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List of BooksName of BooksAuthor NameENGLISHNomita Wilson1. Grow with words -EnglishCourse Book -12. English Worksheets3. English Grammar- 14. Cursive StrokesPublisher’s NameAmity University PressAmity University PressAmity University PressAmity University Pressहहिंदी5. अभतृ हहॊदी ऩाठभारा - 16. (हहॊदी व्माकयण)अभ्मास ऩस्ु ततकाडा० शैरेश श्रीवाततवAmity University PressArya Publishing CompanyAmity University Press7. Grow With Numbers8. Mathematics - worksheetsMATHEMATICSMadhu Singh SirohiAmity University PressAmity University PressEVS9. My Vibrant Planet (EVS)General Science10. Live and Let Live(Life 's Mantra) – 111. Viva dot Com(Computer Science andInformation Technology)12. Milligascar(Know the world around you)Amity University PressMORAL EDUCATIONShradha AnandCOMPUTERProf. Ashok Arora &Sarika VermaG.KDeepti KathpaliaAmity University PressViva EducationMillenniumBooksource Pvt. Ltd.

Broad objectives of learning at Primary LevelTo acquire the important skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.To attain a basic competence in the use of the English language.To develop and use specific vocabulary in different contexts.To understand the social, cultural and natural environment around them based onobservation and illustration.5. To nurture curiosity and creativity in a variety of contexts.6. To develop a scientific temperament.7. To know the importance of natural resources and ways to conserve them.8. To develop mathematical skills including mental and written problem solving skills.9. To develop spatial understanding.10. To appreciate the use of mathematics in our day to day life.11. To use ICT as a tool of learning, gathering and storing information.12. To develop healthy habits in areas related to health, hygiene, nutrition, safety andphysical education.13. To learn good values, gender equality and life skills.14. To develop an interest and aptitude in visual and performing arts.15. To develop and improve coordination, flexibility, agility, strength and find motorskills. SubjectsPhysical Education: Physical education will be carried out in allotted periodsaccording to the CBSE ‘PEC’ cards.Visual and Performing arts: Visual and performing arts are essentialcomponents of the school curriculum and all the students are encouraged toparticipate in various activities conducted throughout the year.Value Education: Value education and life skills education will be taught in anintegrated manner to the students.General Knowledge : General knowledge will include current affairs, verbal, nonverbal and logical reasoning.Assessment: Students will be continuously assessed throughout the year .Evaluation will be sent to the parents three times a year. There will be no FA or SA forclasses I and II.

Syllabus Distribution of English (Class I)MonthGrowwithWordsGrammarAprilL -1 MyBirthday1. Nouns(Proper andCommonnouns)English 1. 2. 3-4. Vowels & 5-7Use of A/AnMayL -2 I am 2. 8. Sight Wordsa 9-10.TeapotOne/ 11Making WordJulyL -3 My3. 12-13. Use ofSweet4. VerbIs/ 14-16. Use ofL -4 MeetIs/Are/ 17. Fun 18. 19-20. Use ofHe/She/ 21-23. Use ofHis/ HerAugustL -55. Simple 24-25.BalloonsTenseVocabulary ‘the’for me6. 30-31. Use ofHas/HaveSeptember L -6 A7. Helping Verb 32-36.NamingDay inWordsmy 37-38.These/ThoseOctoberL -7 NewClass8. Use ofApostrophe9. Use of that,those, 39. VocabularyMy Class 45. 46. PictureCompositionAudio-VisualExperience / Activity1. Video on ‘BirthdayCelebration’2. Video on ‘Sounds’3. Card Making , GiftWrappingCard Making on‘Mother’s Day’1. Video on ‘Family’(Bear family)2. Making a FamilyTree3. Creative writingWriting aboutfamily1. Multiple/Creativeuse of thingsMaking objects outof Balloons,Newspaper1. Video on GoodHabits2. Poetry Recitationall about me fromVibrant PlanetVideo ‘The Lion andthe Hare’Make Sentences

