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W/:::E: :: J THE .POINTER8 PAGES -NO. 27Senate· Elections Held TodayExecutive Offices Unopposedbef d idIS:: e 1i1: 0:1v 1selectlonlo cas;;,r st, will in\·olvc w1 :1S:: ::fnteS:i':t ThS:";! l se!t u:: ea;:r\ i ;1 n 5 1 he for clau ,enators. The d!d ntcct ure Robert Boyer, Vern \'Ollng booth to II me mber ofally, DeBot and Allen Centers.All execul/ve11 olllce und clouseruuor posltlom are being filled.The pollll arc open from 10a .m. to 6 p.m. In the Unive rs hy Center lunnc l. The hounfor D . Bo1 and Allen Ccntcn; J :a ;7ro ·m . · m.'nlt' four cxecuth e olllce,:haV lng only one cimdldatc !oreach. Pa ul Schlltlna- is seekingreelection us President ; J ohnKlesmlth is running for vlcepreslclcnc, Mtu·y Up,.lruck for1sec ret ary and Leonard , Sl11pel isophomore class hu three candldates and 1wo have lo be se.1ected. Running for the positionsa re Mll rk Dahl Ruth Ann Gut schll',0/ and Anlia Matter.Must FileWrite-InsHebcleln und John Wallenfung. /t\l ph11 Phl Ouu. 1,:11 service fni.TI1e junior senutor postlon has , 1crnlty which will be conductonly one camllda tc's name on I Ins the b11llotJng 11nd countingthe ballot. W11lly Thiel 11, as the the OO lloti;.junior who took out JK'tll lons,The result,; of thl.' electionsbul Ray Martens has announced will be a nnou nred at the endlha l he wlll be a write.In can- or the Senutl' mec1!ng on Thurs-Iclld1ue. .duy ('\"Cnlng.A WS Will HoldElections TodayPlatforms .

THE ro1NT RPoge 2'." I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must hove no hatred or . bitterness towards anyone." - EdithTHE PODIUMDid You Ever Get Student Offers Pointer EditorshipTen Sug·gestionsFeeling That Way?Is RecommendedSomf'wh -rc- 0 10111,1thellne,;;, ·,, tr u:r,i:'h1 1! ep iea,:I know you aren' t going l bcli ve this but thatTime has come for another edi tor to be selected torsmokestack in back of Old Mam lsn t there apymore. his neighbor: Tlle Ten Com- The Pointer and we are among the lint to recommend11 ·ui A:-Uuo ::ti: 'c': thelo people; The job Is trulyadvantageousb f t :: i r! ;\: ;\ C} ct :tc1 0: i:a g: ;:: t1 ;1le ; )o o::r·c! poeilionanforestry mdjor WC bcltCI' have SOm C fores try Oil C8nl : · I::OIIC.pus. So they moved in this tremendous tree. And then hearts iCI h11rdt'r we 11umblcll prov ides insight. into nearly every aspect of camour president sa id that this would not be the first Into maturity. Unle beads of pus llfe. It provides an opportunity to meet a greatt ree. He i.uys we need more money, something like t· · }\: l cmany people one wouJd not ordinarily gel a chance to 200.000, and then we can reforest the whole campus. cuts 1o undei-snmdlng. tum our meet. ll la excellent joun1alisllc experience. It provides\\.'('II. j.h'at ·s prelly good I gucHS.bucks 10 1'1 - Lruth and dou an education that cannot always be gai:1ed in the cl&88·A;d then the other day atI ate l nch with ou : nl 7!lng'fcn room.these 3 guys and they told me they were sick or our I Cornmnndnwnt hin'e b P. e nIt involves long hou rs sometimes and school work isschool and were transferring lo the UWM. They live iihu\'cd. 11sld for .wh11t I cull often neglected but the rewards cun out ·cigh l of1.' "T,;w,.nic!: these drawbac a.near Mil waukee and theyhave gi rl friends the ;: 1 1; 11aiy1ALTHOUGH TU.E ENTIRE future or our campus does not lie in the handsand those a re u couple good 1'Cl\so11 s. But t hey also s111d 5011w ha\'(' lntcriirNl'd them, .