FROM THE RABBIRABBI ELLIOT COSGROVEWelcome to Kehillah Ba-Kayitz,Our Summer Virtual VillageThis spring has been like no other, and we have seen ourcommunity respond with compassion, commitment toone another, and deep engagement with our tradition.The coming summer will be different, too. In the past, askids have gone off to camp and families to long-plannedgetaways, PAS services have moved out of the Sanctuary,programming has wound down, and we haven't seen eachother as often.you thinking and connected to community throughout thesummer. Engage in dialogue with thought leaders, enjoythe musical talents of our cantors and musicians, registerfor a class with top scholars, and continue joining us forShabbat services. You can enjoy it all from wherever youare – you don’t even have to put on shoes! You can pour aglass of whatever you like and zoom in with a PAS friend asyou connect to ideas and people that nourish your soul.Well, the world has changed and so have we! This year, weare excited to introduce Kehillah Ba-Kayitz, our SummerVirtual Village. It’s like the Catskills, but without thebungalows. Our calendar is bursting with events to keepWherever the summer season may find you, we lookforward to sharing these moments together. See you inthe virtual village!PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 02
SummerKeynoteSeriesEngage with this moment’s most pressing issuesas some of the best and brightest experts intheir fields zoom in for conversations with RabbiCosgrove. From politics and culture to identity,personal growth, and faith, we will tackle the bigquestions of our time.PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T ZGRETCHEN RUBINJOHN M. BARRYCARDINAL TIMOTHY DOLANREVEREND A.R. BERNARDD R . TA L B E N - S H A H A R/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 03
SUMMER KEYNOTE SERIESFinding HappinessDuring ChallengingTimesWITH DR. TAL BEN-SHAHAR AND GRETCHEN RUBINTUE / JUN 16 / 6:00 PMWhen the world is upside down, how can we cultivateour inner resilience, calm, and even happiness?Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar is an author and lecturer whohas taught two of the largest classes in HarvardUniversity’s history, Positive Psychology and ThePsychology of Leadership. Gretchen Rubin is thebestselling author of several books, including TheHappiness Project and The Four Tendencies.REGISTERPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 04
SUMMER KEYNOTE SERIESThe SpanishFlu of 1918and Today’sHealth CrisisWITH JOHN M. BARRYTUE / JUN 23 / 6:00 PMWhat can the flu epidemic of 100 years ago teach us aboutresponding to the COVID-19 pandemic? John M. Barry isthe author of The Great Influenza: The Story of the DeadliestPandemic in History and a leader in public health policy andinfluenza response.REGISTERPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 05
SUMMER KEYNOTE SERIESKeepingtheFaithWITH CARDINAL TIMOTHY DOLAN AND REVEREND A.R. BERNARDTUE / JUN 30 / 6:00 PMHow can religious communities provide vision and moralcourage for moving forward in uncertain times? CardinalTimothy Dolan is the tenth and current Archbishop of NewYork. Reverend A.R. Bernard is the founding pastor of theChristian Cultural Center, a 37,000-member congregationin Brooklyn.REGISTERPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 06
EventsHang on to your sunhats!June is bustin’ out withopportunities to ponder,wonder, sing, and studywith the PAS virtualcommunity. PAS is proudto celebrate Pride Month.Note our PRIDE@PASevents on the followingpages.D E B B I E F R I E D M A N / PA G E 8PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGET O D A H R A B B A H ! / PA G E 9/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 0L A DY S I N A G A G A / PA G E 1 07
PAS MUSIC CENTER SALONSing a New Song:The Music ofDebbie FriedmanPRIDE@PAS / THU / JUN 4 / 7:00 PMExperience the music of Debbie Friedman, whosesongs gave Jews around the world a new vocabularyfor connecting with God, community, and themselves.The Music Department and Rabbi Philp will sharefavorite selections from one of the most prolificsinger-songwriters in recent memory.ZOOMPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 08
