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SKRIPSI FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE DIALOGUE OF MARRIAGE PROPOSAL PROCESS IN BUGINESE CULTURE: A SEMANTICS APPROACH Disusun dan diajukan oleh RISMAYANA No. Pokok : F21114017 Telah dipertahankan didepan Panitia Ujian Skripsi Pada hari Kamis, 9 Agustus 2018 dan dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat Menyetujui, Komisi Pembimbing Ketua Sekretaris Dr. Ayub Khan, NIP. 196212311989031301 Sitti Sahraeny, S.S., M.A. NIP.197203181998022001 Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Hasanuddin Ketua Departemen Sastra Inggris Prof. Dr. Akin Duli. MA. NIP.196407161991031010 Dr. Abidin Pammu, M.A., Dipl. TESOL. NIP.196012311986011071 ii

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY APPROVAL FORM With reference to the letter of the Dean of Cultural Sciences No. 965/UN4.9.1/DA.08.04/2018 on 5th February 2018 regarding supervision, we hereby confirm approve the thesis draft to be examined at the English Department Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Makassar, 03rd July 2018 Approved by First Supervisor Second Supervisor Dr. Ayub Khan, NIP. 196212311989031301 Sitti Sahraeny, S.S., M.A. NIP.197203181998022001 Approved for the Executions of Thesis Examination by the Thesis Organizing Committees On Behalf of Dean Head of English Department Dr. Abidin Pammu, M.A., Dipl.TESOL. NIP. 196012311986011071 iii

UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN FAKULTAS ILMU BUDAYA Pada hari ini, Kamis Tanggal 9 Agustus, Panitia ujian skripsi menerima dengan baik skripsi yang berjudul : FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE DIALOGUE OF MARRIAGE PROPOSAL PROCESS IN BUGINESE CULTURE: A SEMANTICS APPROACH Yang diajukan dalam rangka memenuhi salah satu syarat ujian akhir guna memperoleh gelar sarjana pada Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Departemen Sastra Inggris Universitas Hasanuddin. Makassar, 9 Agustus 2018 PANITIA UJIAN SKRIPSI 1. Dr. Ayub Khan, M.Si. Ketua 1. . 2. Sitti Sahraeny, S.S., M.A. Sekretaris 2. 3. Dr. Sukmawaty, M.Hum. Penguji I 3. 4. Dra. Francisca E. Kapoyos, M.Hum. Penguji II 4. 5. Dr. Ayub Khan, M.Si. Konsultan I 5. 6. Sitti Sahraeny, S.S., M.A. Konsultan II 6. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Proudly, the writer would like to express her countless gratitude to the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala who has given tremendous blessing, love, health and mercy to the writer. Because of His guidance the writer is able to finish this undergraduate thesis as the requirement for achieving the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Department Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University. Salam and shalawat always give upon to the prophet Rasulullah SAW, the Messenger of Allah who has brought the brightness to the world. Also to his families, his companions, and his adherents who follow him until the judgment day. The writer found many obscurities and obstacles in writing this thesis and it is impossible to be solved without being helped by many kind-hearted persons around her. The writer would like to thank to those who have supported, motivated, helped, and prayed for her so that this thesis can be finished. In this valuable chance, the writer intends to express her appreciation for those who have important role during her life. First of all, the writer sends the greatest gratitude to her lovable parents, Ibrahim and Nurneni for their endless love, affection, and financial support to the writer. May Allah bless them a good life ahead for every sacrifices they do for the writer. The gratitude also for the writer’s aunt, Wardah who has been taking care of the writer during her study that is far away from her parents. The writer also thanks to her sister and brother, Risna and Risal who always motivate and encourage her to finish this thesis soon. The writer loves them so much. v

