Extracts From ASME Elevator Code And Handbook

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SUPPLEMENT 2Extracts from ASME ElevatorCode and HandbookEditor’s Note: This supplement provides the reader with detailed information on elevator emergency operation and signaling devices. It consists of extracted materialfrom ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, 2007, and its accompanying handbook.EXTRACTS FROM ASME A17.1, SECTION2.27 EMERGENCY OPERATION ANDSIGNALING DEVICES*NOTE (2.27): Additional requirements, includingthose for firefighters’ communications systems, maybe found in the building code.(c)2.27.1 Car Emergency Signaling Devices2.27.1.1 Emergency Communications2. A two-way communications means betweenthe car and a location staffed by authorized personnelshall be provided. When the two-way communications location is not staffed 24 h a day, by authorized personnelwho can take appropriate action, the means of twoway communications shall automatically be directedwithin 30 s to an additional on- or off-site location,staffed by authorized personnel, where an appropriateresponse can be taken.(d)(e) The two-way communication means withinthe car shall comply with the following requirements:(f)(a) In jurisdictions enforcing NBCC, Appendix E ofCSA B44, or in jurisdictions not enforcing NBCC,ICC/ANSI A117.1.(b) A push button to actuate the two-way communication means shall be provided in or adjacent to a(g)*Reprinted from ASME A17.1 — 2007 by permission of TheAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.(i)(h)car operating panel. The push button shall be visible and permanently identified as “HELP”. Theidentification shall be on or adjacent to the“HELP” button. When the push button is actuated, the emergency two-way communicationmeans shall initiate a call for help and establishtwo-way communications.A visual indication on the same panel as the“HELP” push button shall be provided, that is activated by authorized personnel, to acknowledgethat two-way communications link has been established. The visual indication shall be extinguished when the two-way communication link isterminated.The two-way communication means shall provideon demand to authorized personnel, informationthat identifies the building location and elevatornumber and that assistance is required.After the call acknowledgement signals are sent[], the two-way voice communicationsshall be available between the car and authorizedpersonnel.The two-way communications, once established,shall be disconnected only when authorized personnel outside the car terminate the call.The two-way communication means shall not usea handset in the car.The two-way communications shall not be transmitted to an automated answering system. Thecall for help shall be answered by authorized personnel.Operating instructions shall be incorporated withor adjacent to the “HELP” button.1161

1162Supplement 2 Extracts from ASME Elevator Code and Handbook2. Where the elevator rise is 18 m (60 ft) ormore, a two-way voice communication means withinthe building accessible to emergency personnel shallbe provided and comply with the following requirements:2.27.2 Emergency or Standby Power System(a) The means shall enable emergency personnelwithin the building to establish two-way voicecommunications to each car individually. Twoway voice communication shall be establishedwithout any intentional delay and shall not require intervention by a person within the car. Themeans shall override communications to outsideof the building.(b) Two-way voice communications, once established,shall be disconnected only when emergency personnel outside the car terminates the call.(c) Once the two-way voice communication has beenestablished, the visual indication [see]within the car shall illuminate. The visual indication shall be extinguished when the two-way communication is terminated.(d) Operating instructions shall be incorporated withor adjacent to the two-way voice communicationoutside the car. Instructions shall conform to2. The emergency or standby power systemshall be capable of operating the elevator(s) with ratedload (see 2.16.8), at least one at a time, unless otherwise required by the building code. If the emergency communication means isnormally connected to the building’s main power supply, it shall automatically transfer to an alternatesource(s) of power when the normal power supplyfails. The alternate source(s) of power (standby, emergency, etc.) shall be capable of providing power for illumination of the visual indication [see]within the car, and the means of emergency communications for at least 4 h; and the audible signaling device (see for at least 1 h. Emergency Stop Switch Audible Signal.When an emergency stop switch ( is provided,an audible signaling device shall be provided. The audible signaling device shall(a) have a rated sound pressure rating of not less than80 dBA nor greater than 90 dBA at 3 m (10 ft)(b) respond without delay after the switch has beenactivated(c) be located inside the building and audible insidethe car and outside the hoistway(d) for elevators with a rise greater than 30 m (100 ft),be duplicated as follows:(1) one device shall be mounted on the car(2) a second device shall be placed at the designated levelWhere an emergency or standby power system is provided to operate an elevator in the event of normalpower supply failure, the requirements of shall be complied with. The transfer between the normal and theemergency or standby power system shall be automatic. An illuminated signal marked “ELEVATOREMERGENCY POWER” shall be provided in the elevator lobby at the designated level to indicate that thenormal power supply has failed and the emergency orstandby power is in effect. Where the emergency or standby power system is not capable of operating all elevators simultaneously, requirements of through be conformed to. A selector switch(es) marked “ELEVATOREMERGENCY POWER” in red lettering a minimum of5 mm (0.25 in.) in height, that is key-operated or undera locked cover (see 2.27.8), shall be provided to permitthe selection of the elevator(s) to operate on the emergency or standby power system. The key shall beGroup 3 Security (see 8.1). The selector switch(es) positions shall bemarked to correspond with the elevator identificationnumber (see 2.29) and a position marked “AUTO.” The selector switch(es) shall be located at thedesignated level in view of all elevator entrances, or iflocated elsewhere means shall be provided adjacent tothe selector switch(es) to indicate that the elevator is atthe designated level with the doors in the normallyopen position. When the selector switch is in the “AUTO”position, automatic power selection shall be provided,that will return each elevator that is not on designatedattendant operation, inspection operation, or Phase IIIn-Car Emergency Operation, one or more at a time, tothe recall level. Failure of the selected car to move shallcause power to be transferred to another car. The selector switch(es) positions corresponding to the elevator identification numbers (see2.29.1) shall override the automatic power selection.Operation of the selector switch(es) shall not cause2009 Life Safety Code Handbook

