s lb 4. 448221615 N (Newton) Btu/ft2-s 1. 1348931 impulse lb-s 4. 448221615 length ft 3. 048x10 in 2.54x10 mass [b s2/ft 4.5359237xi0 -i (exact) kg moment Ib-ft i.355817946 N-m Ib-in 1. 12964829x10 mass prcssttrc flow rate hforce heating rate moment o[ inertia 3. 048x10 To Obtain acceleration barometer 2 By lb-ft-s power Btu/hr pressure lb/in 2 (thermal chemical} (thermal - chemical) watt/era 2 N-s (exact) m -2 (exact) m -1 N-m 1. 355817948 2. 9287508xl kg-m 0 -4 2 v 2 6. 894757293x19 -1 N/cm 2 lb." ft 2 4. 788025898x10 -3 N/cm lb ft 3 1 57087468x102 temperature F 459.67 5. 555555556x10 velocity ft/s 3. 048xt0 knot':: 5. 144444444x10 ft 3 2 8316846592x10 gallon':' :: 3. 785411784x10 specific weight volume Note: go 9. 80665 ':: "::": m/s 2 (exact) knot (International) gallon (U. S. Liquid) xiv N/m 3 -1 oK -I (exact) m/s -1 -2 -3 m/s (exact) (exact) m3 m3


All missions of the flight were successfully accom-plished. Any questions or comments pertaining to the in-formation contained in this report are invited and should be directed to: Director, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center lfuntsville, Alabama Attention: Chairman, Saturn Flight Evaluation Working Group R-AERO-F (Phone 876-4575)

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