ISO 14001:2015 StandardOverviewUnderstand the environmentalmanagement system standard and howto apply the framework in your business.
An effective environmental managementsystem takes more than a single softwaresolution or achieving a certificate for thewall. It takes time, energy, commitment andinvestment.Qualsys’ software and solutions provideyour entire organisation with the tools andknowledge they need to effective plan, monitorand improve environmental performance.We’ve worked with global brands such asSodexo, BT Global Services and Diageo, aswell as hundreds of SMEs, to help them makegood practice natural and invisible.Founded in 1995, Qualsys Ltd is now one of thelargest privately owned governance, risk andcompliance software providers in the UK.Our software solutions are in use everyday across more than 100 countriesacross the globe. The software helps meetStandards such as ISO 14001 and compliancerequirements of the Environmental in touchMichael OrdNew Business and Marketing Director 44 (0) 114 282 we work with
Introduction to ISO 14001:2015 & How to apply the standard toyour organisation:1.Introduction to ISO 14001Page 42Clause 4: Context of the organisationPage 63.Clause 5: LeadershipPage 94.Clause 6: Planning Page 115.Clause 7: Support Page 156.Clause 8: Performance EvaluationPage 177.Clause 8: ImprovementPage 198.Contact Qualsys Page 203
1.Introduction to ISO 14001:2015What is ISO 14001?Welcome to ISO 14001:2015We all need to play our part in reducing ourenvironmental impact.ISO 14001 provides a framework to guideyour business to reduce environmentalimpact.Businesses currently certified to ISO14001:2004 have until September 2018 totransition to the revised Standard.The Standard was first published in 1996.Since, there were some minor changesmade in 2004 to better align it with theISO 9001 standard. The aim of this was toprevent duplication of effort so businessescan focus less on paperwork and moreon implementing practices which reduceimpact on the environment.This duality is developed further in the2015 revision with both standards basedon Annex SL. This inscribes a new, highlevel structure that connects managementsystems through a common framework. Asa result, a key difference in the 2015 versionis the connection, and integration, of theenvironmental management system withthe rest of the business processes alreadyestablished as core operational systems.This integration of environmentalmanagement with other managementprocesses makes it easier to involve theentire business.Applicable to any size or type oforganisation, ISO 14001 essentially requiresan Environmental Management System(EMS) be established to control andimprove an organisation’s relationshipwith the environment.4After this transition period certification toISO 14001:2004 will be out of date.Through compliance, it is possible to tailoryour organisation’s effort to reduce energycosts, improve customer relations andcomply with regulatory imperatives.
As with the 2004 standard, ISO 14001:2015is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)operating principle.With relation to environmentalmanagement, this principle can besummarised as:1. Plan:Undertake a review to determineenvironmental factors affecting oraffected by your organisation. Defineobjectives, targets and plans to meetthese in order to improve yourenvironmental performance.2. Do:Implement the plans definedabove.3. Check:Measure your progress againstyour targets and objectives.4. Act:Take action to continually improveyour environmental performance.ISO 14001:2015 contains major revisions inclauses 4 through 9. These clauses relateto context, leadership, planning, support,operations, performance evaluation andimprovement.5About this guide:Use this guide to understand the Standardand get buy-in to apply environmentallyfriendly practice to your business.