TODAH RABBAH!Celebrate IsraelParade VirtualEventSUN / JUN 7 / 1:00 PM AND 7:00 PM (SAME PROGRAM)The annual Celebrate Israel Parade will go online with a themeof todah, “thank you” to healthcare, first responder, and otherfrontline workers in New York, across the US, in Israel, andaround the world. The virtual parade will have a charitablecomponent, with proceeds going to COVID-19 relief andrecovery efforts locally, nationally, and in Israel.WATCH AT CELEBRATEISRAELNY.ORGPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 09
UPPER EAST SIDE PRIDEAn Eveningwith LadySinAGagaPRIDE@PAS / THU / JUN 11 / 7:00 PMPride is here! Meet the fabulous Lady SinAGaga,“Drag’s Jewish American Princess,” with a Q&Afacilitated by our rabbis — all tea, no shade. All arewelcome to tune into this event cosponsored by the20s/30s communities of PAS and Central Synagogue.REGISTERPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 010
READING JEWISH LIVES AUTHOR EVENTHarvey Milk:His Lives andDeathWITH AUTHOR LILLIAN FADERMANPRIDE@PAS / THU / JUN 18 / 7:00 PMAs the first openly gay man elected to public office in California,Harvey Milk became one of the most recognizable faces of thenascent LGBTQ civil rights movement. A man of many talents,he drew deeply from the values of his Jewish heritage to create apolitical platform focused on helping the margins of society.ORDER THE BOOK AT WWW.JEWISHLIVES.ORGUSE CODE JLSUMMER FOR DISCOUNT & FREE SHIPPINGREGISTERIn partnership with Jewish Lives and USCJPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 011
ClassesEnrich your summerwith Jewish culture fromwherever you are. Youdon’t have to be in thecity to take a class withHUC Professor WendyZierler nor travel toJerusalem to engage withscholars at the ShalomHartman Institute.PA G E 1 3PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGEPA G E 1 6/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 0PA G E 1 7 / J U N 1 712
Life ThroughKafka’s EyesWITH DR. WENDY ZIERLERWED / JUN 10, 17, 24 / 7:00 PMThough Kafka lived in post-WW1Europe, his strange perspectiveand subtle humor have come tostand for the absurdity and anxietyof modern life, particularly for theinsecurities of European Jews. Wewill investigate how Kafka’s worksdepict his times and continue tospeak to ours.REGISTERPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 013
#HARTMANSUMMER@HOMEAll Together Now:Jewish Ideas for thisMomentJUN 29–JUL 23 / ONLINEThe Shalom Hartman Institute will partner with PASfor programs featuring Institute scholars in a variety ofvideos, webinars, and study groups. Sessions will addresshow COVID-19 is reshaping our attitudes about collectivecommunity and raising important questions about citizenship,nationalism, democracy, interpersonal relationships, theology,spirituality, and social responsibility.EMAIL INFO@SHALOMHARTMAN.ORG FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATIONVISIT THE HARTMAN RESOURCES PAGE FOR DAILY UPDATESPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 014
CLASSESRefresh YourSoul withDrop-InLearningALL CLASSES WILL TAKE PLACE ON ZOOMINSIGHTS FROM ISRAELTue / Jun 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 / 8:00 amRabbi CosgroveThu / Jun 11 / 12:00 pmRabbi Michael GraetzJoin in a discussion of Jewishphilosophy, theology and thought.The essay is distributed via a weeklyemail.What’s going on in Israel? Whatdoes it mean, why does it matter,and how does it affect us in theUS? Rabbi Graetz, a founder of theMasorti Movement in Israel and aformer interim rabbi and scholar-inresidence at PAS, discusses what isreally at stake.Add your name to the email list.COFFEE WITH COSGROVEWed / Jun 3, 10, 17, 24 / 2:00 pmRabbi CosgroveA “study break” used to mean a break from study,but now you can take a break to study! With