Extracts from ASME A17.1, Section 2.27 Emergency Operation and Signaling Devicespower to be removed from any elevator until the elevator is stopped.NOTE ( The selector switch(es) should normally be placed in the “AUTO” position. When the emergency or standby power system is designed to operate only one elevator at a time,the energy absorption means (if required) shall be permitted to be located on the supply side of the elevatorpower disconnecting means, provided all other requirements of 2.26.10 are conformed to when operating any of the elevators the power might serve. Otherbuilding loads, such as power and lights that can besupplied by the emergency or standby power system,shall not be considered as a means of absorbing the regenerated energy for the purposes of conforming to2.26.10, unless such loads are normally powered by theemergency or standby power system.2.27.3 Firefighters’ Emergency Operation:Automatic ElevatorsFirefighters’ Emergency Operation shall apply to all automatic elevators except where the hoistway or a portion thereof is not required to be fire-resistiveconstruction (see, the rise does not exceed 2 000mm (80 in.), and the hoistway does not penetrate a floor.NOTE (2.27.3): When the structure (building, etc.) islocated in a flood hazard area, the alternate and designated levels (see 8.12.1) should be above the base floodelevation. Phase I Emergency Recall Operation2. A three-position key-operated switch thatwill not change position without a deliberate action bythe user, shall be(a) provided only at the designated level for each single elevator or for each group of elevators.(b) labeled “FIRE RECALL” and its positions marked“RESET,” “OFF,” and “ON” (in that order), withthe “OFF” position as the center position. The“FIRE RECALL” letters shall be a minimum of 5mm (0.25 in.) high in red or a color contrastingwith a red background.(c) located in the lobby within sight of the elevator orall elevators in that group and shall be readily accessible. An additional key-operated “FIRE RECALL” switch, with two positions that will not changeposition without a deliberate action by the user,marked “OFF” and “ON” (in that order), shall be permitted only at the building fire control station.Life Safety Code Handbook 200911632. The switch(es) shall be rotated clockwise togo from the “RESET” (designated level switch only), to“OFF” to “ON” positions. Keys shall be removableonly in the “OFF” and “ON” positions. Only the “FIRE RECALL” switch(es) or firealarm initiating device located at floors that are servedby the elevator, or in the hoistway, or in an elevatormachine room, or a control space, or a control room(see shall initiate Phase I Emergency RecallOperation. All “FIRE RECALL” switches shall be provided with an illuminated visual signal to indicatewhen Phase I Emergency Recall Operation is in effect. When a “FIRE RECALL” switch is in the“ON” position all cars controlled by the switch shalloperate as follows:(a) A car traveling towards the designated level shallcontinue nonstop to the designated level andpower-operated doors shall open and remainopen.On cars with two entrances, if both entrancescan be opened at the designated level, only thedoors serving the lobby where the “FIRE RECALL”switch is located shall open and remain open.(b) A car traveling away from the designated levelshall reverse at or before the next available landingwithout opening its doors and proceed to designated level.(c) A stopped car shall have the in-car stop switch (see2.26.2.21) and the emergency stop switch in the car(see when provided, rendered inoperativeas soon as the car moves away from the landing. Amoving car shall have the in-car stop switch andthe emergency stop switch in the car when provided, rendered inoperative without delay. Oncethe emergency stop switch in the car and the in-carstop switch have been rendered inoperative, theyshall remain inoperative while the car is on Phase IEmergency Recall Operation. All other stopswitches required by 2.26.2 shall remain operative.(d) A car standing at a landing other than the designated level, with the doors open and the in-carstop switch and the emergency stop switch in thecar when provided, in the run position, shall conform to the following:(1) Elevators having automatic power-operatedhorizontally sliding doors shall close thedoors without delay and proceed to the designated level.(2) Elevators having power-operated verticallysliding doors provided with automatic or