Besides, the writer would like to express her deepest appreciation to her first supervisor, Dr. Ayub Khan, M. Si and her second supervisor, Sitti Sahraeny, S.S., M.A for their kindness, patience, time, and valuable guidance in the completion of her thesis. The writer also thanks them for the bright ideas that ease the writer finish this thesis. Unlimited thankful also sends to Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, M.A as the Rector of Hasanuddin University who brings the campus to the advances, Prof. Akin Duli, M.A (the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences), Abidin Pammu, M.A., Dipl.TESOL (the Head of English Department), and Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim Yassi, M.A., Dipl.TESOL (the writer’s Academic Consultant) for their best services, advices and supports to the writer during her study. Sincerely gratitude is also dedicated to all lecturers and staffs of English Department for the valuable knowledge and assistance given to the writer. The writer’s gratitude goes to her beloved sisters in Back to Muslim Identity Chapter Unhas community for their love, advices, and motivates which help the writer a lot to finish this thesis. Also for the writer close friends in PK group: Tari, Kiki, Linda, Ratih, and Chelsy for their craziness and happiness. Many stories of life the writer passes with them which are so memorable. The writer loves them in advance. Unforgettable thankfulness to the member of Multi Topics group: Winda (Windows) and Tari (Taripang) who always cheer up the writer with their empty talks. The writer will never forget the main topic of the group chat. A deepest love and gratitude also goes to Rini Karlin (Mrs. Semaunaji), an absurd friend of the writer. She thanks her for a very memorable friendship story vi

in the last 10 years back. A friend who is often discourages the writer in doing this thesis and gives a scary imagination about doing thesis to the writer. No matter happens, the writer loves her deeply. Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from perfect, but the writer hopes this thesis can be useful not only for her but also for the readers. Thus, suggestions and critiques for a better improvement are welcomed. May Allah bless us with happiness and joyful. Aamiin. Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Makassar, 22nd May 2018 The writer vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE . i APPROVAL FORM . ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . v TABLE OF CONTENTS . viii ABSTRAK . x ABSTRACT . xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . 1 A. Background of the Study. 1 B. Identification of Problems . 3 C. Scope of Problems . 3 D. Research Questions . 4 E. Objectives of the Study . 4 F. Significances of the Study. 4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW . 6 A. Previous Related Studies . 6 B. Theoretical Background . 8 1. Semantics . 8 2. Figurative Language. 9 3. Types of Figurative Language . 10 4. Definition of Dialogue . 15 5. Marriage Proposal Process in Buginese Culture . 15 viii

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY . 18 A. Method of Collecting Data . 18 1. Library Research . 18 2. Field Research . 18 B. Technique of Collecting Data . 18 1. Observation . 18 2. Interview . 19 3. Tape Recording . 19 4. Note Taking. 19 C. Technique of Analyzing Data . 19 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION . 20 A. Data Presentation . 20 B. Data Analysis . 24 1. Types of Figurative Language . 24 2. The Meaning of the Dialogue of Marriage Proposal Process in Buginese Culture . 30 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION . 55 A. Conclusion . 55 B. Suggestion . 55 BIBLIOGRAPGY . 57 ix

ABSTRAK RISMAYANA. 2018. Bahasa Kiasan yang Terdapat dalam Dialog Proses Pelamaran Pernikahan pada Kebudayaan Bugis: Sebuah Pendekatan Semantik. (Dibimbing oleh Ayub Khan dan Sitti Sahraeny). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam dialog proses pelamaran pernikahan pada kebudayaan Bugis, dan menganalisa makna dialog tersebut secara keseluruhan. Dalam proses pengumpulan dan analisa data, penulis melakukan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber yang memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai dialog pelamaran ini. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan teori-teori yang relevan dengan penelitian dan juga mengumpulkan materi untuk menjawab rumusan-rumusan masalah. Dalam menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan Semantik. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 28 ekspresi dalam dialog yang menggunakan bahasa kiasan. Jenis tipe yang muncul adalah 4 alusi, 8 metonimia, 9 simile, 4 litotes, dan 3 metafora. x