dropin classes, you can take a dose of Torah or a dollopof tradition whenever you’re able – no commitmentto make every session. Stop in at midday to studywith PAS clergy and guests or gather round thescreen after school and work and before dinner fora late-afternoon discussion for families.PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T ZESSENTIAL ESSAYSJoin in casual conversation aboutconsequential questions.PARASHAT HASHAVUAFri / Jun 5, 12, 19, 26 / 12:00 pmPAS ClergyStudy the Torah portion of theweek. Prepare for Shabbat byengaging with the great story of theJewish people./SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 0JUDAISM'S ESSENTIALTEACHINGSThu / Jun 11, 18, 25 / 5:00 pmPAS ClergyClergy will share the Torah thathelps them make decisions intheir personal and professionallives. Gather the family round thescreen before dinner to engage instimulating conversations about thevalues that strengthen and sustainour community.15
CLASSESLunchand LearnSeriesALL CLASSES WILL TAKE PLACE ON ZOOMTHE ISRAELI RESPONSE TOCOVID-19Mon / Jun 1 / 12:00 pmYotam PolizerIsrael has been one of the moresuccessful countries in reactingto COVID-19. CEO Yotam Polizerdiscusses with UES sh’licha KarinLagziel IsraAID’s plan for flatteningthe curve, as well as its response todisasters worldwide.PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGETHE LIVES WE REMEMBERTHE WOLF OF BAGHDADWed / Jun 3 / 12:00 pmAlon WaldMon / Jun 8 / 12:00 pmCarol IsaacsMajor (Res) Alon Wald, Head ofOperations at Ammunition Hill,shares the inspiring story of acritical battle of the Six-Day War.Wald’s father, Captain Rami Wald,was killed in that battle.Today there are fewer than a dozenJews in Baghdad. In her graphicmemoir, Carol Isaacs exploresidentity, nostalgia, memories,and lost histories in Old Baghdadthrough the 1940s, when a third ofthe city was Jewish.Program made possible through theJewish National Fund (JNF)./JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 016
CLASSESLunchand LearnSeriesALL CLASSES WILL TAKE PLACE ON ZOOMETHICAL LEADERSHIPMATTERS: FASPE AND THECHALLENGES OF COVID-19READING JEWISH HISTORYIN JEWISH ARTMon / June 15 / 12:00 pmDr. Marc Michael EpsteinWed / Jun 10 / 12:00 pmThorsten WagnerIs art made for Jews necessarilya mirror of Jewish life? Does itaccurately depict “the way wewere”? Marc Michael Epstein,Professor of Religion and the Artsand Director of Jewish Studies atVassar College, will challenge thiscommonly held assumption.The New York-based nonprofitFASPE (Fellowships at Auschwitzfor the Study of Professional Ethics)studies Nazi perpetrators in orderto understand how educated,powerful professionals come toabandon their ethical guideposts.FASPE Executive Director ThorstenWagner discusses how thepandemic is forcing professionals tomake increasingly difficult ethicaldecisions.PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 0SAY WHAT YOU MEAN:COMMUNICATION GONEAWRYWed / Jun 17 / 12:00 pmRabbi Avi StrausbergRelationships are often rife withmiscommunication, with manyopportunities for things to gowrong. We'll explore three Talmudicstories in which the Rabbis struggle(and fail) to communicate andhope to learn from their mistakes.Rabbi Avi Strausberg is Directorof National Learning Initiatives atHadar.17
CLASSESLunchand LearnSeriesALL CLASSES WILL TAKE PLACE ON ZOOMJEWS AND CHRISTIANS INDIALOGUELOVE IS A SACRIFICEWed / Jun 24 / 12:00 pmRabbi Avi StrausbergMon / Jun 22 / 12:00 pmDr. Marc Michael EpsteinThe love between Rabbi Akiva andhis wife Rachel is considered oneof the greatest love stories in theTalmud. Why? At what cost doestheir love come? We’ll use this storyto reflect on the role of sacrificein relationships and the delicatedance of balancing each individual’sneeds with the needs of the couple.Rabbi Avi Strausberg is Directorof National Learning Initiatives atHadar.Despite their common heritage,Jews and Christians have oftenbeen in theological and sometimesactual conflict. Not only their texts,but their