Syllabus Distribution of English (Class I)MonthGrow withwordsGrammarEnglish WorksheetAudio-VisualExperience / 47-51. 52-54. 60. 61. Describe 62-65.Describing 66-69.Action WordsVideo on ‘SavingWater andElectricity’NovemberL -8 SaveWater10. Adverb11. PrepositionDecemberL -9 A BirdHouseL -10 MyComputer12. Articles –bvA, An, TheJanuaryL -11 GoodFriendsFebruaryL -12Sunny’sTeddy Bear13. Conjunction 70. Revision 71Is/Are /A/ 72. One/ 73 Preposition/Describing 74. 75.Opposites/ 76. Coloursaround 77-78. PictureComposition14. 79. 80. PictureComposition-At 83-85 CreativeWriting1. Video on‘Types ofHouses’2. DrawingDifferentTypes ofHouses1. Video on‘Jungle Book’2. CreativeWriting- Mybest friend3. MakeRhymingWords1. Video on ‘Bellthe Cat’2. Write somesentencesabout ‘WinterSeason’

हहिंदी ऩाठ्यक्रम विभाजन (कऺा – 1)मासअमतृ हहिंदी �ारा , तवयव्मॊजन ऩाठ – 1 अऔय बफना भात्रा वारेशब्द (अभय औयभहक)अभन – अभनऩाठ – 2 आ की भात्रा‘भारा औय तारा’कववता – आमा �ठ – 3 इ की भात्रा(ककताफ औय लसताय)ऩाठ – 4 ई की भात्रा(नानी की कहानी)ऩाठ – 5 चगनतीलसखाओ(एक से फीस)लसतॊफयऩाठ –6 दयजीऔय हाथीऩाठ -7 उ की भात्रा(भयु गा औय िहु हमा)ऩाठ – 8 ऊ की भात्रा(फफरू का तकूर )कारू भदायी (कववता)ऩाठ – 9 ऋ की भात्रा(ऩथ्ृ वी ��ठ – 10 – ए कीहहिंदी अभ्यास ऩस्ु ततकादृश्य- श्रव्य सामग्रीतथा गततविधधयााँऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 1 से 3वणणभारा, अभ्मास अ सेअ:,क से ऻवीडडमो – वणणभारा ऩयआधारयत कववताऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 4 से 10आ की भात्रा, चित्र दे खकयशब्द लरखो, ज औय ज़ ,वाक्म लरखो, ‘टभाटय’सहामक शब्दऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 11 से 20‘ई’ की भात्रा,चित्र दे खकय शब्द लरखो ,नए शब्द (स् की भात्रा)अभ्मास, वाक्म लरखो –ककताफ,सहामक शब्द, ई कीभात्रा, चित्र दे ख कय शब्दलरखो, हदवारी (कववता)ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 21 से 23, 24उ की भात्रा,चित्र दे खकय शब्द लरखो ,वाक्म लरखो – गुराफऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 24 से 27 व31 से 33ऊ की भात्रा के शब्द,चित्र दे ख कय शब्द लरखो,नमे शब्द ( ू की भात्रा)वाक्म लरखो – दधूवीडडमो फयसात से सॊफॊचधतऩहे लरमाॉ फझु ाओ फयसात का चित्र फनाओ ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 35, 40,वीडडमो – ‘नानी तेयी भोयनीको भोय रे गमे’गततववचधमाॉ – यिनात्भककामण – ‘भेयी नानी’ ,कववता ऩाठवीडडमो – दयजी औय माॉ – िहु हमा काचित्र फनाओ औय यॊ ग बयो गततववचधमाॉ –कववता ऩाठ – ऩथ्ृ वी प्राथणनाअऩने फाये भें कुछ ऩॊस्क्तमाॉभात्रा (केरे , कये रे के औय 28 से 30, ए की भात्रा, लरखो खेत) भेरे भें नेवरेऐ की भात्रा, चित्र दे खकय