2.Clause 4: ContextHow do I define context for my EMS?A PEST Analysis of your businessContext is entirely new and requiresorganisations to consider and understandall of the environmental factors affectingor affected by their EMS.By considering the context, organisationsensure that internal and external issuesthat can impact strategic objectives,processes and the outcomes of the EMSare considered.Context becomes important in ensuringthat the management system is designedand suitably tailored to be relevant to aspecific organisation.This maximises the associated benefitsthat an organisation can access throughconformance with ISO 14001:2015.A simple and effective approach tounderstanding your organisation’s contextconsists of five steps:1. Identify the internal environmentalissues.2. Identify the external environmentalissues.external issues over time.Internal context is affected by governancegoals, contractual relationships withcustomers, and interested parties.Internal issues can include: Regulatory requirements Strategic direction to adhere to policiesand achieve objectives Current levels of waste, emissions andimpact Relationship with staff and stakeholders,including partners and suppliers Resources and knowledge (e.g. capital,people, processes and technologies) Assets Product or service Standards, guidelines and modelsadopted by the organisation Information systems Culture CapabilityTo determine external context, anorganisation should consider issuesarising from its social, technological,environmental, ethical, political, legal andeconomic situation.3. Identify your interested parties and theirThis may include:requirements.4. Define the scope of your EMS.5. Monitor and review internal and6 Government regulations and changes inthe law Economic shifts in the organisation’s
market Competitive context Public relations Technological advances Pre-existing land contamination Climate volatility Resource availability PopulationAn organisation’s interested partiesinclude customers, partners, employeesand suppliers.When an organisation is developing anEMS it needs to consider which interestedparties are affected by the organisation’senvironmental performance and anycompliance obligations associated withthem.Organisations must define the scopeof their EMS so that their complianceobligations are within reasonableoperational boundaries.Organisations should consider theirown corporate context, expectations ofinterested parties and the mostsignificant processes that the EMS appliesto. The scope should be documented,and include all products, services andactivities with significant environmentalaspects. Regular management review isnecessary to monitor an organisation’sinternal or external issues and adapt theEMS ccordingly. Once the internal context7is understood management can conductan external analysis. Organisations mayfind it useful to conduct a ‘PEST’ analysis(Political,Economic, Social and Technological). Bydoing this, the organisation can determinewhich factors will affect, and are affectedby, its operations.While an organisation has no controlover external risks, it can adapt to them.PEST factors can be classified as ‘risks’and ‘opportunities’ in a SWOT analysis(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,Threats) or other alternative methods.
Example:Internal StrengthInternal Weakness“ABC Ltd is a plasticbottle manufacturer. Thebusiness values longevity,the health of our customersand the planet.”Recycling 60% of businesswasteBike to work schemeLED bulbs used throughout siteMany suppliers are within a 50mile radius10% product wastePaper processesFactory sources energy fromCoalVehicles using petrol fuelsProducts are not fully bio-degradeableHeating cost of buildingsExternal OpportunityInternal Strength ExternalOpportunity:Internal Weakness External Opportunity:Calculate employee annualmileage and offset emissions.Use the government grant toinsulate buildings and reduceheating.Government grants for insulation of buildings, removal ofhazardous wasteCarbon offsetting projectsNew Environmental agencylawsLocal Universities offeringpartnershipsNew reusable materials available for packagingExternal RiskCustomers want productsfrom environmentally friendlysourcesSupplier performance8Aim for 80% recyclable materials by introducing the newreusable materials.Partner with the University forresearch on biodegradeableproducts.Internal Strength ExternalRisk:Internal Weakness External Risk:Team up with the marketingteam to promote all the goodwork the business is doing andcommunicate plan.Audit the suppliers on a regularbasis and set targets,Recycling 60% of businesswasteBike to work schemeLED bulbs used throughout siteMany suppliers are within a 50mile radius
3.Clause 5: LeadershipWhat are the new leadership requirements?Active engagement with the EMSTop management are now responsible forthe EMS. This ensures commitment andsupport for the EMS is strategic, operationaland tactical.The aim of this is to promote a culturewhere environmental management is theresponsibility of all - so it is embedded intothe culture.By leading from the top, organisationscan demonstrate their commitment toenvironmental management andintegrate environmental managementeffectively into business processes.In the ISO 14001:2015 standard there arethree key changes that concern leadership:1. a new Leadership and Commitment subclause2. extensions to requirements of theenvironmental policy3. updates to clauses concerningorganisational roles, responsibilities andauthoritiesThe new Leadership and Commitmentsub clause outlines that top managementcannot delegate certain roles. There mustbe responsibility taken by representativesat the highest level (for any part of theorganisation covered by the scope of theEMS) for a number of aspects of the EMS9including: Consideration of environmentalperformance in strategic planning Formulating environmental policy Communicating the importance ofeffective environmental management,including, but not limited to, conformanceto the EMS. Support of manager roles relevant to theEMS Promoting continuous improvement Establishing the organisation’senvironmental policy Reviewing and monitoring of the EMSEssentially, organisations must ensurethat top management holds somedirect responsibility and accountabilityfor the EMS so that environmentalconsiderations become a routinecomponent of strategic planning.In addition to the commitment to theprevention of pollution required by the2004 standard, the updated standardwill require a comprehensive policycommitment to the protection of theenvironment.Top management must be responsiblefor formulating the environmentalpolicy, and must implement, document,communicate, and expect personnel tocomply with, that policy.