·.thal lhey csn·t s tudy in the halls. Two of these guys 1 rrom our "ndvuncl'd culture."lf you re interested, su bmit a 1-e!lumc lo Mrs. Carol of Miss Carolyn Sands , s he ha.a a small part in the planning of new facm.were SAs tmd LhC'y said nothing In the hall was con- l You 1h11 II not make ror 'our- Meh lberg, the Pointer adv isor, in room 235 of ·the Main ties. MIS8 Sands is particularly Interested in the atudent'a environment. rightducive to study. They started lhinking, they said,H icri ven hnH e. excc11t you Building. Being an editor is something that can never down to the color or the curtains and the curvature or t he chairs. t Vicki .11 1111Neale P hoto)·ai ?ut all this so-called ex! ra-curri ulnr sluff that as m :u \O,;i:;;; ":; : nume be regretted.gomi; on and how much 1t doesn l apply to I.earning. 01 !hi! Lord your God 1n vain,The Co-«lltonfThey thought that t hey cou ld study bette r m some God damn.off-campus apartment. The}' wou ldn't be old enough Rt membcr the sabbath day10to live orr-cnmpus if they stayed here l think it 's too 111 ; !:he ';i: butM ll bad thev·re lcavmgHonor )our l&Thcr and moth·''.,.,,,,And then a little while later I was talkmg to a fewIJ t\h o not trust un)body00ff) Karen M l llchabklto move throu,h Areas be- ' In ,ome grttn arcu by IMgu ls and they ,, ere lellmg me hoy, great It was the,YJ,dSu )UU think the resident halls t\Oo et n ehiue IIOUld be ae1tl· ir," new ure1t1 and J)fl'!l;t'l'\Jlliupperclass women won l have any hours next yea r,ot, hull nol kill bu,A MOOJ RN UNJ\lt:U.SlT\' FABLElook drnb' Cheer up ! t'uture r.uJJy cxcldng and challenalna: old areal for recreirtlon on tht11111had to agreell!1\'1t n J Peter Twclpcnce was an amb1t1ousof fellov., ; Ing Jilnnsfor lmprou 1 :1381,, a: I , ;u:5 8 : :1 :;;:rt nel va eln y :lmll notuni"" 00 but he hated lo taste defeat He' was s maJl Ill stature 111 Id : 1t 1 : !: 1:t'd!o :e t I ':: ·0that so-and 808 lmC'Ctht'arl dance 18 coming up and thn. k )otl n1ti:h1 not 1:e1 caughl and thus Jost to pcopll' who were phya1cally larger than hu bl-en aclhely lnte1u1ed In old heating plant bl' Ult' Main l and cha llcnglng areas ror ill11tha t the Crea m a rc commg and that Sk 1tch Henderson nc!:';,.: 1 Y:;lgr:i::. : . he was. Whc11 he lost a game of monopoly or careers, : : re lwi ; 11 ::.tt: he t' :::o(tllf';b \O,::!wbe:: io;h: t.t !er:s : ;. ronm n1will perform on campus arc important. But. you know, le Yot can u.,e him.he was unbearable to Ji!C with . He even fretted when en\ lronmt'nt. She has dont' rt - when 11 11 tranaformed into a Miu Sands bt'lie\·u tli- P'A·ma ·be they ough t to be placed in a sort of pcrspcclh·e. ·'71 s. h a 11 1101 L-O·\· t your he lost a game of "king or the ca.stlc:· He had to make sertrch In color Hlection and n1nll arc11.albltllies lor lhls campus ml men u like. what's really important ? o::'.se unless h I I excuses to cover his defeats.:·;:;" .1 : 1o;,;;;:."1i::e : :r.a:s n!iro:tdl ;; :.!; em::t ;;ti ,r u :'. 