ऩाठ – 11 ऐ कीशब्द लरखो, नमे शब्द, भेयेकी फैरगाड़ी, भैना का41 से 45, वाक्म ऩयू े कयो,भात्रा (कैराश ��ठ -12 ओ कीभात्रा (बोय हुई) जोकय (कववता)ऩाठ–13 औ की भात्रा(िौधयी औय भौरवी) सप्ताह के हदन,ऩाठ -14 �्म लरखो – भें /भैं, यॊ गबयो ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 46 से 48,ओ की भात्रा/चित्र दे खकययिनात्भक कामण –भेया भनऩसॊद खखरौनाशब्द लरखो, नमे शब्द( ो की ऩहे लरमाॉ फझू ो भात्रा), ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 53 से55, औ की भात्रा, चित्रवीडडमो – िािा िौधयीदे खकय शब्द लरखो नमेशब्द( ौ की भात्रा)ऩाठ – 15 भॊगरऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 56 से 58,अॊ की ऩतॊग औय फॊदय के फाये भेंऩाठ – 16ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 49 से 50 भें /भैं,ऩॊडडतभहीनों के नाभजनवयीबैमा (कववता), ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्माऩाठ -17 अननु ालसक(सफु ह के ऩाॉि फजे)ऩाठ – 18 सॊमक्ु तभात्रा, नमे शब्द(ॱ की भात्रा),लरखो है /हैं/हूॉऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 59 से 60िॊद्र बफॊद ु ( )ॉ नए शब्दव्मॊजन ऺ,त्र,ऻ,श्र(हभायी कऺा वाक्मशद्धु कयो) (आओकुछ औय जाने(भददगायों के नाभ वकाभ )पयवयीऩाठ – 19 सॊमक्ु तअऺय – द्ववतीमछुट्टी का हदनऩाठ – 20 सॊमक्ु तअऺय, अच्छे फच्िे वाक्म जोड़ोऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 61,62शद्धु शब्द, अभ्मासगततववचधमाॉ – अच्छीआदतों के फाये भें लरखो वीडडमो – घटोत्कि

Syllabus Distribution of Maths (Class I)MonthGrow With NumbersWorksheetActivityAprilRevision of U.K.GSyllabusCh-1 SpatialRelationshipNumber Names(1-20)Tables (2 to 5)Ch-2 Addition(Single Digit)Tables (2 to 5) 1 Join in 2 Count Number NamesActivities : PoemRecitationVideo related toSpatialRelationshipMayJulyAugust‘ Number,14 Addition onNumber Addition By Simple Fast DoublesCh. -3 to 11(Single Digit)Number Names 20 to 40Number Name(20-30) Correct Words, Tens and Ones,Ch-4 Number andPlace Value, Place Value- BeadNumerationthe Abacus(Ones-Tens, Addition to 53 Subtraction,of Two Digit, ShortSubtraction on Number line,And Expanded FormSubtraction facts, zero ’0’of Numbers,Comparison ofNumbers, AscendingAnd Descending Orderof Numbers)Tables 2 to 6Ch.- 5 to 29 Addition By(Double Digit)Forward Counting, AddingNumber NamesTwo Digit Numbers. Let’s(30-40)Practice , Facts, Addition WithTables 2 to 7Zero, Addition With One, Addand Choose, Mental Maths,Practice Addition, MoreAdditionActivities :Based on addition(Bindi Pasting)Video related toTablesActivities : Groupactivity based onNumbersVideo related toSubtractionActivity : Use andmaking of AbacusVideo related to‘Addition ofDouble Digit’.