ABSTRACT RISMAYANA. 2018. Figurative Language in the Dialogue of Marriage Proposal Process in Buginese Culture: A Semantics Approach). (Supervised by Ayub Khan and Sitti Sahraeny). This research is aimed to identify the type of figurative language used in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture and to analyze the meaning of the whole dialogue. In the process of collecting and analyzing data, the writer used library research and field research by interviewing Buginese man who has comprehensive understanding about the dialogue. In analyzing the data, the writer used descriptive qualitative method with Semantics approach. The result of the analysis shows that there are 28 expressions use figurative language. They are 4 allusions, 8 metonymies, 9 similes, 4 litotes, and 3 metaphors. xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the writer presents the background of the study, identification of problems, scope of problems, research questions, objectives of the study, and significance of study. A. Background of the Study Language is defined as one of the most important things of human life. People use language to communicate and to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. In the dictionary of Linguistics, Kridalaksana (2008:24) states that language is a system of vocal symbols that people use to communicate each other. Language also can be used in self-identifying. Language can be found either in spoken or written term. Written language can be a poem, novel, drama text, magazine, and newspaper. While in spoken, it can be found in speech, song, drama performances, and conversation. Based on this statement, people as social human beings cannot be separated from language. Study that focuses in language is called Linguistics. Linguistics includes phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics which are the units of language (Chaer, 2012:35). By using language, people can identify what others want to express. However, people should firstly understand what the meaning of the language and it is studied in Semantics. Semantics is one of Linguistics branches that deal with the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. Semantics plays an important role in conveying message from the speaker and the hearer. 1

In general, there are two kinds of meaning, they are literal and non- literal meaning. Literal meaning is when the speaker says something that has same meaning as what it is said or it does not have another meaning. While, nonliteral meaning is when the speaker says something but it refers to something else or it has another meaning. Literal meaning of course is easier to understand than non-literal. However, sometimes people need to use nonliteral meaning language to express something. Non-literal meaning can be found in figurative language. Figurative language is one kind of language. It is known as a figure of speech which means saying something other than usual way. To understand figurative language, it cannot be taken literally because it might say one thing but mean another. Figurative language is commonly used in the language of literature and sometimes in a particular culture, for example in the dialogue of marriage proposal process. In this case, Semantics is also important to understand the meaning of this language. In this thesis, the writer is interested in analyzing the figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture. As been known that in the marriage proposal process in Buginese culture, we find that the language that is used is figurative. This type of language is slightly different from the daily conversation. We also know that marriage proposal is a sacred process, so it is very important to know the meaning of the figurative language in order to understand what the speaker says. 2

The writer also finds that many people even the Buginese people themselves are unaware about the existence of figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal process. Hence, the writer decides to do research entitled “Figurative Language in the Dialogue of Marriage Proposal Process in Buginese Culture: A Semantics Approach.” B. Identification of the Problems Based on the previous explanation, there are some problems that make writer does research about figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture, they are as follow: 1. Many people do not understand about figurative language. 2. Many people do not recognize the use of figurative language in the dialogue, particularly in cultural event. 3. Many people cannot identify the connotative meaning of figurative language that is used in specific context. C. Scope of the Problems The writer knows that Bugis consist of various districts, but in this thesis, she only analyzes the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Wajo district. The writer also limits the problem by presenting 2 problems. They are the types of figurative language used in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture, and the meaning of the dialogue. 3

D. Research Questions In this study, there are 2 questions of problem to be answered. They are as below: 1. What are the types of figurative language used in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture? 2. What are the meanings of the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture? E. Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study are: 1. To identify the types of figurative language are used in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture. 2. To analyze the meanings of the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture. F. Significances of the Study The result of this study is expected to give contributions as following: 1. By reading this thesis, hopefully students and society enrich the knowledge about the figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture. This study is also expected to give a comprehensive understanding about figurative language and Buginese marriage proposal process. 2. This study contributes as a reference for those who are interested in discussing Buginese marriage proposal process, particularly about the figurative language in its dialogue. The writer also hopes this study gives 4