1164Supplement 2 Extracts from ASME Elevator Code and Handbookmomentary pressure closing operation per2.13.3.4 shall have the closing sequence initiated without delay in accordance with2.,,, and,and the car shall proceed to the designatedlevel.(3) Elevators having power-operated doors provided with continuous pressure closing operation (see, or elevators havingmanual doors, shall be provided with a visualand audible signal system [see] toalert an operator to close the doors and shall,when the doors are closed, proceed to the designated level. Sequence operation, if provided,shall remain effective.(e) Door reopening devices for power-operated doorsthat are sensitive to smoke or flame shall be rendered inoperative without delay. Door reopeningdevices not sensitive to smoke or flame (e.g., mechanically actuated devices) are permitted to remain operative. Door closing for power-operateddoors shall conform to 2.13.5.(f) All car and corridor call buttons shall be renderedinoperative. All call-registered lights and directional lanterns shall be extinguished and remaininoperative. Car position indicators, where provided, shall remain operative. Where provided,landing position indicators shall be extinguishedand remain inoperative, except at the designatedlevel and the building fire control station, wherethey shall remain operative.(g) Where provided on elevators with vertically sliding doors, corridor door open and door close buttons shall remain operative.(h) An illuminated visual and audible signal systemshall be activated. The visual signal shall be one ofthe symbols shown in Exhibit S2.1 and located onthe car-operating panel. The entire circular orsquare area or the outline of the hat, or the outlineof the area shown in Exhibit S2.1 shall be illuminated. The visual signal shall remain activateduntil the car is restored to automatic operation.When the door is open, the audible signal shall remain active until the door is closed. When thedoor is closed, the audible signal shall remain active for a minimum of 5 s. The audible signal shallnot be active when the car is at the recall level.(i) A car stopped at a landing shall have the in-cardoor open button rendered inoperative as soon asthe car moves away from the landing. The in-cardoor open button shall remain inoperative when acar stops to reverse direction. Once the in-car dooropen button has been rendered inoperative, itshall remain inoperative until the car has returnedto the designated level.(j) Where an additional “FIRE RECALL” switch isprovided, both “FIRE RECALL” switches shall bein the “ON” position to recall the elevator to thedesignated level if the elevator was recalled to thealternate level (see To remove the elevator(s) from Phase I EmergencyRecall Operation, the “FIRE RECALL” switchshall be rotated first to the “RESET,” and then tothe “OFF” position, provided that(1) the additional two-position “FIRE RECALL”switch, where provided, is in the “OFF” position(2) no fire alarm initiating device is activated (see2.27.3.2).(l) Means used to remove elevators from normal operation shall not prevent Phase I Emergency RecallOperation, except(1) as specified in this Code(2) as controlled by elevator personnel(m) No device, that measures load, shall prevent operation of the elevator at or below the capacity andloading required in 2.16.Exhibit S2.1 Visual Signal. [FromASME A17.1, Section 2.27, Fig.]25 mm(1 in.)min.25 mm(1 in.)min.25 mm (1 in.) min.GENERAL NOTE: Grid is for scaling purposes only.2009 Life Safety Code Handbook