SeptemberCh-6Subtraction(DoubleDigit)Ch-7 Ordinal NumberNumber Name(40-50)OctoberCh-8 Skip CountingCh- 9 Shapes (Planeand Solid)NovemberCh -10 MeasurementCh- 11 MoneyNumber Name(60-80)Tables 2 to 8DecemberCh-12 TimeCh-13 FractionJanuaryCh-14 Data handling Carrying andBorrowing SumsNumber names 80 to100 , tables 2 to 10PatternPractice of mixed sums(Addition &Subtraction)Time, Money, ShapesRevision of all conceptsdone so no 58 to 60.Two DigitsSubtractionLet’s practice- Addor no. 35 to 41Ordinal NumberDays of Week,Months of the 42 to 47Number Names 50to 99 no. 30 to 34Shapes, Figure Out,Count the no.54 to 57Money, Ascendingand no.64 to 65Hour and Minutehands, NumberClock no. 61 to 63,66,67Mental MathsLet’s Practice ,Let’s reviseActivities : Based on Ordinalnumbers(ground activity)Video on Subtraction (doubledigit )and on Numbers of Daysin MonthActivities : 1. Based on SkipCounting (Group Activity)2. Based on Shapes(Paper Folding)Video related to ShapesActivities : Based on Money(Shopping with the help ofFake Currency)Video related to Measurementand MoneyActivity : Clock making onTime ,Video on Time andFraction2. Paper Folding on FractionVideo on Data HandlingActivity on Data Handlingthrough Picture CompositionVideo on PatternActivity on ‘Vegetable Printing’

Syllabus Distribution of EVS (Class I)MonthAprilCourse BookCh-1 All About MeCh-2 My FamilyCh-3 This Is My BodyAudio-Visual Experience ActivitiesVideo on ‘My Family’Activity – Making a Family TreeVideo related to the topic ‘My body’JulyCh-4 My SenseOrganCh-5 Body Needs FoodAugustCh-6 Body Needs CareCh-7 My HomeSeptemberCh-8 My SchoolCh-9 People Who HelpUsOctoberCh-10 FestivalsCh-11 Means ofTransportNovemberCh-12 Safety RulesCh-13 Living & NonLiving ThingDecemberCh-14 Plant LifeCh-15 Animal LifeVideo related to Sense Organs and FoodActivity –1. Draw the Sense Organs and write theirfunctions.2. Collect and Paste the pictures ofHealthy Food and Junk Food.Video related to ‘My Home and BodyNeeds Care’.Activity –1. Collect the wrappers of things thatkeep us clean.2. Draw and paste 2-2 things in Bedroom,Bathroom, Study room, Dining room andKitchen.Video related to ’School and Occupations’.Activities –1. Visit to Important Rooms of the School.2. Paste the pictures of people who helpus.Video related to ‘Festivals and Means ofTransport’.Activities1. Flag Making2. Pasting the pictures of different’ Meansof Transport’.Video related to ‘Safety rules’ to befollowed at Home, on the road, at schooletc.Activities –1. First Aid box, Traffic light.2. Collecting five living and non-livingthings (on the spot).Video related to ‘Plant and Animal life’.Activity –Seed Germination.May

JanuaryCh-16The Earth & The SkyCh-17 SeasonsFebruaryCh-18 Save the EarthCh-19 Map of the IndiaVideo related to ’The Earth and the Sky &Seasons’.Activities –1. Collage Making (Day and Night sky).2. Paste and draw the pictures of fruitseaten in summer, Clothes andVegetable you eat in Winter SeasonVideo related to ‘Save Earth, ‘Don’t cutTrees’ and ‘Map of India’.Activities –Colouring the Pictures of Earth.Syllabus Distribution of Moral Education (Class mberJanuaryFebruaryCourse BookL – 1 In the ParkL – 2 Be CleanL – 3 My Family and meL – 4 Be Well BehavedL – 5 Tell the TruthL – 6 Homes Sweet HomeL – 7 My FriendL- 8 Eating Healthy FoodL – 9 My Plant FriendSyllabus Distribution of Moral Education (Class I)MonthApril & MayVIVA Dot ComL – 1 Computer ASmart MachineJulyL – 2 Computer andits uses.L – 3 Parts of aComputerRevision of L – Activities / Audio/Visual ExperienceVideo on introduction of computerActivity – Colour the machine that needelectricity to work.Video on Uses of Computer and Places,where computers are usedVideo on External Parts of a ComputerActivity – Search for the parts of computerL – 4 The Monitor and Video on function and uses of Monitor andC.P.UMouseActivity – Join the letters to complete theComputerL – 5 The KeyboardActivity – Colour the keys using colourcodeL – 6 The MouseActivity – Label the parts of the givenMouseL – 7 MS – PaintActivity – Colour the picture