1 \·t : Bill McrtUUcnYou hllll hR\'l' no other God,She became Interested In this Leurnlng Rel Ourcl'I! Center and to come ll i ho d 111,1 hbclore me. r:iccept. . .Young Peter grew and went to college. His irst two arc11 \Oo'hrn 1hr returned to the 1he t,lnt' Arla eulldlnr. ,1ep1 dll11t'I Y be pro\'lded for 11lc f gti'r;; years were spent in sem i-obscurity, but young Petery a: I ! /';,!!: : l\n ud k:nm lthem : ;: e7: ;h 15 lhy lather and man Ill thy wa.a waiting for his chance. Then one summer it hap- she receh·ed her M.A. In en·Tl"Other plans Include wuvlnr dent at Slt'\'ens Point.j ;;\ t': h c akr:u::;e o!:p::;: pened ! A high-ranking official was assassinated by a : n , ; :;.20 In E:icodus. Howt'ver. 1r l'OO group of academicians. The school was left in turmoil 1J11c . vlew im.5 lrom industrial get lhe chance lo look at as the government debated its next step. Enter young defl;;ners. Interior Jll'Slgl"lt'l"I IJ ::el h11 / 00ml!';!Peter! Hi ambilio .re un1ed 1111d he asp.ired to .rm a e : o!C:rl CM :s nds willQdead.the ll888.8Smated off1c1al s seat. In the ensumg elect1on be \Ooorklng part tinu. on the8)' Lynn t.aBrot,!k 10;Y::11 : ;;11 11alla,;!; ! ;111elfk! :: r1tna-a.1.1a '"; 'ut' ;ill :s:: : ::1:t: C'Ql :JiFOCUSte,1sort,. ,Put !1m l Q a:;i ' :tt!: !:::: !':i:S ;:;;i lshe:'m!ri :tf:c 1 :: 7i;nd t.a;:assi:: : f '·I;:;;!;i.:; .'ou18, 1 1That's This Cam'Tt us· ,.,.0, A n ay.Comtn(J l ;e i:- Ju:i i:: tn 1 1: el1; : J n ; /;:: dwc: :::with snow after the temperature hact been in the high11forties and fifties a few days before? Where else butin Stevena Point could you find this ?The rain that fell most of last week has made thecampus streets a highly-heralded testing grounds forautomobile s hock absorbers. There is eveo speculation·Dunlel Te1ilt'! l.ySf (' . ommJtfeesHave OpeningsStudcnl.!!i m11y now picku11 applications lor poi;ltionsStudent-Faculcy Com-on any:;"!":, fti ;, i lt t!h:h!n!:e :c ;: :a! n! i:;!n i;.r:vJ S ';; 1 1;e,:Senate enters the tournament, It will be a new team t'n : lt;n 1er Ooor.because only .one incumbent is seeking reelection. Preaident Drey(ua haa been criticized by the late J oseph McCarlhy'a supporters. They say t hat hP.'s so red, he'svested in it. Pa rking has also been a major problem,and it may be getting worse. There are reports that TI'lt' Podium Is dedicated tothere is a su r plus of unused tickets.the cx ulon .or oplnkln! InTo make matters worse, you can't even buy comic: ' ":1t1c 'E :!:.rl e:' :books on campus.not exceed 300 words. TheWhat's this campus coming to. anyway? 1o;ll hcyri 11Gene Kemmeter300 word, or are judged 10be wrl 1ten In poor taste. Qpln·Ions exprt'ned wlll n! obe al·1 8'1i':e :l l m:! wlll not be DUblir.ht'd pon re--p0d'mm pO.ICY1n;:1;;.!', Bl kR0 nt anB:r Ed Marks and Mike t:,·ea publle n ·lce t he · Poin ter Is featuring this.-olum n to answer questions th al are or lnterest to:.to 1tx1 2;1,lt t1uestio11s to the Pointer Office or::i:rgu:t1 i lo,: ress11ale1tcr1he was put into office. :' pu ;; "::i' G ; JI ;:;:;;'t '7a/ ; !i! ,- . h Pi;! l ta l, ;;e1,:!' ,, .r S::Young Peter wanted his new government to be a 1 1·lll be'flunnln d!or 1the&'round newspaper published tn M dlson. 'Because o l truly representative one. He an ted to pass laws that ; ;. : o': ,:. 1 onen lro; :: a ; {afe r:::.n u lc: .n,I ioanv: 11 &' 1 c, oo:k o : . u! c ri; · :a l : na r'::ms : :d c:.:or some statement made bv the manufacturer or achocolate bar company. He·· sought a stronger voicefor s tudents by using his authority to isaue de :reeato af(eet the nation. He requested that students betre tcd has adults .and approved passage or restrictionson re& men women.Young Peter also had a socinl progr11,m he wishedto fo llow. He aoue:ht s uffra e for women and . metsom demands with inore liberaif1.cd women's hou .He mveall tcd the medlcare or gram on am us. Hisurban h usmg rogram for ethnic ,troups 1a still pc dIng. !'fe is workmg on a program of equal opportumtyparkmg.But you,,g Peter's term was com i 1 to an end: and.like every elected official. young Peter wanted tohave the electors in ' support of him. He called fo r scampus-wide election to be hefd a week later. Th atway young Peter would be able to have fo rmidableO J 08ition and only his strength could carry him tovictory.Gene HemmeterA. 