In formulating an environmental policy,issues that management may need toconsider include: Prevention of pollution Sustainable resource use Climate mitigation and adaption Environmental context of theorganisation Responsible waste disposal Control of emissions Compliance obligationsIn order to provide effectiveenvironmental leadership, managementmust assign all EMSroles, responsibilities and authoritiesand communicate them to the relevantpersonnel.There is no specific requirement for aspecified management representative asspecified under ISO 14001:2004. However,organisations must continue to ensurethat the roles, responsibilities andauthorities attributed to a managementrepresentative are assigned somewhere inthe organisation.10
4.Clause 6: PlanningHow do I plan our business approach for an EMS?Planning your approachPlanning has been edited and nowrequires organisations to plan processesthat address environmental factors andassociated risk at every stage of theiroperations.It also updates the requirements forsetting environmental objectives andintroduces a new clause focused on‘planning to take action’.The changes in ISO 14001:2015 requireorganisations to take a ‘risk basedapproach’ to their EnvironmentalManagement System (EMS).The incorporation of Annex SL into the ISO14001:2015 revision is a key driver towardsthe ‘risk based approach’. Incorporatingwhat was previously titled ‘PreventiveAction’, the risk based approach requiresan organisation to determine whatthreats and opportunities could arisefrom their operations, plan actions toaddress these threats and opportunities,implement the actions into its EMSprocesses and evaluate the effectivenessof these actions.Conducting a risk based approach ensuresyour organisation is proactive rather thanreactive, preventing potentially damagingevents and promoting improvement.Once a management system is risk based,preventive action is automatic.11While risk is commonly understoodto be negative, in risk based thinkingopportunities can also be found – this isthe positive side of risk. Analysis of riskscan often bring forth opportunities forimprovement and enable businesses tomake strategic decisions. The applicationof a robust EMS can also be consideredan important aspect of risks andopportunities.Environmental management should beviewed as more than an opportunityto improve compliance; agood systemenables you to reduce threat andalso intelligently take risks that candeliver associated benefits for both theenvironment and your organisation.In order to get a comprehensive pictureof associated threats and opportunities,an organisation must consider its owncontext and the objectives of interestedparties in order to:a) Give assurance that the EMS canachieve its intended result(s)b) Prevent, or reduce, undesired effectsc) Achieve continual improvement.To determine risks and opportunitiesquality professionals must first determinetheir organisation’s objectives beforemanagement can identify potentialevents affecting their achievement. Theymust consider issues that may affect their
organisation’s values, culture, knowledgeand performance. An organisation mustthen consider how these issues mayimpact on the organisation’s ability todeliver products
ISO 14001:2015 Standard Overview Understand the environmental management system standard and how to apply the framework in your business. An effective environmental management system takes more than a single software solution or achieving a certificate for the wall. It takes time, energy, commitment and investment. Qualsys’ software and solutions provide your entire organisation with the .
ISO 9001.2015 & ISO 14001.2015 Gap Analysis Checklists* ISO 9001.2015 & ISO 14001.2015 Internal Audit Checklists* ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Employee Newsletters *Sample Included. ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ***** ISO 14001:2015 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ***** QMS - EMS MANUAL Your Company Name
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ISO 14001 with ISO 14001:2004 4 ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System - Transition Guide Context of the organization The organization will have a greater understanding of the important issues that can affect, positively or negatively the way it manages it’s environmental responsibilities
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 14001:2004), which has been technically revised. It also incorporates the Technical Corrigendum ISO 14001:2004/Cor.1:2009. ASQ/ANSI/ISO 14001:2015 v This is a preview of "ASQ/ANSI/ISO 14001:2.". Click here to purcha
Version - August 2016 1 ISO/TC207/SC1 2016 FAQ on ISO 14001: 2015 Version – August 2016 This document is designed to provide additional insight to users of ISO 14001:2015 and is based on the recommendations agreed by working group experts of ISO/TC 207/SC 1/WG 5 (WG5) during the ISO 14001