Syllabus Distribution of G.K (Class ecemberJanuaryFebruaryTopicAnimal PartyHealth is WealthWorld Around UsBack To HomePlants the GiversSpot the DifferenceLiving SpacesDifferent SeasonsLook AroundShapes and PatternsI Do Live HereSources of WaterFolk Dances Of IndiaWorld SportsOdd One OutAmazing MachinesModes of TransportFestivals Of IndiaHelp at HomeGood and Bad HabitsIncredible IndiaLovely ToonsBe SafeSave WaterPlant a TreePlace in OrderLion and the RabbitSave ElectricityTreat of Indian DishesPeople At WorkPage 34-352630333940A Trip To Railway StationLocating DirectionsWhat’s NextHome Sweet HomeForms of WaterA Closer LookComplete the PatternLet’s PlayNational Symbols of India363741424438Fun With WordsImportant Dates Of The YearMajor Indian States And TheirCapitals4546434748

Assessment Rubrics(Source: CBSE CCE Manual)REPORTING STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTwhile reporting students’ achievement in different areas, indirect grading inabsolute scale having five points may be used. The grades will stand for thefollowing distribution of marks:A Outstanding90% - 100%AExcellent75% - 89%BVery Good56% - 74%CGood35% - 55%DScope for improvement below 35%The grade of the child can be computed in the achievement card based on thepercentage of presence of behaviour indicator in the above category of percentiles.Besides certain remarks can be made in scholastic and co-scholastic areas as wellas the achievement level of the child. These remarks will help the parents and thechild to provide the learning skills in that area by devoting more learning efforts.Thus, continuous and comprehensive evaluation is a useful proposition forimprovement of students’ achievement through continuous diagnosis, remediation,encouragement and appreciation. It requires coordinated and concerted efforts onthe part of Principals, teachers and parents for the multifaceted personalitydevelopment of the child. The enclosed rating scales are expected to help theteachers in proper placement of students in terms of the different 1 Reading Skills (Loud Reading)Aspects SubSkillsA ABCCan read andcorrectlypronounce newwords on ones'Own.Can read andpronounce newwords on ones'own most of thetime.Can read andpronounce newwords withguidance fromthe teacher.Cannot readandpronounce newwords most ofthe times.DCannot readandpronouncenewwords at allwithout theguidancefrom theteachersCan read simple Can read simple Can read simple Can read simple Fumbles a lotsentencessentencessentences butsentenceswhilefluently withfluently withtakes time towithoutreadingproper speed.speed butread each word. guidance orsimpleExpression and needsLacks Fluency, promptingsentences.Pronunciation. occasionalspeed andReads onepromptingexpression.word at atime.Can read andCan answerComprehendsCannotCannotunderstand amost of thewith some help comprehend the comprehendstory/sentences questionsfrom thepassages onat all.and answer all correctly.teacher.onesRequiresthe questionsown. Oftenhelp allcorrectlyneeds help.the time.02. Writing