Extracts from ASME A17.1, Section 2.27 Emergency Operation and Signaling Devices(n) If the normal power supply, emergency powersupply, and standby power supply are not available and the elevator is equipped with an alternatesource of power that is insufficient to move the carto the recall level, the following requirements shallapply:(1) The visual signal [] shall extinguish.(2) A car that is not at a landing shall move to theclosest landing it is capable of reaching.(3) A car that has automatic power-operated horizontally sliding doors or power-operated vertically sliding doors provided with automaticclosing operation and is stopped at a landing,shall open the doors, and then within 15 s, initiate reclosing.(4) A car that is stopped at a landing shall have itsdoor open button operative.(5) A car stopped at a landing shall not moveuntil normal power, emergency power, orstandby power becomes available. Phase I Emergency Recall Operation by FireAlarm Initiating Devices2. In jurisdictions not enforcing the NBCC, firealarm initiating devices used to initiate Phase I Emergency Recall Operation shall be installed in conformance with the requirements of NFPA 72, and shall belocated(a) at each floor served by the elevator(b) in the associated elevator machine room, controlspace, or control room(c) in the elevator hoistway, when sprinklers are located in those hoistways2. In jurisdictions enforcing the NBCC, smokedetectors, or, if applicable, the building fire alarm system (fire alarm initiating devices), used to initiatePhase I Emergency Recall Operation, shall be installedin conformance with the requirements of the NBCC,and shall be located in(a) each elevator lobby(b) the machine roomNOTE ( Fire alarm initiating devices are referred to as fire detectors in the NBCC. Phase I Emergency Recall Operation to thedesignated level shall conform to the following:(a) The activation of a fire alarm initiating devicespecified in or at any floor,other than at the designated level, shall cause allelevators that serve that floor, and any associatedLife Safety Code Handbook 20091165elevator of a group automatic operation, to be returned nonstop to the designated level.(b) The activation of a fire alarm initiating devicespecified in or shall causeall elevators having any equipment located in thatmachine room, and any associated elevators of agroup automatic operation, to be returned nonstop to the designated level. If the machine room islocated at the designated level, the elevator(s)shall be returned nonstop to the alternate level.(c) In jurisdictions not enforcing NBCC, the activationof a fire alarm initiating device specified in2. or in jurisdictions enforcing NBCC, theinitiation of a fire detector in the hoistway shallcause all elevators having any equipment in thathoistway, and any associated elevators of a groupautomatic operation, to be returned nonstop to thedesignated level, except that initiating device(s) installed at or below the lowest landing of recall shallcause the car to be sent to the upper recall level.(d) The Phase I Emergency Recall Operation to thedesignated level shall conform to (n). Phase I Emergency Recall Operation to analternate level (see 1.3) shall conform to the following:(a) the activation of a fire alarm initiating device specified in or that is locatedat the designated level, shall cause all elevatorsserving that level to be recalled to an alternatelevel, unless Phase I Emergency Recall is in effect(b) the requirements of, (j), (m), and (n)(c) the requirements of, (b), (c), (d), (e), (g),(h), (i), (k), and (l), except that all references to the“designated level” shall be replaced with “alternate level” The recall level shall be determined by thefirst activated fire alarm initiating device for thatgroup (see or the car(s) is recalled to the designated level bythe “FIRE RECALL” switch(es) [see also],the recall level shall remain the designated level. When a fire alarm initiating device in themachine room, control space, control room, or hoistway initiates Phase I Emergency Recall Operation, asrequire

Extracts from ASME A17.1, Section 2.27 Emergency Operation and Signaling Devices1163 Life Safety Code Handbook 2009 power to be removed from any elevator until the ele-vator is stopped. NOTE ( The selector switch(es) should nor-mally be placed in the “AUTO” position. When the emergency or standby power sys-tem is designed to operate only one elevator at a time, the .

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