useful information to Buginese people themselves and foreigners who want to know about Buginese culture. 3. This study is expected to become a reference to the next researchers who want to conduct a research related to the topic. 5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW In this chapter, the writer presents review of some previous studies and theories related to the study, such as Semantics, figurative language, types of figurative language, definition of dialogue, and marriage proposal process in Buginese culture. A. Previous Related Studies There are some studies that have been done by other writers related with the topic of this thesis. The related studies are considered to assist the writer in completing her thesis. The following are some previous studies which are related to this research: Abdullah (1991) in his research Denotative and Connotative Meaning of Some Buginese Expression. He analyzed the denotative and connotative meaning of some Buginese expression, one of the expressions is ellong madduta. Both this study and Abdullah analyzed the connotative meaning of ellong madduta in Buginese culture. However, in his research, Abdullah only analyzed the connotative meaning without exploring the use of figurative language of the dialogue, while this study explored the use of figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal marriage in Buginese culture. Fitria Lonanda (2013) in her research The Use of Figurative Language in Characterization of the Nightingale and the Rose Short Story by Oscar Wilde. She analyzed the types of figurative language characterizing the characters in the short story The Nightingale and the Rose. Besides, the 6

researcher also described the relation of figurative language use to the characterization in the short story The Nightingale and the Rose. The similarity between this study and Fitria’s is that they analyzed the figurative language, while the difference is that Fitria concerned in the short story and this study concerned in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture. Heny Listiani (2015) in her research An Analysis of Figurative Language Found on the Song Lyric by Taylor Swift’s Speak Now Album. She analyzed the types and the meaning of figurative language used in Taylor Swift’s “Speak Now” album. Both this study and Heny analyzed the types and meaning of figurative language. However, this study analyzed it in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture, while Heny analyzed in song lyric. Khadijah Arifah (2016) entitled Figurative Language Analysis in Five John Legend’s Song. In this thesis, the writer analyzed the types and contextual meaning of figurative language used in five songs of John Legend. Both Khadijah and this study analyzed the types and meaning of figurative language. However, this study analyzed it in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture, while Khadijah analyzed in Five John Lengend’s song. Lisnayanti (2013) in her research Figurative Language in the Dialogue of Marriage Proposal Process in Makassarese Culture. She analyzed the figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal process in 7

Makassarese culture. Both this study and Lisnayanti analyzed the type and the meaning of figurative language in the dialogue of marriage proposal process. However, this study analyzed the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Buginese culture, while Lisnayanti analyzed the dialogue of marriage proposal process in Makassaresese culture. Based on the comparison between the previous studies and this study, it is clearly seen that this study is original. Therefore, this study is worth it to be conducted. B. Theoretical Background 1. Semantics The term Semantics comes from Greek, semanio which means to signify or mean. In general definition, Semantics is a study of meaning in language. According to Kreidler (1998:3) that “Semantics is the systematic study of meaning, and linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings”. Aside from Semantics, there are also other studies that attempt to identify meaning, such as Semiotics. However, these two studies are different. Semiotics has wider scope because it studies about meaning of symbols and codes. While Semantics only focuses on the meaning of language (Chaer, 2013:2). Semantics becomes an important study to know since in a good communication, understanding the meaning is the most important thing. It 8

is because a good understanding of meaning will deliver what speaker really wants to say to the hearer well. There are two kinds of meaning, they are denotative and connotative meaning. Denotative meaning is the real meaning, basic, and central meaning of a word. It also can be stated that denotative meaning is a meaning given to a word based on the observation of senses and experience. For example, the word “dog”, its denotative meaning refers to an animal that have 4 legs and like to eat bone. While connotative meaning is additional meaning of a word. It means there is meaning added to the real meaning of a word. For example, the word “dog”, it does not only mean an animal, but for particular religion, word “dog” can be something negative to hear. The significant difference between denotative meaning and connotative meaning is the sense value of a word. Every word has a denotative meaning, but not all word have connotative meaning. A word has a connotative meaning when it consists of sense value; either it is positive or negative value (Chaer, 2013:63). 2. Figurative Language Figurative language is a way of saying something different from the literal meaning. Figurative language uses a figure of speech in order to make a language be more effective, persuasive, and impactful. In addition, figurative language can make the language be more colorful, rich, aesthetic, and has a high art value. 9