GrammarSpellingsVocabulary02 Writing SkillsHand writingCreative WritingAspects SubSkillsA ACan write three,four or fivesentences on agiven topic withaccuracy andsome originalitye.g. can use anadjectivewith a noun.Tries to use newwords.Is neat andlegible.All letters andstrokes areproperly formedandtranscription iserror free.Can write three orfour sentences onagiven topiccorrectly butcannot use newwords on his ownCan writesentencesaccurately andusessimplepunctuationmarksappropriately.Is neat andlegible.Occasionalinconsistencyseen in formationof letters andstrokes.Transcription iserror free.Can writesentencesaccurately most ofthe time. Faltersoccasionally in theuse of simplepunctuationmarks.Can spell almostall words fromthe textcorrectly, canapply hisphoneticknowledge tospell similarwordsSpells words fromthe text correctlywith occasionalerrors. Can applyhis phoneticknowledge tospellsimilar soundingwords.Has a good rangeof vocabulary.Always uses newwords in writing.Has a good rangeof vocabulary.Triesto use new wordsmany times.BCDCan write threeorfour sentenceson a given topicbut with a lot ofprompting andguidance fromthe teacher.Unable to writethree or foursentences on agiven topic. Hasto be promptedall the time.Needs helpof theteacher allthe timeIs legible butoftenIn consistentwith his strokesand letters.Transcriptionhas occasionalerrorsIs neitherlegiblenor consistent.Transcriptionhas a number oferrorsWriting ismainlyincomprehensibleandinaccurate.Cannot writesentenceswithoutquite a fewerrors.Sometimesfalters inthe use ofpunctuationmarks.Makes a fewmistakes whilespelling words.Ableto apply hisphoneticknowledgesometimes tospellsimilar words.Sometimesmakesuse of newwords.Can writeshorterpieces withsomeaccuracy. Needshelp very oftenCannotwrite withaccuracy.Needs alot of help.Makes plenty oferrors whilespelling words.Cannot apply hisphoneticknowledge tospellnew words.Makes a lotofspellingmistakes.Never uses new poor.Knowledgeis restricted towords taughtbefore.

ConversationComprehensionRecitation03 Speaking Skills04. Listening SkillsIs fluent andspontaneous.Responds tosituationappropriately andaccuratelyIs fluent andspontaneous mostof the time.Responds to thesituationappropriately butfumbles for wordsoccasionally.Can recite a poemwith properspeeds, expressionand pronunciationCan recite a poemwith proper speedand expressionbutmakes occasionalmistakes inpronunciation orforgets a word orso.Can comprehendoral questions,instructions andstories/poems.Comprehends oralquestions,instructions,stories,and poems mostof the time.Lacksspontaneityfluency andaccuracy.Response timerather long.Needspromptingmost ofthe time.Can recite apoemwithoccasionalprompting.Expression isnotvery strongand effective.Can carry out a Needs helpdialogue only at mosta very basicof the time.level.Has somedifficultyincomprehendininstructions,storiesor poems.Needsguidance quiteoften.Has difficulty infollowinginstruction andstoires, Needssimplification ortranslation mostofthe time.Can recite anentirepoem withprompting mostof the time.Lacksproperpronunciationand expression.Can reciteonlyvery shortandsimplepoems andthat toowith a lotofprompting.Very slowto nall the time.ActivityConceptMATHEMATICSA Understands theconcepts wellbeforeproceeding tothehigher onesTakes keeninterest invariousactivities,which helphim/herachieve goalseasily.AUnderstands theconcepts but isnot clearin certainconcepts.Takes interestmost ofthe time butneeds to bemore regular/systematically /organizedBCTakesUnderstandssometime totheunderstandsconcepts butnew concepts. needshelp most ofthe time.SometimesTakes interesttakes interest in assignedin mathematical activities onlyactivitieswhenprompted.DCannot understandtheconceptsVery laid back anddisinterested.

TablesMental abilityHas understoodtheconcept ofgroupingthe numbers andknows the tablesbyheart. Can alsodododge table.Takes immensedelight inworkingwithmathematicalproblemsmentallyKnows the tablesbutfalters a little indodgetables.Knows thetables butmakes mistakesin tablesof highernumber. Faltersin dodge tables.Has notunderstood theconcept oftables.MakesmistakesHas not learnt theconceptof tables. Cannot dododge tables at all.Makesa lot of mistakes.Good atcalculating sumsmentally but attimesmakes carelessmistakesCan do mentalcalculations butfaltersoccasionally.Has weakconceptshence cansolve sumsmentally at aslowpace.Very slow in tEnvironmentalSensitivityENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEIs keen, alert and Needs to beIs quite awareobservant; very aware ofbut lacksmuchthe surroundings enthusiasmaware of thesurroundingsLacks awareness;Lacksneeds to be more keen awareness.and alertExhibitscreativityand originalitythroughcutting., pasting,drawing, collagework,composingsimple poems.Has the spirit ofenquiry and isassertivein placing ones'viewpoint.Lacks originality and The teacher is athe ratio of teacherperpetualguidance increases in guide.proportion to thechild'sapproach and interestMakes anattempt withsome help.Can ask simplequestions butneedsoccasionalprompting attimes.Can do cutting,pasting,drawing andcollagework andshowscreativity andoriginalityat times.Can ask simplequestionsbut with somepromptingat times.Cannot put forwardhisideas, needs constantcoaxing.Does not takepart ingroupdiscussions andis asilent spectatorEnthusiasmGAMESPlays with fullintrinsicMotivation.Plays with fullPlays with zeal Plays but onlyintrinsic motivation but of hiswhenmost of the time.choice gamescommandedAlways givesexcuses.