1campus Interior en· :ag n:: 1 1ry' !sg: o: n :r::i11 · t! ::r :· :ll t:Ji \'lrunment Is \'P.r)· Important ville H part ot the stale unlveralty system.! I 1:,;n\ : ./ , a j t:xponen1J.tlays. This en\ lronmcn1 can\\ SU,Plattc,111c. 11her bl' condush·c or dctrl· 1 Two studrnts t WSO-Whltewater had what the\' callt'd Mthtm .'.e 011n " re' caac l :! cntl)'l t'fi'::{: . o:;n!':imbe;· ; : : :i J1n;:t'nQ; k ar : ·: : i L L;The} d! . ·Th ; ! ,e s . t!, J. ,! :; u;i::!f:Wn:t:, l:· e: im ; r:cd9 J IA/ny7he e on el\ Y crfi for1 S30 plu11 ia:In Thi' dorms Is not t'Spcclall)'sood und the 11uden1 become!11'; 1 h 1 1: : 00s .lld n common complaint ii that !he h11lrs are not comfortable fl y.1 "8Ju:.n \1,udy 81 rrl.ng. plrai.ure rc d·nir or Jtlud)ing for an exam1 1111:;:1 / t hl 1; '7:i:tdOH not 11ro"idc. : :;oo;, s1;"n!i c::" ln r-:111llcT on hctwrrn 111" ln. lnictor: , n/':r ,. 1 :c: :: ii!:"u:t::n ;1a.nd rti,, iteousiics al'f' h r oni;1::,:- t! 1 OOZ!111'101City, Minneapolis, Indlanu. and Kann.s.11 :1 T Royal Pur11leWSU \\'hlte1, t atnThe Studen1 Go\·ernment leablat re at Oshkosh rm r.t! pa a bylaw 10 Its eoru.titutlon atatlng 1ha1 ··unc .MI 0! :?:!/ nt nll\ ili11 t!e ,.- ':u: ; :,1: ntb i for lnlllallng impeachment pl"OC'ffdlnas." ln addiliOf'I . the :::i1::m L!. . : eh \:i[ bl h ohn ; :Any student ho ls put on probation alter hls nomlna1[on orelcctlon to office must resign lmmedtlltely.O!lhkO!il'. Ad\-a11ce T11an.'WSU-Oi,;hkO!lhTilt' S1udt'11t k!gislature at lhe Unh·ers\ty of Wisconsin. h!·:! : k:1 n . l';l f d18- c!::!';d 1!\! w :UWM nmpu, "'Ill serve to aid students dt'velop a campu!10 '""'lrntutl" ,. . 1! . Dr.a l! i: t drei:: ,;a: c-:,f! lit ,t beP,: ;·: ua. n '.:;:: I . ol 11lude11ts over IS. and th11.1 a.II !!ludcnts O\'er 21 btmf'11l. TI,i 1 dt1. 10 lhe task· UWM PostJor tl Kc i lrur lo r to k l'('6 hi,U or Wb.,i'! Ulwauliee. udems lntl'l"Cl'letl and chill·r::i! :;';hct;:t('::,. 0ca l'OII can tit, d{'{'r dcdf':tt:\\·hy do the twen1y .111e )'tar old ba f'!li c al I a.111.,whlle the , mwaukee b:u,i c lOM: 111 4 a. m .!Karli. ,lt1nrk111u t. Mequont·re1d11u.a11,\l'COrdlng to tht' Ste\'l'IIS Point POiice Ocpa11m,nt it ls acl ly ord\nant't' lhal ull Dars must close at I a.m. except du r·ing Dayllght Saving Time when they 11re allowed to remainopen until 2 a.m. Central Standard Time. Thls city ordinancewas p,a.ued and published by lhe City Council. In order toha\ e the bars l't'maln open lonecr. one 'ol.'OUid ha\·e to pell·Uon the Council lo pass a new ordinance to thls l'('prd.du8:::::a.: , 0 ! ·lr n 'ft;he rx, 'rior WSIJ '""f'tl Both 1m1d '111.i and l11rul1y at w::.U-Ell u C.1alre and ::;uperirir1 111 ril I)' I llllf,cea in \\'hlc-h .; :: 1:1 y 81 \'::;,tr:lp,1 :'ll:h '. es)h . ·teP r: :t 1:hkTI1elr thrtt 1-ea«o1ts ror a 1't't(Ut't1t to abolh:ih thi: p1-c"l'nt sr tern are: '1 1 In many c1tse It Ii; 1101 economlcallv ad\·:111111.1,l'Ou to lhc t,.'tud0t1L (21 ll Is eeonomlailly uatSOuuci and t3 ii I I with