The use of figurative language will make the hearer/reader think deeply about the meaning. The hearer/reader will use the power of imagination in interpreting this kind of language. Therefore, figurative language is also defined as saying something imaginatively other than usual way. Figurative language can be found in the language of literature, such as drama, prose, poetry, and novel. It also can be found in a particular context of conversation, for example in the dialogue of marriage proposal. Figurative language in general can be classified in five categories: resemblance or relationship, emphasis or understatement, figure of sound, verbal games, and errors. 3. Types of Figurative Language a. Simile Simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things explicitly. It can be identified by using some connective words, such as like, as, than, and seems (Keraf, 1984:138). Simile compares two things that essentially different and make them look the same. For example: Your eyes are like a star. The baby’s skin is as smooth as silk. The meaning of the first example is not that the eyes have shape like a star, but it means the eyes are bright like a star in the sky. The second example means that the baby’s skin feels smooth and soft like a silk. 10

Both of the examples used the key word like and as to compare between two unlike things. b. Metaphor The word metaphor is derived from Greek which means to carry over. Metaphor is like simile that compares things, but metaphor does not use connective words such as like and as. Therefore, metaphor is an implicit comparison (Keraf, 1984:139). Metaphor is a statement of saying one thing is something else, which literally they are not the same. Metaphor will make sense if the connection of two compared things becomes apparent. For example: She has a hard of stone. I am titanium. The meaning of first example is someone that cannot to accept the other people opinion because her heart is hard like a stone. The second example means that someone is strong like titanium. These two examples compare two unlike things. c. Personification Personification or prosopopoeia is a kind of figurative language that gives human characteristics to inanimate things (Keraf, 1984:140). Personification makes nonhuman can act, speak, and has emotional feeling like a human. There are some examples of personification, such as: The sky was full of dancing stars. 11

The city never sleeps. The meaning of the first sentence is that there are many stars in the sky that make the sky more beautiful. The second example means that people in the city are always busy, it makes the city crowded all the time. Both examples describe the sky and the city act like a human. d. Hyperbole Hyperbole is a figure of speech that contains of exaggeration statement in order to emphasize something (Tarigan, 1986:55). It expresses something beyond what it is meant or an over-statement of something. For example: I’ve told you a million times. He’s older than the hills. The meaning of the first example is that someone has said something many times to other. Even though it is not actually a million times, but it aims to give an emphasis to the sentence. The second example means someone who has lived in the world for a very long time. The first and the second example state something beyond its meaning. e. Synecdoche Synecdoche is a use of part a thing that represents the whole thing of it or vice versa (Keraf, 1984:142). Synecdoche may call a thing by the name of the material it is made of. For example: All eye on me. 12

She drives a new wheel. The meaning of the first example is that everybody looking at her. The second example is that someone drives a new car, a wheel represents to a new car. Both of the examples use a part of things to describe the whole thing of it. f. Metonymy Metonymy is a way of express something that is replaced by another thing which is closely associated. It is the use of something to mean another thing that has close relation (Keraf, 1984:142). For example: The pen is mightier that the sword. England decides to keep check on immigration. The meaning of the first example is that a pen that means writing can hurt others as sharp as sword. The second example describes England that refers to the government will check the immigration. Both sentences above use something that is closely related to the something actually meant. g. Litotes Litotes is the opposite of hyperbole. It is kind of understatement where a positive thing is changed into a negative expression (Tarigan, 1986:58). According to Keraf (1984:133), litotes is a kind of figurative language that is used to truckle. Something is described less than the real meaning. There are some examples of litotes, they are: 13

There is nothing I can give you. Welcome to my poor house. The meaning of the first example is someone that is lick boots by saying cannot give anything to other, but in fact he/she can. The second example is an understatement, speaker says that he/she has a poor house, but in fact he/she has a good house. Both examples show a negative sentence but the meaning is actually positive. h. Allusion According to Keraf (1984:141), allusion is a figure of speech that saying one thing which refers to a certain story, character in a literary work or myth. It can also refer to particular figure and religion. For example: They are like Romeo and Juliet. When you lie, you will become Pinocchio. In the first example, Romeo and Juliet refer to one of Shakespeare’s drama. They are considered as romantic couple and they have a real love to each other. The second example, Pinocchio refers to one famous story. In the story, Pinocchio is a character where he lies, his nose will be longer. These two examples refer to something outside the text that is a certain famous story. 14

4. Definition of Dialogue Dialogue is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people. Dialogue also can be interpreted as a deep communication that has a high level and quality includes the ability to

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