works of art testify to thiscomplex relationship. Dr. MarcMichael Epstein is Professor ofReligion and the Arts and Directorof Jewish Studies at Vassar College.PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 0HOW THE RABBISRECONSTRUCTED THEWORLDMon, Wed / Jun 29, Jul 6, 13, 20, 27 /12:00 pmDr. David KraemerHow have Jewish traditionschanged over time? Dr. Kraemerexamines several examplesof fundamental rituals andcelebrations, once centered inthe Temple, that the Rabbisreinvented to provide a promisingJewish future. Dr. David Kraemer isprofessor of Talmud and Rabbinicsand the Joseph J. and Dora AbbellLibrarian at JTS.18
JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 0/ ס יון– ת מ וז תש״ פ JUNECALENDARMON / 1TUE / 2WED / 3THU / 4FRI / 5SUN / 7Lunch and Learn.16Essential Essays.15Lunch and Learn.16Coffee with Cosgrove.15Music of Debbie Friedman.8Parashat HaShavua.15Celebrate Israel Virtual Parade.9MON / 8 Lunch and Learn.16TUE / 9 Essential Essays.15WED / 10 Lunch and Learn. 17Coffee with Cosgrove.15Wendy Zierler Kafka Class.13THU / 11 Insights from Israel.15Essential Teachings Family Discussion.1520s/30s Pride with Lady SinAGaga. 10FRI / 12 Parashat HaShavua.15PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/MON / 15 Lunch and Learn. 17TUE / 16 Essential Essays .15Keynote Series: Finding Happiness.4WED / 17 Lunch and Learn. 17Coffee with Cosgrove.15Wendy Zierler Kafka Class.13THU / 18 Essential Teachings Family Discussion.15Jewish Lives: Harvey Milk.11FRI / 19 Parashat HaShavua .15MON / 22 Lunch and Learn.18TUE / 23 Essential Essays .15Keynote Series: The 1918 Flu & Today’s Health Crisis.5WED / 24 Lunch and Learn.18Coffee with Cosgrove.15Wendy Zierler Kafka Class .13THU / 25 Essential Teachings Family Discussion.15FRI / 26 Parashat HaShavua .15MON / 29 Lunch and Learn.18#HartmanSummer@Home begins.14TUE / 30 Essential Essays.15Keynote Series: Keeping the Faith.6SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 019
COMING INJULY &AUGUSTJeffrey Rosen on the State of the US Court SystemIsaac Herzog and Dr. Mishy Harman on Israel TodayAdmiral William McRaven on World-Changing LeadershipDr. Deborah Lipstadt on the Evolving Fight Against AntisemitismReading Jewish Lives: HoudiniShirah b’TzibburAnd More!MISHY HARMANJEFFREY ROSENPA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E K E H I L L A H B A - K AY I T Z/SUMMER VIRTUAL VILLAGE/JUNE 2020/S I VA N -TA M M U Z 5 7 8 021 40
April/May 2020 * Nisan/Iyyar/Sivan 5780 Vol. 167, Number 10 & 11 April/May 2020 * Nisan/Iyyar/Sivan 5780 Dearest congregation, I am sitting in my office. It is a sunny afternoon. I am the only person in the building. The dehumidifier is handling whatever moisture might b
Memorial Day 2 sivan 26 8 a.m. Minyan 3 sivan 27 8 a.m. Minyan 4 sivan 28 8 a.m. Minyan 7:30 Tikun L’eyl Shavuot Erev Shavuot 5 sivan 29 Office closed 9 a.m. Festival Morning Service 7 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Shavuot I 6 sivan may 2020 iyar/sivan
Jun 05, 2020 · Sivan, Tammuz 5780 June 2020. 2 From our Rabbi, Michael Arsers Now that Shavuot is over, I thought it would be worth taking one more look at all that has transpired on the Jewish calendar. We started way back in February. There were four specia
Tikvat Israel BULLETIN MAY - JUNE 2017 IYAR - SIVAN - TAMMUZ 5777 Volume 10 Number 3 WEEKLY RELIGI
MAY 2020 IYYAR/SIVAN 5780. Page 2 RABBI’S MESSAGE Throughout my rabbinic career, there have been times when an event happens and when I get up, I speak after it. Or rather, I am compelled to spe
Tikvat Israel BULLETIN JULY - AUGUST 2016 SIVAN - TAMMUZ - AV 5776 Volume 9 Number 4 WEEKLY RELIGI
July 2019 28 Sivan—28 Tammuz 5779 HaMaggid is published once a month by Beth Meyer Synagogue, 504 Newton Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615. HaMaggid My in-house “Nat Geo” experts (Adi and Natan) are full of fun facts about the natural world. They recently reminded me that while
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