DisciplineObeys all classdisciplinevoluntarily most ofthe time and playsby following all rulesof the gamesObeys classdiscipline oncommand andfollows rulesonly suited tohis advantageObeys due toLacksfear ofdiscipline.punishment.Follows rules oncommand withdispleasureHas team spirit andplays for winningmost of the timePuts his effort,individually.Shows teamNot a teamharmony on and ofskills and displayshigh performanceExcellentdevelopment ofskills and displayshigh performancemost of the time.Very good skill Average skilldevelopmentdevelopmentbut performsoccasionallyTalent(Strength, Teamstamina and spiritspeed)Obeys all classdisciplinevoluntarilyand plays byfollowingall rules of thegame.Has team spiritand plays forwinningSlow skilldevelopment MelodyRhythmInterestMUSICAlways very keen Very keen to learnto learn and follow and followgiven instructions instructions most ofthe time.Child has a goodChild has a goodsense of rhythmsense of rhythm andand keeps pacesometimes falters inwith the beat.keeping pacewith the beat.Child has a goodChild has a goodsense of tunesense of tune andgoes off keyOccasionallyNeeds littledrive to learnand startSometime shows Does not showinterestmuch interest.Sometimesloses pacewith the beat.Sometimes goes Does not haveoff thethe sense ofbeat and cannot rhythm.make it up.Child goes offkey, sometimescan comeback in tune.Child has theChild does notsense of time but have muchgoes off key insense of music.higher octaveCare ofConfidenceBelongingsCourteousnessPERSONALITY DEVELOPMENTVery careful aboutwishing, sayingsorry, thank youand excuse me.Always stands upto give respect.Always speakspolitely and usesgood vocabularynever interrupts inbetweenAlways veryconfident incarrying outvarious activities.Always respectsthe belongings andtakes care.Wishes others mostofthe time says sorry,thank you andexcuseme stands up to giverespect speakspolitelynever interrupts inbetween.Many timeswish others,(says sorry,thank youand excuse me).Some timesinterrupts: inbetween,speaks politelymay times.Very confident incarrying out variousactivities most of thetime.Takes care of self aswell as othersproperty most of thetime.Confident incarrying outmost of theactivitiesMost of thetimes takescare ofbelongingsSometimesavoids towish, (sayssorry, thankyou and excuseme).Some timesspeakspolitelyinterrupts inbetween.Quite confidentbut needs tocome up withhis/her ideas.Takes care butdoes not botherabout others.Avoidswishing., (saysorry, thankyou andexcuse me)Aggressive andimpoliteNeeds todevelopconfidence.Careless aboutself as wellas othersproperty.