admlnl.sll'llt\on problems.l'EPTOJIIST- - - - -- - -\\'SU,Superk,rWith the new chan,;e!li ln wort.en· houn1. will t he houn: ofthe Unh·er,,Jly awhchboanl be lcnrthened al11a!RJe Bejcek, PhUJlpeJuniorA change In tel phone houn has not yet bttn considered.t n p e:t·11 .sr tchboard hours coincide with resldl'nceMr. Kntutk,. mer or the houainr depntmenl a.Id thit Itwould cost approximately 5.200 per 1chool year to extendswitchboard service at night. , The coat would Include IfieservlCff ot two opera.1or.s and the extra help ncedt'd al theresidence hall dt'Sks.:1i he;!11 1: : ,1t : .,::e1;w '1: : a'::;;1\0,1!:: lncrea.wi In s tud ent ea.l'Ollmen t !Jan1N 1'1pp&e, Madblon.JuniorThe: addition ot lot P. near lht' Debo1 complex. and demollUon slles, used lnerally by 1tudent1 for i;.rklng, have ellminated a parklna problem tor the pruenL Lot p hu 386 stalls: ::. :t:v: o tr!lpa !!h i:ro.1d can be" handled beThe demolition sltt'S park about 200 can:. However, parkln1 Iota are near to capacity and the dernollllon alt.es wtU M Onbe OttUpled with bulldlnp. Conatructlon la to be(ln thla,ummcr on the bulldln1s. With a 50 Pl'fCftll lncreue of can: on ce.mpus: th1I putyear, the, admlnlst.ratlon and the proteeUon and aecurttlndepa.rtmffll are looking for more parking space. ClaudeAudfttmauer, aecurity oUlcer. sakl that allcs a.re under conskSeraUon tor park.Ina. The propot,ed lo!S. era.ting amplespace. would be eully aeeesslble to !he 1tudent.Audt'rm.auer 1tated tha1 1tudent1 would ha\'e adequatepar-kin& tadllU with minor lneonvt'nlences. He alao 1ald thatcyde: radtl, deelped dltferenUy thu the racka lo Jot F.would be lnltalled In Jot P.· ';: ei':Id: P::i;; r .:1co[[ egta' te Notes,:'U:;r:: yyWednesday had to be one of the moat beautiful dayac!:::;WITH AU. OF the activities on tampWI these da)'8, we wonder how this retlow could take a nap. Perhap, he juat got tired of tryinc to decide whichwaa moet important. and took the path of calculated non-involvement. .(BobBolden Photo)·· :·

April 25, 1968Poge 3!Three Campus MembersRef use To Pay TaxesIf You Ask Me (Phot08 by Bob Holden ) - :. e t:i !::k y u:i 1 ls!i blt1 !tth 6tJh e l!fJd!:i:'posltlH student "s1mrks" on cainJHJs a nd that wsu.sr hu become the " ln" ool. Do )'CM I agree with tha.e \'lewsl' Please cite examplC8."Student 'sparks' are definitely becomingobvious" "demonstration of opinion is. displayed"D. 'l'henM Qlnla. 21, Freshman, from Stevens Point. majorIng ln Soc:lolozy·Psycholo.lY.Having lived In university or college surroundings aTl'IC'emy time began, It Refill to me that an "In" ac:hool ia mostevidently c:haraderittd by t he exuberance shown by facultyand 1tudenui In ieek lni o ut vlrac:lty ot opinion and then dem·on1tratina sincerity of 11. The demoMtratlon of oplnlon ladbplayed musically, verbaUy and, In ahort. In all human relations.·I have round s uch a charac:terinlc: on thlJ campus.As tor .a parks." they apeak for themselves."trying lo be 'in.' but fails" Richard KOUCh , 19. Fttshman, 407 Baldwin Hall, tromRacine. maJorln1 In History.What Is an "In" school! Tht. would ,be a .chool that M!Uithe example for ldlools to follow . This would IN! a achoo! thathu peace demonstraUons. becaUR students canno1 Jus tUy a ; , ! · ro: j :rc:alde : a ::!or employment on campus becauae the student. don't likeDow's Involvement ln the Vietnamese war.Polnl. tnus lsnotStevmaP:I thlns:':t W:u:!:11object to "the war." Many o! the atudenta on th lJ ·caml)US'back Eurf/ne McCairthy .lor the same l"M90n they are wearl nr· h!)f:; J!1s t:be !f;,! ft .rt1s:v:: wu rMlly "In." you wouldn't ftnd the overcrowded can. 1n1 out o r Point evuy Weftend.) SHIPPY SHOES -For the.ever-soMan-TailoredMatdt '.nOtplaytNI colon aga inst ch oth« . . . bothcome In yellow, pink,grMn oroquo.Watem cvt pocb t!Mnt In 100% -sh' nw.arcotton con Ot. S1us 5/6\15/ 16 7.00 , s p o r t- ,11. . .wr1. 