NeatnessRegularity andPunctualityInitiativeSpirit of serviceRespect other'sPropertyAlways wearsproper and neatuniform. Verycareful aboutpersonal hygieneWears proper andneat uniform.Sometimenails/hair/teethnot cleanVery particularabout beingregular andpunctual to school/classroom.Always regular indoing andsubmittingassignments andprojects.Often particularaboutbeing regular andpunctual toschool/classroomoftenregular in doingandsubmittingassignmentsand projects.Most of the timestriesto do thingsindependently.Oftenready toparticipate ers toparticipatein activities for asocial cause mostof the time. Oftenready to helpothers.Most of the timefollowsrules andregulations.Takes care ofpropertyand often makeseffortsto keep theenvironmentclean.Always tries to dothingsindependently.Always ready toparticipate in oraldiscussions/extracurricularactivitiesAlways volunteersto participate in allactivities for asocial cause.Always readyto help othersAlways followsrulesand regulations.Takes good care ofpropertyand consciouslymakes efforts tokeep theenvironment clean.Wears properand neatuniform most ofthe time.Most of the times Often untidilyin improperdresseduniform oftennot careful abouthygieneSometimesparticularabout beingregular andpunctual.Sometimes latein submittingassignmentsSometimesirregularand not punctualtoschool/classroom.Sometimes late insubmittingassignmentsand projects.Irregular andsometimeslate toschool/classroom.Rarely submitsassignmentsand projects intime.Often tries to dothingsindependently.Oftenready toparticipate lunteers toparticipate inactivitiesfor a socialcause. Oftenhelps othersOften followsrules andregulations.Takes care ofpropertyand oftenmakes effortsto keep theenvironmentclean.Sometimes triesto dothingsindependently .Sometimes readytoparticipate in oraldiscussions/extracurricularactivitiesNever doesthingsindependently.a voidsparticipating inoraldiscussions/extra curricularactivities.Sometimesvolunteersto participate inactivities for asocial cause.Sometimes helpsothers.Sometimesfollowsrules andregulations.Does botheraboutothers' property.Sometimes littershis/hersurroundingsRarelyparticipates inactivities for asocial cause.Never bothersto help others.Does not followrules andregulations. Isnot sensitiveabout others'property.Often littershis/hersurroundings.

Self controlWell disciplined intheclassroom/corridors/ staircase.Never misbehavesor fights in theplayground/break.Emotionally abalanced child.Disciplined in theclassroom/corridors/staircase most of thetime.Never misbehavesor fights in theplayground/breakDisciplined intheclassroom/corridors/staircase mostof thetime.Occasionallymisbehaves orfights inthe playground/breakDisciplined in theclassroom but notin corridors/staircase. Oftenmisbehaves orfights/bullies inthe playground/break.Indiscipline sfights/ bulliesin theplayground/break.Enjoys drawingandpainting. Showsimaginationsome timePrefers to beguidedthan using hisownimagination.Prefers toreproducewhat is seen.Needs repeatedinstructionGood atreproducing.Shows feelingsand emotions.Can communicatethe ideas in termsof effect andappeal.Lacks creativityand looksfor ideas andinstructionsfrom theteachers.SkillCreativityInterestART & CRAFTShows greatenjoyment andaptitude fordrawingand painting recognizes thevalue of art.Shows greatenjoymentand aptitude fordrawingand painting –recognizes thevalue of art mostof the timeHas originalHas originaldrawingdrawing andand innovativeness innovativeness inin the work. Shows the work, showsmore feeling and more feeling andexpressions inexpressions inhis/her work.his/her work mostof the time.ExcellentExcellentdevelopmentdevelopment ofof skills and high skills and highperformanceperformance mostof the time.SkillsVery slow skilldevelopment is developmentgood butperformsoccasionallyNo skills.Learning Indicators (Source : NCERT CCE Manual)ENGLISHAt The End of Class I At the end of class III learners will be able to do the following: (Learning outcomes) Talk about themselves, members of the family and the people in their surroundings. Follow simple instructions, requests and questions, and use formulaic expressions appropriately. Enjoy doing tasks (including singing a rhyme or identifying a person, object or thing) in English. Recognize whole words or chunks of language. Recognize small and capital forms of English alphabetboth in context and in isolation. Read simple words/short sentences with the help of pictures and understand them. Write simplewords/phrases/short sentences.

ListeningCurricular ExpectationsUnderstand simple English language spoken in their immediate environment. Enthusiasm to listen toEnglish with understanding. Appreciate non-verbal clues and respond through speaking / bodylanguage.Pedagogic ProcessesClear lip movement for children with hearing impairment to lip readFamiliarizing children with day to day spoken English (small sentences and phrases) in class,assembly, playground etc with peers/groups.Creating learning situation

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