80%cotto .20"Mary Shelley finally aot ao tired or btina bitten tha1. he went into acother room and wrote Frollkn,leia.Upon readin1 the man uscr ipt, Shelley and Byron t:til IOpoly-enr ;loied chainbroy. Y Uow, pink,f!:tK:::t e i:lroo tt .:: ::.f clerk at the 1tumahip office couldn't ue. him over the top-·· -gr-. oquo. p., .pr-. Slusot the count.er. So Keatlremai.ned in Rome and died of\ Nntabortneu.Byron and Shelley crJed a lot and then together co Bet .hb::Jr:: -:ij :r1o.N6Mtll1'Dn,a g r.t.A.J11.nica11 ol«l o bck of a good eport.toUe 1-. . .Tr.ua, .a.poeuy, ii tM C:01111(:ll r" f rerao,., "" .tf Y U""'1 tul fOll'U , fiNl k u.r Ji.wUV co-.112' MAIN , da.a ,.,.i --.s,., ,.,.,. -

THl POINTERPoge 4.Aprll 25, 1968Senate Candidates Outline Their PositionsJohn KlesmithMary UstruckPaul Schilling

eoples' Choice PlayAt Variety R view"Th& Peo ple ' Ololce," Steven, Point dance blind, lalH lyadvertlau tha t It wu mobbedln Otlcaao by a c.rowd b)'I to 1et a look a t Sena\Ot Dkkam,,More Important to the 1lxmembert, the level ofthe1roup'1 popularity ls " Io o denouthIOwe can earn our waythrou&h tchool. "Sunday nlaht at I p.m.P Je'1 Ololce" wlll be one offour ll"OI.IPI fea tu red In 1 " Mu 1ic Va riety Revl . a l)J"Olrumbilled to ralae (undl for the WI&OOl'llln State University-StevensP oint symphonic wind en1emble's 1969 European tour. Alsoperlorm ln& In the tteldhouse ,will be the Steve111 Point Barberahop OX rus, "The Unca.11ed Four Plus One" dlxle-.Th, .and the WSU St11ge,1:1n ! : ;: : 1;1!THE NEW DIXIE LAND jaxz band, gaini ng In popu-1::.vC:Cl· Th 'Y h1we lta1T1ed that thoblnd buslntt:1, is highly competlth'e and requires a k)t o! t.11,nu. When they p!M,y lor the40 ye.r ld aec, foxtrots, polkuand waltua are the favorttn ,Unlvenlty 1tudents usually prcfer rhythm and blues music,. 1111, hlah achoolen de1TU:tnd lbehard rock.S m.Ith ltl.)'I he prefe rs soul mu1ic 1.lm11ly bccauae It Lsn't tooloud. "I've rchd Umt lhc boomIng In u h11.\\ where rock n'ro ll f, pluyed 11 equivalent tothe 1ound or 11.n Allaa rock

MIS8 Sands is particularly Interested in the atudent'a environment. right down to the color or the curtains and the curvature or the chairs. t Vicki . Neale Photo) · FOCUS bad thev·re lcavmg Honor )our l&Thc

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̶The leading indicator of employee engagement is based on the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor Empower your managers! ̶Help them understand the impact on the organization ̶Share important changes, plan options, tasks, and deadlines ̶Provide key messages and talking points ̶Prepare them to answer employee questions

Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have

Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được

La paroi exerce alors une force ⃗ sur le fluide, telle que : ⃗ J⃗⃗ avec S la surface de la paroi et J⃗⃗ le vecteur unitaire orthogonal à la paroi et dirigé vers l’extérieur. Lorsque la

Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.